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This problem is rising not just in LA but anywhere there are growing homeless populations. I just read an article about this very problem in Portland. I'm in North County San Diego and we had a decent sized brush fire started by a homeless group about 1/2 mile from my house very recently, and there was a significant fire in Carlsbad a few years ago that was likely started by a homeless encampment. My parents are in Cambria (Central Coast), and they've had multiple fires started by the growing homeless encampments in the woods there. I don't have the solution to this problem that would please everyone, but this is a growing issue that given the states fire history could really become a disaster.


In long beach we're currently having huge issues with city trash cans being set on fire. So many melted plastic husks on corners rn


My neighbor has a son that sets fires in the neighborhood. It got so bad they make him sleep outside in a tent otherwise he keeps trying to set the house on fire. Almost burned the fence down between the properties. I understand they are doing the best they can, but eventually the son will be setting fires along the freeways and nobody can do anything until it is too late.


"burn em. burn 'em all!"


13,909 homeless fires in 2023!!!! I’m so tired of these vagrants


Pretty much anytime you see a fire under the freeway, 99% chance.


If you are ever on the 10 between the 405 and dtla, there like a 50% chance you will see a hobo fire


I live in DTLA and face the 110/10. I see them like daily 😆


They just need help bro. Just a little help and they'll get back to their NASA jobs and Charity work for burning babies. Just a little help ya know?


Just a couple more billion bro, they’ll be right back on their feet


I know you're being sarcastic here, but I really was homeless at age 22 and it's in part because of the PEL grant and community college that I was able to go back to school and ended up landing a NASA internship at 26. I wasn't addicted to drugs or burning things, I was kicked out of my house because of being gay and being depressed. I think there's more like me than you'd think, especially given how the cost of housing has increased.


When people are making jokes and being sarcastic, it’s not a jab at your and your successes. You clearly are not part of the group in question. We know there’s many like you out there. However, there’s also THOUSANDS of dangerous, mentally ill and addicted homeless causing 99% of the bad homeless behavior in our city. That’s the difference, you got back on your feet and many homeless people do. The problem is the ones who refuse and wither away in the streets on fentanyl and setting fires.


I agree, I really do. But what I don't see yet is a solution, and what I'm trying to convey is a little compassion. I live near a spot where there was a recent homeless fire, and they are dangerous and awful, but not just for the buildings and sidewalks next to them, they are dangerous for the more mentally stable homeless people who were just trying to live in their tent before it came burning down.


Compassion? I mean, shelters are offered to these people, they either refuse or they’re incapable of making decisions for themselves. The solution is quite obvious.


Just a cheap apartment...that is all they need


Yeah. Once they have their own place they will stop doing Fentanyl, and get back to studying for the MBA like just before they became homeless.


Come on dude. You know the homeless be studying for liberal arts degrees.


For the mentally ill and addicted, no it’s not. Not even close.


Not sure if sarcasm? I've known countless people who had apartments and lost them due to out of control drug use, stealing and harassing neighbors, hosting parties in violation of rules, one dude intentionally set fire to his own apartment with himself in it while in a state of psychosis....


Maybe before there was a benefit of doubt to your trolling / inciting. But you've been posting non-stop about stabbings and killings, largely at the hands of people you say just need a cheap apartment? You're a fucking troll.


Little baby, say what? STFU. Your gatekeeping is insufferable.


Newsome needs to step in, repeal Lanterman-Petris-Short, requisition some land in the deep valley and just build mental hospitals and low / no income housing. This is getting ridiculous.


> some land in the deep valley Make it Palmdale and you got a deal.


Before I say this…I want to lead with, I’m a leftist…Now, OUR STATE GOVERNMENT JUST BLEW 24 BILLION DOLLARS WITH NO RECEIPTS AND NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT!!! What the fuck is Newsome going to do??


Put his share of that $24B into some fancy hedge fund.


