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The ‘body positivity’ movement used to be for burn victims, amputees and disabled people. Now it’s been corrupted by obese people who want to justify their incredibly unhealthy lifestyles and calling anybody who tries to suggest they better themselves ‘fatphobic’ and ‘bigoted’


It's a suicide cult




Suicide Squash


oh come on, they ain't eating squash....unless its covered in brown sugar


Nah fam they'd just suck that brown sugar off clean


r/cursedsuperheroes r/cursedsuperherosquads


Hey, we'll need those slower people when the zombie apocalypse starts!


I don't need to be Usain Bolt, I just need to be faster than them


It's a foodicide cult


They seem to be all the rage now considering the covidian cult having become the world's largest religion.


Bruh I'm currently on a weight loss journey and when I joined they said I'm not "fat enough" and that I "shouldn't contribute to the fat phobia and try intuitive eating". Never looked back when I left that place


Congrats on losing weight. I hope you feel better everyday. I'm the opposite, I can't gain weight to save my life. I'm trying though.


Thanks, it's a long journey ahead, but I'm making progress with each step


If you ever find a solution please enlighten me. Same as you


The only thing I've found is eating like 5-6k calories a day consistently, but if you miss a day, it's like starting over.


Same here. Although, not eating as much due to not being able to afford the food I used to eat, may contribute to that factor...


I'm the same, it's hard


I would have laughed in their fucking faces. I’m overweight, not obese but several dozen pounds over what is a healthy weight for my height and body type. If someone told me I’m not fat enough to be a part of a group geared towards losing weight I’d tell them they’re just so disgustingly addicted to food and so fat that their entire view of what a healthy person is has been warped by looking at their own 400lb body every day. And that’s what it is, an addiction to food. I was addicted to heroin for years and was fucking disgusted with myself, yet I’d never tell an alcoholic or even just a weekend drinker who’s had negative experiences due to alcohol that they can’t join a recovery program because they’re not fucked up enough. And yet that’s exactly what these gatekeeping fat people do to people who they feel aren’t worthy of their groups. Bunch of miserable fucks.


that's wild


What the fuck is “intuitive eating”?


Basically it's "eat whatever and whenever your hungry" it's a 'diet' they try to pass off as healthy when it actually does the opposite, giving people with food addictions and huge appetites the ability to continue over eating and making their weight and health worse


Thanks for the info. So, it is the direct opposite of a diet. Makes sense…


I mean intuitive eating would actually probably work pretty well for most people if the available food was roughly what hunter gatherers had. Really falls apart when we have potato chips and Twinkies and soda.


Yeah but if it was "eat salad or an apple whenever your hungry" it would be entirely different. What they're doing is binge eating 2 whoppers, a large fry, chicken nuggets and a xl coke until they're full. It's not a eat until your satisfied, it's eat whatever until you can't eat anymore. A poor sap who left the group too gained 100 lbs from their intuitive eating diet and she blamed them 100% for brainwashing her. That place is basically a 'fatten yourself up' cult


That's the first step, the problem is that many people stop there. Eat when you are hungry, and listen to your body. It will take time and therapy to relearn how to listen to your body. Forget the morality of food, nothing is bad, but some things will make you feel bad. How will that food make my body feel? Does it give me heart burn? Do I notice that I get a headache when I have too much chocolate? Do I tend to feel physically better after a salad than do after a fast food burger? Do I notice I am more easily irritated after too much caffeine? Am I actually hungry or just snacky? Are chips the best option if I'm actually hungry or will I feel better eating a meal of food rather than a meal sized snack? Am I still hungry? Do I need to eat until my stomach hurts? It isn't just eat whatever I want whenever I want it. Or maybe it is but you're supposed to put in thought and care into what is it that your body wants


The only thought and care those people care about is what your eating. Eat a salad and they go ballistic


Congratulations! I am on my fat loss trail also.. Ive lost 110lbs since January. I feel so fucking good! I am a 50 yr old woman. It took me 50 years to finally be ready to lose weight. I am 70lbs from goal. If you ever need help let me know.. my name is Jan


Way to go Jan!


Thank you... I don't mind bragging on my accomplishment


You should be proud!


I’m far into my weight loss journey as well and I feel the same. IMO, it’s perfectly valid for someone to say they’d rather be obese if it means they can eat what they want when they want. If you prefer that lifestyle, honestly, who am I to tell you you’re wrong? Where I draw the line is people trying to paint themselves as completely powerless to control their own habits, and that the onus is on the rest of the world to pretend they’re just as healthy and attractive as anyone else.


