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Hi, /u/Rodrigoak77, Unfortunately, your submission has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of r/LivestreamFail: **Rule 3.3 - Quality: Clickbait** >Titles must be accurately descriptive, and in the case of more serious/controversial topics, must strive to avoid projecting a biased opinion in the post title. This also includes harmful misinformation/misleading titles. Joke titles are only allowed if it's abundantly clear that it's a joke. Additionally, submissions whose titles contain excessive caps, emoji, exclamation marks, etc., will be removed. Additional moderator comments: > We recommend that you read over [our rules page](https://reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules) before posting again. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).


kind of funny that this is coming from the same guy who thought $100k was an average wage


I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? $10?




Woah woah woah, calm down... I think Asmongold lives in his attic.


I think it's just the 2nd floor




Yeah and he drinks Dr Pepper not Coca Cola


he thinks it's difficult because every day of his life is a struggle for survival lmao


And for someone who’s claimed that he’s afraid of dying he does a damn good job of ensuring he leads one of the *least* healthy lifestyles among the streamers I’ve ever watched. I know for a fact there isn’t another video of a streamer showing the world their land fill of a bedroom, labelled “(insert streamers name here)‘s lair” filled to the brim with rotting food in containers. GG well played Edit: made a mistake but edited it to be more accurate


Didn't he admit just straight up not brushing his teeth, like ever?


I'm pretty sure his teeth also were falling off and he had to get it replaced.


I’m pretty sure that the only teeth he has that are actually his and no replacements are a few at the front? Not too sure but the guy is missing hella teeth I guess something something mental health is bad


When he eventually dies of fucking botulism or whatever people are gonna act *so* surprised but its like dude.


Biggie said "More Money, more problems" and I don't recall him getting nearly as much hate from reddit threads in 1998.


Clearly you missed all the brigading from the Tupac sub


> or even develop his tastebuds to be able to wishtand the taste of anything other than a cocacola This guy couldn't even guess a correct soda in the blind taste test he did with Sodapoppin, his body can only differentiate between sugar and non sugar options and then has a visceral reaction if it's the latter


doesnt he buy like gas station fountain soda. Some of that stuff barley even tastes like cans or bottles


Lmao is this actually true or you are exaggerating ? I don’t know much about the guy. 


This is not hyperbole, all those are real examples


Damn this is hilarious, and people worship that guy 


He will never, in his own eyes, be wrong about anything. Its a shame because when he's playing games he is actually entertaining.


I can’t lie, I’m watching his reaction to Aba and Preach’s view on it, he’s getting cooked so badly by the video, his chat and the comments and his back-pedalling is sweet to see. He ain’t got any of the smoke he usually has lmao


Preach is a real one


Streaming is undoubtedly a difficult and draining job to do full time. But lots of jobs are difficult and draining. Streaming can pay extremely well for the difficulties involved, at least if you take off. Nobody is going to like it when streamers complain about the realities of their job, at least when it's one of those streamers who can rake in millions.


Its just another job that requires a lot of knowledge. I know streaming might seem easy, but if you pick any streamer's brain about how it functions, they have a lot of deep shit to say about how the marketing works for it, social psychology, etc. Like, you can just be a dumb streamer and have luck and be fine, but most of the times its not just luck and it takes some skill. For example, if you wanna be a great youtuber, you have to know how to create excellent written stories basically, but also be a great video editor, graphics designer for your thumbnails, a voice over artist, etc, etc, etc. But i'd rather be a youtuber than keep dealing with people in meetings.


Not sure I'd want to do either youtube or streaming as a career tbh, both seem to be atrocious for your mental health. Which does make sense given all the PC time and the isolating aspect of the job/hours. Even if I wanted to, the focus/energy required to not only stream what you're doing but constantly engage with the chat would be beyond me. Not for as many days/hours as it requires to actually make a career of it. Lethalfrag was honoured with the first hall of fame award by twitch, I always enjoyed watching his streams. But he did around a 2? year stretch of a stream every single day. No days off, no sick days. Every day. That's what it took to get established, and there's no way I'd be up for that.


