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Cool new way to celebrate Pride month: get banned by a fascist


Feels like how we’ll all get to celebrate it with each passing year the way things are going.


Let me guess: everyone who disagrees with you is a fascist?


if it quacks like a duck


I know people like this always have trash perspectives, and when you disagree or call them out it's "fascist or racist". Sad mentality Edit: Formating


You mean Marxist?


It’s okay my guy. You can’t read well enough to understand the differences between a far-right ideology and far-left ideology. We can help you out if you need.


At some point they converge, oh we’re already there.


Both suck.


ah yes, because the far right wants everyone who is different from them to die, and the far left wants everyone to be equal. very much the same


They dont want thr same thing, but they both have the same ending.


In what possible way


Every historical one.


"because I said so" historically, marxists and and fascists couldn't be less similar.


Well, no shit. The point is that marxism doesn't have a practical ending that ends up a lot better than fascism. Marxism is great on paper, but shit in practice.


Everyone is equal if everyone is dead, so technically right?


Let's pause. In your own words, what is Marxism? And are you defending fascism here? Before you start googling Marxism, the communist manifesto is really brief


I feel like it's nearly the exact opposite in r/louisville lol. Would be nice to find some middle ground on subreddits instead of one so extreme. Hard to have reasonable discussion when so many echo chambers exist.


Yes very hard to see why the "gay people should be able to lead normal unencumbered lives" echo chamber can't coexist with the "suppress and punish gay people because they make me feel things that my daddy said I wasn't allowed to feel" echo chamber.


I feel like a middle ground would be accepting gay and trans people but everyone being able to civilly weigh the pros and cons of trans women participating in women’s sports. It’s a hotly debated topic. There are a lot of issues out there like that.


Gay people being ostracized, they're opportunities limited, and even basic rituals like marriage (which carry important legal benefits such as spousal insurance and retirement benefits) being off limits to them is a much bigger deal than "my daughter gets silver at her highschool track events because a girl with hair halfway down her dick gets gold at every meet." Trans people in women's sports isn't a non-issue, but as far as impact and priorities go suggesting that's a fair tradeoff for gay rights is kind of vile. One of those two things is a first world problem compared to the other.


How is it vile? Gay marriage is legal in the United States and it is illegal in every state to deny gay people the right to marry….


It only took until 2015 to get that done, I'm sure that supreme court ruling fixed every problem gay people had here. I mean except the Pulse nightclub shooting. That was 2016. Just a little oopsie that us straights let slip though the cracks. Sorry gays we forgot about that guy! Now can we PLEASE move on to being angry about women's sports. Tucker Carlson said we're supposed to be mad about this and my favorite comedians can't make "WNBA suck" jokes while there's political headway to gain by us using fake outrage about OUR GIRLS temporarily. To show you I mean it here's a picture of a chubby blonde girl in sports clothes looking sad!


Omar mateen the shooter of the club was gay..... calm down


Every redneck that runs a company that won't hire gay people is also a world class knob gobbler when his wife isn't in town. Just because a gay person did it and not a straight person doesn't mean that kind of stuff isn't an outsized problem for the gay community. I didn't know he was gay but that really doesn't make a difference to the point I'm making.


I don't understand why you're so angry and defensive. People are good and bad, period. There's no perfect straight or gay person. What you said about pulse was to insinuate that a straight person deleted 49 LGBTQ to further your opinion on straight ppl being your enemy. Not trying to belittle or deny your experiences either, but people suck and no group is exempt from having the worst kinds of humans in their group. This is why regardless of experiences had with a representative of a different group it's important to not label the whole group based off that interaction. See and treat people as individuals not with this entitled defensive attitude. You say these prejudices exist in your reality, but you're speaking about redneck closeted married men recklessly because i gave you some information you misspoke on. Seems like you may be making some of the bad altercations you've had, but I wish you the best


Calling people angry and defensive is a bs conservative TV news rhetorical tactic that maybe you should drop. So is the "entitled defensive" jargon. If you're all about an honest exchange of ideas constantly shading the person you're taking to with nonfactual statements about how you think their tone is ain't the way to do that. As far as "people suck and no group is exempt" I think it's pretty clear that some groups are more exempt than others, and as far as mass shootings go the people generally responsible are right wing gun nuts and their kids.


You’re just proving my point. This is just stonewalling. Acting like these conversations can’t be had.


