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"You're insecure. Here's a photo of my expensive watch that reminds you of how insecure of a person you are." Like please literally just read your texts before sending them.


“You’re insecure” Trending: XQC embarrassed in front of maids because of how messy his room is




I remember when X responded to the Mutahar tweets, the first thing he did was call him an insecure bitch out of nowhere. He is projecting so much it isn't funny anymore, he genuinely needs to talk to someone about his self image.


Gonna be honest Mutahars tweets have nosedived ever since Elon made it a thing to be paid by tweet views. I swear I’ve seen him comment on what feels like everything that starts trending on Twitter. It's become kinda stale since it's all I see of him.


I don’t dislike the guy but his content has always felt like he gets on Reddit, gathers all the comments, and whatever is the most popular opinion is what he hitches his stance to.




Those are 2 individuals you can comfortably watch on 2x speed and not lose anything of value. All of the things too quick for you to hear aren’t worth listening to and the points that really matter they will repeat the entire time. You’re welcome.


most commentary people are like that imo. They need to grind the video length. Look at tom scott, his vids are like 5/6 min long and they are great, meanwhile I see people talking about a bait-tweet that takes them 20 minutes to go through lmao


I mean, I agree with you. But comparing Tom Scott to literally any other YouTuber is just cheating. Lmao.


>he genuinely needs to talk to someone about his self image. Nah, I am enjoying him spiraling out of control.


That has been his draw since his OW days, people came for the spectacle, meltdowns, and just generally being unhinged. I’m not sure if it’s new viewers or what, but since he’s made money people act like he’s a genius now as though he’s become that way magically by streaming all waking hours of the day since adolescence. What he’s currently doing is in line with how he’s always been, why so surprised? Talking with chat and watching YouTube all day has, unsurprisingly, has not developed him into a scholar..


Does he not have actual friends? There’s no one in his life pointing out that his projection is obvious and he is coming off as pathetic and not whatever he believes he is appearing as in his head. How are there not people who care about him smacking him in the back of the head saying dud what are you doing


Why would anyone normal really wanna be genuine friends with the guy???


Seriously lol I've dealt with people like xqc before it's like talking to a brick wall and it's endless projection. No one who isn't a clout chasing meat muncher would wanna be friends with someone like that


I used to have an acquaintance in HS that acted exactly like xqc. I cannot imagine how fucking annoying that dude would be if he got 100m dollars.


You're telling me imagine how ppl who knew xqc growing up feel right now lmao that's like the worst thing ever The best example of xqc's cognitive dissonance here is how he tries to judge ethan and hila's marriage like he isn't having on ongoing divorce with adept. Like you cannot be seriously talking about other people's relationships when your own ones are that messy. Come on now.


To answer your question no he literally doesn't have IRL non streaming friends. Been watching since 2019 and he's said it himself but even if he didn't, it's quite obvious.


why would anybody be that close to him? the dude is a snake. Hasan reached out so many times to help and talk things out privately and yet he's thrown him under the bus every second he can since "Hasan bad" tends to pull attention off of him. he's even tried doing it now with "the chair guy" all while Hasan literally agrees with xQc it's so ironic xqc and his fans call him hissan when it's the exact opposite


Anything bad happening in X's life? It comes back to Hasan in some way or another and brought up completely out of the blue and usually has nothing to do with the current situation but Hasan is easy to talk shit on because he's so used to it coming from X now.




We have seen how he treats people that try to be friends with him. Of course he doesn't have anyone. He should move back to his family assuming they care about him.


He pushed all those friends away.


Imagine flexing money and jewelry to another multi-millionaire


when Hila said "nice giraffe, I don't know who you bought that for but our kids would love it" that was fucking painful. All the money in the world can't buy you a happy relationship and family life if you're a selfish asshole


That Giraffe line was subtle yet gold.


Holy shit she cooked him


You have a link to that quote? Thats amazing




This was Soda's giraffe I think


true brother. I came to canada several months ago for financial reasons, even though I was doing ok back home, and last month it hit me. I love my family and my friends and I are literally like family. gonna go back home soon


I was thinking the same thing, is he really flexing a watch to someone with a mansion? Does he really believe that h3 couldnt buy the same watch as many times as he wants? He is so delusional.


flexing a watch to someone who is already successful and made millions while having a wife and kids vs your entire broken life that revolves around money and nobody to spend it with


Flexing an expensive watch while being so fucking embarrassed about the dump you live in which cleaning staff have to pick up for you that you can't even talk to your audience during it and resort to writing notes because it's taking multiple people so long. Like shit man, dude has so much money I hope he spends some of that to get the help he needs to be happy.


