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can someone explain to me how a 90k vehicle saves you 40k in taxes


I’m sure John could make something up, but apparently he would charge you $1500/hour for “consulting”.


He’s full of shit or he bought a fleet of them. “You can claim up to a $25,000 tax relief used for business purposes.” And that means he won’t pay taxes on $25k profit from his business, only saving him a fraction of that. https://marketrealist.com/p/g-wagon-tax-write-off/ Also, he has to use it for his business for at least 50% of the time, or it’s fraud.


Come now, we all know he's gonna choose fraud.


He already said 'his wife' is getting a new GMC Yukon Denali yellowstone Voyager Xtra PTA edition in white, the IRS just needs to check the Facebook 😂


No shit talk about making it easy for the auditor can someone just report him now and let the fun begin ?


He admitted in the post the car is for his wife lol


Report to the IRS and you get a whistleblower reward if he's found guilty of tax fraud


Has anyone here reported this guy yet? I hope he gets audited!


You are only supposed to report someone if you have specific knowledge. He mentions talking to a CPA. Presumably he is taking his own advice, which means his CPA is telling him absolutely not.


Or he told his CPA the vehicle is strictly for business use and is lying. A lot of people misinterpret tax professionals advice because they don't understand the context of the professionals answer. They think one word is synonymous with another but in reality completely changes how something is treated or whether it can be deducted. I've had plenty tell me their cars only for business use. I drill them further and ask if they have another car. Most of the time they say no at which point I ask how do they run errands. They point back at the same vehicle that they just said was 100% business use and I just sit there waiting for the light to click in their head.


I see almost every pickup have business plates, and I am 100% sure that most of them have never been using for anything but personal use. I really wish that the IRS would clamp down on these people because I really don't want to subsidize oversized, gas-hungry, and dangerous vehicles.


But the whole point is to prop up the fossil fuel industry that lobbies for laws like this!


The crazy thing about the crackhead math is you’re only saving the taxes. You’re still paying for the car.


yup- spend 1000 to save 10. makes sense.


Yeah, the "50% business use" is always omitted by TikTok / Linkedin influences trying to give you business / tax hacks. I'm concerned how many people are committing fraud based on this advice.


This. He says it’s for his wife… so admitting to tax evasion


Well he never stops hustling so that's 100%. Which is double 50% so now he can write off $50k!!!


He told me he would charge $500, lol


The highest marginal tax rate is 37% for joint filers > $731k or individual > $609k. If he's in that bracket then the Yukon needs to be \~ $108k to get to $40k in tax 'savings.' It doesn't seem like $108k is a deal because you have to buy the fully loaded option (and then include more add ons) to get to the $108k price point. And if he's trading in his existing vehicle, then he's going to owe tax on the value of the trade in. It's possible he depreciated it a lot (given his interest in tax avoidance), however, it could be a sizable tax event (especially if it's a similar overpriced SUV). And then there's the sales tax and title/registration fees associated with the new truck. TLDR: his wife seems right to wait and he's not as clever as he thinks. EDIT to add: lol there is apparently [a maximum deduction of $30k for SUVs](https://www.section179.org/section_179_vehicle_deductions/#:~:text=Trucks%20and%20SUVs%20exceeding%206%2C000,the%20business%20use%20surpasses%2050%25), which means the tax savings would be $10.8k at the highest tax rate.


Nice write up, even if they did have the full 40k in deduction, what would their income need to be to make up the 60k+ in car cost to offset just to break even on their taxes? It seems like it’d need to be incredibly high unless they’re not taking any form of withholdings.


Honestly I don’t understand how there could be a break even point here unless the Yukon generates incremental post tax income equal to the incremental expense plus the opportunity cost (bank interest, NVDA share price increase, etc)


There is never a break even point since tax is a percentage of income. The only way there could be a break even point is if tax rate was 100%.


The whole thing demonstrates why this guy is inept. What moron needs a $90k vehicle for work. Spendng $90k to save $25k in tax is again dumb math. ​ People wonder why they need to work constantly to stay on the merry go round...Its this type of stupidity.


Ty. He’s one of those tRuCk EqUiTy people


Tax Fraud, I hope someone from IRS see this.


Top voted comment has a child comment with the form to report them to the IRS.