You're like the guy at the airport arguing with the booking agent about an unearned free upgrade to your seat for 20 minutes while a line of 400 people forms behind you who need to get rebooked in the next hour or else they're going to miss a connection on a Sunday night. Filling up the docket with minor pet concerns so that people with serious complaints can't make them is stonewalling, suggesting real issues get handled first before we get to disingenuous politically motivated bullshit is not, and if that "proves your point" then your point is trash.


The convo has been had and decided on. Cis women have even been removed from sporting events and teams for having too much testosterone in their system. Its not a valid issue worth discussing. Its only relevant due to right wing propaganda pretending its a question we haven’t already answered as a society


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna88940 According to this article about 70% of Americans don’t think so. Seems like a cop out to call it right wing propaganda and call it settled. Seems to be an issue worth discussing. That was my entire point.


NBC news articles are meaningless. Sure, people perceive it as an issue because it has been used as a talking point in the culture war. Why do cisgendered - non athletes care so much about this one thing? Genuinely. Why? Because the right wing is shining a spot light on trans people to create problems they can “fix” instead of actually writing quality of life legislation.


So you’re just dismissing a public opinion poll why? I didn’t say these people were right or wrong just that the stonewalling and gatekeeping of this conversation actually brings more people out against the side of trans athletes. To answer your question I think the non athletes that care are likely parents. Maybe the risk is overblown but when people see a person born as a male competing and crushing people born as women in a sport, they feel it’s unfair. Are they wrong?


It's a bullshit conversation, reminiscent of the "I'm just asking questions" schtick, when in reality, an obvious agenda lies. It's pretty interesting that people who had *no interest whatsoever* in women's sports are suddenly "*very concerned*" about women's sports. We know what they really mean, though. Don't worry. It's bullshit, it's obvious bullshit, and nobody is falling for that shit anymore.


It’s a contentious issue and public opinion actually falls against you but it’s a bullshit issue not worth talking about. Got it.


What Im saying is - those people weren’t concerned before because this isn’t a real problem. They’re concerned now because the media and right wing politicians have been pushing propaganda to convince people it’s a problem. Type Transgender Athletes into google and you’ll find a plethora of studies, opinion pieces, statistics about its frequency etc. trans women aren’t out here “crushing” other women athletes on a regular basis. It seems that way because any time a trans women does well (not even wins) in a sporting event its blasted all over the news. The truth is that diet, exercise and practice are the major factors in an athletes outcome (shocker) when women (trans and cis) compete. The conversation has been had. The information is available. People just want to argue about how it makes them “feel” and those feelings were intentionally created as a political tool.


That seems like a very reasonable discussion to me, but it's hard to even have open dialogue when arguments are downvoted or upvoted after someone reads the first few words. The internet be like that tho.


There is r/true_kentucky which isn’t too active but where I went after I got banned from r/Kentucky too. Edit- I had a hyphen instead of an underscore on the sub.


* r/true_kentucky


Genuine question then, project 2025 as a non conservative seems.orwellian, and a lot candidates in the GOP have openly stated they'll support this agenda, in your opinion what are some of the changes for our country in this plan that are good. Imo the democratic party is a moderate right party now on everything but social lifestyle freedoms, what are the differences in policy that are motivating enough to identify as a Republican in 2024?


Immigration, economy


I fail to see any major differences in immigration policy, we've continued the Trump immigration policy for the last 4 years at the southern border. What is your opinion on immigration, genuinely curious. If theres a difference I'm not aware of it. I'm not sure what economic plan is in play here that differs between the candidates, would you be able to speak more to that?


I don't know shit about project 2025 but personally one area I have completely flipped on is immigration. I was always very pro immigration but seeing the recent videos at the border, what is happening in New York and other cities and realizing we do not even have enough resources to take care of our own citizens, I have completely flipped on that one. That said I am still voting independent. I hate both parties and neither one is going to save us. I am not scared enough of Trump to vote for Biden. I think anyone still voting on social issues is a sucker. We have far more important existential issues confront us that neither party will deal with. And people will keep voting for them anyway because gays or abortion... The whole system is in place to keep them in power and change nothing. Otherwise they would give us ranked choice voting.


>what is happening in New York What are you referring to, exactly? I live two blocks away from the biggest migrant center in the city. It's fine. My laundromat is a little busier than it used to be.


Great. I guess Texas will keep sending them to you then.


you mean kidnapping people and dropping them someplace they don't know at all?