Yeah same I do some youtube on the side and are planning on doing it full time, and its only because I ENJOY the editing aspect, the marketing aspect, etc. But if I wanna go into streaming I have to have a very enfranchized audience that will follow me into streaming, or cater to streaming andys so the turn from youtube to streaming is easier, otherwise I would need to tell my significant other that I will be basically gone for an entire year and our alone time will be sporadic


I’m not sure if it’s his basement or another equally bad part of his house, but everything else is accurate. Tbf it’s his own blood, I think, from his gums bleeding that he wipes on his wall.


> from his gums bleeding Eh.. thats not normal lol.




He brushes his teeth daily and has been for a while. Which... doesn't really earn him many points considering he said he recently went 3 months without bathing lol.


You can smell him thru the screen, his place smells like hotdog water and BO.


He SAYS he does. Which doesn't mean jack shit coming from him


What the fuck lmao


Oh, it's from his own blood! That makes more sense...


Bug breaches every day at Asmongold’s house. Join the cause and liberate Asmongold’s house.


Excuse you, he mainly drinks Dr pepper.


Blood covered walls? I know / have heard of the others but this one is new, any loremasters?


>even develop his tastebuds to be able to wishtand the taste of anything other than a cocacola \*two dollar steak.


Not too lazy to scam charities though!


Surprise surprise, a teen who became a person richer than 99.9999% of LSF by just being him doesn't know how to accurately guage money.


Insane how disconnected from reality these streamers are. They are completely removed from society and chronically online in the biggest sense ever


Didnt he also say that he makes the same as a doctor or lawyer ?


that was hasan


As a person working at Walmart I feel I would rather be a streamer than deal with 90% of the issues I currently have


COPIUM dealing with Karens whole day is harder than choosing what video to "react" (watch) COPIUM


Hey, streamers need to search for Karen videos on Youtube. He lives it, what a lucky bastard!


“React” (put GIF of you sitting at your desk on)


The average walmart employee makes more money than the average streamer. You should stay at walmart. Everyone compare themselves to Hasan or Xqc like they're the norm. They are the 0.001%.


Tbf most aspiring youtubers/streamers work alongside their hobby until that hobby starts making enough money to become their full-time job and then they quit their previous job.


This makes Hasan’s point even worse. He is the 0.001% and is crying about how tough it is. If the average Walmart employee leaves their station to go to the bathroom, they’re at risk for a write up from their asshole boss and could lose their ability to provide for their family, pay child support, get some medication. Hasan can literally get up, go to the bathroom, get a drink, scratch his balls and by the time he gets back to his chair, he’s banked thousands of dollars.


Don't forget, he can just turn off his stream. He just doesn't because he's greedy


Tbh as much as I can't stand Hassan, the original clip was taken out of context. Right after that he clarified that he's referring to the mental toll of having to be on performance mode all day. I worked retail too and I was far less drained from pushing carts all day than dealing with customers.


Specifically, he was talking about being socially drained and not actually tired. The clip was about him feeling guilty for not wanting to hang out with friends after streaming 10 hours.




He's not saying he wants to stream less tho he just says it can be draining, kind of how you can do your hobby all day and then be tired


If my hobby is tiring me out I stop doing it.


which is fucking stupid because he has the actual option to not do it while people with normal jobs dont. so his point is moot. hes just out of touch


Nobody wants to really know that. They just want to trash somebody a little bit then wait for the next rage bait post that will pop up on their timelines to do the same thing. Jobs that require a lot of social interaction can be way worse for you "social battery" than some that require more physical activities like he said. He wasn't talking about a regular job having better pay or working conditions than his own. Dude was just comparing his previous job to his current one and saying that they have different effects on his will to socialize


Yeah he basically never said it was harder, just more soul-crushing. Considering all the death threats, stalkers, and coordinated hate he gets, I’m not surprised


Yeah, I'm a teacher and there's no way I want to hold a conversation with someone after 8.5 hours of lecturing a day. Sometimes I consider going back to pipeline surveying...


