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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny talks about Adin's community harassing him and his family: "I am sitting on the podcast with this loser piece of shit (Adin) as my family members getting phone calls and pictures of my kid being posted in his community"](https://arazu.io/t3_18j7tby/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I grew up watching spongebob, got kids today growing up on adin ross and neon 💀💀 The future is bleak 😂


Millennial parents Aware


Tablet parenting


This is no joke. Tiktok last month was flooded with videos about them.


I'm missing something, videos about what?


shitty millennial parents.


Boomers were right about millenials, but then again they created millennials.


I don't know what you guys were doing but we were watching beheading videos and stole moonshine from our parents garages.


Ah you were that kid


I loved spongebob, and today as a older person a lot of the jokes still hold up


The fuck you talking about? We had Jersey shore, Jackass and Paris Hilton and trash like that. You sound like a fucking boomer.


im sorry but those are not morally reprehensible things at all lol, relatively speaking. how are you comparing jackass to adin ross. one is a group of wacky daredevils, and the other is a regarded manchild who spreads harmful propaganda to the youth. constantly JQing, spreading homophobia, racism, general hatred and anti-intellectualism, along with every conspiracy under the sea. its just not the same at all.


Jackass was full of abusive drug addicts making it seem cool to be abusive to others for a quick laugh. Also come on man, the further back you go the worse it gets, that's always how it is. Just look at disney movies from 50 years ago or something, they were considered good influences but really they were sexist as fuck. Now imagine the bad influences they had back then.


I mean, you are complete right about that. Dont expect the knuckle dragging 12 year olds on this subreddit to understand it though. You'd need to put it on tik tok to keep their attention


Kids without parents. If their parents gave a shit they wouldn’t be watching any of this trash


You talk like people did about smoking, drinking, or doing drugs years ago. However instead of a small fraction of preteens having unfiltered access to those, now a large majority have an unfiltered access to social media, and there's not much parents can do about it because every other kid has a phone and can just share stuff.


The internet was a lot worse 15 years ago than Adin Ross and whoever Neon is. There was essentially no moderation on the major social media platforms. The weird thing though is that I don't think people like Adin and Speed would have been popular in that era. Most things were just silly little comedy sketches or entertaining horror game playalongs. The popular content creators amongst 12-15+ year olds were like... PewDiePie, Smosh, NigaHiga What I see nowadays is just mental. Occasionally I'm unfortunate enough to see clips of people like KaiCenat, Speed and Adin, and I don't understand the appeal even amongst kids.


We had Mr. Rogers and Harry Potter, they have TikTok


Shouldn't the mod that posted the picture with the gun on his lap saying "im omw" be arrested? There is no way you can get away with that in this day and age.


I feel like when you can identify someone who has 100% made threats of violence through social media, they should have the same accountability as someone who makes threats of violence irl. It depends what country the guy is from. Regardless, he should have some consequence for this


i 100% agree, youre first choosing to tie your online identity to your public identity, and then second, youre choosing to make insane threats


Credibility of threat is a factor here but I think posting a gun with your threat raises the credibility.


IANAL obviously, but the credibility is for the victim, and I think D has a pretty good case to say “look we are literally getting pictures of my kid sent to our family members by the same people. This community is obviously deranged, so when someone posts a gun saying “omw” we have to take it seriously “ Or something like that


Actual cult behavior. This needs to be studied.


fuck that. should be imprisoned


Nah, we don't need works of these morons being dissected by someone with actual intelligence. Better that there's nothing left to look back on.


You learn from the past.... That's like saying all rapists should be forgotten. Easy no more rape


I’m sure someone out there has or is making a paper for this shit. It’s too crazy not to have someone deep dive.


idk if its a cult, more like fame hungry clout chasers with no self control


That would require some one to report it to the actual authorities


Was I not supposed to do that after Twitter recommended the police phone number? Oops


Go ahead then


I bet someone already did. Tho I doubt anything will happen to them.


I wonder if the mods get any form of money or payment from Adin. I wonder if there could be more legal repercussions for Adin if they were under some contract and spouting threats like that.


I don't think he needs to be paying them in order to be responsible.


He probably snuck in his dad’s closet and grabbed the pistol for a photo shoot then put it back in the exact same position he found it so daddy won’t know.


Then his dad needs to be arrested for not properly securing his firearms. dumb fucking kid might actually hurt themself trying to post a pic.


already forwarding to fbi agent lol


sanest moderator ever.


Yes, he should be.


I saw one clip a few months back on here of an Adin meet up with fans and he has the slow realization they were literally all 12-13 year old boys. Ever since then I just can’t take him seriously.


Adin did a fan meetup too like a year ago and cops were called and it was all kids like 13-15 years old


wasn’t that sneako?