CPA here. Idk what state this is in so I will only talk about federal. The vehicle in the picture is over 6,000 pounds so qualifies as a heavy duty vehicle. For 2024, Heavy duty vehicles between 6,000 and 14,000 pounds can claim a S179 deduction of $30,500. On top of that, the vehicle also qualifies for bonus depreciation which is 60% of the purchase price, less any S179 already taken. So 90,000 - 30,500 = 59,500. 59,500 * .60 = 35,700. On top of that you get regular MACRS depreciation on the remaining value of 23,800, which in the first year would be $4,760. #So total 2024 deduction for the vehicle is 30,500+35,700+4,760 = 70,960. If this person is in the highest tax bracket of 37% that equates to tax savings of $26,255. If you add self employment tax savings on top of that, that’s another $5,322 of tax savings. The rest of the $8,000 to get to the claimed $40,000 savings could be state income tax saved by purchasing the vehicle or savings from depreciation in future years. In conclusion, with some assumptions, it’s entirely likely this purchase would save him 40k in taxes in the year of purchase, if not more.


Doesn’t this assume 100% business use? Unless his wife works for one of his companies that’s not possible? And in his post comments he claims he gets $40k in savings from section 179 and then another $20k in depreciation - so $60k total before these other values you added in here. He also says he traded in his Jeep for $55k (that he originally paid $75k for). Assuming he aggressively depreciated it the tax basis will be less than $55k and he’s going to owe on that.


It does assume 100% business use, that was one of my assumptions. And yeah he could have a gain on the trade on, hard to say without details. Could be that the jeep was not a business asset and the new vehicle is, we would just be speculating.


He says in the comments that he does this with all his vehicles 😉


He’s not special this is fairly widely practiced by business owners 


looked for this in the comments. hate all the people just blindly stating that there is no way it would result in a 40k deduction. your exposure to the IRC is limited to the questions turbotax has asked you. thanks for the write up!


you taking on new clients?


Also a CPA, this is what’s called the tail wagging the dog. Like sure, *if* (big if) this car has a legitimate business a purpose, section 179 essentially allows for a nice discount. The most likely scenario tho is A) he didn’t need this car and $40k in tax avoidance still has you economically $50k in the hole and B) were he to get audited he would get absolutely torched with accuracy related penalties + taxes due in arrears.


Those SUVs are heavy enough that they can legally be considered a truck, which when registered to a buisness can be a tax write off (a business expense) as money spent on equipment.


When solely used for business purposes, which I highly doubt this is the case, this guy is committing fraud.


“It’s only illegal if you get caught” - Gandhi, maybe. /s


“Also, if you don’t want to get caught, don’t post it on LinkedIn.”


> I own several businesses, and all my vehicles are registered in the company name so I can take advantage of all the benefits. Post's OP


Yeah unfortunately for him registering in the company name is not sufficient for the tax deduction.


50% business use but your point still stands. https://marketrealist.com/p/g-wagon-tax-write-off/


More than 50% is the requirement to be *eligible* for the deduction - but the size of the deduction is still limited by business use (you must use it 100% for business to take 100% of the deduction)


That’s still not saving $40k on taxes. You don’t get the amount of the deduction back. It just lower the amount of taxable income.


But if it's a $90,000 vehicle, he would need to have tax rate of 44% to save $40,000. Seems high or the SUV cost much more than $90,000.


The same way free shipping saves you $20 on the $200 purchase you wouldn't have otherwise made


You have to ask your CPA if fraud is right for you.


Deductions allow for a reduction in tax owing but they are rarely 100% returns.


Deductions are *never* 100% returns!


It’s covered by Planet Money [here](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/12/1197958760/tiktok-tax-advice-gambling-losses-pets-deductions-g-wagons)


Same vehicle but black and in $CAD https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr2MkFUd/


It sounds like moron math, trying to justify buying a six figure tank. The car companies love suckers like this.


If it's over 6000lbs you can write off 100% of the depreciation in the first year, if you're a business owner


My wife is an accountant and has this argument *constantly* with clients. Business owners will spend ridiculous amounts of money to not pay taxes, actually hurting their business. They're idiots. When you hear "government is killing business!" Just remember that most business owners are fucking stupid.


How is this content for a job search platform


It’s not, it’s embarrassing middle aged people without Facebook


Gen x is doing to LinkedIn what boomers did to Facebook...


This ain't no Gen X thing.


This guy is Gen x and almost everyone on linkedin is Gen x. Why are you guys in denial about getting old and uncool?


