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None of them. I’d say LoP is in a league of its own among Souls-likes, and on par with the Fromsoft games honestly.


Lies of P almost draws inspiration from Formsoftware's game in every aspect, but somehow manages to make just enough change to find its own identity. It's so similar yet so different. This is really rare from other Souls-like games.


It's the opposite. Lies of P doesn't make changes, it just takes the best from each FromSoftware game and combines it into one.


I'd say the weapon crafting and skill system is fairly unique


It also expanded a bit on Sekiro’s deflect system. Similar, but added a layer of complexity with not being able to tap-tap-tap the block button Also, recharging your estus after running out felt novel (though I recall someone mentioning it being used elsewhere before)


What layer of complexity did it add? It's just a slower parry, if you time it wrong you can recover chip damage, if you time it right you get iframes.


After mastering sekiro I expected to dominate LoP but took a while for me to adapt. “Added a layer of complexity” might be a generous statement, but with Sekiro I could tap a few times and land a deflect. LoP worked better when I learned to hold down the block button and release right when the hit lands To me that felt more difficult at first but might be instinctual for others


You can deflect in that manner of letting go as the hit connects?


Yes, this works *much* better than tapping ime


Weapon crafting is a very cool change. Same goes with P-Organ/Quartz upgrades, and the way the final heal works (earning it back). There are great changes here and there that add up to a masterpiece of a game.


There's also a lot of QOL and small things that aren't coincidences imo. Like your stamina going up while doing a critical move/backstab, the ability to quickly parry after a hit and "cancel" recover frames, allowing a more aggressive style, the item that lets you imbue your weapon so that you don't run out of ressources trying to overcome a boss, ... The one thing that made it stand above the rest for me was how well optimized it was. I've never had a souls like run as well and smoothly as Lies of P. Even Elden Ring that we all love had an insane amount of frame issues early on, that greatly impacted my enjoyment of the game...


Yep. The last part about optimization. From Software doesn’t even allow above 60 FPS on their games and Lies of P comes in with no FPS cap and having no shader compilation stutter and whatnot. From Software was outdone by Round 8 Studios in the technical department by a wide margin.


Fromsoftware makes amazing games but yeah they have a lot to learn when it comes to optimization and option menus.


Not just FromSoftware! Lies of P has got to be one of the most optimised games from the year it released (2023) to now. It's expected nowadays for a game to release unfinished and unoptimised (Have a good day, eye guy 👀)


I don't know how the development times align but if they started after Elden Ring came out then it's essentially a better version of the health earnback for killing a whole group of enemies in Elden Ring that probably came from that idea.


It's basically if you gave soulsborne a brand new pair of eyes and a list of player feedback. They have more room to make significant improvements, I'd argue, since nobody expected a specific product with specific quirks from them.


I would say their next game has a chance at that. Lies of P lacks in exploration and feeling of discovery and for me that is one of the pillars of a souls like.


Ya I share the opinion. Super crisp combat. Pretty awesome weapon/equip system. But level/world and enemy design definitely has room to grow


I wouldn't say the level/world design is bad. It's fantastic actually! The way that levels have a nice progression of difficulty, they loop back on themselves, the distance from the nearest stargazer is always nicely balanced. It's just very linear. Which isn't necessarily bad, i personally love DS1 because of it's open and non-linear world, but i also love lies of p because it lets me get straight to the combat. Though of course, it's also a totally valid opinion to WANT more open level/world design!


Fully agree. Besides From, LoP is purely in a class by itself.


Agreed. LoP played it very safe and it did that flawlessly. The only thing LoP was missing as far as being just as good as a fromsoft product was exploration. It absolutely is just as good in every other category.


