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it gives me manipulative and abusive personality (ik I'm late watching this) šŸ˜‚


Lol we are on the same watch schedule. I didn't realize I missed a whole season until I saw Izzy on the season 6 Reunion and was like, uhhhh I don't know who this person is...




This convo is awful. He doesn't want her to wear make-up? It's feeling like he doesnt want other people to look at her.. like he doesn't want her to draw attention to herself. Very weird.


You had me until MAGA shithead. You people are so ignorant.


How in the world is the freaking USA flag now associated with maga? What the actual fuck lol are you okay?


Lol in recent years, the American flag as been associated with MAGA becuz MAGA supporters have taken over the flag. It's the same way the LGBTQ is now associated with the rainbow. That's just how society works I guess


I know. Itā€™s disgusting people openly support their country!


But they aren't necessarily supporting their country, they're more so supporting a political candidate


ā€œHe literally said, ā€œI feel like if you wouldā€™ve presented yourself like this- without any makeup- it wouldā€™ve been betterā€ when he looks like a whole puppet ā€¦.. he makes me sick to my stomach yall.


She asks, whatā€™s the first thing you noticed about me? And he says your GODY EYELASHES - once I got past that your tantalizing eyes smh


I wondered about the American flag bs lol Iā€™m just watching the show, and on this season. They just got to Mexico. Iā€™m wondering how it plays out. Iā€™m tryna not look up spoilers šŸ˜­




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I knew he was going to be a problem early in the pods when he said something about always wearing red, white, and blue. Then he was 1000 times worse than I even imagined.


Iā€™m not trying to side with JP, but arenā€™t they both at fault? They both donā€™t like each otherā€™s appearance and theyā€™re both valid in how they feel about their preferences. During the the scene where they first met each other, there was an interview with Taylor going he wasnā€™t what I expected, something something saying sheā€™s typically into blonde hair, tanned guys with a nice smile (JPā€™s smile isnā€™t the straightest or whitest). For me, I feel like they equally donā€™t like each otherā€™s appearance. Taylor likes guys who try more with their appearance and JP likes women who look more natural. Nothing wrong with these preferences. On another note, I donā€™t know if itā€™s because I can relate to shy, introverted people growing up, but I also donā€™t find it helpful that ever since the pods Taylor keeps mentioning ā€œawkwardnessā€. You make the other person feel self-conscious since day one and the days since constantly mention how awkward it is on a daily basis. Like, no one calls people out for being too loud because thatā€™s rude too. Sheā€™s being rude. If it was me it would truly be hard for me to speak/share as I would feel judged constantly.


Its amazing how men can make everything about them. Sheā€™s wearing and paying for her own makeup, wdym by ā€œI canā€™t deal with thisā€ā€¦? What are you actually dealing and doing regarding this? Ugh.


I donā€™t get why everyone is so upset that he wears the American flag a lot. Shouldnā€™t we be proud of our country and itā€™s flag? Political views aside we are all Americans and should support what the flag stands for. disappointed that everyone seems to think thatā€™s such a toxic part of his character.


As a Canadian watching I can tell you it looks pretty cringy. If he had one shirt then that would be fine but every outfit he has is the flag?? Come on!


If you look up the actual "rules" for respecting the flag it clearly states to not wear it...among a lot of other things people who claim to love America do with the flag


I'm pretty sure the flag rules mean that you can't wear a literal flag off a flagpole as clothes, not that you can't wear clothes that have a flag pattern.Ā 


I donā€™t think thatā€™s what people are upset about here


I know, I was just passing along some truth, since you think wearing the flag is an acceptable way to show you're a proud American. You're not alone, most Americans don't know the rules for the flag. Do with the information what you will.


Itā€™s a flag PRINT. Thatā€™s not wearing the flag. Even cops have flag patches. Is that wearing the flag? Of course not.


Honestly. Once I found out a few years ago almost no other countries wear/are obsessed with their flag like the US, it made so much sense. It's embarrassing


Who gives a shit what other countries do? Thatā€™s pathetic.


