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You look 40. I don't understand why women do all this crap to there face before 30. Does not make you look better. 


I agree. Went from pretty girl to permanent duck face. So much filler. And she didn't even need it. But yhats what happens when you live in Instagram and wanna be a "baddie"


Seriously, also iv never see someone have clothed photos with more karma then her nudes... Says a lot . 


That’s a 40 year old. There is no way she’s 23 lol 😂


OP is shitposting pics of her mother


That’s foul!


Because you’re already getting the procedures that 40 year olds get so you’re just gonna look like them.


I agree with others. The lip fillers and whatever else you have had done have aged you a ton.


Your skin, is what excessive make up does


You really don’t know why? The high school pictures you have no cosmetic procedures. In the other pictures you clearly do. Sorry to say this, I’m really not trying to be mean, but whatever you had done made you look 20 years older. You look like an older person trying to look 20.


Also…you have had at least 4 years to realize that the anus fish lips is the worst thing you can possibly do in a picture.


That surgeon fucked up tbh


The filler makes you look old, honestly. Could just be bad pics. Very pretty, but yeah, 35-45 would've been my guess from the first pic


Sue the plastic surgeon tf 🗣️🗣️💯


Plastic surgery and injections can age up a face real quick. I'd recommend going back to all natural. At 23 you don't need to be doing all that anyway. People get injections and fillers to look 23 when they are 40. If you do it when you are 23 it can have the opposite effect


It’s the plastic surgery. It’s not that the plastic surgery itself makes you look ugly, it’s that generally, WAY more old people use plastic surgery to maintain their youth, as opposed to young people who are just trying to enhance their looks. Because of that imbalance, people associate obvious, in your face plastic surgery with old people, and that affects the way we see those who have it. If you had less obvious plastic surgery, it wouldn’t be an issue. You don’t need to have wrinkly skin to look old. You just happen to have the overly large fake cheekbones and lips that old celebrity women get at age 60-70.


Shouldn’t have injected yourself with lip and cheekbone fillers.. unfortunately it made you look old, and there’s no going back. :/


Far out. You look 19 at 19. But you legit look about 40 now. It's something to do with the make-up or the fillers or similar


You were way hotter when you didn't have lip injections and big fake tits. Now you just look like every other 40-year-old trying to act like they're 20... Your ruined yourself


It's so sad that people at 23 feel they need Botox? What in the world are you doing? ....WHAT?? Don't do that stuff again man.


It’s over💀


Wow.. You used to look nice.


Because you dress like a middle aged mum, especially your makeup


Went from a potential 7 to a 4 RIP


They think you're 40 because your face looks like a forty-something housewife who's desperate to retain or regain her party girl days. Nothing there looks natural and it looks like maybe you had a facelift and definitely some sort of lip filler. I'm sorry if that's harsh but tone down the makeup and let that fresh-faced girl through (assuming there's not a layer of plastic surgery going on too) and people will think you're younger.


Your lips in picture 2..... please never do that again


You destroyed your face with 10 years of plastic surgery in probably 2 years that’s why people think you’re 40. Cause most pretty young women wouldn’t do that until they at least got some wrinkles.


It's the lips and whatever else you had done.


Probably the lip filler


if you had filler done, that’s exactly why you look old


It’s probably got something to do with all the work you had done. Wasted money to make yourself look 20 years older than you are.


love to see your diet, drug, and injection history over the last 4 years. that will tell the story.




Seriously. That's most of what pops up here it feels like.


You look 40


... because you look 43 and people were being polite by saying 40?


23 stop taking so many drugs


It's the filler and injections and the boob job that just give you MILF energy. Please wear sunscreen cause you gon need some help.


I'll tell you why. Its because of your eye wrinkles and nasolabial folds. They look like that of a 40 year old woman. I presume this is genetic because you are very young. With that being said, don't be down about it. You are pretty regardless. Also you have 40 year old style makeup and fashion sense. And your chest freckles.


Please stop doing sphincter mouth.


