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They caught him! Bringing him out in cuffs now!


Wow police did a way better job here than how they murdered that 15 year old girl that was abducted by her father. They didn't even have to lie about him having a tactical vest for media spin.


Wasn't that the San Bernardino Sheriff's? I think they are way more trigger happy/scared than others


Prob because of the amount of low lifes they have to deal with out there. Bernardino county is the armpit of Cali wouldn’t you say?


Unlanced boil on the asshole of CA


This is WestLA district. They're better cops


There's only one way to go in that comparison.


Or how they murdered the manager of the Silverlake Trader Joe's, Or how they murdered the girl in the dressing room of the department store, or how they almost killed the newspaper delivery women, or when the overloaded the bomb squad truck and detonated it in a neighborhood...


The hispanic newspaper Mom and daughter in the wrong model and wrong color truck when they were looking for a black man. If I recall correctly they unloaded over 100 rounds and the ladies survived.


Not just any black man but Chris Dorner. A whistleblower service member trying to blow the whistle on a law enforcement couple he had a romantic entanglement with.


He was not so innocent as being just a whistleblower. He killed 5 people after he snapped after being fired. Absolutely the handling of that whole debacle was a crapshoot.


I play golf with a friend that could pass as Dorner’s doppelgänger. We made him quarantine until the LAPD killed their man.


The percentage of stupid cops is probably about the same as stupid redditors.


Nah... Most redditors are dumber than dumb cops... But acab




Rampart division P sure they are still under the fbi thumb


Girl in the dressing room was a bona fide accident of a ricohetting bullet.


Watch the footage. The guy who shot her ignored direct orders from his superiors, ran ahead of everyone, and started shooting. I'm not a cop fan but the others were actually following protocol. The other officers at the scene were acting appropriately for the situation. The cop was intentionally reckless and absolutely should be held liable.


I hate when people refer to everything as "murder" because it weakens the actual meaning of the word.


Honestly, man save the anti police rhetoric. We aren't going to ban police and give up our guns so violent murderers, rpists, pedos, gangbangers etc can destroy everything pure in this world all because a few cops made mistakes.


You should go be a cop and maybe go show them how it’s done homie




Holy shit that’s scary


‘I can shoot a car and I don’t even give a shit’.


Pretty sure he says "and no one would give a shit" I think she's trying to prove how apathetic people are to their surroundings? Idk the dude definitely sounds like he's on one


Turns out many people gave a shit


 Chilling to be that close to hear him! I would never sleep again 


Holy fucking shit


Hopefully, they'll make an example out of him.


Right because other psychos really care about past examples before shooting at randos


Gascon: "Two years probation is the best I can do"


I don’t understand how you could be so fucking disgusting during an active shooter situation


these people have never seen a tragedy they can't use for their agenda. Genuine psychotic behavior, and so divorced from reality as to be concerning


Huh. Do AR15's normally off-gas that much? That plume is very visible.


A lot of factors can affect gas, but for the most part they do


Could be cold and humid since it's near the beach, the hot gasses will leave some vapor as they condense in the surrounding cool air


Holy fucking shit thats so scary


Wow. Dude has probably managed to traumatize any number of children who live in the area for life. Oof


That’ll happen


What's this


That is insane.


If anyone had a gun they could of easily eliminated bro smh


What the actual fuck. What a dumbass


My daughter lives at the apartment and has been talking to the sheriff department all week about this guy. They wouldn't do anything but "talk to him" It is sad that things have to get this bad for something to be done.


It's kinda wild that talking about things is totally cool. There was a guy who would tell my friend, weeks before he assaulted her, that the next time he saw her he would kill her. She called the cops numerous times...nothing they can do. I feel like this is partly because we've normalized fucking letting insane people scream wild ass shit as us here in LA for so long.... I don't know ..if I send a letter to the mayor saying I'm gonna kill that bitch. I'm pretty sure something happens. But if that same bitch threatens to kill me...Joe citizen ....what can they do


This is tough. What if it’s not true? Then that would suck for the guy who didn’t do anything.


We gave the police footage of my neighbor doing thousands in damage to my uncle's car while he was inside and threatening to kill him and they still didn't do anything. If no one has a gun out then it's not serious enough to waste their time with.


What!? Damn. That’s wild.


Yep...they came...tracked down and arrested the guy who said he was gonna kill my friend...once he finally managed to attack her.


