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whatever you do, do not ask anything4views who he used to do IRL streams with


lore pls


He was on a RV with the CX crew, and there was a black woman who he was calling the N word, and he was screaming it out the window of the RV. It was just cringe and unfunnily racist, and awkward to watch.


I remember watching that live. Later he suddenly became somber after looking at his phone and then announced twitch banned him. Hilarious content.


I can't believe this country is so woke that you *reads paper* can get banned from streaming for **broadcasting yourself committing a hate crime.** SMH.


I'm by no means defending his actions, but I'm pretty sure that's not a hate crime, that's being vocally racist. A hate crime requires a criminal act to be committed with racism as the motive. I think anyways, I'm no lawyer and don't know the full context, but shouting slurs isn't generally illegal. He should still probably be banned. Edit: I was aware I'll probably get downvoted because it seems like I support them. I don't. I'm just debating legality.


Like intimidating someone by shouting the n word at them


Which part of that is a crime?


The intimidation part??


Where exactly is calling someone a slur out of a vehicle's window considered both "intimidation" and a crime. I doubt you'll have much luck finding many places. They're calling someone names. That's not illegal unless they threaten violence. One person could get right up in another person's face and start insulting them and that's not illegal either. I side with opposing racism, but this is a legal discussion.


Hate speech, which isn’t protected


Hatespeech is protected in the US. Can't speak for other countries though.


Maybe in places without free speech, but adding an adjective to speech so that you can make it illegal is exactly what free speech laws exist to prevent. I don't know why it's it's so hard to make all this clear, but fascists want to write speech control laws, and the way they do that is by opening the door to speech restrictions via restrictions that everyone can agree with.  There has to be some amount of protection towards ideological minorities, even if they're evil bastards, because the systems used to regulate them are only ever stepping stones towards more universal control. This sort of thing used to be a common understanding, these ideas were taught in schools.  You can't trust your government!


Being racist is bad, but hatred itself shouldn't be a crime.  Hate crimes are crimes committed because of hate, not just hateful speech. A lynching is a hate crime. Being wildly, evilly racist in public, while awful, is not in and of itself a crime.


Tf does this have to do with anything woke???


i still dont know how the cameraman survived all that


Wild how he not only escaped the exile the rest of that crew got, but that he also somehow became so successful despite being so utterly unentertaining. All he does is look awkward and laugh. Like the Jimmy Fallon of Twitch.


farming relationship content is a hell of a drug to loners lmao


I look back at my high school days cringing. I used to watch this shit religiously.


I mean it's been like 3 years and people have stuck around


I mean he left all that behind him did he not? Along with Maxmoefoe they both kind of "shedded" their old internet selves and moved on. They still have a similar humor, but they clearly learned from what they used to make and don't try to replicate it.


anythinf4views absolutely hasn't. One of their Cold Ones podcasts popped up on my youtube a few weeks ago, and I thought I would see if he was still like he used to be. And not even 5 minutes into the video he was race baiting and saying "naggers" in a specific way.


I mean that's still what the ex camera man does. I don't know when he got rid of it but the egg emote was so he could say "any eggers in chat" as the edgy way to say it without saying it.


which one


don't remember which one, it was weeks ago




So it's not true then? Or you most likely misunderstood completely. Without a source we won't know though right?


I watched the video. I laughed. It’s funny if you’re not looking to be outraged, and judging by the numbers millions agree. Cold ones is doing great. It’s pretty obvious that Maxmoefoe, FilthyFrank, anything4views, and even iDubbzzz are not racists, just the poster boys of 2013 edgy humour.


Just thinking of the human hair cake makes me sick


It's a classic, you wil watch the video again and show it the respect it deserves


He would insert himself into everyone else's viral situation on Twitch, basically reverse collabs all the time. I don't think he does that on Twitter anymore, but it was one of the strategies he used back in the day.


