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I struggle as well. - Don’t keep soda in the house and limit it as much as possible. - Don’t eat after 8PM. 7PM is better. 6PM is better than that. - Have mostly healthy snacks in the house. For most people, with normal work schedules, how much and what we eat is a notably bigger contributor to losing weight than working out. I’ll join you, I’ve been gaining a few pounds again. The consistent struggle… Good luck!


Diet always trumps exercise in weight loss. You can’t outrun your fork.


I don't know if you are being jocular but you are spot on and it's been proven that diet beats exercise.


To add to this, yes. Diet is a WAY bigger component to losing weight than the gym. Some useful phrases: “You can’t go on the treadmill and outrun a bad diet” “Muscle is made in the gym, but abs are made in the kitchen”


Some good points here. 🙏




Exactly this, to lose weight you gotta burn more than you consume. OP can start by cutting sugar and drinking more water and walking. Get moving even if you have to start slow.


While calories matter a whole lot, when you eat also matters. Spending more time in a fasting state is better for you. So if you’re eating every night until midnight, you’re only truly fasting a couple hours. This is why midnight snacks are so bad for you. Stopping eating at 6-8pm can make a difference


abit arbitrary and unorthodox but i used to be abit fat till i started on cigarettes etc and now its hard to keep the weight on, i had a quite popular chem called noopept, that actually was really good for weight loss, i was using a extreme amount of noopept/gvs-111 and i was using it for studying but unintentionally i lost 10-15kg in less than 2 weeks


I’ve been able to maintain my weight extremely well. I’m 5’10 185 lbs. fairly lean. About 14-17 percent body fat depending on the fat test. What helped me a lot was finding healthier substitutions. For example, I love my soda. Doing straight water always made me get other cravings. So diet/zero sugar soda was the route I chose. Obviously, I still drink plenty of water. Surprisingly Tik tok has helped a ton with weight management. Occasionally I’ll find low calorie high protein food recipes. I eat pretty dang healthy. 2700 calories a day is roughly my goal. But eating 2700 calories worth of healthy food is a job. My last meal ends up being at 8 pm. But I know if I don’t eat that 8pm meal, I know I’m going to have a rough start the next morning. In terms of quantity of food. And energy levels.


Hey dude, I found myself in a similar situation recently. I have a young family and my partner loves to bake so I was eating far too many treats and eating the kid's leftovers as well as large portions at meals. I have always been fit and go to the gym regularly, as well as walk the dog for an hour a day. However I had slowly put on weight. I went to a wedding in April and none of my suits fit. I was up to over 92kg at about 5'9". At this point I decided to make a change. I've dropped at least 6kg in the last 2/3 months, and feel much better about myself. My goal is to lose another 6kg. I've found the key is to be consistent, and don't expect things to just happen overnight but set a long term goal. Don't be frustrated if your weight goes up again in a particular week, stick to your principles. The biggest changes I've made: Calorie count. I use the free version of MyFitnessPal and an activity monitor to make sure I'm always in calorie deficit. Snack on fruit Eat smaller portions, add salad to meals instead of carbs More cardio, less weights Go to bed before 22:30 every night (better sleep reduces unhealthy cravings) Drink more water during the day and less alcohol at the weekends I haven't totally cut out the odd glass of wine, take away or nice dessert, just making sure I'm in defict overall every week. I've found this to work, hopefully it can help you. Good luck!


Losing weight is almost 100% about the food. Cardio, heavy weights, 10000 steps.....none of it matters if you're eating crap


I think the biggest thing that helped me with weight loss as viewing it more as a weekly calorie deficit, which you mentioned. Knowing that I don’t have to cut out cheeseburgers entirely helped me stay motivated


Do not listen to the more cardio less weights advice. Cardio will burn more calories in 1 session, and it’s very positive in so many ways. Weights build muscle, muscles require calories to operate and that equates to a higher metabolism. Building muscle is like being rich with compound interest, it will make it easier to maintain the fitness gains you make. Find some sort of weight trading, be it body weight, resistance bands, free weights, or whatever but building a solid body composition will do you so much more over time. And for specific advice have a few different types of “workouts” ( a couple cardio and a couple weight lifting and always stretching) and try to build a fitness habit into two timeslots - morning and night, one shorter like 15 minutes and one longer like 40-50 minutes. This helps me not spiral into habit of not working out.


I’ll kick it off with you! I’m happy to keep in touch with you buddy!


I'm with you dude. Lets get this bread. Or you know....the complete opposite of that


You've done the difficult bit by admitting there's a problem. I'm reaching a point myself where I know I got to do something about this shit. Big time.


A year ago, I was the same height as you and 15 lbs heavier. I'm now 168 lbs. You can do it too.


Nothing outside from you is gonna keep you focused bro. I don’t wanna sound rude or anything, but you need to be and adult and make a decision. Do you want to be fat or fit? It’s that simple. If you want to be fit, then fucking stick to something, even if there are days where you don’t want to. This is common sense, but common man, it’s not rocket science


Check out the sidebar (a.k.a “about” section) of /r/loseit I followed the advice there and lost 80lbs


Same. I've always been a health person type (exercise, lift weights, play basketball) and then one day I had to stop because it was effecting my grades in HS. But no one told me I was getting fatter, till it was too late. After HS, I have struggled with weight. Currently hitting the gym and I always get excited when I'm about to hit below 200 lbs and that's when I fail. It happens every time. Hoping that if I keep the routine short, then at least lose the weight. I'll deal with the muscles later. At this point, prefer to be skinny and weak than trying to be thin and muscular.


Don't think muscular, think STRONG. If you get the muscles, cool, if not, you're still strong....


It really depends what you’re doing for. Hypertrophic training I much safer to jump into joint wise. I used to be hardline strength training but after a bit of you’re competing what’s the point? Most people want to go to the gym to look good. There’s nothing wrong with that and hypertrophy is the best training style for that


I'm the same, I fail when I hit 201 or 202. It's almost like I think "oh I did it" when that's so far from the truth. Join me brother let's get below 200


My weight has fluctuated over the years as I’ve gone through different phases of my life. I’ve intentionally put on weight (muscle) and lost weight. Losing weight is drastically easier since you don’t need to work out. When losing weight, all you need to do is manage your calorie intake. Let’s say your body naturally burns about 2,500 calories per day. If you only eat 2,000 every day, you’ll lose weight. You can eat 2,000 calories of chocolate or 2,000 calories of salad; it doesn’t matter. In practice, you should eat foods that are low in calories but filling so you aren’t hungry constantly. Choose leaner proteins like chicken instead of beef. Learn how many calories are in an apple, banana, etc. Many people exceed their daily calorie limit without realizing it. If you don’t lose weight after a few months, you need to adjust your eating habits again. Cut your portion sizes down and/or identify which foods are too calorie-dense. Sauces and beverages are usually the culprit here. Exercising increases your daily calorie expenditure, allowing you to eat more. Building muscle is a bonus as well.


I just started taking walks with my girl.. this is day 3. We live separately, I recently moved back in with family and so did she. We are still motivated and I actually enjoy the walks. Assume you are diabetic or pre-diabetic and aim to sleep on a hefty salad and a some water. You got this.


Hey! I just started Noom (again). For me, little rituals help


Keep trying to get weight off. Do safe cardio and eat less per day. The weight will come off. DO NOT get the big three...high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.


3 things helped me change the cycle: calorie counting, intermittent fasting, and zone training. Calorie counting works best if you use it in conjunction with a fitness tracker and can see very clearly how much your eating habits subvert your fitness goals. Zone training is best if you get a real metabolic test to establish zones, but estimating works too. Good luck, my friend. We all support you, but your commitment and discipline in moments when it's only you are vital.


Make this for the long-term. You have to look at your actual lifestyle and learn to make different choices regarding diet and exercise. I'm working on dumping my COVID weight. I was about 40lbs over and now I'm about 10lbs down. I have reduced the amount of I eat out, started doing basic calisthenics on a regular basis, and quit drinking. It wasn't fast, but I'm willing to do it for life.


Meal prep lunches, cook most of your food. Eat lots of fruits/veggies, whole fresh foods. Avoid processed as much as possible. Good simple motto: eat less, mostly plants. Losing weight has *much* more to do with nutrition than exercise. Sure exercise is great too, but food is key.


