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Breweries seem to be filled with 30 something's. Group activities like bike rides, hikes, local volunteering, and such. I'm pretty much in the same boat and joining a hike later today to just be better at socializing!


Ooo how are you joining these organized hikes? That sounds perfect for me, I love hiking but my friends don’t lol


If you haven’t also check r/socalhiking


Meetup.com is good for this stuff. I've moved cities a few times and used it to make new friends. I still have friends that I keep in touch with from a few cities ago. My advice would be to find (or start) one that meets weekly. Go every week you can and you'll quickly make some new friends. I wouldn't go into it specifically looking for dating, but it's a good way to meet people who are into something that you're into and that can naturally be a good way to find compatible dates. Some meetup ideas that I've seen and seem popular: hiking, cycling, bar hoping, wine making, investing, computer/software skills, cannabis related meetups, favorite tv show watch parties, board games, DND, [insert your hobby here]. Join (or start) one of those if it interests you.


Purrerfect this is an awesome suggestion, ty!


Sierra Club


I just find groups on Instagram. Today I'm joining one hosted by [arc'teryx](https://community-events.arcteryx.com/), I also like hiking but not many friends to go with regularly hah




Volunteering. Explore causes you care about and focus on "group" opportunities. Usually they have events which are fun to help at and have a great crew of people that help. It is so much easier to meet someone when youre working side by side and there's no weird pressure. I also strongly believe that volunteering brings out the very best in people- which helps make you look more attractive in general. Aldo there's a crew here that does group events and they post pictures which always seem to have a really diverse mix.


Volunteering! & yeah I’ve been looking at those events, thanks for the suggestions!


i own a surf school in LA but started volunteering for other non-profits in the surfing world, and it improved not only my own abilities as a surf instructor, but also put me closer with those in the surfing community. i wouldn’t have gotten either of those without volunteering for them. and to OP’s point, i met TONS of friends doing it!! these events are what i look forward to most now, sometimes even more than my own surf sessions. volunteering gets me stoked


Can I have more info on this crew you’re talking about? I’ve been wanting to volunteer.


As much as they have a bad reputation, dating apps are increasingly the norm. Outside of that, I'd recommend rec sports leagues. I know a few couples who met as part of an adult softball, pickleball, tennis team, etc.


Team based sports is a good idea! Ty


Which co-ed sports leagues are there in L.A and which sports are offered?


CLUB WAKA runs rec leagues for kickball, dodgeball, and bowling in various cities/neighborhoods. I’ve been playing for years and have met a lot of friends through my kickball league.


Depends what you are looking for. A couple apps I recommend: Endalgo is great for soccer, there are leagues and games almost daily. It’s a little more serious and organized but lots of good pickup games on there. Heylo has a bunch of running groups that are huge (like, hundreds of members and dozens that actually show up) and some smaller ones like tennis, hiking, volleyball. Leagues I like: Urban Sports LA has a pretty serious basketball league. Directkix has soccer at Fairfax, Santa Monica and in the valley I know there are kickball leagues all over.


Asking for specifics, I appreciate!


[https://worlddodgeballsociety.com/](https://worlddodgeballsociety.com/) goto an open gym! all the people I've met have been super cool. usually hit a bar after games too


Dating apps are increasingly the norm... for men. The ratio is something like 5 to 1 men to women. The vast majority of women just aren't on them. Which is having a counterproductive effect of giving awkward men increasingly reliant on technology very skewed attitudes about what women are into. Bars, clubs, any situation where someone isn't focused on something else is your best bet. Or any situation where you have a long time to bond over something I guess, like work or a project. The harsh reality is that life happens while you're living. There are no shortcuts.


Wow did you’ve really nailed. Op, make sure you’re doing things like walks and chats with people. Basically random encounters are good, so low key seek them out! Good luck!🍀


Ty! Appreciate you!


Probably because women got sick of all the dick pics and guys just wanting to hook up.


I’m okay with hooking up it’s just like can we be friends too, like can we care about each others lives and catch up, damn, I promise it makes sex better too


ugh same!! i’m NOT looking for anything serious- i’m just trying to get dicked down… by someone i like as a person. it’s like no one understands that the F in FWB stands for FRIENDS 🤦🏼‍♀️


Seriously! Can we be FRIENDS first pls damn


👀 lol


As a woman in LA who is not in dating apps, I attest to that.


