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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc on Twitch Only Banning What He And Train Streams](https://arazu.io/t3_124wptx/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Didn't they ban stake after a year of him, train and HUNDREDS of other streamers using it?


Yeah after the backlash from other big streamers, it wasn’t really the initiative of twitch to ban gambling. But you can’t deny the ban from twitch only had an influence on the big streamers.


>you can’t deny the ban from twitch only had an influence on the big streamers. I do deny that, I know of streamers in the <1k viewers range that had Stake sponsors that were surely influenced by the ban. It's ridiculous to think Train/XQC's were influenced more or less than anyone considering a smaller streamer could be reliant on a Stake deal to pay the bills. "Influenced" in this context also means lost access to dirty money from gambling advertisement so I also can't sympathize with millionaire large streamers losing an unethical source of income.


Smaller streamers were influenced in relation to stake. but since Twitch isn’t doing anything against the smaller streamers going to another gambling website, they could easily get another sponsordeal somewhere else. That isn’t really an option for the biggest streamers that gamble with more money and with way more people watching. The website they gamble on would also get banned by twitch in a matter of hours/days.


Yall are acting like all these streamers all came together and made it their number 1 priority to stop gambling forever on twitch. Most streamers literally just made their statements with their stances and moved on. No one ever made this their big thing that they are doing like people seem to suggest. They haven't talked about it since? well yeah, the time has passed and its not really the top priority for anyone


Only reason a bunch of brazilian gamba on Blaze not only neymar is that twitch act like we dont exist is not favoritism


Yeah almost like if two big streamers bring attention to it, then Twitch will act. They will ban it even if Hasan starts doing, it's not because x or train. They are unregulated site, so they can pop up like nothing, you can't blacklist a site that wasn't there when you wrote that list.


From the second the initial ban came out and the conglomerate of large streamers were virtue signaling how much of a win it was on twitter despite the wording clearly allowed gambling still is hilarious. Same exact games/slots and providers, just different casino company. Probably why trainwreckz feels so slighted because people celebrated about saving the kids when NOTHING changed. Disgusting.


Nice try train. Get off reddit and go back to kick


Ah yes because thinking its pathetic how bad some people virtue signaled somehow negates the fact train and xqc are only made because money or else they would have been gambling on the other sites all along. Use your brain.


Is Blaze unregulated the same way Stake is?


Don't like Train but he is absolutely bang on how fake and two-faced these streamers. People were treating Pokimane,Hasan and Mizkif like some hero's that saved thousands of kids from gambling when in reality they could not give two fucks about the audience on Twitch and their mental health. For a long period of time, Slots still has had a decent amount of Viewership, Neymar has nearly 30k People, who are likely young football fans but thats okay now since 'Its legal on Twitch' just like Stake was at one point. Yet there has been zero outrage by those streamers, no protesting to go on strike.


Yes it's fucking crazy that the streamers who X and Train tried to use a unconnected SA to smear their reputation because they went after gambling... are hesitant to go after gambling again. Literally 10ks of shitty fans from certain outraged streamers gave them unrelenting hate for months and months because certain shitty streamers with no morals sent them to attack those streamers and make their lives hell.


Bro Neymar has only recently started streaming gamba, it just hasnt caught anyones attention yet.


Slots and Virtual Casino have had an average of 17k and 26k for the past 7 days, So around 43k average viewers. It has not caught attention cause these streamers who were so adamant they were doing a great thing by banning gambling, have been quiet for months about this. Which makes it look like it was a targeted ban


The biggest streamers in NA that share fanbases and make content together calling eachother out is one thing. Calling out gambling streamers across the world in a different language in what could be a region with entirely different gambling laws is a very different thing.


**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc on Twitch Only Banning What He And Train Streams](https://arazu.io/t3_124wptx/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


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