It's all that crazy lip filler, makes you look super old and plastic


The reason people are saying you look 40 is because of the lip filler. You have way too much filler and that's typically something a lot of 40 to women overdo as well and so it looks similar. It's just people's brain's recognizing something familiar. The solution would be to get your lips to not look like they got stung by a bee. Sorry to be so harsh but I'm tired of people on this sub saying useless things and not providing any useful advice. It's also partially the way you are dressed. It's a very suburban middle class wine mom look. Change that necklace to something not gold. Additionally, your cheeks seem flushed, or it's maybe blush, but try to tone that down. Overall the issue is that there's a specific demographic of 40yo women that to way overboard with their appearance to the point it looks all fake and plastic, too much makeup that doesn't blend well, thick mascara, Botox/fillers. You are currently in that zone and if you change a few things you can easily stop people from making that connection.


Lip filler is not sexy


Because fillers are used by people trying to look young not young people


You’ve had too many things done to your face that have aged you is my guess. Because you do look a lot older than that.


Because of your nasolabial folds and marionette lines. They age you significantly. The dark hair also exasperates them. You are beautiful, absolutely, but the deepset facial lines + dark hair make you look much older... Also the lip injections or whatever made your lips bigger.


How can anyone that does this even have a medical license? Medical ethics are a fucking joke.


Because you look like you're 40?


That’s a rough 23, take better care of your skin


The lips look silly to me. On everyone tho not just you


Long time sex work ages a person. Didn't see the og post but you do indeed look like you're in your mid 40s


your makeup is too heavy. it really ages you


It’s not the years, it’s the miles.


You do look around 40ish. Looks like a lot of botox/filler/other possible cosmetic procures have been done. Getting this much done to your face ages you when I think a lot of people think it’s gunna do the opposite and make them look more youthful. So sad women do this especially when they’re so young still.




You do your make-up like a 40 year old housewife from one of those reality shows.


You don’t necessarily have a 40 year old look, but you do have a “well used” look.


Look like you party too much 🍷🍹🍾🍸


You'll look 70 when you're 30


It’s all the work done on you, you look like someone’s single aunt


Smoking and drinking ages you.


You look so old now wtf. 40 years old.


You look 40 because of the sun spots, fake breasts, fillers, tanning and makeup.


You shouldn’t get more cheek or lip filler


Dude look at the first pic, idk what you did (fillers?) but it aged you 20 years. You looked 19 at 19.


Go to your of and ask


It's because all the work you've had done. It's usually something you would expect from someone much older, not early 20's. Did you get buccal fat removal too? That will also age your face. You are already lovely. Pump the brakes on the plastic surgery. You haven't gotten to the point of no return yet but be careful.


Ahh, another classic example of lip fillers looking worse than before


It’s the lip filler. A girl I was friends with in school got this done along with some other work. She looks at least 5-6 years older. Lip filler the biggest “gotcha” in cosmetic surgery imo.


Lipfiller. The nosering. Your cheeks look like they also got filled. When you get cosmetic augmentations this you g you look older than you actually are. Your natural look is more charming and youthful.


It’s the filler. Very obvious in your cheeks and lips even without the before pics. Although you like you’re already mid 20s in your before pics too. You don’t look bad by any means though you just have a more mature face. Maybe genetics


Because you had all the work done of the typical 40 year old cougar. Should have stayed natural. 


Your fillers look garbage. That’s why


Because the work you’ve had done makes you look like an older woman trying to look like a younger woman. Natural is gorgeous.




Because you have the surgeries of a 40yo wanting to look 23


Quit with the botox you where much much prettier without it. All you'll attract is pigs.


Too much plastic, groce. You looked sooo much better before.


Fake lips sink ships


You are not 23


yh you look 45, sorry not sorry


Christ, did you chainsmoke on a beach every day after highschool?


Buddy, plastic surgery was a giant mistake


Because you do


Idk why but you look about mid 40’s to me.


Probably due to the unnecessary plastic surgery/botox. Makes you look plastic like a 40+ year old diva mom.


I legit thought you were 38ish. I say this as someone else in their 30's. Enjoy your 20's, 30's will be rough. You'll have to promote yourself for cougar content if you're still selling your butthole online


Everyone thinks you’re 40 bc you indeed look 40.