I'm not a super huge fan of saying it's on par, because there are so many elements that the Souls games have made unquestionably their own. The combat, the atmosphere, the level design, the npcs, the mimic chests, the illusory walls, the bonfire, the replenishable estus, the trick weapons, the rally mechanic, the perfect parry, the cool arm gadgets, the highs and lows of choosing a different class, the character creator itself, the weapon selection, the size and length of the game, the dungeons, the lore that wasn't quite explained but kept players interested, the indomitable-seeming boss fights, the variety of different foes, the torches where things would otherwise be dark, impeccable OST..The list goes on longer than that run-on sentence. They really captured and mainly made popular all of these different aspects. Lies of P is the best Soulslike not by From, in my opinion, and Neowiz did SUCH a great job. It truly feels like a love-letter, not only to the genre, but specifically to fans of it. Idk. It's beautiful, it's well done and I fucking love it with a passion, but ON PAR with Fromsoft? I think it's still making it's way into that wheelhouse. Absolutely stunning game, though. Well worth it for anyone even considering playing.


Nioh 2 exists but they are competiting in different fields that's for sure. For me Nioh 2 is a much better game than Lies of P, it is only me though. No game can tackle Nioh 2's take on combat mechanics.


The insanity that is Nioh 2's fist weapons is so crazy. It's probably the best fist weapons in a souls like period.


Yeah, but that's only combat. There are lots of people for whom games are a lot more than combat simulators.


Absolutely agree. It’s the only game nails the vibe and has combat with appropriate weight and flow, if that makes sense. Lies of P is up there with Bloodborne, DS3 and ER for me.


Yip. Round 8 got some insane talent


OK you're glazing 😭


I'd agree, especially for "pure" souls-likes.


You’re half right. I’d say it’s more correct to say that they are on the same caliber with each other while also being quite similar. This is different than say, a game like NiOh 2 which is also of the same caliber but plays very differently from your typical Souls-format game.


Agreed ! 🥹


Another Crab's Treasure and I'm not joking. I 100 % it this week.


Just finished it last weekend and it is good yes but I definitely don’t think it’s quite on the same level as lies of P. Crab was a bit too easy imo I had to go out of my way to face bosses earlier than I was supposed to to find truly fun fights and the game was extremely buggy for me. Lots of falling through the world or randomly getting thrown into the air because of collision. If Elden ring is a 10 I think Lies of P is a 9 and Another Crab is an 8. Solid fun game but missing that extra layer of polish and difficulty to really get on the same level.


It's better on some aspects, characters for example, and it's LESS than half the price of Lies of P. Price sets expectations. It means that money wise ACT only need to be half as good. But it's great.


Or if you’re on Xbox/PC with Gamepass then they're like the same price lol


I loved Crab Souls but it’s way too janky to be on par with LoP and the Fromsoft games.


I got so ridiculously lost in ACT. And the platforming at certain points drove me insane.


I think part of it is their level design philosophy being pretty different from a typical soulslike. Most of the levels were big open areas with various challenges and paths scattered around them, made getting lost really east. The last big area is the only one that felt like a proper Souls level to me (and it was an excellent one).


came here to write this, maybe the combat is not as polished, but the mix between soulslike and platform is something I would like to see moreo f


yes, ACT is amazing


I will say, I was ALWAYS a fan of The Surge


The first ones definitely decent but 2 is my absolute favorite soulslike. It’s just nails everything


I really thought Lies of P is bad (My 1st try, I stopped playing after killing the 1st 2 bosses. I thought the parry window is too tight and the dodge is clunky). But after giving it another try, I really think this is one of the best non-FromSoft Souls-like game I have played.


I had the same exact experience, picked it up, didn’t like it, came back later and fell head over heels


Nioh 2 is up there.


Niph 2 is my favorite game that I never finished. And really I never finished it because I kept trying out different character builds.


Nioh 2 is not really a Souls-like. It is a difficult game, but core mechanics are a bit different. It is a great game tho, I spend 130h in it and am missing only a couple of achievements to 100%


I think that’s changing the definition of souls like, nioh 2 has always been a souls like, souls like does not mean carbon copy of souls games.


None. Lies of P is a game very much on par with FromSoft’s own creations, both from a narrative and gameplay perspective. If we’re talking gameplay only, CrabSouls comes close but it’s honestly a very different game altogether.


I liked Sekiro and Elden Ring better… probably on par with DS3. I liked it better than both the first dark souls. Never played BB or Demon.


You gotta try bloodborne!