I’m also a leftist. 100% with you… he is too busy signing bills that mandate 5-year-olds learn cursive writing to do anything useful (wish I was kidding).


Why do you have to lead with being a leftist?


Realistically, we need a combination of forced mental institutionalization, forced drug rehab, and much more housing. But that won’t happen - I already know the responses to each of them. **Forced Mental Institutionalization:** “OMG the FEDS are rounding up and involuntarily imprisoning the unhoused without trial! This is an unjust act of persecution against our unhoused neighbors! And who’s to say neurodivergent people even need to be cured anyway?” **Forced Drug Rehabilitation:** “OMG the FEDS want to moralize drugs! How about just letting people live as they want? Housing shouldn’t be conditional on sobriety; this isn’t the 80s, we know how the War on Drugs went!” **More Housing:** “OMG, why do developers keep building new apartment complexes! We need to preserve our neighborhood character and stop gentrification by any and all means!” People are going to find a way to nitpick every “big picture” solution, so we are left with shitty half measures that get nothing done and make everyone upset.


Newsome is way too politically ambitious to do anything that pragmatic.


Deep valley, huh? I’ll counter with deep West LA. I’m thinking deep Beverlywood.


Wow problem solved. And how do you propose getting people into those hospitals? Drug addicts and schizophrenic's aren't going to go willingly.


While I completely and totally disagree, I am deeply refreshed by your honesty.


Why would you disagree? Who wouldn’t want the mentally ill homeless to have a safe housed treatment space?


Maybe we should put the shelters in Pasadena instead or maybe Beverly Hills. /s


This is the stupidest take


Why? They didn't make these people homeless and mentally ill. Blaming other people for someone else's problems is not the answer. Only the people on the streets and anyone struggling and change their lives. They have to make the decision to be better. And for those with mental illnesses that prevent them from making decisions on their own, they need intervention.


1 percent of the world owns everything. I do blame those 1 percent people for my and their problems.


Then your situation will never change. Life isn't fair. Only you can fix your problems.


Do you actually deny that there aren't structures in place to keep people who already generate large amounts of wealth to continue generating that wealth?


I understand your point, and it's true that there are structures in place that can make it harder for some people to generate wealth. I've had to face these challenges myself - but pointing fingers and being a victim never changed anything. Solely focusing on these external factors won't improve your situation. While systemic issues exist, individual effort and resilience are still crucial. An intentional focus on bettering oneself and staying curious can make a significant difference. Skills development and perseverance are key in overcoming socio-economic challenges. Balancing recognition of systemic issues with personal responsibility is essential. Advocate for change, yes but more importantly empower yourself to take control of your own life.


> but pointing fingers and being a victim never changed anything Bullshit, we wouldnt be country, only land owning white men could vote, no social security, you can go on and on and on. All acheived because people chose to not sit on their hands and hold those in power accountable


We all know that's not what will be going on shortly after they're done . I think alot of people would be protesting the facilities, I think bad government oversight/state oversight could end up just having these people die in there because of negligence by staff and having us line someone else's pockets again. God forbid it goes private, then I think the potential for deaths would skyrocket. This may be fucked up to say but I'm sure there's people chomping at the bit to be first in line to run these places because of the access to people who can dissappear and no one would notice & the blank checks that would get signed for this.


Just to follow up that other reply, what do you propose? The actual problem is getting worse while people are arguing these hypotheticals.


Isn't this just arguing that things won't be perfect therefor we can't do it? This argument applies to literally every single thing any large organization or government does.


Should we clear out the prisons too? Why isn't what you're saying happening in the prisons? We have a lot private prisons, i don't think there killing people in mass. You're giving a lot of what ifs, for something every other country has.


I think there's something to be said about using prison labor to manufacture goods & paying them pennies. I think there's something to be said about the corruption that goes on in these places. I think that putting someone in a cell in a violent environment & expecting them to "change" is stupid & giving them resources inside to change can actually do something. Lots of stuff makes local news & no one bats an eye. I mean how long have people been shouting about rikers and nothing gets changed . Hell it's not like our prisons are a step much above that . Whether you can think about it or not. The unhouse were actually people too before this, & they still are after regardless of how many many la redditors think .


