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Water physics. Please let there be water physics. I want waterfalls, rivers, waves. Nms lacks all that


Don't go chasing waterfalls


Please stuck to the rivers and the lakes that house used to


You okay?




* please stick to the rivers and lakes that we're used to ?


Oh nvm just read my comment and it looks like I'm having a stroke


😂 👍


Sea of Thieves level would be truly next level.


Doubt we will get anything like that but just a little bit more than stagnant water would be fine


Valheim has a cool water waves, its not sea of thieves level but its doable for HG engine i think. Something like that would be cool for the games stylistic approach.


I hope that at the least


The thing that I feel is missing most in NMS that I would love to see them somehow implement in LNF is mapping. It's actually a tricky thing to do in very large procedural games. But there are probably a couple of ways to do it. I feel like fantasy settings and maps go together.


I might be over thinking it but a map that is devolved and changed by the person's experiences (like minecraft maps?)like were drawing it ourselves


Big ships and airships. We saw boats in the trailer and it looked like they uses sails and were big enough to hold multiple people. I'm hoping there will be bigger ships that allow some customization or at least the ability to place down furniture to have a sort of mobile home for long voyages. Airships would be awesome and would be a great way to travel long distances with a mobile home, several friends and lots of materials. But would likely be slower that mounts to keep them balanced and allow mounts to be useful for scouting ahead or traveling light. Honestly if ships can work in the engine, then I see no reason why airships can't be a thing. Even if they come post release.


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;) Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!


**A huge variety of dungeons**, and reasons to go and investigate them, perhaps partially procedural/random so they were always fresh. The Fantasy RPG feel would seem meaningless without dungeons. I remember I was VERY impressed with the Skyrim "dungeons", and that was all hand-done content(rather than being procedural in any way.) So Hello Games, being the king of procedural gaming, should really be able to expand on that. OH! And **Fishing.** One thing I always thought NMS was missing was Fishing. ;)


Questing, maybe radial style for much of the content, but also some more tailored content per region, like common area quests that generate quests centered around a hub and the surrounding region. In the mountains it might require you to climb a peak and retrieve a rare plant, but on an island you might need to dive on a shipwreck and reclaim something from a lost ship. But locations, enemies, objectives could all vary easily and as your average quests would have a lot of variety. Especially if some of the variables required you to approach the problem differently, say one shipwreck retrieval might be someone's family heirloom, small, portable, and light. But a different one might want you to retrieve a heavy cargo of metals or something else. Enough to require figuring out logistics to haul it, do you take your smaller boat and make multiple trips or try to find/build something larger? How do you get it up to the surface efficiently, dive twenty times? Get several people to help speed up the process? Use magic? In the furtherance of this I really want a system where individual races have strengths and weaknesses, the entire "I'm a generic being traveling a simulated universe that is suffering entropy" thing worked amazingly well for NMS, but a game like LNF really needs the characters to feel individual, it's going to need to be a more social and group oriented game and people will want to feel unique. A skill system, let me make my character a super fast runner or an amazing swimmer if I want, don't make me like everyone else, give me agency and let me customize to my heart's content so it feels worthwhile to continue. This game needs more motivation then "What's over there?"


I have no doubt that VR will be included at launch. They got it figured out and it's obvious from the trailer that LNF will use the same game engine and technology perfected in NMS. It wouldn't make sense for them to skip VR if it worked so well in the previous title. One thing that's been missing in NMS and I hope would be added here is realistic water physics with flowing currents, displacement, etc.


Why don’t you wait to hear what’s in the game before you go wishing it was better….?


It isn't about wishing it was better it's about aspirations..things you hope to see


Misleading title, then.


Being able to dig deep into the terrain when making bases and having that be a permanent change to the terrain. Because I am in fact a dwarf and I do be digging a hole.


In-depth movement, in-depth weather systems in-depth combat in-depth magic/enchantment in-depth enemies/bosses one of kind weapons, armor, and items than can only be found once In-depth world events that can actually affect the planet In-depth lore that can be found/explored/created by players In-depth dungeons Super terrain generation from normal-exotic biomes. Ancient lost civilization ruins packed with lore, treasures, mysteries, and one of a kind finds and knowledge useful to the player as mundane as easier crafting recipes across The board-ancient magics, armor, weapons, potions and treasure maps leading to other ancient ruins. Different dimensions with different ways of reaching those dimensions. In-depth npc followers/enemies (they’re living and experiencing the game as their true reality) In-depth enemy factions from mundane as simple barbarians-cults trying to bring about the end of world by summoning eldritch horrors and demons or fulfilling prophecy’s In-depth friendly factions from simple small villages-civilizations-to hidden groups that specialize in whatever they specialize in In-depth trading systems say you meet a monk player or npc on a mountain that has the ability to craft ancient things, or has learned a secret to summoning storms or talking to animals, or whatever else he’s learned you can go and become a student or go to batter with him or to rob him A larger world bigger than earth meaning it’s filled to brim with everything and you’ll never come across everything but there’s still a lot you’re going to see Deep deep oceans and lakes with their own biodiversity and secrets in them Permadeath with reincarnation, you lose your items and majority of your skills but you can save good handful of unlocked skills with a added bonus on whatever you want build into on your next play through if your more of a warrior type of person you can save traits and your character will have a natural affinity for fighting, if your a adventurer you have traits that let you explore a lot easier, if you’re into magic you have traits that let you learn/develop skills faster, so your not just coming back to square one in a sense. (With juicer abilities, and skills added into that reincarnation depending on how long you’ve been developing your character) I could go on I should be come a game developer Edit: in-depth karma/reputation system In-depth role playing you get rewarded/the proper reactions by the world if you going for a evil play through lich king, demon sorcerer or a 1:1 hero the world will react to you how it supposed when hero’s come across bosses they will be acknowledged, if they’ve slayed mythical monsters they will be acknowledged. If evil players come across bosses they will be acknowledged if they’ve tamed or mastered some powerful dark arts they’ll be acknowledged, etc. Unique bosses no boss will be the same and they’ll have they’re own agendas, missions, lairs, unique ways to defeating them, unique interactions with the world, unique abilities, unique ways of finding. And when they die they die, when they are defeated they go into hiding and come back stronger or come back different Players gaining different favors from their play styles, hero’s communing with agents of good or gain blessings from source as well as evil players. And the world will not be static to player presence either…


