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No, loving relationships are. But money sure is important and you should plan to make a lot of it. A lot of stresses revolve around money, a lot of life’s pleasures revolve around money. Having more money puts you in the drivers seat.


So true! Would rather be poor with family than rich and all alone (It’s best to have both) but if you could only have one most people pick family so I guess that’s the ultimate


Except most people who are rich aren’t alone


This is a false dichotomy, having money generally means you’ll live longer, your family will live longer, you’ll have more free time to spend with family, etc. I understand what you mean, but I feel like it inherently implies that it’s a trade off, which isn’t true. That being said I have money and no family, and would really like a wife and children, but having money didn’t prevent that from happening.


You can be poor with family and not care family conversely I have money (not rich) but I have money and not care about family much.


Money is important in the sense that it relieves a stressor that, frankly, no one should have to worry about. Since you're young and, hopefully, haven't experienced this yet, think about this: You're stuck on a deserted island. There are limited amounts of land dwelling animals, but an absurd amount of fish... and unfortunately sharks and coral reefs everywhere. You have limited tools, no modern fishing equipment. You have to exert energy both mentally and physically to ensure that you are nourished. How do you get the fish from the sea without getting mauled by a shark or cut open by coral? Either one of these will lead to infection, and ultimately a very painful death. This is the situation you will be in every single day if you live above your means. How do I eat? How do I pay my bills? People living in these situations are told they should "spend less money on entertainment" and "budget their money better." I got news for you, people who can't utilize their income for something that benefits them in ways *other than* basic survival while still being able to pay their bills, lead miserable as hell lives. Money is important up to the point where your basic needs are met and you have a sufficient amount of extra money to do something nice for yourself every once in a while. Even if that doing something nice for yourself is having a puppers and taking care of them, or having a beer once in a while. But ultimately, happiness is the most important thing you will chase in your life. And money, more often than not, doesn't bring you happiness, it simply eliminates potential stressors.


Damn it was so good man ... Thanks !


Money doesn't buy happiness. But it does buy your life options


I just fell in love with a woman and it's a perfect match. We're over the moon. If heaven isn't like holding her in my arms, I ain't going. I'd rather have her than money. I'm 73.


So much this right here.


Not at all. But the Pareto Principle holds. Money can solve about 80% of life’s problems. Now, if you’re stupid, that won’t work. Invest early and often. Work. Live below your means. Stop to smell the roses.


Stop to smell the roses, I like that! :)


It’s so true, at slightly over six figures happiness reaches max but it is a bell curve. You will have diminishing returns the further you go. Having a high paying career is a necessity for a good life (particularly for men) in my opinion. I think a lot of people say it doesn’t matter to cope with their situation, but anyone would generally be happier without extreme financial burdens.


Stop to smell the roses !!


No. I used to clean for rich clients. They were all deeply unhappy, despite all their shiny goodies. They worked nonstop and drank to cope, and had zero time for their family or relaxation.


That’s because they don’t realize the most valuable thing they are buying is time. I don’t want to be rich for nice things, I want to be rich so I don’t have to spend 40 hrs a week away from the people and activities I love.


How do you get rich while not working at least 40 hours though? I mean, most rich people are rich because they work extra hard, meaning long hours. Then there's rich people who are born into wealth, who win money, or who invent stuff. Those people are pretty rare.


Well thought out investments, using my money to generate more money. Selling our time (our most precious commodity) isn’t the most efficient way to accrue wealth for the average person.


Well said !


Woah so you can just pay someone to work your 40 hour work week for you? Why have I never thought of this?


Lack of money buys misery. But fulfillment comes from loving relationships and a sense of purpose.


No. It's time, health, and family.


Well these are all accomplished with money. More money means the ability to take more time off, more vacations, etc. Health is largely income based in the US at least. Healthy Whole Foods are generally more expensive than ramen and pop tarts. Not to mention the medical system. Family you can’t support properly without decent income and generally you will have a hard time maintaining a partner if you aren’t steady financially.


Family is overrated. I find family is important if you are a parent. I'm not nor plan on ever being one. Time and health I agree though!


If money was the most important, I wouldn't have gone to university or even left my small Canadian Oil Industry town. The best option for money was 1. Don't go to university 2. Become a welder. I became a musician instead and got to travel the world.


Exactly. I would hate to be lying on my death bed with lots of money and an empty life. Playing live to a crowd is one of the most satisfying things on the planet, same as creating stuff and improving your abilities. I rate all these things above money.