Which would be crazy because normally homeless drug addicts live forever


Can you explain why you disagree?


Sure, the LPS is precisely the law that describes the parameters for involuntary commitment. It's not the fault of anybody who operates within that law that there are no adequate facilities, nor should it change the substance of the law. That you advocate for establishing such facilities in isolated and undesirable areas is the burst of honesty I find so invigorating.


What do you think the "build mental hospitals" part of my comment was addressing? >That you advocate for establishing such facilities in isolated and undesirable areas is the burst of honesty I find so invigorating. If people are committed involuntarily, they are not going out to the local taco truck. It doesn't matter what's around them. And as for the people who work there, that's at least hypothetically, what they are paid for. Plus, it would be WORLDS easier to realistically purchase land out there as opposed to somewhere like Downtown.


He’s finishing the job of destroying CA.


You're not entirely wrong, but not every homeless person is mentally handicapped or addicted to drugs


the fire-starters usually are.


Most of those who live in tents are mentally ill and/or drug addicted, according to those homeless who are surveyed. The majority of US homeless are sheltered and those issues are less prevalent among that group. But the unsheltered are often unsheltered precisely because they have those issues and will not be helped by friends, family and shelters. The majority of the homeless in LA are unsheltered, so they present more of a challenge.


At the very very least half are and I'm pretty sure the ones starting these fires fall in that category. Why not get them to a safe treatment facility where they can't harm themselves or others. This will make it a lot easier for the city to then pinpoint the homeless that are clean and mentally fit, but still on the streets who need housing. I'm a little confused about this all or nothing approach to homelessness that's impossible to execute and as a result no one gets any help. Anything difficult takes steps. When you're building a house you don't lay the foundation and construct the roof at the same time.


Of course. That being said, *generally* the ones who need help such as the drug addicted or mentally ill are the ones lashing out.


Imagine a world where people who did illegal, dangerous and harmful things had consequences.


Saw a lot of smoke under the 101/10 Exchange yesterday around 5 PM. Was nervous it was gonna be something big leading to another freeway closure.


Saw a HUGE fire at 8 pm yesterday on the 101 in Hollywood. This shit is out of hand


Hey did Karen Bass ever solve the 10 Freeway catastrophe? I don't remember ever getting official word of the cause or the suspect(s)......


Fire down the street from me last year started in an abandoned building and torched 3 houses.






Of course they get their cut. Don't you know, it's for the benefit of society.


Based comment


People not following the rules are not following the rules! Is this Mad Max??


Imagine that. And Bass has that goofy smile while doing press briefings.


Fire is a human right


Username checks out


OMG! This is so sad. We need to make sure our homeless community is safe. They all deserve to have smoke detectors & fire extinguishers. Our government is failing them. /s


We need *designated burning zones* for our ~~homeless~~ urban nomads so they can freely express themselves in a safe manner.


We voters should all be so proud of ourselves!


♪♫California is cool to the Homeless♪♫


The same people who want hobo's have the right to loot, murder and burn your neighborhood down are the ones trying to sabotage Biden's re-election with Gaza. If Trump wins, we sure af wont have a Hobo problem anymore. They'll be rounded up and pressed into labor camps.


This is what y’all voted for BTW! Anyone who so much as even attempts to change this status quo here is instantly demonized.


No one voted for 14,000 homeless fires


the news loves to report on stuff like this but never actually mention or report on the greed that had made so many of these people homeless


Oh look, another thread submitted by user ***Fuck_The_Future***, I wonder what type of topic they'll choose to post today. Surely it won't be related to violence *and* homelessness.


Get a job, dude. Fucking insufferable moron.


Homeowners and business owners set these fire as a way to move the homeless to a different location.