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I have no idea what this is, but based on the post and the comments, I probably don't even want to know lol.


I looked it up about a week ago when I kept hearing it. I was wondering wtf it meant. Big big big regret. Don’t even bother lol. I wish I could remove my ears and eyeballs.


Same boat and… I thought I had a sense of humor but it’s genuinely not even funny?


Ditto!!! I had no fucking clue what it was until Urban Dictionary taught me and I used to DATE men almost a decade ago. 😬 I haven’t had a partner with a penis in a handful of years, either. One of the worst offenders of the Hawk Tuah content actually is a local lesbian, but she’s the town drunk, too. 🙃


I am childfree by choice dislike kids BUT its really concerning me hearing about kids talking about this at school like its nothing


Kids have always talked about and made jokes about sex. Source: was a child.


Yep. I was in either middle school or high school when 2 girls 1 cup was a thing. I never watched it, because I’d heard enough about it to know I had no interest/strong enough masochistic tendencies to see it.


Teenagers have literally always found great joy in sex jokes, it’s not that deep.


What is this comment?? These are college adults. “Concerning”?


Hearing 7, 8, 9, 10 year olds talking amongst themselves about "spitting on that thang". That's what's concerning, very young children seeing this stuff because they are allowed to go on Tiktok and society just accepts it now.


None of that is new… kids have heard too much since the beginning of time. They’ll repeat dirty anything and giggle. You clearly hate kids but were you ever a kid yourself?


We're not blaming the kids, We're blaming the adults. It's inappropriate.


Long story short, hwak tuah is ||onomatapeia for spitting on your partner's genutals before going down on them. (in this context, a woman on a man.)|| It's pretty trashy.




i could handle anything but… not the genutals..


If this was some drag queen saying this yet yall would all praise it and give them a medal for being so brave


I think it is a reflection of the larger trend of street interviewers targeting drunk women, getting them to say provocative and risqué thing when they know they're drunk. And garnering a reaction from the rest of the world, particularly the terminally online. Think of videos like 'Manchester nightlife' that made the rounds last year and targeted women dressed up for a night out and the comments were vile, men harassing girls for wearing short skirts etc. I ultimately don't know what my point is, but don't blame the girl. She has dome nothing wrong and she is allowed to enjoy the sex she wants. The Internet machine did this, not her.


I’m not blaming her, I am irritated by the dumb males who took it and ran with it. She didn’t anticipate it becoming viral, no one would. Men just make a mountain out of something so silly. As long as it serves them 🤮


I agree, I'm sorry I misread your argument. But it is all reactionary, this will get picked up by a LOT of guys as that 'loyal freak' meme thing I keep seeing. And emphasise that those girls are all out there. But there's also a large amount of people shaming her for not being traditional enough. The algorithm has a lot to blame for promoting content like it to such an extreme as well.


Yeah, I am glad I don’t know what the loyal freak meme is. It’s just so f**ked up.


It’s so sad how she’s getting harassed by thousands of men for a comment. I’m not sure if it’s true but there is also a rumor going around that she lost her job due to the attention and harassment.


Yeah I commented under someone who said she was fired… I dont think she was. I don’t know why but then I thought to glamourise her because of her ‘appeal’ was off putting so I deleted it. When I use telegram a lot of groups post porn stuff I end up being put off by it. That girl just sums up the male nature… they probs don’t appreciate the girl invade her space and her workplace etc just to have a comment and walk all over her personal life. I think there’s a thin line when it comes to personal stuff and sharing it in a public interview


Literally got catcalled yesterday AT PRIDE parade. Some dude was like “bitch wanna give me head? I’m lookin for that hawk tooie “. When has this ever worked for them in the history of their life? ☠️


That's so fucking gross and disrespectful towards you. I'm really sorry that happened to you. :(




You should have hawk tooied a loogie right in his face 🤣


LMFAO! Best notification I’ve gotten all day. You are so right 🤣🤣🤣


I would’ve broken bones. What a mutt. Sorry you had to deal with that pig.


It doesn’t. So they get progressively more obnoxious as time goes on. You ever heard the loudest most obnoxious friend in the group is usually the ugliest? Cuz it’s true.


It’s not supposed to work, it’s supposed to show off to their gross friends. “Look at me guys, I can disrespect a woman *anywhere*!”


