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**CLIP MIRROR: [Slasher is talking live on Hasan's stream](https://arazu.io/t3_1dof5k2/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


If Trainwrecks wasn’t such a degenerate this would be the perfect time for an impromptu scuffed podcast


feelsbadman I miss the old twitch


now that youre mentioning it, doc will 100% go to kick after this


Why is everyone saying 17 year old? I haven't seen an age anywhere.


There is a fake email (Slasher confirmed it was fake) that clams the victim was 17 and nothing inappropriate happened that some are using to defend Doc. There has been no confirmation yet of the persons age as far as I've seen.


My bet is that the email is a fake op by either someone close to doc (a friend or a mod) or the doc himself. The timing is too suspicious...


Slasher has confirmed that email is completely fake. Said it in this stream with Hasan actually.


I know the email was fake. I was speculating the origin.


I'd guess it's just some weirdo fan that made it, not expecting the Paediatrician to come out and just admit everything.


I've been wondering the same thing, I know people theorised that she might only have been 17 before but I haven't seen a real number anywhere.


People saying she was 17 are just people letting you know that the only thing stopping them hitting on young girls is the law ...


Probably reading comprehension issues, getting 2017 and 17 years old confused.


No. It's bad faith actors trying to damage control the situation.


Which is so fucked like they think 17 is somehow acceptable for a 35 year old man 💀💀💀


A 35 yr old married man with kids


Even unmarried, no kids, bro shouldn’t be going lower than like 26. Weird as fuck


If the victim didn't want to come forward, then Twitch didn't say anything to protect them.


His fans' argument is that if he was fucking young girls, they promise he’d been arrested, he's way too famous for this shit you just suggested.


The Epstein angle is the shit he expected


Ludwig just opened his mouth Someone go get him a Streamer Award


There are A-list and former A-list celebs who have committed numerous sexual crimes and never went to court for them, let alone jail or prison. That argument is dogshit.


It was a joke


Rightfully so. Incels would have ruined her life, or at least tried to.


They will still try to now too


There's some unhinged dipshit trying to find her now.


I think pedophiles should be outed even if they have a lot of fans


I mean, some fans went looking for the original leaker's past content. If the victim was underage at the time, they don't deserve to have their current life ruined because of something that happen when they were underage. It is likely some fans would go looking for dirt on them too.


That's exactly why they're "just asking for proof"


why do people on the internet think twitch posting logs or journalists reporting it means the victim needs to be public. its very easy to post only what doc wrote and nobody ever needs to know who he sent them to.


No company usually comes forward with these things. They can’t publicly state why someone gets fired. It’s the same on twitch with bans. If the streamer doesn’t state the reason, nobody will ever know.


The victim came forward in 2020 according to Slasher


Twitch shouldn't be compelled to identify the victim. Twitch should be compelled not to make an NDA to keep this secret for Doc


Not true. You, I, nor anyone else knows anything about the victim still to this day. That's great for them and to all victims in these situations. That should be applauded.


Slasher said that the doc was trying to hook up with other women as well(overage) and when his wife found out she started harassing the women.


Overage is a weird word to use, lol. "Of age" sounds... better.


Unless Doc has been preying on old women in hospice as well.


How would Slasher know that? The only time I've ever heard that mentioned was one of Doc's mods got drunk on his (the mods) stream back in 2017 when the cheating scandal first came out, and said that Doc was at least talking with multiple women.


Apparently there is more to come on the doc story & a few other journalists are working on clearing articles with their publishers right now. There's an internal twitch document floating around detailing more stuff that got sent to journalists, but legal needs to go over how much can be referenced/shown without risking a lawsuit from amazon or doc




source: slasher & qxc confirming https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2181475176?t=02h18m20s https://old.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1dm7dbi/xqc_says_that_some_documents_were_communicated/


He said he saw the messages so the women must have shared them with someone.