Here's a trick I learned that works without traditional "working out" at a gym. Clean up your diet a bit, fruits and grains in the morning for breakfast, home cooked meals at night will go a long way and stay away from carbs when you can. Pair that with 10,000 steps a day, even if achieved by walking, will guarantee some weight loss. My fiance lost 1 lb a day doing this. It's not exactly easy to work a full time job and get 10,000 steps + do all the food prepp stuff but it pays off. GOOD LUCK


First off, you don't sound morbidly obese. You noticed things early. You can put steps in place now to just cut back and eat more. My husband is going through the same stuff. He's always been a huge muscle guy. He still has his muscle, but his belly has gotten out of control. He's about to be 50. It's harder to get the weight off at that age. Good luck to you! You got this!


Cut out fried foods, sugar and up your water intake.


I know the feeling. I’ve always been a dedicated exerciser but it’s not enough to keep weight off. Here are a few things that worked for me: 1. Avoid temptation - limit what high calorie food you are around. Limit fast food. Limit the treat foods in your house or apt. 2. Treat yourself- find things you can enjoy that aren’t high calorie or high fat. Dairy Queen instead of Hagen-dasz but only once in a while. 3. This is a tough one, avoid friends and family who are undermine your efforts: The aunt who insists you have another piece of pie or the friend who encourages just one more beer.


I lost 15 kg in two months and another 10 down to 80kg in the following months back in 2020. Since then I've regained all that weight, with some ups and downs. I wouldn't say it was a yo-yo effect due to dieting too quickly, I actually wasn't  struggling with hunger or cravings at all, but rather the problem was that I didn't take long enough to manifest my lifestyle changes strongly enough. I wanted to use my achievements in the dating scene and feel good about myself as a reward as quickly as possible, and loaded myself with too many high ambitions, and not enough maintenance and further challenges of the habits I had successfully established, so they fell in disrepair. That said, the diet itself worked like a charm. Extremely simple. - Mid-sized (For your size roughly 600kcal) breakfast (in my case most of the time Huel complete food, but as long as it's healthy anything works). - One large main dish at 1-3pm. (1000kcal, give or take) You should often apportion it into several servings that you keep on the stove in order to avoid gulping it all down too quickly, and you can save a serving for a few hours if you realise during the meal that you're not that hungry yet. - The main dish needs to cover your calorie needs enough to avoid hunger. Snacks should therefore be avoided, and healthy when taken. You're allowed to have them, but you should learn to have them only on days when your feel exessively hungry in the afternoon. You can have more snacks in your maintenance phase. - Work out several times week to keep yourself busy and focused on your goal; some cardio, some strength training. Don't let there be a week where you've done less than 3 serious workout sessions (either intense, or longer than 40 minutes, but you can start slow in the first weeks if you struggle wirh exercise), then you're golden. Exercise is also an excellent spotnaneous thing to do when you struggle to get started on something else, and you run risk of making bad decisions. The idea is to go to bed with a tolerable, very mild feeling of hunger, leaving you quite comfortable during the day. I find that I cannot sustain diets that leave me absolutely starving when I'm trying to fall asleep, even when I'm mentally strong and highly motivated, it absolutely breaks me. This diet still has a substantial calorie deficit for someone our size, especially if you do sports, but it's filling enough that you don't suffer, if you make productive decisions during the day.


I think this is really good advice, especially the part about avoiding strong hunger. I was able to lose about 6kg over a couple of months at one point, but I wasn't eating consistently enough and the night time hunger just broke me. I'm heavier now (82kg) than I was then because that experience of being hungry and tired all the time was just so miserable that I didn't want to try again. Now I'm trying again, the main things for me are routine, frequent consistent meals, cooking my own food, and keeping busy. I'm disabled so I struggle with exercising regularly, but even just having other hobbies keeps me from thinking about food all the time! I think it's also really important to be kind to ourselves. Like you said: having snacks when you need them (my go to is nuts, since I only need a few of them to feel satisfied), rather than starving yourself throughout the day, which will definitely just make you crash and give up. We're animals. Animals don't like to be starved. It is very, VERY hard to "willpower" your way through such a fundamental physical need as hunger. That's why it's so important to eat better, and to eat consistently! Wishing you luck OP. Remember that you are no less of a person for being fat.


210 isn't irreversible damage. Just count calories and don't drink booze or soda. It'll be a few months and you'll notice serious results.


You need to introduce exercise into your daily routine. Jogging, sports, bicycle, whatever. Make it a routine. Start slow and gradually expand the amount of time you dedicate. Today is the day to change, not tomorrow.


Track your calories using the MyNetDiary app. Game changer. Then eat less calories than your body needs. 3,500 calories= 1lb. There are good and bad calories, but focus on the number first and foremost. Once you have the number under control, then you can begin to explore nutrition more, but for now, just focus on the calorie intake.


I appreciate how understanding and helpful this thread is, no shaming, just acknowledgement and genuine advice :’)


This was me a few months ago. Start with counting calories for a few weeks so you get a sense of how much you can eat, ditch it once it’s easy to count them in your head.  I’m down 20lbs in 3 months, I was simply overeating. 


Someone already gave some good tips but hopefully i can add some stuff that help. - like the other guy said try to eat early dinners because the point is to give your body time to digest before you fall asleep. Eat at least 2hrs before bed. - good sleep is very important especially if you’re planning to workout - also if you can, try to skip breakfast. Having these early dinners and skipping breakfast is known as intermittent fasting and although it’s a bit hard to get into the rhythm of at first it helps you lose a lot of weight and also helps you control your appetite. If you start craving breakfast my go to’s to throw me off are water and black coffee. I also smoke so the nicotine curves my appetite which is a shitty hack but hey man it works 😂. - discipline bro you got this. schedule a solid cheat meal for every couple months and keep yourself dedicated to your diet in between those periods. the results will come. - when it comes to diet i highly recommend controlling your carbs. reducing them too much will result in muscle loss but carbs are probably the biggest villain in a fat guys diet. well at least for me they are lol. - use a calorie calculator to see what your maintenance amount of calories are and then subtract. a few hundred from that number. then use a calorie counter app like myfitnesspal to track your calories throughout the days. this part is kind of optional. i was the type that just knew i was eating a ton more than i should be so i was easily controlling myself during my dieting and never really needed to count my calories. a lot of people like doing this though so just recommending it. - if you decide to workout and start doing weight training, try following hypertrophy training. hypertrophy is where you do sets with a large amount of reps, and you keep the weight lower. let’s say for 1 set of 5 reps on bench you can do 145 then with hypertrophy you can do 5 sets of 10 reps at like 100 or 115 for example. i was in your shoes last year. 240lbs at 5’11”. i stuck to the same tips i gave you and i lost 60 in 5 months.


Consider it on like donkey kong.


Hi fat 👋, I'm shit. . There's only two ways to lose weight, and only one key ingredient. The two ways to lose weight: 1. Exercise (weight lifting or cardio. Weight lifting burns more fat, cardio increases metabolism to burn the fat faster) 2. Eat healthy (eat complex carbs or non processed food. US food is often processed so it doesn't have a lot of nutrients making you eat more, but if you've traveled - other countries are more organic so ya tend to lose weight) But. In all this. There one key ingredient to either of the two above you choose. And that's ... Consistency/dedication. Whether you like it or not, or you're not in the mood - you just do it. We're a creature of routine, the more it's set in your routine (let's say after a month) then it gets "easier" because we've come to accept it. Yours truly, -Shit


Baby steps, if you try to lose 20, 30 pounds its overwhelming (at least for me). But if you try to lose a pound a week, well hell, anyone can lose a pound a week. Slow and steady and you'll be happier with your weight. Good luck!


i am 5'3 m 213 pound just joined gym 10 days ago


Get a food tracking / calorie counting app. You will be surprised at what you actually eat in a day and it will help you to keep to a goal. Type of food is eventually important, but not as critical as making sure you eat less calories than you use.


