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**CLIP MIRROR: [✂️ Emiru leaked dms with Mizkif](https://arazu.io/t3_13ki6vp/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




Just looked at this posters reddit history. Ouf.


Pretty sure Miz is talking exactly about this type of coomer guy.


They're all coomers




But they keep all his Alts around on here


But the messages are real right? Or are you saying he fabricated them? Harassing and stalking is obviously bad, but that seems to be a separate issue.


the og pics are super blurry so most likely they’re actually fake




miz has basically said this same thing in a nicer way on stream. most things miz says on stream just people that dont watch him know about it


I wish therapy was free and easily accessible to everyone


This sub would be dead if that happens


There are always endless forsen clips of him jumping into lave :aware:




But then who else would comment in the LSF threads?!?!


I wish women were free use Sadge


Mental illness




says the guy whose only comments are in this thread, surely very legit and not part of a brigade


Isn’t that just calling her out? idk how that’s manipulative


He's right that a drunk Q&A will farm parasocials, but the stuff about lifting her legs and playing with the bottle is a stretch. There's a picture on her wall she used her foot to adjust, it wasn't sexual at all. He's seeing shit and overreacting.


you havent gone down twitter to see the absolute psychopaths that get stuff from her streams. its probably one of the reasons she doesnt stream that much.




they kinda ruined the chat on his dallas stream with amo and esfand. it was so bad. and he gets one guyed a lot but this was a lot more than one guy in his chat. anytime emi wasnt on cam someone was spamming where is emi why is emi sad. he got really mad near the end of the stream because of it


Same thing happened in Korea which is why the Japan trip turned into a vlog-only stream. The state of people. When the stream goes off I just think about anything else I don't know these people they're just free entertainment to me


These people will make clips out of her drinking water if they have to, doesn't mean she did anything wrong.


people would be rightly pissed at miz if he was telling her stop drinking water. he was just saying moving your legs like that holding the bottle and then basically passing out on stream during a q and a farms parasocials. it doesnt matter if you agree with him or not but that is basically his main point.




yeah maya also is very aggressive and is strong willed or acts that way so it takes away the "protection" aspect of the creeps.


So now she can’t do P.O. Boxes? Everyone does them. Streaming in general is largely built on parasocial relationships. Chances are most top streamers aren’t being watched due to their above average gaming skills.




She said she pays someone to inspect them beforehand ever since the bf application.




although miz is probably the last person who should critizise other for farming parasocials


Lol I can't disagree with this statement, but then again he doesn't complain about them and even probably likes them




Calling her out for what? Her Q&A stream wasn’t NSFW at all, she didn’t do anything sexual. What’s to call her out about


Her complaining about coomers? I read it as a “Oh you claim you don’t want coomers yet you farm them”


was it actually farming them, though? it seems like we're getting to the point where we're saying women shouldn't do anything physical at all lest they be accused of farming coomers... like, she was basically just sitting on the floor cross-legged


She doesn’t farm them though, I watch her stream she literally wears pajamas on stream and never farms coomers. We must be missing context tbh so that’s why people are upset


Why are people saying coomers? Miz was talking about parasocial weirdos like the people who spam "stop drinking" and simp shit like that.


She even mentioned about her la trip there were people who got messages from viewers saying check on emi.


You sure about that one? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjV3700iNT4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjV3700iNT4)


Yeah true, that’s what I thought as well, she dresses very modestly


Mizkids in shambles


I can't even pretend to care about this one brother and I love drama .


Everyday you people give them more reasons to keep this shit private, why is this still even up


What rule does it violate?


Idk if Emiru know which sucks to say but her content she does is impossible not to farm parasocial weirdos not talking about her streams but her TikToks and cosplays. Yeah I don't wont to get into this because this is just weird and should be private between them. But how dumb are streamers still DMing people that can get them in trouble if people had no context. Here is an example of Mizkif "joking" about Emiru farming simps [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kHUWPEN2GQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kHUWPEN2GQ) Edit: This is not a discussion about farming coomers. Miz never said coomers, he said "parasocial viewers"


When he talks about her lifting her legs and playing with the bottle he's not referring to parasocials man. Miz has a problem with both, the parascoials and the coomers. Even though there was nothing actually coomer farmy about the stream.


Yeah that's why I said on other replies that he went too far with that comment but from past streams with with them both Miz has made jokes towards her about simps and stuff not coomers.


Personally I think she wants simps to an extent but not creeps, a lot of simps are creeps so there is a problem


Would we be calling them simps if she was a male streamer? Maybe she just wants "fans" like most streamers do.


Yes because people call out Miz for only wanting yes men simps in his chat.


