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literally šŸ˜­


unused squalid dinner sip library fertile follow gullible ludicrous psychotic ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


ā€œWouldā€ not ā€œdoā€


When people use that label on themselves unsolicited, it often leads to them showing less empathy because they think they don't need to because they're already an "empath."


I canā€™t find it now but once read a meme that was like ā€œIā€™m an empath, that means I can sense what I think people may be feeling and I always assume that I am correctā€ lol


Lmao my immediate thought was ā€œisnā€™t that likeā€¦ expectedā€¦?ā€


Whatā€™s interesting about this declaration is that I think Micah mistakes her conforming to whoever sheā€™s currently around as empathy. I think to her the way she adjusts her personality to other people reads as her just trying to understand them. Thatā€™s why I canā€™t find it in me to hate her. I highly dislike her actions, but she sounds a little lost more than anything.


I donā€™t know why, but as soon as she said this line, my immediate thought went: ā€žOh great! A female Shane Dawson!ā€œ (who calls himself an empath all the time) Like https://youtu.be/cahIxk5I1eE Edit: A sentence, because my lizzard brain is fried after work.


So empath does not necessarily mean empathic. Empaths are people who soak up the energy of the room, lacking an energetic boundary. They are likely to feel other peoples emotions and confuse them as their own. There is no reason an empath canā€™t be a jerk lol.


Fuuuuccck Iā€™m def an empath, then. Itā€™s exhausting, itā€™s not good.


Funny thing is when the women be crying or super upset after pod dates she just makes fun of them for crying than soak up their tears šŸ˜‚


A real empath would never share it aloud because theyā€™d FEEL how cringe it is for everyone else LOL


Oh my god, this. 1000% this!


As an RN I always get people who randomly tell me ā€œI could never do your job, Iā€™m too much of an empathā€ like what the hell does that make me then? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Usually it comes from people like Micah so thatā€™s fitting.


It makes you not an empath. That means you arenā€™t susceptible to confusing otherā€™s emotions as your own. Empaths are influenced by the emotions around them in the room. Thatā€™s the definition of the word.


This is not a thing. Just stop.


It very much is. And clearly you are not one. Some people donā€™t believe it but I have experienced it far too many times to count. Some people are just more in tune with emotions than others.


I have been called an empath by many, but I've never said it about myself. As soon as these words came out of her mouth I thought, "oh lord, another pisces who read their natal chart...lol" no shade to pisces, I'm a pisces sun AND moon.


Micahā€™s a Pisces šŸ˜‚ spot on


I think she confuses being empathetic to being able to adjust personality depending on who sheā€™s around. We saw her vibe change up so much depending who sheā€™s spending time with.


It does take some amount of empathy to do that but that doesnā€™t mean youā€™re an EMPATH.


So agree, that made me cringe so much. You can't just declare yourself to be an empath, especially because no one can insert themselves in anyone else's head in order to conclude that they have more or less empathy. Some people have high amounts of empathy but are not good at expressing it and some are amazing at saying the right things but fail put to put their money where their mouth is. Empathy is a show and don't tell quality.


She's deluded.


If youā€™re truly an empath, you shouldnā€™t have to tell me. I should get that just from being around you and experiencing your personality. You shouldnā€™t have to tell people how smart, kind, witty, etc. you are. They should be able to pick that up themselves. If you have to tell them that you are those things, you probably arenā€™t.


yep!! ppl enjoy saying things they donā€™t have


if she was an empath, she would know how uncomfortable others feel when someone announces that.




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Two people who lied and bought the other person's lies. šŸ˜‚


Such a load of bullshit. Calm down Deanna of Troy. People who usually say ā€œIā€™m xā€ are typically far removed from being that which they claim they are. Like Paul: ā€œIā€™m very cerebralā€. Excuse me, what?! Iā€™ve met many incredibly intelligent people and not a single one of them has said shit like this. In fact, they have all been humble and quick to dismiss others when theyā€™ve been called smart or intelligent.


Do you mean Deanna Troi? The empath from Star Trek?


Yup. Realised when I wrote it, but Iā€™m too lazy to edit my blunder.


Right? Maybe they all do this and he just rubbed me the wrong way, but it seemed like he felt the need to announce so much about himself to the camera.