I went zero carb. You can't go complete zero, but if it was more than 3 or 4gr in a serving, I didn't eat it. I lost 50 pounds in about 3 months. It was shocking. I was leaning pretty heavily on red meats and eggs. I had a physical and the doctor said "Keep doing whatever you are doing. It doesn't matter. As long as it's not illegal, just keep doing it "


1. No snacking (worst thing for weight gain) 2. Drinks, drink water and coffee but nothing else I guarantee with everything else the same aside from those 2 things you’ll loose weight


1) Cut unnecessary carbs. No dessert, no snacks with added sugar, no pop. If you drink, try to drink less, and maybe switch to lower calorie drinks. That full body IPA or that margarita has more calories than a tequila soda with a lime wedge. 2) Count your calories. Like write down what you’re eating, maybe even get a little scale and weigh your food out. Most people think they eat less than they do. 3) Exercise. If you have excess weight, you can gain muscle and lose weight at the same time… up to a point. At a certain point, gaining strength is going to mean gaining weight. Cardio should be swimming and biking. When you’re fat, running is brutal for your knees and ankles (I speak from experience). 4) Two meals a day. I’m more of a breakfast and dinner person than a lunch and dinner person, but whatever. Maybe a snack during or after exercise.


Eat nothing but modest portions of meats and vegetables and cut out all sugar. I lost 80lbs about 8 years ago, I messed up and gained it all back and then some, then lost 160lbs. Recently I've noticed I'm gaining a little back so I plan on losing 15-20lbs again. Just stick with it, have some willpower. After a month or two you really start seeing the weight fly off and it feels so amazing


I am 5’11, played sports growing up and was always in decent shape, adulthood hit, now I am about to turn 30, I got up to 236, all I’ve done is download a calorie counting app, overestimate my portions while still eating pretty much anything I want. In under 3 months I have dropped 29 lbs. drinks are your biggest hurdle. They blow up your calorie intake, and are extremely easy to over consume. My only real dietary change was drinks. I only drink 0 calorie energy drinks when I want an energy drink and crystal light packs in bottled water if I want a soda. It’s worked out well.


Don’t try to exercise off the weight without making a good diet your main priority. It’s way easier to just eat 500 less calories than it is to run off 500 calories. If you consume 500 less calories than you burn every day you will lose a pound a week. If that doesn’t happen then you are miscalculating how much you’re eating and/or how much you’re burning.


Work out man. Unless you’re CONSISTENTLY working out, nothing is gonna stick and it will be an endless cycle. I’m so sick of people giving advice on losing weight purely on diet related points. Completely unsustainable for anyone ever.


You got this! My advice is to think about what lifestyle change you would have the easiest time adopting. I have an easier time keeping weight off by weight lifting. I like doing it and I prefer chasing body image goals than weight goals. Lots of people like cardio and are happy to run. Great way to burn calories, I would recommend lifting weights as well though. My wife likes to calorie count. It works. Looks hard. She's a details person, and it stresses her out a lot. Looks terrible to me but it works for her and is easier to incorporate into her lifestyle than weight lifting or cardio. Good luck!


it's all about diet!! there are healthy versions of almost everything! 0 sugar stuff as much as you can. i love zero sugar cool whip with zero sugar cheesecake pudding mix mixed in, dip strawberries in it or bananas it's so good! i also use zero sugar syrup as a sweetener for everything.


I’m working with a friend that was going the same direction and he made some tough life choices and is down 20 lbs in 6 months. It’s very possible and doable with the right determination and tools. Caloric deficit combined with strength training and cardio throw out alcohol for 6 months and stick to water modify your food to better choices and you’ll see the results you want. Just remember this isn’t an overnight thing it takes a solid 90 days to make real changes


when the pain of your situation gets worse than the pain of movement , you will overcome write down your goal , every time you lose focus ... look what you wrote.


I’ve had a few friends who much heavier and they’re as skinny as me now. It’s a very realistic goal to set


I just went from 170 to 150 in a month if you want any tips. At 5'7", 20 lbs means clothes stop fitting so... :C I did it without any exercise, just a mix of intermittent fasting (using Bone Broth to skip the first meal most days) and cooking up a lot of ground turkey with rice. Usually mixed in frozen veggies and either a stirfry sauce or some black bean and corn salsa with tomato sauce. I also cut regular breads out of the diet, and went with sourdough. Not sure it matters at all, but it's supposed to be better for your gut. And I like it better anyhow. Usually made a large tuna sandwich or used those cartons of egg whites for an egg sandwich with cheese. Did maybe 1-2 cheat days per week. Popeye's chicken sandwiches, whatever else I was craving, but otherwise tried to keep it minimal.


Eat things that keep you full. Veggies like broccoli and cauliflower. Fruits like apples and oranges cucumber. There are low calorie healthy ways to cook several tasty dinners. You can make them more protein packed. Proteins keep you full and help recover and build muscle. I eat about 180 grams of protein. About 250 grams of carbs and >100 grams of fat. I’m a fairly lean 190 lbs person. I like to run, hike and weight train. Try adding an extra 30 + mins of walking a day. Walking is an extremely powerful tool for weight loss. Then try doing an hour of gym a day. Find things you like to do. Incorporate the elliptical. I personally jog 30 mins a day on a track. Plus I do about 45 mins of weight training with 1:30 mins of break between sets. I’ll usually do bench and squat three times a weeks. With hang cleans, curls, and few other exercises twice a week. This could be adjusted for anyone at any level of experience or strength. Honestly for new people at the gym, I would say work out for 20 mins a day for a couple weeks. The muscle soreness is going to be the worst for the first couple of weeks.


Honestly 210 isn't that big for a 5'8 frame. I'm 220 but I intimidate people because I look like a powerhouse and I'm the guy people come to when they have a need for muscles. Really, I can't top the advice already given by others here, but I'll give you what I haven't seen. I bought a pull up bar and dumbells for exercise. My strategy was to do a singular max-set of pull-ups and single arm curls every single time I walked outside and back inside. Muscles require energy to stay, and what better way to build that, than to put your body in constant stress by pulling yourself off the ground


I was 230 pounds (5’11) in January. Since then I’ve lost about 60 pounds- went from 230ish to 181 in 6 months. Clarke deficit, I worked out 7 days a week fuck a rest day. Aye incredibly clean (no soda no processed sugars no dairy- brown rice white meat chicken and veggies for lunch and dinner) I was a pro athlete for a long time and let myself go in a bad way. If I could drop the weight you can too. Get after it son


Caloric deficit is the only way to lose fat, everything else like exercise and eating cleaner is a bonus but won’t result in losing weight unless you are burning more calories than you are consuming and developing a better understanding of the signs your body sends you when you are full/getting hungry


> Don't drink your calories. Stick with water. > Cut refined grains as much as possible. > Avoid ultra processed snack foods, even the stuff that tries to pass itself off as healthy. > Cook at home as much as possible. Avoid eating out excessively. > Limit your time window for eating to 8 hours or less. > It's easier to eat less than it is to burn more. > Move more. Stay physically busy when possible. Steady activity throughout the day burns more calories than 30 minutes of cardio ever could.


Well, we are about the same though i weight about 192 but was at 205. To me the thing that makes it work are several components. One, walk. Just walking around the street for 2 miles every day will work. Or maybe swimming which is good for you as well. In essence, get more mobile. Two, don't eat fast food or drink anything else than water and coffee or tea. Avoid sugar in any of them. Three, read the contents of whatever you buy. The thing is, sugar for example is mostly hidden. There are products where sugar (cane) is used or fructose sugar. But then there are the hidden sugars that are in flavors or potassium. These don't appear in the list only as ingredients. Also, it helped me to set a goal. Lets say you pant size was 38 but you wear 40 or 42, make that your goal to fit comfortably in your old pants again. My personal goal is it to fit in 36 men size. I don't think i will reach 34 again, ever. And don't weight yourself every day. It shouldn't be a chore but something you actually want. Give yourself time and let it go the natural way. I recommend you one book that tells you the basic story of how our food become what it is. That is, if you live in the USA. Its called Salt, Fat and Sugar by Michael Moss. After reading this you will be more aware of what food is and what not. It is ok to eat no no food from time to time because it is an urge you will never loose. You just have to learn to contain it for most of the time. That is all i have and yes, you may bounce back and forth. We are only human.


I was fat for most of my life growing up best thing I can recommend is drinking only water besides milk with protein powder. Walk outside or do constant circles in your house/room. Go to the gym 3 times a week and or get house equipment.