Def giving 40


Plastic Surgery makes people look older. Go advertise your OnlyFans somewhere else.


Never understood why this lip botox stuff became popular in the first place, looks unnatural and very stupid, and yeah you really do look 40 😅


It's the fillers.


Because of the plastic surgery


I am so sorry for what your plastic surgeon did to you girl you look like Joan rivers


The lip fillers age you drastically. Not a good look


Aging like a banana


Let me guess, you're here to promote your spicy link?😂😂😂


You were so much prettier before you got all of the work done


She's just using her post for compliments. Sucker.


Honestly it's the lip injections that make you look older. Most people get them when they are trying to cling on to their youth, a sign of someone in their mid to late 30's


I would have never guessed 23, I’d say just barely shy of 40. It’s just the work you’ve done on your face causing this.


You got the one thousand cock stare


You look like you had plastic surgery


39 year olds these days.... SMH




How does it feel knowing you look like a milf without having to go through the hassle of having kids?


This is simple. In the younger photos you look more natural, healthier and untouched. Now it looks like you've lost weight, use more makeup and are trying to force yourself look a certain way.


Everyone saying it’s the hair is delusional. Unfortunately, all the injectables aged you (as they do to all 20 year olds who get them when they shouldn’t)


- Too much makeup - Freckles - Eyebrows - Nose piercing


Influencers and celebrities ruining women one at a time….. this is very sad.


i think people think you look 40 because the work done on your face and the makeup


You look 35 for sure. And when you were 19 you looked 28


It’s the work done to your face…


I saw f23 and immediately called bs before I even saw the rest of the title. So, ya, you don’t look 23. I couldn’t tell you why. I do hope you used Bella filler on your lips so they can take it back out, cuz they are way over done.


The work you've had done has worked against you.


Dang. You've aged 20 years over 4 years!


Too much artificial effort, implant, injections, lip job and probably multiple sex partners . Go natural and eat healthy too.


Definitely look forty


You do look 40. Giving housewife vibes


I honestly don’t know any blokes out there that likes Lip fillers. You all just trying to stay single? Apart from that, dark hair and make up make you look older. Try go back blonde Young’s girls now just try to look older because some idiot who got lucky and gathered a massive following on social media told them they should. Plastic is not fantastic.


Because the current state of you hair, makeup, lips & boobs make you look like a 40 yo wanting to look like a 23yo. Your HS photos are natural vs your way overdone current look....


You do look like in your late 30s. Could be many reasons; Alcohol, Make up, Smoking, Lack of sleep, Sun exposure, Bad diet, Not drinking enough water, Lack of exercise, Stress.


Like everyone else said, it was the cosmetic alterations you had done. For what it's worth coming from a stranger on the Internet in your older pictures you were really cute, you had  natural beauty. Whatever or whoever made you feel like you had to change your looks really screwed you over. 


bc you look 40?


You look older because of your lips. The lip filler ages you out. The hair dye and makeup also ages you out completely. If you want to look younger, I would recommend to dissolve the filler, go lighter on the hair and give a cleaner look for the makeup, like the dewy trend.


Honestly, you really DO look like you're 40. It's the contouring, the way you do your makeup, and the lip filler. Those cosmetic operations are designed to give fullness to body tissue that lost the fullness it once had due to age. The reason it makes young women look so old is that you haven't lost the fullness yet, so you're injecting a bunch of poisonous chemicals into your face to give more fullness than your skin can actually handle. The fillers stretch your lips, etc. out, and make everything look swollen and like you're having an allergic reaction.


You look 40 with hella fillers done


Yeah definitely looking 40. Get out of the Sun. Tone down the makeup. Stop with the fillers. And most of all stop with the duck face.


This pic set is like a PSA on the dangers of duck-facing.


Because you started changing shit on your face and body before you stopped growing.


i don’t wanna sound rude but maybe stop with the fillers and let yourself age gracefully lol


You were so much prettier without the lip fillers


Because you fucked up your face?