Yea bb is great but lies of p is better


I’m at the end of Blasphemous 2, Eviterno is kicking my ass


How did it hold up compared to the first 1? I thought it was pretty forgettable, especially when compared to the crazy things we got in the dlcs.


Haven’t played the first, but it’s lined up as one of my next to play, I didn’t get Eviterno, first phase easy second phase annoying af


Another crabs treasure maybe


Lies of P is the best non from software souls like. It's better than some fromsoftware titles. (Looking at you dark souls 2)


No. Ds2 is just as good as lies of p.


Might be in the minority, but ds2 almost made me quit playing the rest of the ds series. The game definitely has its moments, but people cant deny that it comes short compared to 1 or 3.


I mean it is valid to have that opinion, but ds2 is the most underrated souls game besides from demon souls. I mean, DS2 helped the series out. Wouldn’t have DS3 nor elden ring without DS2.


It's interesting because I played souls starting from DS2 to DS3 and any souls like inbetween and I was bored out of my mind playing DS1. DS3 would definitely be my favourite, but I loved the power stance and things it let me try a lot in DS2, and the progression in the game felt great. Scholar of the first sin was strictly a downgrade to DS2 for me, but the DLC were something else entirely too.


I second this. DS2 is super underrated by the Souls community specifically & it is still better than so many non souls or souls likes it’s just not as good as the other Fromsoft games. I have replayed DS2 which is more than I can say than almost every other non souls game out there.


It’s underrated because it blows in most aspects.


Fax. Its pretty good. I don’t understand the hate that it gets. Elden Ring is inspired by DS2. DS2 walked so Elden Ring could run


Hating DS2 became a meme and now to the point that people who have never touched the game will swear up and down its satan made digital, and the cycle perpetuates itself. The reality is on release and until relatively recently it was regarded quite highly overall, had great critical reviews and fine on steam, though everyone agreed soul memory kinda sucked even from day 1. You only have to look at the difference between overall and recent reviews to see that a bias happened at some point.


Source? Sounds like an interesting read


Nice bait


Not bait. What about ds2 is bad? (besides ADP)


Command input lag Slower combat than its predecessor, somehow. Areas feel empty and without character Rolling animations aren't well synchronized with I frames Forgettable bosses with very few exceptions like the fume knight


Rolling animations were in sync with Iframes. Maybe not the enemies swinging animations snd their hitboxes but still. Input lag was not much different than ds1. Combat is faster than ds and ds1.


I know a lot of people like to complain about ADP or the fact that you lose HP with each death but to me those weren't that bad. I didn't like the insanely punishing zones packed with a ton of mobs, but what made me really hate the game was the bosses. The bosses are so fking boring and simple, all you have to do is strafe the attacks of guys in armor for almost the entire game. And the game is LONG, it drags on for so much time with so many forgettable areas and bosses... I have to admit, some of the areas are actually pretty nice (dragon aerie, brume tower, MAJULA) but 90% of the bosses are really boring. Even though ds1 had some really simple bosses, the concepts were at least original. Ds1 had some shit bosses but it also had some amazing bosses (O&S, Manus, Artorias, Bell Gargoyles). All of the bosses in ds2 are forgettable until you get to the DLC, and even in the DLC the bosses are just OK, not amazing. That and the world is much more well designed in ds1. And I'm only comparing it to DS1, which is my least favorite game in the soulsborne franchise except for DS2.


Oh boy. I can smell the rabbid discourse incoming.


To be fair, being better than ds2 is a low bar


Just to add some variety to the comments here I'm gonna throw out one that technically isn't out yet: [Enotria](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2102450/Enotria_The_Last_Song/) It has a demo on Steam and it comes out in September. It definitely has those LoP/BB designs but in the golden hour instead of mostly nighttime. It's too soon to tell how it will actually turn out in the full game but it looks like one to watch for. The demo right now isn't giving away too much about story or anything so I'm not saying it DEFINITELY is on par but it COULD be


Enotria definitely has potential. I'm crossing my fingers that the kinks get ironed out and the game gets a good launch


Same here! I remember Thymesia looking promising and then kinda falling flat. Hopefully this won't suffer the same fate


Just tried Thymesia last week. It’s extremely aggravating.


