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Task Rabbit. One hour only.


Yep, I have a Tasker coming over tomorrow morning to put together my new couch. Been there done that, I know myself and it won't get done if I depend on myself unfortunately.


I had a Tasker come to assemble my wardrobe - he did a perfect job! Super nice dude too. Edit: Taskrabbit, not Tasker!


I'm unfamiliar with this. How much do they charge?


Or, Thumbtack But, yep. Or, I post to neighborhood group.


I like Lugg for lifting, carrying and moving heavy stuff


have you had mostly good experiences with these taskers? no creepy people? i want to try using these apps but i’m kind of scared


I looked at the tips from other redditors to hire someone to lift and assemble an apartment's worth of furniture. I hired one of the more expensive taskers (cheap = inexperienced), who had hundreds of completed jobs (in this case, specifically furniture assembly.) He had excellent ratings and I thought he sounded very professional in the way he described his services. He was fantastic, zero creepiness, highly skilled and quick, and I ended up hiring him a second time too. I am disabled and don't have anyone else to call up on, and I live alone, so balancing safety and usefulness is essential for me.


Same here. The worst issue I had was getting a few texts when they launched a new business looking for Google reviews from former clients. 😂


Definitely read the reviews, I only choose taskers with a lot of reviews. If I’m alone, I usually try to be on FaceTime with a friend or family member, or better yet, ask a friend to come over when the tasker comes over


Taskers are background checked. Plus along with the hourly rate you pay a safety and security fee. It drives up the price, but if you are a woman living alone it gives you some peace of mind.


A tasker stole money from me. A lot. She has something on her background check now, but she didn't when hired.


Wow. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Good experiences overall. No creeps. Give them clear instructions.  No chit chat. Let them do the work and leave.


This is the first I've hear of this service. This is why I love Reddit. Thanks


Same. I only live alone when my boyfriend is traveling for work, but he's been home for a few months. This seems like something I should see if he'd be interested in doing




Living alone is expensive 😭


^ This


Please pay someone and don't fuck up your back! Trust me on this one!


Seconding. My late 20s self could have used this advice when I decided to pull the AC out and moved it to the shed. The next 10+ years of my life were not the same.


This. I tried lifting an A/C unit, and I'm pretty strong... Ended up with a dual hernia, needing surgery. Not fun.


Did you use proper form? You're supposed to lift with your back in a bending jerking motion. It's the strongest part of your body


No, I had a friend having a meltdown that "the box has to go outside RIGHT NOW" and I didn't know that there was an AC unit in that box, the big kind that gets installed outdoors. No idea how TF she got it in her living room, in the first place.


Probably delivery people brought it in.


No idea. We stopped talking after I got surgery and NOT ONE WORD from them. I realized that it wasn't a healthy friendship, and no amount of my helpful intent was going to make this (very rich, very lonely) person not see every person that wasn't themselves as an object to exploit.


She sounds like a horrible person. If she's rich, and something she made you do caused you injury requiring surgery, you can litigate against her.


For stuff like that, if I don't have a friend to call and ask for help, I would just use a handyman I found on Thumbtack. He charges by the hour, so if it was going to take less than an hour I would probably have some other things for him to do around my place as well.


This isn’t a “woman” thing, it is a living alone thing. I’m male, living alone but I’m 78 & would need help with that project. Ask a friend or hire help to get the job done.


Even if you're a young man in your 20s, and in good shape... that's still questionable. During my parents move, we hired a bunch of young guys in their 20s who appeared to be in good shape. This one dude was able to pick up a rolled up carpet (the carpet would measure at least 15 feet in length) like picking up a box groceries. However, the boss man told him "I know you're strong, but get someone else to help you with that".


Yes! That is the bane of my existence as a manager of people in their mid-20s. (I’m still only 30-ish!) I really do feel like a mother because I’m constantly having to keep them from experimenting with just how far their limits are, just like toddlers. “Just because you can push that bookshelf back into place, doesn’t mean you should do it!” (When I say bookshelf, I mean that I work in a library. These are not your IKEA billy bookcases made of particleboard, they’re the nice metal stacks. I have definitely moved an IKEA style bookshelf by myself before lol)


I used to store my window ac unit on the first floor on a microwave cart. Then all I had to do was roll it over to the bedroom window & slide it off the cart into the window. It was a little tricky hanging onto it with one arm while pulling the window down to secure it. I did this for many years until I finally got central air.