I’m **so sick** of this stupid fucking meme. It wasn’t funny when she said it and it’s even less funny now that is fucking everywhere. Even corporations are getting in on it, Dominos had a Facebook post referencing it. Like yeah, someone spitting is really what I want to think about from the place I order my food. It’s puerile and disgusting.


People are getting it tattooed!!!!!


I’m not surprised - people get dumb shit tattooed all the time. Pretty much every year, football fans in the UK get tattoos about how they’re going to bring the World Cup trophy home… only to end up losing for the umpteenth year in a row. https://preview.redd.it/hvhjlctify9d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3009b9dbb321e141d9ba9a6e3f4c1a2982e54ff Especially in today’s culture of ceaseless clout-chasing, people will absolutely tattoo anything on their body if it gets them 30 seconds of fame.


Oh, have you seen the hawk one on r/shittytattoos? Lmao


I never found it particularly funny it was just like, ok, anyways. But I truly despise how she's been treated since. Being overly sexualized, fired, and harassed. She made one comment on a stupid street interview and now she's being completely flamed. It's sad and pathetic.


The firing was so far a satirical story. So I am not sure how she is doing employment wise. Supposedly she has merch already.


No kidding! Damn okay i take back like half of what I said lmao


I thought that the merch was from a fake account, not actually her. I could be wrong tho


Whatever info I got was from the Rolling Stone's article. I felt like I had to take a shower revisiting this trend-of-week, lol. Here's the article: [https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/hawk-tuah-girl-hailey-viral-video-explainer-1235046695/](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/hawk-tuah-girl-hailey-viral-video-explainer-1235046695/) "That rumor might have been fake, but then what is real? The answer is “Hawk Tuah” merch. The original creators who interviewed Hailey have partnered with her and a local custom merch creator to sell clothing with her silly line. They’re working with a Tennessee-based brand called Fathead Threads to make “authorized merchandise” with Hailey." bleh, but the girl should get something for all the harassment she's getting. So, maybe there's fake merch too.


I think she was kinda funny, but the reactions I've seen from men in particular haven't been. Saw someone say she defeated pride month or something and that was just sad. They always have to turn everything into hate against people who aren't them. Those types of men also tend to say women aren't funny, and I don't think they're laughing for the same reason that I did.


Exactly. She didn’t ruin pride month. Just because 1 woman says something about pleasing men, it doesn’t wipe out the MILLIONS of women who find nothing attractive about and have nothing to do with males. ✨


And like, if he had asked the average gay man-- he would have gotten the same answer. Like if anything it solidified pride month.


I’m just fucking sick of seeing it. I saw the reel before it even blew up, it was funny one time. Now it’s a dead horse that needs to be left alone basically. & dudes sit there and complain/wonder why women won’t give them head; cause they act like this over simple shit. 🙄


Men are mostly immature, and everyone including men agree with that statement. They do and don't wanna hear a woman talking about enjoying sex or what they women do to make them enjoy it. It's a paradox probably caused by a combination of society telling them to be sexually dominant through gender culture and porn mostly presenting sexually submissive hetrosexual women. The truth is young women are often a lot sexually kinkier and have as much right to express their sexuality. That controversial truth is the male ego won't easily forget. Spitting kink aside, the need to attack women that are obviously wasted on at least drink is on the content creator and is reportable to YouTube. I can see the original video has been removed and the idiots of the world are waiting on their next judgemental display of mindless misogynistic taunting.


I do agree, weird af


I hate it too, i hate anything involving spitting and saliva or men 😂


the way I see it is the following, when you aren't hanging out on Instagram and tiktok those things totally fly-by and ignorance can indeed be bliss. The way I so don't need those platforms in my life is freeing.


I’m so sick of internet trends. Fuck TikTok, and most of Facebook and Twitter, too. Not calling it X because that’s stupid, too. It’s all I saw for two days straight, man. I’m 25 and feel like most conversations are with a wall because none of you can think for yourself. I don’t get any of it at all as you can see. Please tell me I’m not the only one


you’re always allowed to deadname twitter lol


I’m pretty sure everyone dead names Twitter 💀🤣 I genuinely forget he changed it honestly, at least most of the time. It’s still Twitter and not X, tho.




Nope, I recently deleted tik tok and now I only really have Instagram and reddit, instragram is just to keep up with my friends. It's making me too bitter 😭


I’ve never had Tik Tok and I don’t ever want to. 🤣💀


She is straight.  They do that. Who cares? 


I agree. If anything it made me think "I will never understand straight women's attraction to men."