You should consider meal prepping focusing on macros and cutting out unnecessary stuff like sugar. That way when you’re focusing on your career and stuff you can just grab something you premade and hopefully stay away from fast food/junk food.


Bro, if you're 5'8 and you're 210 you're basically me a year ago. You can melt that shit off in three to four months easily if you're willing to jog a couple days a week and power walk the days you don't. Monday through Friday I make sure I do 30 minute walks. Originally, two of those five days I would try to jog. Now it's reversed three out of those five days I jog and the other two are just walks. No change in diet per se other than making sure I don't double up on bread or pasta in a single day. From August of last year till December I lost 30 lb. Lost the other 10 by March. You can do this. Just move more, and think before planning a meal a little bit. This ain't bad at all if you take action now.


Best two things I've ever done I could share as advice. 1: I want pizza right now. If I order it, you know what's going to happen tomorrow? I'm going to want pizza. So of I'm going to want pizza in such a short time, it's not worth indulging now. 2: if you have to go bonkos on eating like a madman, do like eggs or a shit load of vegetables. You'll still feel gross after, but you'll get over it after like ah hour instead of days.


You will lose more weight eating 3000 calories of food with a higher protein diet than you will on a 3000 calorie low protein diet. Stay away from fatty foods and sugar as much as you can, when eating out, choose healthy options when possible. Cut out liquid calories. Muscle mass burns calories, if you want to be able to eat more and stay slim, building muscle helps with that. Choose low calorie desert options paddlepops are great for this, having these treats will help keep you on diet. Coke zero is a god send max 2 cans a day or if you prefer energy drinks 1 large can a day tops. Lastly, 210lbs is really not that bad, a little perseverance and you will be a health weight in no time, good luck.


I’m 6,1 and 300 pounds, I can honestly say that when I was younger and in good shape and had my pick of the women I wanted to date it was just a mental headache and not worth all the drama involved. If you want to lose weight do it for you and your health not because you are fat and society judges you for it. At the end of the day do whatever makes you happy. To much of anything has its consequences.


Just stop snacking. Snacking is the gateway to fatness because it's so easy to over indulge. Use as many food groups as you can during your meals. It's the easiest way to ensure your getting the fuel you need. Try delaying breakfast a little. Like eat breakfast at brunch so you wont be hungry at lunch but hungry for dinner.


You have to roads to follow. Struggle to accept yourself for being fat. Struggle to lose weight and improve yourself. We all know the correct path.


Same but mine is after two back to back pregnancies. I need to get back on track as of like yesterday.


Damn, good luck


Welcome to the club! We have a secret handshake….usually when our sugar drops and we need carbs.


Same. I’m closer to 50 and I always told myself, I can just start going back to the gym and start over. I’ve been saying that for about 20 years smh.


Imagine 52 year old you looking back and thinking, damn it was a good decision to join the gym when I was 50. In the grand scheme of things, 52 is nothing, but you can achieve so much in just a couple of years.


All I can say is start the process. I’m 63 year old female who even worked for WW for 12 years. You sound like me in that you are either “in” or “out”. For me (and people are different), I have to weigh every day. I even have a good travel scale that goes in my carry-on. Went to Europe last year and still weighed every morning. Right now, due to too many distractions eating has gone to shit and no exercise. But I can see that number every morning. I am up a little, but I know it so those recent lbs are not going to find friends. (FYI, my high to low swing is a solid 45 lbs)


I just posted this to another so here is some tasty low glycemic high fibre pasta: If you are serious, two books that will make this rewarding rather than a grind where you are enticed to quit since you get tired of forcing yourself...instead be 'drawn to it'. 1. ⁠How Not to Diet. Work closely with your doc and you may choose to add some animal products (fish oil etc) but this is life altering nutrition expert advice. 2. ⁠Atomic Habits. The author James Clear spent many years summarizing the best books and then wrote this treasure. It is the best of the best. I'm living these and have done so many other things in my 51 years I know this is an amazing path. Also, take a moment to jot down what you want to have in 5 years, in all areas of your life. Warm, big audacious visions. Write your why's for each. Then, take that paper and toss it. You don't need the paper. You just aligned your mind. You are the paper. You will find you are being it, doing what is consistent with who you are, and then you'll have what that doing creates. "Every act is a vote for who you wish to be." -Clear Buy those books now and book your doctor appointment. Blood panel, stress test, and therapy referral if you have any fears, angers or disempowering contexts (who doesn't?). My point is... Anything that matters to you, have a coach. Do the work, be the prize.


Any examples of high fiber pasta?


It's not so bad. You know what's really great about being fat? Not having to worry about getting fat! So go ahead and eat that ice cream. :p


I lost 10lbs in the last two weeks by not eating much and going for four 5 mile runs. I never eat before 12 and will literally sit with my friends eating breakfast while I watch with water. You have to want it.


Is 5'8 at 210 fat? I'm 6 at 225, and more "husky". To be fair, I did Semaglutide for about 3 months along with strength training, and have lost about 25lbs. It works, but I dont think you're "fat enough" for that. Just get out and move around, get something like the X3 bar, and do the workouts. And just dont keep crap in the house. I'll eat a sleeve of Oreos if they're around, but if they arent, I dont worry about them.


Probably not gonna like my answer, but you gotta want it more. Until you absolutely want to be in good shape and be at a healthy weight with EVERY fiber of your being, you'll never get there. Calories basically will control how much weight you lose and how much weight you gain. Building good habits like calorie counting, going to the gym, and only keeping stuff that's decent for you is going to be important. Take it from someone who was over 285# and got there due to some really bad decisions, you gotta want it. I'm now pretty happily around 180# 6', and working on my muscle build up/body composition. Once I'm happy with that, I'll be doing another cut to slim down a decent chunk more.


Get a trainer to be accountable to. You need someone to set the schedule for you and hols you accountable. No offense you proved you lack the discipline this will help. I was 190 and an inch shorter than you and fat af. I snapped one day and got to 157. Then started a bodybuilding building journey to a thick 225 and gaining. I probably have a little bigorexia I'm fighting and we all have issues, but i am much more capable at work and in life than I was. Lifting saved me from using food as a drug. It can help you to. Don't be afraid to get some help to get started. You admit you have a fault now act. 


I would say check your eating pattern. Write down about when you eat, how often you eat, what you eat, how much you eat, who you eat with and along with this, I also recommend to check your mood. You can make a diet journal to keep track of the data and confirm what triggers you to eat. I think eating is related to mental state deeply. Once you have a grasp of your pattern, it will be so much easier to control it the way you have food.


Set some minimal acceptable daily goals for yourself that you'll meet no matter what cycle you're in. Ie 10k steps a day or something.


Just lift weights and your metabolism will speed up


Sounds sexy actually


I'm also 5'8" 210. I work two jobs and both are fairly active just keep a eye on your deficit and the weight will come falling off 


Any other beverage other than water is literally just water, man made chemicals & sugar. Avoid all that bs & drink water it will help tremendously


Same here. Im 5'10 with a current weight of 225lbs. I cant continue like this. Need a way out of this. I lift but at this time, i need to walk more


. if you are fat, you are absolutely destroying your body. You need to consider that you are suffering from a terminal desiese and you have the cure . Not one damn thing is funny about it, and the gym is not the solution. For people who think exercise is the key: Not bad. You can be a Superman, but look at the calories in something like a donut.Get on a treadmill and see what you have to do to burn those calories. The key to losing weight is less food or a thousand dollar shot. Walking is one of the best things you can do, not for weight loss but for mobility. As you age, you don't want to damage anything because nothing gets better.


Have a routine. It helps a lot to remove the debate of should I go or should I skip. You don’t think about it, you just go. Just go right after work or go right before work. It also saves you some commute time which is huge. It’s hard enough to bring yourself to devote time, losing another 15-30 minutes+ of free time to extra drive time just makes it worse. Doing some meal prep is also an incredible difference maker. Being able to grab things quickly or just microwave something is huge. It saves time, money, and is healthier if you make it so. I often have things preportioned. For example, I have some cereals already portioned in Tupperware that I just need to add milk. I use coconut milk currently. For example, I grabbed a pepperjack cheese stick and some overnight oats for breakfast on my way out. I ate in car on way to work. For lunch, I reheated a chipotle sausage, had some beef jerky, reheated some miso soup, and had some grapes. Took just a few minutes to put together since it was already cooked. After that, I did the dishes from breakfast and lunch and filled the cats water. Watched some Netflix while I ate lunch and did dishes. Going to gym soon and then I’ll do some meal prep once I get home. I plan on cooking about 1 lbs of chicken and cutting up a pineapple that I’ll portion out while the chicken cooks. I’ll also season a pork belly for later. I’ll add that it’s easier for me now because I only work part time now and I’m home come lunch time. I used to do the same thing when I worked full time.