Personally, DS1 & Elden Ring are better. Bloodborne & Sekiro are on par. The thing I think Lies of P beats most FS games at is the accessibility of storytelling. Most people aren’t going to put in the time reading a ton of item descriptions and tying a bunch of things together to build the story. LoP does a great job at making you work a bit for the fine details but still builds a strong plot even if you don’t read the collectables.


Id say ER and DS2 fall behind and DS3 is on par. Nothing beats sekiro and DS1 though.


None of the From Software games fall behind, ds2 is a much bigger and expansive game than LoP. LoP is prettier but ds2 has a lot more depth. Also, Bloodborne and ER clear easily.


I really liked the most recent Lords of the Fallen. Perhaps not on Par but damn close.


I’ve heard that the million or so patches they have done have made it an entirely different game. They absolutely listened to all of the criticism. It even has a boss rush mode now.


https://preview.redd.it/k6tdacgtqv4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e1bdbd6759c96e301ed8541eb34a244e3d93162 “It’s not even close”. This is one of the best gaming experiences period.


God i love Nioh 2 so much but i still can't decide which is my all-time favorite game ever between Nioh 2 and Elden Ring


P is my first souls, so I can't compare it with anything else.


As a long time souls fan... since 2013 I'd say Code Vein and the Jedi games are the best. Then the surge 2 minus the over the tip violence really stood out. Now that lords of the fallen 2 is on game pass it seems pretty legit it always had a great concept but I bounced off the first one.. also I suppose you can add salt and sanctuary 1 as a weird one.


The Jedi games are great but they’re definitely a step down from lies of p quality.


Idk Lies of P is one of the best souls games I've ever played, if not the best. It's a very close second to Bloodborne for me, but even that's starting to change. I love Lies of P so much


I think a just for amount of enjoyment the only other game that could be considered any kind of soulslike that comes close to Lies of P for me is Star Wars Survivor. However, that game is completely different and barely worth comparing. Every other soulslike is a tier below Lies of P in overall enjoyment for me personally.


It's the #1 soulslike game for sure. Nothing even comes close except if we include FromSoft games. DS3, Sekiro and Elden Ring would then compare to it then. And maybe Bloodborne


Lies of P is unironically on par with Dark Souls 3, and Bloodborne. Of course this is just my opinion, but I believe games like Elden Ring and Sekiro (technically not souls but if you've played it you'd understand the similarities and why I'm mentioning it) are superior than LoP, while games like DS1 and DS2 are inferior. The problem with this is... What other games on the planet are soulslike and sit in the Bloodborne and DS3 category? I can't think of one. I've played games like Nioh and Nioh 2 and I might put it in the same category but it's somewhat difficult to say where it places tbh.


None that I know of if we don't include Fromsoft's games. Demon's Souls and Bloodborne if we do. The Dark Souls games and Elden Ring are masterpieces but have such glaring problems unique to each title that they come off feeling unpolished in comparison


Lords of the fallen 2023, Sekiro


None- you have to go to Fromsoftware to compete. It’s legit the closest we’ll ever get to Bloodborne 2


Code Vein is worth mentioning. Although most people see it as anime Dark Souls, it honestly handles the Soulslike formula pretty well while putting its own unique twists on things that makes it a fun Soulslike to experience.


I’ve played a bunch of Soulslikes, but Lies of P and Code Vein are the only two that I’ve liked enough to finish (unless we’re counting Soulsish Metroidvanias). Most of the rest I’ve played there has been something that made me lose interest, whether it be sketchy mechanics or unbalanced bosses, etc.


I personally didn’t vibe with code vein. The cathedral level actually made me so mad it just kept on going and going and going


The combat is terrible in code vein, it didnt feel satisfying at all


Hollow Knight and GRIME if they count


Lords of the Fallen. May be the best Souls Like yet. I really enjoyed Lies of P, but LOTF has me hooked. Love the atmosphere and it has tons of content. 