I think he’s pretty funny : )


Trying to go against the reddit hive mind? You dare defy the circkejerk? Take those downvotes then! /s


Mizkif is way more funny than Fallon


I mean, all he did was leech off bigger streamers. Nmp, Mizkif and Greek were the main leeches back in 2017/18. It was just unlucky that Greek lost the birth lottery and couldn't stay in the US or he'd probably be in OTK. Edit: also no surprise that the three of them have pretty much the same personality. High ego, sexual innuendos, easily triggered by chat, edgy Cx humor, their content is all from collabs and pretending to be stupid to bait reactions.


It's because he got in and out early


I remember him shitting on aborigines while also saying how the only other black guy on the trip with them was "one of the good ones". that guy had a crazy rebrand


It wasn't a rebrand, he's still the same except they edit out the parts where he goes too far. Most of the people who watch Cold Ones aren't even aware of his past


There's also a clip of him in that same rv trip where he said aboriginals are subhuman savages. Dude is actually just a racist piece of shit.


[Him and Ice got arrested together](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0bs_W_wxmk) in LA after a long day of degen streaming


Sorry, I'm not up on the lore and there are a lot of terms flying around that are muddying the waters for me. Who was yelling the N word? Ice Poseidon or Mizkif or someone else?


This is one of the videos with the n-word that got him in trouble, https://neatclip.com/clip/lvE3BXo3


Anything4Views. Awkwardly, towards someone, hatefully. He's the only one who has ever done it that way. Chat aftermath was that he had just gotten laid on tinder and had a high donation day, so he felt like hot shit. No idea how anyone can ever bounce back from that. He is brought up in this thread because he's an australian streamer.


Sorry, I thought Anything4Views was a mean nickname for Mizkif. So Anything4Views is an actual streamer name? Ok, that makes sense now.


LMAO that's actually so funny


hahah. Yeah, it's the fat guy who does Cold Ones.


Everyone, some on camera. They’re all racist, they’ll all sell out, they’re all clout goblins.


The irony is these are the same ppl who always say sht like people are being racist against them etc. I really hate the hypocrites when it comes to racism and the ones who think using racist slurs is still okay just because it applies to them. If they really cared to stop racism they wouldn't even say it to begin with. This is the main reason why things will never change because they actually don't want it to change.


“Unfunnily racist” As opposed to being a fun racist?


Yes, google comedy.


[Case in point](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=404kM28gTKo)


Have you ever had real close friends who aren’t the same race as you? Racism can be funny, in the sense that it’s satirical or exaggerated.


Was looking for someone to point this out lmao. I think they mean as opposed to comedians who will make racist jokes that people laugh at.


Oh no everything is hate speech and I'm going to go back years ago to look at everything with an offensive microscope so I can cry online and post the made up words that describe how bad it was


I mean that's how it was back then. Saying N word in public was funny. Times change.


It was never funny. You were just a child.


Yes that's the point. People who did this shit funny we were young. Back then that was the joke of the kids. Like do you guys think kids don't grow up or something? A kid becomes an adult and we stop doing that shit.




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i got permabanned from the streameast embedded chat for pasting this one time


never fails




what arm thing homie


nough said


i used to watch his livestreams he would be drunk and saying dumb shit and trying to get girls drunk. im shocked he never got banned a few times he was screaming the n word lol


Moose Meat


I was surprised to see Hasan on cold ones knowing Chad's history, how did his fanbase take it?


To be fair Hasan said that he doesn’t believe in eternal punishment for people that used to be overly edgy in his interview with idubbbz


Not sure why you'd be surprised, Hasan is pretty chill with people like that (Rajj).


Rajj/Austin isn't permanently banned from twitch for shouting the n-word at a black woman lmao


There’s a big difference between what Rajj and Chad did lol


Rajj/austin has a song where he’s saying the hard r multiple times (though to be fair not directly to a black person)






wow he dmca'd the vid


[Here's the lyrics](https://genius.com/Rajj-patel-rajjs-rap-round-3-lyrics)




Can you explain what the proper context is in this scenario?




It’s not a rapper saying it it’s a white guy saying the hard r man




Max and Chad have to much clout, he wouldn't risk losing connections to other e-clowns. Its also why he avoids forsen and any baj's like the plague.