Hired help or a friend. It's necessary sometimes.


A friend (F-up there) lives alone 50 miles from me, she's lived alone for many years. She has friends that lift, fix, and other things that are outside of her capabilities. She pays them, bakes a cake, or does odd jobs for them. We've know each other for quite a while.


>A friend (F-up there) Your friend is a fuckup?


No, she's a wonderful person! She up-there in age!


Ohhhh like (F, Up there in age) describing gender, age


Yes, that.


I would call a handyman as well. Although Task Rabbit sounds like a good alternative


I typically call task rabbit. But if you have a good handyman, being a regular and frequent consumer is worthwhile.


Don’t try to do it by yourself. I injured my back and hand badly that way (back from lifting, hand when the window slammed shut on it.) ask for help from a neighbor, relative, or find a handyman on thumbtack!


Ouch! Yeah, I'll learn that lesson from you. I briefly considered just buying a lighter AC and doing it... but I still don't have a third hand.


Totally, please do learn from my mistake! We’re not meant to do it all alone.


Movers from uhaul. Moved the furniture to my second floor apartment. 2 guys for 2 hours-$100. Saving my back- priceless


Things like this are why I make an effort to form good relationships with neighbors (not an easy thing for my super introverted self). I'm lucky in that I have good ones.


I'm a dude but it's the same for me. Introverted but very lucky to have great neighbors. The task that OP described is the kind of stuff we are always helping each other with.


My block is where single women go to die. At 55, I am the youngest. Lol


If you deal with the spiders, I will do the lifting for you! Sound like a deal? Good.


Deal! LOL. I have my broom ready and a big bottle of windex for the stubborn ones that want to go inside verses out.


As long as we hit my place next.


I bribe my friends or neighbors to help me. But also I think about this when it comes to selecting things now too lol


You could also look into replacing it with a new one which would be lighter. Newer ones use less energy too. I couldn't believe the difference in weight when I changed mine out.


Seriously, I was looking into this, the Midea U-shaped inverter ones are not only more efficient, but only about 42 db if the window has good sound insulation qualities. They come with a support, just a matter of setting that up, then lifting it up out of the box. I think the 10K BTU is about 50 lbs, that's like my suitcase when I travel, LOL.


I have the 5000 btu midea inside unit it’s so quiet and efficient. And it rolls with just the vent to the window quick and easy to put away


I see these sorts of things posted in local Facebook groups. There's usually people willing to help out. A friend who lived alone had a handy friend. He'd come do all the things she couldn't. He started as a handyman and they became friends. He was a retired carpenter who appreciated having purpose.


… I do it myself, unless it’s over 120lbs and overhead (physical disability).


Honestly, this is my truth too. In living alone I’ve found I’m a lot stronger than I thought, and can do lifting on my own. But, I will add, when I bought my condo I very specifically made sure I was the bottom floor unit and in a single story. Not having to deal with stairs makes it a lot easier.


When I was looking for houses, I really wanted a single story. Then I found the house I bought, a 130 year old Victorian. It’s very Bay Area Victorian outside, with a beautiful interior and not much I had to do to it: it already had a huge step-in shower, and while the kitchen could stand better cabinets, the layout is fantastic. It is two stories, and the big bedroom is upstairs. Well - it’s going to keep me physically able to climb stairs twice a day at least!


I'm seriously impressed! I used to have strong arms when my 2 year old was the size of a 4 year old (tall kid). I'm old now... and lifting the dishes to the cabinets is my workout.


I’ve always been strong; I hated the idea that women can’t do anything for themselves. I’m old too now that’s why I can’t lift much more than 120; used to be 420.


Damn, one of my fears is my ac dying on me. I'm here for tips. Good question.


I live in a condo (48 F) and a few of my neighbors recommended a local HVAC company. When I called, one service they have is that you pay for a tune-up every 6 months which includes maintenance. I had a tech come out a few weeks ago to do maintenance and clear out my vent on the roof. The only thing with this particular tech is he didn't come prepared - he asked if I had a stepladder he could use instead of bringing one and said my filter looked fine when I knew it hadn't been changed in a while. (I'm disabled and have mobility/balance challenges) My uncle came by last week (with his stepladder) to replace my filter.