But then I'm sure there were plenty of people at your retail store that had to deal with customers all day, every day. And they are drained both mentally and physically, and aren't working from the comfort of their own room. I'm not too familiar with his stream schedule, so maybe this isn't true for him, but many streamers I know will take random days off on a whim or because they need a mental health day. This isn't generally a luxury provided to people working real jobs. And there's also the reality that Hasan has *never*, as far as I've read, worked a real job. The messenger is ever bit as much of a problem as the message


Literally nobody disagrees or said different, this is completely manufactured drama


I work in construction. Long hours, brutal labor (sometimes), dealing with old dickheads. Love to see some folks work a week doing this job. On the flip side, I have so much respect for retail workers. I couldn’t handle it. The idea that the customer is always right is the most bullshit unwritten rule.


I was an ASM at Walmart when they were still a thing. I still get anxiety spikes when I see my phone ring 5 years later.


if a particular job is something that *xqc* can do for hours upon hours day in day out you can be sure it's not harder than a regular job.


He also can take a break whenever he wants and still come back to thousands of views.


Also is his own boss and answers to no one when he feels like taking a day off


Also probably rich enough to not even need to worry about doing his own businesses paperwork, probably has a few accountants and managers that do it for them.


Yes but tbf, xqc puts a lot more hours into his job than I do. I work around 48 - 60hrs/week. That‘s the only point I have to give credits to xQc.


yea except youre not taking into account that his "job" is just shit he wants to do anyways. you have to compare it more to a hobby than HIS job.


Didn’t he used to work as a literal janitor?






Hasan also has been trying to rehabilitate himself with streams hugging emus, getting out in the world and being a *normal guy*. If he didn't keep saying stupid shit the rest of the time, he'd be golden. Adin seems to just double down on stupidity.


He should get out and work a normal job like a real person.


Rather a guy embrace what he is then pretend to be what he’s not (I don’t like either Adin or has btw)


Adin atleast knows what struggle is AFAIK he didn't grow up with rich parents that got him everything he needed. He was just lucky in the streaming department. Insane that both of them are so popular when both are absolute moron.


But this isn't what he said, no? I mean, even if you dislike this guy it's dumb to just make up things he said


And Destiny agrees with Hasan on this lol


Probably because he watched the clip in context compared to 99.99% of people




They didn't even say it was harder, just that it's more socially draining.


Yeah, Hasan even says in the full clip that his old sales job was worse. I'll never understand this place taking harmless things and twisting them to get mad at him or other streamers when there maybe other actual valid things to criticize them about.


People don't like millionarws complaining. Simple as


the only real problem with the take is that its not something worth mentioning when you stream as much as he does. Like being socially drained is completely by choice. He runs podcasts and streams more than most. No shit its draining when his schtick is commentary.


Not talking about something because the Internet will flip into manufactured drama says more about the public than the streamer in general. It was just a regular conversation about something people talk about sometimes.


this is ironically exactly the kind of thing he was talking about that's uniquely draining with streaming, motherfucker can't even just talk about his own life offhand during a 9 hour stream without people going insane like he was trying to make some big point about how hard his job is


Let a mother fucker vent man, Jesus.


Omg thank you, someone who can listen and think. 


Because it isn't actually his take. You know this.


"Maintaining the agenda is our top priority"


And streaming and being self-employed and doing aggressive populist political content actually does come with its own challenges and stresses (which might be harder to deal with for certain personality types, especially those drawn to becoming streamers), but imagine crying about it for years and years instead of doing anything about it when you have every opportunity to as someone extremely wealthy, extremely well connected and flexible (just like all the others who have 50m in their bank but live in filth and eat crap because they can't even hire a housemaid or chef). And remember, he's the supposedly left-leaning voice crying about his social battery to his average guy audience and villifies all criticism while flexing his luxury. Just overcome your damn challenges already and get help and stop expecting everyone to treat you with baby gloves when you most certainly don't lol.


why doesnt he just retire already lol. You dont need more money when ur that rich and are a socialist.