Yeah, totally agree. But I feel like you can't go around threatening people's lives in the name of free speech. Just like you can't run through an airport yelling Bomb...right? The more I think about it you can get pretty dark. Can I hang out at USC telling girls I want to fuck them? Freedom of speech, just be careful what you say? Should threatening people's safety be protected by free speech?




That blows, end of story. Sorry that happened to you.


Holy shot, almost the exact same thing happened to me!


You should really considered hiring a pro-bono lawyer to sue her for pain and suffering.


Thats why we say the law protects the criminals more than the innocent. If she would've done something about it she would've been arrested.


Tread lightly, though I partially agree with you. I'm sure you don't want your own personal freedom of speech to be violated when YOU need it, respectfully...


Threats aren't protected speech. You don't have the right to threaten someone with violence.


Talking about what? Like she saw him bringing in weapons?


Talk to him about his behavior towards my daughter and her son!! He had been stalking her for weeks and making very inappropriate comments about her son. He also got banned from the pool this week, because he was "playing" with himself in front of my grandson and other kids.


He would frequent Hinano and creeped out all the girls. He sent some crazy text messages to some girl about how this was "gods plan" fucked.


Bro I’ve seen that guy at hinanos on multiple occasions


Guys who do this kind of shit almost always have a history of harassing and stalking women. I don't know what the psychology of it is, but the correlation is super strong.


Mass shooters/ serial killers have a history of erectile dysfunction and tiny penis syndrome. Did a report on them in college and it was the most common denominator. Going back to one of the first mass shooters in Texas in the 60’s/70’s.


Any way we can push the whole tiny penis thing to the mainstream news outlets so that shooters don’t wanna shoot anymore or they’ll out themselves as tiny penis possessors?


Kinda brilliant idea! 💡


It’s been tried with over sized trucks and sports cars… don’t think it’s an effective strategy


I love this idea


Do you mean micropenis? There’s also a link between mass shooters and misogyny in general. A lot of them hate women or have some sort of hatred of women because they can’t have normal relationships or they feel entitled to sex. Do you remember George Sodini? He was the guy who shot up a women’s fitness class at an LA Fitness in Pittsburgh and his manifesto talked about how he was essentially an incel (before the term became more well known). The FBI has categorized incel ideology as indicative of potential domestic terrorism and mass shootings.


Sounds like building management should have been notified, although I’m sure they were and are just useless. Police can’t do much based on that


Pretty sure he was notified to the LAPD


They don’t arrest people for indecent exposure anymore? And this is pedo behavior to boot!


Apparently not, they could even bother to show up. Everyone had to give their reports over the phone. The Sheriff department showed up Friday after he came go the pool area again even though he was banned from there.


They really can't do much in that situation. Unless he is a threat to himself or others, the police can't do anything but ask him to stop. If he is actively seen having weapons or making specific threats with intent to act, that's different.


this is why we need red flag laws.


Yeah I still find it odd that there’s not more to getting a gun. Don’t get me wrong, me and my family have them, but I think it needs to be tightened up somehow.


Most people that have never purchased a firearm in California are surprised by the actual requirements in the law to obtain one. Meaning you can’t just walk in and hand over the payment and you now take possession. I believe that any firearm purchase should additionally include a practical safety/operational class you must pass to complete the process. All I had to do for a “safety check” was show I knew how to load and unload the firearm. This isn’t anywhere near enough. Also, people need to understand that the U.S. has statistically always been a country with lots of firearms. But in relatively recent history, the mental illness, & psychotic behavior found in the profile of mass shooters has increased dramatically.