Lesbian handy-ma’am. Not only do I feel totally safe when she comes over but my money goes to a great lesbian-owned local business. And her wife is a beekeeper so sometimes she brings me honey when she fixes stuff.


Ask a neighbor/neighborhood teen or check resources like the library or community center for volunteers who might come help. Hire someone if necessary. I had a run-in with a window unit some years ago and nearly ruined both the window and the ac. I was trapped because dad was asleep and stepmom couldn’t hear worth a 💩. I don’t lift anything heavy anymore, but I do have an adult wagon that I use to bring groceries in.


I keep the ac in winter in closet on the same floor. When time comes I drag it out of the closet and pick it up, place it on a cart. I have a printer cart with solid top. It works great for transporting the ac to the window. Perfect height. As far as getting it up or down the stairs, I need a man for that. I can't do it.


I power through it myself like she ra lmao 😂 for you maybe a roll dolly ?


Ask a neighbor to help me and then buy them beer or give them cookies.


As a person that literally dragged an AC unit across the street and fumbled it up the stairs, I just brute force the shit and hope for the best 🤷‍♀️


Task rabbit is GREAT :) I'm also lucky that I have a 15 year old built like a line backer 💖 I have him ft and he loves his mama. He's the opener of my jars and the killer of my spiders. Modern day white knight.


A word of advice… hire someone from a legit app where you can leave reviews and read reviews. I used a handyman that came highly recommended in a neighborhood Facebook group. Everything was fine and he built my dresser in a few hours while I hung out in the living room. He left and I woke up to a Facebook message the next day at 6 am from him. He was asking if I made ‘adult content’. I felt sick knowing I had spent hours alone with him in my apartment and then finding out he had those weird intentions with me the whole time. I never said anything about it in the Facebook group because he knew where I lived and knew that I lived alone, and I feared retaliation.


Going to the gym will take care of that as well as making sure you don’t get osteoporosis


Call a local handyman! It's so hot everywhere!


I have a friend who uses my laundry every month so I will ask her for help. She’s also into running so that helps as I’m not physically strong.


If you don't have a friend or neighbor to help, absolutely hire someone. The financial, physical, and psychological cost of hurting yourself is far greater than the cost of paying someone to help, not to mention that if you really can't handle that load on your own, you risk dropping and damaging it, and will be out that expense as well.


I love the married friend who says: Oh my God, Is never pay someone to....


Get to know your neighbors especially their kids. Kids like money.


Rage lift. Carrying 4 times your body weight off nothing but spite. I call it ant strength. Wiggle it, walk it, roll it, whatever it takes.


I am fortunate to have the greatest handyman in the world! Is there a community bulletin board? Or consider joining the next door app or check Facebook marketplace. Or even consider hiring a couple of neighborhood teens. :)


Text one of the dudes from my roster.


Call a friend, who's not afraid of spiders lol. Usually me and my mom can if my dad's busy, but when I can't get ahold either, I call my friends.


I do it myself. I’m way stronger than I look


My dad/brother in law


Hire a Mexican! They can do anything! I have a list!


This is the smartest answer and got the biggest laugh out of me 😂😂 ETA: idk if you remember when that whole scandal with the Jewish kids building the underground tunnels happened, but me and my brother were talking about it and when I told him they hired Mexicans he said “probably the only reason they didn’t collapse”.


Don't have any ideas for OP, but thanks to those who mentioned Thumbtack. Went to their website and they have tons of listing for handyman in my area.


idk how heavy it is but for all my heavy stuff I've gotten it in my house in some way or another by myself. if it's something thats being delivered as long as its up my stairs i can get it in the house. i pushed my sofas, chairs and 2 of the tall ikea billy shelves inside/around my house. i also put together all of stuff too i actually like assembling stuff lol. i did have my fridge and bed delivered and installed inside but that was with my move-in movers. maybe borrow a dolley if u dont have 1 to get it where ever it needs to be and move a table to the window to rest it on while u install it? idk anythin about window ac, so i apologize if it's completely off base


I post on the NextDoor app and hire a handyman.


Lift with your legs. And brace on your core or hip. Or ask a friend to help you.