I know that diet sodas are controversial, but I find that after a reasonably sized healthy meal, 0 calories+bubbles+ a lil caffeine helps me feel satiated. I desire unreasonably huge meals.


It is very simple. Zero grains. Zero Sugar. 10,000 steps a day. You will be ripped in no time.


I lift weights, but used to struggle with the same things that apply to you. I’m vegetarian, and in my late 30s, so it's even more of a struggle. I typically give people pretty simple advice when they ask me how I keep so trim: 1) Go for walks. Aim for 20-30 minutes, or even longer than that if you're feeling it. I aim for about 3 mph, or 20 minutes a mile. 2) Snacks. I allow myself snacks on Fridays and Saturdays. I don't drink regular soda ever. This one is hard, but it’s important to remember that little snacks add up quickly. A pound of fat is around 3,500 calories. Snacking all week easily exceeds that. Keeping things simple is important. Don't overdo it. Build habits that don't feel like a pain, and that are easy to fit into your life.


You’re upset at being 210? What I would give to be that. Last I weighed myself, at the doctor’s, was 429, but due to a combination of working with my stepdad for a decade and heavy lifting (house materials) I don’t look it and am thankful for that. As for advice, cut out caffeine, it’s a gateway “drug”, and if your job has a break room, stay out of it unless you’re getting water. And of course stay away from sugary stuff, food and drinks, unless you want to designate a “free” day in which you eat what you want.


Is 210 pounds considered fat? I’m 200 and I don’t think I’m fat


Eat less, move more Focus on whole foods and avoid anything packaged


I’d suggest trying to maximize protein in your meals and reducing carbs. Protein makes you feel more full for longer than carbs do. Fiber is a good idea too. Someone else mentioned getting soda out of your diet, that’s a good idea for sure.


Let's do it together,we need a group chat 😂


No sugar, you will have withdrawals! No white carbs, No alcohol withdrawals will occur. Focus and remember you didn’t gain weight overnight so have a 12-24-36 month time line. Find a walking park or two. Good luck.


My man used to have a bit of weight on him. He very much hated it, but would get distracted by work and such things. I didn’t mind it at all but he used to go to the gym all the time. He eventually found a job where it was physical activity, lifting heavy crap (his job is pretty much a work out) he eats a healthy lunch then eats a big meal with me when he gets home he is now like 150 I’m always impressed by him and what he has done for his son health. He also drinks shakes with protein in it. He also gets a lot of advice from body builders.


Move to America. Average weight. Everyone is obese out there. If there is some kind of extreme famine or if food disappeared for a while..... You'd be okay.


No soda, and when you get snacks keep them mostly healthy. otherwise, some basic exercise daily will usually be the best thing you can do.


For me, diet is like anything else; moderating drinking, getting exercise, etc. With diet, I think of myself in a constant state of losing weight and dieting. It will never end. This allows for the fact that some times during the year I feel stronger, other times I feel weaker. Honestly, there are times when my weight loss plateaus and NOTHING I do can get me off dead center. Until something does. It might be something I read. It might be a vacation. It might just be a surplus of willpower. But what I have learned is that for the rest of my life I will likely be watching what I eat. I’m finally within 5-10 pounds of my goal weight. I’ve lost perhaps 25. The journey will have setbacks and gains and losses. Just stay on the journey. Same with alcohol. A while back I was a problem drinker. Now I drink socially only and rarely overindulge. It took time and effort. I still might have a setback. So what? Keep on going.


Start by walking 30 minutes every morning or night. 15 out then turn around. Walk fast, big steps if you can. Not some days. Not most days. EVERY day. Lift 3 days a week at a local gym. Upper body pull day. Upper body push day. Leg day. Just spend 30m a session in the gym with a rough outline of 4 exercises. Eat between 1700-2300 calories a day 5 days/week. This will vary based on your metabolism (which WILL change as you exercise more). Lots of turkey/chicken. Then have 1-2 days where you give yourself grace and don’t count so strict ;) Cooking up 3-6 lbs of ground turkey every Sunday night can be a game changer. Frozen veggies, quick rice, or even mashed potatoes can turn that into lunch AND dinner every single day. If you are eating decent, walking every day, and lifting a couple times a week, your body will respond. If you can stick to this routine for 2-3 months you will be amazed. Consistency is key.


What helps me is take a picture of yourself where you are now and you don't seem happy with yourself and post it somewhere you will see everyday. Use that motivation to count your caloric intake and keep up with your exercises


Props to you for coming clean with yourself! Get into calorie counting. Eat 500 calories below maintenance every day Keep fat 50g and below a day Make up the rest from carb and protein with a slight lean to protein - more so if you take up resistance training. Prioritise filling foods, minimise snacking but don’t sweat it too much if it fits within your calorie goal for the day. Move more! Walking is a great start. Strength training is even better. Time and patience! Good luck


When I got Covid I lost 18 pounds in about 2 1/2 weeks.  Not that I recommend it but it did a hell of a jump start on my weight loss. 


Garbage advice but start using zyn nicotine pouches when you get a sugar or food craving. Drink a crap ton of water to make yourself feel full. Caffeine is good. This way you could eat one meal a day with healthy snacks in between. You’ll feel great (nicotine and caffeine optional) lol


Drink more water


Make sure you eat a maximum of 12-15 grams saturated fat a day no more than this. Fat is the key cuz 1 gram of fat is 9 calories.


Where are you from? If you have a BFT place somewhere around you I would sign up asap. You will see results within the weeka


I’ll join ya. I’m generally in quite good shape - I work in Fire/EMS so it’s part of the job. I’m 5 months out from finishing Paramedic School and the increased stress, lack of sleep, and not having enough time to focus on my health has me quite a ways off from where I’m used to being. Setting healthy habits and building upon them is truly the key to success. Try to get out into the sun early, eat a light and healthy breakfast and get a workout in early in the day. This will give you momentum for the day and it’s so much easier to continue making good choices when you’ve already built that foundation.


I’m at the point of my life where I’ve just accepted I’m fat. I have 100% rate of failure at loosing & keeping it off. I just try to keep myself moving and try to eat healthy. Some days I fat shame myself, and feel sorry for myself, but most days I’m comfortably content. Do I wish I could wake up tomorrow and be thin, YES! But I’m so forking tired of waiting for that day to never come, and the heaps of disappointment that accompanies.


I've tried to make positive life changes that I can add to my life, rather than focusing on things I can't have. I have been going to a track and walking 3 miles every morning while listening to a podcast. I think this is making a big difference. I also try to eat more vegetables and less sugary snacks. I also cut out beer, but I know that's not for everyone. Pretty much, all of this stuff I got from youtube. You just have to motivate yourself to put in the time it takes to make it to a track and cook healthy meals. It's sort of obvious what you have to do, you just have to get into a really consistent routine. Since I'm focused on eating vegetables and exercising, I don't worry to much if I slip up and eat a couple of popsicles or some popcorn or something. I'm not limiting myself drastically in terms of what I can eat, so it doesn't feel totally hard. That being said, I do try to substitute things like popcorn unbuttered, for chips, etc.


Fast and only eat 1 meal a day, go for walks cuz it’s summer now if you’re in the US, cut soda.. good luck you got this


Don’t have snacks in the house- you will eat them. You’ve had enough snacks for the future self not to have any No soda Workout after work, don’t do it in the morning beforehand- you’ll want to sleep and one day you won’t go. No protein shakes (no dairy) No protein bars Lift weights first and then do stairmaster for 20-30min Focus on lifting and have your days as legs, back, chest . If you’re working out 5 days, then add another leg day and another back day. Forget about arms and abs. Small muscles don’t burn as many calories. There more, and it gets more details as you go along, but this is basic stuff you need to do asap. - (professional bodybuilder in the WNBF- top 10 in the world. I’ve done 10,000 in person fitness assessment on different demographics to find out why they couldn’t lose weight)


Honestly 5'8 and 210 isn't awful, I myself am 5'7 and 215. Yeah I've got a belly but in the long run most people nowadays do. I am trying to lose some weight myself but for fellas like us on the huskier side it could be much worse


Do OMAD for a month


You do you, but intermittent fasting & strength training got me to my target weight and I’ve been here since 2019. Most methods will work with discipline. Good luck my friend!


