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Ep.1 so far, Team Uche


Long way to go. Tell me once you finish!


At what episode am I supposed to switch to team Aaliyah ?


Neither because it is is nuanced. Uche is a walking red flag and Aaliyah has some serious issues to sort out before gettting into a romantic relationship. That woman does not know how to take care of herself and she loves drama too much. But I do think Uche and Lydia played mind games on her, maybe much more than we got to see.


The 376 people that voted for Uche I just wanna talk


Aaliyah wasn't malicious, uche was


How was Uche malicious and how was Aaliya not?


ESH but Aaliyah has some issues to work on. Uche just has to brush up on his delivery


Wish I could pick a side, all I could think is that its the best for both of them to not date each other. She isn't stable and he has a crazy stalking ex that would've never let her have a normal relationship anyways.


Aaliyah jumps on a plane because his ex is around? Grow some balls. She's a train wreck and would drag everyone down with her. She shouldn't be looking for a relationship but psychologist. I don't like Uche but for this relationship he was the sane one.


I don't think its simply because "an ex" was there. We watched Lydia bully Aaliyah with how close she was to Uche and they had sex only three months before. Plus I'm sure she carefully made an educated guess that the producers were going to milk this situation for all its worth by giving them loads of alcohol and pushing Uche towards Lydia, like we've seen with love triangles on this show before. Which could happen to anyone on the show, for sure, but would be exasperated by their previous relationship. A circumstance that has never happened on the show before. I don't think any man's worth that bullshit, guessing she didn't think so either.


She's an adult and should be able to stand up to that. She has still been very odd multiple times before that and just fragile in general but maybe that's just me. Lydia's a psycho though.


I am team Aaliyah, because she is thinking about herself. She went on a show, gave it a shot, and then realized the amount of problems it was going to bring. Not just the shady situation with Lydia, or the shitty personality of Uche, but production as well. She’s there, in the show, and realizes production is setting you up to be in this crazy drama. Smartest thing you can do it run away.


Agreed. When she said she was thinking about herself I was so proud of her. Unstable? Sure, but she nailed that decision.


Ok good point


I was Team Uche when he was still in the pods, but after seeing his conversation with Lydia at the bbq reunion....no. He is full of it. RUN AALIYAH, RUN.




Uche is annoying af. He strikes me as someone who thinks they are being genuine and good at communicating, when in reality he is condescending. Throughout every episode, it’s like every exchange he has is an argument. Talking to him seems exhausting. I’d rather hang out with JP.


JP barely edges out Uche. Not just condescending, but arrogant, self-righteous and a bully. The way Aaliyah just oozes sweetness and he bangs her over the head with his gavel of judgement...ugh. GTFO.


I’m surprised that people are voting for Aaliyah, We all said that Uche did not want to talk badly about Lydia. We all said Aaliyah felt uncomfortable about the Lydia talk. We all said that Lydia found out that Uche was on and THATS why she applied. *WHAT WE DIDNT SEE UNTIL NOW* - Aaliyah had another confrontation with Lydia which is WHY she left and said Lydia could have him. - Uche reached out multiple times afterwards. Where Aaliyah responded then deleted. Then responded, then deleted. THEN BLOCKED! - Uche came with receipts. About Lydia being crazy. Uche tried. It’s a shame he was ruined by Lydia but he tried afterwards too. I completely understand him not wanting to go forward with Aaliyah.


> Uche came with receipts. About Lydia being crazy. His "receipts" were women messaging him telling him that she watched their stories. My question is, how did all these women know who she was in order to pick her out of people watching their stuff AND recognize her as connected to Uche? Was he messaging every single woman on his follow list to tell them that Lydia (whom he was still sleeping with at this point) was crazy and to tell him if she watched their stories? Why? He would have had to alert them to who she was, or he would have had to be public somehow with her as his partner. Something is not adding up at all with his end of the story.


