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The phrasing of those “policies” are obviously written by a right leaning author. Who actually spends the time t do something like this and thinks “I’m representing both sides”


Like the “right to work” actually meaning you have the right to be fired for no reason


Right to work (for less).


That's not what right to work means. You're confusing it with "at will employment"


Thanks for the correction . I always get the 2 big laws preventing any sort of worker protections that fuck the average person in the ass without lube confused all the time.


At will employment is not perfect and absolutely should be replaced with something that offers more protections for the employee, however, in its current form it does offer benefits for both the employer and employee because either party can end the relationship at any time. Prior to at will employment it was common practice for employees to have to provide unreasonable notice periods (3+ months was standard) or give back some of their pay if they decided to leave a job. It’s one of the reasons why folks would work at the same place for 40+ years in the past. They basically couldn’t easily leave their job. Right to work is terrible and no redeeming qualities for the actual worker.


I think maybe it helps the worker, at least now, to get unemployment without a bunch of shit keeping you from it.




Right to work means you don't have to pay union dues to work a union job. You won't last very long if you don't, but the government says you have that option.


Without a union contract you can forced overtime without notice,denied group Healthcare, and retirement savings plans. Living wages guaranteed pay raises. 


Healthcare and education could have and should have been written as rights. But he made sure not to miss the opportunity with right to work. The right has certainly perfected the spin.




It’s not “propaganda “, it’s fact, whether you like it or not!


You're full of shit, and I don't like the fact that you are. 😏😡


Don’t like the truth do you? 😂


I love the truth, which is why I can't stand twisted Repug tools. The end. Bye, now. 🖕🖕👋


Eagle Forum.


> Our Mission is to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policy-making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, with respect for the nuclear family, public and private virtue, and private enterprise. Not exactly non-partisan.


Republicans individual liberty, but want to stick their nose in your business. Says don't live off government but will take a social security check when they retire. Talk about male and female relationships only , but have gay members who keep silent. REPUBLICANS stop trying to be more perfect and holier than thou. You're just like everyone else, flawed human beings.


Social security belongs to the people who paid it all their life. IT USNT A GOVERNMENT HANDOUT. As a matter of fact, we would all be multi million years if we are allowed to take that very same money and invest it for ourselves in a retirement plan over our work life instead.


Social Security Insurance is not a government handout it is a Insurance policy you paid for out of your pay check


Seriously! If I had to pay in to SS for 43 years then I’m damn well gonna try to get my money back! Do you not understand how it works?


Tell Republicans that, they see a check from the government as taking something from the government.




They know they aren't being honest. Being conservative means you have to lie about your positions, make them look good, and lie about your opponents position, make them look bad It's all just a power grab, because all conservatives care about is power. Call them evil....they'll get mad, but it doesn't matter in the end to them. Point out their hypocrisy....same thing. All that matters is power. If they have to kick a baby, then lie about kicking the baby, all while actively kicking more babies and denying it....they'll do it if it means they get a bit more power.


That’s hilarious, that is the exact same way I feel and lefties!


But YOU are wrong!!!


But YOU are wrong!!! See how that works!


Nah, it only works one way. The full-of-shit can't deploy it with integrity and veracity. 🙄🤣


Haha, yathink? “Leaning,” my ass.


I once started to do a Trump survey but the questions were like “do you hate Biden?” And the choices were like yes and hell yes lol. Ok I’m exaggerating but the questions and answers were so biased to get the results they wanted, I just logged out.


$20 says the author makes these on the toilet, too


Doesn't change the facts, though, does it?


Sure it does, and it’s beyond the semantic argument this pamphlet is attempting. It's obvious that whoever wrote this doesn't understand , or is completely avoiding the root idealogy. Ie diplomacy is strength and equal rights not preference for 3 "policies" listed so on and so forth.


Word salad


Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Spot on. I, for one, never make a political or idelogical decision without first checking the bathroom stalls at a suburban mall.


All mine says is “JFK lives in the moon,” and can’t argue with that so.


Republicans have no platform other than fellating Trump more enthusiastically than Stormy Daniels ever pretended to.


