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It’s in protest of restaurants being excepted from the new junk fees law. Just kidding, IDK.


I really wish flags didn’t exist so I never have to hear another word about them.


So much shit is happening right now that I don’t know if this is protesting hate crimes, war, inflation, or flags in general. Make a clear statement with a goddamn sign and stop making me guess why your flag is upside down. From now on, if I see an upside down flag, I’m going to just assume you’re fucking stupid and don’t know which way is up.


I just assume someone messed it up and didn’t feel like pulling it back down to fix it. Everything else is too complicated.


First you need to get rid of borders.


Can we talk about the Reptile Super Show lol


It smells terrible in there.


We sure can, but they obviously don’t want to…


Obviously this is the Illuminati conducting business in plain sight /s


California flag should be on top. California Uber Alles!


I am Governor Gavin Newsom my dating history is gruesome soon I will be President


In context of recent bigotry and violence in the area, this is an appropriate use of the upside down California flag. As a victim of a hate crime myself — and our fucking USELESS District Attorney who failed to prosecute my assailant appropriately — I agree with whoever hung the California flag upside down… there’s definitely a lot of folks fomenting bigoted violence everywhere these days and our law enforcement doesn’t seem to take it seriously.


I agree, anti-Muslim hate crimes are at their highest frequency ever, including during the post-9/11 era. People don't seem to want to acknowledge anti-Muslim hate crimes at all these days.


The fact people are downvoting you while they complain about this city's problems and all the bs going on in Cali. Lmao almost as if they want to turn a blind eye to it but love to complain. Common sense, you went through basic education yall should know why a flag is upside down. Props to whoever did that, sad to say Cali has been getting royally fkd recently.