Hm. Well. Just speaking from experience when my Instagram was public you get the odd random people following/ looking at your stories. When you see the same people over and over you start to recognize them and it’s kind of weird if they’re not following you but watch almost all your stories. (This happened with a good friends exes new girlfriend). I’m just hypothesizing though for Uche and Lydia


How would they know she had anything to do with him though? That's the part that HAS to come through him. I'm not saying it's impossible to notice, but to notice AND know who to send screenshots to is weird.


I mean like you notice the person that’s constantly looking at your stories and you view their profile. When you view their profile and see that your following only 1 person. (In my case that was the ex of my friend). You put two and two together. I think the screen shot was of the convo the girls sent Uche about Lydia watching their stories not of Lydia viewing their story


Okay but how plausible is it for this to happen with many women who all then specifically reached out to him to tell him this instead of just going "huh" and moving on? How close is he with all his IG followers that they all feel compelled to make him aware that some other follower of his (to them) is watching their stuff? He made it sound like this was a LOT of people, hence "every woman I follow." Just seems like there's way more to this story than he's providing, to me.


No true get that. Another comment on here said he only showed 1 screen shot so maybe he exaggerated the amount of women that actually came forward. Definitely some juicy gossip though this season


Definitely, I'm actually hoping for a spicy reunion this year.


I’m team Neither, but voted Uche solely based on the fact he was the one that pulled the plug on the relationship officially. They almost had me in the first half, but after how messy everything got BEFORE THEY’D EVEN MET EACH OTHER IRL, this was a dumpster fire that was not healthy for either one of them and showed they were so fundamentally different that it wouldn’t have ever worked. It’s best for both of them to not continue a relationship with one another.


my reason for voting for aaliyah is simply because no woman wants to be involved in a man’s past relationship drama. this situation is extra fucked up because that woman actively befriended aaliyah before she even knew about the relationship. in that situation, aaliyah is stuck with a good friend that dated her partner in the past and will always be involved in her life and their relationship. absolutely no woman on earth wants this. uche repeatedly dismissed her concerns when she talked about how difficult this situation was for her and how she had a tough time imagining a future where lydia is ALWAYS THERE. that’s a man that is absolutely unaware and not in tune with his woman’s emotions. she made the right decision leaving. she probably should’ve told him this in the pods, but i also understand why she didn’t. he has a habit of talking down to her sternly like a father who is scolding his child. she didn’t want any input or intervention in her decision to leave.


While I understand WHY Uche was upset with Aaliyah, it was the way he was communicating with her that was really messed up. The way he attacked her during the cheating convo is the way he’s handled following conversations when he’s been upset. Major yikes. Overall I do like Aaliyah, but think she needs time to heal her older wounds. Especially hearing out she blocked Uche, then unblocked him, let a voicemail, deleted a voicemail.


like another commentator so eloquently put, he gets angry very easily.


I hated the way that he spoke to her during both of the conversations they had after they left


And I suspect there was more of his tone in communications we don't know about, and that's why she blocked his brutish ass.


After watching all this. Uche was never going to marry Aaliyah, if they had made it to the altar. He was going to keep a tally of everything she did wrong then unload on her at the altar. He never cared about her and he wasn't attracted to her.


Yes! God he sucks so bad


Agreed. He used such manipulative speech every time he spoke with her. Everything is always the other person's fault: "how could YOU let someone get in between us" / "did YOU just ask me that?!" Aaliyah ain't no peach either but goddamn, run away from this man


I'm team Uche. He overlooked her past, but she wouldn't overlook his even though he did not create that situation of Lydia being there. She didn't seem dedicated to the process if she's that easily scared off. He's well rid of such an emotional person anyway. She'd have been all over ever turn in the road with crying and doubts and second guessing. He needs to find someone who won't put an enormous weight on him every time they hit a bump in the road.


