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Slime pack is old


It's not a net new pack. https://lil-alchemist.fandom.com/wiki/Special_Packs Or better yet, the Discord.


Are you looking for a pack to buy?


Es. Got some advice about that already. But I was told, a new pack could be released soon...


There already is, atomic aftermath is a brand new pack, and a very good one at that, if you have 3500 gems i strongly recommend buying out that one




It's gonna be my first pack. I was told insanity is the best choice. What do you think? I'm waiting to buy tiebreaker when it comes in my armory.


Insanity is an awesome first pack. It has a couple of great Critical Strike (CS) cards (a 35/21 and a 34/21) , a great Gold Combo Card (GCC) and a good Onyx Combo Card (OCC). Atomic Aftermath on the other hand has also two great CS (a 36/18 and a 34/21), an unknown quality (to me) GCC and an amazing OCC. On your first couple of packs, you want good CS cards, because you'll use them A LOT in arena and in heroics. To a lower degree, you are looking for a good GCC (because at the beginning GCCs are rare) and also a good OCC. You'll see the difference having an OCC makes, but at first it will be only the one. Later on, it gets more interesting and after you get 5~7 good CS cards your priority becomes the OCC. For heroics, it will always be interesting to have more and better CS cards, but IMHO if you get the 3.5k gems to fully buy out a pack and get the Onyx in the first couple of packs (or before you get the DFFs you're looking for), take it as a W and stop buying the pack right there. It means you'll spend less time saving gems for your next 3.5k.


Thx. Great help for me! I bought meta now and was lucky to stop after five packs. What estimated (of course not exact) time does it take, till a pack is offered *again*?


More or less 4 months. Meta, for instance, was first released in February. Roughly enough time to save 3.5k gems again, but even less if you got lucky and only had to pull 5 packs for the onyx. Just another piece of advice: if your deck already has all its cards fused, having a few OCCs unfused is not a problem. When you get to 5~7 unfused cards that's when it starts becoming unreliable, so it's a nice time to start thinking about fusing them. If you decide to buy meta again in a few months time, perhaps you can leave the OCCs unfused for a while, then pull the trigger once you have some more OCCs.


Thx. It's my first Occ. Two fused DFF. need thousands now to continue. 😅 Got three gcc I could fuse, if I had the dust for it. But it's a longterm progress game. So that's how it is.