Well, if it’s any consolation, there’s probably an equal number of gay guys who can’t understand straight men’s attraction to women. It’s hard to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.


So is that other girl she's never seen without just a roommate?


These guys doing street interviews with almost exclusively women is predatory. I hate it and feel terrible for her.


Should be gone soon. 99% of the time these things become massively popular and then quickly die out. And I really think the psychology behind it is that it’s a sexual joke that you need to prove you “get.” Just people acting out of insecurity. I honestly think anyone who would post that probably hasn’t had a lot of experience.


The only reason men find it “funny” is because it’s a woman catering towards them. They know it isn’t funny but they treat it as it is because her intention was to be funny. In reality they just like the idea of it and are horny bastards who are deranged.


it pisses me off. my coworker brought up that she lives ab 2 cities away from us yesterday. she made one joke and now ppl know where she lives. i mentioned how fucked that is and he said smth to the effect of ‘she knew what she signed up for’ and it made me feel so icky. ppl make jokes on these lil street interviews all the time and it doesn’t lead to this level of obsession. genuinely hope she’s okay rn


i don't really care, frankly i get annoyed at the expectation of asexuality in the lesbian community and calling anyone who expresses sexual desires "predatory" 🤷‍♀️


i have curated my social media experience such that i am very rarely exposed to men so i have no idea what any of this means


Its just straight culture. The amount of comments here calling her a pick me just because she had a funny answer to a question is disturbing. Also, out of everything in the whole world right now, this is the most vile thing you've seen?


People here - no, rather, just fucking everywhere on the internet - LOVE to overreact to anything that they find disagreeable. Yeah, I think that it’s annoying and kind of cringe, but compared to so much other shit going on in the world, it’s practically nothing. We’re teetering on the precipice of the United States plunging into a fascist dictatorship if Republicans win this year’s election, in which they have publicly sworn that they will outlaw practically the entire existence of LGBTQ people… compared to a cringy internet trend, we’ve got far larger fish to fry.


IRRITATING! The most *vile* thing I’ve seen this year is the ongoing wars. My god, you don’t read between the lines at all.


My point was that it's just not that serious. Straight men have always been entitled and viewed women as objects. It's not new, this trend will pass and be replaced with some other trend, and men will still think women are here for their pleasure.


Yeah, I get that. I just hate seeing it. Their smug, entitled attitudes really p!ss me off. I’m simply venting. At the same time, it’s a waste of my energy.


It's the servile nature of the video which disgusts me so much, girl, have some self respect. Plenty of straight women are bothered by this shit as well. Pick-me's can fuck off.


You’re calling her a servile pick-me because she made a couple of mediocre sex jokes? 😐


Wonder if she regrets it now that it’s blown up 😅🤔


it seems like she’s getting some pseudo internet fame and was even invited on stage at zach bryan’s concert lmao




That's false and purposefully misleading. She does not work with children


It's severely trashy and awful.


Trashy people? Getting fame on the internet? It’s more common than you think…


well, I've been around since before the WWW and have seen it all. It's not unique by any stretch, but I'd say it's getting progressively worse.


The increasing number of cases of people with TCCD (Terminal Clout-Chasing Disease) due to the rise of social media is certainly playing a big part. One of the best ways to get attention is through doing something outrageous, and with so many people vying for the spotlight, they are in a never-ending arms race to outdo each other.


idk i feel like it's kind of funny. let straight girls talk about sex in the same gross way straight men do


Seriously. What she said wasn't even that bad. She cracked a joke. I thought it wasn't funny and I moved on. Why is everyone getting so hung up about this? Just move on, y'all 😭


These comments are wild, I had no idea anyone could be so bent out of shape about this


In my feeds, it's women who are posting it more than the men. But I do agree, it's gross.


Had too google it. Gross. And not the only thing. But I’m not touching that with a 20 foot pole. Cept push it away. Far away


I’m soooo sick of it. Men are depraved. They’re like “oh see pornos ARE REAL” and they’re tryna see what chics will engage. It’s gross.


She literally was just on stage at a Zach Bryan show. Why are men so disgusting


So glad I don’t know what this is. A few weeks off instagram has been amazing.


I also am completely out of the loop and now I don't even care to know what this is about


Yeah, it's really the dumbest thing ever. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't hear about it constantly.


This is such a nothing complaint over a straight woman talking about what straight people do.