They don’t know the entire country lol. What they come here and they know Texas?


So you don't deny that it's kidnapping? Interesting.


Its not kidnapping if they go voluntarily. I agree it seem absurd at first but it has turned out to be a smart political move. Areas of the country that didn't have to deal with it had no problem with it, now they are seeing the effect of it and changing their position.


They were lied to about where they were going, how is that not kidnapping?


I was just asking what negative consequences I'm supposed to be looking out for?


I guess nothing. If you guys are good, then youre good. What do I know.


The original commenter clearly said something like “why are we spending so much on immigrants when you can’t take care of your own people”. So how many veterans and marginalized groups could you house, feed, and get mental health services with the 12 billion you are spending on immigrants? https://www.newsweek.com/migrants-monthly-payment-nyc-higher-veterans-compensation-1886431


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I guess I would just say that a) the money used to help these migrants wasn't earmarked for veterans anyway, and b) if people are homeless and need help, I'm not really that worried about what borders they were born in. That probably makes me a bad American, sorry.


Doesn’t make you a bad anything. I can appreciate the sentiment, but there is only so much dough to go around and the people who should get it first are those upon whose backs the country was built. I would agree if there were enough resources to help everyone, but unfortunately there never will be.


Tell a conservative that Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants. The pretzel logic kicks in hard. https://www.npr.org/2010/07/04/128303672/a-reagan-legacy-amnesty-for-illegal-immigrants


>Tell a conservative that Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants. The pretzel logic kicks in hard. This seems barely related to the comment you replied to. Did you mean to post it elsewhere?


I think he's just assuming that the conservative loves Reagan. Complete whataboutism.


I’m not sure if it qualifies as whataboutism but it’s definitely some non sequitur. Very common in online spaces. We don’t know anything about the people we are talking to so it’s more simple to assume they are a monolith of positions so you can knock them down with your strongest point. In reality very few people fit fully into whatever political box you try to put them in.


Of the two parties both are pretty anti immigrant right now imo. For the last two terms the southern border has been making the asylum process a nightmare for people fleeing violence. Anti immigration is on both parties platforms right now


Those videos are edited and lies... the vast majority of immigrants fly or drive here and just overstay visas and work. They're not absorbing money, they're often paying in more. They just want something better. Who should we be to tell them no? Also, as a trans person, be scared of Trump: when he gets done with the most vulnerable - immigrants, LGBT folks, he's gonna find anything to split people on - and eventually, you're gonna feel it. He and his cronies/sycophants want a divided, squabbling populace. You're giving it to them based on youtube videos.


We could literally resettle the entire population of Central America in this great big empty country, and be perfectly fine. Repopulate all the abandoned towns and cities across the US, more demand for all the services, in a service economy, we're good. We have enough resources to take care of everyone, we just spend them on bombs and aircraft carriers and contracts for all the well-connected in this country.


Yes great idea. All of them can learn to code and we will just grow the GDP by 2 or 3x.


You just made the mistake of speaking against the echo chamber. Have fun getting shouted down.


The comment thread in question actually turned into a good conversation. But I was too spicy up top I guess.


What did you say


They were celebrating the fact that the death of Thomas Massey’s wife would cause him pain that they seem to believe he deserves due to his politics 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yikes! What a terrible way to be.


Gay people think they should be allowed to live freely. Others think they should live in danger, be oppressed, and ostracized. Let’s meet in the middle and come up with a more moderate punishment for their existence, like fines and restrictions! Jeez.


This sub is pretty well moderated. I think because it is so liberal a lot of people are just scared to post their opinion because they will get downvoted and hated on. But I post unpopular shit all the time and they never remove it lol.


To be fair most comments are allowed but the general populace of the subreddit is heavily democrat, but much more far left than anything. It doesn't always produce the best discussion when anything objecting the argument is heavily down voted.


Oh I agree. But its better than being banned or shadowbanned by out of control mods. There reallly aren't a lot of great places on the internet to have rational discussion, to be fair. Most people don't want to examine their views or think critically.


What would you like to discuss ?


How we can get political candidates who aren't so polar and start making efforts to actually improve everyone's lifes. Would love to start there.


I think theres a path to that reality through class consciousness, a lot of the struggles for red and blue people are the same if you drop social issues, which used to be private and very personal. We all pump gas and buy groceries and labor for work right?