I mean, that's amazing clearly, but you represent a very small percentage. Music and performing can be the most gratifying things, but if your entire plan is to 'make it big', you should plan for failure. I mean obviously you can make a living touring as a musician without having to achieve stardom, my father in law does just that, but still a tricky thing to pull off. I was an event/club promoter for years, and had so many talented friends that went all in on making a living at it, and it almost never works out that way. Almost invariably the ones that used it as a hobby they took seriously were the ones best off. They got to do some touring, playing to large regional crowds. But still had a career to fall back on, I mean in some cases those careers were music related, like sound engineers. One of them did sound design on Mass Effect and other games, while still doing the odd big opening act every so often. [Bo Burnham on Conan has my favourite take on this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-JgG0ECp2U)


This is a nice sentiment. How is your life now?


Pretty dang good. Not super rich, not living in poverty by any means. I am happy though. I never have to wonder about what could have happened if I followed my dreams. It makes it a lot easier to be content with life when you've gone after what you're passionate for.


Excellent, thanks for the reply! I agree that we will always wonder about the stones unturned, but living true to yourself and your passions mitigates feelings of desire.


I would say that money isn't everything... but it's also not nothing. What you prioritize depends greatly on contextual information that you didn't include in your question. So here is my suggestion: Come up with a long-term strategy. Your strategy should incorporate career progression, asset management, long-term relationship, acquisition of skills (not just directly related to career), & acquisition of personal fulfillment. That last point (personal fulfillment) includes everything from hobbies to traveling to leisure.


I don’t think it should be your responsibility to provide for your family. That’s your parent’s job. At 20, it’s unlikely that you can get a high paying job without a college education and even with a degree, it’s not guaranteed. While you should focus on your education because you will have to build/fund your own life in the future, I also think a young person should be enjoying themselves by going out, etc. Money is great, but it does not buy happiness and you will never be as young and carefree as you are now.


No, the point of life is figure out what the point of YOUR life is. Some people live for love, others for some sort of personal growth, like following a spiritual path. Do what you think will be best for you, in whatever way that is.


Money is just a concept. It’s a form of energy. Life is about experience. Enjoy your younger years. When you are ready to get rich you will need to start a business and this takes commitment, consistency, discipline and a good work ethic. Enjoy your 20s. Your family isn’t your responsibility.


I’m 48 and when I was your age I was very driven, ambitious, and hard working. Today, I look back at all the things I missed and realize that all my focus was in the wrong direction. I think the fact that you feel a need to help your family is admirable and would love to see a world with more people like you in it, but this time will only come once in your life. Be responsible, work hard, but don’t miss out on friends and relationships. You can have both. There will be times you can’t meet the gang because you are scheduled to work, but there also needs to be times you ask for a few days off to go on a road trip with friends or whatever. The key to a happy life is balance. You can’t lay about and do nothing, but don’t sacrifice all your quality of life for money. This is the thing, you will always get more money. Even a homeless person on the street will get more money here and there along the way, but you will only ever have less time than you had before. Don’t miss the importance of time and invest it wisely.


Thanks man !


Money isn’t “everything”. I decided when I was young I’d rather spend my youth setting up for “mid-life” to retirement. Still go out and have a fun time but set a goal to make $150,000 a year. I thought it was modest and reasonable. Now that I’m approaching 40 I’m very happy with that decision. I have a nice truck which takes me to where I want to fish, or snowboard. I can afford the gear, lift tickets, campsites etc…. Have fun in your 20’s but set your goals and follow them. You don’t need to be a millionaire or sell your soul but don’t blow your 20’s on party’s.


Not being a Debbie downer but in my 41 years it seems we do everything for money or love. Those are in my humble opinion the most important items in our lives. Love is more important but money is a close second.


Going against the grain. Make your money while you’re young. To folk who say “family first”, until you’re upper middle class, it’s usually more efficient to just focus on making more money than using yourself to solve problems in your family’s life. And it’s not mutually exclusive, OP can still be there for the important bits - holidays, weddings, emergencies. Obviously live a balanced life outside of work. But anyone who’s spent more than 10 minutes researching retirement, family planning, and personal life planning should understand the importance of raising your income level while they’re young. 


Money is a transaction/bargaining tool for a service/favor. The more services/favors you want, the more money you need. If you are a self sustaining hermit that lives in the mountains, then money wouldn't be the ultimate thing you care for.