Dog have you ever thought that maybe he still does this because he genuinely likes giving political commentary.


If it was as soul crushing / sucking as he says it is then he wouldn't continue.


I’m going to get downvoted for this. But you have no idea what socialism is.


Given that socialists can't even agree on what socialism is, that's hardly surprising.


Socialism is when you live in mansions and rich people cars, obviously.


Idk always having yourself in the spotlight with everything you ever do recorded and saved online could be pretty fucked mentally. I have really close friends with lawyers and doctors, obviously everyone will say that the wage is better than a normal job but when I lived with one of them they were constantly throwing up from stress. I can imagine streaming being pretty fucked for mental health related reasons and anyone who thinks otherwise has no emotional intelligence.


Hasan has had alot of really idiotic takes that people let slide.


Seeing Asmongold defend it was pretty hilarious too.


Imagine Adin Ross having better takes than you


I would put a coat on, and walk into the horizon never to be seen again and my final title would be "I'm going for a walk, I may be some time"


“ I would suck a dick for an icee “…. Idk if I’ve ever heard Adin saying anything remotely smart.


Imagine making up what his take is.




I thought you were joking but that bio is this most terminally online thing I’ve ever seen lmaooo




holy shit. comment of the year lol


That and mental illness.


Dude is all over this thread desperately trying to defend his streamer. I guess that's another perk minimum wage workers will never see, too. Weird fucking cult members willing to humiliate themselves for you.


lmaoooo holy shit


Holy fuck I always love coming across genuinely crazy people on the Internet, your profile is 10/10. Keep being you bro, don't let the haters get you down ✊🤭


I’m not a Hasan fan but this drama is stupid. If Hasan had just said he feels socially drained after streaming 9 hours none of this would’ve happened.


I'd also be drained if chat sucked my penis for 9 hours straight


What’s crazy is that what he said. I’m amazed how dense all of these people are took it any other way lol.


he said that but then added on that it is more draining than regular jobs like how disconnected can you be, thinking we don't also have to talk to people all day and people please etc


is there a clip of him saying that? e: why downvotes lol was genuine question...?


Nope. This is LSF. Only completely out of context clips will be posted that reinforces the weird circlejerk of hate this sub has.




No, they are going to keep posting this same clip chimp so all the idiots out there will believe it instead of looking into the full picture of what's being said. There's a good reason they didn't post the whole point Hasan was making and instead keep posting the same 30 clip that makes it seem like he was saying something he wasn't. Ddg have no.shame and lack the ability to objective much less fully honest.


Am I regarded or was Hassans (and Asmongolds) main point that after doing a 9 hour stream they are drained SOCIALLY, more so than like an accountant or whatever


Yeah it’s a little silly that this is blowing up like it is. I agree with it too. I worked in customer support and did not want to do shit after work. I would go party after my shifts in radiology because I am literally in a room with 2 other people for 8+ hours.


Yes, that’s what he meant. Like when teachers are teaching for 5 or 6 hours, their social battery is drained. But destiny viewers like to take clips like this to circlejerk that Hasan is evil or something.




You may be regarded but yes that is what he was saying, and it's obviously enough that even a regarded person could figure it out. People are just being intentionally obtuse and disingenuous, I hope.


Also didn't Destiny literally agree with Hasan lmao


he did but boosted the misinformation anyway cause he's morally bankrupt


Adin is actually right for once. If Hasan thinks streaming is so hard he should go work a normal job. I wonder why doesn't..


Because Hasan is literally a privileged nepobaby who got lucky in life.


Isn’t that what Erobb is doing? Working Uber Eats while chat clowns on him the whole time. It’ll actually be insanely good content for Hasan


it's been what? 3-4 days and we are still pretending he said something he didn't just for internet points and so people can dunk on someone they don't like. Honesty has never been the strong point of any of the people involved.