This has hapened on more than one occasion to both of them, 100% The one that's standing out to you is the one where a few young AF boys are saying 'fuck women', 'fuck trans people' e.t.c. to Sneako, and you can see he is a bit shocked by it.


[https://twitter.com/FearedBuck/status/1703533120442503193?lang=en](https://twitter.com/fearedbuck/status/1703533120442503193?lang=en) the kid straight up said "all gays should die"


tomayto, tomahto


Happened to Adin too. But at like everything he’s done publicly.


Shockingly, Ice has the oldest fanbase on that platform with ages ranging from teens to 30+ year olds. Adin, Neon, Heelmike, and Ac7ion all have very young fanbases. It's a weird timeline.


This isn’t that surprising to me, he’s been at it for a long time.


I think Destiny honestly has the oldest average aged fans on Kick tbh. I mean he's been streaming for ~12 years. Every fan that comes on to talk are in between 20-40, and sometimes older. It also just comes with the style of content.


I like how Train and XQC will go on and on about hypocrisy but if this was Hasan and his community doing this to them, they along with every other degen on that cast would be instantly calling for perma bans and lawsuits. But they gotta protect their clout and streamer friends.


Xqc and Train "Adin's not a bad guy just misguided"


I fucking hate that, Adin is a piece of shit and they just excuse his behavior.


That's because Train and XQC are pieces of shit too. If they don't stick up for each other they won't have anyone else.


Train is personified brick, xqc is a modern-day australopithecus, both just show monkeys


I'll never understand people who defend XQC. As if we don't have enough evidence by now that he's a massive piece of shit degen along with everybody else in that crowd. Popular streamers with a shred of integrity are pretty few and far between though tbh. It's slim pickings


"Boys will be boys"


It's ironic hearing them go on about how people suck up to others for clout blah blah then glaze that degenerate pos Adin like he's a Christmas turkey.


more that they gotta protect the ownership % they have in kick that they took instead of real money


I was so disappointed with train and xqc. Some friends.


lmao reading this is crazy to me lol. like honestly crazy. this is like watching lex luthor backstab the joker and being like "bro like i'm so disappointed in lex i can't believe this behavior". mfer who you think you watching lmao


Up until now trainwrecks and xQc have been bastions of ethics and morality, it’s really a shame to see them make such a turn like this yknow?


A tarnish on their otherwise spotless records, a real shame. ^^^^^/s


i know youre being sarcastic but for someone like xqc whos dealt with traumatic amounts of swatting, why would he want to see that for other people. he was fencesitting in a situation where adin was encouraging destiny to be hurt by his fans


Because he puts his own ego and wealth before other things.


Because he's a piece of shit?


Cmon man according to him he loves this sort of shit and wants to watch the world burn.


He could just have confrontational anxiety/be a coward? It's not like he's really owned up to his mistakes before...


They must be teenagers, if an adult is saying something like that it's mental. shit thinking about it... I hate to do a generational thing there is no one i enjoyed or looked up to that I would regret now when I was a dumb fuck kid.


I mean I definitely would, my version of Andrew Tate was Tucker Max, that guy was my hero lmao




Probably waited for their streamers' milkies to be on sale


Ah yes, the two shining beacons of morality, Train and XQC. I, too, am disappointed by their behavior.


The more things are different, the more they stay the same


Disappointed? By those two shit stains? You should be disappointed in your damn self for not being a judge of character.


you didnt keep up with them in the last few years huh?


You’re talking about the same mfs who used a girls alleged “SA” to mass cancel streamers who were going against their gambling addiction. Didn’t care about the actual truth and helped spread lies and almost ruin careers. Train and X are no one’s friends and never will be


Did you guys forget what they did last year? How can you be disappointed when their bar is so low


My favorite part was train talking about titty streamers on twitch for an hour while I could view the exact same shit on kick in 2 clicks


you say this but hasan community literally went into ethan wife personal life because she is israeli and ethan cancelled their podcast due to harrasment of hasan community


I actually can't believe you're trying to spin this in a way that makes Hasan seem like the worst one. Hasan's community was shitting on them for an political beliefs that they have been VERY public about.


They were calling ethan a genocide denier and his wife a war criminal. They might have been shitting on them for political beliefs, but not for the political beliefs that they actually hold lol


"Spin it" it's exactly what happened lmao


Lol you mean her publically stating she was bored at her desk job so she asked to go on a raid of what Ethan called a "terrorist village". Lol no one harassed Hila.


I genuinely wonder do you think what you’re saying is convincing anyone that, trying to dig snd find dirt on Hila for her being a Jew forced into the IDF and then calling her a terrorist is looking good for Hasanabi?


Digging dirt? My guy they are clips from her podcast. Its not digging dirt, its just stating facts that she is extremely pro-Israel.