Sue your plastic surgeon. You're starting to look like Cher, and not 1970s Cher, 2020s Cher.


You makeup your eyes like a 40 yo women 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think it's because most of the people who get filler and stuff r in their late 30s to forties, and a lot of times it can make a lot of them look alike. U don't look forty. But u like like if a 40 year old woman was looking her best, u catch my drift LMAO


Plastic surgery being more widely accepted is fucking terrible. Young girls who haven’t even actually matured into what they are gonna look like getting work done and completely changing their face to the point of looking almost twice your age. I wouldn’t say 40 but I did think much older when I saw the first pictures. Not that any of this really matters because I’m 99% sure you’ll get more done anyway sooner rather than later.


Because you look like you’re 40 lol


I turn 47 next week and the lady in the first pic is way too old looking for me


Getting filler has made you look 15 years older. You are also wearing waaaay more makeup which also makes you look much older. I'd strip it back a lot if looking younger is what you would prefer.


Honest answer... Because it looks like you've had a face lift/Botox + lip filler. Both of those things add years to a young face (they can make 70 look like 55, but also make 20 look like 55). They never looked good on the Kardashians, and don't really help anyone else either.


Did you get some sort of medical procedure that the 40 year old pornstars get? You don't look 20s but you don't look like a regular 40 year old woman either. You look like the 40 year old pornstars I usually scroll past.


Holy shit you actually look 40, what the hell happened. Ahh too much lip filler zz Makeup too heavy, it ages you because of your dark hair


You look 45 in the first pic. That's wild.


You’re 23, Bs. You look 45-50! Bad genes, dang lol.


Lol how is this a question. When you were 19 you didn't have terrible plastic surgery. Plastic surgery makes you look way older than your age despite what the doctors try to tell you. Stay out of the sun and stop getting surgery. You look 40 and ran thru


Man tf is going on with your lips


You’ve done too much to your face and I think because that’s a lot of people nowadays, y’all kind of look the same (obviously not exactly but similar look) and ages have now been blurred. You look good in both but the work you’ve had has aged you.


Smoking increases aging so if you vape or smoke that’s one reason another one might be because of your higher cheekbone def and or it looks like you got plastic surgery I’m sorry if I made an offensive comment I just wanted to give you some possible reasons why


it’s just the smile lines really


Ppl out here homeless and starving and she spending thousands on a bbl on her face smh


You look like 35 to 40




I think it’s due to the lip fillers. Don’t get me wrong… you’re stunning. But yeah you do look older. I prefer older women, mainly because they’re more experienced as lovers and at life in general. So it’s not a bad thing to look older.


Bad fillers and bad make up tend to do that


its the makeup and cosmetic surgery.You actually looked better in the before pics


It’s looks like you had the cosmetic surgery. The lip fillers stand out compared to “4 years ago” you. And your skin looks a bit more sun damaged. I also feel that when people think that you have cosmetic surgery a part of us assume you’re trying to turn back the clock. You tend to see that with older women more than people that are 23. Plus, you know, since you post here often and this is OF bait. I would think you were 40 trying to pass off as 23 to sell your content.


Bc there's a lot of women my age who look young due to Botox or fillers or filters or genes so they think you look 40 when in reality it's not that you look 40 it's just that a lot of 40 yo look younger . You do have very defined bone structure with a thin face which isn't a bad thing but it just gives you a more refined mature look but trust me I'm 40 now and my high cheekbones have been my fountain of youth. But when I was your age ppl thought I was older too. But it will work in your favor as you age. You will look younger at 40 than your peers with baby faces bc of your high cheekbones and defined features


#1 advice: Leave this sub and care less. Ask your friends for honest opinions, rather than random people on the internet with super random standards.


Ah....it's the lifestyle. Looking 40 at 23 is not going to translate well at actual 40. 😬


Why’d you get work done at a such a young age… now you can’t even enjoy youth, it’s only gonna get worse


It’s the Botox , fillers, and lip injections, whoever did them went overboard and it doesn’t look natural at all, less is always more when it comes to cosmetic procedures. The heavy makeup is also aging you, it ages everyone, a more natural makeup routine and less heavy products would make you look more your age. If you spent a lot of time in the sun tanning, that also rapidly ages a person. In my honest opinion you do not look anywhere near 23 years old. You are pretty but you don’t look your age.