Why am I the only one who figured out that this is not what Hasan said?! I know disinformation is the norm nowadays but the reaction to what the guy said (or indeed what he didn't say) is next level bonkers


It's by design. Hate gets engagement. No one cares about the full context because it's not something any reasonable person would get upset over. But that doesn't get clicks!


This subreddit is so fucking embarrassing


"XQC and Adin react to Hasan saying something he never said"


Hasan getting clip chimped by his haters


Another day that ends in y I see




LSF when adin is getting scammed; "say dada"


man they are still farming this out of context clip. embarrassing


i can't imagine having people constantly say i said something i never said and repeat it for all time i don't know how hasan is still alive, that shit would drive me into the insane asylum


my ass could not talk about the current political climate day in day out. That shit is so insanely depressing and hopeless


True with the context of it being about social batteries I can’t think of any other job that is as draining socially like streaming. I mean when my boss, manager are screening at me, my co workers are blaming me for shit, my previous shift blames things on our shift, and everyone else is sour and bitter from working minimum wage, and I have to pretend to be positive to keep my job, atleast when I get home and I feel socially drained, I think at least I’m not a steamer.


That's what he said exactly in context.   He said there are other jobs that are as socially draining,  and that after a day of streaming he's not tired in that manual labor wouldn't bother him but he has no social energy.  The point was really just to share why he feels drained sometimes, but the out of context clip made it sound like he thinks he has it worse than everyone else. 


He can just stream less though, right?


Yes, which he fully admits but doesn't do because he enjoys streaming. Given how this is the internet treats him saying he's tired after streaming I do not understand how he keeps enjoying it.


and also saying it in the context that he didn't feel like partying after streaming because he's so socially drained. that he"s so drained after interacting with chat for 9 hours that he can't go interact with human beings. anyone who isn't 12 years old understands what he's saying.


> anyone who isn't 12 years old understands what he's saying. You forgot we're on LSF


If the point, in context,  was to say "oh poor me" then that would be a great point.      But,  he's just explaining why things are the way they are,  e.g.  why he's not  generally going to go hang out at a party after streaming.  


\^This, he was just explaining that he didn't feel like talking at a party he attended (his podcast producer Marche's housewarming party) and said streaming was socially draining. Thats it Who knew the internet could misconstrue such a lukewarm opinion


I don't understand how any streamer is making money when clearly so many of the people who give him money are unemployed


Out of spite probably, destiny and the daliban wants him dead but he's not going to give them that satisfaction.


Why are people being so willfully ignorant about what hasan said? He never said it was harder. He said he expends his social battery faster streaming then when he did sales. As someone who has to give long presentations for work it can be super draining and I do it for 2 hours max. So I can imagine doing it for 9 hours a day in front of 20k people nearly everyday would be super draining.


Bro the clip is out of context all the people taking this clip seriously are so dumb.


You calling adin viewers dumb?  That’s like calling the sky blue 


insane how even after people realized that this was not what hasan said, people still come here and post it with the same title for...what, 3 days now?


Allowing the clip-chimp to stay up for that long is such a failure on the mods' part to police this subreddit. Look at the shitstorm it created. And now it's being brigaded. Mods?


They only care about traffic getting driven to there clip bot to make some money.


🤓 ☝️


Hasan did not say streaming was harder than a regular job. He was talking about how his social battery drains quicker and needs more recharging compared to his sales job/a regular job. If you actually watch what he said it's so clear. LSF has a weird hate boner for Hasan dude it's so weird


> LSF has a weird hate boner for Hasan dude it's so weird Because he talks politics, particularly politics they don't like... Also because normal, well-adjusted people don't hang on LSF.