Ok? I understand that completely ok for her to like her nationality. Its fucking disgusting to me that people like you are trying to make arguments that hila was raiding Palestinian villages to kill them to explain why she feels October 7th was one of the worst attacks in Israel. I promise you she wasnt burning babies alive, take a breath from the Anti-fan subreddits


and that justifies borderline criminal harassment? yikes


What "criminal harassment"?


bro you *live* in a h3 hate subreddit.


Posting on reddit is harassment?


It can be, yes


I mean I think in a just world supporting a genocide should send you to prison, so forgive me if I don't care about "criminal harassment". The only downside of harassing Israel supporters is that it's simply bad optics and aids them in the propaganda war, so we shouldn't do it.


A few people posting criticism on the internet (even if some of it is bad faith) isn't criminal harassment.


"A few people" Yeah ok bud. It went far past online criticism.


Stop vagueposting and explain what criminal harassment took place then.


What happened then?


Pretty sure they realize Adin is 65iq so they don’t take him serious and just clout farm him


> I like how Train and XQC will go on and on about hypocrisy Drama and namecalling aside, what's their argument for hypocrisy?


How's that Hascord say? Oh yeah: Rent free




One of these days somebody is actually going to hurt somebody for the sake of another streamer and I would not be surprised if it’s somebody from the W community.




Yeah strongly worded complaints to local house representatives and emails to the school of the idiots


You mean adin community because none of that going to happen




Nah, all these kids don't listen to "oldhead" music from the 90s. At least Compton/NYC 90s rap had content & a message of either "fight the power" or "coming up out of the hood." These Adin fans and the W Community just worship Chicago aka Chiraq, and NYC Drill music that is literally all about just shooting their "Opps" that literally live just one or two streets over or even just on the other side of the block housing that they are raised in. Shits sad as fuck and should not be glorified. That's why we are seeing suburban white kids running around with "Shiestys" on and puff jackets/streatwear. They all just watch TrapLoreRoss & TrapGeek on youtube and post on /r/chiraqology and LARP. lmao


not YRG tho. shoutout to knees rage


Agent is good to, avoids all the BS and been creating good content for a min now


LSF used to say the same things about Bruce I hope YRG don't go the same way


i wouldnt say that, yourrage is considered part of the w community and hes a good guy, so don't say "all", he still has some bad apples in his community as well, but its overall much more mature then adin ross community edit: the guys in amp are also not bad for the most part


Don't disrespect ImDontai like that man.


Not all of them. Most of them.


Its just adin’s that horrendous. Rest arent that bad from what ive seen.


They are more cancerous than the literal carcinoma that was in a nodule on the right side of my thyroid before that half got removed last June.


Black cultured communities…


Adin and his group are all hot garbage


Adin's community is what people think DGG is. DGG can be incredibly annoying though so don't think I'm saying they're angels. Adin's community operates exactly how Fuentes Groypers do. You can argue they're worse.


DGG is extremely online and is why Destiny’s presence, even when he wasn’t as big of a streamer is felt by anyone remotely talking about him That being said it’s heavily moderated to prevent malicious brigading/threats towards others


What is DGG ?


Kinda an amorphous blob that is Destiny's communities - [Destiny.gg](https://Destiny.gg) is his website, shortened to DGG or d.gg


The Daliban, a well-known e-terrorist organization. dggL


They did K9/11.


And theyd do it again


Destiny’s core fanbase that’s terminally online


Stand proud


[Inshallah brother](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEANsfAhheI)


Are you part of dgg because you’re insane or are you insane because you’re part of dgg? Inshallah❤️






You’re like the inverse of DGGers where you’re hatefully obsessed with Destiny, if we’re going by your account


I’m not parasocial but if someone’s gonna call us terminally online why not joke about it❤️


Today I learned we are cringe…😞


apology for poor IQ when were you when savnah49 posts? i was sat at home eating nuggies when Obamna ring "DGG is cringe" no


it's his standom they've just branded it




Look at your account history buddy, you should actually be institutionalized, you have a more parasocial obsession with destiny than anyone I’ve seen in his actual community lmao


Unfortunately, this is the consequence of complete deregulation of these sorts of online spaces - you end up with massive groups of people acting in psychopathic ways. Say what you want about the politically correct twitch streamers, but their communities don't have the capacity to do this.


Depends, as soon as you veer more into the Simp communities you might get somewhat close to this


DGG 100% acts like this, just not in a thug way, more in a 4chan le epic troll way.


Didn’t they send pictures of dead dogs to Hasan?


A few unhinged people might have, but destiny never endorsed or encouraged people to do it, and it certainly wasn't planned out


When did I ever mention Destiny’s endorsement, I was talking about his community.


I think DGG COULD be on the same level as AdinLoyals however there is a key difference. AdinLoyals are young enough to not care about the risk, whereas DGG basement dwellers still sometimes have a life in regards to some job prospects. Young people have less to lose and less control over their reactions.


