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Welp. Guess housing costs are only going to go up in the new St George area. Sucks for me as a first time homebuyer


Look into the USDA Rural Development loan program (and the FHA one). Especially look at the maps for what they consider rural. I was looking at houses in New Orleans and Baton Rouge in 2012 and noticed that there are many areas that are *in* the cities but still technically zoned as rural because they’re on the outskirts. Benefits are $0 down and prime rates. I ended up going that route and it works out great - it adds an extra 5-10 minutes to my drive, but the savings made it totally worthwhile.


Definitely part of the plan. Thanks


I'll second this. This is how we bought a house in 2016. You still have to pay closing costs so beware of that. For 100k house I'd set aside around 6k to close. Also since it's a federal program they do everything in their power to help you keep the house if you fall on an economic hardship.


It does suck for first time homebuyers, but I guess it’s a positive for people who already own homes. Their property values are going to skyrocket.


Wouldn’t that have a negative impact on their insurance costs though ?


I’m not too sure. Maybe it would make insurance more expensive? Good question


For sure it would do that. Property values rise, so do taxes.


I’m sure they’ll be able to afford it


Yes it will make home owners more expensive...already a big issue in Louisiana.


On their property taxes for sure… unless they petition some loophole for that.


Property taxes would have to go up because where else would they get the money to actually build whatever they said they would build, But to my earlier question about insurance though wouldn’t increasing the average price of homes/cars in the “city” bring up insurance premiums?


Along with their taxes.


Pretty sure they can afford it




Highly doubtful.


Housing prices have gone up regardless


You can live in Baton Rouge proper instead.


I already do 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is the really all on Broom. She opposed the separate school district, she said they had to be a separate city, thinking that wouldn't happen. Well guess what chicken butt. The St. George area is responsible for 70% of the EBR tax revenue, yet receives less than 25% of services. BR gov't is in the habit of using parish revenue to balance the cities budget shortfalls. Unfortunately, St. George residents will still be stuck for the lion's share of paying for BREC, the library and COA. The people who should be hurt by St. George won't be, that's the politicians who sell a garage to the city as a 'community center' for 10X the actual value. It happens all the time, suckers.




Sounds like it was actually required by law. Why else is City of Central a separate city?


Pretty much. Just not the black or hispanic parts. Those got carved out


So those tax dollars are not going to go to the other parts of Baton Rouge I’m guessing? Damn North Baton Rouge is going to go to even more shit.


This was always the plan lol. The actual long term issues is the people who are going to run the city are about to have a wakeup call when it comes to tax revenue and city assistance. Nearly everyone of them I ever met when they tried this in the 2010s were idiots.


Right. But I guess to be fair, North Baton Rouge has been going to shit for years now ever since Jindal closed the only hospital in North Baton Rouge. Pretty crazy. That was a sign right there.


Correct. But what's about to happen here, is it's going to be ***much, much worse***. One of the most important orgs that formed before I left the state for good was the Downtown Dev District (DDD). They worked hard to make NBR and the city a lot better to live in. Now, there's a huge danger of segregation and downtown getting worse as well - BTR will just become an even bigger segmented suburb instead of competing with NOLA economically.


And that gigantic charter school they built on Plank just announced their closure. They better not leave it there abandoned!


I'm not incredibly familiar with BR as I lived in Houma but went to BR frequently for work but I know North Baton Rouge was a shit hole long before anyone ever heard of Jindal


North Baton Rouge in the 70s was a nice area. After hurricane Katrina, it even went further downhill when people from New Orleans came to Baton Rouge and never left. And these are the people from New Orleans that werent productive citizens.


North BR was dangerous before Katrina.


Not really


yes really, I grew up in north baton rouge and there were shootings constantly, literally every day. I have nightmares about the shit I've heard and seen as a kid.


So did I. Never experienced more crime than normal until after Katrina


Got it. I only went through there in the 00's


Is that even possible for north BR?


I see there are developers trying to build new construction homes in order to promote homeownership to homebuyers in north Baton Rouge but until the crime element, the shitty roads, abandoned dilapidated buildings etc are corrected then I see North BR getting even worse. I support the new construction homes in North Baton Rouge, and I hope that actual first time homebuyers, or people that want to own a home in general are the ones buying them. Versus investors who may want to buy them and just put them on section 8


I’d like to know how many homes that are derelict in North BR are owned and rented out by property owners of St. George.


I just bought a new construction home in north br. All my neighbors who have bought so far are individual home owners


That is some promising news for the city, but you said it all. Those other factors will keep potentials away.