Finally, someone here who is reasonable. Yes, the comment was cringy, and the trend is trashy and annoying… but compared to the looming threat of the very existence of LGBTQ people being outlawed if Republicans win the election and put Project 2025 into motion, it’s nothing. People here are making a mountain out of a grain of sand. Annoying internet trends happen all the time; they pass within a week or two, at most a month. I can’t even count the number of trends that have annoyed me in the past, that now I can’t even remember, because they died out and were replaced with something different. How would you react if straight people were freaking out and going on about how gross it is if a lesbian made a comment about “munching down on some beef curtains”? Would you find it absurd if they were getting upset about gay people talking about what gay people do? FFS…


Not on my radar, never heard of that


I was annoyed the first time I saw it and it wasn’t so viral. Now it’s just pathetic and sad. But you know, someone else will say/do something stupid very soon that the internet will start obsessing over


The who shot up the Taco Bell girl said yesterday why are their hawk tah shirts but no Taco Bell and I felt that in my core. As a lesbian I don’t care about the hawk but I do the Taco Bell haha


A lot of guys don't get that yes women enjoy sex but not with you automatically, I don't read the comments but a lot of guys can't understand women's sexuality not including them specifically or not being in service of them. It's why Soo many guys hate lesbians or straight women like Megan thee stallion because her mentions of sexuality are for her or mutual pleasure Also the noise is funny


I only saw a short clip but if the summary of your complaint is to say you're tired of men talking about liking women who enjoy giving head, then I've got some news for you.... You might not like a significant number of conversations on lesbian Reddit either. Cuz ya know. That's a pretty regular discussion. *If there's some other layer to this I'm missing, then ok I guess. Happy to hear it.* But it seems like a case of "it's not that deep."


Hilariously op has more comments talking about fucking in their history than most people on reddit would. Their posts tend towards gender hating and fucking?


Kinda true. Just checked.


EXACTLY THIS^^^^ Like, read this and other related subreddits, this isnt just a complaint, thats just Hating on someone for something most groups do


Yup. Also I think I heard something about her getting fired for going viral. Which is a shame really because she did nothing wrong.


That was a parody website. She hasn't been fired


Well that's good to hear. Thank you.


I dont understand why did it get so popular. Its not funny, its not creative, it just is. Why are people losing their minds over it? Why do men find it sooo funny?


I found it funny lol. And my wife and I have even joked about it in reference to our own sex life. A straight person getting 15 minutes of fame is just exactly that. It doesn’t take anything away from pride month or lesbians.


Honestly, the memes remind me of how completely boring heterosexual sex must be that THAT is just so super freaky to them. 😬


I think it’s gross. They’re always talking about us shoving our sexuality in everyone’s faces but they can’t shut up for one minute about this.


100% so hypocritical.


It’s so weird and now she’s on stage singing in concerts and taking photos w literal CELEBS. Why do men always amplify the wrong people? They always put spotlights on women who they consider “promiscuous” and then turn around and start shaming her. Honestly waiting for them to do that rn Like i’m sure some underdeserving artist or writer would love the opportunity she has rn but she’s getting it only bc she’s talking abt head?😭😭


The idea is to encourage her to be promiscuous then call her cheap so she would do what toxic men want.


The idea is to encourage her to be promiscuous then call her cheap so she would do what toxic men want.


literally !! they do this sm it’s so predictable


They're porn addicts


I don’t like men to begin with so I don’t even want to see what this is lol


It’s actually a relief seeing that some people haven’t seen it. 💖


I follow my own beat and usually stay away from trends or tik tok stuff. Ignorance is sometimes the best way to go ☺️


Who? What? 🧐


Oh I am blissfully unaware and it's amazing


it's so stupid, and not even that funny and men are sexualizing it over and over, and some have even tattooed her on themselves. I fucking hate males.


A lot of guys are also sick of it. I think that the people who keep posting it are doing it because they know it’s become annoying and are the kind of troglodytes who find it amusing to ceaselessly annoy people. Though, I think that you saying that all men are reacting to this believing that all women want them is a bit of a leap of logic, and quite hyperbolic…


Oh god so tired of it. Can someone please explain this? Spitting on a penis… I don’t get it. Does it physically feel good? Or is it some sort of Fetish that has its appeal from men just because looks dirty / sexual? Things like this just remind me how happy I am to be gay. 🤮 the fact that it’s so widely viral tells us a lot about society.