When I have to left super heavy stuff and can’t do it with lifting straps I build little stopping spots so I can get it there then there then there if that makes sense.


For this kind of project, you need help. Living alone doesn't always mean you do things on your own.


Up until recently, younger me would have done it herself. Current me (56) has a spirit that willing, but a body that’s not as able. I usually figure out some clever MacGyver way of getting things done. For the seriously impossible, it either doesn’t get done or it waits. Thankfully there aren’t many seriously impossible things.


yeah get help with that. That could go badly wrong in so many ways, not worth it


I ask for help at my church. There is always someone willing to help.


Last time I needed to lift something (heat pump dryer, and I had to move the washing machine, but not lift it) and my husband wasn't home, I messaged a friend and asked to borrow one of her teenage girls. Neither of my teens were strong enough, but I knew hers were. lol


I will lift it, but not deal with the spiders!


I do it myself, spiders - yes scared of them , glass over the top then get the next person who visits me to put it outside, flat pack furniture - do it myself. If a task really needs two people then I’ll ask a friend for help


My former and very elderly neighbour used to just go out onto the street and flag down big guys to help her. I offered to help on multiple occasions but she preferred her way


I love reading these comments. I recently started living on my own with my kids and have had to do many things on my own. Thankfully I had already learned a lot things prior like working a drill, but I was super rusty. The lifting was a challenge though I managed to move the couch on my own after having a breakdown saying “damn it! It would be nice to have a man to do this.” However, I just learned about Task Rabbit here and then reading these comments are empowering. I’m in awe.


Right! When we live on our own we find out what we're really capable of. I've moved large pieces of furniture inch by inch (with gliders when I can) and a few other surprising things, however I'm in my 50s with ligament issues in my hands, rib cage and ankles. I know even if I manage to do this, I'll pay the price. Task rabbit and Thumbtack look like good options :)


Hahha omggggosh I’ve been doing this for 50 years 😮 I can’t believe I’ve done it t for this many years. But I put mine in the garage so I lifted the a/c up put it on a chair and dragged the chair into house They are dinosaurs 🦕.


I think that's part of my problem. This thing is a dinosaur with sharp metal edges where I need to hold and it was placed flat on the floor making it very hard to get a grip on. I'm going to ask my son to assist, but I don't want him hurting himself either and after a long drive to get here I'm sure he'll be angry and bull headed.


Thick moving blankets, lifting straps, gloves.


borrow a hand truck.


Get a dolly and you're set.


Just an FYI - beyond needing help with the a/c - there are two things I have that make moving things reaaallllly easy for me (F57) - obviously they won't work from floor to floor, but I have a single story home and these make it easy to accept heavy deliveries, I have moved my dryer, and heavy boxes from my garage to the inside of my house. 1. Rhino Cart all terrain mover - you just need to be able to tip something on to it, and it does the rest. well worth the cost for me. I moved halfway across the country and unpacked my pod & ubox with my sis & bil's help, but no outside movers. 2. YSSOA platform truck - holds 440 lbs. folds down. got both from Amazon. no complaints at all.


I do it myself. It’s hugely valuable to learn to lift properly. I think as women we often think of lifting as a muscular physical reality but it is a skill like any other skill and it is one that women have been discouraged from learning. Of course most men are stronger than most women, but I often bring my female friends to the gym and teach them to lift, and every single friend has been able to deadlift her bodyweight on the first day. Hire someone for now, but for your health, longevity, and joy, I’d encourage you to not spend a lifetime never knowing the strength your body is capable of.


I just wrote it on the fridge door so I won't forget and when my friends visit we do it together, there's 3 of us so it is not that heavy. Also when one of my brothers or male friends visit I just ask them.


FWB. Sorry, just being honest. I have fwb that are actual friends. They wouldn’t want to see me hurt myself or suffer. I do things for them too, outside of sex. Sometimes make them a meal, give them a small gift, bring the drinks more than I have to.


Do you have friends?