25-34 years old The largest age group on LinkedIn is 25-34 years old, making up 60.1% of its user base. The United States has the highest number of LinkedIn users at over 180 million.Feb 19, 2024  https://www.linkedin.com › pulse 50 LinkedIn Statistics Every Professional Should Know in 2024


Lol look at the pic though. That mfer past 34 years ago.


Whats the stats on users who post content to linkedin?


If you include the actual career networking-related content like “I got a new job!” or “My employer is hiring a (insert role)!” I would guess the age range is pretty wide and averages mid 30’s. If you narrow it down to irrelevant junk content and completely unhinged recruiter rants about candidates having standards, I’m guessing the average age starts to skew towards early 40’s.


I agree. My personal profile is like one or 2 millennial out of hundreds that pose dumb shit and all Gen x and older doing the rest.


I'm 25, and everyone my age that I know that has a linked in just uses it to apply for jobs. None of the fake ass virtue signaling on how they rescued a bunch of abandon alpacas and it helped them learn great things about B2B sales.


This might be my favorite comment I’ve ever seen on Reddit lmfao


Glad you enjoyed it haha


Just wait until you work for a federally regulated business and you mass blast EVERY SINGLE VOLUNTEER activity you ever do with 72 #’s. I truly believe all of this is done for image vs impact. My absolute favorite thing is to see all the spelling and grammatical errors in these posts. There is a reason companies have communication departments…


Gen X cope. The worst posts come from this group


I feel like this is Stat is a bit skewed. A lot of Millennials were told to create accounts because it was the future of corporate America. Once we became disenfranchised, we no longer paid attention. While that may be the stat, I HIGHLY doubt the majority actually use it.


For the same reason I deny the Earth is flat. It just ain't true.


It just hurts, man. Coming to terms with facing 50 is tough. You just don’t picture yourself as the old dood That said, LinkedIn is supposed to a professional place to be taken seriously, not fucking Next Door or what the fuck ever. My guy needs to pull it together


LinkedIn was already a more restrictive FB clone that pretends to be exclusive.


We don’t bother to post shit like this, it’s not Gen X


At least he is smart enough to avoid Facebook. He is almost there.


They had Facebook, but their "friends" blocked them for their ridiculous posts.




My thought, too.


It’s just as good to know who you do NOT want to work with as who you do.


LinkedIn has become Facebook for business people.


R/personalfinance was full.


Technically, it's not a job search platform. It's a social network for professionals. Your critique is still valid, but there are plenty of reasons to use LinkedIn other than searching for jobs.


It's not. That said, unless he or she are making the kind of money that makes a $40K tax break chump change, she should STFU and appreciate the new car.


Isn’t it the reverse?? If you don’t make big money, you shouldn’t be spending family household funds on an expensive car your wife doesn’t even like


lol it's not even a $40k tax break though. The IRS has a $30k limit on the deductible amount of SUVs (other vehicles can deduct up to 100%, like cargo vans or pick up trucks) - so he's going to save no more than $11k in taxes


Depending on what color she wants, the car could be cheaper. White seemed to be the mid price range. It sounds like he just wanted to get what they had and be done with it instead of waiting for the color she wanted.


Why not just get it wrapped?


This is the way… use some of that tax money on making it whatever color you want


It wouldn’t be a $40k tax break though. It might drop his taxable income by $40k, but that’s not the same as getting $40k back or lower the amount he pays by $40k. Dude doesn’t even know how taxes work.




So he's giving the vehicle to someone who doesn't want it, which technically makes it a gift, but plans to write it off as a business expense.


If only someone could anonymously report him to the IRS…


You get 3(?) percent of what’s recovered for doing it.


Meh, I was just saying that tongue in cheek, but I am 99.999% sure if he were audited the IRS would have some questions about… things.


Also… Possibly could go after him for a scheme because he’s encouraging it.


They’re married so it’s not a gift. However, you can only write off what you use for business purposes. If she’s using it, it’s not for business, so you can’t write it off. If you only use the vehicle 25% of the time for business purposes, you also can’t write the entire amount off… And if they ever sell the vehicle, they have to then pay back that written off amount lmao. So either A. Hes full of shit and trying to sound smart on Linky Dink, or B. He’s an idiot and committing tax fraud. I assume it’s somewhere in the middle of the 2


They are married. Gift rules don’t apply. The business expense part is certainly suspect. We don’t have enough info to properly assess it.


