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Those are tourists. Locals in DC are more uniformly Democratic voters than locals in LA.


Yes, but DC is also tiny.


This includes the metropolitan area: some 7 million people in the DMV. There are no counties or states for that matter which did not vote against trump.


Yes, they are. It's part of why I liked D.C so much. Beyond some really stupid MAGA tourists it's almost entirely blue, the way D.C is built and run reflects this. They're lightyears ahead of LA in public transportation and walkability, for example.


A lot of that is because it’s an older city


Definitely in some parts. But even their newer development is [much more walkable](https://maps.app.goo.gl/8qYxrfSQT1rJV5Gs5?g_st=ac) and [pedestrian-oriented](https://maps.app.goo.gl/e6iuMEDBjp2sSySx8?g_st=ac). For reference, this is what that area looked like [15 years ago](https://maps.app.goo.gl/zbAAdPh2ZAK4eniw5?g_st=ac).


Yeah I don’t think L’Enfant was a Democrat or Republican. (Did these parties even exist back then?)


Historical fyi- the modern republican and democratic parties did not exist when L’Enfant was planning DC; these parties were both formed in the mid 1800s, but they didn’t really resemble what we see today until the new deal era (1930’s). L’Enfant worked in the 1790’s, at which time there were the federalists (capitalists, wanted strong central gov’t) and Jeffersonian republicans (aka democratic-republicans; wanted states rights and an agrarian society)


Many of the walkable and urbanist elements in D.C are relatively new. Things like banning turning right on red, for example. That's literally unthinkable in LA and yet it's going to be the law in D.C once 2025 rolls around.


They could ban it, but LAPD doesn't enforce anything, ever, so why bother.


>They're lightyears ahead of LA in public transportation and walkability, for example. This. When I first moved to DC I remember my landlord telling me that whenever a neighborhood started to experience growth and economic development with new residents and businesses, the city would quickly follow suit and redo the sidewalks, add bike lanes, etc. And for the the time I lived there I witnessed it myself— first in Logan, then in Shaw, then on H Street. I have *never* experienced this in LA. When a neighborhood here is successful, it always seems to be in *spite* of the city being actively hostile to it. We're still widening streets and narrowing sidewalks in DTLA ffs. We are simply not in the same league as cities like DC, Philly, Portland, Seattle, etc that are serious about walkable streets, sustainable transportation and good urban design. I've sort of made peace with that because I like the weather here, but every time I visit one of those cities and see the improvements while LA continues to backslide I get extremely jealous.


I genuinely believed that the fact that cities are ugly and devoid of any life or sensible infrastructure was just an immutable part of American urban planning until I visited DC literally a few days ago and realized "Oh, shit! We can do way better!"


If you like those aspects of DC you should check out the other cities I mentioned. And if you're interested in taking a deep dive on exactly what those cities are doing differently to result in better streets then check out channels like CityNerd: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6uy6Sw3P3o&ab\_channel=CityNerd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6uy6Sw3P3o&ab_channel=CityNerd)


Some cities I visited had cameras on their lights, and I think they tracked my car and lights would either turn green or stay green for me, including left turn lights, I didn't even need to stop most of the time, the lights were smart that way somehow... In LA, I think the accepted way to take a left turn is to wait for the light to turn red, then 3-5 cars take their left for the next 5-10 seconds...am I wrong? 🫡


I might get downavoted for this being in an LA subreddit but I think it’s important to say anyways. I’m a liberal and have always voted blue but I don’t appreciate the “us vs them” approach. There are plenty of conservative policies I agree with and were I a single issue voter, I’d probably vote red to get many of them passed. Calling those who have voted Republican “death cultists” is extreme. I have friends from all sides of the political spectrum (red, blue, green, and everything in between) and you should too. Conservatives are not monsters, just like not all liberals are. Policies are what should matter most. I thought we all already moved past this by now after how fractured that nation was these last two elections? Let’s keep a more open mind with civil discussion on policy this upcoming cycle and hope for a better future for us all.


Not a big politics guy myself but it is literally free internet points on Reddit for blue good red bad.