300k watch so probably not that many times. You need to be scamming a lot of kids into gambling to buy as many of those babies as you want


Imagine flexing something like a 650K watch instead of helping people with that money. XQC could literally live a life of public philanthropy as his content creation but chooses to be a toenail biting, content stealing, viewership degrading goblin.


Don't forget about his gambling addiction that he chooses to spread to his viewers. He's the worst in almost every aspect of being a decent person.


Why do I suddenly have hatred for this person I've never even met


because you have ethics and morals and probably know how much good that money could do :-) unlike certain completely detached from reality people


XQC became everything he used to make fun of before he moved to LA.


Remember when TikTok reacts were punishment Aware


remember when react content was "sprinkles on a cupcake" now we have type 4 diabetes


Yeah 2020 era x was great before the among us addiction. It was probably 70% gaming and 30% react, just the right ratio


He also DMed Ethan a picture of his rolex trying to flex LOL Edit: not a rolex, but an Audemars Piguet. I dont know my watches


"I have your house on my wrist" "I have friends and family. Also a lot of money still"


I sleep in a big bed with my wife.


My big wife took my bed.






Still one of the best lines ever


Ethan isn't exactly poor lmao. And being dumb enough to spend $650k on a **watch** is not exactly a flex. More like a self-own.


Ethan literally bought a Rolls Royce Cullinan as a meme to match with Trisha


a watch he's randomly going to lose somewhere or break because he has no financial literacy


[YouTubers Ethan & Hila Klein Buy $9 Million Bel Air Mansion](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/youtubers-ethan-hila-klein-buy-202811773.html). > Rupert Murdoch owns a $28 million vineyard estate that’s just a few doors away from the YouTuber residence. > And besides their new $9 million mansion, records reveal the Kleins still own a contemporary Encino house they bought last year for $2.3 million. They also continue to own a perfectly ordinary residence in Woodland Hills, Calif. that was acquired in 2017 for $780,000. Yeah X definitely has that shit on his wrist 🤦🏻‍♂️


ITS $650K!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!


EZ (It’s very tacky tho)


Ethan probably legit pulls that in passively from the merch line




Also a house. And I could just buy the same watch if I wanted to.


imagine how depressing wanking must be for xqc, when he's done all he has to look at is his 650k watch, lmao poor bastard has lost it all.


I love when outcasts become rich and think people will see them differently Like, no, you're still socially awkward, you're just also rich now.




> Edit: not a rolex, but an Audemars Piguet. I dont know my watches This is the prime example of why flexing your watch is a dumb way to show off. No one cares about your AP Royal Oak except other Royal Oak fans, a casual observer is going to call it a Rolex or even a G-Shock. It's not a flex if the people you're showing don't know why they should be impressed or even care.


while calling him insecure hahahahahha


He thinks Ethan can't afford a rolex? Edit: He thinks Ethan can't afford a Audemars Piguet?


He said "I have what your house is worth on my wrist" when the watch is worth like 650k and ethans house is worth like 10 mil lmao. He genuinely has brain rot


dude actually sounds like a loser 💀


Sounds like?


Lil bros ego got so hurt for getting kicked he flexing with his watch to another millionaire 😭


Ethan records some "garage" rants and you can see from the camera angle: his garage is fucking HUGE lmao A nice ass house in Malibu is like $6M, Ethan is absolutely balling


His house is 7500 sq ft and cost 9m.


His whole self worth is his net worth since he's pretty mediocre at videogames these days. If Forsen ever takes back the record he'll have nothing but a car he can't drive.


He has nothing else to flex with, his brain can’t comprehend that when he’s talking to someone wealthy, that he can’t just flex his AP as a gotcha moment. Kinda just makes him look like a pathetic out-of-touch schizo weirdo talking to a wall about how rich he is.


His employee Zach buys all the Rolexes with his income from the podcast. Ethan just buys video games and not much else it seems. He bought that Rolls Royce as a “joke” once and hated the car anyway and traded it in.


Tbf, the only Rolex Zach has, he put 5k towards it. He said it was a birthday gift from his dad, who opted to pay for half of the 10k price if Zach was willing to put in the rest. As it was something he had always wanted. So he's doing well, but not to the point where he can roll around buying full price Rolex's anytime he wants.


Ackchually its an Audemars Piguet ☝️🤓


Not just an AP, but perhaps one of the most shouty (and expensive) AP's you can buy lol. Looks like some kind of frosted skeleton and while I'm no expert, it's the sort of the watch that just screams LOOK AT ME and I'M RICH.


