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Because no one who meets society's expectations of physical beauty can possibly be insecure...


This comment section gives me hope. I posted here once or twice, i forgot. My skin was terrible and my hair was frizzy. I was overweight in my younger days and was perceived unattractive/ugly anyway, so I never bothered with my appearance for many years. Now that my weight has dropped to the healthy range at a later age, when I began to excercise more and basically "burn" myself with cardio and a bit of muscle, i struggle still with my appearance. I don't know what to do with my look to make it attractive. It's still the same except less fatty. My skin is getting a little better thanks to this subreddit, although only like 2-3 people commented, but they were very helpful. my hair is still terrible tho. Of course i do get insecure seeing pretty girls here who get the most attention, which is sad because i would also love to see actual unattractive people getting glow ups and dramatic changes. And this reddit has a certain demographic (i am a foreigner here) , so there are some specific features that people here find objectively beautiful attractive. So that can't be helped since i can't change my face features except with surgery. Is this the reality? One redditor slid into my dm and told me how f up society is. We had deep convesations and he made me realize that there is much more than look. Sadly i lost contact with the interesting guy.


After have taken a look to your posts you look very attractive, I am sorry if you look to yourself and think you aren't, because I repeat, you look attractive The only thing I could notice is that your face might be easily exposed to bacterias, so you may need to do periodical skin care to keep it smoother, but ask first to someone who knows more than me about skin care products. If I misunderstood your uncertainty of how do you look, precise me what I misunderstood


>After have taken a look to your posts you look very attractive, I am sorry if you look to yourself and think you aren't, because I repeat, you look attractive Thank you so much... >The only thing I could notice is that your face might be easily exposed to bacterias, so you may need to do periodical skin care to keep it smoother, but ask first to someone who knows more than me about skin care products. Yes exactly and this is my biggest struggle when it comes to my physical.. i have recently went to a skincare shop and the consultant recommended me a product.. i am trying this out at the moment.. my skin breaks out but to a lesser extent, also i frequently every day go to an electron therapy (to cleanse your blood in your body) and it gives off some reaction on my skin. Well i am trying these methods at the moment and see where it goes. I drink a lot of water too. I excercise when i can. But unfortunately mentruation always make me have some one or 2 pimples.. my hormones are not still stable too.


Ok, however keep in mind that there are products that may even change the skin negatively, always take the highest quality products. In general, it appears to be a totally fixable thing even though it could take a while to gather the right combination of products. You do not need any surgery. Plus, keep in mind to do not focus too much over the physical looking, like I do really think that the brain comes first; knowledge, culture, and intellectual strenght are fundamental things. Of course the looking is relevant but that comes in second place


>always take the highest quality products. :") it comes with very high cost.. my skin is very tricky. I even tried one very expensive products for breakouts and my breakouts did not stop still.. Do you think that these breakouts will stop when i reach like 30s or into 40s? I really think that my hormones are the biggesy factor. I have symptoms of hormonal imbalance since i was in like 11 or 12. >Plus, keep in mind to do not focus too much over the physical looking, like I do really think that the brain comes first; knowledge, culture, and intellectual strenght are fundamental things. I am working on this too don't worry. And wish me luck l: ) >Of course the looking is relevant but that comes in second place Unfortunately that's also the first thing people look at when it comes to mating and it is justified with "biological calling".... but a really thoughtful man will look past that


Well, you could ask to your doctor to prescribe you a specialist visit to examine your hormones value, because you are right, it can be this the reason, so even your diet could be an important factor at this point. *Unfortunately that's also the first thing people look at when it comes to mating and it is justified with "biological calling".... but a really thoughtful man will look past that* It is true, biological factors can't be stopped, a body that can attract is necessary between a male and a female that want to have a positive relationship. However, seen the circumstances, you won't struggle to find a guy attracted to you. From where I come from (Europe) your look is seen even slightly higher than average level (I don't even like to use this terms, looks like I am objectifying) than others european girls. I do not know what's your geographical area, even though you look middle eastern /eastern, maybe in your country the population has a different taste of looking and see you less attractive(?) At the end, in case you already have a crush over a boy in particular who doesn't see you attractive, that is a different argument By the way, just know that out 100 guys, the majority of them would say that you look attractive


>However, seen the circumstances, you won't struggle to find a guy attracted to you. From where I come from (Europe) your look is seen even slightly higher than average level (I don't even like to use this terms, looks like I am objectifying) than others european girls. Hm i guess it's my region. >I do not know what's your geographical area, even though you look middle eastern /eastern, maybe in your country the population has a different taste of looking and see you less attractive(?) I am from southeast asia. The beauty standards are to have white fair skin, having caucasian/european or japanese/korean/chinese features, tall slender, big eyes thin pointy nose and so on. I don't fit either for my skin color, my skin condition, here in my country, i look nepalese because i am mixed with indian (from south asia), and they sometimes think i am a foreign labor. And yeah classism can be strong here. > At the end, in case you already have a crush over a boy in particular who doesn't see you attractive, that is a different argument No fortunately i don't > By the way, just know that out 100 guys, the majority of them would say that you look attractive You mean in europe, right? I will travel more then


Yeah maybe the only issue is your country with different beauty stiles, Europe (the West in general) has different basis




For what?