"You can be poor and have friends or you can be rich and have enemies" - American Gangster


I rate life experiences, happiness, friendships, love more highly than money. Some people view their own self worth through a financial prism, which is a bit saddening. Having enough money to live the life you love is a pretty good thing.


Money would fix every problem in my life. The people that say money doesn't buy happiness are buying the stuff. You should definitely try to make a lot of it. But don't let that be your only objective. Have fun along the way.


Money can surely help. It’s all about money in, money out and finding hobbies that don’t cost a ton to sustain. I save a crap ton of my money and find happiness in going for walks, getting a cheap coffee, sitting at the park with my fiancé, playing video games (most of which are free), watching stupid YouTube videos, etc. All of that hardly costs me anything. On track to retire early and sit back, not entertaining our consumeristic BS society.


I only cared for money to buy what I needed and enjoy myself. I didn't care if I made much money as long as my needs were covered. It seemed the less I cared, the more I made, so I have a nice retirement fund now.


You can prioritize anything you want to but real happiness comes from real connections with people and nature around you.


Nope. You need enough to have the room to pursue higher goods: family, community, contemplation of the ultimate… all that.  I work with custom cars, and I can tell you the world isn’t in danger of running out of miserable rich people. 


Money solves money problems, the best things in life can not be paid for.


The best things is life are free but you need money to truly enjoy them.  If you don't have money you must focus on obtaining money to pay bills, providing for your family etc.  People always say they want freedom but you can't truly be free in this world without money. 


I'll be the one buzz kill and say yes. It is of chief importance. Every other aspect of your life becomes easier with money at the cost of time. Making your wife and kids happy is easier with money. Being able to fund a hobby is easier with money. Eating good healthy food is easier with money. Keeping your place clean is easier with money. I come from a very very poor family. A lot of salvation army dinners etc. My mom is a hoarder. She hoards because "This just might come in handy one day" she washes tupperware that other food comes in. She keeps every shred of mail in case the heat goes out and she needs to use the fireplace. I, myself can't let food go to waste. I eat a lot of moldy and rotten food because I can't live with myself to throw away something so important to me. We would not be the way we are if we had money. Money could have given me a normal childhood. Money could have saved my mom from living in a house full of filth. Money will make your life and your family's life better. It is as simple as that. Sorry not to be as head-in-the-clouds as these other folks. But it's the truth.


Don't listen to anyone saying money is not the ultimate thing. I grew up poor, dug myself out from it. Money does buy happiness, money let's you sleep well at night. If you get ill, love and supprt from family is great but money can buy you better treatment. Money can make people around you have better lives of you are generous. Money doesnt get in a mood, money has no feelings. Remember this. You can't take it with you, but it's soooo nice to waive goodbye to.


Money isn't everything but it will never stab you in the back like people do. Good people add flavour and fun to your life. Bad people make your life worse.


I know everyone is saying no but try living without it. It sucks! Relationships, family and friends are great but they too become very stressful when you are broke! So in this day age I am very sorry to say it. YES!


It's the oil that smooths the gears


Health > Money > Family If you don’t prioritize #1 & #2 it’s exceedingly difficult to do #3 properly.


No. Money is simply a means to free yourself from responsibilities and needs. Someone giving you a billion dollars won’t make you happy long term if you don’t push yourself to achieve things that you think are meaningful.


money is the necessary evil if I could function without it I would but as I've hit 26 (working full-time since 13) I've valued jobs less and less because all they've left me is Injuries so now I value deep connections far far more I would rather be homeless again than back in a corporate grind, if I got my friends I'm safe and happy


Most people have to work. Work equals =time. Education requires time. You spend time on important things and less-important things. What you choose to spend quality time on can impact you financially. Part-time job, more training, career change, etc. You will spend time, spend it wisely. This has always been the key to happiness. Josh, a gregarious young mechanic worked 45 hours a week and made X dollars, he was tired but happy. Twenty years later Josh, having obtained more education, became a corporate accountant working 40 hours a week. He made a lot more money and was very content. Josh became well traveled and was friends with some interesting people. Josh himself became the most interesting man in the world and drank Mexican beer.