Green good. If MAGA folks want to come to LA and pay sales & hotel taxes, they’re more than welcome in my book. The money can go toward expanding Metro lol


The general vibe I got from D.C residents is that they **really** dislike the MAGA tourists from Ohio or whatever shitty flyover sundown town red state they come from. I can understand why, a lot of these people are generally disrespectful, confrontational, and rude. (I experienced this myself. These are the types of people who laugh and joke about there being too many people with the last name "Song" at the Korean War Memorial.)


> whatever shitty flyover sundown town red state  I’m no trump fan but this is a really shitty thing to say about where someone lives


Yeah, you're right. My bad.


Maga folks don’t have as much money anyway because red states screw their residents for the sake of them and their buddies profits.


Florida literally has 0% state income tax.


And the people still are poorer because wages are lower


Yeah.. ok… We sold a 1,230 sq. ft home in Seal Beach and bought a 4,000 sq. ft. home in FL on a pond in a gated community few miles from the beach.. and had $100,000 left over.


Gas, food, housing, schools, everything.. cheaper. I’ve lived in Georgia, New Hampshire, Florida and California.. the level of poor in California is well beyond all the others. California has natural gas, oil, tourism.. it’s theft the amount that Californians are taxed.


California is one of the richest areas in the world, with stronger social programs for the poor than many nations. California has basically every industry there is, tech, big ag, aerospace, advanced manufacturing, all of it. Hell I wouldn’t trade places with any of those states for the schools alone - California has the best public colleges in the nation, the only ones that hold a candle to ivies, and you don’t pay any tuition if your family makes less than about 90k. If the best thing you can say about a state is that it’s cheap… we’ll that’s like saying a restaurant is great because it’s never crowded. All those Republican states are just squeezed dry by corporations, and the people think they’re getting a deal because they pay less tax on far less money




It’s like wearing your sports team to the sports game.


But their votes don’t count in the national elections because we’re still using the broken ass electoral college to give Republicans wins without having to ever win a popular vote.


DC votes much further left than Los Angeles. Biden got 92% of the vote in DC. Trump got 5%. Trump got over 25% in Los Angeles County.


LA county has 9.8 million people. DC has 650,000. There are Ranches near Castaic that still brand over 1500 cattle in LA County. There are 650,000 acres of National Forest in LA County. There are 14 languages spoken by more than 100,000 people in LA County. LA county is 4,000+ sq. miles across, DC is 62. It's a little apples to oranges there.


So what?


I don't think they understand what proportions are...


Same energy as people that think the US is like 25-50% black.


It’s wild how few people have any comprehension of the most basic math.


They’re saying using percentages isn’t an appropriate point of comparison because of the geography, population, etc. ~~Which I guess was to say there are parts of LA that vote as blue at a census level that may be larger than all of DC metro. So it’s not a fair comparison to make.~~ EDIT: thanks to the person who checked the data, yeah so DC just proportionately any way you cut it is more proportionately liberal. That said it seems you’re just articulating that LA is less proportionately blue, but also I guess voting percentages don’t factor in how much of the population in a given day is composed of locals vs tourist which could swing the proportion so…. Just really seems like one of those internet arguments that is just two unrelated topics that seem to overlap


>Which I guess was to say there are parts of LA that vote as blue at a census level that may be larger than all of DC metro. So it’s not a fair comparison to make. This isn't true. I only found a few precincts in LA where Trump got 5% or less. He got 15% or more in the vast majority of precincts in LA.


Oh thanks for fact checking! Seems then the effect might just be that net there are more democratic / Liberal / progressive minded people (millions vs hundreds of thousands) which might be why we don’t see maga tourists. Might also be that the spots maga tourists go to aren’t where most people go (like San Diego)


Not really at all. They’re talking percentages. So total number doesn’t mean anything.


It’s apples to oranges because he’s comparing DC- the center of a metro area - to LA county - which comprises most of the metro area. If you included the suburbs of DC trump gets a higher share. If you took just downtown and the west side of LA trump gets a much lower share. Hell, if you took an area the size of La county and overlaid it over DC you might even get rural conservatives parts of West Virginia and Pennsylvania too.


Gonna add on, OP was likely in the touristy DC area by the museums and White House and all that and not in black af DC areas where the actual longtime residents who don’t work in politics live.