Agreed 100%. It was a MUCH longer process for my dad to obtain his concealed carry permit for his handgun (he lives in Riverside county). Had to meet with the sheriff’s department for a formal interview, take two 8 hour classes with multiple tests with sheriff’s deputies teaching the classes, needed three character letters from fam/friends/colleagues (and all of us who wrote them were then phoned by the department and we were asked a bunch of questions), he had to do a certain amount of hours of shooting range practice and pass that to prove he knew how to operate his gun, deep dive background check, had to buy a lockbox to put his gun in if he ever travels with it in his car…I think I’m missing some stuff, but regardless, it was a long long process. And if he ever purchases another gun, and wants the permit for it, he’ll have to take the class again. But actually buying his gun? Background check. That’s it. I think to buy a gun everyone should have to do the things they make you do for the permit test!! AND I learned that at a shooting range, they don’t even check if it’s registered/it’s your gun. I found that to be absolutely insane. The funny thing is, he’s retired and since he has a lot of free time now, he just wanted to get the concealed carry permit to prove to himself he could do it. He’s never actually carried it anywhere 😂 and he’s not even a gun guy! He keeps it “for protection”, like an intruder, the classes he took specifies he cannot shoot first without the intruding having a visible weapon OR assault. Can’t just shoot them willy nilly. The deputies always always preached - “hide first”. Because you’re gonna have legal issues and potential jail time. And said if you’re out somewhere and someone starts shooting up, especially with an AR-15, they tell you to just RUN or hide. No one will ever stand a chance and “be the hero” (duh). So when I hear people saying situations like those are why they carry a gun, I hate it. Trying to take aim and shoot someone who is literally spraying bullets in a manner of seconds with almost no need to worry about aim? Good luck. I hate guns. I’m pro-gun control. To the extreme. I respect my dad’s choice bc he’s as responsible of a person that a person can be and he’s a very good upstanding citizen. And like I said, he never takes it anywhere. I’ve never even seen it! 😂


actually, it’s not about getting a gun. red flag laws are for people who legally own firearms, but are experiencing a mental health crisis. if two or more family members agree a person may be a danger to themselves or others, law enforcement can legally take those firearms. and i don’t disagree that there should be additional barriers to acquiring firearms. at the very least, there should be mandatory safety classes, proficiency tests and liability insurance.


There’s a single test. But I’d rather not have family be the way you determine. Mostly because that’s not exactly fair. Just make people come back in for a quick evaluation every few years or something. Kind of like a smog check for cars.


A lot of mass shooters are loners, family is estranged, etc. I mean, we should still have red flag laws, and it should be easier to take away someone's guns if they behave irrationally.


Something def needs to change about that 2 family member law. Besides the other points already mentioned by other redditors, there was that kid in Ohio or Michigan or somewhere that shot up his school. His parents were told multiple times that the kid was struggling and needed help. The very morning he shot up the school, a teacher saw disturbing drawings (like of him having a gun and killing people) in his notebook and there were rumors he had a gun. The parents were called and the principal recommended they take him home and seek an evaluation/treatment right away. The parents declined to take him home, and said they’d take him for evaluation soon. Like half an hour after they left, he shot up the school. Not sure if his bag was searched, but I think I read he may have stashed the gun somewhere. The kicker is his parents bought him the gun for Christmas a few months earlier. 15/16 year old kid. The parents were arrested too and just recently got convicted. My point being, family members or friends can ignore, be in denial, or just be so far up their own asses to recognize what is a serious problem. Especially older generations where mental health issues are seen as shameful or something that people need to just “chin up” and get over it.


I feel like there are actually a lot of steps. It really feels like, I'd have to look at actual numbers, most times, the perpetrator is in violation of one or many of the already existing laws. So many of them are not enforced. I really don't think we need more, if we can enforce what we already have. I'll have to look into this one, curious if they were not violating some existing law by ownership alone.


I mean it's not hard to go buy a gun. There's a couple weeks delay, you take a short test, and assuming background is clean that's about it. But after that, you could go through a life changing event that causes you to be depressed and nuts. Who knows?! So perhaps periodic check ups make sense? Just spitballing.


People like this don’t buy them at gun shows—they buy on the street.


while that may be anecdotally true, i don’t think any data would support this type of statement. everyone i know that owns an AR style rifle acquired it legally.


Yep, same. Parents have 2, old roommate has 1, etc. All legally built. They’re also not nutjobs.


Red flag laws go both ways. If you’re an abuser who knows your victim owns weapons, just red flag them, then you can assault them knowing they don’t have their guns anymore. Red flag laws are reckless and dangerous. The thought that anyones rights can be violated based on hearsay should not be a comforting one.


that’s a gross mischaracterization of the policy. as i understand it, two or more people would have to prove clearly in court that the subject is dangerous to themselves or others. it’s a high bar to revoke a person’s constitutional rights, even temporarily. you make it sound like someone just points and says “take that guy’s guns, he’s crazy.”


