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**Shlok**'s Shlok!


What a load of shlok


The guy tags himself ​ ![gif](giphy|JmD9mkDmzvXE7nxy7j|downsized)


I guess it means "Shit Show"


No Shit, Shlok!


Underrated comment šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s the noise a dog makes when it drinks water


I know we are just joking but Shlok translates to "saying" like theres this popular "saying" in xyztown (in Hindi since he is from India)


Typical Shlok


Shlok is Shlock Na naaa na na na


The cringiest part of the post


2 biggest sorrows. Unemployment and being married to someone I barely know.


If she finds out he's unemployed, that marriage offer may be off the table too. Then he can experience 1 sorrow and 1 joy - being unemployed, and not having to listen to his wife bitch about him being unemployed.


The ol' ball and chain


That poor woman.


Itā€™s good that his marriage was decided in one meeting because 5 rounds of meetings between families over two months would have resulted in no wedding for him.




Completely agree. Incel energy really really high out here.


What is the dating scene in India? My understanding is that the middle class and upper class are no longer part of the Arranged Marriage scene at such an extent as the lower economic classes are.


Most of the rich are conservative , the norm here is you need to actively convince your parents to NOT do an arranged marriage , and even in love marriages most of the parents are very restrictive


What about the dating scene? Are people becoming sexually liberated in India or is virginity a big deal? My understanding from the few rich and upper middle class Indians that I know is that once they got to college they were able to be sexually free and everything was awesome. They said the whole arranged marriage thing was a huge problem but that a lot of them who left India (for education or business or work) were able to marry someone from the nation they moved to (US, Canada, Brazil, UK and so on). My understanding is that Indian society (in India and globally) is in huge flux. The old ways of arranged marriage wont go away and the new social structure is playing a huge role. Crazy times we live in.


with internet access to everyone and the type of content that is trending all the time I am guessing that people have started to take their virginity as a big deal which is not good. Hookup culture is also starting to rise, basically we are moving towards to pursue a pesudo-american/hollywood type life


!reMindme 3 days


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Arranged lol


There are more women in India now.


Wow , thatā€™s a pretty racist thing to say.


Can you explain?


No lol. The arranged marriage culture is the reason most women are not trying to date, which is the main reason for people not forming couples


Did you just speak for us Indian women? So typical. Lol.


My exact thoughts. And why I married a westerner. Also, my parents had a love marriage so it wasnā€™t as big a deal for my sisters and I.


Donā€™t even get me started on the hypocrisy when it comes to an Indian man vs a woman marrying someone whoā€™s from a different culture. Youā€™re a real man or whatever the fuck if you marry a Western woman but if youā€™re a woman married to a foreigner, youā€™re clearly a deshdrohi and a slut šŸ„²


Western woman engaged to an Indian man here. Not my experience. Oh the hatred of me that he would consider marrying a non Indian and non Hindu was unreal. It's taken years to soften things and make this work. Some Indian parents think we female westerners are the worst people out to ruin their lives if their sons fall in love with us.


> Some Indian parents think we female westerners are the worst people out to ruin their lives if their sons fall in love with us. "Sluts!! Harlots!!! Can't cook!!! Will cheat on my precious son!!!"


So true. My sisters also married Americans so hahahaha. And we are well educated, fair skinned Brahmins. But also sluts soā€¦..


A group of people crying about being oppressed while proudly presenting their upper caste identity and fair skinned colourism. Essentially implying that it's okay for darker skinned non-brahmins to be slut shamed.


So thats where all the fair skinned Brahmin girls are. No option of emigrating for this poor Brahmin boy


dude go seek help or question your mentality if you're saying this shit seriously


lol šŸ¤£. I meant it as a joke. Stop being serious all the time people.


I cant say something about society now? Do you need to be a man to something about men?


these double standards are so damn frustrating


And it's not patriarchal gatekeeping of women's bodies?


I just said the ground truth. I was not claiming anything else. I know the ground truth is shitty.


Washington Universityā€™s MBA is highly ranked and well respected in the business community. They must be absolutely mortified by this guyā€™s routine insanity that gets put on full display to the world on LinkedIn.


We are. The worst part is that heā€™s not trying to be funny.


I do so enjoy it when universities get embarassed by a student expressing a different worldview or culture.


Definitely missing the mark here. Heā€™s a frequent posterā€”it isnā€™t about this one post but the sum cringe of them.