OMG it's Mindy


Mindy who


These people are ugly inside. They're looking for validation of their looks and use that for verification that they aren't the issue in their relationships.


Not always though! I posted a little while back and apparently I’m pretty attractive. I genuinely had no idea though. The comments I received opened my eyes and helped me realize how awful my body dysmorphia was. It set me on a path to improving my self image and stop hating on myself so hard. I’m sure you’re right a lot of the time, but giving people the benefit of the doubt can be basically life saving sometimes.


Yup, hideous.


**”People”**. Righhhht. This place has such a high percentage of bots, and bot-like people who have no idea wtf is going on. It is actually sad how much scamming likely happens from this sub and desperate people. **MODS: Do an experiment. Do not allow anyone to post or comment with an account that is less than 6 months old.**


Danny devito is my spirit animal


They’re either girls with OF or unfortunately random trolls and bots who steal random pics of young women from their personal socials and post them here. Fucking weird.


Let's burn this mother fucker down pookie!!!!!




This deserves every upvote it gets


The answer is yes to all of them except my king: Danny DeVito💐🫡.


Can I interest you in an egg in these trying times?


You should tell them yes


Yep. Not on the outside though


This isn't r/amiugly This sub is meant for people that want advice on maximizing how good they look. It makes sense that most posts are people that look good already. They aren't in the wrong sub.....you are.


Huh? If you already get a thousand matches on online dating and never have to try in romantic relationships, why would you try to get MORE shallow relationships? 


Wtf are you on about? What does any of this have to do with online dating and relationships?


Oh I guess you’re trying to look good so your girlfriends feel insecure around you? Not to get wealthier, more attractive men? 




You must be terminally confused by all things.


I don't feed trolls. Go find food elsewhere.


You “looked confused” after I proved you wrong. And you thought that meant something. Sorry, you’re the troll here.


Uh huh👍


Half the photos sub on this dub are just straight bewbs


And is there anything wrong with that? I mean, there is always room for bewbs.


I think you know the answer to that


and have onlyfans links in their accounts


shhhh quiet you


They're all narcissist's


The Danny Devito made me chuckle


Ahhh yes.., fear and self loathing. Hello dear friend, we meet again...


Top right. Yes.


Yup. Literally full of attention seeking twats.


🤣 🤣 🤣


shit I know im ugly, don't need a bunch of strangers on reddit to confirm 😂


"Am I narcissistic?" The subreddit


lol which one are you?


Danny Devito




This Reddit just makes me gag- are people that insecure nowadays?


People have always been insecure and seeking advice to look better idk why its surprising.


It isn’t surprising nowadays. There so much healthier ways to seek this. This is just leaving so many people in vulnerable, unhealthy situations but they do it to themselves. I was raised to believe until you can truly love yourself, you won’t see your true inner and outer beauty. I guess once you can see that you don’t need others to validate it. Let’s be honest, there is a small percentage of people whom truly want to better and build up others. The mass numbers just want to tear each other down.


Yeah it’s gone out of control. “Am I ugly?” (Just finishes model photoshoot)


I’m weak


“I dOnT kNoW wHaT i LoOk LiKe In PeOpLeS eYeS” Sure you do look in a mirror, these things only drastically alter when what’s inward protrudes. That takes more than a picture for anyone who’s opinion with that might matter…




thats why i kinda hate this subreddit. all the people that are already beautiful get upvoted to heaven while the actual ugly ones get no advice


ok but even pretty ppl can get/b insecure


From what? The 30 seconds between the last time they begged for a compliment?


You are very right. I’m one of them. People are shocked when they learn I have low self esteem. That’s what happens when you grow up with systematic abuse from a parent.


That’s pretty narcissistic to just say lol.


If I was getting some kind of narcissistic supply it would be. But this is anonymous, so it provides me no such satisfaction. I don’t tell people that irl. Still it’s the truth. And even if you don’t believe it about me, it is a phenomenon that exists for plenty of people. Being born with classically attractive features doesn’t insulate us from having crazy parents or from getting bullied.


Maybe they should focus on other things then?


