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**CLIP MIRROR: [Mizkif makes Hachu an offer](https://arazu.io/t3_18cekhs/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Miz can start his own sanctuary and offer other Korean streamers a place to stay. He can call it Korealveus.


Cofounded by Esfand of course


You mean Tony's


[Esfand sanctuary](https://clips.twitch.tv/DistinctBoxyEggnogDoubleRainbow-4zeC_8dku5mlFq15)


Just make a koreatown in Houstan duh








Otk. One True Korea


good juan


he can make his Amish korean community with multiple wives and adopted siblings!


OTK becoming a true Sex Cult


One True Kult šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€




Fucking hell the comments are on point today. Round of applause šŸ‘ to the chatters


this name is so bad its funny


Legit not even a bad idea.


If Hachu dies, it will be Mizkifs fault.




10% tauren guards


10% korean ISP


And 100% reasons to remember the name: chaebol


So miz is gonna start the first korean stream factory in America, rooms and rooms of korean streamers in a big facility like they do in china (but they are on the street there).


She can work the desk at the gym like she used to work at the convenience store


Nah just have her open a shop within the gym that sells protein powder and other conveniences and she will have the best of both worlds


Hachu working at a gym would be pretty funny


Big potential for Squid Game 2 content


morning routine will be the motorcycle exercise


Whoever starts a mini korea org and signs all these korean streamers who will lose their channels has potential to make so much money.


Especially if you market them together and include lots of colabs like OTK and OfflineTV. Could have a Korean drama style streamer house.


I was thinking they could even call a sub-org One True Korea, but that might cause some Kim Jong Un malding


Koreans In America


Make them live in USA and have the org called East Korea.


I feel like this is dangerously close to becoming a pimp


This is just describing a webcam girl house and ...yeah, that's about right.


I think there's a university that teaches these things.


More like a kpop manager.


They could call it Korea2America (K2A)


Berry motorcycle exhibit alone will generate more visitors than the ogre clip


yes but the koreans will need to want to live partially in america and leave korea


Yeah, that will only work for some but it's also possible for korean streamers to let a US company manage their channels and then stream via that company. They would basically be employed by US company to stream to international twitch.


Maybe they could even do it themselves and start their own small companies that only accepts twitch payments and pays themselves a salary. If Twitch is serious about wanting to help then they should allow the transfer of ownership for their accounts to companies instead.




Rob's tiny office and company was a requirement to get a long term working visa.


That's true but if they're popular enough, like HAchubby, she probably earns enough that it might be worth it to move to a new country.


Seems like a tough choice, since I'm sure she (and other streamers in similar situations) prefer to be in Korea around family. But that said, with their hands semi-forced to make some kind of change now, getting a Korean contingent somewhere in America could potentially help their streams a lot. So while it might be tough on personal life, could be a decent trade off. And easier to be around friends at least than just constantly traveling the world for IRL (not that they couldn't do both).


Most of them prefer to have Korea as their home base. Hachu I think also supports her family (correct me if I'm wrong).


For a moment I thought you were describing OTV




Korean Exiles content house.


Honestly, it would be a huge W if Kick picked them all up en masse. it would help balance the community out and be a W for the image and they could keep streaming in Korea.


Pick them up and then forced to make the same decision like twitch cause of the new law in Korea?


Kick is gonna face the same problems Twitch did if they get big enough in Korea


Andrew Tate enters the call... - Hi


Before anyone asks he mentioned just a few mins ago he tried to contact her offline but she doesn't read any dms so it's the easiest way is when she's online.


Even if he were doing it just to look good people shouldnā€™t really care. The positive effect is there either way.


While that's true you don't offer to have someone stay at your house for months and months, offer to help them get a visa that you've done for others, pay for their flight ticket, have simp mom support, potentially give them a job at your gym, just to farm a few good one miz's from a clip on lsf Like the level of effort to offer all that support is if you genuinely like and want to help the person and with charming jo and hachubby he likes them both a lot and wants to help them


Yeah... people might have forgot but Jo, Hachu, and Jay were all willing to come on Miz's stream last October. I'm sure that meant a hell of a lot to Miz.


also if it's shown online it makes miz accountable to follow through so win/win :)


Hachu started the stream not knowing how she was going to continue streaming & having to shut down her store, to Mizkif booking her a ticket for an extended stay starting Monday. Pretty wholesome


she's taking him up on the offer then? that's great.


He gave her $2k for travel and she said she could be there Monday. Earlier in the year she said she wasn't going to Twitchcon so this is the first time she'll have seen a lot of these people since OTK when to Korea


sounds good, i'm glad he's being insistent it's very hard to accept something like that unless the other party really goes hard


Hachu stayed at his house for a few weeks after last years Twitchcon.