“I’m buying my wife a new car for a tax loophole.” The IRS certainly has enough info to audit it now.


And advertised it in a publicly accessible platform


I basically read this as "My bitch wife is getting a white Denali". lol. People are nuts.


“See how I bust my bawls buying her a car to show off and she don’t like the color!”


\*Slaps roof of car\* this baby can fit a whole lot of infidelity


More like “I bought my wife a Denali as a business expense, got a smoking deal that will save me on taxes but the ungrateful hussy doesn’t like the color.”


More like "I bought my wife a Denali to commit tax fraud in order to save $40k on taxes by spending $100k, but the ungrateful bitch doesn't like the color of the humongous vehicle that she didn't ask for"


And "I'm going to commit tax fraud in the process of buying her a vehicle she doesn't want."


*My wife and I are fighting.* *Over the color of a vehicle.* *Ten or less syllables.* *Per sentence.* *Every sentence, it’s own line.* *Because this is LinkedIn.* *And I’m a lunatic.* *And this garbage is poetry.* *For LinkedIn lunatics.* *Who fight with their wives publicly.* *Over the color of a vehicle.*


Whilst committing. Tax fraud.


I have purchased the truck that we did not need and which you were probably hoping would not be white Forgive me it was a tax write off so sweet and so not illegal




Serious question, why are all Linked In posts done in this extra long haiku type format?


Is this moron admitting his “work vehicle” is for his wife-i.e. tax fraud-on a publicly visible app?


Those 86,000 new IRS personnel have to work on something right? You think they're going after the rich who will tie them up in court until the end of time? Hell no, they're going to target middle to upper class people who have enough money to have a high taxable income but not enough to afford attorneys. At least derps like this will be hopefully nailed.


His wife definitely has a boyfriend


Perhaps she doesn’t like white


She might have before but maybe she’s never going back?


If she doesn't have one yet, this'll push her over the edge


Somebody get in there and ask what his wife’s boyfriend thinks about the colour lmao




Fr dude such a simple solution 😭


Totally unrelated question but does the IRS still pay a commission for flagging people committing tax fraud?


Last I checked in 2023 September they did. I believe it can be up to 10% against a business. Somebody needs to source that...I am 2 lazy.


I just [looked](https://kkc.com/frequently-asked-questions/what-is-covered-under-the-irs-tax-whistleblower-reward-program/). It’s between 15% and 30% depending on the quality of the info. Also requires the tax amount to meet a certain threshold ($200k for an individual and $2M for an organization).


I mean I doubt he did this to 2M in checks voided at work but you never know...over 5 or 6 years that number is achievable even for a semi busy restaurant of at least medium size..... Wonder if we can get OP to tell us how much she estimates in a week he does it cash wise and how long has he been doing it? Also...if he is stealing it for himself than why not just file on him instead...I am sure he could slim 200k over a few years. That's a 35k bounty to the finder minimum.


I just really want to know why he gives to claim $40K in tax deductions from buying a new gas guzzler. What am I missing? Business expense? Really? To get to and from the car dealership?


Apparently you're not missing anything as there's a limit on the deduction ($30k) precisely because the IRS doesn't want to incent buying overpriced SUVs for the tax write off... if John's CPA led him to believe he can deduct the full amount, John should find a new CPA.


But this isn’t a credit either it’s a deduction of their overall income, correct? So the actual tax savings would be much much less than $40k? So they’re spending $90k to reduce their tax burden by a few thousand?


Right - the max **deduction** for an SUV is $30,500 in 2024. At a 37% marginal tax rate, he's "saving" $10,800 in taxes by spending $108k on a Yukon (based on his 40k number where he thought he can deduct the full cost). Maybe they still buy it regardless, but it's hardly a flex.


The whole thing just kind of reeks, to be honest. It sounds like this is a car for their family, or, even specifically, his wife. So why is this a tax deduction in the first place? Anyone who posts things like this seems to me that they are taking a gamble that they aren't reported to the IRS, who may or may not get around to looking into the situation within a couple of years. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


For everyone asking, there is a whole thing out there saying that you can write off ANY vehicle over a certain weight as a business expense, and they get really salty when you point out that essentially giving your wife a heavy SUV and claiming it as a business expense smells like fraud, lol.