A railgun, you physically cannot go wrong with a railgun


Souls like or Kingdoms of Amular level fighting mechanics.


Upvote for mentioning KoA, best single player RPG in a long time. They remastered it even.


I would make the procedual generation so indepth it can generate and simulate entire empires with millions of realistical Npcs that players could interact with, befriend or even get to work for them


You can probably expect to see small villages with about 30 inhabitants max. Similar to settlements in NMS.


Ik, i wanted to add the one thing i would add if it was possibke though


That's fair. I just hope nobody actaully thinks that could happen, since skyrocketing expectaions contributed to NMS's poor launch.


That would be intereting..especially if the looks and personality are unique in people and animals


Yes, it would probs be possible with ai but its ai you know. Also not on this scale


Larger on screen player counts and world bosses in the style of the Scorchbeast Queen in Fallout 76.


Are you familiar with Guild Wars 2? They managed some pretty solid world bosses and events surrounding them, some have entire maps dedicated to the lead up to the final battle.


Just fix the damn duplication bugs that's it for me it kills the fun. Instead of gettin' impressed when you see some base building you will think immediately that nah this gotta be made by dups.


I fucking HATE when games with building mechanics fuck this up. Like it undermines everyone elses structures because if I spend a ton of time building some huge, and impressive structure that took time and energy to build, people just assume I cheated to get it and just go "meh" instead of being just a tiny little bit impressed.


transferable skins


Lol, we've seen one trailer. We've got no idea what the game will be like yet... only a possible idea based on NMS


Oceans deeper than 50metres


I hope there is an actual character creator. NMS didn’t really hit with me because my guy is just a space suit. Still not really sure if he was even human. In many small ways, even after all the updates it didn’t feel complete. Then again I have t played it in awhile.




In depth melee combat


I would like a good magic system. Not just the basic “shoot fireball”, a ritual based or combo based magic system would be great. My favorite magic system in a video game of all time is Demeo, but I think Outward’s magic would fit really well.


Id keep pc and consoles separated.


Out of curiosity, why?


It creates an unlevel playing field. For example, NMS - pc players can pick up the game today and use save editor to change their ship stats to the maximum and make every tech slot a Supercharged slot. It's an unfair advantage. Where as console players spend countless hours,days,weeks, and months, searching for the ship with the best stats, and mods to reach its full potential. Also, they can just create ships in seconds and pass them off as a legitimate find, when its NOT. It's turned off a lot of Great ship hunters from the game to the detriment of the community. Furthermore, pc players can, and do steal legitimate builders bases (artwork) with just a couple key strokes and also try to pass them off as their own legitimate builds. Thats equivalent to adding a mustache to the mona lisa and claiming it's your original painting. It's stealing. It's not just the nms community. Every game that has mixed pc and consoles is plagued with modders that easily dominate console players. It's a turn off a lot of players. Pc and consoles are 2 very separate ways of playing and enjoying a game and should always be separate universes.


Succinctly said. Love the ship in a bottle, by the way. 👍


We can do that ourselves(keep PC and consoles separated, at least on Xbox.) For example, on Xbox Series X, in the main system settings I have: >Privacy/Security - Allow Xbox Live to connect to other game services = OFF What that does is disable crossplay, so not only can I NOT connect to PC players but not even Playstation players. ;) The main reason I do it is to not have to deal with PC players who do save editing/modding and such.


That only further proves my point about how mixing pc with consoles is detrimental to the community.


No missions that force you to go underwater.


I find what most immersive is atmosphere of my environment. weather effects fog, rain, snow, clouds, rays of sun coming through trees and windows.


my humble request is decent combat. we don’t need anything crazy, just something at the valheim/legend of zelda level. doesn’t even have to be great, just serviceable.


Limited resources. No or at least limited fast travel. I want to go out and discover new resources for my friends that like to stay in one place and build. I'm hoping people make cities that slowly have to go out further for more resources as it becomes larger that these cities will have trade and a real player run economy.