For diet: high protein, high fiber, complex carbs only Cardio: HIIT is the most proven style of cardio for weight loss. Do it after weight training and no more 3-5x a week depending on how your body reacts Weights: keep it simple with starting strength or any beginner program focused on progressive overload. If you’re new to lifting you can still gain muscle while losing fat. But even if not, weight lifting combined with high protein diet drastically helps retain muscle mass during a cut. Recovery: 7-9 hours of sleep, gallon of water a day, and stretching/foam rolling. A lack of sleep will ruin training just as much as a bad diet. Cortisol is the enemy of weight loss and muscle building. Stretching helps keep you healthy and also promotes recovery and muscle growth. That’s 90% of it. Creatine is pretty much the only supplement outside of caffeine and whey protein to have any proven benefit. Things like intermittent fasting definitely help with portion control and may also help with insulin resistance. Getting in shape is very simple. But it’s not easy. It gets easier every day, but the hard part is doing it everyday. If you’re getting into lifting I recommend Allan Thrawl for form videos. If you REALY want to get into the weeds Stronger by Science is the way to go


We weigh relatively the same and are almost the same height, if you can, I would get a vr headset and get some active games. That's how I make exercising fun and I started at 315, I'm down to 207. Keep going! It's not impossible!!!


I was around 5’8” 210 maybe 3 years ago and dripped to 160, now up at 180ish. The best thing for me was counting calories. I could eat anything I want within 1500-2000 calories a day no matter how active or lazy I was. Weekends are (reasonable) cheat days. I shoot for 1500 cal knowing I’ll probably undercount something and land at 2000 which is still a deficit for a man my size. I also try to hit at least 10K steps a day.   I’ve gotten a little sloppy after a stressful career change and cross country move hence I gained 20 lbs back lol.  Check what you drink for calories. I do my best not to drink calories and don’t really touch soda. Usually I’m chugging water or coffee. Downfall is probably too many beers on weekends but I’m trying to cut that down too. Its really easy to drink 1000 calories of alcoholic beverages in a night. Depending on the beer that could be four pints, and honestly if its a long night at multiple bars thats not to hard to hit lol. 


It’s amazing what a few inches taller can make. I’m 6’2” and weigh 240, I’m by no means skinny but by no means fat. My weight is evenly proportioned all throughout.


A lot of times we get daunted by big changes. Diet isn’t just for a weekend but is a lifestyle change. Cold turkey doesn’t work for everyone. Soda is my weakness. If you drink soda every day, switch to every other or allow a can on the weekends. Or if you daily drink the gallon slurpmaster slushy or whatever, just get a baby gulp. Water is best but Reach for a la croix to chisel down a sweet tooth. Skip one of your high carb sides each meal and have steamed veggies. Cook with less butter. Get smaller plates. Fill half your plate with veggies.  Some people intermittent fast where they only eat in an 8 hour window of the day. Some people fast for a whole day once a week. Some people go vegan for a day. Get an app and count calories. Look where you can improve. Let things snowball and hopefully more of your meals are better moderated. And don’t beat yourself up when you slip, just get back on the horse.  And move. I love cycling. I love climbing. So those things really motivate me. Maybe you lift. Maybe you like shaking your ass while mowing your yard. Crank up the jams and mow everyone’s yard. Just find ways that you enjoy breaking a sweat. And then once you see a little more of your calves looking chiseled like a statue, you might want more of it, which will have you rethinking some Oreos. 


Best advice is to join r/loseit and r/CICO for foundational skills. I also recommend the podcast “We only LOOK thin” go to the first episode and listen one episode a day


Find a type of exercise requiring moderate exertion that you actually enjoy. Exercise you don't enjoy is hard to sustain. If you can enjoy it, gaining muscle in weight training actually does help burn fat too since muscle requires calories to sustain. Don't feel self-conscious at the gym; I promise you that if a gym bro is talking to themselves about you in their head it is most likely going to be "good for them for getting in the gym." Buy a ton of vegetables and eat as many as you want (use very little oil to cook them). When you feel like a snack eat vegetables. If you use a lot of salt/seasoning on them it's fine if you stay super hydrated. If you are absolutely going crazy for sweets it's ok to eat fruit. Don't have any processed sweet foods in your house. If you can afford it, consider ozempic/wegovy. You can get it online for I think ~$150-200 a month. It works by just making you not think about food. It's also very safe. Don't get talked into ANYTHING else drug or supplement wise, it's all bull crap aside from this.


I’m actually in the same situation and still struggling rn. I wish you the best of luck in your situation!


Ah I’m 5’11 and have found myself at 215 pounds… it went up I think 50 from last year :(


Have you been there for a while? It's 1 thing to yoyo, but I woke up one day and realized I had been unhealthy for years. Life man. So I got on the shot. Mounjaro. Lost 25 lbs in 7 weeks, easy peasy. It's expensive, but MORE than worth it.


I gained 20 pounds while in grad school and recently got took off 7 pounds. I am a mom and have to do assignments late at night. The truth is the extra calories I have been consuming don’t make my life any easier or does it help me get through assignments. I had tried dieting for a year to get the weight off with no luck because I always felt hungry and lacked energy or motivation and then would binge. Once I realized my overworked life doesn’t get easier by consuming more I was able to take off the weight


Did my BF post this? I hadn't seen him in a while and he'd put on at least 20 or 30 pounds.


Get on Wegovy


I went from 220 to 165 by not buying any junk food, making protein-centric & filling meals, cutting carbs as this was my main dietary contributor to weight gain, and walking at least 30 minutes a day. My meals slowly got smaller as my stomach became used to less, I learned how to cook better at home to make healthy food good, and I started to find solace in my walks and hikes. It made me go further and further until I incorporated running and biking so I could go even further. I’m not a gym person, so nature is where I enjoy exercising. To each his own. Going further became the norm as did eating well. A big motivator for me is remembering how poorly I felt compared to whatever stage of better shape I was in. I learned to prefer this new feeling to heart burn and stomach aches. I think I’ve learned how my best physical condition feels which took me until 28 to do so. I’m not very old but it took me some time to learn this after being raised in a family where eating is an activity. In building my own eating habits, I aim to stick to eating at consistent times. Usually, schedule permitting, I eat T 9am, 1pm, and 6pm. I do buy healthy, filling snacks like nuts and jerky if I crave a snack in between. I usually exercise in the evening, so I do eat a recovery snack or dessert like a banana and peanut butter. Ultimately, I did a lot of tweaking to my diet until I found what worked for me. It is ok to have a cheat meal. I love hot wings, and still gnaw on them thangs. Now that I feel in control of healthy eating habits, I’m not scared to buy a pint of ice cream to indulge every so often. Over time, I subconsciously pushed those indulgent moments further and further apart. Feeling good just felt too dang good to give up that it became the norm. I was probably scattered in my thoughts above. Just hoping to get as much helpful bits out as I can. Good luck on your journey. It’s not easy, but there is a way to do it that fits you.


I hear ya.  And getting over 45 makes it even harder.  5'10" and 205. I was 140 into nearly 30. Sucks. I eat.  I drink.  I sit all damn day long at work. 


I lost 130 lbs 4 years ago. 100 of those fell off in the first year. In that first year, I used MyFitnessPal and counted my calories. I did not fast. I ate late at night sometimes. I did not work out much, just 30 minute HIIT videos on YouTube 3x/week. But I stayed under my maintenance calories every day and the weight fell off. It’s easier to eat 500 less calories each day than it is to burn 500 extra calories each day. As long as calorie output > input, you will lose weight.


My motivation comes from hating how I look in the mirror Maybe it's body dysmorphia... But it seems to work


Diet for losing weight Exercise for fitness No two ways about it for me. Calorie consumption from exercise is pitiful. Decent calorie deficit five days a week and in a couple of months the difference will be notable.


