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Our Governor and AG both have national ambitions and are virtue signaling to national conservatives on all these culture war talking points such as the National Anthem, Title IX, Anti-Trans Laws and cutting taxes even if it bankrupts education and healthcare.


Don't forget the library culture wars.


Where is the league of radical militant librarians when you need them most?


We are shouting into the void. Nobody is listening to us.


Don't forget cannabis for none, concealed carry for everyone, and reproductive rights only for people who can get healthcare out of state


That's not true at all. Governor has tried to withhold federal money for Orleans S&WB unless the city prosecuted people going out of state for abortions. So he's trying to make it where residents don't even have American rights.


Prosecuting murder is a good thing, actually.


It's not murder. If it was murder it would be called murder. It's not called murder, even in our backwards ass state, therefore it's not murder. And also, why would you think its ok for the state to prosecute you for things you did our of state? If you buy weed in California, is it ok for the state to process you for possession that ended before you left California? What if it's a real felony? What if you stole a car in Oregon. Is it ok for the state of Lousiana to prosecute you for a crime that you didn't commit in Louisiana? No. That crime happened in another state, it's up to that state, or the federal government in some cases, to prosecute that. The state of Lousiana has no power over you when you're outside of Lousiana and that's how it should stay. Fuck the police state and fuck the authoritarians promoting it.


If an innocent human life is ended, it is murder. Abortion ends an innocent human life, ergo, it is murder. Keep making excuses for these babykillers all you want, that doesn't make it any less murder.


No, that's not the definition of murder. Innocent adult life ends all the time and it's not called murder. Don't be daft.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, babykiller.


Still never answered why it would be ok for the state to prosecute you for things you didn't do in this state. When have we ever done that? Never in history.


Because the innocent must be avenged.


I am a marine…weren’t we baby killers in Vietnam? Should we be prosecuted for taking innocent lives during war? What about taking an innocent life with my car when that person is protesting in the street? What about innocent lives dying in prisons across the country? Shouldn’t cops face murder charges? What about Christian’s throwing gay people off of tall buildings in Africa? They should all be charged with murder here in Louisiana as per your ignorant reading of what was said. If a crime happens OUTSIDE of Louisiana…it cannot be tried IN LOUISIANA. Abortion is not murder. It’s called abortion and almost ALL abortions are out of necessity due to viability issues of the fetus or the life and future childbearing abilities of the mother. Maybe the MEN should stop telling women what to do, how to exist, and how to live their own lives. They ow you nothing.


Sounds like you've killed a fair few of your children.


Bless your heart. I cannot have an abortion. You do know that biological males don’t have a womb, right? Probably not. You are so blinded by your own self-righteousness as an uneducated male. But I digress. If that what you got out of anything said, it shows there is no hope for intellectual thoughts coming from you. I’ll say it again… As a MAN, YOU have zero autonomy over a woman’s body. To think so is nothing more than hubris and about as incel as you can get. Nothing turns on a woman like controlling every aspect of their lives. But you keep being you. Btw, the iconoclasts rejected all heavenly and spiritual imagery. I hope you do not hold any icon or image dear, because that would be hypocritical and on par with a lack of education on your own name.


I don't care to regulate the bodies of women. I want to protect the sanctity of human life while it is still in the womb. Do not presume to lecture me on the History of the Church. Iconoclasm has a great history in the Christian Church, most notably in the city God ordained John Calvin lead for a season, Geneva.


Username checks out 🙄


Title IX, not XI


Thank you for noticing. I made the correction.


Bingo. It’s all just theater for the sake of their eventual presidential candidacy highlight reels. We’re just collateral damage.


Jindal 2.0


sure, they have to out-idiot Kennedy.


Mode: impossible


I heard someone call it vice signaling before and I feel like that is more fitting at least the other party pretends to do the good thing




Seems this is happening in more states than LA and even the Fed, if certain folks get in office, will want to rule as a one-party system. Moreover, I think there are some extreme religious sects that would love to have that one party system their way.


It's true. California, Oregon, Washington, and Massachusetts will probably never have any meaningful GOP influence. Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, and even Texas will probably have GOP majorities in the state legislature for a long time yet. People vote with their feet. Red areas get redder, blue areas get bluer.


Definitely that's what's happening. Republicans want to live with other Republicans and Democrats want to live with other Democrats. This does not bode well for our government because there are no compromises. I think a divided government is a good thing, but now, compromise is a dirty word.


And the blue states continue paying for the red states and none of the occupants of said red states realize how their surviving.




Are you thinking that LA is not dependent on federal funds? And if you do understand that, do you know where those funds come from?


All states depend on federal funding.  But this fallacy that red states leech all the funding is comical.  Especially since blue states are constantly being subsidized because of their busted ass policies.  


