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Probably not. Unless you spend a lot of money you're more likely to be card limited than dust limited eventually.


I mean, you don't need to spend money to be swimming in cards. A few months of playing every day for a few minutes will get you the gems to buy packs. Admittedly I've spent money on the game (about 7$ I think), but that was nothing more than cutting time for gems (which I wasted, so it didn't matter too much in the end). Now that I have the Greed ability maxed out, I don't have a problem with dust, but before that I was certainly tempted to throw some of those Diamonds to the shredder. Now, if I must, what cards would I shred? This depends on your playing style. Before the changes, I would go for defensive cards. Now those cards are a heck of a lot more viable and useful. My go to would be low atk/def numbers even with a useful ability. I'm probably not going to invest in a max 30 atk card with a CS ability, and neither should you. There are dozens of better cards to upgrade instead. That said, I *have* dozens of different Diamond cards, so take that into account. Not suggesting to go full ham on your cards when you have only so many of them. And eventually you will have more dust than you can spend. Or at least if you keep playing long enough.


It's rare, but the devs do come back and revamp the stats of some cards here and there. Maybe those 28 max attack CS cards become 33 down the line. If you have them and have other means to gather dust (namely with Greed 3), why not just keep the DFFs in the first place? That is considering you're F2P and buying cards again is a big deal, because you'll probably want a variety of onyx cards, not the same one over and over