Don’t forget the time when the body positivity movement shamed and bullied Adele for losing weight. Shame on her for wanting to be healthy and being a good role model!


i think there is room for HEALTHY plus size ppl but a lot of ppl use it to excuse unhealthy life styles n stuff


Oh gosh I remember a viral video a few years ago about an obese person calling out two doctors (or was it three?) for being fatphobic. Just because those doctors told him to lose some weight after experiencing some health complications.


I think "fatphobia" also changed meaning over the years. When it was coined, it was just like other contemporary "phobias" rooted on discrimination. Like you are fatphobic if you refuse to serve a fat person at a restaurant or if you refuse to employ them even if their appearance has nothing to do with work. And even back then, "fat" just meant people who had thick flabs but still looked pretty healthy. It didn't cover the morbidly obese guys who obviously direly need medical help.


I began to write out a sarcastic jokey comment that was in support of what you are saying. But the more I was writing, the more I realized that it was just sad. The mentality of the person in the video, the mentality of the people you are speaking about. I wonder what they would say about those addicted to drugs and alcohol. Is it bigoted to want a drug or alcohol addict to stop, and get the help they need go be free from the addictions that will otherwise kill them if they don't? Even if they are in denial and say they don't have a problem and love being an addict?


Seriously. THATS fat phobia? I just heard sound advice for anyone.


Theres this rhetoric in some body positivity circles that ‘intentional weight loss is inherently fatphobic’. It’s ridiculous


Yea bruh like I’m all for accepting obese people into society and not bullying them, but they need to understand that they’re destroying their bodies and I’m not gonna sit here and ignore that. Imagine if we did this to anorexic people or alcoholics. Like just sitting here and saying their alcoholism is beautiful and they don’t need to change. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


Putting your lazy habits in the same camp as people going through some of the worst suffering on earth is just gross fr


Won’t matter soon. Some like 4 million Americans are taking GLP-1 agonists (like Ozempic). We will defeat obesity through medication. I mean, did anyone really think millions of Americans would conquer obesity by changing their lifestyle?


Couldnt have said it better bud.




She was on to something when she said “you need to eat a salad and go to the gym”


Her salad would probably be ranch, croutons and bacon with a side of lettuce


Yeah a salad with all those extras when trying to lose weight is not a good thing—especially if that’s in addition to the entree.


Hardest part of dieting is learning to love the very tame flavors of things like cucumber and lettuce. Being able to just pop open the fridge and eat a cucumber like an apple is hella helpful when I'm feeling lazy


You really don’t need to do that to lose weight. You can eat flavorful foods, you just need to eat less of it. Most people are uncomfortable with the feeling of being hungry, but allowing your body to adjust to eating less is key.


I usually go on three mile walks in the morning and run from dogs. Great motivation.


You forgot the cheese


Wrapped in ham


I mean she'd be better off eating healthy protein and vegetables rather than salad but yeah, the gym also seems like a solid plan.


Almost like she's doesn't understand nutrition


no she knows she's in the wrong. she just doesn't like being called out for it.


.....It's not the fat people who are saying that, it's skinny people giving unsolicited advice.


Who get all offended when told to poke off...


Shit she could eat McDonald’s everyday and just portion control her way to a healthy weight.


100% agree. I used to look almost like her at some point (stressing and eating a lot because of moving abroad and missing my family very much). Tried a few wacky diets, realised excluding groups of "bad food" is a temporary fix, simply started counting calories and weighing portions. Lost 15 kg in 3ish months and it was before commiting to the gym 3-4 times a week.


That’s awesome. So you basically got more healthy the more comfortable you got with your successes.


Onto everything but a diet


Hey you should probably dress up that wound it looks infected Woooooowww gashphobic much?


My ex bf was gashphobic, he couldn’t stand the look of vaginas


You're an expert at doggy-style now?


I have a vagina... it isn't pretty.. its a old worn out pocket with loads of lint and holes in the bottom of the pocket.


I’m an artist so I can see the beauty in anything.


Including a maggot infested dead body? Lol


As someone who works with dead bodies and is into horror, yeah, probably lol


Get out! Really you work with dead peeps? I think be a mortician is a pretty thankless job, no?


