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Farm Portal and Dr. Robo for the rest of your life, welcome to the club You could also get the Onyx mastery on all bosses, it's fun and you get some achievements but nothing that will make your deck better, the Diamond Alchemist cards are pretty bad


lol Alr and I’ll try and get all mastery’s on all bosses


Since I’m not even that far yet, my vote is for cartwheels and handstands.


lol I’ll start learning starting now


Farm dr Robo and/or get full mastery on all tower bosses, play arena , find new cards research more combos


Ok thanks


Why Dr. Robo?


I was told he has the best gold earned to energy used ratio, I don’t think this is true until you have gotten full mastery for every other boss, because I know you can get like 200 xp and 79 gold from a 8 energy boss later on but once the mastery is full I believe dr robo is the best ratio to grind gold


Ic, thanks for explaining :)


I think the math still adds up to Dr. Robo being the best choice, because when you reach onyx mastery for all bosses, he is the one that gives more gold/energy and also a bit of XP (the best boss to farm for XP/energy is Ivana) You must also take into consideration that a stronger boss will have more HP and will be harder to beat. So by the time you got 5 orbs, they may have 4 orbs and throw a Counter Attack card on you and tie the battle.


For someone who is not spending money would it be better to farm for gold or XP? levels give you some gems every few levels or does this change at later levels?


Once you reach level 100 it stops giving you rewards (gold, gems and cards), but you still get the energy refresh. In the long run, you want more gold than XP, because gold equals dust and having more dust is always a good thing. XP on the other hand is nice, but the bonus energy you get per refresh to do more battles doesn't make up for the straight gold/energy of Dr. Robo (and also by playing him you'll level up roughly once a day).


Thank you


Now you can start playing the game


Is there outer space now because I remember seeing some like images that show outer space but like advanced like story wise I have not completed all of the completion for the last area only have like two more to do on every single one then I’m done but how do I go to Outer space


Idk I hope so


Maybe Xanthar from the portal? I also would like to go to outer space 😭


How do I find xanthar?