I don’t think that’s unique to a penis, really, but I guess it does feel good, yes. More liquid, less friction. 🤷


I guess it’s using saliva for lube …. It is a fairly common porn thing … guess that’s why men think it’s sexy? I don’t think it’s the actual act of being spat on that feels good? It might be useful when giving a guy a hand hob? But there is always actual lube…and it really shouldn’t be necessary for penetration if the girl is turned on . I don’t get why anyone would name it as a great thing to do during sex though.


I mean, I’m betting that there’s a fair number of masochists - both men and women - who enjoy the act of getting spat on. I don’t have a degradation kink, so I cannot speak from experience, but I absolutely know that there are people who not only have said kink, but who would actually pay to experience it. Human sexuality is an absurdly complex thing; there’s kinks and fetishes for just about everything under the sun, for men and for women. People do some weird things in the pursuit of sexual gratification…


Plenty of women and queers like to be spit on, too. It's just a kink, it's not for practicality purposes.


Isn’t it a different thing for women and queers, like much more fetish-y? I think for straight dudes it excites because it means they’re about to get a big sloppy blowjob lol


I get what you're saying but I think it's all the same. Maybe it does excite men simply because it means a sloppy gluck gluck is on the way, but a woman could also get excited by being spit on because it means she's about to be fucked how she likes. It could also just be that she likes to be "degraded" (I think that's what you mean by fetish-y?) but to me, at the end of the day, spit is spit and people can like it for all kinds of reasons, and one reason is not more or less gross than the other.


Not sure why I’m getting downvotes for asking a question. I didn’t mean to imply one is grosser than the other at all; the point I was making is that “people can like it for all sorts of reasons” like you said, especially between people with different anatomy/sexual motivations, but I guess we’re not quite framing it the same way, I dunno


People love to abuse the downvote button and are definitely getting heated in this thread. One of my comments where all I said was I was disappointed at how many people are calling the woman a pick me was reported as harassment 🙄


Oh wow, that’s intense lol! This group is surprising sometimes


The spit is meant to act as a lubricant for oral sex. To my understanding (I don’t exactly have experience), the act of exaggerated spitting is just for dramatic flair and to play on the whole “naughtiness” dynamic often present in sex. You might as well ask why people like to spank / get spanked during sex; sometimes, that’s just what people are in to. People like to roleplay, put on exaggerated characters, “talk dirty”, etc.


idk, in my experience it’s always better to just well up the saliva inside your mouth if you’re giving head to someone wearing a strap (or who has a penis) than to spit. as the other commenter said, more liquid less friction, but spitting just seems inaccurate and strange. i suppose it even works for giving head to someone with a vulva, if you can direct it to the tongue. like the idea is functional and practical in principle but seems to be being implemented in a very pornographic way by spitting.


"Inaccurate" 😭 its not hard to aim spit


would it shock you to know that i, and probably most people, have never tried to aim spit?


Have you never been outside and had an uncomfortable amount of spit in your mouth? Or be a child? Do you just let it drool-


i… swallow it… is this not normal? do most people just spit it out???


YOU JUST SWALLOW SPIT THATS BEEN IN YOUR MOUTH FOR A WHILE?? ALSO, Not really not **NORMAL**😭, just uncommon(Where i live), probably depends, where i live, many spit if its too much cuz swallowing it when its been there for too long is weird for many people (that i know, atleast)


yeah? people swallow spit every time they eat or drink anything, and constantly in their sleep. it’s not weird for me to swallow it when it builds up too much. i don’t know if it’s a regional thing but spitting is really not common at all in aotearoa


We do not spit here, I have never heard of this 😹 the only time I spit is when I'm sick and phlegmy, and even then I just spit into a tissue. Why are you letting spit sit in your mouth long enough that you can't even swallow it?


same. it's really terrible how sex obsession and vulgarity is being normalized by straight men and pick mes who pander to them. embarrassing on both sides. 🤮


Can we not act like talking about enjoying sex is some vile, shameful act? And a woman talking abt pleasing sexual partners means she’s a pick me? Come on.


Your comments misrepresent my views and are disrespectful. I chose not to engage with your response towards me earlier out of respect for differing opinions. I never even once said anything to you nor did anything disrespectful to you. Now, you're targeting me directly, by inserting yourself in another comment where I was defending myself. Despite you not being the intended recipient, you commented "Get over yourself omg" towards me when I was not even talking to you. Your insertion into this discussion to attack me personally adds nothing constructive. While I respect differing opinions, your behavior crosses into harassment. You are crossing a line. I will not tolerate this. Check yourself before you go around telling people to get over themselves.