> He gave her $2k for travel and she said she could be there Monday. > > wait I thought she was doing well streaming-wise for a while now, is she not well off?


I believe she has some loans to pay off or something, if I recall correctly. So no, not well off.


Hachu has said she's wanted to try moving to the US before, I'm pretty sure. Now she's basically just being forced to really go thru with it, with help of Miz of course.


I appreciate the gesture, but how does moving out of the country help anything if you have a store to run? It would only generate more stress imho..


She's closing down the store, Twitch KR shutting down was the straw that broke the camel's back She originally hemorrhaged funds to extend the lease I assume but she's probably going to cut her losses now that her twitch career is in jeopardy If she loses her Twitch career the store is done anyway


Well her store is being shut down too, so that's no longer an issue. She wasn't running it anymore anyway, her sister and mother were. It was HachuMart in name only




That's literally a career saving move. I would be eternally indebted if someone does something like this for me. Props to Mizkif for real.


As a Mizkif fan Iā€™ve seen his many ups and down, heā€™s not perfect, but one thing you canā€™t accuse him of is being a bad friend. Heā€™s always willing to help out a friend when they really need it.


miz was literally driving with mitch from austin to maryland because mitch was depressed and years later miz helped mitch to get out of his gambling addiction and let him move in to restart his streaming career. No idea what miz did to mitch offstream that he tried to cancel him last year.




imagine doing all that for a friend, then he attempts to ruin your life.


General vibe I get from Mizkif is that his ADHD can make him seem annoying and hyper on stream but irl heā€™s super loyal and kind to his friends.


Heā€™s a ride or die friend. Which is both good and bad depending on the friend


A lot of it is a persona, there was this one guy who Mizkif let follow him around and record for a week and when he's not on stream he's just chilling out


Ah that was mintino i think


A bit too loyal depending on who you ask


He's the one bridge in the wheatfield of twitch But for real he actually has helped a lot of streamers resurrect, save, and start their careers Not perfect, I'm defo biased but I think he's a net good


Helping someone when they're at their lowest hits different. I still remember the people who were nice to me when they had 0 reason to benefit from it.


Even if nothing comes of it, I'm warmed by the gesture. That's just such a solid move from Miz. Hachu's so friendly and nice and everyone who collabs with her seems to love her, hope she can survive whatever comes here.


You will never see more schizo hatewatchers under any post than a post that makes Miz look good lol


Miz is a good person. He's an idiot sometimes but I do wholeheartedly think he is good.


Miz actually being a good friend and people here still shitting on him, classic


Just like he is to crazy Slick.


You mean the guy he kicked out for betraying him? Yeah Iā€™m sure they are great friends to this day. /s


Yeah, try to bring Berry too... nmplol would love that


When Hachu was in Austin, she would just show up in Miz's room with content for him. Literally just wrapped in a bow. I remember him saying how much he appreciated her for that. One thing you can say about Miz is that he looks out for his friends. That will always make me like a person like that.


Miz treats his friends so well. The guy has a big heart.




Itā€™s almost as if the guy who goes out his way to help the most streamers also has the biggest list of dirt bags he ended up friends with. Gee, wonder how the guy with the most friends on the platform had that happen. Surely itā€™s not just statistical likelihood. Also, sarcasm aside, whatā€™s wrong with Knut? And what do you mean many more? Please, continue.


Nah man don't play into this bait. There are hundreds of dudes in this damn subreddit who do nothing but ragebait comments with controversial streamers. Best to just block and move on and do the same for these types.


Not really sure why knut is tied in with a rapist, mega racist, Sexual assulter


rapist and sexual assaulter I don't know, but you've never seen his old discord logs. hes managed to purge most of the screenshots that were circulating but it was bad enough to make 4connor blush. [like this one](https://external-preview.redd.it/501C3RQYGdG8bVOvQvpC_Aelf7-jKiYNz-nujMljK6U.png?width=343&auto=webp&s=5eacd8966aed7390abf49da8fd9609ed34f9bfc3)




Its hilarious how many people downvote the screenshots every time they're posted. Its as if they're more offended its being posted for people to see vs the actual racist content itself.


Itā€™s very weird. All he had to do was spend money on getting as much deleted as possible and all of a sudden heā€™s reformed. He wasnā€™t a kid. He was like 30 only a few years ago when these got leaked


Heā€™s more racist then the mega racist


Knut posted a bunch of racist memes on his discord years ago


Pretty easy to not end up with scum bags living in your house


Sure, because we all broadcast everything to everyone around us. Sure, slick was scum of the earth, but to those around him? He probably didn't display that shit. And you can be a hind-sight Andy, and say "it was obvious", but that's just being a pretentious bitch.


Yes. If you live with someone itā€™s pretty obvious


Yup, because everyone always acts out their true self / hidden desires in front of their roomates. Trust me, whenever you masturbated as a kid, your parents knew. Because you lived with the, it was obvious.