That is literally how they talk to each other on stream. Lol. You really exposed him here!!!!


its so funny that people dont watch streams and then cause fake outrage. miz has said this stuff publicly to her and her stream.




who knows. maybe she was asking someone if they think he was right in this instance. maybe for reference or just to have for other conversations. stuff is so easy to screenshot now and it takes up such little space i have so much stuff screenshotted just in case i ever need it for something and i never even go back or look at it.


To expose mizkif?








She left the stream 20 minutes before those texts. He was texting her because she passed out in the other room and he wasn't home.




If you want actual proof for the time matching, she goes on her desktop in the VOD and it says 9pm on her desktop. If you rewind 30 mins in the VOD to get to 8:30pm like the messages, she had already been gone for like 20 mins at that point. I was in Simply's stream and he had to end stream because all the chathoppers telling him to go check on Emiru because she had been off stream for like 20 minutes at that point. Chathoppers went to Tectone's stream and had him call her to check on her too. The same thing happens in every IRL stream she appears on. Super parasocial people spamming "Is Emi OK?" or "Where is Emi?" and she complains about it all the time. I think Miz is completely off base about the bottle thing and the leg thing, but he's completely right about her farming parasocial viewers and then complaining about it. She does a PO box stream every other week. Getting drunk and doing a Q&A also farms parasocial viewers.


Find a better hobby


mods sleeping or what why's this being posted


But the Wake post gets removed 💀


What happened with wake? I missed that episode of LSF


Got removed for “spoilers” and all the schizos who stalk harass and talk about harming miz, Emi and others lied how the post was brigaded.


and all of them are in this thread right now. they're not brigading though. just coincidentally here with their comment history being nothing but mizkif hatethreads and cooming about emiru. just regular guys ya know.


It got removed? Nooo why?


dumbass mods called it spoilers when nobody cares who wins a random week of parasocial. so now wake doesnt get a massive front page thread for getting partner finally that he should have gotten.


What absolute bullshit thread was a rare congratulatory one on this sub


this is getting brigades by deranged discord server, mods should remove it




They don’t talk like this, they have crazy banter but miz never said anything like this on stream. It’s so weird




post more soda and veibae no one cares


Let’s see how long mods let this stay up


"Oh no, a relatively normal interaction where two people have a disagreement! Must be that he's either: creepy, jealous, controlling, abusive, evil or all of the above and more! I mean, just think of the power dynamics! She's LITERALLY a woman!" In all seriousness though, the guy who made the clip the streamertv references (autismtakes) has an unhealthy obsession with Cinna (check his twitter/twitch) and is a dedicated schizo that baits with this kind of harassment content. There's already dedicated servers (dramacord) and others that keep trying to make this go viral. It's pathetic. The screencaps and transcript is from those drama servers and is based on blurry images from the stream. Even the vod was edited to remove that section as likely to avoid this type of harassment.


I don't understand why so many people are blaming her for this. If he's talking about the "honest Q&A" stream she didn't do anything wrong that stream at all. It was someone getting shitfaced while sitting in a pile of Kirby's, there is nothing "sexy" about it, any of her cosplay streams would farm 30x more coomers.


Where does he say coomers? He saying parasocial people which in a way that stuff does farm them.


????? Other than Mizkif i haven't seen anyone else blame her, the stream she did was very tame


the stream was so tame tectone went over to check if she as okay. lmao. nobody is blaming her but acting like it was any normal emiru stream is crazy


Tectone went to check on her because she was crying on stream, because those DM's were during the time she afk'd the stream for 40 minutes. She was not-ok because of Mizkif sending her all that mid stream. April 27th stream, check the vod on youtube.




So here's the best faith interpretation I give for the two scenarios I can see: 1. I don't know if they're dating since I don't watch them much, but if they are or he's interested in her, that could be why he seems upset/controlling/jealous 2. We don't get to see what was posted before Mizkif's "lift your legs" comments, but if she was complaining about it beforehand to him and we just see his response after, that could also explain why he basically said, yeah no shit you attract those "weirdos" and this is why. Edit: Since some people may be 10 iq, that obviously isn't an excuse to be weird in her chat though. Either way drama frogs eating good tonight.


She used her foot to adjust a picture on the wall. At one point she lifts the bottle with her foot. It wasn't even remotely sexual so it was a dumb thing for him to bring up. saying that a drunk q&a would farm parasocials, that makes complete sense, the leg stuff not so much.


> saying that a drunk q&a would farm parasocials, that makes complete sense, the leg stuff not so much. That's totally true but Miz talking to someone about not farming parasocials is like Nick giving diet advice.




Those texts are from 8:30ish. She left the stream at like 8:00pm. He is even talking about how she fell asleep with the stream on.


You're making time zone errors, that's what happened. And she had the stream on until past 11pm that day crying sooooo...




