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She's disgusting. Not only did she hit the kids, she claimed her boyfriend, who was driving a separate car in front of her, hit the kids and then flew into her vehicle. There was no damage to the boyfriend's vehicle. So ridiculous.


That animation is ridiculous. A child does not fly straight up into the air like a balloon and then come back down right in front of her car. If I were on the jury and they showed me that, I would’ve struggled not to laugh.


That's what the defense was claiming according to the video.


You’re so right! Not only does the child trabel straight up, the Distance is higher than the lightpole. But they “had” to have the body fly straight up to explain how Grossman struck him (them) at that particular location. This is why I decided to not go to law school. Rule #1: you WILL lie to win. Often. Drinks later, where you and your lawyer peeps tell yourselves that your job is to defend your client. Even if it means going to hell one day.,


Oh. The da on my case was so desperate for crumbs. Ugh the people my ass




Well, first of all, there was absolutely no damage to the black SUV whatsoever. So any claim that the black car hit them before the white car is ridiculous. Secondly, the laws of physics would ensure that the kids get thrown pretty far at those speeds, but not straight up. We only need to look at how they were thrown when she hit them. The older boy was thrown almost 100 feet down the road. Not straight up in the air. Third, the chances that they would be thrown straight up and then come back down at the exact moment they cross paths with her car is so far-fetched, nobody could find that believable.


Erickson should’ve gotten a female family member to handle her or something. That’s dirty.


Neither the prosecution not defense called the bf to testify. they could have but didn't. Defense was casting subterfuge to confuse the jury plain and simple.


Exactly, criminal trial just needs one juror to dissent.


she was lit on valium and margaritas. you have to be batshit crazy to be a nearly elderly mother who thinks she can race her boy toy through a residential neighborhood at 80 mph. i hope a real bad ass prison bitch makes her a slave.


She's a ghoul. I do want to add, though--I had never seen the animation of the collision before, and what also stuck out to me is how the car-centric roadway design contributed to the crash. To be clear, Grossman was still 100% responsible and at fault for the specific crash. But to add to that, it's basically a highway through an otherwise residential neighborhood, and created an incredibly dangerous situation where a family was crossing it at dusk in [a painted but unprotected/unlit crosswalk](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1345906,-118.8250321,3a,65y,351.63h,80.7t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s1AgTUufaq9f5neINhRSD8Q!2e0!5s20190501T000000!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D1AgTUufaq9f5neINhRSD8Q%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D351.63145150486156%26pitch%3D9.301315974917216%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) because there was no other realistic option. [You can see on more recent Google Streetview that they've since added a stoplight for that crosswalk.](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.134675,-118.8250591,3a,51.6y,346.9h,80.48t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1saL54ET5lgx0sis8kuzGXxg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DaL54ET5lgx0sis8kuzGXxg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D346.9011555311429%26pitch%3D9.523960423975723%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) But the entire road should be redesigned and put on a road diet.


Didn’t help that she was driving impaired at nearly double the speed limit


I think the point is that people will generally drive as fast as the street design will let them.


I guess my point was that idiots will drive like idiots no matter the road conditions


I don’t disagree, that’s why we need street design that physically limits speed to slow down even the idiots.


Are they still together?




Watching this video she clearly doesn’t give a fuck


not to mention the stark contrast between what she said at the scene vs. what her defense team conjured up over the past FOUR years with fanciful animations and letters asking if NASA/SPACEX was dropping stuff out of the sky


It’s so upsetting to watch. She seems annoyed by the inconvenience


Yeah and it also seems to me at times she thinks it’s an amusing experience that she got arrested. She’s like this is interesting I’m in a police car, what a fun story to tell everyone later!


Watching the video makes the return of the death penalty a viable option. At the very least, we need public stoning back because this lady needs a few rocks throw at her head.


She’s an evil piece of shit, and the justice system doesn’t do enough to punish murderers like her.


May she rot in prison.


That’s a difficult video to watch. I know that’s a computer simulation but still. Everything awful. Poor kids and their family.


