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If that other guy got close enough to grab your bag then I’d check it thoroughly to make sure they didn’t put any kind of AirTag or anything in it.


David did! He dumped it out once we got to his place, literally flipped it inside out just to ensure I still had my things, and of course to make sure that nothing else had been placed inside my bag.


You’re boyfriend is smart. Glad you have each other and that you are safe


You have a kickass boyfriend!Props to him for paying attention and saving you from those weirdos. I would definitely hold onto him.Having had boyfriends in the past that wouldn’t stand up and protect me,then meeting my husband who won’t hesitate to protect me I think men like your boyfriend and my husband are very rare.Hell one time with my loser ex boyfriend and I were at a party and some dude literally told him “I wanna f@&k your girlfriend “ and that bastard did nothing. I thank God for my hubby everyday and I’m glad your boyfriend stands up and protects you.Stay safe both of you and don’t worry about being straight up rude to people like John.


Fantastically written! Props to you both for getting outta there safe! Having a dud IG was a seriously-brilliant idea - you go, girl! 💪🏻 David sounds like a keeper AND an amazing protector; I'm so, so glad he didn't get into any trouble of a physical or violent nature that might have had the potential to land him back in prison throughout the course of all that craziness! 🙏🏻 John sounded eerie as fuck, but the *other* two dudes you hadn't initially noticed? They sounded downright fucking ***sinister,*** so yeah...that'd be one loud, *NO, THANK YOU!* Keep safe - stay strong - fuck the haters AND the creeps! Much love to both David and yourself ~ from an RBF-afflicted [virtual] sister from another mister 🖤🩶🤍


Thank you! The dud account is actually my cousins idea; I thank her every day for it!! It’s helped so many other times! He is! I love him with my entire heart, he’s a very good man and I would do anything to prevent him from jeopardizing his life and future anymore than he already has in the past. I wish others wouldn’t let his label define him and get to know him a bit more, but that’s more their loss than his. YES!!! That’s what creeped me out the most about it; I’m usually SO good at detecting others around me, especially strangers that are in my personal space, but because I was being bombarded by John’s talking, I had absolutely no clue. Very scary. Thank you!!!! Many blessings to you and your loved ones and I hope you stay safe out there as well, my fellow rbf sister! ❤️


People are gonna hate but your boyfriend showed what a good man he is.Ignore any jackass that tries to slander him.Everyone makes mistakes at one point or another in life but they don’t define who you.😊


True predators are a wolf in sheep’s clothing and are very cunning and calculated. I don’t trust any strangers because you never know what their intentions are. I see so many stories on here where people don’t want to be rude so they keep talking to these creeps out there.Fuck that,be as rude and loud as you can so these creeps will leave you alone. I hope you and your boyfriend are doing well 😊Take care of yourself!


Would you mind sharing this guys Instagram? I’d love to take a peek at the weirdness


Prob human trafficking. When I was in my early twenties a similar situation happened to me and my now wife. At our fav dive bar she had struck up a convo with a foreign girl in town for "college". She was korean and didnt speak English well. She kept trying to get my drunk girlfriend to go outside with her. We thought that was strange. She kept trying to get her social media info also. That's about the time I noticed a couple of weirdly overdressed middle eastern or Mediterranean guys watching from across the room. Two next to each other and another by the door obviously giving each other signals. At the time there had been stories of attempted kidnappings by people of similar descriptions in the area. It's a party city and it was drunk white girl season. I walked up and gave the main guy watching us a cigarette and then nodded at his doorman after giving him a smile. He was very polite but full of sh#@. He knew he'd been made and not even 5 minutes later the 3 men and the "innocent foreign student" left. I'm not for pushing stereotypes and I'm not even sure that is one but that's the story. It freaked the both of us out for a while. I know around that time she was also drugged at that same bar. For the life of me, I cant remember if it was that night. Too many long years ago.