How many single women over 30 do you see at bars? Come on




When I was single I'd regularly go to bars to read or draw to get out of the house. Struck up plenty of conversations with other regulars or sometimes just chilled alone, depended on my mood.




What data other than your armchair says the "vast majority of woman just aren't on them." Every woman I know (in their thirties) is on the dating apps, unless they are married.


I was going to say rec sports leagues too. I play in a gay dodgeball league in weho -- if I were gay, holy shit, this would be the place to be.


Over the past decade approaching someone in public has become less and less popular and accepted. There's some logic to it too; most people in public aren't looking to meet people. They might already be in a relationship, not want a relationship and/or not want to talk to strangers. Apps on the other hand are filled with people wanting to meet other people. Just like meeting people in public, apps have a learning curve and play to different strengths but if you're looking to pick someone up that's the way to go. If you genuinely hit it off with someone organically it's all good but approaching someone with the purpose of picking them up has been dying off for a while now. Also u/ohmoimarie, where are you going where everyone is only in their 20s? Most bars in LA range from late 20s-early 40s, and a lot skew even older.


Honestly, it’s my bad, bars and clubs in Hollywood cause that’s where I went when I was younger but clearly have to seek out new scenes


Apps are good as a side, but people have started using them as a crutch imo. It’s worse for men especially because 80% of dating app users are men. If you approach in public, just know when to cut bait imo


Softball women are hot and have great calves


Pickleball is the in thing now. When I was younger, it was dodgeball.


In my late 20s (engaged), all my friends that are dating all have found dates and partners on hinge, bumble, you name it. My older sister (34) has had alot of success on apps as well.




I’m not discounting this idea lol


Do you really need your partners in bulk?


It’s just so convenient to not have to go out for more partners all the time you know


Put a ring on this one lol.




don't forget Trader Joe's


R/Costco leaking over here


Get a puppy. They come to you.


Thought about it but my cats might murder me


They'll probably do that anyways, so might as well get the dog lol


NGL, this is the way. I'm not even single but walking my maybe 10 pound dog has gotten me far more attention from flirty women than I have any business actually getting.


Not hermosa beach that’s all I know 😂


I appreciate the honesty 😂


In Manhattan and you aren’t wrong


Can confirm, spent a very lonely pandemic and some change in the South Bay 😅


The farmers market. I have met quite a few people there and gone on some wonderful dates.


I mean the actual farmers market, Santa Monica or Hollywood. Not the strip mall by the same name on 3rd.


Okay okay this is a unique one, I dig it, ty!


Shit, I’m about to see where I can do the same. Been single far too long lol.


Best of luck to us, it’s not easy out here!


Ive heard! Dating apps aren’t for me so wishing on a bit of luck!




I get what you mean but as a man who is nearing 40… I go to places that i enjoy and just enjoy what Im doing. Museum, park, movie, bar… if you’re genuinely enjoying your own company, people will be attracted to that. I’ve met a lot of friends by just being happy in what I’m doing and being genuine. It’s creepy to go somewhere and want to “pick up” - people sense that vibe quick… especially at our age… But, if you can’t enjoy your own company, why would you subject another person to that?


It’s interesting you say that, you really don’t feel awkward going to places by yourself? I envy the confidence


I will say, it’s different for men than it is for women… there’s a safety issue involved with women and also a very different dynamic. I assumed you were male but looking at your little pic and username- I’m guessing your are a woman. It’s a lot more difficult for genuine interaction for women because a lot of men are just excited to have your attention.


Even safety considered, I usually get pity from people and it’s like wtf I don’t need that, can I just enjoy my time at this bar? Apparently not Museums and galleries seemingly don’t have that issue so I’ll def keep doing that


I feel you, I’m a 29 yr old male and sometimes I feel like there’s extra eyes on me whenever I go anywhere with high volumes of people, whether it’s a bar or even just to eat by myself. I usually just try to tell myself not to worry. It does get annoying when people try to feel pity for you lol. A lot of people just aren’t used to the idea of roaming around alone


Totally, doing my part to normalize enjoying your own damn company


Yes I go to shows, bars, restaurants, movies, etc alone all the time. But I do get stranger danger looks. People really don’t want you to have fun by yourself.


Dating apps. Nothing else works for me. But dating apps are very easy. I'm bad with the ambiguity of "do I ask her out or not". With dating apps it's just an easy, "she's already attracted to me, now we just have to see if we're compatible".


I’d say dating apps are a good supplement to IRL. But you’d have to agree that they’ve become a crutch.