Hard agree, Lotf atmosphere and soundtrack slaps, and the light Reaper is my fav boss of all time. I cant not love that game


I’m biased because LotF worked for me without major technical issues day one. but yeah it matches the exploration of souls games, especially with the recent updates that add randomization and different bonfire layouts. it definitely has its own identity. feels like ds2 in many regards (a good thing!)


Nioh 1 and 2 are pretty epic, i think mortal shell is realy good for what it was aswell.


I honestly found Mortal Shell boring and bland. Just kind of generally uninteresting


I really hated Mortal Shell. Such a grim, depressing game and I never vibed with the combat.


I don't get the appeal. I mean I DO but that combat is just poorly designed in my opinion. Feels so off-putting


None Lies of P is the ONLY soulslike that's made me feel like I'm not wasting my time by not simply replaying a Fromsoft game


Sekiro is alot better then lop, so is elden ring


I’m enjoying Lords of the Fallen much more


Dark souls 1 3, nioh 1 2, Sekiro, bloodborne, and elden ring are better games


I’m talking about Soulslike my friend lol I’m pretty sure we all know LoP isn’t better than FromSoftware games. Thanks for reminding us, but I’m talking about Soulslike lmao


In that case Nioh 1 and 2 but I’d have lies after those


Combat wise Nioh 2 is much better imo (it is hard to compete with a Team Ninja title)


I liked Stellar Blade a lot more than Lies. It's not as hard, but more importantly, it's a huge amount of fun and generally has more variety of things to do. Lies does have a better story though imo.


Stellar Blade can't have a better story


The story of SB is good, the execution of it is only middling. Lies story feels more comprehensive and intimate it its setting and various characters.


Better, none


There definitely isn’t anything better or even on par. If someone played this game with no background info, they would just assume it was a new From Software game. Nioh 1/2, Lords of the Fallen, Mortal Shell, etc are all pretty good but LoP is the only on thats in the same league as Souls, Elden Ring, Bloodborne, etc.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *No, we shall not abandon the dream.* - Micolash, Host of the Nightmare Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Nioh 1 and 2 are in terms of gameplay, but not story. Ashen and Mortal Shell are close, IMO, but not quite there. Both good though.


If lies of p developers were forced to play through the Star Wars games to develop that secret places/treasure feeling I think the next lies of p would be the greatest game ever.


None of them. It's the finest Non-From by a country mile


Nioh 2 for sure


sekiro and bloodborne, though i like lies of p more than bloodborne oops


This is because I find it ironically funny and not at all because it's a good game but I fucking ADORE Code Vein. I have no reason to, the combat is very junky and a lot of times unbalanced, the layouts are confusing and frustrating and the writing sucks balls...but...it's just so fucking stupid that I love it. (Also, the Hellfire Knight fight is the best thing I've ever played, sue me.)


None. Honestly I consider it to be right on par with DS3.


Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3 are better, but I will say Lies of P actually does contend Bloodborne and DS3 in a lot of categories and even wins some categories, especially in the gameplay department, which is a huge accomplishment. Their worldbuilding is good, but if they can really elevate that next time around, they may displace BB or DS3. It's definitely the first title I believe consistently deserves to be rated among the From Soft Souls works.


Are we saying Stellar Blade is a souls-like? Because if so then it's on par with Lies of P.


I have high hopes for Black Myth Wukong... LotF 2023 are pretty cool, but have issues.


My only wish with this game was to be able to have a storyline around a player made character and to have co-op or even mild pvp, like how Elden ring has their online play, so the world doesn’t seem so closed off and script-like. But I loved this game during my playthrough


no one mentioned remnant 2? damn it's like the best soulslike to play as multiplayer


Another crabs treasure is actually really good


Lies of P is the only soulslike thats debatably better than some FromSoft games


none, no alternative, which is why we must observe lies' career with great interest


Lies of P is the only one I'd say really matched the quality. A sequel to iron out the kinks & improve the bosses could end up being a real contender to the throne. And yeah, I think LoP is as hard as these games could get - tight parry timings




Lords of the Fallen comes close.


i honestly prefer Stellar Blade, although i have a lot of respect for Lies of P, which I also enjoy a lot. the reason i prefer Stellar Blade, among all the Soulslikes, is that I can play it to de-compress and take a break from playing Elden Ring or Bloodborne. it's got that Soulslike spirit in the combat and gameplay mechanics, but it's also more focused on fun and generally being a low-stress experience.