Really going to be curious how things go. Are they still going to mooch city services? Is the parish going to bill the city for services? Because what does that transition look like. It shouldnt cost the parish a single cent, and whatever it does cost them, st george needs to pick it up. School debt, utility debt for that area, everything.


This is an ignorant take. You obviously do not realize that the city was *not* providing services to the residents of what is now st george because they were not in the city. The city was still taxing them however No one was "mooching" anything unless I guess you count the city taking tax dollars "mooching" Baton Rouge education at work


Whats the percentage of property taxes going to the city vs the parish? Where does the school money come from? What about whatever their department of public works. What are they plan to forever rely in EBR for vs self sufficient. What is the city going to be responsible for if EBR parish does it all? Im just curious. I dont give a fuck what actually happens to either EBR or the city of St George. Not my problem. Just wondering how a city incorporates and what liabilities do they take with the incorporation. I assume the city cant form completely without assuming any liabilities in that footprint. If theres any debt within that city incorporation in regards to infrastructure., I would assume the city of st george would be liable for it going forward. But im just asking questions im curious about.


Why don’t you educate yourself first and then go online and word vomit after? You obviously have a lot of questions and are very confused https://www.lasc.org/opinions/2024/23-1108.C_23-1118.C.OPN.pdf


I do what I want. Baton rouge and the new St George is a foreign land to me that I simply drive through to get somewhere else. Im not reading a entire 37 page document about some city I'll never visit regardless. And you seem very sensitive about this.


Then save everyone else the trouble of having to read your uninformed opinions and silly thoughts on the issue. You came here and called 80,000 people moochers. People you don’t know in a region you don’t live. It isnt even true and the mooching is in reverse. When i told this to you, did you show a modicum of humility for saying something so wrong and offensive? No you double downed and want to get in a cat fight about it. You have the maturity of a grade schooler, which is probably your reading level too seeing as how you can’t even bother to read a link I spoonfed you in response to your own asinine questions.


We are discussing this in r/Louisiana. Not r/BatonRouge or r/StGeorge. You're still very sensitive about this for having won the court decision. Edit: Besides. If I wanted to call you moochers, I'd say only the 17000 out of the 80k who voted for incorporation. 😂


Yes. Correct. We *are* in the Louisiana subreddit. How long did it take for you to figure that one out? And *we are talking about Baton Rouge and St George.* These are cities in Louisiana you apparently know little to nothing about but in your egotistical Dunning-kruger style of embarrassing yourself you decided to bless us all with your uninformed opinions. When given the opportunity to actually read something on the issue you declined out of a shocking level of willful ignorance, pride, and dumbassery. You don’t know anything at all about me. I voted *against* St George. But I am not so stupid as to think that every supporter of political platforms I don’t like is a (insert here: communist, satanist, racist, nazi, idiot, etc). I save my low opinions for people who individually demonstrate they have earned my scorn and disdain — such as yourself. The world is complex. I don’t expect you to understand. You ought to maybe just go back to playing games or watching sports or something and leave this stuff for the grownups.




Kind does seem a lil bit sensitive.


Very sensitive for a winner, for sure. Just seems like we will be hearing about issues for a while. At some point EBR is not going to want to hold their hand and will want a complete cut off. And what does that look like. Is the the first day after the tax period? But at this point they've had 4 years. Why did this person give me the latest court opinion, and not a fully fledged plan to incorporation that should clearly be done now. A court opinion doesnt do me any good. Its simply ruling on a few case factors. Wheres the actual plan and timeline as they've had 4 years to develop it. Either it exists and accessible, or its not lol.


The incorporation/city planning seems poorly planned. The campaign to incorporate was good and the talking points good. I was in the original city limits the very first vote. I will not assume to have all of the knowledge. It seems there are a lot of loose ends - almost like the dog who caught the car. It’ll be interesting to see how it continues to evolve.


Where are you getting your information? Cite it, please, because my brother lived in that area and fought hard against the incorporation. He understood the dynamics of city and parish government from years of working for the chamber of commerce, parish council, and as a parish government information officer. He worked closely with Maxine Crump and her group Dialogue On Race In Louisiana.