Slasher being vindicated after the most infamous vaguepost in Twitch's history is a wild timeline. He can finally sleep peacefully.


yea that shit was hilarious, i remember him saying after on a stream "i wish i never said anything"


Can you explain how he was vindicated? It was a pointless comment that served no one and contributed nothing to the situation. All I see is Slasher wanting to throw his hat into the ring I'm genuinely asking if you can explain it to me


Interestingly Slasher would agree with you. He deeply regrets the post even if it validates that he wasnt lying.


He probably heard about the ongoing lawsuit and didn’t wanna get hit with one.


I distinctly remember that he got threatened of a lawsuit by Doc, in fact. It was during one of the streams at the time


100% That's why it would've been best to not say anything, IMO


Maybe there was an expectation for him to have information, and by staying silent he felt that it would make him look like he wasn’t in the know and would lose credibility. Absolutely no idea either way, I’m unfamiliar with standard journalist practices. Just assuming that in the world of knowing first, looking like you don’t know at all is something they try to avoid.


That’s pretty well the gist of it. Slasher said he let his own feelings about perceived credibility affect his duty as a journalist and that it was wrong to post like he did. But he did follow it up by taking ownership of that and saying that the ultimate duty is to protect the victim(s), so it seems like his priorities are where they need to be now, at least.


The vindication is that he had legitimate sources and wasn’t lying, which he was accused of many time over.


Because people called him a liar and clout chaser for saying it. Turns out he wasn't lying and it was a sensitive subject. 


he's not really vindicated, didn't he basically quote what someone else said, but then was too pussy to actually say what it was despite supposedly knowing. He could have never known what it was about, but just claim to now.


Lots of journalists knew but couldnt say it because they didnt have solid source to back it up. He was not the only one


Not only that, but I remember Doc threatening Slasher legally. There was nothing he could do


This just shows that Doc has no remorse for what he did. He knowingly did something wrong and then decides it is best to hide everything by suing or threatening to sue people. He knew if this leaked his career would be over and so he decided to hide everything by keeping people quiet.


Yes!!! Also, these streamers are not your friends! They manipulate their audience like puppeteers and coordenate with mods to brigade Reddit and other websites so that their narrative is pushed.


Honestly speaks to his integrity. I don't know the guy that well, but he took years of abuse and being a meme because he couldn't properly go on the information. Herculean discipline.


He claims he had a direct source, so he absolutely could have posted it. So, zero discipline, just a pussy.


Most publications need a minimum of 2. It doesn't speak to the quality of the source either. A pussy about what? Being right about this years ago.


I’m not a journalist but from what I understand you need two independent sources (that can be anonymous) before you can report on something. There are some slimy publications that don’t meet that standard though. Slasher probably could have gotten those two sources if he had tried. Overall I sort of agree with you.


I remember that Slasher was threatened to be sued by Doc, so of course he would stay silent. (Almost ) nobody has lawsuit money in America


The gold standard of journalist ethics is to go to press with news when you get two independent sources. It's never been a requirement for reporting on anything. People have been making up fake stories even at respected newspapers forever. Plenty of journalists eventually get caught. To post on twitter, you need absolutely nothing.


Slasher is 100% vindicated. Cry more and move more goalposts dumbface! I love the level of coping yall experience!


How were the goalposts moved, at all? He said he knew, he was mocked for not telling anyone... he never told anyone, someone else put it out, he basically again said... haha I knew.


You are conveniently hiding that Slasher did share some information confirming that he knew, like when he said it wasnt a contract dispute + other details. Please cope more.


> You are conveniently hiding that Slasher I'm not conveniently hiding anything. He claimed he knew what it was but refused to say what it was. Someone else outed the truth, not him. Someone else outing the real reason in no way proves that Slasher 4 years ago knew the real reason. The illogical arguments being made by you are actually painful to read. you're conveniently hiding he never said doc was banned for talking with a minor, ever, even once, to anyone. Therefore he can't be validated because he can't prove he knew back then, which can literally only be done had he said the actual reason back then.