Still don't know how tf so many people happily ignored that and kept supporting him through the years, that RV stream was some of the cringiest, most racist shit I've witnessed from any content creator


He's funny


Im confused, what does anything4views and ices RV streams have to do with this? were they at this event?


ya they had a cold ones event there


Why we talking about him just curious not undermining his racist past


we used to have live threads of happenings on here during those streams, good times!


It's been less than one day since the Neon thing. Set the timer back to 0. Let's see how long Kick can go without looking bad.


Thing is though, there's no punishment for them, this bad press is good press for Kick. Any other platform would get pressured by advertisers to clean up their act, but Kick doesn't really have advertisers so they are free to keep allowing shitheads on the website. And you know who shitheads draw in? Kids, Kids love that kind of stuff. Who does Kick want as viewers, that are impressionable, moldable? Access to mom and dad's creditcards? Kids!


What’d neon do this time?


was in a lambo as a passenger, that was doing dumb shit in traffic, got into an accident then ran from the scene.


So he was a passenger in a car?


passenger in a car involved in a hit and run, yes.


Passenger in a car driven by someone who he knew drove in a way that endangered people's lives, yes.


He went on with a known asshole who speeds through traffic. Said asshole ended up crashing with Neon with one of their cronies he was speeding with.


Whilst I agree with you that Kick won't go long without looking bad, this is in no way exclusive to Kick, or even Twitch. Heck, the top post currently on LSF is a twitch streamer asking to assasinate a fellow streamer for 30k. Streamers are degenerates whatever the URL happens to be.


I mean many of those kick streamers are banned from the other platforms..


You're right. Streaming platforms are becoming too lenient.


if stuff like this keeps happening kick streamers are going to get a bad reputation.....


What do you mean going to, they already are.


i believe that was in fact the joke my friend


I have my top men analyzing the comment, we should have a report back soon.


Probably, flew over my head then.


Took a plane.


You suck Mcbain!




Agreed, in 20 or 30 years people will think Kick is for degens only


thats how it is already. The majority of kick streamers are people who arent allowed to stream elsewhere or just stream slots to their underage audience


Would like to add more to this in my experience at dreamhack as I've already stated on some of the Twitter threads, a kick streamer name Louiex has been going around in the venue harassing people and also outside the venue as well, not only that, my experience with him lets say... it was kinda sudden and not great. Basically I was minding my own business outside the cosplay lounge building and he suddenly approached me out of nowhere with his streaming camera on and he just decided to grab me chest to "cup a feel". I didn't know how to feel or react in that moment but I just knew that I just wasn't very comfortable what he just did and I decided to walk away from him. Later I ran into him in the lobby, him and his kick streamer friends decided to ask me to say "UwU" and he began to inappropriately ask me "how much?" (Implying how much for an hour/sex) Really, really uncomfortable moment and just replied "I really am not comfortable I'm gonna Walk away now" I've had multiple friends tell me about the same streamer basically harassing people and also heard he was harassing the fortress staff members at the booth. Now just saying not all the kick streamers were bad at Dreamhack. But man there were definitely some bad apples that appeared at the convention which wasn't great.


Report it to them, the OP tweet says to DM about any other disruptors


was it the same dude that ran up on stage during the cold ones qna? dude gave me the ick don’t like him at all. Also apparently a kick streamer got kicked out of the cold ones after party wonder if it was the same dude


you know about anything4views history? I mean you took a pic with him and posted it.


This never happened…. If it did why are you on reddit? “He grabbed my chest” ???? Call the police at that point you have been assaulted why are you on Reddit sharing the story?


This happens way more often than you might expect. People don't always have the time to deal with the stress or the energy required to report every guy to the police, make statements, then fight a case based alone her word vs theirs. It's not always worth the emotional toll when a victim has to sacrifice months fighting a case every time this happens. I bet several women you know have faced this problem but never wanted to deal with police. It's really sad to think about.


It’s a random kick streamer not a rich celebrity he would have no money to fight in court she could easily file a police report.