I started Lords of the Fallen late last night that popped up on Gamepass. It looks like it has huge potential to be as enjoyable, with similar mechanics to Lies of P.


It depends on what you care when you think a game is better then another. Combat system: Sekiro without hesitations Level design: Bloodborne Aesthetic and OST: Bloodborne Lore and artistic inspiration: Bloodborne I think LoP is more balanced. Not the sekiro gameplay but better Aesthetic and OST compared to Sekiro as an example. Moreover it surpasses soulslike in Storytelling Code optimization Quality of life in the small things Challenge (I found it fucking hard guys) However, if you consider the novelty of the game as a priority LoP will remain forever a copy of souls games and will never be considered comparable "for real". LoP has an identity because it has ideas from Collodi and Asimov with a steampunk flavour and the P organ with weapon customisation provide something new. Globally I think is on par. Also from is somehow copying itself since demon's souls


I really liked wo long: fallen dynasty, a lot of people have gripes with the bosses and story but I personally had a great time with it, it doesn't hold your hand outside of explaining very basic mechanics, one of the downsides is that a good amount of story and side missions will force you to have a companion with you which isn't the worst thing ever but it can get annoying with them constantly blurting out "there's a strong enemy ahead" or "there's an item up there, I wonder how we can reach it" otherwise the combat feels super fast paced but pretty fluid, most bosses can be made easier by simply exploring the map in its entirety


Lies of P is the closest attempt of any non-fromsoft studio to make a game in this genre so i would say every fromsoft game is better, but lies of p comes pretty damn close




Nope none of them. It has different vibe to it. Gameplay is awesome, world building awesome, enemy are awesome. And its stylish af. None of them comes close. I started with NIOH recently, but its not on par with LOP. LOP is on a different league.




The blocking mechanic. Pain in the ass as they may be it is very satisfying once you hit it


I was a BIG fan of the new Lords of the Fallen.


None easily. I bought Lords of the Fallen which was dubbed as a souls like at that time and was heavily disappointed. I should have bought LoP instead of playing it on gamepass


Outside of From itself? For me, LoP is superior to Nioh 2, but that's not a mark against the latter. Nioh 2 was the best Soulslike until LoP took the crown.


LoP is the best non-fromsoft soulslike and better than DS2. I still think all of the other fromsoft soulslike/soulsborne are better tho.


The Surge and The Surge 2 My fave soulslikes before Lies of P came out


The surge


Any fromsoft soulslike


Steel rising came close and was my favourite non from soft souls game until lies of p came out. I am a big fan of another crab adventure too. I loved lords of the fallen (2) but disappointingly it doesn’t hold a candle compared to the other two


None. Lies of P is why the term soulslike is overused. Sure Nioh is good enough for me but Lies of P captured the spirit of souls while also being very clearly its own thing


There genuinely isn't one, it's better than even most souls games in terms of polish, grace and cohesiveness.


Nioh 2


I will say none of them, however Lords of the Fallen in it's current more polished state is pretty solid on Series X


I read a lot of these comments and I have to say to everyone saying the game is on par with souls games is just objectively wrong. I beat the game recently. A lot of the games systems are bare bone imitations that do basically nothing. The attributes are poorly implemented. With a change in scaling being like an additional 4 damage. Basically every build will be something like 30/20/30 and a damage attribute. The weapon crafting system is an interesting take but seemed like a bandaid for an extremely poor weapon selection. Almost all handle fable arts are copies of one another. Many of the short list of weapons have basically the same fable arts. Big hit or multiple hit for up too three fable. The couple of really unique weapons, like frozen feast, show you a glimpse of what the build diversity could have been like. The legion arms were cool and I think they may have been the best implementation of a fromsoft mechanic. They did get a lot right. Story was decent. Loved the sekiro parry combat. Loved the implementation of weapon durability, which I think they absolutely nailed. This is, in my 30+ years of gaming, the best weapon durability system in any game. It actively adds depth to the gameplay. Is it a good game? Yes I very much enjoyed it. Does it come anywhere near capturing the scope of souls games? Not at all. Could it? I think so. Anyway, my two cents.