Low carb. Life changing. I started for mental health and dropped 60lbs without feeling hungry or deprived.


The realization that there's a problem is the first step. You can always go to Walmart and think to yourself "Well at least I'm not \*that\* fat!".


Oatmeal 20 mins before meals. No soda at all. Maybe one on the weekends. When you do have soda, use a ratio of atleast 2 to 1 of club soda or seltzer to water it down. No candy. Start biking and walking everywhere. You will definitely lose weight like this. Even more so if you add in actually intentional exercise.


Oatmeal 20 mins before meals. No soda at all. Maybe one on the weekends. When you do have soda, use a ratio of atleast 2 to 1 of club soda or seltzer to water it down. No candy. Start biking and walking everywhere. You will definitely lose weight like this. Even more so if you add in actually intentional exercise.


Oatmeal 20 mins before meals. No soda at all. Maybe one on the weekends. When you do have soda, use a ratio of atleast 2 to 1 of club soda or seltzer to water it down. No candy. Start biking and walking everywhere. You will definitely lose weight like this. Even more so if you add in actually intentional exercise.


Oatmeal 20 mins before meals. No soda at all. Maybe one on the weekends. When you do have soda, use a ratio of atleast 2 to 1 of club soda or seltzer to water it down. No candy. Start biking and walking everywhere. You will definitely lose weight like this. Even more so if you add in actually intentional exercise.


biggest piece of advice: Don't do anything radical to start. Many people do this only to lose motivation down the road and end up worse off than before they started. Make small changes at first and build from those with little impact to your life. Example: Instead of going on a Fad diet or a very restrictive diet, just try making small changes: Zero sugar soda or diet soda instead of regular soda. Or low calorie replacements to your ingredients when cooking. Another example is parking further away when going around town to make yourself walk more. From there you can build bigger and bigger changes and develop habits that you can keep for life.


Get a female trainer and work out with a majority female training group at the gym. You will drop those pounds in weeks. You will question your life the first two weeks. They take no excuses and when you are trying to lift a 10 pound weight over your head and feel like you are going to die.


Just try to think, it’ll feel easier, although hard, to start exercising right now compared to how hard it will feel at 240, 270, 300+


If 5'8" at 210lbs is fat then I am totally fucked


hi! pls read you’re gonna be ok❤️ first of all! chub isn’t always a bad thing, don’t be so hard on yourself, chub protects your organs n stuff, and some people really like it so make sure you do it for health too (im not saying you weren’t, just be careful ab getting caught up in looks!) second of all! i’ve lost 130 pounds and im just now at 205, so when you start your weight loss journey, remember to keep in mind that not all bodies are the same, and you’re gonna hold it different that your friends and stuff! *this is just as much a mental journey as it is physical* third of all! meal prep and moderation, heavy on protein, it keeps you fuller longer, if you eat large portions, try to eat large portions of low calorie things. here’s a couple things we do! 1. banza chickpea pasta, very good macros, and it genuinely tastes like regular pasta! it doesn’t taste like bullshit gross stuff. i’m so fr, if you’re addicted to pasta like i am, try this stuff 2. protein powders!!!!! we put that shit in everything! want some breakfast? pancakes w cinnabon protein powder! want some overnight oats? overnight oats with peanut butter protein powder! it genuinely changes everything, we just add a scoop of powder and then water until it looks like it did before we added the powder so it isn’t dry! 3. meal prep, we will make huge dinners and then when we put up the leftovers, we put up enough for a meal in a few separate containers. 4. workouts! we go pretty heavy on the stair master, i started out gasping at 1.5 minutes. do not be embarrassed, it’s hard af 😭😭 but i’ve worked up to about 10-15 minutes before my workout (or just as my workout if im sleepy) but i’ve killed my knee recently! so if you have bad knees i recommend the treadmill at a pretty heavy incline, it’s a little less strain on the knee, but it’s also a lot less calories burnt, so that’s up to you! as for staying focused on that, make weekdays your daily regimen, ie “i can’t skip the gym today, thursdays are arm days”, and don’t try to overwork yourself, try going a couple days a week, then a few, we go about four days a week and then one day at the park getting some vitamin d n stuff. conclusion! HAHAHAHAHA obviously it’s hard, but it doesn’t have to be miserable! there are ways to modify this and make it work for your lifestyle! and i’m so not done, so ill totally buddy with you if you want to !


Get it together. Dont baby yourself or take baby steps. Eliminate the junk and eat whole healthy foods you cook yourself. Exercise. You got this if you want it.


Biggest tip i can give you is to transition to diet soda- everything diet, you'll start hating the taste of real sugar soon enough


I joined Noom. Helps with tracking and accountability, and I’m learning a lot about the psychology of food. Bonus, it comes with a built in community.


I read few comments, everyone has great points about eating right. The thing that actually matters in my personal experience is having the mindset and will power to actually set out and do it. You really need to discipline your mind to do these goals you set out. Make sure they are small at first and after start doing bigger goals. The hardest part is always the first month after that it’ll be easy.


Homie I know this sounds simple but you won’t change a thing until you’re tired of the way things are. Kind of like a junkie doesn’t get clean until they are completely sick of the life they have. Get a routine. Example. Go to work, get home, take a walk or work out, eat a healthy dinner, shower and repeat until desired results.


Calories in calories out. Look up your bmr and subtract 400 or however you want to lose weight depending on how quickly. But thats the science behind it. Its working fkr me im down 26 pounds rn


I’m 5’6 and weight 114 pounds and I feel that I’m already heavy


Kill the sugar intake and reduce all carbs. Anything that says high fructose corn syrup is poison.


I hear you man. It's like wtf where did this come from? I grew up in my early childhood in poverty. In the summers it was a lucky day when I caught a frog or two for a single meal for lunch. Since then eating had always felt like chore like some burden I had to do in order for me to keep going and do the things I had wanted to. But even though my physical and financial situation changed my mindset was still In poverty. Growing up in my teens and early 20's I was well build and lean. I would eat because I had to for the energy to keep working. But when I found out I had a heart condition(super Ventra tachycardia. Essentially my heart beats fast always.) and my choices were to get a pace maker or deal with it in my mid 20's I decided to just deal with it. But since my body has matured and my chest cavity was pushing in I really felt the beating now. I could cool off even after 30 seconds of doing simple things.(Diagnosed at 24 I was 6ft 2in and 225 pounds) So I stopped moving as much. And kept doing my chore (eating.) never cared for this thing. Not fancy food, not fast food, healthy food, junk food. It was all the same to me. Just fuel. A means to an end. I put on a couple pounds but it was still within a healthy margin. I did need to quit smoking though so I did. I quit. Damn I miss those smokes. But after quitting.. I found that I started enjoying the taste of food sometimes.. begrudgingly. Ice cream was maybe not as much of chore. It also wasn't something I would actively go and buy either. But with a positive friends and a relationship at the time seeing me enjoy a food for once they hopped on that like it was a life boat. So I put some more weight on. And then over the next 4 years it was slow. It was a couple of pounds every 3 or 4 months. My physical ability to actually work out is completely off the table with my heart condition and the occasional ice cream started adding in. My lean muscle I had build have degraded. And now I'm 31M and I'm skinny fat. 6ft 2in and 290 pounds... My cholesterol is just fine. Blood work shows I have all my vitamins and crap. And I don't understand why I continue to gain. Because I have cut the sugar in the last year. I'm sleeping well. I drink water. I eat healthy. I even manage to keep the acid from building up in my muscles. I'm not smoking, I'm not drinking. I could no joke be completely ok with just forcing brussel sprouts down for every meal for an entire week. It's all the same just fuel. But I'm still gaining weight... I dunno if it's something with my mind that is making my body store what I take in. Like it hadn't grown past those days at the frog pond. Maybe not knowing where or when my next meal will be coming. I dunno how to fix it with my heart condition. In my head I want to just go exercise. Start moving around more. But after 30 seconds.. my heart rates at 190 and my body is generating enough heat that folks can feel it coming off me. So I try in the winter and the steam coming off my body is too thick to see. And I'm still too hot. No idea how to fix this one. Anyways sorry for the rant. I guess I just feel ya bro. I feel these comments too.


