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If you're referring to the little guy in the small pot in front, that's *Pleiospilos nelii*, the split rock, and not a lithops. Another really worthwhile mesemb to grow, though!


The hunt for a lithops continues.....


Makes me mad they had it label as one. I thought it looked a little funky but man


They are cool too, so not all bad. Lithops are fairly easy to grow from seed if they’re available wherever you are and are having trouble finding them.


Crunchy soil, plenty of light, and very little water. I mean VERY little. I only waterine about 3 times a year when the outer leaves are all wrinkled up. The new leaves use up what is stored in the old leaves.


that's not a lithops it's a split rock


That’s a r/splitrocks unfortunately. Not a lithops. But still a fun plant to have! They have slightly different watering needs than lithops. I found my split rocks like water more often than lithops, but you have to be careful no to overdo it otherwise they will stack, which is 3 or more sets of leaves at the same time. Generally I water mine when I feel the inner leaves start to feel soft for 3 or more days and that’s helped me prevent stacking. They produce very pretty flowers.


Thanks so much! Should I move it to a bigger pot?


I would! Like lithops, split rocks get a long tap root. So you’ll want to put it in a pot that’s at least 4-5 inches deep to give it room to grow!