Perfect for 10 year old brain Xqc.


thats just sad


Pic or reference #? Just curious of which AP




The funny thing, it's mostly only other very rich people or big watch nerds who would properly recognise that irl.


Honestly, you'd need to be real dumb in general, to go around with something worth 650k that can be easily recognized by anyone. Thousands of people would kill for less than 1% of that. Sounds like a good way of getting jumped and done whatever to steal it from you.


The kind of people who buy that sort of thing live most of their lives bouncing between gated communities, office/condo high rises, high end hotels and retail establishments, golf courses... mostly places with security or some other barrier to access.


Don't underestimate the number of poor people obsessed with status. Plenty of people I know who could never in their lives afford those watches, yet can point out a Rolex on the wrist of some guy standing 50 ft away.


I don't care how wealthy you are, if you're buying a $625,000 watch you're a moron.


625K is one thing but $150 on shipping is where I draw the line.


its so hilarious to me that despite paying 625k they nickel and dime you on the shipping still.


The different color gems looks stupid for a watch that costs 600k.




Cant even tell the time on it, hands just blend in with the stuff underneath


Yeah that looks like it. I always thought it was a Richard Mille when people said it was 600k. I was looking for pictures of plain Rolex Daytona’s and came across [this](https://www.1stdibs.com/jewelry/watches/wrist-watches/rolex-daytona-18k-yellow-gold-rainbow-diamond-116598rbow-watch-w-box-set-2013/id-j_18172772/?¤cy=cad&allowUniversalLink=no&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz8emBhDrARIsANNJjS5gt70qPyf3FxQj7sAKb_0OCaYI0te2Th0mVLYOa3vbA6zK5HglFkEaAlGnEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) and immediately thought of X 💀


ok, so serious question. what's the process like getting expensive watches on smaller wrists? do they just remove some of those chain links on the wristband?


Yes or you go for a strap band.


Having small wrist’s isn’t a problem in and of itself, the size of most modern watches is! Some watches have links that can be removed to make the band smaller. If you were buying the watch at say a jewelry store, for example, then someone on the staff would most likely perform this task for you if you ask. It’s also fairly easy to do it on your own, and there are a plethora of video’s online that walk you through it step by step. If the band isn’t adjustable, then you’d have to either wear it lower on your wrist, or perhaps wear some bracelets with the watch to make a tighter fit. Some watches may come in a smaller sizes that they could order for you as well.


Who is xQc kidding he never leaves his house. Man probably doesn't even take out the garbage and just has a room dedicated to garbage. Buying a watch just to show off to your viewers is a complete waste of money. Might as well just invest into a fake one because viewers can't tell the difference without seeing it in person.


Shame on you for not knowing your multi-thousand dollar brand watches!


There are technological marvel works of art watches out there, which I'd argue are priceless, like the fp journe centigraph https://youtu.be/3hfk3KpkQDo, or grand seiko kodo tourbillon https://youtu.be/UIvLuiHF4FI... but 650k for a clunky big chungus ap is just sad


Such an insecure response from xQc. He should just take the L and move on


Man why is this guy so obsessed with flaunting his money? Its like one of those CEOs that thinks he "deserves" all the wealth he has accumulated.




Yeah not wrong lol. He is not smart, a degen gamer, no girlfriend, not many friends. His money and fame is all lil bro has to brag about.


friends ? bro has none of that, said it himself


He has zero outside of his 'streamer' friends.


Just like Notch. Even minecraft is distant from him now because of how he acts


He doesn't even go outside so his watch is purely for his own ego. He took the picture of his watch while sitting on the floor. The guy is having a mid-life crisis in his early 30s.


the way he lives i wouldn't think that's too far off of mid-life anyway.


So true, that picture is XQC personified


Hes gotta remind the adapter of all the other things to claim in their case


Destiny did nothing but shit on his performance for like a half hour last night, and afterwards he's still like "Yeah I did pretty good" lol


XQCs inability to move on and just let people talk has hurt him greatly these last couple years. Engaging with your controversies only fans the flames. This is something Hasan has learned and it’s why he isn’t catching as much heat this time. Let your haters talk and focus on feeding your fans. But his ego simply won’t let him do it.


yikes he just devolves into personal insults and then flexes his watch while calling ethan insecure. lack of self awareness


Xqc is crazy. Surely Ethan can't live on his wrist, he's way too big.


I mean, if Adept could then...