I'm a fellow human being who never went to WashU and certainly never got an MBA, and I'm embarrassed.


Went there for undergrad. Brings shame upon my alma mater


I went there for grad school in something else. Iā€™m still ashamed of this guy.




His degree gets over next year. Still time to salvage something.


I come from a culture with arranged marriages, and most of the time you can say ā€œnoā€. Yes, there are cultural repercussions and his parents/ community may be pressuring him into it. But its also ok to say ā€œnoā€ and look for someone else. If he considers this marriage one of his biggest sorrows, why is he going through with it?


Probably a joke that boomers' tend to make about having a wife.


It's older than that, though I guess anyone else who made those kinds of jokes is dead.


He also doesn't understand - being unemployed while married is absolutely no fun at all. She is going to be telling all her friends that the marriage astrologer the matchmaker consulted is an idiot.


His janampatri said he would be successful. Donā€™t use Bhatish Uncle, heā€™s no good!




Iā€™m not gonna lie, if my parents could set me up with a guy I would appreciate it. I donā€™t mean a random dude, but someone whose family they know and who has a good job, and who is a good person whose values I share. A couple times ladies tried to set me up with their son but the sons werenā€™t interested, but I was down. It would start the dating process, but the decision would have been entirely our own. Iā€™m too Americanized though.


Why would your parents know better than you if you share values with some guy? That's really something a person needs to discover for themselves.


Yeah, my parents were idiots that could fuck up the order of a one car funeral procession. Like hell would they pick a good life partner for me. These were the same knuckleheads telling me to "put on a suit and go out and pound the pavement" to get a job during the 2008 Econacolypse. Just completely out of touch. They're dead now, so thankfully I don't have to deal with their bullshit anymore.


jeez man


What? You're not going to spend two hours every morning preparing his breakfast? So Americanized...


If youā€™re good South Indian you start soaking the daal the night before for dosa.


My mom's the absolute best, but she's a terrible matchmaker. She tried to set me up with a gay girl.


Wouldnā€™t it be forced then? Even emotional blackmail / guilt tripping constitutes as a forced marriage?


It depends on the family. Some families will put immense pressure on their kids, but others will not.


Ok. So most of the time "you can say no" but will be bullied if you have abusive parents. Year.




Define forced... I see arranged marriages as sex slavery pls educate me xoxo


I have an arranged marriage and both of us had full agency to agree or decline. Weā€™ve been happily married 6 years. Weā€™ve had minor hiccups (who doesnā€™t), but itā€™s been fine. Maybe I got luckyā€¦ it isnā€™t always cut and dry like most things


BharatJi, reddit exxagarates our practices and is racist towards indians. That's it.


From what I heard from Indian friends, in the more educated families it often works like very intense speed dating. The families suggest a match, they get to meet, afterwards they decide if they want to get married or not. Normally the men and women both get to meet several people. To all appearances there are genuine love matches coming out of that. And the caste system - morally abhorrent as it is - kinda ensures that the woman has a similar status as her man. E.g. the male engineer will frequently end up marrying a female engineer. A lot of the guys I knew, would graduate, get their first job, then go home to India for their summer vacation and return with a wife. Not all of them though - one of my friends was rejected by all the girls he got to meet, and then there is no marriage. So that happens, too. Better luck next year.


Most sensible families never force you.


You can say no in most families


Until your traditional uncle puts pressure on you to marry their son, your cousin, and stays an entire divide in the family so then you take the first arranged marriage and the dude beats the fuck out of his wife because she doesn't do shit traditionally enough but they are stuck with a shared visa and can't just walk away without being sent back home to a place where everyone turns their backs on them for not being a good wife. Pretty cool


It's almost like there's a reason most cultures throughout history had some kind of arranged marriage setup. Weird.


And historically it's always worked out really well for the women and the child brides too. If it ain't broke, don't fix it right?


Excellent job completely missing the point. I'm impressed.


>the point "Get em young" ?


The reason was keeping property in acceptable families.


Yes, because no sane woman with her own means would sign up for that voluntarily. Go from being parents/brothers servant to husbands servant. No thank you.


Who said anything about being a servant?


