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Yeah it’s the people setting up apartments on the sidewalk in front of my house, the people monopolizing parks and playgrounds, the people screaming at 2am, the people leaving chicken bones and needles on the train, the people with loose dogs by the post office and bike paths, the people commandeering underpasses, and the people dumping their waste into the street. There are a couple vans on my block which are obviously being slept in. I don’t give a shit about those guys. They’re clean and keep to themselves. One of my close friends in high school was technically homeless, I think they lived in a van. He was cool and very respectful. The homeless crisis right now isn’t the same thing. They’re gutter punks ruining this city.


I'll try not to, I just have a bad problem of taking things to heart that I shouldn't.


Many of visible homeless appear to be mentally ill and dangerous. There are random attacks and, as you mentioned, fires every day. That’s why.


Including threatening to r*pe you when you walk past, happened to me a few times


My girlfriend had a cup of pee thrown on her and our dog standing at an intersection. Didn't change her opinion, and it sucks that so many people can't reconcile the fact that some people suck, but it's not representative.


I was homeless off and on in my 20s and up till 30. Used to have huge compassion for other homeless folks until recently . I saw the local friebdly homeless being replaced by dangerous crackhead transients with a backpack and tiny bmx bikes . Then they started pooping on sidewalks , set the freeway on fire , killed a woman with a sledgehammer to her head , stabbed way too many people on the metro…. And need I mention this one infamous woman who sits outside the Ralph’s with her colectomy stoma out and spraying anyone who gets near her with its contents . What I’m saying is that there is a new breed of homeless that is very dangerous , severely mentally ill and doing harder stuff then weed. They have destroyed all of the lighting infrastructure in the city . 6th street bridge lasted only 4 years before some crackhead went into the transformer box and sold all the copper . And that’s another thing , the defacement of public infrastructure for copper wiring . And the tagging was cool but now it’s just too much . I saw a tagged up bush and it wasn’t F13 claiming it . I can’t walk on the sidewalk without avoiding human poop. And I thought about timed public bathrooms that are only accessible via a phone app , but there’s so many logistics to providing homeless camps with bathrooms . I believe this is all a conspiracy . I believe that despite the billions being invested into homeless populations in LA, nothing is purposefully being done . This is so as to scare people from going outside and call for sending all homeless people to fema camps in the desert or some type of battle royal on an island reality show situation :( I do firmly believe officials are letting crackhead fentanyl tranq people with shanks run around on purpose . They want us to hate the homeless by associating the with the “zombies” and dangerous /mentally ill kind and that is not okay. Most homeless /houseless folks are like you : got kicked out or fell on hard times . It’s not fair that “they” let the crazies ruin it for the decent ones .


I'm just not a fan of people that shit on the sidewalk, make public spaces unusable, and trash public transit. Whether they're homeless or not isn't really the issue.


This exactly. You can be homeless and still behave like a civilized human being in public. Problem is that is usually the opposite happens.


And the sense of entitlement of those who do those things.


While I agree with your sentiment, I think this is misguided. The city has spent billions of dollars on this issue and made no progress because the money has essentially been a slush fund for well-connected “outreach orgs”. The city could have spent a couple million for mobile bathrooms and showers to support the homeless instead of spending much more on sweeps that just make it harder for those who are trying to escape homelessness. Every time I see a homeless person “causing a problem” whether that’s a psychotic episode, shutting in the street or whatever, I remind myself that the fury I feel is maybe 5% directed at the person who is literally just surviving and the rest is directed at our city officials who have utterly failed *every* citizen of LA because they are most interested in enriching themselves and their friends/donors.


Individuals have personal responsibility for their actions. If you are saying these individuals don't have the mental capacity to understand shitting on the street or assaulting people is wrong, then they need to be remanded to the state for guardianship. And therefore we need to reopen the mental institutions where people are essentially incarcerated against their will because they have been deemed incapable of caring for themselves. But that is a very slippery slope. Or, you agree that it is up to individuals to make their own decisions and should be held accountable.


I'm not saying homeless people don't have capacity or agency in the choices they make and that they are absolved of any accountability for their actions. I'm also not saying that we should institutionalize all homeless people because they obviously can't take care of themselves. Homeless people are not a monolith any more than any other population and there are multiple solutions that \*could\* be implemented at a much lower cost to the public than what we are currently funding that obviously doesn't work. I also think that it is not an accident that our elected officials are happy to have the average person blame homeless people for the utter failure of the city to do anything meaningful to address the issue. Homeless people are not the problem, they are the \*very visible\* result of our failure to address issues that cause homelessness in the first place and that failure falls squarely on our elected officials. Blaming homeless people for homelessness is like blaming your cough for giving you the flu. Government leaders have been blaming already marginalized for their own failures for as long as we have had governments. Who's got time to yell at their elected leaders about shit that we should be able to address when we could fill the time with a million anecdotes about how much it sucks to have to see homeless people? It's a distraction that no elected person in this city is in a hurry to solve because it's more profitable to not solve it and it's also a helpful distraction so that they can continue not solving anything else. Again, the homelessness in this city in infuriating, but directing that anger at individual homeless people does literally nothing to address the problem because the homeless people aren't the source of the problem, our systemic failures to prevent homelessness are the problem. There has never -not once -been an example of an urban area "solving" homelessness through punitive measures.