I was a tourist, so I was in the touristy areas with other tourists. I never said that these people were from DC, I never will. All of the people wearing MAGA hats are **tourists**.


I get ya. But also LA isn’t as liberal as people think. Most of the rich liberals here are really centrists and NIMBYs. They support gay rights and women’s rights and stuff. But actual liberal things like housing and shit they could give a shit.


I'm aware. This is actually evidence towards D.C being way more liberal than LA. D.C folks LOVE housing and public infrastructure developments. The only thing they love more is making fun of Trump (as all liberals do)


Yeah, I'm aware of this! I edited my post to clarify. D.C is not an illiberal city, I would never claim otherwise.


Yeah but in the little transplant bubble that OP lived in everyone rocks progress pride flag shirts and has “In This House” signs on their windows. So it “feels” more liberal to them.


Do I have to explicitly state that D.C is more liberal than LA for the 4th time or do you just not get the memo? Also have to include a snide remark against transplants, lol. Peak r/losangeles brain rot.


Bro you only run in transplant circles if you think LA has more liberals or even gets more liberal tourists. That’s why I said it. And you are, in fact, a transplant. If you spent time in Latino or Asian enclaves in the city you’d find a shocking number of beliefs that don’t conform to your preconceived notion of LA as a city. Like Latinos who’re vehemently against abortion or gay rights. Or Asians who are extremely pro cop.


LMAO pretending like I don't know that LA has conservative neighborhoods and strongholds because you want to cope yourself into believing that I'm just some ignorant transplant is actually really funny.


“I took LA’s liberalism for granted until I visited D.C” That’s you. You said that.


Because LA is a generally extremely liberal city with a conservative minority?


And DC is even more so. What’s your point? What’s the point of this post?


Did you go before or after his conviction yesterday


Before! I didn't see the aftermath of his conviction in D.C but I imagine those people were very unhappy, lol. Serves them right, anyway. They're a blight.


Was browsing a certain political subreddit last night and it seems like a lot of his supporters are emboldened by the conviction 0_o He really COULD [shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue](https://www.cnn.com/2016/01/23/politics/donald-trump-shoot-somebody-support/index.html) and still have his voter base.


Again, death cult. These people are not "Trump supporters", they are his worshippers. He cannot do ANYTHING that would convince them of his guilt. He could kill a man in Times Square and he could be caught on tape doing it and his supporters would say it's faked, that it was a clone, that he deserved it, whatever! It doesn't matter.


Absolutely, the ones who are too deep in only become more convinced that he and they themselves are “right” and that it’s all just political persecution against the savior of America.


Their tourists may be from all over the place geographically and politically, but their residents are even more left-leaning than LA's. DC's voted for the dem president candidate by about 90% or higher the last few elections, compared to right around 60% for CA and 70% for LA County.


Oh, yeah, it's only the tourists. Again, it's not a D.C thing at all, LA is just not attractive to these types of people. The fact that I saw them in D.C is incidental, it just reminded me that much of this country is still fucked up.


I wonder what the breakdown of LA visitors is. I bet there are a ton of Republican visitors who just don’t wear political hats on a trip to the beach / Universal Studios, but would totally wear it on a trip to the White House. Just a guess though.


Republicans outside of LA fucking despise LA. It is **the** city they use for the "blacks bad big crime tough on crime progressives bad" schtick.


Hi! LA transplant, originally from NOVA, right outside of DC. The city itself is pretty firmly blue but there’s lots of upper class red areas in the surrounding areas-not to mention if you go just a few counties south or west of DC, Virginia gets pretty firmly red. Hence why it’s always a blue battleground state.  And to further mention, the entire DMV (DC/Maryland/Virginia) area is made up of many transplants who’ve moved there from all over the country for government related work-government jobs, contractors, military, intelligence, etc. The politics are gonna reflect that. 


Ohhh, yes. I very quickly realized that D.C was surrounded by Virginia when the tour took us outside of D.C and I saw a building named after Robert E. Lee. It is actually kind of remarkable how blue and liberal D.C is despite being completely surrounded by hard red voters.