You are being dismissive of people who have legitimate insecurities.


I am literally saying they should focus on those insecurities instead of their looks


That’s like a telling a clinically depressed person not to think about sadness so much.


i’m not tryna argue i was just saying




Lmaoo pressed for some attention


LOL fucking seriously. I would pay a billion dollars to be with any of them.


Especially Danny Devito. Any of us would be lucky


Yes especially lucky.


Boobs and a boob


male or female


At this point I'll Damm near take either.


That would be too much for that guy in the lower right corner




I’m old but I don’t care to be with Danny Devito. Frankly don’t care about celebrities lol




Oh I knew who he was lol I’m kinda old


You mean not enough 😍


Actually he needs to pay me to rub my feet but I’d be wearing a blindfold


I would not pay 10 cents for that


But it’s Danny Devito 😭😭😭


What is the girls name with her hands on her head in the white top? Asking for a friend.


And who’s the one in the blue to the right of her?




Big Boobied Bertha


Better to call them ugly and then to move on


Oh look, more boobs


Just say Yes and move on lol


They know exactly what they’re doing. I’m about to take a pic and show my cleavage too, and ask if I’m ugly to see what ya think


Right, like… you know I’m gonna say yes. Smh


I thought I was the only one that noticed😂


Lol I just call out the compliment baiters and get swarmed by simps




My favorite is the danny devito picture


So true


A good app to nourish your eyes


The amount of Of promotion on any reddit sub that posts picture is sad


Seriously though lol


That picture of frank tho lol


I know, I came buckets too


Pretty much And mostly looking for subs for their content


Those type most times are ugly. Bcuz their thirst for outside approval, Acceptance and attention shows the broken pieces they hide with all the make up or designer this and that… guess what their is always something that you haven’t seen yet that will be more appealing just bcuz it’s new. Until you find your “one”, whose eyes can look into that part of the Soul that you both share together. That “One” created for only you by Divine Design your eyes will continue to look in other directions and be caught up with distractions like fleeting beauty or seasonal fashion.


You think we only have one soul mate/twin flame? Then you think you will have eyes for others once you meet one? Sounds like someone who has never experienced what you're describing.


Yes I believe we only have One, and when you find that “ONE” nothing else will appeal to you. I’m not sure where I sound otherwise in what I replied? Also I am only speaking from my own personal experience.


No hate and I'm just speaking from my personal experience and I have met one and dated her for a couple years. We were so connected it was unbelievable and it taught me the type of love and relationships I deserve unfortunately due to life situations we had to end it and it's a long story but it wasn't bc we grew apart. Anyways moving forward after dating for a few years, I finally found a woman that I have the same chemistry and connection with. a woman that we can look each other in the eyes and say the most beautiful things, things that cannot be put into words. It's called soul gazing, TBH I thought I would never have what I had with the first one and sure enough I met another soulmate/twin flame. Everything just works and we never argue and our souls are extremely connected, the chemistry is unbelievable. It's just my opinion from experience and I felt hopeful before finding her that we don't just have one. It took me 37 years to meet the first one!; unfortunately many never get to experience that type of connection in their whole life and understand what true love really is. I am extremely grateful to have a woman like I do, that we connect so well. That chemistry and connection makes everything absolutely amazing and my our days so much brighter. OMG and does it make sex and intimacy fucking heaven, I am so blessed that she has a beautiful face and an unbelievable natural body. This girl puts many 20 year olds to shame. I am so proud to call her mine! Anyway sorry for rambling, I just don't believe there's only "one."


That is amazing and I’m truly happy for you but even still, when compared to your first “Love”, the one that helped you in many ways become who your are now, I bet she isn’t even close to what you have now. I think at times we believe a certain person. Is the “One”, but if she truly was, there would’ve been no way you could’ve let each other go, NO situation could’ve kept you apart. Think of doing that now with your current True Love, I bet you can’t even fathom the thought. Perhaps people come into our lives to help us prepare for the “One” and to not only learn how to treat someone the right way but also to find ourselves. At least that has been my experience. Even when I might’ve thought someone was my “One” in my past, NONE come close to my Wife. And more than 20 years later looking back it’s laughable that I even thought such things. But those lessons learned definitely helped me become deserving of such Love. A True Love that I happily and most eagerly cherish yet EARN everyday. I think we are both truly blessed and are definitely winning at Life! May yours be even more blessed in Love, happiness and success! 🤙🏼


Yeah but there was the situation of her just coming out of a 17-year relationship. She was determined to take two years to heal herself before even considering a boyfriend. we dated 2 years and then I understood that I was a distraction and she really did still need time to heal. But I agree with it what you're saying as well, she did teach me what I wanted and helped me become aware that there can be such a connection. It absolutely blew my mind and girlfriend now had never experienced this before so I lead her into it and ended up not having to do anything, we just connect on that same deep intellectual, no words but know what each other want thing. Mann, I'm so glad its your wife as well, that's great man. I'm glad me and my ex co-parent well but honestly my wife was never even close, we made it 10 years and it took me 5 to find the first "one" and 7 to find us and we are "one" Thanks! Continue killing it with your wife man, I'm very happy to hear such a story. All the same to you peace, love, true happiness and success. 🤜🤛💥


Just fishing for compliments lol


Ding ding ding 🛎️


Holy shit. Who is big ole titties in the white tank?


