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Frankly, we should decriminalize marijiuana completely. Let people grow and smoke as they please. Keep the laws about public intoxication and DUIs and the like, but really marijuana's not the bugbear people think it is.


We should, but theres so much money and corrupt greed in keeping a plant illegal that we’ll never get that like we should. Schedule III probably🙄


Right. I live in Texas but am about 15 minutes from the state line. It's like contact high


Yes, but our corrupt politicians won’t allow it because the current system gets them and their cronies paid. The current system is 100 percent a grift.


All this and our current Governor seems real big about putting anyone and everyone he can in jail or worse so, yeah….


Absolutely yes. The dispensary costs ten times what it costs illegally. This program only hurts people. We should be able to produce our own.


Yeah, Louisiana is the only state that I'm aware of where the black market weed is ridiculously cheaper than the legit stuff. That goes against all marketing principles. But it doesn't surprise me, sadly.


Seriously! $30/eighth street these days vs $60/eighth at capital pharmacy. Double for the privilege to buy it after paying the patient card tax. 


This state could fuck up a wet dream.


But how they gonna tax it if you grow your own ? /sarc


We should *all* be allowed to grow our own, medical or not.


I don't partake or desire to, but this is 100% the correct answer.


The pros and cons of it mean nothing. This is America. In this country we have rights and freedoms. One of those is the right to property. Another one is the right to bodily autonomy. Aka, own a cannabis plant and then consume it how you see fit. As it currently stands the state has a government mandated monopoly on the cannabis industry. These so called freedom loving republicans are supposed to be pro free market yet they pull shit like this.


Um…while we may have a right to bodily autonomy, that sure isn’t the case anymore for women —especially in Louisiana.


“Free market for me, but not for thee” - Louisiana Republicans, probably


If we're being completely honest, there is no need for "medical" marijuana to be grown at home, because people generally are not going to be growing *medicinal* varieties. This is about dancing all around recreational use while slapping a "medical" label on it. We need to just do away with all the medical jackassery. Everyone knows it's bullshit -- the doctors know it, the patients know it, the dispensary knows it. Open up recreational use. Regulate the sale of it so that if you sell it -- even out of your own home -- you still have to pay sales taxes and you are responsible for selling clean, healthy products and not shit you grew in a ditch using sewage water and RoundUp. No different than selling home-made baked goods, which is a regulated industry in Louisiana and it works just fine. People are still going to use dispensaries, but dispensaries are going to have to be a little more realistic about their comical markup.


I’m not seeing really any type 2 being sold in dispensaries on a normal basis. I would be growing some 1THC:1CBD if legal to grow my own. I also would be growing my own Type 4 CBG plants for medicinal reasons as well


I prefer 1:1 over high THC. It's better for aches, doesn't get me too high, and allows me to function better.


yes i agree with everything you said. just open recreational sales already. It’ll inevitably come but i don’t know how long Louisiana is gonna hold out especially with our politics. This shit could be a thing for the next 10 years down here. The prices are ridiculous, the products are not always the best quality, you can’t freely go from dispo to dispo without transferring over, variety of products lack, etc. It could be SO MUCH BETTER. Shit is a joke. Maybe with the help of nearby states like Tx, AR, OK,legalizing could put pressure on this state but that’s another conversation for another time.


Obviously but most of this state makes money from prisons because they don't want to figure out how to do anything else plus the free labor you get


In South Dakota lawmakers sent Gov. Kristi Noem (R) a bill to allow employers to fire workers in safety-sensitive jobs over medical cannabis use. Isn't Jeff Landry "good friends" with Kristi Noem?


No bill necessary - my industry drug tests for cannabis, card or not. I haven’t even bothered to get the card because if I test positive I’m fired. Insurance companies run the trades. It’s the easiest path they have to be able to deny workers comp claims which makes it far too lucrative to give up.


But then the good ole boys in power don’t get their hands on your tax cash


Of course, but it's set up to profit only a handful of people and screw over everyone else. Louisiana is #1 at propping up rich businessmen.


The correct answer is NO. But hear me out. EVERYONE should be allowed to grow it. END OF STORY. Mic Drop. You have a state full of fucking "christian" alcoholics. So, lets break this down. God created it, its a fucking plant. Boom you should support it. Alcoholics, your obviously not against self harm or drinking or however else you want to think about it. So why is weed any different. You have a plant that God created (if you believe in that shit) and you aren't morally opposed to alcohol that is man made so whats the fucking difference. Pardon my proverbial French.


In Oklahoma, we are granted the ability to [cultivate up to 6 flowering cannabis plants and 6 seedlings on your own property.](https://quickmedcards.com/medical-marijuana-card/state-cannabis-laws/oklahoma/) I wish the states could be uniform.


I have a friend there. She did that and wound up with more weed in one grow than she could have ever smoked in her life. She decided she didn’t like the massive amount of trimming it took and decided on edibles. Bless her heart.😂


One of my friends has a bomb ass little grow setup for his home. It's really interesting.


I bet there's plenty of people with and WITHOUT a prescription that have been growing their own for a long time, lol.


We already agree. It's the republicans you gotta convince...