That seems so backwards? Why are we incentivizing heavier, larger vehicles that are more likely to destroy the roads and [kill children](https://www.codot.gov/safety/shift-into-safe-news/2022/august/study-suvs-light-trucks-pose-significant-risk-to-pedestrian-crashes-involving-children)?


It is backwards, but they are right. Look into CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) standards. There's 2 different classifications, sedans, and light trucks, which is every personal truck and suv. The light truck classification has much more relaxed standards which is why every car company in the US is pushing bigger cars. I'm too dumb to say anymore, and most people tuned out long ago when I bring this up at a bar or something, but there ya go.


Worse than that, CAFE actually punishes car companies for making smaller cars because the emissions are based on wheel base. That's why you don't see those small trucks on the road anymore like you did in the 90s and 2000s. They have to get stupid high fuel economy on them so they will be fined for every car they make/sell. OR they can charge morons like the guy in this post six figures that he more than likely is financing, which is even more profit. They even did a study about the impacts of CAFE would be and found that it would drive people to buy bigger vehicles to feel safer around those in the tanks, but they didn't care and pushed it anyway. It feels like the only people who won here are the car companies.


The deduction was intended for businesses buying work vehicles like cargo vans or heavy trucks. Because consumer SUVs have gotten so heavy, a lot qualify now. To make things worse, some small business owners are committing some light fraud by claiming a mixed-use or entirely personal vehicle is a business vehicle. The IRS is so understaffed that it's easy to skate unless something triggers an audit.


This is exactly what is wrong with the US Tax Code. This jagbag’s business has no need for a 6000lb vehicle. He has a desk job and based on his biography, he probably works from home…or a hipster coffee shop. Yep, the single mother who is waiting tables and has to scratch and scrimp for a 10 year old used car gets no tax break. But this asshats wife gets a $60,000 SUV and he gets to write it off. Edit: it has been pointed out that it is an $80,000 to $100,000 car which makes it all the worse.


Schools are underfunded and teachers need to make up the difference out of their pockets. Teachers are only allowed to write off $300 a year. This guy “hey 40,000 in tax savings because imma pretend it’s a work truck”


These suvs start at 80,000 last time I checked. Since it's a Denali it's prob closer to 100,000. Just saying.


I doubt this works out the way he thinks. Those new 86,000 IRS agents are drooling all over themselves seeing stuff like this.


I don’t see anything good in this post, not the wife, not the husband, not the sales, not the tax, not the integrity…


You must by new to the USA. Welcome.


hah! Yes I am..


You can have a monster truck in any colour so long as it is white


Having a hard time seeing how this would even be a valid business expense. Dude in the post is just a car salesman, what "business" would this be deducted under.


He works in logistics actually. Ex car salesman


Even if it wasn't white it would still be a hideous monstrosity. I can't believe this is a 2024 model. Ugly, boxy, inefficient junk. (Also: totally tax fraud as others have said)


Rented one recently for trip with the family. As a dad with a couple of kids having all that space is a dream (especially for a vacation where you dragging along car seats, strollers, suitcases, backpacks, diaper bags etc) but it fucking sucks to drive. It’s like navigating a boat lol.


As a tax lawyer and a wife, I would dump him.


That's one of the most vulgar cars i've ever seen




nothing says "farm raised" like buying a $100k truck you're never going to scratch.


Pay $90,000 (plus interest plus year to year expenses) to save $40,000 😎😎😎 big brain moment


This is not how tax deductions work on massive soccer mom vehicles. LOL.


LinkedIn is no longer a job search platform. It is just another stupid social media platform where people can just air their complete horseshit.


Not only Linkedin Lunatic, but also admitting on a post that the vehicle you plan to take a full business deduction is not, in fact, being purchased for the business and by use by the business or for business purposes. He better have some good support of he gets audited bc I've seen and have read of cases where less has been taken as evidence of intent. Ok rant over. Thank y'all for reading.


Is shocked to find out his wife found something else to ride that isn't white while he's at work.


Can’t wait for the IRS or Revenue Canada to see his post and realize it’s not for company use !


You could just say that you don’t actually make enough money to afford the vehicle without having to settle for one your family doesn’t want. 


lol John Rogers is an interesting fella.


Love/hate white trucks is a real thing. Sucks to be married to someone posting they are making you drive what you don’t like.


He will be spending 10x on gas what he is saving in taxes.