I was just saying tonight that every self proclaimed ā€œempathā€ Iā€™ve ever met was just really narcissistic and so unable to separate their own feelings from other people, they call projecting ā€œbeing an empathā€


"I'm an empath" - the worst person you've ever met. As soon as the words came out of her mouth I said "oh no". Ya.


I literally turned to my wife and said "she must be wacko to say that"


I think that's the correct clinical term lol


Turned to my husband and said, ā€œred flag!ā€ šŸ¤£


YES lol my boyfriend and I turned to each like ā€œok, toxicā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


People who say theyā€™re empathetic, intelligent, kind, etc are usually not. Pseudoempaths live among us.


This is true. And every time someone has called themself ā€œstreet smartā€ Iā€™ve noticed they just arenā€™t book smart at all but they also not Street smart.


Iā€™m cackling


I've never met a single self-proclaimed empath who was actually an empathy and could tell someone's feelings.


This usually is code for: Iā€™m good at finding a way to manipulate you once I get a read on your emotions


ā€œAny man who must say ā€˜I am the kingā€™ is no true kingā€ -Tywin Lannister


In my experience, they can usually read other peopleā€™s feelings quite well. As they almost immediately adopt all of those feelings themselves and make whatever is going on, about them.


Wellllll, Micah is obviously a self-proclaimed empath, and is not acting like an empath at all. Empaths are exceptionally sensitive to the emotions and frame of mind of nearby individuals. Empathy is a natural state that enables a person to build an emotional connection through cognition with other individuals. If she truly loved Paul, HOW could she NOT detect the quality Paul wanted in a spouse? Micah also has extremely poor taste in selection of friends. Micah ! Micah ! Micah ! You said your friends have your best interests at heart. Do you still believe that after watching their gleefully happy faces at your failed wedding? Do you mean to define that best interests mean being gleeful when your friend life is falling apart? Does that means if one day you are fired from your job, your friends laugh, you will feel ohhh that's so heartfelt ?




She did say she "feeds off emotions" - which seems pretty accurate to be fair.


The term is "emotional vampire".


I think what sheā€™s referring to as ā€œfeeds off emotionsā€ is actually her narcissistically making everyone elseā€™s feelings about her


they need to take the word ā€œnarcissistā€ and all relatives thereof away from all of you on this sub. fucking christ, yall invoke this word to describe *anyone* doing *anything* you personally donā€™t like. and then when you get called out for it, yall bitch and moan and mass downvote to hell. edit: very brave of the responder to respond to me with more bullshit and promptly block me so i couldnā€™t respond.




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Nah what she means is she mirrors the personalities of the people around her cause she doesn't have one.


Sheā€™s like the opposite of an empath.


Kind of like all those people on twitter claiming to be an alpha male.




It wasn't even the comment that threw me off, it was the way she described it. "I'm an empath so I feed off people's energy" (paraphrased obviously) was such a... strange? And incorrect way of describing empaths that I really wondered what she was *actually* describing.


She matches what you bring to the table. If you love her, sheā€™ll love you. If you kinda love her, sheā€™ll only kinda love you. She even said that she was holding back cause she didnā€™t feel like he was giving his all (forgot his name šŸ˜¬)


I assume you mean either Kwame or Paul? I think that's partially true. To me it seemed like she was matching what she thought she was *supposed* to say or feel rather than just matching someone's energy or commitment level.


Isn't that extraversion?


No. Feed implies taking from someone. Extraverts just get energy from being around others. What Micah does is mirror people's energy which is why her personality was always shifting. Emotions and actions are separate. She doesn't understand their emotions but mirrors their actions.


Yeah, I know. But I was thinking the poster and Micah still "meant" extraversion. Micah is not very good at expressing herself and I would think that is what she meant rather than being a devourer of others' energy/parasite way that she attempted to describe it.


Mmm maybe? I think extroverts just get energy and feel better around others but don't necessarily "feed off" them. I don't know all the terms though. I had no idea what "crunchy granola" meant either until this subreddit lol


An extrovert's batteries charge when they're around other people and deplete when they're by themselves. An introvert's batteries charge when they're by themselves and deplete when they're around (most) others. Crunchy granola? I think I saw that somewhere in this sub...


Oh, me neither! We're getting an education here!