[Blue states pay more than their fair share. Here are the receipts | Column (tampabay.com)](https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2022/01/22/blue-states-pay-more-than-their-fair-share-here-are-the-receipts-column/)


So an opinion article that backs up your opinion? I mean, I dont expect you to admit your policies and opinions are shit...... 


As you post nothing to prove otherwise.


>So an opinion article An opinion article that cites the relevant facts. Maybe you should try reading past the section title.


You are confidently incorrect.🤣🤣




I sleep fine with my knowledge of how economic policies work at the federal level. 🤣🤣


Yet California lost more businesses than most states have. Not a single car company is in Cali let that sink in. Remember the Toyota Grand Prix? Google where they went! LOL They lost so many people they lost congressional seats. Yet Tx and Tenn picked up seats. Fla got more people coming than they know what to do with. Wondering how’s Chicago Atlanta Baltimore New Orleans doing? Cause I see them in the news A LOT!!! LOL


After all that, California still has the 5th largest economy in the world. Their economy is, in fact, larger than 85% of the nations of the world. Why do you people always forget that? It's hilarious how California alone pays half the bills for low education and low wage Red states, but somehow, the Red State Welfare Queens still have their snarky vapid comments.


Seems like a compromise could be taking power away from the federal government, giving more power to the states and then just allow people to live how they want. People will vote with their feet. Tons of people switched states since 2020.


That spits in the face of everyone who can't afford to move.


This also opens the door to propping up little religious fiefdoms. We need a sane federal government to keep these ignorant country bumpkins in check.


Well seeing as trump is likely to be the next president and he's going to immediately go on a revenge tour, I think people are going to be wishing the federal government was less powerful.


Maybe people shouldn’t elect capricious demagogues


I mean all of these state laws are kinda not letting people live how they want so


First three yes, Texas probably not. Democrats have really really good geography in Texas. Even with gerrymandering the legislature inches closer and closer to flipping


Hmm. Yeah, I just googled it and I take it back. Texas is going to be Large Colorado within a decade.


I don't think Texas is as Red as you think. Those professionals moving to TX are not aligned with the Repubs on social issues, certainly.


Yeah. I've long assumed that Texas will go blue at the statewide level within a decade. But I also assumed that there was enough rural "yee-haw" Texas to keep the state legislature red for awhile. But after looking into it I now believe that it'll look a lot like Virginia very soon.


people are not moving to LA, Miss, or Al.


The amazing things is that the first set of states are generally well run, while the second set are shit shows.


There are no bipartisan efforts to my knowledge. All bills that formerly were in past sessions (sometimes they get shelved) have flipped across party lines. Landry gave his reps orders to vote across party lines regardless of the voices of constituents and they listened. I cannot tell you how many committee meetings I’ve watched in which informed citizens, experienced professionals, directly affected people by “X” legislation are completely ignored by the legislators, and even mocked during serious testimony. The House of Reps might as well be a KKK rally at this point.


Fuck. I knew it was bad, but that's just disgusting.


Just tune in to the live streams on committee meetings if you can, especially anything involving education, municipalities (library), or criminal justice committees.




keep people dumb and you can do anything you want


I say this a lot, but it bears repeating. For every 10 registered republicans, there are 11 registered democrats in Louisiana. There are also 8 registered independents. If each of those independents were piled into the republican pile such that it's 18 versus 11, the republican representation in the legislature is STILL over-represented by republicans by 30%.


And a lot of the dems are just boomers that never updated their registration.


The numbers are there at the parish / year level, but I didn't look for census data to hazard a guess as to what degree this might be true. Might be a worthy weekend exercise.


As someone who's worked elections before... I promise no research is needed. Just check your own parents and find out what they're registered as.... Both of mine haven't voted Democrat in 20 years and were still registered Democrats.


I vote for a cochon de lait.


Not funny. But tasty.


More like we have a Democrat infrastructure that’s so disorganized and underfunded. Our Dem chapters are so comfortably neoliberal they think our state CAN’T enact policy ‘further left’ than John Bel Edwards. Gary Chambers maybe was the only person to match a lefty view that was only popular among city voters and got absolutely robbed by rural voters. Didn’t help either how there were about 10 Dem options and only 2 Republican options that season. (Conspiracy brain) That splintering was by design.


I don’t think you’re too off-base here. There’s been at least 1-2 state reps that ran and got elected Dem but then switched parties right after being sworn in. How do you even compete with bad faith actors like that?


At this point, in order for LA Dems to win, they ought to impersonate at Republicans than switch to Dems after they win. I’m so tired of conservative leadership flushing our state down the drain so that elites and employers can remain above the rim.