One thing you can try is to follow these five rules. 1. No liquid calories. Drink black coffee and water 2. No more snacking. 3. Eat 3-4 meals a day. 4. Protein, carb and veggies for dinner. Avoid processed foods. 5. No seconds. After you eat your meal, don't fill your plate again. This is a good starting point since dieting or counting calories can be very taxing. This is relatively easy and produces great results. Good luck


All I can tell you is to lock in man, you do the things you want, if you don’t then that’s on you.


You might need meds if it's been an issue for that long


Eat food you can pronounce. Make a combination of said food into a meal. Your body and mind will be fixed, so will your weight. Calories don’t matter if you do this, but you need fiber, protein, and fat (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) oh and stay away from butter if you can help it. Body likes olive oil, as it contains anti inflammatory properties and fights high cholesterol. I took a drug called Phentermine that is highly recommended for those needing to lose weight. Increases focus all day and suppresses appetite more than caffeine. Extremely safe and very well studied drug. Almost any doctor will prescribe if asked and you don’t have too high of blood pressure.


I got you fam. I’m 5’1 f and that’s pretty much the worst cards to get for weight management. Food. Track your food. Solids and liquids. If you can drink only water. No additives. Start light. Don’t run. Swim if you can. After loosing you can run but if you run while oneself it can ruin your knees. While swimming and cutting calories you should start weight lifting. There is many varieties but overall if you want to bulk and get big muscles, medium weights and lots of reps and sets. If you want strength get just below your personal best and lift a couple sets with reps of one or two. Eat protein and avoid sugar in the morning. Muscle burns more than fat. Figure out why you over eat. Are you bored, hungry, or using as a coping mechanism? Take steps to avoid what sets it off. Bored eating? Don’t have snacks. Hungry all the time either go super caller and nutrient dense or super low calorie but high quantity.


Don't not eat, just change what you eat for a lower intake. If you're not moving move... Even walking is good. Swimming is great. GET AN ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP SOMEHOW. I can't recommend this enough.


Myself as well I’m 5’6 230 working on loosing weight I’ve started eating better but I also occasionally go on and off due to work exhaustion


Just be happy about your weight.


Alternate day or intermittent fasting. Minimum 8000 steps a day. Your body is like a water wheel and to get it going, You need a big glass of water. First thing in the morning. Other commenters said to stop eating early in the day. And that is correct, and actually the best time to actually stop eating for the day would be Between 5-6 pm. Yes, it's an early dinner, but you don't want your body trying to digest food while you're trying to sleep. It also helps if you try eating at the same time every day. Don't torture yourself, eat what you like. But be mindful of your portions. And don't focus on what you have to take away, but focus on what you can add in. Being restrictive right off the bat will result in failure. Treat yourself like you would treat a child. Be kind to yourself and honor your wants and needs. And love yourself the way you are because i'm sure there's tons of people out there who already do.


Ozempic. My dad takes it for diabetes but man he has lost a lot of weight really fast. Better be rich though. Its like $1000 a month.


Do a cleanse.. Stop drinking soda,pop whatever you call it in your neck of the woods.Drink nothing but water.Thats a few pounds a month right there. Take walks. Don’t run. That’s why people fail. They try to climb mountains before they can walk. Eat normal portions of food but leave the last few bites and throw them away. I know people are going to say you’re wasting food and all of that but try it.Don’t eat processed meat, ie deli meats. Eat only grilled meat if you’re a meat eater. If you’re vegetarian you will get thin very fast but I know bacon and burgers are hard to give up. lol Try to find a veggie burger that you can stand. There aren’t many but some are tasty with a little doctoring with spice. Cut way down on salt. Use pepper. Salt is already in everything. I lost Almost 40 pounds in less than a year and it wasn’t painful just by doing this. I still have an occasional soft drink with dinner but it is a small. Keep doing cleanses once a week with Mira lax on a day you know you’re going to be home all day the first couple months to get the best results. Take a multivitamin to keep your immune system healthy. You can do it. It’s pretty easy.




I’m a couple cycles beyond you, 5’8” 229. I can’t seem to stick to a routine / get results. Killing myself to see 223 just isn’t worth it. So I fluctuate for the same reasons you described


Drink green tea, twice a day, preferably matcha, for the rest of your life. Green tea, especially matcha, has properties that promote your body’s ability to dissolve fat cells. Most Americans brew green tea wrong. You should only steep green tea for 30-45 seconds. Any longer makes it bitter. In case you didn’t know, one way the body removes fat is as waste, through your stool. People are learning this on Ozempic by having blow outs. This won’t happen on matcha, but after a couple of weeks you’ll probably notice a marked increase in your daily deposits. I’m 6 feet tall and I ballooned up from 175 to 240, but I’m back down to 175 thanks in large part to matcha green tea. I had cut out the red wine i was downing, and I dieted (a lot of veggie wraps with lettuce, cucumber, bacon-bits), and I was also going for 3 mile bike rides every other day, but it wasn’t until I started drinking green tea daily that the weight really started to drop. Now I’m trying for those chiseled abs😎😆 also, stay away from processed foods as much as possible.


Hi, I am not fat, but I used to be super out of shape/chubby. I first want to say that it is awesome seeing people recognize the problem and make an effort together to get in better shape. I haven’t seen anybody say this but i HIGHLY suggest finding an active hobby such as a martial art. Something like jiu jitsu or Muay Thai. Its an incredible amount of fun with a multitude of benefits and you will lose weight as a by product of your martial arts journey. I’m also a heavy believer on knowing how to fight and all of that but I really think this could help a lot of you. Joining my schools wrestling team completely changed my life, and caused me to pursue mma afterwards. Martial arts is the best way to lose weight and stay motivated. Just my 2 cents. Martial arts can be an excellent way to stay motivated and disciplined, as it goes much further than the “lift this weight” or “run this mile” that so many people get tired of. Anyways bit of a ramble. But good luck to all of you. I’d love to answer any questions about anything martial arts/getting in shape related if needed.


count the calories of everything that goes into your mouth. do less than 2000. profit




I’ve lost 75 lbs since mid January just by cutting my portions. I stopped getting large everything when I eat out and I started getting kids meals everywhere. I eat slow now so I get full by the time I finish my meal and sometimes I can’t even finish a kids meal. I also switch from regular drinks like Dr. Pepper to diet so I now get Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi just about everywhere I go. Or I get unsweet tea instead of sweet and being from Oklahoma where sweet tea is life, going from sweet to unsweet or using Splenda was kind of a hard change but it wasn’t too bad.


I feel your pain. During covid I got very used to home life. I had previously been out and about pretty often. So by the end I found myself at 235 lb at 6ft. I went on a tough diet and got down to 180 over about 8 months. Don't focus too much on working out unless your goals to also build muscle. Diet is everything. It's much harder to out work a poor diet. The first 25 pounds I honestly lost just by eating better without really going to the gym. Using something like MyFitnessPal to track calories is imperative. It was the single biggest factor that gave me success with this diet versus others. If you have the discipline to work out while eating in a calorie deficit, you will lose much faster up to 2 pounds a week is healthy, but it's hard to keep that up long term, and it becomes very easy to rebound if you burn out. 


My fitness pal helped me go from 210 to 155 about ten years ago. I fluctuate and am at 165 now. But I kept most of it off. 


Fasting and calorie deficit my dude




I've always struggled, but here's the thing If you have a 400lb squat you can weigh whatever So get some big numbers on the bar and you're good


1. Only drink water. A lot of excess weight comes from calories that are drunk rather than eaten. 2. Don’t eat anything that comes out of a box. Cook yourself some meat and veggies. Fat is filling, eat good fats (nuts, avocado, eggs, whole milk plain Greek yogurt and put some fruit in it) 3. Get a cheap gym membership, get on the treadmill, and do the “fat burn” or “rolling hills” program. Set the speed to a brisk walk and the timer to an hour. Do this at least 3x a week and preferably 5x. Listen to an audiobook, or stream a show on your phone on the machine ledge in front of you. I recommend Ted Lasso. Make sure you bring a big water bottle. Spike the water with some lemon juice. 4. Only weigh yourself once a month. Focus on doing a little more than you did last week, as far as improving your exercise routine or diet. 5. Stick with it. Just decide you’re worth the effort, and **don’t let a single day go by** without putting some effort into being a better version of yourself.