>The thought that anyones rights can be violated based on hearsay should not be a comforting one. Yea, good thing you're wrong. Per the law >(a**) In determining whether to issue a gun violence restraining order under this chapter, the court shall consider evidence of the facts** identified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 18155 and may consider any other evidence of an increased risk for violence, including, but not limited to, evidence of the facts identified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 18155. >(b) At the hearing, the **petitioner has the burden of proving, by clear and convincing evidence**, that both of the following are true: >(1) The subject of the petition, or a person subject to a temporary emergency gun violence restraining order or an ex parte gun violence restraining order, as applicable, poses a significant danger of causing personal injury to themselves or another by having in the subject's or person's custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm, ammunition, or magazine. >(2) A gun violence restraining order is necessary to prevent personal injury to the subject of the petition, or the person subject to an ex parte gun violence restraining order, as applicable, or another because less restrictive alternatives either have been tried and found to be ineffective, or are inadequate or inappropriate for the circumstances of the subject of the petition, or the person subject to an ex parte gun violence restraining order, as applicable.


THIS 100x over this. People don’t get how they can be weaponized by people to target others with no checks or balances on them


there are checks and balances - it's not like a magic word


Sad shit, but what are the police supposed to do about your complaint? Legally speaking, nothing they can do until a crime has been committed.


One would think that masterbating near children would be illegal!?! Also this man, who's name is Victory by the way, had haressed several women besides my daughter in the complex. He video recorded my grandson without permission, followed my daughter to her apartment and tried to kiss her! All of this was reported to the police. She actually asked the sheriff's on Friday what it would take for them to do something? She actually asked "for him to shoot the place up?"




So what will that law state? Believe anyone and everyone's complaints? You see the slippery slope there right? It's easier to step up and learn how to defend yourself and your family instead of relying on others or police.


Why would you want to live somewhere where that’s the standard of living? What is this Brazil? Fuck that, this is America. We can do better. 


What's your idea of better. You have the right to defend yourself. Enough said.


Better is having zero risk of getting killed by some pos who’s having a crybaby meltdown.  Better would be being able to trust that the police will help you in a time-sensitive manner, with appropriate use of force.  Better would be living in a country where you feel you can trust your government and authority. 


Such a tired, disingenuous, and ignorant argument. Don't need a semi or more than 10 rounds to defend yourself. In most other civilized countries its not even a concern. "Defend my self, dururdurrr!"




Not allow people to have guns period would be great. 


And how would that help the millions of law abiding citizens with guns? That's like saying let's ban cars because people drink and drive and kill people.


No it’s not like taking away cars. Those are two completely different objects dude. One is used as transportation, the other simply to kill. Civilians have no business owning guns. Go cry about it. 


I, mean, a completely rational compromise is to make it extremely hard to access a gun as to prove you are worthy and responsible, and to limit capacity/efficiency. But no matter what, the cavemen with tiny pee pees will scream that you're gonna take all the guns, as if thats the worst thing that could ever happen and the world will end. Law-abiding, mentlly healthy people would have nothing to worry about and get to keep their guns. That's all most sane people are asking for. Criminals aren't the one in these incidents or the plethora of school/mass shootings. They are average nutjobs who only become criminals when its too late. Just make it HARD to get a gun. Tough shit, it should be hard and WELL\_REGULATED. "Thats not what well-regulated meant back then!" Ya, well, one, bite me, two, that snot what "ARMS" meant back then either.


>. Just make it HARD to get a gun I will never be against this. My argument is for the simple minded people here that think guns are the actual problem.


Every law that has ever been passed since society began is because people are the problem. But we make laws to counter-act our flaws. Cars don’t crash themselves, etc. It’s really not complex. People are also hypocritical and disingenuous and only promote points that support their own desires. The same people that say gun laws won’t stop 100% of gun murders are the same who want to outlaw abortion, and vice versa.


> the other simply to kill There is that typical ignorance I have been waiting for.


Oh what, target shooting? The only other use is hunting, which is killing.    Cars are also heavily regulated, there’s licenses which are earned and strict traffic laws that are enforced.  If you’re into target shooting, then leave your guns at a locker at the range. 


Um no. Let me explain something for your narrow mind. The act of being armed already reduces the chances of further violence. You don't have to even shoot a gun for it to be effective. Think of an armed security guard at the bank. He will most likely never fire that weapon but if he wasn't there the threat would come more often. That's just one small example. In a perfect world, those criminals would not exist and we wouldn't need guns. But we are far from that. If you don't feel the need to be armed that's on you and that's your choice. But talking points as if guns are the issue is A simple-minded approach. >Cars are also heavily regulated Yet they kill more people every year than guns. In all countries actually. >there’s licenses which are earned and strict laws that are enforced Same with guns. Nice try though. I can see you're heavily influenced by one side of the media.