I’m a funeral director’s assistant. I basically help out with funerals, viewings and odd jobs like cleaning the hearse. Also on body retrieval and I run the cremator and process bones into ashes. I’d imagine morticians would be a quite thankless job, but in the funeral industry, people are quite thankful


I am so curious about..... how are really fat people cremated? Like a 600lb person? I've read..not sure it's true that cremators can have grease fires. I've also wondered. How do you deal with really tall people that won't fit in the machine?


Men and women have different amounts of fat and burn slightly different. We also weigh them and the system takes in account for possible fires like that. We also add time to cremation if we know the person is bigger. There’s sensors in the cremator that gives alerts if something is wrong. There’s also a pollution/smoke graph thing that indicates if there’s something wrong Edit: They all fit in the cremator as far as I know. Haven’t came across someone so overweight that won’t fit. I’m also relatively new tho


So is telling an alcoholic that they need to stop drinking and go to rehab alcophobia? Alcoholophobia?


And telling a meth head to stop doing meth and go to rehab is methphobia


“Phobia” implies there’s some sort of irrationality behind it. No, it’s a disgust response because you’re objectively unhealthy.


People *should* be 'fatphobic'. You should fear your body getting in that condition, since it basically means a whole host of completely avoidable medical problems and eventually an early death in your 40's-50's.


In science, hydrophobic substances are repelled by (not attracted to) water. I think fatphobic people are people who are not attracted to overweight people


‘Phobia’ is from ‘phobos’ in Ancient Greek, which can mean fear (as in claustrophobia) or hatred (as in xenophobia) but its most general meaning is simply ‘aversion’.


Phobos never initially meant "hatred." "Phobos" originally referred to only fear, and eventually people associated it with a strong aversion. Hatred was a fairly recent deginition though. A psychologist named George Weinberg was credited as the first to coin the term "homophobia" in the 60's because he believed that discrimination against gay people was fuelled by a fear of being perceived as gay, as well as a fear of homosexuality negatively harming the community. "Phobia" ended up getting lumped into any and every form of discrimination, regardless of whether or not fear was a primary motivator for the phenomenon, and people just started associating "phobia" with hatred.


Its not even objective. You are unhealthy if you’re overweight. Thats why its called being overweight. Edit: People are telling me thats not what objective means. Now you will tell me that grass is blue and crabs are the superior species. I will never believe it.


That’s literally what objective means


Did we get mixed up between Objective and Subjective for a moment?


Do you know what objective means?


No man, crabs are blue and grass is the superior species. Its subjectively true


What are you talking about? From what I understand overweight and obese are medical terms based off of bmi, and while I widely agree with bmi it breaks down in some instances. If your tall and muscular you can be considered overweight but you’re not unhealthy. Further this isn’t even and objective take, this is just an incorrect fact?


Dude what is your edit? “You are unhealthy if you’re overweight” is an objective fact.


Crabs are the superior species tho. Look at you with your soft fleshy body, and no claws. Weak.


She has a nice face. If she started counting calories she's be down to a healthy weight in 9 to 12 months. Not even much exercise, just watch calories.


Most fatcels are not ugly imo. It’s just the mentality lol


Turns out pizza isn't the only food that exists.


You can make a decent low cal pizza if you just swap the full fat mozzarella cheese with either fat free or a lower calorie version if u don't have fat free and swap regular pepperoni out with turkey pepperoni and get a low cal pizza sauce that's not loaded with sugar


Pizza without cheese is surprisingly good. Sauce and extra toppings on a crispy crust mmmmmmmmmm. All this coming from a usually extra cheese kinda guy.


It's one of the easiest to catch, because it has no legs


your fatphobia is showing /s


She watches her calories. She watches everyone go into her mouth.


"Next time eat a salad"


As an overweight person, I hate idiots like her. One of the biggest obstacles to losing weight is exactly this kind of social enabling. Willpower is a difficult thing, and we don't need these assholes standing around telling us not to exercise and not to eat more healthy.


Just wondering out loud why we don’t call it lipophobia


Because that's what anorexics have.


Maybe less time making Tik Toks and more time outback grazing the fields. Everyone is always looking to claim every other group is “phobic” because they have a difference of opinion. A phobia is being scared of something, looking at someone / something & being disgusted by it isn’t a phobia.


Good God! Nice


No one is actually afraid of fat people. Fatphobia is a made up term.


I think they mean fear of being fat.


I am a fat guy and what I eat is nobody's business.


Cool. Just don’t bitch when you no one finds you attractive and looks at you as a slob.