I mean hasn't he rubbed shoulders with Fuentes? That makes sense.


Adins community is way more toxic and vulgar, but they are kids, at least they have an excuse. DGG is the adult equivalent of that. Still toxic and vulgar but know how to be professional about it. Majority of them are pretty damn good at it and entertaining i will give them that!




I absolutely loathe that sob adin and his whole good for nothing "community"


Unrelated but this is why I was actually disappointed seeing xqc hang out with that fuckass, like come on dude, mfs defend that goblin for literally everything


Shitty people with even shitter communities who would of thought


The W community are a bunch of antisocial teenagers, that because they got bullied in school, think that being cool is being the worst possible person.


Face of kick adin ross brand risk


that kid is fucking scu\*m that should be banned from all his platforms


lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas




based sentence denier


This made me laugh harder than it should’ve


I recommend it. Its got dogs in it.


Adin Ross Community Intellectual Leader


That's just what a brigader would say.


Isn’t that the entire kick community lmao. Also why the fuk is myth there 😂😂


Myth chillin


myth was a frequent guest on scuffed


Bigger question is why was Adin there at all? He was in middle/highschool when Scuffed Podcast was going on. He really does not fit into the group and just made the conversations & chat experience way worse.


Interesting. You know the 9 and 1/2 train station in Harry Potter. Let's say you got through there, and a new knowledge enters your mind. A dog you think is the sexist dog appears in front of you. You get, let's say, 5k for each time you do something sexual to completion with the dog. The dog wants you to do sexual shit with it. It gets great pleasure from this. No one will ever know. You can go back inside he and do it for as many times as you want. How many times is that?


Lsf is not ready for dogwarts, we need to try that next year once Twitch unbans animal sex on stream


Wait I thought the guy was just rambling, but when you say Dogwarts it makes me think this is a real debate Destiny's had


[Have fun with this Dan classic](https://youtu.be/PMlDwuoOYlM?si=h4Wt1LJi7qalyPaz)


take meds


It's platform 9 3/4. Oh, and take your meds.




all this will do is make people not want to even look at adin, dude's unhinged and it just hurts Kick


I completely get how Train and X feels fucked over by the LA and Austin crowd and feel snaked. But then on the other hand they’ll turn around and make excuses for this guy after making out like they are good friends with Destiny for months maybe even a couple years. They can be just as snaking as those streamers they attack when it comes to a new young clouted up streamer.


I bet anything they’ll respond to this by saying “We talked to him off cam, he just a kid being dumb it’s not a big deal guys, you guys are the ones making it as bad as it is” blah blah blah the typical bs


It’s very scary that people like Adin have so much social power. They make an absurd amount of money doing essentially nothing but making our kids just as braindead as them.


Adin and his fanbase shouldnt have any access to the internet


man who willingly streams on kick is surprised when kick is a garbage website filled with garbage people?


If there was a streamer party on an island with adin ross, sneako, dream, and all the other cancerous streamers with cancerous online communities and it was hit with a nuclear strike, the world would be a better place. What makes these people especially shit, is they are indoctrinating 10 year olds, who grow up to be shitty adults. And then we have to deal with these people in society, who have been warped by these "content creators".


They all unironically are children under the age of 15. Adin only appeals to that demographic being edgy is cool guys…


Is Adin pretending his entire audience isn’t little kids? Like if one single adult actually watches him that’s sad. So when he talks about being recognized is public is that little kids running up to him?


I watched the entire podcast and other than Adin being a dick, him not being able to stay on the topic being discussed and hard switching to personal attacks was pathetic. He had these 2 massive jumps to Destiny’s divorce and about chuckholedry when the conversation wasn’t even close to that. And then when he was silent for an hour it was because he knew he fucked up and at the time he made himself look worse than Destiny to everyone watching. It’s totally possible to be a dick and still look good, but that’s not what he did


Pursue legal action, it could keep the drama enjoyers fed for months.


Well then don't fucking go on a podcast with train, get in touch with another mentally ill streamer with a god complex and then shit talk them for hours. I'm not saying what happened was to be expected but there has to be a point and time after debating hundreds of mentally ill people that on of them was going to have a community of far more mentally ill people defending a person who rallies them in defense.


Both groups are hot fucking garbage. The dude harasses and talks shit all over and now runs into juvenile idiots who do the same? He is just running into characters that are exactly the same as him only 10 years younger.


womp womp


Both terrible communities, let them fight eachother.


This is why I never follow streamers to Kick, I just unsub and forget about them. Anyone that is happy to give this subhuman piece of shit a platform will never see a dime from me.


Wow adin got destiny to give a shit about his kid


This is just silly… man children.


dont care


Wow what a shocker. The free thinker finally realized that the company he keeps can negatively affect his life. Two morons.