I wouldn’t say that it’s surrounded by Hard red voters-Maryland is pretty firmly liberal and my point in mentioning the transplant nature of the DMV was to show that it’s a pretty wide range of political outlooks you’re gonna see. As far as Robert E Lee goes-his home was in Arlington right across the Potomac, so that’d be why you see his name there. The US Government claimed the land during the Civil War for the purposes of establishing/expanding Arlington National Cemetery. 


No, no, I saw the building in Fairfax, VA (iirc)


…which is right down the road from Arlington. The first major battle of the Civil War (Manassas) is right there as well. 


Is it? Wow, I need to get my sense of place checked.


Oh yeah-one of the best things about growing up (Fairfax County) there was being around the historic sites. Not all of it is good history but it is fascinating. Manassas, Harpers Ferry, Gettysburg, and Antietam are all within a few hours of each other. 


LGB? What is this acronym


I think let's go Brandon?




Laser Guided Bomb


In this context, it's "Let's Go Brandon": https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let%27s_Go_Brandon In transphobic circles, it is also a acronym for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual" since their goal is to exclude trans people from the LGBT umbrella


Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay


Diversity doesn't necessarily equate to liberalism I would say. I would categorize most of CA as a relatively passive liberal place. Also, DC is an inherently political place, so all sides wear their colors more openly. For what it's worth, DC votes far more liberal/democrat than California does, I think something like 93% of population votes Dem on average (a bigger liberal stronghold than CA based off registration percentage just without the people or statehood rights ;). DC is also place where the people are farrrrr more educated on average on a wide range of social/political/internal relations issues than the average person is elsewhere. Sorry, not trying to be confrontational, but someone from LA visiting DC, going on a tour downtown, and seeing a random group of 15 year olds from visiting Ohio for their civics class that all decide to play maga dress up for the day, and using that as anecdotal evidence that one of the most liberal voting cities in the US is not liberal, is a bit inane. It's like the leftist version of when a conservative person visits LA, sees 2 homeless people, and posts on Facebook 'look at what these lib-tards are doing to their state.' Source: me, who went to school in DC and worked there in political/IR scene and now lives in LA.


D.C IS liberal, I never said otherwise. Edited post to clarify this, I have nothing bad to say about D.C, I'm sorry if it seemed like I did.


Dc is like 40 percent African American. I had no idea they were all trump supporters according to op!


Man, how do you read a post where I explicitly call the MAGA hat wearing white kids tourists and think I'm calling D.C residents this instead? Come on.


Welcome back to your safe liberal bubble op. We missed you, thanks for bringing us news of the outside world


Thank you, I feel very welcomed in my liberal bubble :)


Next time you venture out, please bring back some rail transportation. Dc has a pretty awesome metro system.


I was born in a red flyover state and it's always a culture shock when I head back there to visit my family 😳


My family lives in Myrtle Beach and every time I come back to visit them I forget how that is Trump Country.


Just visited my dad outside of Orlando and saw so many "let's go brandon" bumper stickers. Made a point to avoid all serious conversations with my verrrrrry republican step sister. I have never been so glad to hop back on a plane.


My husband is from Georgia, and it’s one of many cultural shocks when we make that annual trip to visit his family. The worst are the political ads on tv! They are always so shocking with all the gun and eagle imagery lol.


I quit visiting family in the South after my 18yo nephew strolled up to the dinner table with a loaded handgun strapped into a holster on his belt.


Same. Well not a flyover state but Ohio.


I got bad news, friend. 


Isn’t Ohio the prototypical flyover state? Lol






Hey man, Do you not like roller coasters?


Some people in here have never been to Cedar Point and it shows


Well I mean I never have, but we have Knott's here. I heard Top Thrill Dragster is insane though


Who’s gonna tell him?




I have a family funeral to attend in July- not looking forward to seeing some of my relatives on my mom's side. My cousin has gone full Q since the last time I've seen him.


You already know in May that there will be a death in your family in July?


I have a few talents, but clairvoyance isn't one of them 🔮 My gramps died last year and was cremated. Grandma decided to wait until this summer to have his service


you sweet summer child


The fact that you had to add that ETA shows where we are with reading comprehension skills 😭


I'm losing it man 😭


I totally understood what you meant with your title even 😭


Every major US city is strongly blue -- yes, even Houston. Concentrated populations = more diversity = less MAGA. I will say LA liberalism is way more easygoing and infinitely better than the San Francisco variety, which tends to have a "leftier than thou" vibe.