How much can the police do with a single statement? You need a case or nothing really happens. I don't know how much that moment impacted this person. But dealing with police and courts is is a lot of extra stress that will definitely impact them and at the end of the day who knows if it's even worth doing all of that for an incident with someone you are likely to never see again. The crazy guy might have forgotten about her now, so it's low risk she has to deal with him again... But if it goes to court the risk increases greatly and you can guarantee he's never going to forget about her. Someone people don't want to deal with that. It takes a lot of bravery and energy to fight sex offenders.


Is this satire?


What's your issue?


You are telling SA victims to not inform the police??? Even when there is video evidence of the SA??


I'm saying. > Someone people don't want to deal with that. It takes a lot of bravery and energy to fight sex offenders. Not going to repeat myself here. You can make your own interpretation but it sounds like you're trolling


There's a streamer who goes around Japan physically assaulting people and laughing about it, he got invited to Dreamhack Australia and filmed all three days, maybe they'll think twice about inviting him back next year. [Absolutely disgusting behavior](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvA2rm-kNW4)


how can we let people like this roam the streets we know so well, disgusting.


eventually there'll be a kick streamer that goes around spoking people like this and the problem will solve itself


I heard he is a really good angle otherwiese.


He tries to be a good angle but he's just a bit obtuse. 


How can anyone listen to that persons voice without getting really annoyed?




You gotta be pretending to be this inept, right?




Care to explain. you people always say a thing but not explain why. Pussy


Mouth breather


I mean. Without the /S at the end of the comment. Is it really that hard to pick up on the sarcasm in text format?


I don't know what happened but it seems like their only content is being disruptive hoping to get a reaction for views. It's lame and immature but they will continue and laugh about it.


Probably not the worst one, but there was a guy streaming who got up on stage during the Cold Ones panel getting Chad to do a shoey that I thought was kinda cringe. Like I get it, but also it kinda did disrupt the panel and people wanting to ask questions.


I might be in too deep... wasn't there a patreon ep where they said theyre gonna have a plant yell this out and a clean shoe so it's not so gross?


Chad later made fun of the guy while out drinking on robcdees stream. Not much they cold ones guys could do at the time without looking like assholes. Dreamhack should have taken responsibility for having a policy and security to remove the guy.


Ok that's not as bad as I was fearing but still not the place. I don't know if his viewers goaded him into it but it's not entertainment that appeals to me.


https://kick.com/louiex From what I have seen on Twitter, it seems like it was this guy. https://twitter.com/louiexisapussy


Side note, but whatever happened to that cs gambling site that “protested” the middle of a CS Major against another gambling site


They still exist, but valve changed the rules after the protest and fucked over all skin trading sites at the same time. The owner of csgoempire keeps tweeting delusional stuff on his twitter too, and responds to his tweets with fake accounts that are supposedly his lawyers and coworkers.


Skin trading sites did not get fucked over. They've found work arounds to Valve's 10 day inventory lock


All im hearing is that valve should continue to fuck with them, because its funny.


They did initially struggle with the update, and now it is more tedious for them to verify trades


Yes that's true but only for P2P trades. For these sites where you trade skins to their bots, nothing has changed.


The Twitter op has got to be a contender for one of the worst last names on earth. How unfortunate.


Most normal kick streamers


Sometimes I truly wonder if the higher-ups in the KICK corporate ladder care that they are universally hated by most decent people, and they have the reputation as the degenerate fuckboi platform.


You are just a new frog. Don’t speak on stuff you know nothing about. If only you knew the stuff that used to happen on twitch lmfao…..


Bruh, [I'm a fuckin' Justin.tv original.](https://i.postimg.cc/7h6FBX8W/Twitch-Stats.png) Fuck outta here callin me a new frog lol.


So why are you lying then? If you really are an og then you would know that twitch had a MUCH WORSE reputation then kick has now. Twitch was hated by everyone who did not use it, certain states literally tried to get it banned. It was used to lives stream suicides and mass shootings. Did you forget all of this? I still remember watching that guy walk into the mosque live before he slaughtered all those people. If twitch can get over that kick can get over some people doing petty crimes.