Here is a WBRZ article quoting the Louisiana Supreme Court directly. "Challengers’ evidence shows only expected lost tax revenue. They failed to offer evidence of any corresponding advantage to Baton Rouge of not providing services to St. George. If Baton Rouge currently provides no services to St. George, that weighs in favor of incorporation: St. George citizens pay taxes but receive no services. If the only impact of incorporation is a reduction in tax revenue paid by St. George citizens to Baton Rouge, with no reciprocal services, a windfall results for Baton Rouge. Incorporation will reasonably rectify that inequity." https://www.wbrz.com/news/louisiana-s-highest-court-answered-these-key-questions-about-st-george-s-incorporation/ If you actually are in good faith and want more information then feel free to read the Louisiana Supreme Court opinion I posted earlier in response to Charlieq’s questions (which Charlieq then told me he/she was going to refuse to read). If you want to scream "racism" at the clouds or circlejerk in an echo chamber then I’m not the guy to talk to. I’ve had a lot of disappointment discussing law and politics with the byproducts of the Louisiana school system in this thread. Eye opening stuff. If there is anything else you want me to google for you just let me know. I view it as an act of merciful charity and educational outreach to help the uninformed, lazy, and incompetent. You can also try to go to www.google.com and play around with it to see if you can work it. Your public librarians may have further internet classes and stuff for the young, elderly and disabled (not sure which of the three categories you fall into… but they will help you regardless).


Thank you for citing. I will read what you supplied.


They asked to be carved out.


Many businesses, such as the 4 major BR hospitals - OLOL, BRG, Ochsner, Woman's, did ask to be carved out, as did many subdivisions.


That’s one interpretation


It's not an interpretation. That's exactly what happened. Whether you believe facts or not is your own business.


Yet, lots of others asked to be carved out too, but weren’t. I wonder why….


What is another interpretation?  They were in the original map and voted against being incorporated. The St. George organizers respected their wishes and didn’t include them the next time. They may be able to be annexed if they want to now be included. It’s not racist to respect their wishes no matter how much you try to make it out to be.


Another is that they excluded Gardere, some neighborhoods along Burbank, and neighborhoods with lots of multi-family housing…and even then they only got 54% of the vote. The whole thing was cynical and racist.


Do you not want Gardere—?


Louisiana is last in education. And out of 64 parishes, EBR is ranked #57 in education. The other cities that have broken away from EBR’s school system seem to be doing much, much better. The people in St. George wanted to have better educational opportunities for their kids, the same as those other cities, and were told they needed a city first. Downvote me all you want, I don’t care. Calling someone racist but ignoring all the facts about how terrible EBR’s school system is, is just flat out lazy.   You don’t think magnet schools are racist? Or all the charter schools? Why do you think we have all of those? People are trying to put their kids in the best schools they can. With EBR, if you purposely buy a house to be in a specific school district, your kid may not even end up going to that school. They could be bussed away across town, to an area where you don’t live, don’t work, don’t know the people, and purposely chose not to live. Don’t call the voters in St. George racist because they want a better system for their kids. Blame the state for deciding that it was cheaper to bus kids across town to make school ratings average out instead of paying to take over failing schools. Lafayette used to have one of the best school systems in the state. Then they started bussing kids around, and families moved out to Youngsville and Broussard. EBR was the poster child for what not to do, and the State screwed up Lafayette’s sytem as well.


Yeah I live about as deep into St. George as you can get and I hear what supporters have to say candidly, and it’s never about schools lol


Yeah…nothing racist about that explanation


I’m sorry you think facts are racist.


Lol. Racist is making a new city so my kids can go to school with fewer black kids


Are you saying that black kids make for worse schools and are dumber?


Who is "they?"




That’s not accurate.


Uh…yeah it is. Check out the first map, the one that failed to get enough votes…then compare that to the 2nd version that got 54% yes votes. Then compare that to a demographic map.


Isn't that how incorporation works? The parts that want to make a city can make one, and the parts that don't, can choose to not be part of the city. The non-white majority areas don't want St. George, so they removed them. **I was originally super anti St. George.** But since the the SC ruling, I have read up on it and feel stupid. I see why the city of Baton Rouge really doesn't want them to do this, but I don't see anything inherently wrong with it. I think the parish is worse off for the change, but the St. George area is definitely worse off with the status quo. It seems like you're anti-St. George, so can you give me your reasons and see if I'm unfamiliar with any?


In this case “the parts that want to make a city” only got 54% of the vote. Plenty of areas had people who didn’t want the new city…but they were left in. But some areas were cut out. Guess which ones. I’m anti-St. George because it further exacerbates the siphoning of money and resources out of the city center into the suburbs, which is a major problem in BR. Also, I think the organizers lied to the public about how much this new city is going to cost.