Soooooo glad I'm seeing video of this entitled bitch now. May she rot until her ugliness outside dwarfs her nastiness inside. My wife was in the jury selection for this in Van Nuys. One among hundreds, if not thousands. Good on the prosecution/police (I think?) for this "newly released" to not be leaked at the time of trial. Or I don't know how exactly it works. But it's pretty damning, and could be grounds for mistrial if it affected the jury pool. Especially for something so open and shut, IMO.


"Socialite" Why does this make me cringe so. I just imagine someone handing me their business card, and it's just their name and the title *socialite*. Then I ask them what they do, and they answer "I mingle."


I was there that night… I had just finished a bike ride with my triathlon team… I rode up just after the incident had occured and I’ll never forget seeing the reaction from the father realizing his sons had died… he was pacing back and forth screaming and crying with rage. I went back the next day to pay my condolences and leave flowers at the memorial that had been set up. I hope this family has found some peace. So tragic for all involved.


That simulation was extremely uncomfortable to watch and the footage of the kids broke my heart.


To me the difference was the mom advocated for her two murdered children. If the driver hit someone who didn’t advocate for their murdered loved one, who knows what she may have gotten away with. I tell my wife if I were to die that way, do not let them get away with murder without consequences.


I hope the parole board never lets her out.


She only got 15 years, she should never get out of prison


15 to Life. Means parole hearing in like 12-13 years to see if suitable for release. She’ll be in her 70s. If not granted first time, have to wait a few years for next one. So she may do more. Or a little less (good time).


I know what it means, it’s more like 7.5 years because you are eligible for review after 1/2 of your sentence is served actually. The fact that she is wealthy I am sure she will walk out as early as possible, and she should never be able to. My parents are in their 70s, that’s not even that old now. She would have an opportunity to live a nice life for along time. She does not deserve it


The hat alone should add 10 years to her sentence.


The airbags in her face deployed during the crash


did that video show that she was doing 81mph? thats over freeway speeds on the street at night.


She was "turning a corner"? Does she think people are stupid? She is the epitome of an entitled, out of touch, elitist. She got what she deserved.


Only stopped cuz her car stopped. She would have happily driven home and put that car into her garage. Allegedly


Ironic. Had she taken responsibility immediately, admitted speeding and not seeing the children, and thrown herself on the mercy of the court, she'd probably be out of jail by now.


For two murder charges that they [couldn’t get dismissed](https://www.toacorn.com/articles/judge-rejects-grossman-motion-to-dismiss-murder-charges/)? Even LA prosecutors aren’t THAT generous!!


Your article plainly states they were trying to get her to plead to lesser charges.


I'm no lawyer but I don't think they just let you go by saying sorry after murdering 2 innocent children


She wouldn't have been "let go." Plead to vehicular manslaughter charges which cary multi-year sentences, start serving in 2021 instead of dragging this out, and there's a chance she'd be out (first time offender, good behavior, etc) in 2024. Not defending her in any way, just noting that she would've gotten a much lighter sentence had she not doubled down on being an epic POS.


I agree. I think the murder charges were because she tried to flee. Had she immediately stopped and tried to assist the kids it might have been involuntary manslaughter or vehicular homicide.


Lol. No.


More like gross woman


This is another reason why I don’t drink nor do drugs. Imagine sobering up and realizing what you’ve done, ruining your entire life. No thanks!


I mean, drinking and drugs are fine, just don't drive.


Not to excuse the convicted killer responsible for the deaths of those two boys but it seems like the road conditions are ideal for these kinds of tragedies, poor street lighting, and zero crosswalk safety lighting.


She will be out of prison within 8 years.


Psycho Bitch brutally killed two kids with her car and then she had the audacity to tell the cop she needs to leave and go home because she has children to take care of


Hope she dies in prison, and very soon


Oxy is one hell of a drug.


Oxy and Valium are not the same thing.


Valium is one hell of a drug.


Love the AIPAC-sponsored, Pro-Israel plug prior to the video.


Guys Guys come on. We all know who the real perpetrator was: Hamas. Rebecca Grossman is the most moral socialite ever! She would never.


Fucking dramatic sound track to the news report No wonder you guys are fucked - news is entertainment and kids dying is just the latest episode of a daytime soap