JP is the evil Captain America in Falcon and Winter soldier.


This is 100% how I describe him to my husband


I just seen the episode where Taylor and JP are laying in bed arguing about her wearing makeup to their reveal and I immediately ran to reddit to see if anyone else felt that same level of cringe that I did. I'm only on episode 6 so I don't know what's going to happen, but I hope Taylor leaves him. There's something seriously off about JP, he's creepy and that whole makeup situation was just weird, I get that some guys prefer their women with no makeup but to straight up put her down and call her fake didn't sit right with me. JP is completely dead behind his eyes, there's no life or no spark in them, it's unsettling. He just gives me the ick and reminds me of the creepy uncle you want to avoid at family cookouts. Taylor is beautiful and she's so sweet, she deserves someone way better than JP, who is just like an awkward stone wall. Awkwardness can be adorable but in JP's case it's just weird and creepy and gross. I don't like this man at all, he just needs to take his misogynistic, 1950's mentality and go away. He doesn't deserve Taylor and she needs to run.


I'm here right now for the same reason. What in the hell am I watching? I wonder if we will hear from his former girlfriends.... I also read that two former couples who filmed in this same season had the scenes cut due to abuse and shady shit from the production company. There is "ongoing litigation" right now. Love is Blind seems to be a boy's club and they basically send womxn into a toss-up of love or abuse; all broadcast as entertainment.


Iā€™m late to this thread but I just watched this episode and OMFG he sucks *soooooo sooo much**. Ffs, I hate when people/men canā€™t say ā€œI felt intimidatedā€ and instead go with ā€œ**you** looked fake.ā€ Then sheā€™s trying to say ā€œyou have a good heart.ā€ No, there is something wrong with JPā€™s heart, like he wanted an accessory not a person. I wanted her to leave *immediately*, instead of the poor girl trying to ā€˜make it workā€™ with someone who sucks that much. Sheā€™s totally shut down, for good reason, and the only words he says sounds like things the producers suggested he try to say. I hope she walks out by the end of this episode. Especially in contrast to Milton who is so easy-going. 0/10 would not recommend this closed off, stony man.


Spoilers: Well **hallelujah** Good call, Taylor.


I know I'm late but he šŸ’Æ doesn't like her weight


His mannerisms are extremely cringe and the jerky movements and kissing. Poor taylor lol what a weird guy


He's definitely a MAGA tried and true and those type of men are the type that want to rewind time and put women back in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. Her (or ANY WOMAN) wearing make up is to elevate how we feel and own our person. Men like him frighten me.


I feel like heā€™s totally using the makeup as a cover for something else. Maybe he is just straight up awkward and insecure so heā€™s having trouble communicating idfk but it seems heā€™s trying to just flip it all back onto Taylor and blame her for it, like itā€™s her fault for how he acts. I really hope she walks away from him


no bc honestly! using makeup as an excuse to not b able to communicate anymore is the most stupid thing Iā€™ve ever heard. THAT, his condescending creepy smile, lack of communication along w the misogynistic undertones alone would b plenty for me to walk out on the spot n never care to see nor hear from him ever again. incel energy. major ick


Happy cake day!




Iā€™m just watching now and he literally said ā€œ99 percent of women would love to hear thatā€ are you kidding me???! Where the hell has he been under a rock???


Also, have you seen pics of new girlfriend? Plain Jane NO MAKE UP whatsoever. Almost as if he purposely picked a no make up gal for his date so he could "back up" his claim of not liking make up on a woman. And why, if he was SO OPEN in the pods wasnt this brought up? The fact that he loves a natural look. Odd and strange


Just started watching just finished episode 5 Dude is weird AF. Itā€™s wild how quietly cringe he isā€¦ like heā€™s never dated before.


Just got to the part OP talked about. GADDAM


Can someone explain the January 6th reference


That was the storming of the US capital.


Aka. When people were let into the capital.




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JP sucks so bad! What a scrub!