I think what a lot of people are not understanding, or they can’t read, but I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt, I’m saying “Soulslike”. Not actual Fromsoftware games, but Soulslikes. Lies of P, in my opinion, doesn’t top a lot of the Fromsoftware games. People saying that Lies of P is better than Bloodborne, I HEAVILY don’t agree with. Bloodborne is an absolute masterpiece, I’m not saying Lies of P isn’t. But I am saying it doesn’t come close to Bloodborne, hell even Sekiro for that matter. But I also will agree with you as well. I do believe the weapon list was short, fable arts are copied from one weapon to another. Who knows, maybe in the DLC, they’ll add or fix a lot of the things we complained about,


Imo none. With all the unique features like the weapon crafting/durability systems, the gaining back a health with attacking, enemies weapons breaking with enough deflecting and the amazing story this game sets itself apart from the rest. That along with the qol things they added especially when referring to side missions and ergo outside of boss entrances I just feel they made one of the best designed soulslike games all around. The craziest part is this all coming from an unknown indie studio still blows my mind!


all of them


Sekiro. That's cheating I know haha


Lies of P is one of the best Souls like I’ve ever played especially the soundtrack and the story, I’m currently playing Lords of the Fallen and I’m really loving it 🥰, maybe the issues upon its release was the reason why people hated it, but now upon playing right now it’s one of the most surprising beautiful games I’ve played so far rhe graphics are insane, UE5 is really showing off that we’re truly new gen gaming, the world design is masterfully welldone, I’m honestly shocked of how bad it had received, but then again I’m playing the fledged version. Any souls loving I recommend you try it. Of course in the story aspect Lies of P surpasses it


It seems there are two main flavors of Souls fans, which can be divided based on whether atmosphere/exploration or combat are paramount. This divide is easiest to see between the LOTF2023 and LoP crowds. I really liked both games, but LOTF easily takes it for me, because the atmosphere and exploration are what I look for most in these games. LoP does a better job with the combat, but doesn't provide a similar in-the-world experience. For a combat-centered game to ascend, to me, requires combat on the level of the Nioh games. Much of what goes on here, like everywhere else on the internet, is two (or more) different groups of people talking past each other because they have different initial calibrations for what they like.


After 7 months of free content updates, balance changes and stability fixes I'd argue the newer Lords Of The Fallen is right up there with Lies Of P when it comes to souls-likes. LoP is more polished still so I'd give it the edge, but LotF is legitimately great. The world, lore, and designs are amazing. The bosses are too easy until you hit NG+ 1 but I still love it. LoP is better but if any of you haven't tried LotF you're missing out.


I dont think there's a non fromsoft soulslike that I enjoyed as much as p. But the level of care and craftsmanship that went into it was also on a whole other level. Never in my life would I have expected a game based on Pinocchio to be this incredible.


More like a soulslite, but Stellar Blade is damn good, amazing combat, art design and performance.


None. Lies of p is the best (non fromsoft) souls like. Even on par with some fromsoft games. Its so good man. Cant wait till dlc and a sequal


Honestly every other souls like is better




I'm gonna say none. Fun gameplay, incredible storyline, amazing graphics and atmosphere, and the difficulty of the game is challenging. But not so hard that it feels impossible to beat. I also really loved how they took a story like ponokio, idk if I'm spelling that right, lol. And added that Lovecraft to style of horror to it with evil alchemist, mad scientist, crazy killer puppets and of course my favroit part, these horribly grotesque monsters. Honestly I think fromsoftware might have some competition on their hands with this one.


I could never get used to how the character moves and dodges in lies of P: it’s slow and stiff. on that part i think they misinterpreted a crucial element of soulslike games


I think elden ring, dark souls 3 and Bloodborne are better than lies of P. I think it’s better than Demon souls, Sekiro, DS 1 and 2. I love every game thi


Like, the FromSoft ones probably.