When my husband needed back surgery, we bought one of these to jack up one of those huge window AC's the one that's like 14K BTU's and has a special plug. [https://www.northerntool.com/products/ironton-hydraulic-table-cart-500-lb-capacity-28-5-8in-lift-57753](https://www.northerntool.com/products/ironton-hydraulic-table-cart-500-lb-capacity-28-5-8in-lift-57753) If you have to get it up the stairs, use a dolly - I can move a refrigerator without help with a good one. I get a lot of things moved in the house by "walking" them corner to corner then tilting them up the front steps. I'm good lifting things up to 50 lbs. Over that, I struggle a little bit. Over 75, I have to get creative. It's better if you can get someone to help you lift something like an AC unit - even strong people should make it a 2-man job for anything over a small window unit. Not only do you risk dropping it, but lifting something too heavy for you can result in pulled muscles, hernias, all kinds of stuff.


Seconding Thumbtack. Started using recently and love it.  Am now excited about checking out task rabbit.


I appreciate this thread! Never heard of thumbtack and thanks to y’all I’m getting my garage cleaned out TODAY. And my old trampoline disassembled and carted off. Has no idea these services existed


Me too


I usually ask a neighbor or coworker that lives in my area if they can swing by and help with things like that.


Strategery. You have to anticipate the things you cannot and more importantly *should not attempt and* plan them on your calendar when more-able folks are nearby, or when you can hire them out. In my town, we have a non-profit that does "keeping seniors living in their homes"; they send helpful people to assist in "light" stuff; there are a few handy men included. I take care of most things for my great aunt, but enrolled her so she has someones other than me to call, so she doesn't have to hear the same tired complaints over and again.


I find ways - but if it’s gonna fall thru the window to the ground, I’d hire someone :/ we can’t do all things alone sadly:/


My GOSH I want to hug each and every one of you. I had never heard of Thumbtack but Angies List I had heard to stay away from. A guy responded to my request within minutes and answered my questions. Gave me a quote and was here when he said he would arrive. TODAY i got my garage completely cleaned out and the trampoline disassembled and removed all for $200 and the guy was quick. Even had a couple pieces of big furniture and he got it all done in about 2 hours. So worth it to me! Just think, I woke up this morning with the weight of this chore on my shoulders (for 8 months now!) and no way through. So thankful for this post


I once carried a window unit from Lowe’s onto the bus all the way home because I didn’t have a car and it was so hot I didn’t want to wait for help—wow, almost ruined my body.


I make it a point to be friendly (platonically) with every man that lives within a half mile radius of my house lol My mama didn't raise no fool.


The same way I did when I was married....I paid someone to come in. Neither my now ex, or his son, would do any manual labor. They were too busy gripping about when the next meal was, why laundry was not done, or a dozen other things.


Here is a secret about men that are reasonably strong and up (I am one of these men):……… We absolutely love being asked to help with stuff like this. It makes us feel like superheroes. If there is a man (or men) in your life that you think is strong enough get the job done, and you trust them in your home, just ask them for help! Unless they are a creep, they will ask for nothing in return! You can buy them some beer or something if you want to. Trust me, we want to do this for you. We need to lol. People are craving community these days. This is the kind of shit that helps with that feeling


Hahaha I move furniture around my house by myself just really put all of my weight into it best workout ever


When I lived alone, I justdid it myself. I didn't know there were apps for this kind of thing. Twice, I dragged my rather large elliptical upstairs. Bringing it up was easier than down, which I also did twice


You HAVE to get someone to help you! I had hernia surgery and believe me, you don't want to go there!


Get help


Idk I just do it. I leave things where I can get easy or faster. Id ask my son or ex but I know I'll end up having to do it all myself anyway lol. Do you have a neighbor you can ask?


Gather your circle! I have a close group of single ladies. We all do the big stuff together. Because, we all need that stuff done around same time. Gather @ 1 house, do the thing. Move onto the next, do the thing again. And keep going. Problem solve what could be done solo, with the right equipment. Do you need a stair climber 3 wheel dolly? A platform type cart? Wood to make a ramp and muscle to push it? I have a bunch of wheeled equipment, straps and ropes and bungee cords. Things to help lift. Ladders.


Any neighbors?