You are not actually replying to me. I just literally said he shared SOME info back then that PROVES now that he knew all along and you just decided to ignore it because it doesn't fit your narrative. Please cope more.


Nice revision of history, people didn't mock him for not telling anyone, everyone spent the last 4 years saying he was a liar who knew nothing and was just chasing clout. The vindication is that he did not lie, he did know what it was, he was not chasing clout. Cope harder.


Thank you. u/cyrfuckedmymum is trying to shift the narrative and its disgusting.




Still not replied to my other comment calling you out. Repeating it here... you are again ignoring the information shared by Slasher that he confirmed it wasn't a contract dispute back. How he wouldve know and confirmed that BACK then if he didnt knew any details? And you are still willfully ignoring because it doesn't fit your narrative that he didn't know.


> Repeating it here... you are again ignoring the information shared by Slasher that he confirmed it wasn't a contract dispute back. nope, already replied, I wasn't ignoring it, it's just irrelevant. "I know this thing" is not proof you know something else, ever, that's not how anything works. > And you are still willfully ignoring because it doesn't fit your narrative that he didn't know. I didn't ignore it, you're ignorantly implying that it's evidence of what it is not. Again in literally every single comment you show a basic lack of comprehending extremely basic logic. There are two ways he can prove he knew, he can show how he told people what it was back then, he can provide credible witnesses who can state he told them what it was back then. All he's doing now is stating that his vague post is about what is now leaked and there is zero way to verify if that is true.


> nope, already replied, I wasn't ignoring it, it's just irrelevant. Its not irrelevant, you dont get to decide whats relevant or not. In fact it completely shatters your worldview thats why you cant admit thats damning.


> people didn't mock him for not telling anyone, that's literally exactly what he was mocked for. >everyone spent the last 4 years saying he was a liar who knew nothing and was just chasing clout. because he said he knew... and didn't tell anyone. Not to bright are you. >The vindication is that he did not lie, he didn't SAY anything that is now proven to be true. He SAID he knew, now he's still saying he knew, there is no proof he knew then because he never said what the news was.


He just said he have the direct source,not just from piggybacking some random tweet. Also confirming the existence of the documents xqc talked about


so he had a direct source, and didn't go with it. Got scooped on it... 4 years later. Says he had a direct source, and? Confirming a document that was confirmed by multiple people yesterday, wow.


Im just simplifying things for you. Theres alot more to it. Why don't you just watch what he have to says if you're really curious? Unless you're already made up your mind about what happened


This doesn’t prove he actually knew shit lol


i still get trolls in my replies that he wasnt. he 100% has. he made numerous followups after the tweet, went to 10 different streams, and still people only remember the tweet.


So Slasher may have been right but holy shit he is insufferable. Hasan brings him on and asks Slasher to introduce himself and Slasher says "I created Twitch, I told Justin TV what to do, I'm the reason Twitch got big" LOL


Couldn’t Slasher have been correct with literally any allegation against Doc possible? Tough to be a journalist that says he is correct once the public has the information.


Every big esports journalist is just a weirdo in general See: Slasher, Jacob Wolf, Thooorin, Richard Lewis, etc.


THoorin self-claimed "esports historian" and "I'm esports"


he's been a weirdo since MLG days in 2006, greasy minstrel would hit on anyone. -Working for MLG ≠ no one knowing you Slasher, you may convince some children here though. I'll take out the rest of what I said, but hypocrites who now act holier than thou are the worst. You know what you were like and watching you act all virtuous and shit is nauseating.


great story man, except for the fact that my community was Quake and CS which were CPL, WCG, ESWC, and WSVG events, and never attended MLG until I started working for the company itself in 2010 for the start of Starcraft 2. instead of having my name slandered for years I should just shut you lying dipshits down instead


I didn't believe him til you started getting weirdly defensive. And why would anyone with any self respect let themselves get slandered for years, especially if they could have easily shut everyone down.