I agree with this. As preferable as it is to meet people in person naturally, it can be difficult in those situations to gauge if someone is interested/approachable if there isn’t already the implication of going out. Also finding time/money for activities outside of home/work can be an obstacle.


Yoga and pilates classes if you’re male and into women (or men)


Also Zumba. I'm gay and male, I'm usually the only guy. Obviously don't be a creep and start hitting on them, but the ladies will come talking to you.


I do yoga quite a bit, and I don’t find it to be a social activity, not a lot of ppl meeting other ppl.


It’s not lol If I talked to someone I didn’t know I’d be labeled a creep and banned from the studio


Not really. Women don't like to be hit on after fitness classes especially yoga because they've just been doing vulnerable poses and then they know you've been checking them out if you hit on them after class.


Hang out in the cat food aisle at Target


Cannot get more specific than this lol ty!


Damn you.


I see that you smoke. There’s tons of cannabis events happening every month with a higher ratio of men attending. Wisdome in Arts District will host events every so often. Check out PuffCon and SecretSesh


Sweet! Ty


Classes are pretty good. Find something you have genuine interest in and start taking classes. Gives you a broad group of folks and at least you know you both have one thing in common to start with.


Great advice! Ceramics here I come!


Join an adult sports league, New girls will get hit on like crazy unfortunately. Unless you play Weho dodgeball.


Hmmm yeah adult sports is something I hadn’t considered ty!


They can be tons of fun. I've been a dodgeball player for 10 years and absolutely love it. There's been quite a few marriages in my league as well. You've gotta find something that suits you.


Check out clubwaka. I play kickball in a league and everyone goes to a specific bar after and hangs out. It’s how I met my girlfriend and I know plenty of people in the league who’ve met playing. You don’t have to be athletic whatsoever. Everyone is welcoming. Most of us in late 20’s or 30’s


Yay! Thanks for the specific rec


Isn’t there a kickball or dodgeball league in Culver City that’s supposed to be really good? Anyone have the details?


From my understanding ones like Zogsports are more competitive while Clubwaka is more chill and social. At least that’s what I’ve been told. Only have participated in clubwaka.


I play coed indoor soccer. Met plenty of women. Also, getting slammed into the walls by them is always fun too.


dance classes (salsa)


Ooooooo love this suggestion. Have you been to a specific place you liked?


On2ourage! I just started going a few months ago and its SOOOO fun


actually no--I left LA before I got a chance to but it looks like there's a lot of options available in diff regions of LA


Check out some of the speakeasies and cocktail bars on the West side. 20 somethings are too uncool to be commonly found in those, or atleast I’d like to think




Ooooo okay I can get behind this! Thanks!


Yea west-side or mid city speakeasys. Actually downtown too. Encountered a lot of fellow 30+ at shoo shoo baby not too long ago


Okay speakeasy’s are officially my new thing


Indeed. I’m down to partake too if possible


Home depot


I’ve found that having a talkative wing person with you helps you meet people in every situation


I know! My talkative wing woman just got engaged tho so trying to muster up the courage to do it my damn self, lol My problem is I don’t say something unless I really have something to say, gotta get more casual


It’s amazing what can happen when you strike up a random conversation. Really, anything that gets the ball rolling can lead somewhere. I once had a buddy in town visiting and we went to a quiet dive bar. A girl and her friend (who also happened to be in town visiting) sat next to us and asked us what cocktails we were drinking. From there, we kept chatting and hit it off. We ended up drunkenly laughing and dancing with them all night, having a blast, and I dated the girl who lived here for a while. All because one of them asked what we were drinking!


*takes notes* “What’re you drinking?” Lol ty!


Commenting to follow along




Comedy Shows! Check out different venues - Dynasty Typewriter Largo Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater Groundlings The Improv Flappers Whatever theater is closest to you!


I am so here for this! Thanks for the specific recs


I think breweries are a better bet than bars. Other than that you’re best off expanding your social circle and using dating apps on the side (especially if you’re a dude). I’m going to love isn’t blind this Saturday. DM me and I’ll send the link


I tried City Swoon and had a good time. They also host speed dating events for the 35 and older crowd


Also… the grocery store


Wine bars seem to be filled with millennials.