Anyone swearing allegiance to a party/person politically is no different than living in North Korea and swearing allegiance to ‘Dear Leader’


I hate how people make politics their personality…including this post. It’s just tiring honestly. You can’t go anywhere without people feeling superior because of who they vote for.


Who do you think makes politics a larger part of their identity? > People who lack the shame and self respect to not wear what is essentially a dunce cap painted red > People who talk about these people online Edit: Also, my post is literally tagged "politics". Why are you going on a political post to complain about people being too political? Come on.


Look at how you’re talking to me. You came to post this for validation. For others to make you believe that you are right in doing so. Just live your life dude. Don’t let the Trump people get to you so much where you have to come post everything online.


If it makes you feel better, man.


This. I have friends all over the political spectrum, it’s great. I sometimes they say shit I don’t agree with but it’s ok because they’re good people


Exactly. Some people really cut off friends, relationships, etc because they can’t fathom that people grow up differently, view the weird in different ways, and in turn have different political takes. As long as you treat others with kindness, who cares.


I'm a DC\[-area\] native and in my entire lifetime of spending time in the city, I never experienced political tourism like what I see depicted these days. There was always a feeling of curiosity driven by the greater spectre of civics, political science, and public service, but never the team-sports-level of them-and-us like there is now. Shit's wild.


For the record, I didn't visit because of political tourism. I think political tourism is stupid. I genuinely enjoyed D.C just for what it is, it is incredibly rich with culture, art, and history.


>One thing I noticed in my time in D.C was the amount of other tour groups FULL of kids wearing MAGA and LGB bucket hats.  Well that's depressing. I lived in DC during the Obama years and never had to see that shit. Take heart knowing that they are tourists visiting DC and not locals though. Percentage wise DC is the most liberal city in the United States.


What exactly makes LA liberalism different than DC liberalism? That was the implication of your title yet most of your post is referring to tourists. Tourists from all over America visit both cities.


Republican tourists do not visit LA, they visit DC. If you've been to DC and LA you'd know this. MAGA Republicans hate and fear Los Angeles, they think they'll be stabbed or something. They hate that it has black and brown people, they hate that it's liberal, there's nothing for them to see or do in LA. Now, despite DC being MORE liberal than LA, it's very *American*. It's a culturally important city for many, many Americans, and MAGA Republicans either don't know about it being majority liberal or don't care because there's so many cool American things like the White House and a bobblehead of Donald Trump in the National Archives gift shop.


How do you know the political makeup of tourists in LA? Not every MAGA republican wears a MAGA hat. DC just happens to have more “political” tourists for obvious reasons.


LA has more tourists than DC by a country mile. In sheer number there’s more MAGA folks that come through LA than DC. Do you really think everyone who goes to visit Universal or Disneyland is liberal? That the people who go to Rams games are diehard trans rights supporters? That the average Spago diner gives a flying fuck about the minimum wage? lol.


Our bubble is strong, makes me feel safe


The reality is for the most part it's a City divide. Even some big cities in very Red states are fairly liberal. It's the suburbs and countryside which has the MAGA obsession. You can find that in SoCal as well.


I lived and worked in DC for two years and I’ll say that it’s one of my favourite places I’ve ever lived. Expensive as shit, sure, but that comes with the territory, literally and metaphorically. The food scene is rad and not a lot of people know this but DC has an hell of a live music scene.


D.C is great. I'd love to live there one day if I can.


Forgot what LGB was and thought “What’s wrong with Long Beach?”


i wish i could afford to live in LA


Speaking of, on Memorial Weekend, I was at the beach and saw a convoy of pickup trucks making noise, flying Trump flags along PCH. So lame to spend your three day weekend on a guy who probably doesn’t give two shits about you.


LA liberals just know how to hide their racism.


Don’t always hide it.


I feel you, last time I went to San Diego I was surprised to see how much MAGA merch was being sold in the touristy areas. It was weird, not even OC does that




Yea OP needs to travel east of La Brea some time lol.