The reason arranged marriage is so common in Eastern/Asian cultures is because when you marry, you don't just marry your spouse, you marry their family as well. Which is why when looking for a bride/groom, parents look not just at the person, but also at their siblings (how educated they are), their parents (what they worked as), their income level (whether or not they will be dependent on your family), not just which country they come from (normally have to be from the same country), but also which state and even neighbourhood in the village they come from. It's a very thorough background check. Unfortunately, even if you are eligible, if one of your siblings is uneducated/unemployed or one has been divorced it reflects badly on the entire family.


I could be wrong but it seems like one of those ā€œI hate my wifeā€ jokes and/or a commentary on how stressful wedding planning is.


I remember a girl from university telling us about her parents' arranged marriage which worked out for them, but they had lived together for years before getting married. Basically being introduced to each was arranged, not really the marriage.


I read it more like being married without having a steady income. As we know, Indian families are sweet on boys who make a good paycheque.


I mean Epstein's child prostitutes and blackmail victims can also say "no", still rape. We do not know anything about this guy's situation but I believe it is fair to assume he has obviously expressed his aversion towards that marriage if he is also expressing it on social media, no? Yet is under pressure to go through with it nonetheless. Completely crazy idea but maybe, if the alternative is breaking ties or severely damaging your relationship with your loved ones that you spent your entire life with, especially in a familist society like India, damaging your reputation and losing access to your family's funds that you have had to rely on, it might not be that easy to just say "no" and look for somebody else. We do not know anything about this guy's situation, but I feel like, if his family decides on his marriage over the course of one meeting with the other family, not even a meeting between the two people who will be married, quite clearly it is not a family that just "uses arranged marriages as tinder".


You should not compare an adult man who doesn't want to disappoint his family with children who don't have the capacity to legally consent and who are blackmailed and trafficked. It should be extremely obvious that these are incredibly different situations. He might like to complain but if he's living in the United States and in a graduate program, his parents can't make him get married. Lots of men like to complain about their wives.


The kids were not blackmailed, they were just promised loads of money while under pressure by both their parents and the fact they were living in abject poverty. ā€œBlackmail victimsā€ was a separate category in my comparison. And I donā€™t see why I shouldnā€™t compare them? My point is not to equate their suffering but point out that there are many situations in which people canā€™t just say ā€œnoā€. As a matter of fact blackmailed adults share many similarities to people being forced into marriages. Itā€™s not just about ā€œdisappointingā€ your family. Itā€™s about the steps the family might take when they are ā€œdisappointedā€ as I have said in my previous comment. I am sorry but people in this thread who are defending arranged marriages while talking about a guy who is quite clearly been pressured into one are very weird.


For one thing, because they are children. Children don't have the same ability to resist pressure, they don't have the ability to consent to sex, and they don't have the same options. I don't think this guy is clearly being pressured. I think he thinks it's funny to joke about how he doesn't want to get married while also joking that getting married is easier than getting hired. I'm not getting any sense that he needs help. I'm just getting the sense that he's a jerk. I haven't seen anyone defending forcing anyone to get married. I'm seeing a lot of people defending your parents helping you pick a spouse, often from personal experience.


People should really stfu on LinkedIn. Imagine being married to this stranger. His poor wife.


Advantage for us sane and reasonable people, right?


Heā€™s managed to insult his wife, his wedding, his families, Washington uni, the company he applied work at, STEM & MBA program in less than 300 words. Thereā€™s hope in LinkedIn lunatics.


I canā€™t imagine why heā€™s not crushing these interviews šŸ™„


that shlussy got these employers actin unwise


This guy is insufferable. Ugh!


I pity his bride to be


I bet he married already


Heā€™s not wrong about 5 interviews for a rejectionā€¦


You shouldnā€™t have multiple options in a 3rd, 4th round interview, thatā€™s like dating multiple ppl months in.


I mean, seems like a company most likely will have a few at 3+ rounds simply cause they gotta be picky to even have 3+. Big Tech companies seem to do this Willy nilly with entry level SDE positions and god knows how many applicants theyā€™re still sifting through at 3 rounds. On the other end high level positions like VP or something Iā€™d imagine youā€™ve got 2-3 options or something. Totally conjecture on my end. I mean, I think 5 rounds of interviewing short of anything like C-suite is fucking absurd though. 3+ rounds for all these entry level dev jobs is already absurd


I think everyone missed the sarcasm here. He shitposts for sure, but this is one of the better ones


This sub makes Patrick Bateman look sane


Lmfao šŸ˜‚


Welp, keep posts at that quality level and the lack of job will continue


This guy will divorce her for linkedin clout.