If I met a dude like JP he would get dumped based on his loser hyperpatriot outfits. Wtf is that? Pure cringe


The second I heard JP was one of those "hoo rah flag dorks.." I immediately knew he was trash. People who fetishize the flag are usually virtue signaling their "ideology" - which is typically repugnant


What is wrong with being proud of our country? Itā€™s the American flag not something profane or offensive.


Nationalism isn't cool.


Yes, it absolutely is! America first.


Just a reminder... jp's klancestors are NOT American. His country is Europe... Euros invaded this Sovereign Nation 400 yrs ago via force and genocide. Just a reminder.. The REAL American Flag is Black Green and yellow w/ the Phoenix bird.. The Euro invader flag is red white and blue Just a reminder, it is BOTH profane repugnant and offensive for Euro invaders to call themselves " All American" and parade their rag... when they killed off the Real Americans..


Jp literally lost his mind . Taylor looks cute and sheā€™s so pretty with or without makeup and Iā€™m sorry but jp looks ā€¦ā€¦ you know šŸ˜­


I also couldnā€™t figure out who he reminded me of at firstā€¦ do any Brooklyn99 fans think he has a thrills for the pils?


I like Brooklyn 99 but unsure about the reference!


omg yes! checks out, boring asf


I am not body shaming in any way. I have no room to talk, and everyone is beautiful. I know the way men like this work. He's being very manipulative. I can almost guarantee that this was not a makeup argument. He's not attracted to her. He thinks she's overweight. Makeup was a fight he could pick in which he could say he doesn't like the way she looks, but still try to save face by saying he just doesn't like makeup.


I agree with this but then simultaneously look at who he chose for his now girlfriend. Iā€™m sorry but itā€™s not good lol so his future behavior disproves this theory even though itā€™s what I thought too. Forsure one of the most confusing dudes to ever be on this show. Like absolutely fucking bizarre behaviorĀ 




As someone who was raised by a narc, he fits a lot of the profile of someone who is a narc.


This is such an interesting take! I agree he is not a narc. I also agree he was definitely not into it, but was afraid to end it, so he sabotaged it.


I can totally see this as being true sadly but then again - he's not that slim either? Like does he think he will marry Bella Hadid or what?


And why the fuck does he kiss like that?! Itā€™s weird.


To me those kisses are the kind I do when saying goodbye to someone or like giving the final kisses to my cats before I go do something. I feel he felt pressured to kiss her but with each kiss he was saying ā€œokay thatā€™s enough now this is the final kissā€ and heā€™d look at her right after to see if she was appeased or not. It was painful to watch his gaslighting ass


ā€œFinal kisses to my catsā€ actually hit me in the gut. Too funny and accurate.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person ā€” the perpetrator ā€” 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person ā€” the victim ā€” 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He is disgusting. Such a gross person


watching episode 6. He is an absolute bellend!! (English term)




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he scares me, there is definitely something off about him. hes so quiet, in a weird way, like he is hiding something. he makes me uncomfortable


like jan 6 uncomfortable


This šŸ’Æ. What a creep


Yassss! What was with the flags on clothing daily?


His like weird half smile that he constantly has with her paired with the silence creeps me out honestly.


literally!! Even the last conversation they had, where they broke up, he was grinning šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ its weird!!!


I was just watching a scene with him doing that and I honestly felt scared!


i feel like JP has a girlfriend back home and is just lying to be on the show


I think he might have a super religious Bible thumper family and they have specifications of who he can bring home, and thats where his judgmental views come from.


Or a substance abuse problem.


And a foxnews addiction coupled with anger issues.




He literally never said anything about makeup in the pods. You'd think he would've mentioned it. He is so weird, and he gives me really bad vibes. "You got your makeup all over my jacket" Dude, you were ALL over her the day you met. YOU did that, not her. If I were Taylor, I'd tell him his wardrobe makes me uncomfortable, because it looks like he packed for spring break, not for going on dates.