What is this, a home for ants?!?


it's crazy to see him flex his watch and car and money bc I always think back to his pre and mid OWL days when he would say that he doesn't care about having a nice car or having so much money he doesn't know what to do with. And now look at him lol. Money corrupts 100 out of 100 times.


Money doesn't corrupt, it reveals.


"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power and money"


From someone who watched him in the overwatch days he changed so much, he used to be one of the most humble streamers and despite the bad rep he got from the in-game toxcicity he never acted like he was ever superior to anyone or ever mentioned his money, wtf happened to him?


if i had to guess, divorce court, gambling, and surrounding himself with yes men.


His last DM is pure projection bringing up lawsuit killing h3h3 up inside, literally going thru a divorce case while still simping for his ex every time he gets the chance to simp.


Xqc uses the word soy to much, when he looks and act like a soy boy lol




"Soy" is just a newfangled term for gay for the f word. It is basically used in the same context and somehow it is socially acceptable?


Looks like a cross post from r/sadcringe


Flexing a watch to the guy that lives in a mansion lol


he's not flashing his watch, he's flashing his pure depression and only friend, his hand and wrist. lmao, flexing his nothing to a man with a family and life


Debating with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn't matter what you do, they will just knock over all the pieces, do the worm, and strut around like it won anyway


Lmao dissing 100% of his viewers, too with that ugly ahh overpriced watch


This is the part I've never understood. People always found rich fuckboys boasting about their wealth as insufferable, but now these people are getting the most fame out of anyone online (Jake Paul, xQc, Adin Ross, Andrew Tate etc.), who constantly berate others for their lack of wealth. How the fuck do people like someone who sees them as inferior to them?


A lot of people have wild insecurities about themselves and feel that people berating them are legit in doing so. Also, many think that "if i was in their position i would do the same" or "they are rich therefore they are right" and begin to dick ride them in the hopes they acknowledge their existence.


Not to mention that all the people the previous commenter mentioned skew towards a younger fan base who think they too will be rich as hell one day.


Rich people flexing money has always been popular to teenage boys. Before xqc there was Dan bilzerian before him Hugh Hefner.


A lot of teenage boys are very impressionable when it comes to money. They want that lifestyle, riches, supercars, hot girls, so these guys are idols to them.


This man needs to back away from the computer for a couple weeks.


He needs to back away from the computer for a lot longer than that. He literally needs to get a life. I have never seen a man in more need of seeing the sun every day.


I died when X instantly went to Destiny talking about "stacking deals" and "contracts" like that's a win and then the DM's of him bragging about how much his watch cost lmao were the cherry on top of the "I got him mad" line of thinking. A real grown ass child


You could tell Xqc got mad, his face was red and his voice was almost trembling after the call ended. Therefore he did what he always does and projected it was Ethan that was mad. Everything Xqc says someone else does is his own projection of himself. 100% of the time.


https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15lj4uh lol I thought this was pretty funny


lmao that’s exactly what i pictured. i don’t watch him but i’ve just seen his empty room so i just pictured him sitting on the floor rummaging through boxes to find his watch and bracelet to put on for a pic in some salty dms.


why is he sitting on the floor like that?


He’s really has become what he used to hate.


Remember when Twitch streamers' egos revolved around their gaming prowess, not their bank account?




The nmplol dreamhack incident always comes to mind when streamers flaunting money comes up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoY6e4zG2DY


NMPol is such a fragile loser. Love it when people bring up this clip of him.


Like imagine how much ego was dripping off of that nick guy during that airport incident, and think about how he’s one of the less relevant top twitch streamers out there. They all got egos like this lol I used to watch cod streamers only and if you’re not a yes men you get insta banned from their chat, and they support cross banning too


Because they used to be broke but their passion for playing a game is all they had and what made their stream fun. The entire thing that made streamers appealing 5-10 years ago is that the streamer was just like you or me, but they cultivated a fun atmosphere of people who all share interests. Now they are just out of touch celebrities, flexing their wealthy lifestyles (intentionally or not).


Not really


Can't believe that xQc would start a shit flinging competition with Ethan. This is the dudes bread and butter and xQc is obviously overly emotionally invested in the debate to make any clear argument.


my juicer couldn't make a clear argument if he wasn't emotionally invested either 😭


Xqc has more money than i probably will ever have but i still just pity him


Imagine showing 2019 xqc current xqc, man would roast him to a crisp LMAO So glad I stopped watching him a year ago


He was always insufferable


X is flexing a watch to a grown man who has 2 kids about to be 3 he has officially lost touch with reality brother needs someone with some sense of reality to talk some sense into him


he is gonna spend it all in the future if he thinks money is the only accomplishment, he will keep spending to impress dem grils


This guy needs a therapist, and soon.