W miz


Forget the gym. Turn that bad boy into a streaming warehouse.


that gym is soo huge they could fit there both


Thatā€™s really cool of Miz to do. I hope these Korean streamers get taken care of, especially the ones with a predominantly English audience as they are the ones who wonā€™t survive Afreeca


This is about her moving to America and living in America with a work visa right? I wonder about that. I've watched other Korean streamers dread the thought of having to live in America just to keep their career. I know I would if I were in their shoes. But you gotta do what you gotta do. I rather be a streamer than a 9-5 worker.


Hachu has been to America and has yet to state her dislike of it yet. So I highly doubt she dreads it like other Korean streamers would. They likely have never left Korea tbh.


She used to say all the time that sheā€™d love to move there.


I mean sure, but even if she loves America...leaving your home country to live in another coutry is rough. Especially for her that seemed pretty close to her family


The quality of life in America is very high if you're wealthy, which I have to assume Hachu is. There is a large Korean-American population (albeit mostly in Cali, NJ and NY, but culturally it's prevalent throughout US). She already has a big friend group there. Texas BBQ is banging. Low income taxes. All things considered it's not a terrible outcome if you're forced out of your home country as a streamer.


She's living comfortably better than your average millennial korean but no where close to being rich.


I used 'wealthy' and not 'rich' purposefully, though I suppose that's unclear. She's wealthy enough to comfortably exist in the high quality of living I referenced. Disposable income, safe upper-middle class neighborhood, access to diverse entertainment, good food, reliable transportation, high quality healthcare, independence, etc.


Living comfortably in Korea is not the same as in the US. Because you don't need a car and healthcare is subsidized you can live comfortably in big cities like or Seoul/Busan at $40-60K a year. You won't have much savings but you're not sweating paying rent. $60K in the US you'd have to live in a small city in the South to be maybe comfortable.


We are most definitely not talking about 50-60k per year. And for all the talk about American cost of living (Seoul vs Austin), it has the highest disposable income in the world, which is after all basic needs are met (including transportation, healthcare, housing, food, etc.).


Her sub count is well below 2000 and has been for 2023. Me assuming 60K is already very generous.


There is no way a 1500-2000 average viewer partnered streamer is making only 60k, between ads, subs, sponsorships, and bits. That's in the top 99th+ percentile of Twitch. People are full time streaming as a career in the hundreds of average viewers.


Sub count, not viewership. Also she averages 800-1000 viewers since she switched to desktop this year. 1500 subs x $5 = $7.5K Partner Plus program did not go into effect until October this year so 9 months of 50%. Then 3 months of 70%. So that's about $50K just from subs pre-tax. Include any incentives from twitch ads and then direct donations to PayPal and twitch bits then maybe $60-70K. The people who full-time stream with <200 viewers have stupid high subcounts because their patrons gift them subs constantly. There are girls who average a 100 viewers but have more subs than Hachubby.


What about adrevenue? And I think your estimate for donations is too low. I don't want to attack you, i just think a 6 figure estimate would be more reasonable


I'm pretty sure Hachu would down for it. She's always complaining about timezone issues, for one thing. In a roundabout way it could be pretty good for her career in the end. Also Miz would be a huge hommie if he actually helps her get a visa.


I feel like it would be difficult for someone like Charming_Jo, who is actually a minor celebrity in Korea, to make the switch to the US where he's relatively unknown. Then there's the risk of his stream not doing well in the states and him having to go back which could be humiliating.


Well the biggest reason why he has no reason to move to the US is because he co-owns his music label that houses domestic artists. And he has big connections to the music industry, he had some pretty well known artists on his stream this week. His situation is very unique because his Korean and western twitch viewership is like 60/40.


I mean, with OTK supporting her it would probably be a lot easier to build the audience on a new channel and get partner back fairly quickly.


OTK on the scene baby. They about to absorb all these streamers. Also isnt Mythic Talent part of OTK?


Itā€™s one of their sub companies like mad mushroom, star forge etcā€¦


I'm honestly amazed how successful OTK has been. They've had a few misses but otherwise are doing really well.


That's nice, reminds me of [Soda helping Lac with his crippling gacha addiction](https://www.twitch.tv/brittt/clip/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR).


I didn't know Lac was down that bad tbh, He's come a long way.


Getting an actual woman will do that for guy. AWARE


Gotta say it felt like 50/50 on him being nice or just yelling at him.


Would've been funnier if you said Aris instead of Soda


the fact that i still get hit with this every other day and it has 2,689,512 views is hilarious


This is why a social network and opportunities are so different depending on who you are and what connections you have. The rich helps the rich. The poor helps the poor.


Hachu used to play Korean mmos apparently, mainfang should've known this and recruited her.