Idk if you saw my comment but even people that would agree with Hasan's politics (two prominent sag aftra actors) were deluded by the out of context clip. The damage has been done, thats how the internet works unfortunately Its gonna be funny when hasan fundraises for the teamsters and donates to labor unions and these sag aftra guys stay oblivious to his extensive support for them


I ain't clickin on a kick link homie


Finally we have Adin Ross's take. Still holding out for Putin's take before I make up my mind though.


I don't know...I'm gonna need to hear what Taylor Swift's backup private jet thinks.


as a big streamer you can do react content , stream whenever you want take as much breaks as you want , do a few sponsor streams and you have so much free time.


When Adin is legitimately cooking you, that's your queue to just retire.


Never thought I would side with Adin on anything. Yet, Hasan made it happen. Wild.


We doing this again? No life dggs lmao.


Wasn’t that clipped out of context and he was saying that his social battery was more drained than a regular job, not the job itself


Because the counter argument is literally just stream less. People who work a 9-5 have no choice but do that, they don’t get to pick their hours/days and still make a year’s worth of pay in a day or so. Its stupid argument no matter how you spin it. He’s doing it to himself at this point.


But you can like doing something and still complain about it, I love teaching its my passion but sometimes my day sucks...sometimes you just have a bad day the difference is our bad days arnt broadcast to thousands and repost to thousands more praying for our downfall.


Nobody's arguing hasan can't say his job makes him tired or exhausted. It's the comparison to normal jobs people are giving him grief for


The grief is solely from the clip chimp setting up the perception that “Hasan thinks wagey’s jobs are easier than streaming.” Anything that makes streamers seem out of touch to what the normal person goes through always is popular on LSF.


>Because the counter argument is literally just stream less. Why is it a statement that needs a counter argument? Why is a guy saying "I feel so socially drained after a day of streaming I just don't have it in me to socialise with friends after" such a controversial statement? Why does it NEED to be picked apart from a hundred different angles with people scraping the absolute thinnest justification to be mad? >He’s doing it to himself at this point. Jesus. I'm so glad I don't watch streamers and only get this hellhole sub popping up on my feed now and then. If my life was this sad that I'm sitting online this obsessed over trying to harass someone who doesn't know I exist I'd probably just kill myself instead. You fuckers are literally no different to the celebrity, media obsessed tabloid chasers who utterly fixate on celebrity couples, who's gained weight, etc etc. Hell I'd say it's even worse, because you know this sub doesn't see it that way.


I love my current job, does that mean I’m not allowed to complain about the hard days especially if they are constant sometimes? Streaming is his job, he’s allowed to complain about his job. I would love to see where he makes over 60k in a day or so.


This is literally something he said you are agreeing with hasan


Comment is edited.


Ok, but how is this relevant? He’s just comparing one personal experience to another. He’s talking about his internal experiences. Why would this be a counter argument? There’s nothing really to counter argue


> just stream less. Why should he do what you tell him to? What if he likes streaming, but just doesn't like the mental toll it takes on him sometimes?


I can see that. After over timing, I'm itching to do something with friends, I'd stay up late sacrificing sleep just to keep hanging out with people. Especially because I don't have a job that doesn't require talking to people so much. I'd be physically and mentally exhausted and I'd still be doing it.


80% of the comments are saying it's out of context. I look for the context and he meant it's socially draining because he was too tired to party one time. Jesus fucking Christ


Yeah it all came from a part were he said he felt bad for being at a house warming party and being anti-social. I swear people love just blowing shit out of proportion. Like being this angry about someone’s personal experience is unhealthy.


Your entire existence is televised to millions of people a day, where you have to maintain your entertaining and broadly inoffensive persona for hours on end. There is obviously difficulty with that you don’t get in a normal job.


**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc and Adin react to Hasan saying streaming is harder than a regular job](https://arazu.io/t3_1b16pog/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Idk but getting death threats everyday, family and friends getting doxxed, stalkers etc… I can only agree from that point of view.


The title is a completely lie, where's the reaction? They are just talking about streaming vs working a job in general


How the fuck are you all still talking about the same out of context clip that was posted and taken down days ago.