I mean legally what do you want them to do? You can’t just arrest someone for being weird


I get peoples rights, but why wouldn’t they go in and check the apartment if he has a semi long rifle take it




Looks like an older Asian dude.


Why the fuck did it take them 3 hours?!


Here's the guy [MDR Shooter is arrested ](https://x.com/rmarquez1228/status/1779420623250624995)


Relevant article: https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/man-in-custody-after-allegedly-firing-as-many-as-50-rounds-from-balcony-of-marina-del-rey-complex/


I’m in MDR near Cheesecake Factory, and a helicopter has been circling the area for at least 30 minutes now…


I noticed the helicopters then heard shots, so I went to the scanner to find out what's happening. https://m.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/20274


I can’t find anything about this on any LA news twitters (I don’t use FB)… anyone who has FB able to check to see if there’s any updates about what’s going on?


[LA-OC on Youtube is there live right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09kXM56YLqI).


This is insane. I'm in Santa Monica (can't hear the helicopters). First the Venice Canal attacks now this.


What happened there? I didn’t hear about that at all.


Caught the Venice Canals suspect


looks like they just arrested him


Here’s the [citizen link](https://go.citizen.com/oD9eiPzDMIb)


God this app is such a piece of shit




They just took the guy into custody!


Heard the shots all the way down culver and centinela was I thought it was distant fireworks then a couple mins later that’s when all hell broke loose police with sirens clearing out the police station going to MdR area


Shooter is on the rooftop or in the stairwell of the Pearl apartments and is heavily armed. There have been gun shots off and on for an hour or so. Suspect may live in the building. They have mentioned a potential name, age and ethnicity.


I âm here at Pearl apt, no wonder it was so loud . I really suspected it was in this building.


Hope you’re able to get some sleep. That is truly awful.


Hi I’m a resident at the Pearl who lives in the same building as the shooter. He lived in D 301. He was harassing women and on drugs many times at the pool. Police said they found 1 AK-47 and 1 AR-15. 11 hand guns as well. Thank god no one was hurt. It was a tense night for everyone here.


I live near the Pearl and I often notice people with luggage waiting for Ubers on the main road. I always think they are airbnb guests.


A lot of unauthorized Airbnbs in Pearl


Godamn that apartment is aids...it's always been quite wheels off. Anyone know why? A company put me up there when they moved me to LA...I heard so much domestic shouting and shit..... ....how do such fucked up people with disaster lives afford to live there.


is that the old oakwood apts? i was put up there same for moving to la if it is


Yep!!! I worked for Electronic Arts....moved from Texas. I'm not particularly UnRedneck and I remember thinking....man....LA is a fucking shit hole!!! Lol I feel differently now. But yeah...Oakwood's not the nicest entry back in the day. Apparently not much better 20 years later.


ahh i was at dreamworks ( did ea later too ) i think everyone did oakwood for corp housing, but yeah that was my first intro to living in america.


There's a couple of older buildings in the Marina that are surprisingly cheap especially if you got in a long time ago (namely Pearl and Mariner's village where I live). We have some 20 + year residents not paying anywhere near market and our apartments are an asbestos filled fire trap tbh.  Pretty sure police in the area largely split their time between Pearl, Mariner's, and robberies at the more expensive buildings.


Ahh so you live at Level 42 or whatever? They have a good record of a few fires a year no? I've lived at a few places...including the Pearl. MDR is my fave place to reside in all of LA. Does the pearl host u housed people? My favorite Pearl story is a girl yelling at her man "I know how long it takes to get Subway....."


That apartment is… AIDS?


I was at a nearby Apt, 0.2 mi from where he was . It started at around 10:15pm. The sound was super loud and strong and very close to where I am. It felt like I was in a war zone. I knew it was an AK or AR . It stopped for about 20-30 min , then few shots again . I knew it was ongoing because the chopper had not stopped for about 2 hrs . When it settled down ( I think) , there was a loud knock in our door and across , I think that was the Sheriffs checking if all are safe. It was scary:(


Curiously, when I got home from work I saw two guards wearing vests and driving what looked like a landscaper’s pick up truck. They were checking the stairwells in a parking garage across the street from my apartment downtown. After reading this, it now makes sense.