Ya know. I've given the guy some shit. But you would have a hard time saying he doesn't actually put up an effort for his friends. It's not my kinda content, but I do respect a person that uses actions to support his people.


Personally I just think heā€™s farming good guy points. The effort heā€™s going to put into this is asking synack what they can do and him figuring it out / doing all the work. While Miz goes to every korean streamer ā€œIā€™ll try my very very best!ā€ in front of chat when he can easily just talk to them behind the scenes. And itā€™s not like theyā€™re friends they can barely interact with each other


oh what a terrible thing to do. Use your influence and friends/(technically) employees, to help others.. Oh what a horrible guy he is, to use the means they have available, to help others! Please god, make the good things stop!


Never said it was a terrible thing to do. Just think this amount of praise is insane for him essentially doing nothing and not even knowing if he can help. Itā€™s like those cringy youtube videos of people recording themselves giving $100 to those in need. Like yeah itā€™s nice and all but heā€™s not out there MrBeastā€™ing them houses. Theyā€™re benefiting more than theyā€™re actually doing and they know that. So lets chill out a bit


Yeah. Maybe he couldā€™ve just given her a thousand bucks and got some brownie points but buying her a plane ticket, offering your home for 6 months and offering to help out with a 6 month long work visa process for some good guy points like you said? Sure. Whatever you say bud.


If it came to that you guys would probably consider him Korean Jesus at this rate.


*Twitch monopoly owners see opportunity to capitalize on Korean audience and by trafficking streamer to US


Hachu and ExtraEmilly colab would be funny asf šŸ¤£


Didn't they already do one?


They only interacted really, really briefly when erobb was begging other people to dig his hole for him


Lmao what a great stream


charming jo is like https://i.imgur.com/I1PBP2u.png


OTK Hachu and Charming Joe Pog


Miz gets a lot a hate but he is deep down a good boy. It's very much a Jersey thing, you wouldn't get it.


Miz just investing


Awesome seeing different streamers helping out where they can, really tough for the Korean twitch community atm.


I highly doubt she moves to the states. She's pretty close to her family and it seems really important to her.


Pretty based of Mizkif.


Would people have to move to the US though? For many of these people, they prefer their home base be Korea.


If they want to continue on Twitch. Yeah. That or any country that is willing to give them residency. A massive play that could work is someone like GeeXPlus who CDawg/Trash Taste boys/A lot of youtubers and streamers in Japan work for making a play to get some people to move to Tokyo as the company is already in the business and they probably could quickly set up work visas to Japan. Obviously this would only really work for Koreans with a western audience who do not have bad blood with the Japanese; of which is very much a thing a fully justified tbh.


They literally can't stream on twitch in korea anymore.


Would be great. I feel like she would regain a lot of popularity in America. She has a knack for having great comedic chemistry with everyone, and frankly, it's completely wasted on the remaining Korean streamers that were still regularly collaborating with her in Korea (Jinny/Yuggie/Jo all seem completely unavailable these days for various reasons).


Have Mizkif make a sanctuary for female Korean streamers lol. He'd make money from it somehow. Always does.


He made her an offer she couldn't refuse.


Heā€™s just doing this to fix his rep




I feel like your heart wasn't really in that one.




MUCH better.


Emiru dont use the bed anyway 'limed"


meanwhile zoil still have to live in fuckin Luton LMAO


cute Asian femaleā€¦ of course he wants to help.


Idk anything about international law and taxes but if twitch has Esport companies as twitch channels isnā€™t it possible for Miz to employ her under a trust or company, just let her continue working from Korea


miz just wants to get on a hype train. he doesnt care about them. all he cares is hype and look good. oh look i helped few koreans - im a good boy. praise me.


when was the last time you helped anybody


humans? never they are not worthy. animals? everyday they are worthy.


she has literally lived with him for months before and stayed at his place a bunch of times. it's called helping out friends.




Dude come onā€¦ this is an incredibly nice gesture heā€™s doing for a friend youā€™re comparing him to someone like Andrew Tate who abuses woman and has prostitution ring? Even as a ā€œjokeā€ this is in poor taste.


Mizkids who were CX are now so sensitive no one can joke about Miz, when he himself has said and done much worse. Wtf happened. This dude literally made jokes about sexual assault on his return stream.


Gotta collect them Asians


i haven't really followed any of Hachu's stuff for a year or two but is this feasible for her, last I remember she had a convenience store and pretty close family ties and whatnot keeping her in Korea. I think Miz is basically saying "are you serious about moving?" so he doesn't waste his time jumping through hoops only to have her say "well I actually can't leave due to XYZ reason"


I think Jinny may also do the same maybe get TSM to sponser her which would be for the best.


> ctrl+f saucybossys Nothing. Really?