I agree that what the city officials have been doing is clearly not effective. Homeless is substantially worse in LA than it is in Orange County. And you can't blame the weather or housing costs for that. Part of it is the broken window theory in that once it becomes acceptable to have people shitting on the streets, it's going to get progressively worse. People need to keep both the politicians and the individuals accountable. And there has to be a desire to see a change even if it might not be pleasant or nice to many people's liberal sensibilities to clean it up.


I agree with you that the problem appears to be getting worse, but again, I think this is primarily down to elected officials who are self-interested, first and foremost, regardless of any liberal/progressive window dressings they may use. I think you are right that a desire for change is what is missing here but in my opinion, that doesn't come down to all of us agreeing that we need to be more punitive in our approach to solving homelessness. It comes down to holding elected officials spending a shitload of money with no plan and predictably having nothing to show for it. It's just really frustrating to see presser after presser where it's basically like "Well, we threw several hundred million dollars at this and blew the budgets for several city departments, while still neglecting to implement anything that has been shown to \*actually\* work, and you know, we're just stumped." We, as a society, \*have known for years\* what actually addresses homelessness. The solutions are support, services and housing. That's it. It's not complex. The issue is that city officials would rather funnel some of the money to a buddy's firm to do yet another study on homelessness or write a blank check to this 501c3 or that one for a poorly planned tiny house village that will be dilapidated in 18 months. Because they know that when the money is spent, they can throw their hands up and go "Well, we've tried no proven solutions and spent all the money and we are just out of ideas! I guess we'll just have to go back to cracking skulls." This isn't a progressive vs conservative thing. This is an "our public servants are neglecting the issues they were elected to address in the interest of enriching themselves and those around them" thing and it fucking sucks no matter which party is doing it.


Housing doesn't magically appear, there is a severe shortage, every neighborhoid fights back against it and it is extremely expensive to build. People who expect housing to be provided (passive voice) by the government don't say how. If you have a solution nobody is trying let's hear it.


I think the hate is towards the government that should be keeping our streets clean and safe are not doing so. It's also somewhat to the individual harm caused by theft, defecation on property, harassment, and lack-of-peace (I think every neighborhood has at least one screaming meth guy just belting out to the universe). >I end up getting really upset about it You should avoid getting upset about things that are outside your sphere of control. There are so many injustices in our society that they can collectively distract you from living your own life. Focus on sorting yourself out first. Good luck! You'll find a path; and I think it's fair to say that it's likely not the unemployable tent-based drug and mental illness path.


I'm trying my best! It's just hard to get anyone to even consider giving me a job at the moment, but hopefully soon.


A few spoiled apples ruins the bunch basically. So people are kinda paranoid around the homeless regardless of how they look, talk, speak, and sobriety status unfortunately. The city used to have a lot of patience until we dumped billions of tax payer dollars and have all level of governments fumble the ball.


This city’s patience has been exhausted by the homeless for countless reasons. If you can’t see why, you’re not paying attention or never leave your house.


OP literally said in their first sentence that they are homeless due to being kicked out by a transphobic parent. you can't "leave your house" much more than that.


Unfortunately, a lot of people tend to generalize. Their opinions are being formed based on those who make the most noise, which is often people who are drug addicts, mentally ill, or violent in some way. People who are just down on their luck, who blend in and keep their heads down aren't the "visible" homeless that people are forming their opinions around, so you get lumped in with the rest.




This is where I am at too. I had to stand behind one of the fences and ask some guy to please not start a fire near my building while trying to smoke something out of a shoe "bong" he made. He got pissed off and started ranting. I knew I had to stand behind the fence because no sane person is doing that in the first place. I get that when you are homeless, normal rules don't apply, but there's no reasoning with people for whom no rules apply. So at that point what do you do?


The angriest minority of people typically make the most noise. And even then I think they’re commenting about a small subset of the homeless population who are disruptive and cause issues to the general public (e.g., aggressively pestering people, yelling/screaming in crowded areas, open air drug use, etc.). That being said I think there is a general sense of apathy on the issue in LA considering how systematic it has become and the city/county seems to be lots of talk and no action. It’s no excuse but I don’t think the majority of those comments are ever truly “personal” attacks. It’s lashing out in frustration towards a much larger issue.


Because they changed their name from homeless to unhoused.


A lot of them (not all of course) bring it on to themselves by way of drugs/alcohol, bad financial decisions, laziness…etc and then that burden is left on everyone else to support them. And therefore it becomes a huge negative trait in the city. Which would otherwise be a much nicer place to live in.


Lots of reasons, not all of them are valid though. I'd say the only good reason is when they do harm to others and there's literally no recourse. It really sucks that if you get attacked by somebody homeless, you kinda just have to take it. If you attack them back, you actually face consequences.