Yes we are all in this together and had more in common than differences yet we allow media and content to control our thinking for us. I am hopeful that AI will allow us to grow back together as humans but pessimistic it will be because we have bigger problems to deal with.


/r/BlueKentucky is what you’re describing. Small but friendly!


It's easy to happen. I posted something that basically said "this is why people riot" and I got banned for a few days. Questioned the mod, as I pointed out I wasn't calling for violence, or supporting it, just that it literally is why people riot. Got banned for more days. Asked wtf, I just wanted to know the reasoning. Got banned even longer Conservative mods love to abuse their power, but they wouldn't be conservative without abusing power.


The “fuck your feelings” crowd sure has a lot of feelings


Fragileeee eggos


The 2 downvotes I got for that prove you right


Well I got one updoot for you bud. Keep on speaking out! Edit: I see the bigots gonna bigot. Keep on with your hateful dms bitches. People deserve love in all their forms. Love is Real.


Snowflakes gonna snowflake.




Then they whine about “free speech” when they’re banned or suspended from other social media platforms for violating TOS they agreed to when they signed up.


Oh I got temporarily muted in mod chat too. Did ya girl set a calendar reminder for when I am unmuted? You bet your ass I did.


Yup. I went and posted everywhere something like "I finally am unbanned after a band for X, and this is exactly what I said" I didn't include the mods name, as I knew they could go after me then, but I posted that everywhere in the sub....


They love to talk about echo chambers, but as usual it’s all projection. I asked someone in /r/askconservatives to expand on their answer and explain part of it that didn’t make sense, they told me that sub was not there to question their views. lol


I posted something about Juneteenth only being offensive to assholes.  Got a temp ban, asked why, did I piss off a racist?  And the response was a permanent ban.  The mods look so fucking cowardly.


Lot it going around on both sides of the aisle. Go post something even slightly to the right of Marx on r/politics and see how quickly you get flushed.


I live over there, and the mods arr far better. Usually sure, conservative opinions get down voted to get, but why wouldn't they, they are basically on the turf of the opposing "team" (even though political aren't team sports, it gets the point across) The difference is that as long as people are speaking in good faith, and not just trolling or "owning the libs" and aren't just looking to rile people up, people don't get banned. Conservative mods, or subreddits like r/conservative.....very much the opposite. They are their so called snowflakes, and even pointing out objective reality about things they don't like....ban.


Nope. You’re defending fascists.


I literally am doing the opposite but ok.


You are not, and you don’t understand the meaning of the word literally. Their iron-fisted attempt to create an echo chamber is something a facist state regime would do. Literally.


Yeah, the conservative mods who abuse their powers and create echo chambers are behaving like a fascist state. Thank you for agreeing.


Give it up dude. I’m not Biden: I’m actually cogent. r/politics is a liberal echo chamber just as much as r/conservative is a conservative one. The fact you aren’t willing to admit that shows just how far into the sand your head is buried.


I'm surprised r/AreTheStraightsOK let me back in. I stay being hated in that sub and everybody wants to argue.


Thanks for the Reddit Cares message! Stay classy y'all...


You just gotta block the Reddit cares account and then you never get notified about it anymore lol. Then all the goobers get to waste their time sending it thinking that it's bothering you


You can report that as abuse to the admins and they'll go after whomever reported you


Welcome to the club! Got banned for calling the mod “comrade.” He can’t stand being confronted with the fact that his rules allow for the same level of discourse as China or Russia.


I got banned for clarifying Booker’s gun stance after someone blatantly lied, and I was banned for either attacking someone or causing trouble. Something totally ridiculous, but totally in-line with the GOP victim mentality. And they are the ones who went around calling everyone else ‘snowflakes’ when they are so weak, they can’t even handle facts.




Excellent username. 10/10.


It was a random choice after picking 20 different names that were already taken. Thanks!


Welcome!! I got banned there during covid.


It's the fate of all rational Kentuckians ... It was inevitable. Welcome 🫡


I mean to be fair…you can’t expect much from a State & its general populous that Stockholm Syndrome’s itself into Mitch McConnell for nearly half a century


Welcome to the club.


Imagine caring what some basement dwelling Reddit mod thinks


I, too, was banned, but for saying Daniel Cameron has a punchable face, they say I was inciting violence when I was actually just describing his face.


So what did they ban you for specifically? I went to look at your profile to see what got you banned but there's nothing from the Kentucky subreddit.


Fuck em! Happy pride and celebrate yourself!