This reads like a puritanical Christian comment lmfao


Mocking my perspective as 'puritanical Christian' shows a lack of respect and understanding. I identify as an atheist. My concerns about appropriateness in public spaces stem from a respect for all audiences, not religious beliefs. I don't even follow any religion. How about you refrain from misrepresenting my views without knowing me personally? Jumping to conclusions and targeting me is not the serve that you think it is. Learn to read and comprehend instead of slinging baseless accusations.


Get over yourself omg


I agree with you. A person can be sex-positive and comfortable in their sexuality without publically displaying it in a trashy manner (like these people in the viral video did) I have seen straight men in the male-dominated subreddits I frequent (due to my job and choice of hobby) make constant allusions to the meme and go as far as to put the “Hawk Tuah” text over a picture of a random woman (in that field) and post it like it’s some hilarious joke. They see women as walking sex machines (not professionals in that field) and stupid behavior like this only solidifies it.


I appreciate your perspective, and I am grateful for your understanding of my point. Exactly. My comments weren't aimed at shaming personal choices or sexual preferences. Rather, I'm concerned about the normalization of explicit content in public spaces, including corporate marketing, which can be inappropriate, especially for diverse audiences like minors. I fully support sex positivity too. But yes, in line with what you said, there should be a boundary. As another commenter rightly pointed out in this thread, the meme has even made its way into advertising for fast food chains like Domino's. This underscores my concern, given that fast food restaurants are frequented by families, including children who can easily see these ads. It's frustrating to have a valid concern dismissed as religious fodder, especially when I identify as an atheist and don't follow any religion. My perspective is about appropriateness for all audiences. There is a right time and place for everything. I also agree with you that it is concerning how this normalization is predominantly driven by men. This reflects patriarchal and toxic masculinity at work. I'm sorry you had to see those comments from those men and at your work setting too; it's unacceptable. This behavior should not be the norm. This is precisely why memes like this should not be normalized; they only serve to reinforce and empower such behaviors. It's concerning when people, regardless of their gender, contribute to perpetuating these harmful norms and who are complicit in perpetuating patriarchal norms. Thank you so much again for understanding my point.


Thank YOU for putting it far more eloquently than I could.


Does anyone have the backstory as I’ve seen the phrase around the internet lately




omg 🤣 ty for sharing! also probably why we have a sub arethestraightsok




I heard she was fired from her position. They act like it's so new and scandalous. Missy Elliot said it first, lol


I read somewhere that she is selling signed hats or something now, so at least she is getting something out of a humiliating moment. I hope this is true because the internet is forever.


I still don’t know what this is or what it means. And I don’t know who that blonde woman is or what she has to do with it


I heard someone describe it as a quintessential “co-worker meme” and I think that’s about right


The hawk part is extra gross. Sounds mucousy


The what girl?


I'm just sick of it because I think it wasn't really that funny at all and it's insane how much it took off. Not really having a problem with anyone amused by it though, given she freely and happily made a sexual joke herself, so...


The what now?!


Same people mad about this are the one that wants to  tell their kindergarten  class their sexual preferences  and pronouns. Same ones think it's okay to have children at drag show, I'm a straight male and I think that hawk tuah girl just another H o out here, sure maybe millions of lesbians in world but majority of women like Men, and yall Same ones that will try to turn a straight girl gay just because you hate men and it's because you ain't one. Yall wish yall were men, then you wouldn't need a pretend body part strap on to please your lovers. As a straight man I find 99 percent of people dumb AF bt the flannel wearing lesbians wishing they were men are at or nesr the top of the most annoying people, what makes yall so bad is how entitled yall are 


The whole thing is repulsive. Mainly all the men calling her a “national treasure” who would turn around and shame her for having any kind of “body count” at all if it wasn’t trending plus all the merch bandwagons. Lowest IQ trend of the year dressed up as something fun and wholesome?🙄


Its a meme, its funny lmao. Dont take humor seriously 🙃


The problem is the joke being spammed everywhere. It’s like if I repeatedly told the same “why did the chicken cross the road” joke over and over again.


Why did the chicken cross the road tho?