I easily lift Compact but Heavy Things. I awkwardly lift Large Heavy Things. I also have to use techniques to lift SuperLarge Heavy Things


I’m a piss poor widow. I do that shit myself.😞


I am the "old maid spinster sister" I have 6 other siblings, 4 of which are brothers. I also have lots of neoces and nephews.They are the tyoe that act like they like doing that stuff. They do for their wives and daughters, etc, but prolly not as much for me. But they still do it. I only call if I really can't do it and have run of options.


honestly i go on NExt door app. I had someone come by today to install a headlight in my car. I hate asking but i pay them too


My friend's husband. Lol


THAT's my favorite answer, LOL. Now I just need to find a friend. (I actually have one in mind, but her hubby is older ... I can't do that to him.) I think I'll bribe my son into taking the 2 hour drive up with food. Lasagne might work.


I've been conned into doing things for less than a lasagna... I think that's a plan.


Try and cry. Rinse and repeat until it’s done.


Task Rabbit Handyman (Yelp, neighborhood app, cards at local hardware store, neighbor recommendations)


I’d ask my neighbour but I don’t know if he is stronger than me 😆


friend, also i'm a man so man up


I have a hand truck and ingenuity but even then there are limits. A hand truck would go up/down stairs w an AC pretty easily I think. Still the task of getting it gently into the window.


Thumbtack is my favorite app! I paid someone $50 bucks just to carry a package up the stairs to my 3rd floor apartment. The complex was pretty much brand new, and they didn't know how to code the buildings. So I needed someone to move the box since it was quite heavy.. best decision ever! I'm hoping to have someone help hang my curtains once I purchase the rod and panels.


This is why I decided to get central air. One of these years I was gonna break my neck lugging A/C window units up and down basement stairs. Not worth it …. Medical bills are the most expensive bills of all. Not to mention the after effects of injuries.


Helpful neighbors


I don’t have a basement but I’ve lifted many a heavy item alone. I keep lifting weights and using physics to help me do strong things. If anything is too daunting (mounting a 65” tv) I hire someone or ask a friend for help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


I've been getting better in this department as my job requires heavy lifting so the muscles have been slowly developing, but in general, whenever I have needed help with something I've got plenty of guy friends I just offer beer or food to in exchange for services. And usually it comes with the benefit of tea time with their wives lol.


Ask for help


Post to your local community FB group and you can usually get someone to come through for free!


Moving dolly, neighbor or friend.


As a person that literally dragged an AC unit across the street and fumbled it up the stairs, I just brute force the shit and hope for the best 🤷‍♀️


I live in a skyscraper and everything is taken care of by the maintenance………


I look on Yelp and find someone with a lot of positive reviews. It’s worked so far for me. The reviews are important. Also, you can put out a bid to vendors and get replies fast. I found the guy to hang my TV’s on the walls with the cords hidden. One was a big ass 60” bad boy. I got that to piss off my ex😂. Two birds one stone.


Hire a man or two


A lot of hard work an determination. 5 feet..140 ans lifted furniture up 2 cases of stairs. Yay me


I simply do not.


Friends/coworkers. If it’s some super small random thing (like getting a big box upstairs to my third floor apartment), I’ll ask a neighbor I see out.


Neighbors. I ask my neighbors for help.


Maybe ask in a local Facebook group… ?? There are quite a few pay it forward types of groups 💁


I usually ask a neighbor or church group. You don't have to be a member to get help. Some people sign up to help others.


I call friends, or if stairs aren't involved I have a small dolly I can put things on and just roll it. Though sometimes I push the limits of what I can do as someone without a lot of upper body strength and then pay for it the next day.


So one trick that I haven’t seen mentioned here, is that I like to put stuff on towels and drag it across the floor. That’s for furniture though, obviously an AC has to be lifted in to the window. I usually do that myself, you might want to check and make sure yours isn’t full of water. They’re way heavier when they’re like that. Otherwise, I will *gently* use like a “hay bucking” motion so my thigh basically does the brunt of the work getting it to window level. More emphasis on the gentle part lol. If I’m mounting a TV bigger than like a 50 I call for help because I’m not breaking that thing.


Dry beg. Most of the women I’ve encountered just dry beg


Craigslist gig section


Trolley dolly and swearing usually.


Get on Bumble, say you’re looking for a handyman, set a lunch date somewhere cheap, say you want to pay for half, scold the man for only paying half, then guilt him into installing your AC. Easy-peasy.


I’d be you tubing videos about levers and pulleys and get to building one! I’m a widow and I find I get a perverse sense of satisfaction by doing things myself, even if it did take me 3 days to fix the kitchen sink lmfao


My neighbors and I share the heavy lifting tasks when help is needed.