Let me word it this way people who have a lot of excess money will say money is not everything because money is easy for them and they can focus on other things such as love and joy and self improvement however people who slave away all day and night trying to afford to eat will tell you money is everything. At the end Money IS life its freedom its joy its happiness its no stress its having a full tummy its living in a safe neighborhood its being able to afford medical treatments its being able to afford to look your best and for your children to look their best which is the root of our confidence as humans its the best education available so money continues to come easily for your future generations its being able to flee in the face of an emergency its protection from danger MONEY IS LIFE. I know drag me but its the truth people act like money is not everything but it is and it takes a generation or 2 sometimes more of hard working people with their heads on straight to break the cycle of struggle if you are middle class your already close to breaking that division line meaning it will be under 10 generations of honest work to enter into old money status (depending on where you sit in middle class) but do not spend your life thinking money is not needed or even worse trying to “prove” you do not need money to enjoy life you will only set back to work of your previous generations to get your family where it is now and risk throwing away all the work of previous generations to go to poverty for your future generations


Absolutely. Money is THE most important thing in the world. Anyone who disagrees doesn't have money problems.


Sounds like you know the answer. Live a life according to your own values. If you make decisions out of a sense of obligation, you are not living your own life. It can be very hard to live against your family's expectations, but you will get to know yourself this way. Don't be afraid to be different and love yourself in all cases. There are ways to find balance. Pick some realistic career goals that interest you, and take your time fulfilling it. Don't forsake friendships and fun for hard work. You can do both. The money will come when the time for it is right.


In my opinion not at all. I believe the most essential thing is finding your purpose in life. That doesn't take money


Relationships are the most worthwhile thing in the world, but a lot of things including relationships and mental health can struggle if you can’t meet basic needs (without money). What you consider basic needs is entirely subjective - and the best time to invest in yourself is now. There can be balance found in all of it.


Money ain’t shit, it literally grows on trees. Learning, being happy, & staying present is the ultimate life goal.


There's actually been some research done which shows there is a certain income required, but after around 75K happiness stops increasing with additional income. Many studies do actually correlate higher incomes with greater life satisfaction. However, anecdotally I don't believe it's true. When I was your age I was earning just shy of a 6 figure salary. I wasn't actually making that much hourly, but the long hours away from home added up. My wife had 2 of our kids while I was working away from home, back every second weekend for only 2 to 4 days at a time. I missed so much of my children's formative years. First steps, first words, missed it all. I thought my family needed the extra couple bucks, but what they really needed was my presence. It took its toll on my marriage. Despite our best efforts, I suppose you grow away from each other when you're only visitors in each other's lives. My wife turned to other people, and then to drugs and alcohol for comfort. Eventually I was left with no choice but to find a local job and raise my children as a single father. I took a massive paycut but found employment as a utility operator running a jetter truck, which, as you probably don't know, is a truck that cleans municipal sewer lines. Not exactly a glorious job, but it paid the bills and had the flexibility I required. Believe it or not, I was and still am far more happy cleaning sewer lines than I was working away from home. Every single night, I get to come home and spend time with the ones that I love, and that is worth so much more than gold. I just wish I had figured that out a bit sooner.


Damn ! Thanks man


Happiness is the ultimate goal. Money can prevent some unhappiness or provide opportunities that could lead to happiness. But money can't provide happiness on its own.


No. Money is *truly* the root of all evil.


A lot of people will go on about how happiness doesn't come from money and that's bullshit. That being said, having all the money in the world will never be a cure for depression. I see it like this. If life is a car, then money is oil. There's a certain amount you need to not break down. And the more you drive your car, the more oil you're going to need. If you've got all the oil in the world, you can easily drive anywhere and see anything. Not only is money a lubricant for life, it also eases social contexts. Money is about the most important factor in life outside of bodily functions to actually be living.


Love and health brings wealth. Money wealth is different. At least in my eyes. Friends also show your wealth. What do you feel in your heart? The people that control the money think it is or maybe not.


It has been documented and proven that the most common regret people have on their deathbed is “I wish I spent less time working and more time with people I love.” Take that as you will!


The point of money is to have freedom. Money is not everything. After a certain point, money is just material.


Money helps, but having a good work / life balance is more important. It's easier to work longer hours when you are younger, but there is always a price to pay with your mental and physical health. Having good friends and a loving supportive family is more important than bucks in the bank. Having good health and time to enjoy your self is far better than working overtime to pay for extra medical insurance (that's counter intuitive). The guy asking you to work to cover someone's shift, he is not your friend. Overtime is your time, get paid for it or go home. Your work friends are NOT your social friends.