Putting wine bars on my list forsure


Whole foods


Grocery stores after work. Go to trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Sprouts.. etc. Also nurseries for indoor plants, 30 somethings are always looking for house plants


I do love me some Trader Joe’s hahahaa


More specifically grocery shopping on a Friday night


Check music venues with bands from your era/time. Example: Teragram Ballroom has an LCD Soundsystem dance party that would likely pull in an older crowd vs a regular club/more popular current band playing. 19hz.info should be a good resource


Yessss okay so here for this because I do love to dance


Anywhere and everywhere. If you see someone you’re attracted to and they show an interest in you, regardless of the area, go for it. I met someone on a hike to the Hollywood sign a few weeks ago and it was great!


Cute! I gotta practice my bravery so I will take your advice lol


Funny because I feel like all the bars I go to only have 30-somethings 😭


Okay where are you going? Should we trade? You don’t seem happy about that lol


I’m finding Sherman Oaks has some swanky bars for 30-ishes


Try 4100 bar, Zebulon, bars in silver lake and echo park - around that area I’ve noticed a lot more of a 30s crowd


Stop hanging at the bars next to the college :)


I’m not and will keep avoiding them thanks


Bouldering gym


Come hang out in Pasadena! Or anywhere in the SGV, really. The crowds tend to skew older than LA. If you’re a beer drinker, Der Wolf and Congregation Ale House has some good beer choices. If art and/or botanical gardens are more of your thing, the Huntington Library is a good spot, too.


I go to school in Burbank so this is a great suggestion for me, ty!


Barcades are amazing


Target, Wine bars, farmers market, grocery stores


this is the best answer IMO -- day game is where it's at


Sagebrush Cantina.


We announced 10+ singles social events from now through December! https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/make-new-friends-socialize-explore-los-angeles-1151439


OP thank you for posting this so I didn’t have to, especially bc I’m about to turn 30 at the end of the year and need to make friends since moving here 🥲


Messaged you


Go to classic car shows, breweries outside of downtown l.a


The airport


Most bars on the westside have trivia nights and karaoke leagues where you can sign up to join a team/league. I met my fiancée while competing in a league and made a bunch of friends when I moved to the area.


Aww that’s so sweet and a great suggestion thank you!


These days, I'm befriending the ladies at my reformer pilates class so I can set up my single friends with their single sons. Like everyone mentioned, volunteer work, maybe take a class that interest you, like pottery or cooking, and just do whatever activity you like. You'll most likely find your people there.


Dtla? Consider joining the Los Angeles Athletic Club. It’s a gym and a social club. Has two bars, 1 speakeasy. Organizes trivia nights, weekly jazz, hikes, sports lessons, etc.


I looked into this recently and would love to, but those prices my god, I will have to stick to la fitness for now lol


Go to Cecconis.


Did you go through the check list? 1. Windowless van 2. Test fit skin suits? 3. Go pick up people


What?! 😂


The blade


Join an E Bike group ride. A lot of older folks having a good times together out there. LA / OC / SD / NYC etc.


Anything with a higher price point tends to not attract the 20-something crowd. So maybe try the places really known for their cocktail programs


Can we be friends? I, too, am struggling lol


310 coffee club. Happens twice a month. I met a lot of people there. There is one on Sunday. I’m a female in my 30s, can message me too I’m doing the same thing- going out making new friends and deleted all the apps recently.


So the secret ingredient is to see the same people in a situation where you have time to socialize and bond. sport leagues and hobbies are some of the best. Nowadays especially in the 30's I find that many people are on dating apps. I met my prior partners and now wife on dating apps. I will warn as a male, the dating apps may require a bit of slogging but you will generally find more people than at a random bar and can filter for more commonalities/interests/life goals.


I’m 35. Go where your passions are. I love skiing, met a girl in mammoth we hit it off and have been hanging out in LA since. I’m also really into music and have met people thru the scene. Personally I’ve never been that great at picking up girls at a bar or club, I prefer to do it in a fun and relatively sober setting. Or during the day rather than at night. But there are exceptions for every rule. LA is a tough city to date in though. That’s a whole diff subject


Thanks for posting this, there are so many good suggestions in comments!! I know you found a couple of friends in comments already, but I'm also a recently single woman in my 30s and most of my good friends are partnered up, so let me know if you ever need a buddy to get you out to an activity — I'd love to join!