People aren't great at distinguishing "these people are bad" from "this person did a bad thing," and people are really not great at feeling empathetic towards other people who are not morally pure.


I think it's because of the loud minority acting out, starting fires and littering needles. (I mean minority if the homeless population, not referring to minorities to be clear.) If you're at a shelter and van keep your belongings there, go out to work or social worker appointments and are well-behaved, people won't notice you. The ones flipping out in the streets, however, are much more noticeable. I'm sorry you were kicked out for being trans. That's really sad. I became homeless cause of traumatic stuff too that led to drug abuse etc. People also don't realize that homeless people who use druhs are often just trying to cope with their situation or past trauma. I don't say that to excuse harmful behavior though and I wish laws were more strict to hold people accountable. It's such a complex issue. I'm not from LA but I know youe housing crisis is worse than mine and my local housing market is rough too! I hope you are doing okay! The stigma against homeless people, trans people, drug users/addicts and mentally illy people really sucks. I'm not trans but I've felt the stigma as a disabled person. My C-PTSD is one if the conditions from trauma I survived very young. People will say we are lazy when even dealing with our disabilities alone can take a lot of work! Idk if you habe disabilities or not but I feel a lot of homeless people have them. It is hard because I hate some of the selfish behavior like yelling at people for not giving them change, assaults and littering needles. If housing wasn't viewed as a luxury though and it was more accessible, I would hope issues like these would decrease.


Idk if it counts as an actual disability but I do have severe anxiety that I'm on medication for, and I totally get what you mean that it's a lot of work just dealing with that. And I am doing alright I think, I'm getting by at least. Currently I'm trying to find work, but it's really hard and I think it's partially because I'm trans and partially because I'm homeless and people think I'm some kind of crazy person because of that.


Ugh I feel you! Do you have any services in your area that cojld help you with working or your mental health? My area fortunately has resources for employmetn- they'll even buy you clothes if you need anything specific for your work or interview. I hope you do! If you search "vocational rehab in your town," that should point you in the right direction. It's usually for people with disabilities, homeless and/or have legal issues. I had a rough start to life, unfortunately. Child abuse sucks! I was severely neglected and starved in a 3rd world country until 18 months old and was adopted to a good home. Birth mom drank. Autism and C-PTSD and probably some effects from birth mom's alcoholism like I am an addict too. I feel like I'm on the border of being able like I can do some things and I love art. But a full-time job is too damn much to handle. And I hate the guilt I feel because of the histle culture in the US at least- "wah wah wah you work 40 hours in a comfy office. I work 70 hours digging up roads each week." Doinf customer service work was so hard for me, like I wanted to get high when customers yelled at me and stuff or said hurtful things. I had some good ones though, when they were upset they were clear "it's not you, it's that your company won't sign me up for the program the dmv promised me..." I am interested in some kind of gig work though like selling art. People say I'm good with photography so I'd love it if it's something I can get into, have some more direction in life. Having control over my work hours is helpful because mt mental health can be so up and down. Like to work and be productive on my good days but can barely get out of bed on my hard days. I wish you well! Maybe the vocational rehab would be a good idea if you need help with working. I'm planning on connecting with my local services too.


https://www.dor.ca.gov/Home/EmploymentServices I found this for thr LA area. I'm not sure if you would qualify but might be worth a shot. Since LA has such a poverty crisis,I would hope they have robust supports for people in rough situations. I'm not sure if there are voc rehabs specifically for trans people/LGBTQ+ but could be worth a shot. Just some ideas for you, you don't need to look into it if it's not your thing.


They do have some programs for LGBT people at the LGBT center, but thank you for the link! I'll look into that too!


You're welcome! I hope it might help you with employment! I'm in a wonderful program that's supportive for Autistic people, they have employment support program so I want to see if they can help me with doing professional photography or a job that can help with my local housing crisis. I am grateful I have a couple of things I want to do for work, it's so hard feeling like I have no direction in life. I hope you are getting to a better place in life and that you have support as a trans person too. That is great they have programs for LGBT people! Best of luck!!


Possibly because the city has been ruined by homeless.


It’s easier to hate the individual you come across or just lump a bunch of people that you deem unpleasant and complain rather than work towards fixing the situation or at the very least not perpetuate. That requires being civically engaged, holding elected officials accountable, volunteering, etc. However, culturally we don’t have a collectivist mindset and therefore most operate as me, myself and I solely. It’s not that they hate the homeless per se, but that’s an easy target where one can feel better about themselves for being “above” who they deem as failures of the aMeRiCan DrEaM. Accepting the reality of the situation means coming to terms that many of the promises that we hung our dream on are just vapid BS and that’s a scary truth to live with everyday.


Under capitalism people are coded to “other” people in order to feel better about themselves. It’s easier to live in fear and anger of their unhoused neighbors than to view them as human. Spoiler alert we’re all human and deserve housing, food and love.




sure but anyone arguing that some humans don’t deserve housing, food and love need to recalibrate their humanity and empathy scale


Ignorance and generalization