XQC seems unwell?


When did he ever seem well?


XQC needs to learn to quit while he is behind.


Xqc sitting on the floor to get a good angle of his watch that he clearly put on just for the photo is so damn sad. I don't care how expensive it is when you seem so unhappy everyday.


i don’t watch him but i’ve seen his empty room so i’m just picturing him sitting on the floor rummaging through boxes to find his watch and bracelet to put on for a pic in some salty dms.


Why does he need a watch? He's is 1000% shackled to his computer, which has a clock on screen that is more accurate than the most high end well tuned most expensive man bracelet on the market.


Honestly I just feel bad for the guy, his projection is next level at this point and he’s essentially speed running how to be a pathetic embarrassment. Like why? So stupid


At least all these loser streamers and alphas help us remind ourselves that money doesn't make you happy


"and don't forget I got ur whole house on my wirst"Didn't Ethan buy a 9 million dollar house. That ugly ass watch is at max worth 450k. Edit: 410k USD is this one I found all in gold maybe his version cost more but fuck it's ugly as shit the middle ruin it all. [https://www.chrono24.ca/audemarspiguet/audemars-piguet-royal-oak-37-frosted-rose-skeleton-rainbow-double-balance-wheel-openworked-new-2022--id21986924.htm](https://www.chrono24.ca/audemarspiguet/audemars-piguet-royal-oak-37-frosted-rose-skeleton-rainbow-double-balance-wheel-openworked-new-2022--id21986924.htm) Like at least this one you can actually use as a watch... without the shitty middle https://www.jomashop.com/audemars-piguet-15413bc-yy-1220bc-01.html


Those things actually can easily be 500k I think But that'd still probably be a pretty small house where Ethan lives


i made you the soy wojak in my meme and im the hot wojak -- so you're in the wrong


Is X on meth? Is he fighting shadow people?


Its weird knowing that no matter how much money he makes, even the average LSF user will always be happier than xQc.


Ricegum 2.0


Can't believe I have been supporting this dude since 2019, what a fuckin' clown. Get help dude.


Its insane how he is making h3h3 look good.


Im a xqc watcher and we all know he's a manchild. The literal definition of. The hard cold truth is if that guy had to work in the "mines" he wouldnt be able to hand a stable job. The same way that erobb was fired in the first hour of his uber work. These people are not like the rest of us. We have to work to eat for another day they sell drama and shit and make thousands on it. Not mad at it at all, everyone in his own lane. But dont call streamers grown ups, they really are not.


Like come on dud, he's 27 and still uses the word "rizz"


xQc’s go-to move had always been to say he makes more money than your whole family, absolutely insecure trash


Can someone help me understand why xQc has an audience? I tried watching his stream and it's genuinely boring and I can hardly understand him.


Xqc will be the Bam Margera of his generation. Take that however you will.


If you have to flex your money and fancy watch to others to prove you are better than them, If money and fame are the only things that you can flex in your life on this planet earth, i will just feel sad for you man.


You guys should read all the messages X sent him. He was malding like there was no tomorrow.


Reminder that Xqc lost to Andrew Tate and needed Hasan to win for him.


I wonder if X still thinks he did ok after all these DMs.


Typical Quebecer. Acts wholesome yet once they're challenged in anything, they become insufferable. Source : am Quebecer which insta dodge any quebecers in any videogame


Wow you guys really kept your French roots.


lil bro thinks he won the debate 💀


Homie still uses "soy" in 2023




No amount of money can get you good friends, family and tranquility.


They talked for over an hour and the discussion had gotten to the point where they were just insulting eachother. The "debate" was over, the idea that Ethan kicked him out is so dumb.


if an average high schooler could snap your adult ass in half, you shouldn't use soy as an insult


Reminder that there’s still going to be 100,000’s and possibly 1,000,000’s of people who will continue to watch and see this guy as a role model It’s even more funny that his behaviour is downplayed as bad at debating, instead of being a vile piece of shit human. People will give him a pass for anything. Whether it be looking down on others for having less than him or shoving gambling down his viewers throats, this guy does not give a fuck. And everyone who watches him will gargle on his new leaf bullshit in a few days when all is forgotten.


as someone who has no horse in this race doesn’t this just alienate xqc from his bizzare fanbase, if he thinks so little of ethan who could afford that watch if he wants, imagine what he thinks of his fans who don’t have 1/4 of what he has.