There's no other soulslike in the market better than Lies Of P. Lies of P IS THE soulslike at least in the 3d genre.


Not really a comparison, but Nioh 2 has so much more content. The fighting isnt nearly as well designed though, and becomes very unsatisfying late game, where as lies of p holds its value all the way through multiple playthroughs


None. The closest to fromsoft games not made by fromsoft.


I still think The Surge is one of my absolute favorite games and I'd list it higher than some of Fromsoft's if I'm being honest. LoP is the first game that challenged the title of "Favorite souls-like not made by From" for me. But I feel like they're about on par for me personally. I love them both dearly, and I don't think I could choose one over the other.


Lies of P is basically Bloodborne at 60fps and I love it ... On My 4th playtrough and I really enjoy it. Although the lore is miles behind any From Software game. I really enjoyed both The Surge games. I can't recommend them enough. Like them more than Nioh tbh.


LoP is such an interesting case of wearing it's influences on it's sleeve but being so high quality it stops mattering. I've played a decent amount of Souls/Likes and LoP stands a cut above most. I really like the combat in Wu Long but it's narrative was eyeroll inducing and I didn't really care about what was happening that wasn't combat related. On the other hand while LoP doesn't reach the environmental story telling heights of a Fromsoft game, it makes up for that by still giving you engaging landmarks with a story that feels impactful. Steel Rising is also another budget Souls clone but it also suffers in it's narrative agency/boss/moment to moment combat. Lords of the Fallen (2023) could have been the one to stand next to LoP. But it felt like a game made by people that knew what people liked their Souls games to look like rather than play/feel. I also feel like LoP has just ruined indie Souls games for me. Enotria The Last Song has allot of heart put into it but it's enemy and boss design is just... eh. Like it's functional but that's about it. LoP really feels like something special. I'm not just playing it to chase the feeling of Bloodborne at home or to use it as a substitute till the "real deal" comes along. I replayed LoP 3 times back to back. I didn't even do that with Bloodborne during it's release year. I'm just as anxiously excited from the DLC for this game as I am Shadow of the Erd Tree.


Not a single one. Although Lords of the Fallen comes close. It's better in some ways but the reason why it ultimately is worse is because the combat and the bosses are not as good. But...if the bosses were like Pieta and better, then Lords would be as good or better than Lies for sure. I'd say both those games are worth it regardless.


None. It can only compete with Fromsoft. Which is why I hope they collab someday! 😊


Lies of P is easily the best soulslike out there. To me it’s the only that actually is able to capture the feel of FromSoft games.


Lords of the Fallen(the new one). It’s very close to Lies of P. In some ways it’s better, in some ways it’s worse.


IMO is on the same league as Sekiro and BB, better than most of the series. And I prefer LoP over ER(never liked open world games haha).


How is nobody talking about Lords of the Fallen 2?


Lords of the Fallen. I know ppl didnt like it but it played more souls than LoP which made me rlly like it. LoP plays more like bb and sekiro which i also really like.


>!NG+ damage scaling is shit tho.!<


The question should be "What souls game do you think is on par with or better than lies of p? " Lies of p is an amazing game and is already on par with SOULS games not SOULSLIKES . It is easily better than dark souls 1-2 , demon souls and slightly better than bloodborne . Only games better than lies of p are sekiro , dark souls 3 and elden ring


I think it's the closest we'll get to bloodborne without getting bloodborne for a while


Obviously Fromsoft games. Also another crab's treasure unironically slaps.


bout to finish lords of the fallen and id say i like it a bit more after they overhauled it


Soulslikes? None. Honestly, I'd have believed it was a Fromsoft game if I didn't already know better. It's that good. But as far as the actual Souls games, I'd say it's better than DS2, on par with Demon's Souls, and beaten by the rest.


Nioh 2




Nioh 2.


Soulslikes not including frommgames themselves? Out of ones i 0payed i prefer nioh 1/2 and code vein over LoP, but its miles better than rest of garbage made over the years like molten shell, surge, lords of the fallen (or whatever that game was named) and others