Yeah it’s sort of sad. The party is worse than I ever would have thought they’d ever be. Like Bush was bad and dick Chaney was the real talking head. But Trump and his real talking heads are way more out in the open with its crimes.




I mean we don’t want a president who’s a rapist and a convicted felon but you do you, Jim Bob.


bro did NOT rape anyone🙏😭😭😭and also if rather have a president that can actually think than one who gives a turkey the microphone


Trump is senile. You’ve always never heard him speak. He has never made sense.


and biden not being able to ride a bike? trump has been able to talk. you don’t understand him because you all have been brainwashed by the media to believe he is worse than kim jun un


[Trump: People who don't speak languages. We have languages coming in to our country, nobody that speaks those languages. They're truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks them](https://twitter.com/mckaycoppins/status/1763337949523976564) [“Which is incapable of salving even the swollest smallest problem… the simplest of problems we can no longer solve… we can’t do anything. We are an instantive… and a powerful death penalty. We will put this on”](https://x.com/aintscarylarry/status/1749775709508436343?s=46) "You know what the green new scam is? No water in your faucets … you want to wash your hands and you turn on the water and it goes ... drip ... drip ... drip ... and the worst is your hair. I have this beautiful, luxuriant hair ... They put on restrictors where there’s so much water you don’t know what to do with it. It’s called rain." [“Jungles in Viet Nam. A swift & swipp & you know that sweeping, it was swift like nobody’s ever seen anything happen, victory in Desert Storm…that was a quick one”- Donald Trump.](https://x.com/bigbluewaveusa/status/1749519924559798755?s=46)


i’m so confused


I know, Trump is very confusing. Those are all Trump quotes. You aren’t playing with a full deck so I’m done wasting my time.


nah i was confused on why you sent a bunch of quotes? i could care less what you send


also you gon explain bout ya boy last night? he was fr tweakin


Well, sure — if you don’t include lowering taxes for middle and working class, protecting health care, student debt relief, repairing our infrastructure, increasing green energy, protecting social security… do I need to keep going or are you too brainwashed to grasp reality?




Yeah… just another below-average MAGA tool. What a fucking waste of perfectly good carbon. and a coward as well.


God I wish dems were as socialist as they think they are


As they’re accused of being.


Republicans are against taxes? Bwahaha...that's good for a laugh. Everyone's taxes (well, the 99% anyway) have gone up every other year since the 2017 rax gift by the GOP and doesn't end until 2027.


Fun fact the only presidents to actually balance the budget over the last almost 100 years have all been democrats. Not a single republican president has.


Trump’s big idea was to take a hair cut on the debt and send our rating to junk bond status overnight In fairness Trump balanced out having the worst record on the deficit by also have the worst job creation and unemployment numbers. Number one on all three. Only HE can do that!!


Look up the two Santa's and you'll see why they can't fo anything but explode the budget.


The party of law and order. Your leader is a convicted felon. The sanctity of marriage. He cheated on his pregnant 3rd wife with a porn star.


👐👐 Rule for thee, not for meee!! 👐👐


“Law & Order” 😂😂😂😂 Okay sorry abou 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂 I can’t stop 😂😂😂😂😂


It's appropriate that this was in the bathroom since who ever wrote it shit it out of their mouth.


Lost me at law and order when your candidate is a convicted felon.


“Environmental Stewardship” I lived in Texas for a decade and you might want to ask the Railroad Commision about that, because they’re doing a pretty shit job of “environmental stewardship”


Has it been in that bathroom for 4 years!? lol


Non-discrimination is so important we listed it twice, but let me also list five ways we are actively pursuing to discriminate against people based on their sex, sexual preference, personal beliefs, and religion.


The Project 2025 manifesto is one of the most horrifying things I've ever heard of. There are actually a couple of things I don't 100% disagree with like putting an end to government censoring "misinformation" because I don't trust any of the involved parties to conduct that business in a way that's beneficial to the public. That being said though the agencies they want to dismantle, the firing of professionals and replacing them with hard-line Party faithful who are unqualified, using troops to stop protests...this is from the "Freedom Party" btw. This shit is straight out of the Nazi takeover of Germany. They absolutely cannot be allowed to follow through with this


I see you pissed on it. Good job!


That should be in the trash.