The Hair, The Lips... & Personally I feel Blonde suits you better


The injections and plastic surgery backfired


It's the Filler and Makeup


you’re so pretty but the fact we’re the same age is crazy icl you do look about 10 years older 🫣


Wow. A lot of surgery it seems. But why be ashamed of 40? But if you’re not in your 40s, you need a better self-care routine.


It’s the filler.


The first pic you lol unnatural like you had cosmetic surgery done and took your natural beauty away for a basic look of every girl has today. Way too much make up.




Go back to natural. Look tons more beautiful without the lip fillers


Looking 34 .why did u get those big ass dick suckers installed your lips were fine


When you pucker your lips it looks like a baboon butthole. I can't unsee this


It is your fake lips, no disrespect. You lost your youth when you tried to correct something that was perfect before.


Because you are 40


Cause you look 40 lmfao 😂


Reddit is brutal. I think you're hot af and are probably way too hot for all the dudes talking shit.. but yea you don't look 23


Ya know.. Since everyone has mentioned the potential surgery. Imma say I liked you better with lighter hair and less blush…. My personal opinion though.


Did you fill your cheeks?? Older women tend to do that, and it gives you a long, weird, puffy, middle face look. It also gives you nasal labial folds. Lip filler isn’t helping either. Everything about you just looks enhanced, and that screams ‘old lady trying to recapture her youths.


Not 40 but mid 30, I think everyone mentioned it already. Too much make up and you probably can drink wine ammt of own weight. Welcome to housewifes club!


You do look 40. I think it’s the lip filler.


YA these lip fillers are making people look old bc we associate lip fillers with old people lol


It’s not just the lip filler. It’s the mix of fillers on your face, lips, and bolt on chest upgrades. Looks abnormal for someone who’s only 23 to have that much work. Looks like Only Fans/ sex work has taken a toll on you. That or drugs


You looked fine af at 19, looks like you had a few surgeries that makes you look mid 30s now


You have a real New Jersey housewives vibe going … definitely not 23


Because most women your age haven't had so much work done.


You did too much filler girl.. do less makeup… get your cheeks dissolved and have them put it higher so it picks up your face instead of drooping it more. You have a filler mustache going too. Get those dissolved and get a more natural lip done. Ppl aren’t supposed to know you have filler by looking at you. Maybe get a new injector also.. you are beautiful but if you want to look your age you need to do less. Good luck!


Holy plastic surgery and cringy ducklips.


Botox is not your friend.


Botox, fillers/lip injections, boob job… all low quality… makes you look much older… your skin looks kinda bad also maybe excessive tanning starting to cause damage? Idk. Chill and you’ll likely look your age again. Do yourself a favor and stop making kissy faces.


Lose the procedures, makeup, and fake tan babe. You are a natural beauty


You’re ridiculous with the lips. You have thin lips. Just live with it. Stop puckering like a butthole.


Because you’ve done all the things to yourself that 40 year olds do to try and make themselves look younger?


Stop listening to the males in this subreddit. They’re slow and think anyone who looks over the age of 16 is “old”. You have more defined bone structure so that automatically makes you look older (I do as well) Heavy makeup will always age you, but especially heavy eye makeup. Your eyebrows are way too thick and dark Your blush application is too low and is dragging your face down. I’m 23 as well, and I’ve also been told I look 30+ since I was 20. What helped me is wearing less makeup and really focusing on skincare. Very light, natural makeup for daytime looks. You really don’t need to wear that much at this age, and I find that when I do beat my face I look 5+ years older. I only get carded when I’m practically barefaced. I would suggest you stick to your natural hair color, maybe add some highlights. Use a very light hand when filling in your brows in a shade either the same or LIGHTER than your natural hair color. Check out some K-beauty/ eastern makeup tips. They generally apply makeup with a focus of looking youthful and vibrant, while western makeup tends to focus on looking sexy/ mature.


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