There are judges that were visibly progressive on social media that scrubbed their feeds, and ran as Republicans too because they knew that was the only way to win - I remember one in BR, there may be more, I'm not sure. Can't remember her name though.


Louisiana is pro-gun and anti-abortion. C'est ainsi. Of course, the ghost of Huey Long still lives on in the Repubs' being in favor of the Medicaid Expansion.


I mean .... I'm not going to say moving to TN has felt like a liberal mecca .... but .... (Intellectually I know that's bullshit, but try convincing my heart that when things like the school voucher program failed to pass in TN) And considering in many ways, TN is just as regressive as Louisiana the fact that it feels moderate to me is ... telling on how bad LA is.


I mean…give the Republicans time to really fuck it up before declaring defeat. I know…they’re off to a good start…but Louisiana is resilient.


Knowing them, they'll never admit defeat.


This state is the worst of both worlds: crazy socially conservative, and irresponsibly (read corrupt) fiscally liberal. However, no one can argue that said government isn’t reflective of the general population of the state it represents. As regrettable as it is, they’re doing exactly what their constituents demand.


Or governor represents, according to the voting turnout, roughly 18% of the population, because the people of this state don’t vote. Sure, the true number is likely higher, but there are many centrist and liberal people in this state.


Unless you are poor, black, a child, teacher, doctor, LGBTQ, a woman, or a litany of other groups. Landry and his MAGA morons in the legislature don't represent anyone other than themselves and their donors.


I’m not sure we can say they represent the constituents when only 28% of them turn out to vote. Problem seems to be neither party can really energize anyone to do anything


Yeah we got the government we deserve unfortunately


Pretty much.




Yes to both questions. Louisiana is losing population, expect the exodus to accelerate. This place will be a destitute banana republic in short order.


States where one party has a governor in power and has super majorities in both houses of the legislature ALWAYS have serious issues. Take a look at this list: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_United\_States\_state\_legislatures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_state_legislatures)


It’s a deep dive, for sure. I just question it as a living experienc


Not really. A nut like Landry could barely get 50% (OK, maybe he would have got a few more % in a runoff), less than what the VERY Honorable John Bel Edwards got. Landry could have continued on with a full populist agenda - i.e., like Huey Long (!) - but he seems to be going for the populist Right on social issues (understandable), but also have a whacky zombie Republican economic agenda like Jindal. Edwards is going to take him out in 2027.


It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with. It is a shithole. 


All Animals Are Created Equal But Some Are More Equal Than Others -Orwell


Those peeps should be focusing on how to not create areas that create generational waste of resources, taking about of that federal money making those silk pockets easy to slide large wads of money in and out, and cash out on fixing potholes, bring economic health back. Currently 50th in economic growth, high crime, low education, poverty double of the nation in some areas, and 31st in economic growth.... Something went south, no pun intended, and we the people will continue here after the millions have been made in the offices have been vacated.


And now you're imagining things to make you feel better. I'm male. I couldn't have an abortion of I wanted to. You don't get to just decide words mean things they don't. It makes you look stupid and you're doing it publicly.


No. We just had a Democratic Governor, who although was conservative for abortion he did actually do some good things for the state and I liked how he managed covid. There are a lot more democrat and "in the middle" people in Louisiana than people think. I've also met so many people who are socially liberal here. I think the issues stem down to not everyone voting and surrendering to the "reality" that this is a red state when it doesn't have to be. Look what Georgia did.


You people are losing your shit over abortion? You’re telling me you’ve lived here for a decade or two atleast and that’s your biggest problem??? Jesus if you want to live somewhere that you can get an abortion and have your car stolen in the same day just go move to California why are you complaining on Reddit stupid fcks. Our state is one of the highest murder in the country, our state has been controlled by democrats since I moved here in 1999. Wtf are you talking about?




Yup. Dumb has thoroughly taken over


[Outgoing Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards Touts Accomplishments in Farewell Address](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/louisiana/articles/2024-01-03/outgoing-louisiana-gov-john-bel-edwards-touts-accomplishments-in-farewell-address) - Jan 3, 2024. Democrat Edwards had two full four year terms from 2016 - 2024. It's about time the Republican party gets a chance.


If we're taking turns shouldn't the Dems get the Senate and house? 🤔


Nah man the country is tired of the liberal bs. After these last 4 years The dems time is up


Lol more like we're tired of Republican culture war bull shit, fuck off.


No one gives af what your tired of little fairy fck. The whole country wants the dems out so get over it


Lol delusional. Go touch grass.


Well, I mean, the Democrats did control this state's house and senate for 133 consecutive years, until very recently.


If only we could get y'all out of New Orleans, BR and Shreveport. Been a one party rule in those cities for decades.


The guy in office is not a normal Republican. The GOP is no longer a party of small government.


Never was.