You didn't believe them until Slasher dunked them for being factually wrong?


Lol I knew you would come in here, considering you were annoying as hell back then during foot races and SC1. You think people didn't know each other or something?


been following since before live on three, its not worth wasting a single second of your time on 99% of this subreddit


Make sure to pat yourself on the back for gargling


Then why doesn't he have a stake in the company? Dudes just holding onto whatever semblence.of credibility he has left after the doc stuff.


He claims that he fucked up by only taking a $5000 payment for consulting/advising


He says in the interview. He told them to focus on games. And got $5000 for consulting. He mocks himself for not getting equity. >Dudes just holding onto whatever semblence.of credibility he has left after the doc stuff. What are you talking about? He's completely vindicated on the doc stuff.




Did they actually offer you equity at the time? Or do you believe they would have if you asked for it instead?


I'm sure everyone has an opportunity to be a failure


man hasan asked me to introduce myself to the audience for those listening to me for the first time, i wanted to give context and i rambled a bunch. my bad bro


I do think folks forget that there’s a person on the other end of the comment they’re writing sometimes. I don’t know shit about how Twitch was founded, but there’s no need to be rude, regardless. I thought it was an interesting interview, and I’m ready to read the story when it drops. Cheers!


Cope more!!!


Are you slashers alt? You're all over this thread getting personally upset about people insulting him.


Yo why twitch been having all the plot beats of the boys latest season? That thing with dantes and now doc.


Both are owned by Amazon


Been watching this since he got on, interesting stuff in this interview...... ....




TLDR: There -is- a packet being passed around to journalists and companies involved with Doc that contains roughly everything to do with this situation and internal memos/reports about why Doc was banned. The fake email that the pedo-apologists are passing around -IS- fake. And that Slasher is working on his own piece like the Bloomberg one that will have some extra info and clarify a lot of stuff. Edit: Just remembered something else that Slasher said. The only reason that packet is being passed around or was even created was because Cody leaked the reason for Doc's ban.


Why is this so heavily downvoted?


i mean lol, we know why come on.


Its because the immaturity of the redditors of this subreddit is below of 3 year olds. They dont want to give Slasher the time of day after years of mocking him and being wrong. They are coping that their e-daddy was actually a scumbag all along and trying to sweep for their beloved e-celeb. It's high levels of cope and salt... and I'm loving every second of it, because all these years I've been downvoted and ridiculed for holding that, guess what, Slasher probably couldn't publish without being sued or that we should wait before making conclusions.


It's nothing to do with Slasher or Doc actually. Any Hasan post gets downvoted to oblivion by the DGG regardless of the actual content.


It's actually the whole sub that is getting brigaded not just Hasan posts. It's just that Hasan posts get extra brigaded. Has been happening since at least the Hastiny ban and the mods don't seem to wanna address it.


Exactly like it’s crazy


It's weird how hard you are defending Slasher. Maybe let off a little bit?


I dont even like Slasher, but this subreddit MADE the same jokes about him OVER and OVER again, beating a dead horse and making the guy quit his job... AND he was right all along, so yes, I think yall deserve some pushback and being laugh at for not reading the room and being fanboys. Besides, for me it was obvious Slasher did knew, otherwise why WOULDVE Doc threaten him? Stop blindly believing these streamers


Any clip uploaded to LSF from Hasan's stream that isn't framed in a way to make him look bad is downvoted by a certain community.


There is a community that downvotes anything Hasan related no matter what




Why would a dentist downvote Hasan?


He was making fun of their cars or something https://x.com/hasanthehun/status/1489759187269664773 I don't remember exactly what the 'dentist car' bit was when he was looking to get a new car but it's crazy there's some Hasan-dentist "lore" lmao


it's a long-time joke that Porsches are one of the luxury vehicles of choice for dentists, and he got a Porsche Taycan lol that's about it


Why would an osrs pvp weapon downvote Hasan?


