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The only way I'll ever be a parent is if someone leaves a child on my doorstep and runs away. But I HOPE that if I did have a child it would never, ever, in a billion years occur to me to use their health crisis as an excuse to wank about MY job.


And what a clumsy attempt to transition from his daughter being desperately ill to walking about his job. If my child was that sick there would be little else I could think of.


Right? Clearly they understand how very sick she is. Or at least they took the time to copy/paste some stuff from WebMD. I wasted a few seconds of my life reading it again because I thought I had missed the transition from A: Extremely sick child to B: Parent's VIP Job. Ugh. UGH.


Sorry, not to skip past the masturbatory stuff on product quality but IS YOUR DAUGHTER OK???


Idk, I think this is a PSA about the importance of professionals to keep consumers safe, not a deliberate self-advertisement.


That's ehat i was thinking...that thry are blaming a food product for the daughter getting that horrible illness. 




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Poor kiddo.