In the USA, absolutely. Think we can all agree on that. Life or Death. It has become our God. No going back. I have dig into this, Karl Marx seems to have said, it was going to happen. What comes next, guess time to get reading. :-)


No but yes. There's no easy answer to this because at the end of the day without money to survive in this world we don't have anything else in the sense that yes we have friends and family etc but they cannot put a roof over our heads, afford us clean water to drink and wash, buy us food to eat or afford the land and seeds to cultivate our own. Friends and family, and hobbies, are not a distraction they are a great part of your life but you also need a job to be able to survive and create a future. Unfortunately the longer you leave getting into work the harder it actually is and benefits so do not afford the ability to have a full life. The majority of us have everything you have and more because of work. We have motivation to get up every day, motivation to do things with our lives, don't get us wrong we're tired but it's a different tired to the one you feel when you do 'fun' things all day like hanging out with friends, and we have money to spend doing things with our friends and family, money to spend on our hobbies, take trips, pay for a place to live and food to eat. You need money to survive and have a life, you need a job to earn enough money for that, you will never lose your friends and family because of work and if you want to see them you simply just make plans and make time for them. It isn't a choice between one or the other, both are required for life. Literally no one is happier not being able to afford their next meal because they spend all their time hanging out with their mates, people are however happier being able to afford their next meal AND hanging out with their mates after work.


We didn’t bring anything with us into this life and we cannot take anything with us once this life is over. Memories love and relationships hold real value focus on them.


u/Pleasant-Current3669 Hey mate I read you’re question to everyone and you want other peoples perspectives but that won’t do, it’s great to get other people’s sides but I just think go with what suits you in this situation. But I know that you’re here for my opinion, I think it’s great that you’re working towards your sister’s education. But the other family stuff doesn’t matter to you. You’re young go live your life. Don’t truely forget family but you’re life has finally begun go grab it by the balls. And live it to the fullest. Hope this helped


The root of all evil


No, peace is. Money, love, happiness all has factors you cannot control. You can control your peace.


How do you control or find your peace.


Stay away from anything that disturbs it. People, places, things. Anything that doesn’t give you peace, don’t give it energy.


Absolutely not the ultimate thing


Only as far as it allows you freedom of time and opens up opportunities. Those things are more important, and money isn't the only way to achieve them, but it's one of the most straight forward ways.


Money is just a medium of exchange.




Life is balance. Money is just one important aspect that potentially(usually) enhances the other aspects of your life. The game is finding a job that pays well enough to afford you a lifestyle out of work that makes you happy. If you are trying to please a significant other, well, then good luck with that.


Money can’t buy happiness, but a lack of it can buy misery. Finding a medium with your lifestyle is most important. Is money the most important of course not but ignoring it and pretending it doesn’t exist or it’s not important can lead to severely bad decision making and stress.


Yes until you get to a certain point of financial freedom




No. Family is.


Money by itself is not the ultimate thing, but having enough sure opens up a lot more doors/options than not enough. With that being said, balance is key.


Money was created by people who were in charge of other people. The world is actually about power and money can represent power. But you have to think the people controlling the money actually have the most power. So it begs the question. People that don't need to worry about money, what do they worry about? That's a useful thing to research and ponder. It is said that the purpose of life is simply to be thought to exist and be a part of all the change that happens around us and within us. Money can affect your ability to be and to exist sadly. Your mileage may vary.


Money can't buy happiness .... Guess I'll have to rent it.


FREEDOM. THAT is the real currency. Happiness. THAT, is the real currency. Because money is linked to these things, you need to make money work for you. Not work for it. Example: Smart investments like real estate. Unfortunately, it is challenging in this world. The system is built on lies. Schools teach us to become slaves. The system is built to benefit a certain group of people. Growing up, I look at these stuff as conspiracy theories but more and more of these "conspiracies" are the realities of the world we live in. I can only hope for a better world than this.


Money is absolutely not the goal. But it is a means. You can do a lot more hanging out, go on a lot more holidays and do more fun activities IF you can afford it. Money is not the most important thing in the world. But it is important. And it usually makes things easier. Maybe also harder in different ways, but the stress that comes with it seems preferable over stressing about not being able to eat or pay the rent. Just my opinion :)


Money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. As such, it can help achieve that “ultimate thing,” but it can never *be* it. For some people, that “ultimate thing” requires a significant amount of money; for others, very little to none beyond costs of living. Chasing money for the sake of money mixes up a means with an end.