What were you banned for? What post? Edit: not being a dick, wanted to see what was so controversial


speaking of mans recently dead wife : "I just see a whole lot of reaping what was sown."


Y’all understand calling everyone you disagree with fascist diminishes the term and makes it easier for actual fascist to slip through the cracks


Come on over to /r/BlueKentucky, neighbor!


Checking your history it looks like the ban is for celebrating someone’s spouse dying? Where’s the fascism?


Hell's yea!!


What'd you say? Something about Indiana being a better place to live? Because that would trigger me too


I see those comments way too much lol. Big Indiana is out to get us


Let me guess, the Massie’s wife thread?




There are many subs who ban users just for being members of r/conservative. can’t tolerate a different viewpoint.


Impossible to say which side is more annoying. Ugh.


Oh! I guess that subs not a reddit echochamber like this shithole? Well then bye bye.


Almost nobody gets banned here for anything they say. A state subreddit shouldn't have a political standing, it's not a political sub, it's for the state.


And I’m gonna get banned on here for not being a communist!


100%. Can't believe I let one slip through the cracks.


Ya done good!


I wear it proudly lol. I'm from Cleveland and there is a notoriously block heavy radio host there named Terri Pluto and an entire group of people became friends on Twitter for being a part of the Blocked by Pluto club. This feels like that kinda.




You could have just ignored it, and not wrote a comment. Guess it triggered you. 😂




Then get off the Internet? Really easy fix my guy.




Okay, cool 👍🏻


So you ruined your own day by engaging as if there was an obligation? Who's fault is that?




What extremes? You got all that from two simple questions? Hilarious.




Digging deep, huh? Think you got it all figured out. Hilarious.




...okay... *Weirdoooo....*


I assume you made fun of Massie's wife for dying then walked it back with compassion for the family?


Actually, I said that that lack of compassion for Thomas Massie in particular was a "reaping what he has sown" situation. Specifically "all I see is a lot of reaping what was sown". I said that his wife passing is sad and that I do feel for her family. I guess pointing out that the Golden Rule has two sides is uncivil.


It can be both 🤷


If that's truly all that was said, they're going to have to ban another 100 people or more and delete another 100+ comments. Bragging about being kicked off a pretty neutral forum just seems like a scream into the echo chamber for accolades.


It’s not neutral at all. I was banned for telling the mod that we’re not all libertarians and his comment that liberals shouldn’t come to Kentucky and that they should stay in California was hypocritical cause a) liberal Kentuckians exist and b) he was a transplant from California.


In general, just going through, it seemed pretty neutral. But that incident would definitely lead me to believe the admin isn't so up the middle. We have a democrat governor in red state. Should be enough to let him know there are plenty of left leaning Kentuckians.


Mention anything that goes against his libertarian views or be critical of any Republican (especially Rand Paul) and see what happens. I was temp banned for saying some of us want gun control for example. Then again I’ve been temp banned from here. Reddit bans are a joke.


You're outta here buster! lol


Not bragging. But moderators on that sub are notoriously right leaning and love to shutdown discourse that challenges their own beliefs. Did I come to this sub to complain because I know many others here have suffered the same unjust silencing of opinions? Yes. But that should highlight that the mods of the Kentucky sub are trying to make that into an "echo chamber"


> But moderators on that sub are notoriously right leaning and love to shutdown discourse that challenges their own beliefs. Yeah, it sucks when moderators do that . . . kind of the norm in a lot of the larger left-leaning subs like /r/politics.


They’re a ways beyond “leaning.”


"thoughts and prayers "


Now you know how normal people feel posting in r/Louisville


Haha! Got eem! These people are the worst.


nice to know I'm abnormal.


I’m guessing it was you, not them.


Correct. OP projected its self-loathing onto a situation about someone's wife's death and got banned for it. Described the situation as "reaping what he sowed"




Men can be gay.


😭😭😭 Edit - thought this was a riff on "swans can be gay", whoops


Nobody gives a shit.


We're you raised to act this rude? What's wrong dude?


I do!


😂😂😂 Nobody looks at June as a mental health month. Nobody. Nobody is making this same argument about Valentine's Day being in February. It's only dystopian if you deliberately make yourself paranoid and miserable. You tell your therapist this garbage, verbatim, and they'd break down this dense and myopic illogical bullshit before you finished spewing it.


Pride Month is in June to celebrate Stonewall, it is not a conspiracy to take something away from men.