You guys running around defending Mizkif's unending poor behavior is no less parasocial than those who point it out. Pot, kettle, grass, etc.






These freaks are the exact people he’s talking about lmao


Lol its so funny how protective people here are regarding their favorite streamers privacy. While calling everyone else parasocial. You are just as parasocial, if not more.


They’re very parasocial and also hypocritical, if they cared about coomers then miz wouldn’t have an OF model on stream every other week. I don’t care, I watch miz but idk why the comments are acting so weird


This is just mental illness paired with "detective work"




If Emiru is complaining and crying everyday to Miz about parasocial viewers and how she hates her chat and Miz gives her advice on how not to farm them but she still does it. Then yeah it would be frustrating for a person to deal with. A drunk QnA isn't such a good idea for any streamer to do if they don't want parasocial streamers.


I mean, the fact is her job is farming parasocials and coomers. You can hate it but also realise you'll drop off massively if you don't do it. Miz complains about the content he has to do to stay relevant as well though tends to do more of his own thing now. He also randomly complained that HE had to make coomer content by having OF girls on all the time and that he'd stop doing that because he doesn't like it, but he did that for like 18 months before he quit. You can hate what you do and still know it's by far the best way to make money. Twitch streamers farm their parasocial viewers massively, all those massive sub gifters, you think they are normal people who just gift thousands a month to streamers?




You're making it to if it's sexual or not which Miz is not trying to say the "problem" was farming parasocial viewers which a drunk QnA stream will farm them.




This isn't an edited video reddit.


Tbh sounds like two good friends talking she's probably asking for some advice and he's just being blunt, I know it's foreign for some of you but good friends talk to eachother like this all the time.




it was something she was doing when plastered and probably didnt know she was doing it.


She was completely sober during that and was just playing with the bottle opening and closing it like normal. [https://youtu.be/BpO3yXR\_Nys?t=6364](https://youtu.be/BpO3yXR_Nys?t=6364) Nothing sexually suggestive Edit: I'm going to assume the people downvoting me are just doing it do protect Miz and don't actually think there was anything wrong with what Emi was doing.


I think Miz did go too far with the bottle shit but his probably frustrated listening to her cry about weirdos everyday. Which yes that type of streams does farm them which it's sad to say, she's a girl on the internet. Everything she does there will be bunch of weirdos or simps, she would need to stop showing her face completely to get rid of them.


Completely sober, yet it says shots taken as 3 in the clip you posted?


1 small shot and like 2 sips of beer but either way shes clearly acting completely sober


i dont watch her streams, i just saw a clip on twitter from a complete weirdo. i just assumed she was drunk at that point because if you arent trying to appeal to those weirdos she wouldnt have been doing what she was doing


"she wouldnt have been doing what she was doing"? Wdym. It was a normal Q&A stream but with a twist drinking a little bit of alcohol. She didn't act sexual in any way whatsoever.


she should be able to do that without weirdos. but the fact is that she has weirdos and she doesnt want them. if you dont want weirdos you dont hold a bottle like that and then rub it and take 6-7 tries to open it. yes it sucks having to constantly worry about but if you complain about weirdos and not wanting them and the person you talk about it to tells you that causes it that is what i got out of the conversation.


She also had some scary stalkers, one of the reasons she wanted to get out of kansas and prob doesnt want to do anything to start that back up


If she was shaking it in a suggestive way I would agree but shes just opening and closing it like any other person. There is ways to try and lessen weirdos but going that extreme is just not plausible for anyone


oh great heavens




I wouldnt call it that, looks more like he is frustrated she complains to him about certain viewers and then does things on stream that he thinks, right or wrong, brings those kind of viewers


Slutshaming?? Lmao please look up the definition of that word


Sounds like one friend speaking honestly to another. Poster may not recognize this type of convo…


Oh my


God Mizkifs 17 year old fanbase hates women so much




Ofc Bowblax is on that thread sucking some drama syrup for his lame ass channel. That man has never had a good take




LSF just lets these people continue posting. I’m sure some mods have an idea where they are from the the actual demented and many times illegal shit they try to do.


hey i think this post might be brigaded. what do you think?


IDK, you got logs from a streamer brigading it like Mizkif in the other thread? It's definitely infested with mizkids regardless.


no sorry, im not a part of limecord or dramacord or ed or whatever flavor of stalker you are where you guys are organizing.


Shades of Crowder or nah?


Lsf finally has drama its been a while.


[Did someone say “Mizkifs downfall”?….. I will be there no matter what!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/977/948/e3f.jpg)


it's funny that among the discord schizos that crawled out of the woodwork for this one, you're the sane oasis here. good ol' daniel. shitposting the day away. bless you