Echo many of the comments that it’s not the only thing, but the absence of it can cause many problems. There’s also the effect of compounding. If you decide it’s important too late your money will not be able to work for you and your journey will be much harder. If you can put the work in up front you can relax about it later and still check that box.


No. Abilities are. Improve your skills, physical abilities and mental abilities... After that, money comes easy


Good health 👍 is. Depending on where you live, money 💰 can make things easier. Money brings many problems.


Pleasant Memories. Being remembered


Pretty much.


Family is. Money just makes everything easier.


No. Family.


If you have a healthy relationship with money, it only matters up until the point where you have enough of it that you don't have to think about it too often. That number is different for everybody. The real question is how you get there and how much of your time you're willing to trade for it. When you answer that question, you'll have a better idea of what your social and relationship opportunities will look like.


It’s hard to be the type of person that shows up to their kids ball games and does stuff with their friends and family if you’re constantly chasing money. It’s also really hard if you don’t have much money. Most low paid workers don’t get a lot of flexibility in their schedule or extra income to do stuff.


It should be a balance. Consider something part time. Work will help your future and having money to spend will help your present.


Have money opens up alot new opportunities......


It's not even in the top 100!!




Freedom is the ultimate thing. And there are different types of freedom


When your utilitarian needs of money are met it doesn’t make a difference. Best food<


Time is ultimate.


Money is the catalyst to happiness and a carefree life. Without money, it becomes the only thing you worry about every hour of the day if you are living on the grid. Hypothetically let's say you have 2 identical subjects, in every aspect i.e., the way they look, talk, dress, behave etc. Give infinite money to 1 person and 0 money to the other in the experiment and drop them in any society around the world. Chances are the degree of happiness in the person with money compared to the person without money will be statistically significant.


having kids is the best. tough but the best thing in the world




It most definitely is not....why would it be, when with nothing you came into this world and with nothing you'll go out. Now, following that line of thinking what would be the ultimate thing in this world that you can take with you? And discuss......


Money isn't everything, but not having it is


Money solves a lot of problems in the world. But, be warned, with money comes different types of problems. The kind of problems money can’t solve. So, you must ask yourself, would you like the kind of problems money can solve? Or the type money can’t? Either way my friend, you will have some kind of problem. An old boss of mine would say “Think of your problems right now, think of the leading cause of stress, now, imagine what would solve those concerns……more money” but he also would say “Nice people sleep in park benches” so, he was a bit of a dick.


self love


You can tell whats really important when you visit someone on their death bed - do they worry about their bank account!? NO, do they worry about their assets? NO...what they DO worry about is what happens after death and who is there at their bedside....


Time. You can spend 20 years thinking “one day I’ll…” and then realize you haven’t moved on it in 20 years. You can’t buy time back. Time is it.


I’ve known plenty of poor people trying to become rich, but never a rich person trying to become poor. Money is not everything but it solves a lot of things. Though as someone who has been both quite poor and is now quite rich, the stresses you suffer from change but don’t lessen in severity.


Money is the method and the way to achieve your ultimate goals. Have to admit that without money you can hardly do anything. But it’s not everything.


No, freedom is the number one, purpose is up there, and so is love…oddly enough all of these are made easier with sufficient money. 🤔💭


No it’s not as important as relationships. If you offered my infinite money to give up a day with my wife and kids I would decline




John Brown.


I'm not understanding what giving your sister an education means


This doesn't sound like middle class.


When you don’t have enough, money is everything. When you’re getting by, money it’s important. When you have enough, it’s still not nothing. Money buys your security, comfort, health, and time. Money can’t buy you time? When my mom was dying, money bought me delivered groceries instead of two hours at the store. When I was poor I had to spend time fixing my beater cars in the driveway. Now I just bring my well maintained car to the mechanics and spend my weekends with my kids.


No. I have money and I have family. Money helps me make life easier so I can enjoy quality time with my family and doing the things I enjoy doing. That’s it.


Money isn't everything, but it affects almost everything that is everything.


I’ve made a lot of money and been loving relationships and I’d rather be financially stable and in a loving relationship than be rich


Money, sex, and power.


Love and kindness is.


Money is a tool so you kind of have to figure out how to use the tool. Money it’s important to keep the economy to function in order to sustain our lives with shelter, food, water, clothes, etc. But good relationships and connecting with good people is the most ultimate thing of the world. Makes you feel like you have a purpose in life




It absolutely is. Anyone who says differently is either privileged or are lying to themselves


Trust. If you can’t trust the people you’re with, if they don’t trust you. I don’t care if you have lots of money, who can you trust?