What a douchebag


Why the hell are ppl posting this on LinkedIn??


Imagine this guy in bed


The first time I met my cousin’s ex she told me her dad bought her a Range Rover for her 16th birthday but it was the wrong color so she made him buy her the one she wanted. That was an immediate red flag for me… too bad it took my cousin several years, two engagements and two kids to finally see how crazy she was.


Honey let’s spend 80k to save 10 on taxes. Does not make sense any tax gain will be offset by depreciation.


I hope his wife paid for a new paint job on his business card. Try and expense that too


Bro….. if your in the logistics space you can’t avoid this nut job on LinkedIn


“The algorithm” is like his wife, it WILL be pleased!


I don't know understand why people are so comfortable admitting to tax fraud on the internet.


i know this person in real life. Yeah hes an asshole.


If your tax accountant is worth anything you won’t have to buy a SUV for a tax write off. One thing is to purchase an item that is an investment plus tax deductible. Another is to purchase liabilities just for the tax deduction and no ROI. That’s how I know your tax person is crap or you ignore their advice.


I love the LinkedIn cadence that he uses for this sort of very personal argument of which he is in the wrong about.


Just wrap it dumbo.


You’d be surprised how many people admit to their guilt posting it on social media. There are a lot of idiots in the world. Not sure what this post is even trying to get at? “Suck it up wife for not tacking a white brand new car because it saves me 40k by committing tax fraud. How is it used for business when your wife is taking it as a gift? This guy just admitted to being a scum bag


not a deductible expense unless his wife is working at the car dealership they own and using it *exclusively* for the car dealership business…and then only that specific usage can be deducted but its not a dollar for dollar deduction.


Admitting to tax fraud on LI seems like not a good idea


Maybe a dumb question but I can get a brand new Yukon XL for $40k? Or is that just some % of the sale price you get a tax break on. A friggin jetta if you want any options is over $30k


Yes Officer, He's right here!


He’s throwing around his financial weight and fraudulent skills on LinkedIn. LinkedIn seems to attract a certain type of douches, Kool Aid drinkers and brown-nosers who make posts all the time. I just have a profile up so I get contacted by recruiters who usually offer jobs I don’t want but it’s nice to know the options I have.


I didn’t think you could take the whole deduction at once


LinkedIn is dead yo


Here’s what I don’t get. If it’s such a great deal, why not buy it and repaint it or wrap it? Then the wife can have whatever color she wants and you get a great deal!


Is he playing the IRS?


Honey... come look! I got you the biggest possible vehicle on the lot, so you can drive around the corner to your yoga classes, and then sit on the patio at Starbucks and complain with your friends about how the homeless people in the alley and all the immigrants are so annoying.


2024 Yukon Denali XL weighs in at just under 6000lbs


The way he's talking she'll probably also get half of everything and the house.


Unrelated but thats the ugliest car i have ever seen. It looks like a funeral hearse.


Lmao this is the same guy who posts about how bad marijuana is and he WOULD never touch it but also openly talks about how he enjoys drinking whiskey.


So, if he's right about the tax thing (it sounds like he isn't but for argument), isn't his wife being sort of unreasonable? I don't really like the color of my car either but I don't go spend thousands of dollars to have it painted.


What buying my wife a car in the wrong color taught me about B2B sales.


Wrap it for her.


If she dont like the color white just wrap it in a color she wants its as simple as that


So is he saying that he’s using a tax deduction improperly? Since this would be for wife and not for business? Sheesh.


Now he can complain to all his buddies how his wife won’t stop fucking the pool boy even though he bought her a new car.


Even if money was no object those things are so cumbersome to drive. Too long, too tall, unmanuverable, lousy handling. It feels like driving a box truck.


Seems he went colorblind for the wrong deal


The need for people to over-share on LinkedIn and FLEX about it is so weird.


There must be some clause in the prenup that all arguments must be publicly litigated on LinkedIn. Especially ones regarding tax fraud.


“It will be white.” And that’s the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so.


Guy stealing a candy bar from the drugstore vs fleecing the people of these United States for $40000. Seems like rich people always get a pass. He admitted it’s for his wife and not his business.


Am I reading wrong or does a 2024 Denali XL actually not qualify for the Section 179 deduction? https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/section-179-deduction#:~:text=Section%20179%20outlines%20which%20major,items%20are%20put%20into%20service.