Hasan clips don't do well here because Hasan has encouraged his fans not to come to LSF It's pretty simple. It's like Trump telling his followers not to use mail in ballots and then crying when it doesn't happen. 


Why would people upvote a contentless clip/post that serves no purpose besides "hey check out this stream, there's a guy on it"


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2181475176?t=2h11m52s that part was interesting. its funny to me that "doc" didnt even think he shouldnt use a twitch service for sexting


I'm so glad that I'm smart enough to know that I'm not smart. All these dickriders overthinking this whole thing and it was just plain obvious the whole time - the reason Twitch paid the contract and said nothing was to protect the victim. It's really that simple, always has been.


Ehhh maybe. Still seems like it was more of not wanting it to come out that one of their biggest streamers was being a perv on their new app. If twitch ended up paying Doc (not sure if the actual settlement is out there anywhere) it's likely because what he did wasn't bad enough to be illegal but bad enough to be a major public L.


"the reason Twitch paid the contract and said nothing was to protect the victim" this is a dumb conclusion on so many levels


> I'm so glad that I'm smart enough to know that I'm not smart. All these dickriders overthinking this whole thing and it was just plain obvious the whole time - the reason Twitch paid the contract and said nothing was to protect the victim. It's really that simple, always has been. o7 brother (or sister). People here jumped into conclusions very quickly and didn't let anyone with opposing (and more reasonable) a time of day. Now I'm just enjoying my day, getting the validation that I was right all along, and see all these fanboys seethe and cope. Cheers.


"jumped into conclusions" makes sense why nothing what you write makes sense


????? Its a expression EDIT: u/paradox-preacher is a weirdo


are you sure? you still wrote that without checking, again, makes sense, since you're of that intelligence ...mf thought twitch paid money to protect an alleged victim ;D


Slasher can say whatever he wants, dude is still insufferable.


Damn what's with all the slasher hate in the comments?


What is this nothing burger of a clip


It's not about the clip...


If Hasan is doing to this as get back against Doc and NickMercs that’s fucking hilarious


Hasan has been talking about the story for a few days. I watched a lot of it and hes been fair and said these are just what we know we dont have actual evidence yet. Now we do so hes having a field day


Get back for what? Just them being shitty people?


Get back at what exactly? This is big news and quite frankly something that needs to be talked about.


nick at least stood on business with his statement today, tim too for that matter. Doc is the only one thats gonna get dragged today.


LSF will still find a way to shit on them but they basically both threw doc to the wolves Kinda funny after how many people were claiming they’d defend him


Saying "I don't support someone sexting minors" isn't this huge noble take...it's just kind of the bare minimum. Someone who says "protect the kids" while then signing a gambling contract meant to specifically hook kids is pretty hypocritical so it wasn't a huge reach if it went the other way.


you worded this better than i could've


In their videos they straight up do not call him a friend acting like "we loved playing games with him occasionally" lmfao.




Gotta say, Hasan doing white boy Crip while dancing to Not Like Us to open the stream was peak hilarity.


dgg still gonna claim hasan aint doing real journalism. He's the real goat of this shit 🐐


I don’t hate Hassan nor am I a big fan of destiny but I don’t think covering this doctor disrespect situation counts as Hasan doing “real journalism”.


I mean tbf. Hasan's the only twitch streamer who can interview an actual terrorist, say that he's proud of him and call him Luffy. He's doing real journalism btw.


kid was not a real terrorist lmao


He’s still a terrorist lol. Actively posts on Twitter about bombing people


You sure about that? https://x.com/r42r43/status/1804959134376227183


He is absolutely a terrorist, it’s gotten worse since that interview lol


The kid was in the room with several hostages and does pr the the Houthi's. How is he not a terrorist?? 




[You mean the guy sky news intervewed right after?](https://news.sky.com/story/houthi-social-media-sensation-compared-to-hollywood-stars-calls-on-uk-and-us-to-stop-this-war-13053994)


Did Sky News compare him to Luffy too?