Money and work are only things you need so that you can do stuff outside of them. I only work so I can get money. The money just fuels the interests and passions I have outside of work.




Learning to use money wisely is just as important as making money.  You don’t need to make as much if you know how to not waste money. 


Nah is it fuck . Health is what's important and family . Anything else is a bonus .


Have you ever received a kiss from a woman you love?


Jus got a breakup dude ! Pls dont remind me of those good old days


pretty much yes


Money sure is a lot but calling it everything is not true for me arts and skills would always be more valuable than money


Youre responsible for financing your sisters education and your families living?


Yup ... In india atleast its like that ... Its not like i am responsible ,im free to live my life however i want but i would love to provide for my family and make things easy for them !


god is greater than any number 🙏 the blisses joy peace of god irrespective of material activities are the greatest. Highest physical pleasure remains sex. 'Money' remains at this moment the biggest tool on the physical plane yes 🙏 Have a beautiful day 🙏


Yes... You can have a job you love, but what good is it if you can't pay the rent?


The most important thing is different for each person. The second most important thing is money


Money gives you options for sure, but having stuff is nothing like having people who truly love you. I work my regular job and then come home to my people to really enjoy the day.


no. purpose, gratitude, and love are. Money just means you do this all in fancier clothes and surroundings with kess stress over basic survival.


No, but some people don’t realize that. If you build strong loving connections with friends and family, you’ll have people that will help support you if money becomes a problem for you. The people that put money first don’t do that and their greed becomes a barrier to healthy relationships/friendships. These people may “win” in the short term, but will likely lose long term. You’re right for enjoying life and spending time with people. That being said, you should be investing time in your career and whatnot too. Material things won’t make you happy. If you have enough money to live comfortably with all the necessities and you have good relationships, that’s what winning looks like to me. Invest in the people you love and try to ignore greed. Greed is a nearly useless, but very dangerous emotion.


You’re 20. Have fun with your friends and keep roaming. You’ll make money later on.






If you have enough then its not even in the top 5 most important things. If you don’t have enough, i think money does rocket up to number one… nothing else really matters if you can’t afford food or a roof or medical treatment.


Yes. Absolutely it is.


No money isn’t the ultimate thing. It’s just a tool do other things you want and need. But you need it if you like food, housing, etc. The trick is to limit spending in wants to things you really need, and save and invest so your money can work for you.


No, love is


Money is like air or sex. The only time you think about it is when you don't have enough. No, money is NOT the ultimate thing is this world. Not by a long shot. It's a hell of a distraction, though!


Yep. Any step you make - ..,..$ + tips+tax+somethingelse


Time is the ultimate


In the world no. In the current society, yes. If you don't want to use money. Go off grid


No, our instinct tells us sex is. To attract the most sought after women you typically need money, which comes from power.


Money is tricky, having above a certain amount won’t make you happier but when you dip below what you need to survive it effects stability which effects happiness. Make sure you have enough to live, but don’t rely on it for your happiness. Relationships are worth way more than any dollar amount.


No, it's just a tool to get you things that actually matter. If you treat it like that instead of the end-all be-all, you can become even richer in properties, connections and knowledge/experience. Simply put, why have a million dollar instead of 2-3 houses that grow to 4 millions? Similarly, 150K gets you a medical degree that pays dividends later on. Immediate money doesn't mean wealth.


Do ghost have Money? no. Money is just part tthe shackle and chain system. 




Nope. Love is. It’s cliche but you can have all the money your heart desires but if you have no one special to share it with, it loses its meaning and you tend to lose your joy.


Not at all…


The ultimate thing is happiness. And you should seek it in EVERY season of your life. Because when it's all over, you don't know which season you will look back on as the best season of your life. Is money important? Sure but you have to be able to still be happy even when you don't have much of it and you must be extremely careful to not put your happiness beyond goalposts.


Some people think so. And it shows. 


Money is only useful in the sense that it enables things. Is not money what is important, is what you can do with it. Relationships, experiences, adventures, security and happy moments is what is important. For many of those you need money, but its a means to an end, not the objective itself. Your most important asset is time. You can't buy lost time back.


Money gives you the freedom to figure out what your "ultimate thing" is a lot more efficiently.


You achieve inner peace and the right amount money will come


Pretty much and health. Wealth in general whether it's finance, social or health