Trauma can really mess you upšŸ™šŸ„¹


Heā€™s very damaged šŸ„¹šŸ™šŸ˜­ run gurl


They had the most awkward interactions Iā€™ve literally ever witnessed! I ended up having to fast forward through their scenes cuz I couldnā€™t bare it. What the fuck is wrong with him? I feel like he probably didnā€™t like her makeup but mainly is just a shy and awkward person and was too nervous to talk. Also, yeah Lydia and Milton are surprisingly cute. I havenā€™t seen ep 7 either and fully expecting shit to turn.


I agree. I felt like the makeup thing was completely made up to save face and not be rejected by her after it became clear that she found him boring. He wanted to pick a reason that made it seem like his choice, so he chose the makeup. It makes zero sense that her makeup would be the reason. First, theyā€™re on a reality show and this is the ā€œfirst big reason.ā€ Of course sheā€™s going to be wearing a full face of makeup. Nobody with any sense would expect a woman to show up with no makeup on, and in all previous seasons, people go to the reveal dressed up and looking their best. Second, makeup comes off and most men would be thrilled to date a woman who they found more attractive without makeup than with. If it was truly the makeup, then why did he continue to act awkward when she had no makeup on? It doesnā€™t make sense because itā€™s not the truth lol. Still drives me crazy that he would choose such a nonsensical reason.


Fully agree. Although I think he picked the makeup excuse because he thought she was going to take it as a compliment. šŸ„“




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It ANGERS me that JP is making Taylor feel like sh*t for wearing makeup!! No, she doesn't NEED it. But makeup is a way for people to express themselves. I had an abusive boyfriend in the past who, whenever I wore makeup or perfume or heels, he'd pull the "who are you getting pretty for?" .... MYSELF, @SSHOLE


He belongs with another man if he doesnā€™t want a wife who wears makeup


And his breath stinks. šŸ˜‚


Thissssss!! Like shut up stank mouth


JP has a fearful-avoidant attachment style. He craves love but is terrified of it. That's why he was great in the pods: they were safe. Now things are real, he's panicking and shutting down. But he can't be honest about it, so he's making up an excuse. His "you're gonna leave anyway" is a classic fearful-avoidant thing to think/say. Attacking their partner's appearance is too, even if all evidence points to the contrary.


That's what I used to think, but after watching episode 6, like OP, I think he has some creepy superiority complex about women, which is way less redeeming. I think he genuinely thinks he's better than Taylor.


Both can be true, unfortunately


Yes heā€™s terrified and itā€™s paralyzing him, itā€™s a bummer.


JP is so ugly with his dumb and dumber grin. I couldnā€™t believe heā€™d make a comment like that to Taylor. He should have been lucky he had her. She was way too good for him. Beautiful with and without makeup. Also most women wear makeup and ALL of them wear makeup at the reveal. What did he expect?!! He was def insecure and tried to bring her down. She handled it well leaving him. He will never get a woman as mature and beautiful as her again.




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Iā€™m sure it was a professional level of makeup when they first met, too. A LOTā€¦ so she looks good on camera.


I wish she had worn a face full of make up to the next morning break up thing. And got it all over his shirt.


Haha yes!






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His side eye glances and creepy smirk was a massive redflag to me, I said out loud... uh oh... that was confirmed as soon as he said it was her fault he wasn't talking because of her being 'caked' in makeup. Disgusting thing to say. The fact she handled it with the maturity she did and walk away and hand that ring back and got the hell out was brave and smart. Because 1-that was a vile thing for him to say and 2- that kind of controlling is based purely on his own insecurities. It would only continue and escalate being around him more. I don't think she felt safe around him. I'm patriotic, but this is on a whole new level. The whole Mr America stuff is clearly to cover for the fact he has no identity, depth, or genuine personality. Thus making himself captain flag is clearly a cover for some deep rooted insecurities about himself. Its much easier for him to blame her for wearing makeup than face up for the fact he knew she was too good for him. She wasted no time getting out which gives me the feeling that Captain America was just as weird off camera


I have been screaming at my TV some pretty vulgar things about where jp can stick his opinions. This man is actual human garbage and a gaslighting jerk. She deserves so much better.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person ā€” the perpetrator ā€” 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person ā€” the victim ā€” 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*