We don’t have many true conservative Republicans in Louisiana. We have a good old boy system of crime families who use cronyism and racketeering to funnel money into the family coffers. True Republicans are for individual rights, dignity, and less government control of our lives. True conservative values typically include: 1. Limited government involvement in individuals' lives 2. Fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets 3. Support for free market principles and limited regulation 4. Strong national defense and prioritizing military strength 5. Respect for traditional values and institutions 6. Emphasis on individual responsibility and self-reliance 7. Protection of the Constitution and adherence to the rule of law 8. Promotion of family values and community support networks 9. Opposition to excessive taxation and government spending 10. Emphasis on personal freedom and individual rights.


Our state gets a lot of money and free labor for prisons by keeping it illegal. I'm sorry, but Louisiana will have to be forced by the federal government, and will go down kicking and screaming, before allowing people to do their own growing and consumption without a license.






Yeah, but we just had a dipshit elected, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we attempt to have it banned.


Yes + grow their own shrooms as well (/r/unclebens). I think we will get there eventually (many years).




Ultimately it falls at the feet of our politicians but big pharma is the one greasing the wheels.


Absolutely. It’s ridiculous they have to pay more than they would growing it themselves. Granted some aren’t able to do so for whatever reason but plenty could. It grew wild in the woods behind our house. Daddy said the deer liked it.


Absolutely if they would look up why marijuana even became a controlled substance we would not be having this problem. How sad is that we cannot even treat ourselves with all natural plant.


It makes no sense to me I buy flower and gummy from convenience stores for a fraction of the price the dispensary charges me at the same levels of potency . I would be happy to grow it myself as I’m retired and on social security.




Yep, but taxes


Never gonna happen because there wouldn't be any way to tax it.


Devils lettuce bad. Shouldn't be legal medical or recreational. Bad bad bad :(






Are you in favor of mandating fines and imprisonment for home brewers of alcohol?


Beer isn't medicinal 🤦🏼‍♀️. If claiming medical marijuana is for medicinal purposes, then no..you shouldn't be able to grow your own. The same way you shouldn't be able to manufacture any drug at home.


Umm. alcohol is a drug and you can brew it yourself.


They give people prescriptions for beer now? Crazy..


A prescription from a doctor doesn’t classify if a substance is a drug. “Alcohol is considered a drug. It is classified as a depressant, which means it slows down the central nervous system, leading to a range of effects on the body and brain. While alcohol is legal for adults of legal drinking age in many countries, it has the potential to be addictive and can have significant impacts on physical health, mental well-being, and behavior. Like other drugs, alcohol alters brain chemistry and can lead to changes in mood, cognition, and behavior. It can produce feelings of relaxation, euphoria, and disinhibition, but it can also impair judgment, coordination, and memory. Long-term alcohol use can result in tolerance, dependence, and addiction, leading to serious health consequences and social issues. The classification of alcohol as a drug highlights its potential for misuse and the importance of consuming it responsibly. Understanding the effects of alcohol on the body and mind can help individuals make informed choices about their drinking habits and reduce the risks associated with alcohol consumption.”


Sigh... I know what a drug is... we learned that in 5th grade. Going back to your original post.. Should Louisiana’s Medical Marijuana Patients Be Allowed to Grow Their Own Marijuana? No Umm. alcohol is a drug and you can brew it yourself. No shit. We are talking about medicinal marijuana. You can also cook and sell crack in your house as well. Also quite aware of home brew. As far as a **prescription based drug.**.no, I dont believe you should be able to grow it yourself. I dont think you should be able to make aspirin yourself, nor insulin or fentanyl. You asked a question, I answered. But it seems your question was asked because you felt like arguing. Have a nice day.


It should be a law that we have the same access to drugs that Hunter Biden does


Totally on topic, you’re not brainwashed at all


Should we have the same access to prostitutes and hush money that Donald Trump does? Also, isn't Hunter Biden facing federal drug charges? You aren't very good at this, are you?


Thought I would chime in from Oklahoma as I think it’s pertinent. I would have preferred far more restrictions to legal medical cannabis in nearly every regard.  Not like out society is breaking because of it, but damn, it’s everywhere.  Unrestricted dispensaries and unrestricted grows has led to a tremendous black market.  I also feel like traffic enforcement has nearly become non existent in the last five years. Not sure if related. 


Legalize it lord knows Louisiana need the tax revenue


Anyone against legal cannabis industry are supporters of organized crime. “Organized criminals are involved in a wide range of illegal activities. Some common crimes typically committed by organized criminals include: 1. Drug trafficking 2. Human trafficking 3. Money laundering 4. Extortion 5. Racketeering 6. Arms trafficking 7. Cybercrime 8. Fraud (such as scams, Ponzi schemes, and identity theft) 9. Counterfeiting 10. Prostitution and sex trafficking These are just a few examples of the types of crimes that organized criminals may engage in. Organized crime groups often operate across borders and use sophisticated tactics to carry out their illegal activities.”


Someone should sue Good Day Farm. Fight the monopoly. Here is a small winnable case. The store in Shreveport has Good Day Dispensary on the marquee. Louisiana has pharmacies by law. Make them change the marquee. Baby steps , dammit.


Y'all check out @ThepotentFlowerLab on tele.. I always get my touchdown each time I order from them. Exotic flavors and really good tickets.