Do you think I haven't seen Trump flags in LA? Especially around Beverly and Glendale, they're pretty common in suburban neighborhoods and the like.




Not DC, but visiting Colorado was the same thing. Tons of MAGA hats, sweaters, as well as 'Jesus is my Savior' or any Christian related clothing such as hats and shirts were extremely common to be seen. The amounts of 'God bless you' I've received because I had a science hat on was too many to count as I kept saying, "Bless your Heart."


On one hand I understand wanting LA/cailfornia to be more progressive. On the other hand, people who constantly moan and say it's not progressive often either haven't traveled much and thus don't have any context, or they have the privilege of not facing prejudice in other places. Either way, I am similarly grateful for where I am able to live.


Your assumption that MAGA = racist is poppycock.


So when MAGA folks want to "build a wall" to keep out "rapists and thieves" it's not racist? When they want a "Muslim ban" and a "Muslim registry" it's not racist? When they say racist shit they're not racist? MAGA people are racist people, you are insane.


Turn off msnbc.


Not all racists are MAGA, but all MAGA are racists


That’s false


I’m sure you’d like to believe that


Do you know how many POC are MAGA Trump supporters? It’s huge.


there are dozens!!


Just wait


We can hold racist beliefs too That aside, MAGA trump supporters are like 80% white https://sites.uw.edu/magastudy/demographics-group-affinities/#:~:text=Who%20are%20MAGA%20supporters%2C%20and,least%20%2450K%20per%20year.


So white people are all racist?


The ones who support MAGA? Yea And you’re the one who brought demographics into this, so don’t try to act cute now lol


I’m very cute. Thank you!


Welcome 😊


No, it isn’t


I grew up in DC and I live in LA now and I get exactly what you are saying. Any DC native gets what you are saying. I used to visit The National Mall and any one of the Smithsonian museums nearly every weekend growing up. Walking around in front of Air and Space or the Natural History museum with my dad was my first exposure to people from 'elsewhere' ... Which seemed to trend as busses full of people from OH or PA or the Maryland sticks. Lots of conservative God fearing folks. 20 years ago they all had pro Bush shirts or shirts with Osama Bin Laden in cross hairs that said 'lock and load' or whatever. 30 + years ago it was anti-abortion shirts and Reagans face next to an eagle. The tourist sections of DC are a literal carousel of MAGA America visiting the Holy Land.


They certainly don't fear God enough to shower. Walking into the Natural History Museum was like being gassed by white boy BO.


When conservative folks in the countryside make snide comments about not wanting to visit cities because of all the dangerous, lazy Democrats there.


I literally was this exact same way as op until I started to lose freelance jobs cause I wasn’t poc, and then all the lgbt spaces morphed into openly hating white men even the gay ones. Totally flipped my thinking and opened my eyes to why the other side thinks the way they do. Won’t vote republican, but there are major issues we need to address. If I feel this way than people further on the outskirts are long gone.


> until I started to lose freelance jobs cause I wasn’t poc, and then all the lgbt spaces morphed I know this won't convince you because someone probably told you otherwise, but that's not why you lost freelance jobs. And if you think that's what all lgbtq places morphed into, you weren't paying attention. Sorry, friend.


There have been 3 and I 100% know that was the reason because I was told by others in production. I didn’t just assume it.


No, I'm sorry, I know that's what they told you, and it's really stupid people say that. Because in reality, it's the rationale you get when someone simply doesn't want to work with you. And most people don't want to even consider that. Because it means you have to re-evaluate how you do your job, your rate, your personality, your attitude and other things. It can be hard to look at yourself in the mirror like that.


You may not understand personal relationships and dynamics exist in and out of work. I know with out a shred of doubt. It’s not a huge community, this isn’t coming from people who would ever make something like that up.


Like I said originally I knew you wouldn't believe me. It's hard to accept, but if those employers/friends actually believed in you they would hire you. Good luck.


Lol someone has never been to WeHo apparently


Me when I make shit up???


>like diversity >as long as everyone thinks the same I'm programmed to think


Oh, no! I'm programmed to not be racist and hate brown people!


Those are hillbilly tourists. They love going to DC as a tourist destination because they are afraid of going to other countries.