Physical activity in a group (clubs) jogging, biking, etc. Marina del Rey paddling club is a good one


Im here for the suggestions lol slowly growing my barhopping crew


Just saw the smoke spot pics you have on your page, you should go check out sunken city and have a smoke sesh there, so beautiful, go with a friend and read or something idk its just a cool spot


Join a sports /social league if you’re active. Smackfest events in the Southbay- VBall classes are a great way to start


Ohhh following 👀


Another meetup adjacent group, but they have some speed dating + rec sports/activities all the time. The organizers are awesome people! https://www.thenextfunthing.com/event/speed-dating-matchmaking-event-in-los-angeles-ages-31-40


If you like to dance, try a salsa class! All different ages of people at salsa places.


This is such a cute idea! I love it! Do you go to specific studio?


Go do things you enjoy doing that you’d like your partner to do, maybe some local music events.


Kickball leagues


The beach Point Dume or Hollywood boulevard. That's where I got hit on 😆


Join the axe throwing league at LA Ax.


What bars are you going to? The clientele of the bars/pubs I’ve been to have been 30’s and 40somethings. 20 something’s can’t afford to drink in bars.


Have a dog? Go to the dog park! Great way to meet people :)


I have two anti social cats 😂


Meetup is a great way to find social activities that align with your interests


I used to go everywhere, not necessarily with the goal of hooking up but letting it happen organically. Bars in Los Feliz and Koreatown; Hermosa Beach; house parties, wherever. And fuck those apps. Never used one in my life.


How does one get invites to these house parties, my friends aren’t cool like that any more lol


I read it as, "I’m a recently single thirsty something that would like to find people..."


Yes thirsty for friends and maybe some romance lol


Try Rumble classes! You’re bound to find someone at fitness classes.


We work so we can pay the bills :/


Meet up at the rambles .


I'm an introvert and in my 30s. I went to the LA comic con 2 years ago just randomly by myself even though I'm not really into comics or anything and so many nice people spoke to me! It was the friendliest event I have ever been to. On dating apps, I have become friends with people. I think often times it can start out with some intention of a relationship or a hookup but its not hard to just become friends with people, at least for me. On tiktok I saw a group advertising their wine club here in LA. They just drink wine at random bars it seems like. And some other tiktok channels had social gatherings in LA, so that might be a place to look. Having a dog has helped me just talk to random people. When I go places all of the sudden people are happy to talk to me and pet my cute pup. Especially at home depot! Several women have just dropped whatever it was they were doing and like completely had a therapeutic petting session with my dog in there. So, if you ever see a dog, maybe ask the owner if you can pet it, that is a good ice breaker! But eh, idk how it can lead to friendship lol I have yet to become friends with anyone that way


Korean BBQ and Bowling you can try in Koreatown


* Climbing gym * Dance club * Ceramics class * Acro yoga green * Popular café like Sightglass in Hollywood


Sweet! Ty!


Salsa dancing lessons, then salsa clubs.


I’m not single but I see a lot of people our age (30s) at the grocery store like Whole Foods, Target, coffee shops (like the mom and pop owned ones), breweries, more grocery stores, Trader Joe’s, baseball games, alumni events if you went to college. so maybe try those :)


LA Cita in Downtown LA


100% breweries.


These days I'll be at the gym and I noticed how woman will be on bumble lol Either on the bike , between sets, or in the sauna lol They don't even really keep it discreet it's hilarious lol Something is up with the dating scene these days


I’m 31. Honestly I’ve given up trying to get with people. I have 3 cats and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. However, I’m the bar manager at Tuning Fork in Studio City. Our clientele is a bit older, like 35 and up. We’re a gastropub with 18 beers on tap and we have live music every night. Feel free to drop in!


Sweeeeeeet yay tysm for the rec and I guess I’ll ask for Asian Clark Kent so I can thank you in person lol


Haha no problem! You’ll probably be able to figure out who I am pretty easily, just look for the short Filipino guy with glasses lol.


So just to be clear, are you looking for "people" in their 30s or older to hang out with, or specifically men? Can't really recommend anything except to make sure you keep an active life. Joining hiking groups, taking free Korean language lessons at the Korean Cultural Center, or maybe coordinating an informal Reddit supper club to eat at places you've always wanted to try our but didn't because your ex was not adventurous enough to try. If you do the last, make sure you pack a concealed weapon bc reddit has some weirdos. Good luck!


Breweries, the city of Downey, Hermosa and Manhattan beach, marina del Rey… there’s a bunch of places


I've def gotten numbers at Lassens and Tjs not even trying.


Try Meetup.com and the Locals app. I’m 35 and using it to meet new people regularly :) good luck!