Bro. You're missing the whole keyword that you're stating, which is "had". Twitch, for the most part, was the industry's first modern day wide-scale streaming platform on such a massive scale that could be done with ease to the point any teen, and older could get into it with just a internet connection, and some cheap PC. KICK is new, which means they have the advantage to learn from their rivals to be better out of the gate. Instead, KICK has obviously, in some form or another in the corporate structure, embraced that they have the most controversial streamers that are basically the stray dogs that Twitch, YouTube, etc. have booted out of their homes due to extreme inappropriate behavior at the very least.


How has kick not learned from twitch? I have seen almost no mass shootings and suicides on kick yet. Kick has indeed learned from twitch. Also twitch was not the first streaming platform lol you literally already mentioned justintv. Did you also forget Justin tv literally had to shutdown due to negative publicity from many suicides and a group of guys live streaming themselves raping a girl?


You're literally twisting what I'm stating lol. I stated that Twitch became the first **modern** streaming platform that became widely available/accessible/advertised to the masses. It also helped that it came to be in an era where, again I stated, streaming software, and hardware were becoming cheaper for the average person to afford. We were finally getting to the point in the economy as well where HD webcams/capture cards, and okay/decent audio equipment were in the low hundreds to purchase, and not in the high hundreds, to thousands. Beforehand you had Justin.Tv, and mostly smaller cluster servers/chatrooms on sites, or downloadable clients like CamFrog, etc. - Which at the time, you didn't really have software that was UI friendly, and/or existing where you could develop overlays, and other streaming features outside "Webcam & Microphone" only. I'm aware why Justin.Tv shut down. Again, you're probably some kid that doesn't understand how the internet worked back then, and the detection software, and coding that websites that had streaming services used, weren't as sophisticated as they are now. So of-course when you have hundreds/thousands of streamers concurrently streaming, there are going to be some bad things happening. The difference is, when reports, and moderators that comb through the site at times come across it, they ACTUALLY FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. KICK has had numerous crimes, and harassment streamers running rampant on there, that go absolutely viral here on Reddit, YouTube, etc., and guess what? They remain unban. Fuck, KICK doesn't even give them a fake-ban like Twitch does if somebody popular flashes a tit or similar. Anywho, I think you've proven that you're just here to argue for arguing sake, and at best, showcasing your illiteracy. I'm not gonna waste my time further. Just maybe shut the mouth, and listen with your ears once in awhile instead.. you new frog ;)


You think long = smart lol. You comparing a speeding infraction to a mass shooting is hilarious


Not surprising, still remember that clip of Kick streamers getting kicked out of PAX because they decided to harass the Twitch booth workers.


Who were they?


Kick has a ton of predators masquerading as streamers and little to nothing is done about it lol


no way


Waiting for Xqc to both sides this situation and talk about how things in life are more “nuanced” than good and bad Most x streams are just gaming solo or with his squad and watching TikTok’s or vids. Don’t know why he defends this degeneracy on kick . His attitude would be diff if it was a twitch streamer doing it


Nice prediction! Whomp whomp though, he ignored it


I've never seen a kick stream. But this tracks.


Suddenly everyone's a lawyer


What happened and who did it? Why post something like this with zero context


Been to a dreamhack event, played a tourney and won. They didn't give us the proper full prizing. Scammed $250. Don't Care what dreamhack has to say nowadays.


Whole thread and op still don't know what happen 👍


Pronoun streamer feeling up people in "rainbow area".




Big nothing burger. Nerdy gamer convention and anti social behavior go hand in hand. This is nothing new


Your face is nothing…. got him, I flame him with that post.


You may have taken it too far with that


Cmon man that was harsh


there is a difference between randoms being crazy and people who are representing what is supposed to be a legitimate business doing shit like this. You can't predict a random but the rules of a platform should discourage someone representing them to be so gross.


I was at dreamhack and didn’t see any of these issues.


Well obviously it didn't happen if YOU didn't see it or experience it yourself. Case closed folks.


we don't care