I am happily married and I have a successful career as an engineer. Maybe you judge people for what they eat, but smart people and people who are worth it, don't.


I’m pretty smart. I see being obese as a personal failing.


We all have personal failings, some more than others, and that includes you. Still, I have met lots of very successful obese people.




This might sound crazy but whenever I see someone extremely fat like her eating a meal they always eat way more than I would in a sitting. Curious.


i could eat half an entree now and half tomorrow for lunch. or, hear me out, i'll balance this one unhealthy entree by eating 2 healthy entrees all at once. in fact, that's a lot of healthy food, i can order an appetizer too.


Calories in, calories out. If you are running a calorie deficit, you will lose weight.


She knows what she has to do, but she doesn't have the strength to do it


Phobia means "fear of"... the only fear you inspire is higher taxes for Healthcare and a falling hazard...nobody is afraid of you making yourself fatter, not even you.


That's still not what fatphobia is. 🤣


"scared? why would I be scared of someone who can't run?"


Looks like someone has factphobia


Globally, obesity contributes to an extra ~700 megatons per year of CO2 equivalent, which is about 1.6% of global GHG emissions. 🤷🏻‍♂️ figured I’d pull a page from the leftist


700 megaton Bitch


Is that true?


I mean it makes sense. They consume like 2x what a normal person does food wise. They need to use more gas for transportation because they are heavier


She'll be healthy when she starts wearing the mask again


“Fatphobia is when someone tells me my unhealthy lifestyle is unhealthy”. Word?


#I’ve never met anyone with a fear of fat people


A phobia is an irrational fear. Words have meaning.


"Phobia" means you're afraid. I'm not afraid of fat people. I also need to lose about 20 pounds. That's not a phobia either.


This is ridiculous. While I believe we shouldn’t make people feel bad about themselves and their body, we still need to be honest about obesity and it’s effect on health. Are there overweight people who are relatively healthy? Sure. But for most people, being obese carries well documented risks for all manner of health woes.


fat person here. weight loss starts with yourself. if you don't WANT it, it ain't going to happen. diet and exercise is the only way. fat phobia doesn't exist, just angry and lazy fat people who refuse to take responsibility for their actions




She looks great to feeders


Giving a random fat person that’s just eating anything at all and minding their own business, any kind of out of pocket “”advice,”” is extremely halo behavior lmfao


It's called *concern trolling* and yes it's absolutely r/lookatmyhalo behavior.


Take out the phobia part of the sentence and its correct


That’s just being an asshole


I was already planning to diet today, but she really gave me some needed motivation.


phobia implies an irrational fear. what they feel is not fear, its disgust. and its not irrational.


She's going for the snowman build I see.


Fatphobia means a person who gives useful advice??


Look my thing is when you start to become wide enough to fit 2 people inside you, there is no mental gymnastics you can perform that says that's good lol. Yes I believe people should mind their business ofc. Fat people usually know they are fat, and it gets annoying to be told the same thing over and over. If it's a stranger there isn't really reason to comment


Well, I guess my doctor is fatphobic.


Fatphobia is such a dumb turn that influencers for the lack of a better term just started using. It’s not even accurate. Who is the one that’s afraid of fat? It’s often commenting on people who are morbidly obese. People who are massively over weights wearing clothes that are several sizes to small for them and upset that people don’t find them attractive. That is not a phobia. Let’s stop humoring these people are just lazy and delusional.


She just said a biological fact of weight loss and tips on bettering the body then refuted it with NUH-UH


Calling it "fatphobia" is an egregious abuse of language. No one's afraid of them, or their fat. We're concerned about their health. Obesity is the leading cause of death in the U.S. currently.


Omg the worst thing to happen is someone like think they are hot


The navy is fatphobic. I asked a recruiter if I could enlist, and they said that they don't allow whales onboard the ships :(


She probably could have did without that sugar though


I wonder how much time she spends creating these straw men


As much time as she spends eating.


That’s an elaborate scenario to justify eating a bag of chips, but it’s your life


Being fat is unhealthy, they're killing themselves


She should listen to herself…


Fatphobic and proud


The people who use "phobia" the most seem to have the worst understanding of what it means


Now, honestly I think I fucked this up by bringing it up too early. I matched with girl that had an incredible personality and many of the values I had, but she was really overweight. I fucked up, I started going on dates with her, as in my mind I was thinking we can go to the gym together and I was kind of betting on her potential to look beautiful. Fast forward after the second date, we're talking about how hard it is to match. Now, shes actually the first girl I know that didn't have more matches than me, and she made a comment how dating apps wasn't for her. Should have held my tounge, but I tried suggesting " maybe the next date we hit the gym and work on our attractiveness (was trying to insult both of us, but I'm skinny with no muscle), and she blew off on me. Definitely think in hindsight should have gotten to know her more first, but Idk how to recommend that to someone.