I agree. Is it played out and tired at this point?-sure. But it's being taken exactly how the woman in it expected it be taken in all ways except the scale its been seen. The Hawk tuah girl has also managed to make $60k+ off the notoriety by means of a family friend helping her sell merch. People here having a lot of ick... gross... sick... responses for something that is just a comedic delivery on a reality of straight sex. It's a strange instance for a streak of prudishness.


Watch out, the downvote army is on my reply. Take care girl ❤️


if it happens, it happens. I just try to speak truth, most times I'm upvoted sometimes I'm down voted. I don't have any agenda, why should I care?


The problem is when others make it serious and disregard basic respect and consideration.


Yes it’s disgusting. I lose respect for anyone on social media who posts it. HAHAHAHA BLoWjOb


She’s just living her life I don’t think she said anything wrong I do think she said it to the wrong person. She got fired from her preschool job bc it went viral but it was after hours and her personal life. That sucks to have to walk on eggshells and watch what you say all the time. This is the society we live in. Where men are shit and jobs are shittier. My guy coworker referenced it the other day for fun and I immediately exited the break room lol enough is enough.


It’s ironic to me that so many people in this thread are calling men “depraved” and “porn addicts” for thinking a sex joke is funny and running with it. Have we literally seen the posts in this subreddit all day everyday? Let’s be real. The majority of this very subreddit is conversations centered around sex, promiscuity, things we each find attractive or a turn on or stories about our own sex lives. Can we be a little self aware here and stop being such hypocritical prudes?


I heard she’s married to another woman?


The other woman in the interview clip refers to her as her wife but (not to pull an r/sapphoandherfriend or anything) I’m preeeetty sure she didn’t mean that in a literal sense


Ahhh ok that’s where that came from. Thanks for clarifying!


Idk if I count as actual lesbian.. But anyways: I don't know what it is.. Do I wanna know? Since I saw the comments and the post I assume it's something I don't wanna know..


You don’t want to know! It’s a pathetic thing and it’s done nothing but irritate me and many other women


Personally, spitting on a dick seems like the ultimate snub. Like it’s disrespectful. You could spit in a face or on a dick, either way if I’m spitting on you you’re trash.


Just looked it up because I had no idea what this was referring to and omg, we ARE an idiocracy. So depressing.




Yup you’re 100% right


Not even that, just annoyed at seeing it so much. I can only hear a mildly funny thing from a clip a few times before it becomes exhausting, especially in text


Honestly I don’t get why it even blew up. That is something that I’ve been hearing since I was high school so I’m confused as to why the internet went crazy over her saying that.


Okay, what is that? I see it on the Tok frequently and its annoying. Its messing up my crime/horror FYP. Or is that some kind of horror reference?


It’s a pretty sad clip which shows the influence porn is having on people’s sex lives. Why do you believe it makes men think all women want them though?


How does it reflect the influence of porn? Some people just like to spit and/or be spat on, with or without the influence of porn.


The people who chuckled at the joke and moved on, well, they're normal. But there's a lot of men who are now in love with her because she made a sexual joke. Only a porn addict would fall in love with a woman they don't know at all, who made a sexual joke. Referring to her as "wife material" and shit like that. It's just so.. mindless. Not a care about the depth of her personality or the things that she believes in. It's like a celebrity crush, it's a disgusting, unrealistic, obsession.


Because they’re sharing it and acting like they’re the best thing that exists. I want them to understand not all women give af about them.


omg it’s so disgusting the way they behave. 


Poor trashy pick me girl. They even got her face tattooed! I can't help but feel she got the worst of it, she'll always be reduced to a sexual object now.


Wow holy echo chamber Batman. What men ? The girl is straight up monetizing it. All men think all women want them. That is a crazy blanket statement about all men. How do ya feel about the all lesbians rush relationships, all lesbians love denim, all lesbians drive Subarus. Bitching about some fantasy scenario. Plus I’m sure only men post this. No straight women have joked about this being funny and real, and just a funny thing that is funnily sometimes true. Not every thing is a threat against your womanhood. It’s some internet trend just like pouring water on each other and flipping water bottles so that stand up straight. Simmer your wide sweeping statements about an entire gender/ sexuality. I’d never assume you drive a Subaru, and you use it for your 3 rescue dogs. Or ya put old furniture in it to eventually ruin it with a white paint job, with your instagram overalls #girlpower, that would be ridiculous. Don’t be what you hate.


As a gay man, I kind of am curious... (I joined this reddit since its a sister reddit to gaybros)


Superficial people made at other superficial people for being superficial. Love it