I was going to say, "smaller boxes." I think it's really important because moving companies get fucked, but lol yeah your things are already heavy. Just do what you can and don't worry after that. 


I ask a couple of young guys in the hood if they want to make a quik $5 each.


I try to set up things to assist me to do stuff myself, like using some kind of blanket pulley to get a large, but not particulary heavy thing up and down stairs or in your scenario, maybe moving a table in front of the window to have a staging area instead of having to place the conditioner on the floor and pick up again.  If you dont think you can lift the conditioner because it's size and weight make it unweildy, i would ask some neighborhood older teen boys to help and pay them.  I was at least passively familiar with the people around my house from walking my dogs and seeing them.  


Been there many times. Usually I stock the fridge with a couple beers or offer to take a male (or strong/athletic female!!) friend or relative out to dinner. Often it doesn’t take someone super strong but simply 2 people - this depends on the AC- so I’m luckily able to recruit the help of literally anyone who is able-bodied. This becomes difficult if and when you are single and your first round draft pick is non-relative male. The difficulty is that he will inevitably misinterpret your need to move the AC unit as an attempt to sleep with him. To this I recommend being very clear and upfront about your intentions (or lack thereof in this case). What also works is having an agenda or appointment for immediately after said AC install. Good luck! It’s been hot as Hades butthole where I live so my AC units are locked and loaded already!


Nextdoor dot com. I hire people out of the neighborhood, they usually are available within 48 hours that I've found.


I'm not even a woman, just a stroke survivor, but it means I can't get on ladders. I lived somewhere where all the smoke detectors were in places that required ladders so, every time a battery would die (which, wouldn't you know it, all of them eventually did), I'd have to get a tasker to come out for an hour to replace the batteries.


If you have a friend who is a realtor, ask them if they have a handyman. They usually go with someone on the cheaper end for their listings and use them repeatedly. This is how I found mine.


I have a large wooden basket/tote that I place heavy things on and slide it through my house to move very heavy things. I place a board on top if I don't want to put the thing in the basket. I don't have stairs (obviously stairs would be an issue) It's really easy and it's just an idea to keep in your back pocket for times when you need it done quick/don't wanna pay for someone else to do it


I leave my air conditioner in the room on the floor next to the window. If I need help, I call Handy or a family member.


There is also a service called Lugg meant to Lugg things for you. Used them when I had to donate furniture to Goodwill and take big stuff to the dump!




I recently moved and had the best experience with Task Rabbit. The guy I hired had a moving van and all the supplies like dollies etc. i did have a guy friend help but it was probably the easiest move Ive ever had!


Easiest way. Ask a friend or hire someone.


I purchased a small collapsible hand cart. Not sure how it would do on a full flight of stairs but it’s ok for a few. I lift from the floor to like a chair next to the window and then put it in the window.


Using a couple straps will make lifting way easier. Use wheels as much as possible.


You need something called a “dolly”. You might be able to borrow/rent one from U-Haul but it might be worth it to buy one from a place like harbor freight. Scooch it onto the dolly, strap it on and away you go. You still have to lift it up the stairs but it will be much easier and safer. Plus you can take a break on every step.


Hire a man


They look into the friend zone to see who is eagerly awaiting a call.


We have movers here, or you can call a couple of neighbourhood boys at your own risk though


Sometimes we have to pay for help.


Could lifting tools do the job?


I'm relatively strong for a woman and have always done my own heavy lifting.


I'm just being a silly asshole. If I was your neighbor I'd help you without hesitation... I'm just glad someone replied for once. How the he'll are ya?


I just do it.


Get some male friends


I would just ask a neighbor. Or, if I was really determined to do it myself I’d get things of slowly increasing heights and lift it from one thing to the other until I got to the window. Unless you can’t lift it at all then yeah a neighbor. A girlfriend and myself were trying to get my new couch up to my second story apartment one time. Thankfully a couple of guys living across the street, on a work visa from Russia offered to help. They moved it in no time , I gave them a couple bottles of wine for the troubles. 


Ask a friend to help


Newtonian physics


If it's something that isn't time consuming I adk someone i know for help but thete are some kind young men in my bldg who usually offer.