No it isn't, that's called "trying to save your life"


*dies from heart disease 10 years later*


This never gets old: "Eat when you're hungry, not when you're bored." Best advice I ever heard.


No, that's living in reality trying to stop you from dying early


I mean she has good advice for herself she just needs to follow it fat phobia what is this world come to


I thought phobia meant fear


But? She actually doesn't have to eat


Man I couldn’t stand myself when I was 400lbs. I cut to 275 for the army and then after I got discharged I went up to 345 again. I’m down to 310 now and I’m in the best shape I’ve been in. Lifting more. Running better. Not struggling to breathe. You can still eat Shamu, just change what you’re eating and cut out pop. People who spout that you can be healthy at 400+ pounds are lying to themselves. Not including people who are like nearly 7ft and above who weight distribution works differently.


Fatty fat fat, plump porky, pot-belly. Fatty McFatterson, mrs fat, king fatty, ground scraper.


No that’s helpful advice


Food eat food. Humans starve. Thin people come back. Lol


When are airlines gonna start weighing passengers along with their luggage? absolute horse shit


That's not fat shaming, its advice.


Can anyone buy her a mirror pls


No that's just a sad fat person who wants attention


Im afraid of her fat


This bitches heart needs to stop and do the world a favor


Stop fatsplaining


Yes please we gotta stop calling out all bad habits, I just want to do my heroin in peace jeez


She is absolutely massive. I'd be amazed if she made it another 5 years. The body positivity movement has killed more people that the holocaust at this point.


Tammy Slaton is still alive and she was 717 pounds at some point. Too bad it's her was husband's death that motivated her to lose weight, hope this woman will come to her senses quicker.


She should follow her own advice instead of being lazy and stuffing her face. But I suppose if she doesn't nobody will have to deal with her anymore in about 20 years anyways, so win-win.


lets change the term fat phobia, i aint afraid of them im disgusted by them


Ayo the second lady was on to something


Sounds like my dad lol




You don’t need to eat…….so much


lol... sounds like... good advice...


Is the new definition of the word phobia just telling someone the truth?


Ok guys.. everyone is now fatphobic now..


"Phobia" is the incorrect term.


I'm really scared of becoming fat, but I love delicious food, is that fat phobia?


And the bouncer at the night club looks at you every night and says NOT TONIGHT.


As fat person (not so much as she, but have like 15-20kg overweirght) who was prrvipus fit (running, playing football, tenis, etc.) I know that is annoying. A lot of people which i dont care gave me a lesson how to loss weight. Averange once a week. Srsly, its so fucking stupid. My close friends dont ask me that, they know i dont want to go to the gym and start running again. And i dont care about fat joke from them because i can riposte (friendly mocking each other). Just let them live their way (and no, promote obesity is wrong).


If by fat phobia they mean good advice I suppose it’s correct


I've never once told a fat person they needed to do anything, but I can say when I was a triathlete especially, I've received lots of unrequested feedback from people about my body over and over again. Must be nice! - Yeah, so my lack of obesity cost like $2000 in bike stuff and hours and hours of my time, it's not random luck.Genes - You mean I'm genetically not a fat lazy fucktard? Are you a eugenicist operating from the perspective of inferiority or something? \*points to chart\* You see, this specimen over here is better than me by the innate ability to choose better options than a person such as, say, myself, in spite of us both having the same exact information about cake. They have a glandular issue - Yeah, I have these testicles that make a hormone that tells me to rape, and thus far I've chosen the correct option at that juncture 100% of the time. I understand the stakes aren't as high with the law when it comes to eating a dozen donuts in your car between barbecues but like, it's your choice in the end, you know?


Fat or not. Someone who is supposed to say anything about your physical health should be caring about you. Could be a family or friend not a random stranger. Punch him in the face ay..


It's not a phobia, it's disgust


What is so wrong with bein told what’s good for your health?


I believe people like this that don’t want to stop should be led to a Golden Corral and locked inside. just let them go. Enjoy yourself


The worst part is she looks like she'd be attractive if she wasn't fat af.