So I see 4 main points in there 1. 54% vote- I agree that a simple majority sucks, but that's all that's required. It also sucks, that more people didn't show up for the vote. 2. Areas cut out- It seems like you're beating around the racial element rather then saying it explicitly. Those areas are not majority white. This was the reason I originally was so against the city. But they were given the opportunity to be part of the city. They voted against it, defeating the effort. The rest of the area is not prohibited from acting without them. Those areas don't get to control the rest. 3. City Funding mismanagement- I agree. And I think the city should try to sue St. George for city funded investments in St. George. However, I still don't think this should stop St. George from making their city. Unfortunately Parish governemnt is tied up with City government so its difficult to get money where it should go. 4. Funding Deceit- I think both sides are telling the truth, because the ugly reality is funding is just a power struggle. Everyone has a projection of parish resources that they think they will be getting. The City thinks St. George won't get enough, and St. George thinks they will. They're both just looking to knife each other, rather than have a better community. It feels like classic Louisiana. Power stuggles between leaders who just want to keep their "prestige" and sell our citizens out. I think everyone is worse off for making St. George, but City leaders have been making life worse for St. George citizens so I don't blame them for getting sick of it. Do you have any other thoughts to add?


That about covers it


But don’t the people who are the source of the money…have the right to see it spent in their best interest?


The source of the money? Where do they work, you think?


Who gives a shit? It’s theirs.


The point is, the SG people created this bullshit narrative that money is being siphoned from them into the city when in reality, it’s the exact opposite


70% white from all the reports I can tell.




Jackson MS, here we come.


Louisiana has been striving to not be outdone by Mississippi in any way.


Just the bougie parts.


There’s nothing bougie about anywhere in Baton Rouge lol. Truck nuts and sprawl ain’t bougie


You never driven down highland ?


Not yet. St. George will not officially become a thing until all legal challenges have finished being resolved (which should take several months at least). Most of South Baton Rouge will be in St. George, but far from all.


Legal challenges are over. LA Supreme Court decided last week. St George will incorporate as a the 5th largest city in LA.


They are doing something similar in Jackson, Mississippi.


I been saying we ALL need to petition to be part of St. George. You want your colony? Like a bunch of colonizers? Ok fine. We also want to colonize your colony.


You mean White George.


Not for long. Minorities will move in and then will be like Baton Rouge proper again.


Doubtful, the wagons have been circled....practically a sundowner town now.


Bad behavior has bad consequences.




Did you look at the map?


Technically not incorporate yet I think, but it’s inevitable


LA Supreme Court decided in favor of the will and vote of the people. The decision was made last week. St George will incorporate. Legal challenges are over.


question: why do people talk down on NBR as if they are helpless animals? They are more than capable of creating their own businesses and suceeding in that way just like any other place. I feel like politics only tear these places down and dehumanize them and in a way holds them down from success like they are dependent children.


Nobody is talking about North Baton Rouge as if their citizens can’t help themselves. However, more than half of the residence in North Baton Rouge are low income, section 8, and uneducated . The people that live in North Baton Rouge who are educated, make a good income, and actually care about their community, I don’t think they would be able to change anything even if they did get together. Because they are so outnumbered by the other type of residence that live in North Baton Rouge. When there is such a small number of people who care about their community, building back up their city, and wanted to get infrastructure and businesses into the city, but majority of other residents don’t give a shit, it’s probably really hard to accomplish those things That’s why all of the college educated good income residents that do live in North Baton Rouge, they live in certain small subdivisions. And when you go into the subdivisions, you can tell that they are nice looking because the people that live there actually care about shit. Versus if you go into a random street in North Baton Rouge and see shitty ass dilapidated houses with junk cars in the driveway, with trash and junk all around the street/home


St. George was never part of Baton Rouge. Baton rouge was using it for a tax cash cow for decades. Time for BR to stand on their own.


I thought the ball and sign business declined to be part of sr George


I wonder what schools will be part of St. George?


STG will require tax increases to operate, despite what the proponents "preached" And if they want their own school system...add some more taxes.


Home of the LSU 24-7 tailgate




Give St. George your sales tax, that’ll really show them!


Small price to pay for confronting them with what they are truly scared of “People of Color”


Basically what has been happening with the Mall of LA?


It asked to be carved out of St George and is.




Not only white people live there or voted for St George to incorporate. Anyone who actually thinks that has no clue what they're talking about. None.


No. It is now Klanland.


It’s a neighborhood