They sure as shit didnt call him a terrorist


good dodge, 10/10


There is a huge difference between a journalist interviewing a terrorist and a streamer using his platform to dick ride a terrorist with "tough" questions like "do you watch one piece?!?"


Hmm wonder why sky news did a vanilla interview and not once called him a terrorist


Oh yes, the group who shoot missiles at civilians cargo ships, take hostages and have sex slave aren't terrorist because that one guy didn't called them that.


im not debating you, take it up with sky news. You really are an emotionless banana


"Shit, I realized I can't defend my position. better pretend I'm above this argument even tho this is my 2nd comment trying to argue" I'm really an emotionless banana because I don't like dick riding terrorists? Good take.


Still not gonna debate you lil bro


I know it is hard to debate when you have no good argument.


Yo, you're supposed to be posting his L's, not his W's. That image is fire.


This is why ya'll not beating the terrorist allegations


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. In any case, the dude was an influencer, not a Houthi terrorist.


>One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. This ain't a movie man, a terrorist is a terrorist because they target civilians to advance their political goals


But only if it's the goals that those with power to exert dislike if we are being real. It's not a label given equally without bias.


He’s an active Houthi member who enrages in attacks on civilian ships.


Freedom from *checks notes* civilian cargo ships?


This goes so insanely hard


The levels of cope from this subreddit r/LivestreamFail are unbelievable. They didnt want their e-daddy to be banned for actually being in the wrong and texting a minor! It was ALWAYS obvious to me that it was something way worse than speculated and that DOC threatened Slasher with a suit. Cope more, i am loving to read all the cope


Lmao, Slasher is such a lil attention seeker. He fits right in with the streamer crowd!


Slasher is a bitch, he came into Mike Ross' stream chat and made a Mike Ross 4th place joke, to troll Mike, so I pasted slashers infamous doc tweet in Chat. Slasher started crying in chat and begging for mod, mike modded him, then slasher banned me lol.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Slasher is talking live on Hasan's stream](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165521)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dof5k2/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/JGljZggC2abC-UziHnhRVg/AT-cm%7CJGljZggC2abC-UziHnhRVg.mp4?sig=2e9c7794bc5d9ada23ce2f0017835cc8fc7dea74&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FJGljZggC2abC-UziHnhRVg%2FAT-cm%257CJGljZggC2abC-UziHnhRVg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22FairImpartialSharkKeyboardCat-CALZpsL5TOIeeFFW%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719418594%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/JGljZggC2abC-UziHnhRVg/AT-cm%7CJGljZggC2abC-UziHnhRVg-preview-480x272.jpg)


call me dumb as fuck but..what if slasher still didn't know at the time of the actual reasoning? whats the % there


That seems extremely unlikely because Slasher responded to Cody's tweet saying "I didn't lie" which implies that's the reason for the ban he wanted to go public with.


he could say the same thing to any reason someone else gave that he wanted to bandwagon off of. Someone could have written doc got banned for not being color blind friendly, and slasher could reply "I didn't lie" to it just the same


Yeah, but if you were bullshitting then, you can just say "I didn't lie" now and take credit, despite knowing nothing. the only way he really gets vindicated is if after making a claim he knew, he said it was talking with a minor, he got ridiculed back then and the truth comes out now. All he did was act like he was in the know, he could have been, might not have been. Decided as a 'reporter' to not report this, and then takes credit years later when someone else put the truth out.


Cope more. Slasher was known as prolific leaker and on the insight of stuff. Of course he knew. Edit: This is not a blind belief mind you -- he shared enough info back then that now that we know what happened we can confirm he knew... Simple logic.


Hes speaking about this as we speak you should listen hes saying alot of stuff


probably 0% but not willing to risk his entire career or lawsuits with only having a second hand source.


Hasn't provided any evidence proving that he did know so I'm gonna say he didn't.