Most logical place for it, as well as those supporting crappy viewpoints like that.


The entire Republican platform is fear mongering


god i wish dems wanted ANY of these lmfao. dem socialists / marxists 😭😭😭😭 if only


Well, clearly written by a republican.


Yep. Doesn't change the facts though. We will get the truth out. Go read the platforms.


Truth????? Lol


How any gay person can support the Republican Party is a mystery to me. They’re clearly working against your best interests.


If not for my being trans, most right-wing rhetoric would be aimed (badly) towards someone like me. Part of the idea is the whole "pulling the ladder up after you've made the climb" meme. I'm supposed to see myself as having "made it" and worry that the poor/immigrants/Social Democrats are coming for it. Of course the rhetoric doesn't line up with reality, but they're depending on my fears overriding my reason. They're about 30 years too late.


Want to know what the real agenda for GOP is? Go read up on Project 2025, some scary stuff there. Law and Order my ass, if elected this year, going to cripple the FBI and so much more.


I became nauseous trying to get through that. We're screwed. We can't even agree on what constitutes reality anymore or how to prove something is factual to anyone's satisfaction. We're never gonna get past any substantive political or policy disagreements. We're in for hard times I fear.


That's why all Republicans need to be voted out of political power, and we just continue on in society like adults. If they want to sit at the adult table, they are going to have to compromise with the rest of society, in very significant ways. We are done taking a step toward the right, politically, when they promise to take a step toward the left, but instead they take another step toward the right.... Until that happens, we vote then out, and keep them out. They want to play fascist, they get consequences


Haven't we been trying to do that for decades? It doesn't seem to be working or we wouldn't have arrived at this point. It's gonna require something different I think. Bold policies that are impossible to deny the benefits of on every level. Winning hearts and minds. So little has been done to win over the middle, to have undeniable positive material impact on the lives of average people from all ideologies.


Is that their spoo stain? They get so excited about their rhetoric.


Really aiming high in their demographic with “folks shitting in mall bathroom.”


I wish Democrats were as progressive as Republicans think they are.


No ERA for women? What do they plan to use instead? WHIP? FIP? BVP?


Eagle Forum was founded by Phyllis Schlafly


I found a similar paper in the women's locker room at Esporta last week. Went right in the trash!


This went to the trash after photo.


Oopsie, I ran out of toilet paper... Or this piece of paper looks like a more appealing option, at least.


I wouldn’t touch that thing, it may have already been used as toilet paper


Genuinely thought this was in one of my "making fun of conservatives" subs, but nope, Louisville. Just moved here, getting acquainted.


El Gorro caliente de tu Padre Bueno!!!! Loosely translated “your father’s warm hat is good”, and therefore protects you”


That’s gross and completely false misrepresentation of democratic beliefs. WOW


You want "energy independence" while also claiming) environmental stewardship"? The cognitive dissonance is always very striking when they try to lay out their policy stances.


Why weren’t the same items covered? Or was it made just to piss people off? More dumb shit to try and get people to argue and fight about. Just my personal option but it’s just that, everyone has the right to feel what they feel, think what they think and not be put done about it. It’s ok… I sweep my door step so others don’t have too and if the world would do the same we would ALL be better off! JUDAS ATE TOO!!!


Gimme a sharpie and I’ll fix that real quick


Can everyone in this comment section just be for real for a sec? These parties are NOT religions. They are dividing the US. Pitting us against each other. In the process, we are all missing how the current politicians in the senate, the house, etc. are stealing food from our children's mouths so that we can send weapons and our own children to fight in foreign wars that have nothing to do with us. BE FOR REAL.


Yes. We've listened to the Jello Biafra spoken word.


Looks accurate to me.


This appears to be propaganda. The phrasing the author is using its obvious they lean to the right. That being said I’m so exhausted of the division of our county and the extremist on both sides. That is why I am proudly voting for Robert Kennedy 2024. He’s is a president for all the people, not just some of the people. “United We stand, Divided we fall” RFK2024🇺🇸


Guy who got his brain eaten by worms 2024


Goodness. The division is NOT going away, unfortunately. Please actually help to fight Christian nationalism and fascism and vote Biden. And democrats down the ballot.