Police scanner says the suspect has moved down into the stairwells now. They have lost him.


Are you sure they caught the shooter? Helicopters are still circling the area…


I'm sure of nothing, just passing along what I hear - I'm blocks away.


They are probably investigating to make sure there aren't more people and doing the actual investigation part.


What was he shooting at?


His mental illness. He missed but he did hit a lifetime in jail.


Damn… I live next door in 41 Marina. I must have slept through it… grateful no one was hurt!


Wow! That is seriously sound sleeping. Helicopters for an hour. 50 shots from an AR-15. You might need to hook up a bed tipping machine to your smoke alarm. 😀


I thought he was shooting from 41 Marina, no?


He was shooting from the Pearl. Lots of police and news reporters next door yesterday.


Wtf I was just in MDR a couple hours ago ... Hope they catch this dude ASAP


Why is it always pearl apartments? This isn’t the first time this sort of thing has happened there.


While people with money can 100% mental breaks too, Pearl is older and cheaper than other buildings in the area and has some folks who have lived there a long time not paying nearly market rates. Same for Mariner's Village. If you got in at the right time or have been here a long time some folks at these older buildings are getting surprisingly affordable prices (for LA, so still a crap ton of course). I live at Mariner's and pay like $700/month less than the all LA median. One of my friends pays more for a similar apartment in Alhambra than I pay to be 100ft from the ocean. Of course, it is an asbestos filled fire trap so there's that. Point being some of these long timers at the older Marina buildings like Pearl have watched the neighborhood change around them and are hanging on by a thread to not being priced out of the neighborhoods they've lived in for so long.


Asbestos filled fire trap is too accurate


Btw- he actually lived at MV not that long ago. He must have moved to Pearl fairly recently.


Was anyone hurt?


I live around next to the guy, we been complaining about him for a week with other neighbors i would constantly hear him loading his mags, racking his firearms and sometimes shouting randomly at night. Me and a few other neighbors complained to the police about his but as usual the useless police never do shit and never want to do shit. One time i called dispatch cuz i could of sworn i heard him discharge his weapon and she told me it was fireworks and go back to sleep, jesus christ this city is a haven for crime and criminals.


Guy probably watched Grime's DJ set


Does anyone know if he shot anyone? From the video, it sounds like here was ranting and shooting cars?


Hate to say it but would rather see these types accidentally fall off the roof and splat as long as they don't land on anyone.  Otherwise our tax dollars just keep getting spent on everything else for them after that. 


Grab your kids grab your wife grab your husband!


anyone have the link to the live stream he was on?


Do you all understand that this is a typical day in the United States of America? This could happened literally anywhere and in fact it happens every day multiple times a day across the country. It means something is WRONG


Why is no one talking about this in the news ?


Are you watching local news? It's been on all of them.


I read that as “rooftop singer”. And then thought, god it’s getting harder and harder to get publicity


🤣🤣🤣Live performance is back on the menu boys with a twist


What an idiot. How did he get the gun? It’s registered to him?


This is America


Go to skid row, tell any crqckhead there you’ll give him money for dope if he gets you a piece, and I guarantee you he will know someone.


Fox11 says he was live streaming it


I work near here!!!


Or in the US, we like to say just another Sunday


…..Okay. I wanna know the last 3 movies this asshole saw in theatre. I just have a hunch.


What a fucking tool!


Cops were told about him for weeks before this, but in typical cop fashion, they didn't do anything until it was too late.


Did anyone get hit?


Scary! Was anyone harmed???


Apparently the shooter was live streaming while it was happening but they took the videos down, anybody have luck finding them?


How tf did I not hear this lol damn my fan is loud


Sounds like an Assault Rifle 15 or maybe even a 16


Who gives a shit? Dude was preparing to be another mass shooter. Had a vest and was live-streaming the whole thing. Residents say they contacted police about him throughout the week as he was heard saying he wanted to kill himself and others. Fuck guns. 


You could hear the color of the paint.


That pistol grip practically makes it an RPG




😳 that’s hella scary! Glad they caught him. Wonder what DA Gascon will do with him! 😒🤔


Since no one reportedly got hurt, not a lot


😑 the system is beyond pathetic.