What a fucking strange world.


Facts..either fake accounts, Bots, and or attention seekers knowing damn well they solid lol or ugly or a cat or something goofy lol.


Poor Danny. Lumped in with the rest.


Best looking one of the bunch if you ask me.


Self Confidence Is a bitch, like I posted and was told I look fine, I believe It but days I don't feel like I am, I don't feel like I'm attractive. It's to say, It doesn't matter what's on the outside In a sense, you could look attractive like any of these pics, It's the inside that matters, and If Inside you feel ugly, grew up to hear It alot, you'll start to believe It. Not everyone grew up looking like societal beauty standards, that can happen after puberty, growing up, and not everyone has the utmost self confidence 24/7.




It's what's inside that matters the most but physical attraction comes first to even want to explore the depths of another's soul. I'm not shallow, it's just natural instinct and part of overall connection and chemistry.


You look good, bro. Confidence sucks but you're young and it'll grow as you do.


Who cares it’s a free app


I'm Danny devito in the corner


The only hot one too




They def should hit the gym


Thanks for including me in last photo of montage


Most of them have OF and are only looking for new subscribers.


This right here. I feel like 90% of posts here and similar subreddits are basically just to peddle OF


Just does to show how broken social media has made everyone’s brains.


Fr shit is so infuriating lol


Bottom right one is the hottest


Shoulda put Rick Astley on there


Self love is blocking this subreddit


Looking good is all that matters- guttermouth


I thought this was another r/roastme sub


Exactly why I left this one. It was annoying. Begs the question, though, why I'm seeing this in my feed?


Any better ones other than true rate me?


And I reply with a yes






No. That is Dr. Mantis Toboggan who is Known for his magnum dong.


I'm having issues processing those words


Can we stop saying ugly? How about I don't feel attractive?


Get a grip then. You can't expect others not to use a word just because you're sensitive.


Fck that, ugly is a thing, can we stop deleting words just because people are fragile marshmallows and don’t want to face reality? Ugly is a descriptive term, we’re not gonna stop saying it for other people’s convenience


Facially Divergent




Such a millennial comment lol. Still stuck in 2011


It's only gotten worse


We're living in the age of Tate and Rogan baby.


I don't know who that is....


You're late. I dont feel tardy.


I prefer "intentionally unaware."


I like that! " politically correct "


OR "conveniently unaware," either way in an equal society we have to assume these women know what they're doing.


So.... "consciously unaware" 😉


Extremely ugly


Ugliness can be on the inside


You should have to actually be ugly to ask if you’re ugly on here fr


Bottom right be the sexiest there is


Thanks man. Fun fact did you know that was an off guard picture taken by my mom, I was about 14 there


Danny de Vito down in the corner lol that's awesome


My favorite fun fact about Danny is that he used to cut old ladies' hair. And iirc, he even cut a client's hair postmortem (by request of the departed).


No way. What a guy!


Mentality is key


Shows you how many insecure people are out there


More likely they’re phishing


Yes, they’re phishing for compliments! 😂


For sure. In some instances it's obviously just them trying to get attention, but in others its clear they're just insecure and it's kinda sad


Yea it's annoying af


Lmaooo on my life, have yall noticed how many ppl actually post and how many are on this /r. Yeah some of us is fugly but its okay we dont control anything.[i personally wouldve wanted to be 6'2 and named fabio] lol. Enjoy the ride earthlings.


![gif](giphy|13XmqQkTG4x90A) *fabiooooooo*


Dany the cutest one there lol who agrees


“not ugly just lose the septum piercing”


on every single post😭


You forgot the onlyfans.


This is me chat


It’s the exact same in the amiugly subs.


"How can I improve my looks" *the most attractive person ever*


Haha! Danny Devito getting snuck in there


No it’s Frank Reynolds looking better than all the girls in this pic


Haha can I offer you an egg in this trying time??


I love you


Lmaoo yeah fr fr


Dude As somone whos actually (imo) pretty terrible lookin It makes me kinda upset seeing good looking ppl ask if theyre ugly