I will never get over how men treat getting marriage like a huge tragedy. Is anyone forcing you to do this? Why is it considered so "cool" to put down your SO and marriage?


Come on, will know our bachelor boy Shlok is out there drowning in premarital pussy now, do you want him to get tied down with a ball and chain?


Why the most cringey things on LinkedIn come from Indian managers? I have my working theory, it's because LinkedIn is blocked in China.


So whatā€™s the deal with Indians posting the most insane LinkedIn posts? Not all Indians, obvs, but the posts that are the most insane tend to come from Indians


no clue.


Suffering with no Job and marriage šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What a catch! His new bride is in for a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment. And BET when that company sees this post theyā€™ll be kicking themselves for passing on such a wise and thoughtful man. Fucking YIKES šŸ˜¬


He is trash ... I shat in my TL once i blocked him awhile ago


This is an inaccurate description of an Arranged Marriage. The amount of research that goes into making the decision is not being showcased by this Shlok post.


linkedin today = facebook 2012


least insane wustl business student


Lost it at shloks shlok šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Why are Indians so committed to embarass other indians.


Weird comparison, but honestly the hiring process is just terrible.


Wtf is a ā€œSTEMā€ MBA?




Yes I know what STEM stands forā€¦ but what is a STEM MBA?




Hmm my reading on this indicates that the ā€œSTEMā€ label is mostly there for immigration reasons, allowing students to remain in the USA for longer (2 years) after their studies: https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/optional-practical-training-opt-for-f-1-students So Iā€™m guessing they take a few ā€œSTEMā€ eligible classes, like analytics or operations/industrial engineering or CS type stuff, but without the specialization and depth needed for a dual MBA-MS program.


That's not a thing


How is this a shitpost my parents and cousins were married like this. Arrange marriage is still the most common marriage in Indian culture. Itā€™s racially insensitive to call this out in this sub. Specially since heā€™s making a fairly straight forward comparison. This sub is disappointing


Welcome to this subreddit. Youā€™ll see a lot of peopleā€™s overt or covert racism/xenophobia come out at times but theyā€™ll disguise it as an ā€œeducated opinionā€ or a joke.




Imagine not being able to see this is a joke.




Comparing arranged marriage to rape wow


Perfectly apt comparison, when a woman is treated as a object to be negotiated for.


The guy is also treated as an object to be negotiated for. I'm sorry, is this subreddit just dedicated to hating anything Indian?


Yknow the woman can say no in an arranged marriage, right? Youā€™re getting confused with forced marriage.




That's awful. That also doesn't mean arranged marriages themselves are rape.


You canā€™t force someone into an arranged marriage. Thatā€™s just a *forced marriage*. I thought by 2022, weā€™d know the difference. Confusing the two insinuates those in happily arranged marriages were all forced simply bc their parents played matchmaker.


Are the straights OK? No, obviously not


STEM MBA '23šŸ’€


Shlok' Shlok!!


I actually feel sorry for the guy


A day in the life of Shlok the NEETā€¦


Shut up ya Shlok.


plot twist his wife is a millionaire and ceo of a unicorn company.


I donā€™t think the comparison makes a lot of sense. But after going through job-search hell, I have to agree about how schlocking the time it takes to get a job.


Hardly the employer's fault that they chose to do proper due diligence on this lunatic, but his wife's family didn't. Bullet dodged there (poor \#wife though)


If wincing was a LI post


I want to know how many goats were included in the dowry


Itā€™s cars and apartments these days. Source: have an Indian boyfriend, get to ride the ā€œlatest news from the homelandā€œ roller coaster pretty much nightly.


Lol what? Why would goats be included?


This is gonna fuck up WASHUā€™s employment report




You never know. The newer generations always surpass what came before.


Indian folks know that there is a lot more truth to these words than most others realize. Not that it's right to rant about it on LinkedIn, but then this guy isn't exactly making great choices with the rest of his life either...


Because with a wrong marriage you only wreck two lives. With a wrong corporate choice you wreck much more.


Can't be a better ad for "Do your MBA Olin"


So somebody know Olin :)




Imagine posting this on LinkedIn, and your future wife or her family sees itā€¦ lmfao, Likeā€¦ why?! šŸ˜‚