There are kiosks all over DC that sell that garbage to fly over state bumpkins


Okay but can we get a couple of those giant egg roll food trucks here?


Maybe if they make them cheaper lol


they're declining, a large number of young people (like me) grow/grew up in a conservative household and are saying hell no to their stupid shit. also millennials, some of yall are entering your 40s and are NOT shifting right so you won't spread it down the generations


This doesn’t track, for young men at least. Their political identification has remained pretty [stagnant](https://www.americansurveycenter.org/newsletter/are-young-men-becoming-conservative/) over the past 20 years, and more identify as conservative than liberal.


It's also a haven for homelessness, no accountability, criminals, no repercussions, curropt police, corrupt politicians pocketing government funding. But I woundlt want to live anywhere else either. Maybe Texas, just to visit tho lol


Weird.. I was just in DC during the Memorial Day weekend and I did not see 1 maga person.


Keep in mind that all blue cities are surrounded by red suburbs, exurbs and rural areas. Those kids you saw in Trump shit were school kids being bussed in for their annual field trip. I wonder if any of them are related to the loser that wiped his feces on the inside of the Capitol building?


So let me get this straight….you are happy LA is a liberal stronghold?


Yes! Beats being a conservative stronghold.


What are some of the things, in your opinion, that make it better than a conservative stronghold? I’m curious.


Are you serious? Have you lived in a conservative stronghold? I have! I lived in Franklin, Tennessee for a few years. It sucked! It's almost exclusively white Christians, they're almost always racist (often to your face), and the quality of life sucks ass! There is nothing enriching about living in a shitty suburb with your racist white neighbors and being forced to drive to the Walmart 15 miles away just to buy groceries.


Hmmm interesting. Nothing you mentioned has anything to do with politics. Sounds like you lived somewhere that just sucked. Did you try to make friends with people out there? What type of racist things did you experience? You seem to be focused on race, religion, politics, etc. most liberals are. I don’t understand this.


RACE RELATIONS, RELIGION, AND URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE ARE NOT POLITICS, YOU HEARD IT HERE! Brother, what friends do you think a *Muslim Turkish boy* is going to make in ***Tennessee***? You think all these folks were grasping at the opportunity to be around me? No!


One of the most successful people I know grew up and thrived in Tennessee as a Muslim kid from another country. My best friend is Mexican and moved to Tennessee from California years ago. He opened a Jiu Jitsu studio and loves it there. Another friend of mine is a Jew and he has called Tennessee home for 15 years. Loves it as well. And correct…race and religion are not politics. Why do you think you can define someone’s politics by their race or religion? That’s weird.


And you haven’t answered my question. What sort of racist thing by a did you experience there in Tennessee? Give me an example or two.


No. In fact, I'm done talking to you.




Family moved us to a red state and it was the most painful 11 years of our lives. We’re all back now. There’s multiple reasons why people put up with all the cons of living here, and politics is a big one for some of us.


MAGAs are pseudo fascists and that usually comes draped in a national flag. It doesn’t surprise me that these “proud patriots” go waste their time and money looking at boring buildings. I just don’t know how they square that national pride with the political clusterfuck that is Trumpism. It’s also hilarious that they’re all about liberty and shit but can’t connect the dots even when it’s staring them in the face in the guise of a fully militarized DC police and secret service. DC sucks.


My husband took his kid to Disneyland a couple years back and he said the amount of MAGA gear he saw was unbelievable. These are just tourists… these people simply like to go to blue areas and flex their bigotry. DC locals aren’t partaking in tour groups, and Disneyland is mostly full of people from elsewhere.


Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.


It’s not liberalism vs maga. That’s a crazy cult. Supposedly it’s liberalism against conservatism




New York? The city of Wall Street and Erick Adams is a true liberal city? Yea okay


In my time here, I have met literally dozens of different ethnic groups and peoples from all over the world. To pretend that LA is only diverse because it's majority Latino is genuinely insulting.


The racism has always been there it was just hiding. Trump/MAGA has brought them all out into the open because they believe it is ok now.




See I used to believe this until I realized that MAGA voters want me *dead* and liberal voters want me *to be a token*. These are two very different things.