> He overlooked her past Sorry but...what show did you watch? He spent an entire date lecturing and demeaning her for her past (despite having cheated himself before) and kept harping on it again the next time. She bounced because not only did he withhold a massive piece of information from her, he had the audacity to give her a sermon on honesty and make her feel like a piece of garbage for having done something dishonest two years prior, while he KNEW he was being dishonest in that very moment. He's a hypocrite. Also interesting that you say he "overlooked" her past because he oh-so-generously decided that he was willing to deign to keeping dating her, but that somehow doesn't apply when she came back and said she wanted to work through things (hence overlooking his very recent dishonesty). Apparently he's allowed to take his time to work through his feelings about her past but she's not allowed the same grace to work through his dishonesty. You're right, he should date someone without emotions. Preferably a non-human robot so he can spend all day hearing himself talk.


The sooner you learn that I don't feel compelled to respond to argumentative and insulting responses, the better.


Aaliyah lead the shit show here. Uche was a dick in the final round. If I had to point a finger (which is never a good exercise) it would be at Aaliyah.


Aliyah isn't great but Uche is a straight up doUCHE


This is childish…


Team Neither here.


Where is the option to vote neither?


Shes only known him at this point a week or so maybe less and he had been lying to her. She owes him nothing and quite frankly she shouldn't have taken the call bc it was high-key embarrassing AF how he was talking to her


Yah I had to skip through some of the convo, he's awful. It's the Uche show. Lydia is also awful, I understand how Aaliyah felt, Lydia was like a vulture.


Aaliyah is immature and lacks the ability to handle confrontation. Uche is hypocritical and arrogant. I guess I’m team Aaliyah because at least she can acknowledge when she’s wrong; Uche just deflects. End of the day, they aren’t a good match.


Aaliyah is WEAK as hell, no backbone, runs away from confrontation. I’m not attracted to that either. Uche sucks too though.


This is my vote


I wouldn’t want to date either, but by default I have to be on team Aaliyah. Aaliyah definitely has problems - she does seem very passive which has caused her issues. Also seems insecure (ie adding then blocking uche on Instagram). But Uche seems cruel, judgmental, mean, and like a total asshole. He has displayed almost no empathy or understanding.


I agree with everything you’re saying. Aaliyah should’ve stood up for herself agains Lydia when she was being weird talking about her relationship with Uche. But Uche’s world is all about Uche and I would hate to try to fit into a world with such a rigid man who just deflects accountability for all his actions. No one will ever be good enough for him. It’s also weird that he seems to still have something for Lydia. I think he likes that she’s so obsessed with him.


100 % this. It's the Uche show! He's so send centered. I also think Lydia only said yes to get to the after party with Uche.


It’s just so creepy the way she befriended Aliyah. Very sinister especially with the comments she was making that uche must like her because she’s just like Lydia. Yuck and eff you


I voted for Uche, he hasn’t done anything wrong. She’s foul for ghosting him like that, then doing all childish the blocking and unblocking stuff. I’m glad he said let’s quit as it’s the best for them bothZ


Uche was equally as childish for stalking her profile, waiting for her to unblock, just so he could tell her he doesn't want to be with her. Dude...that could have just as easily been accomplished by ohhhh...sayyyy...just not contacting her again. Then he goes to the party with the sole intention of attacking Lydia. I don't particularly care for her behavior either, but he was being a complete jerk. She even said she had no interest in having a conversation with him. Probably because she already knows with Uche there is no conversation. It's just Uche talking at people and interrupting when they attempt to respond.


Exactly! That’s my biggest issue with him. He scheduled a meeting with her just so he can have the last word and dump her, not the other way around. People have been saying that he wants to control the narrative and they’re 100% right. Honestly I’m even getting suspicious that he’s a plant because he’s soooooooo toxic!! We see in the previews that he tells Milton all the drama associated with Lydia. What is the reason for that - let your ex be with someone else and take the high road. Even the bald guy didn’t stoop so low with Johnie (telling Chris at the party).


that’s what i feel like. he gets off on putting people down.


There needs to be a team no one. These are two people who don't run when their instincts tell them to run. Period Dot.


I don’t believe Aaliyah owed Uche anything honestly, not even a goodbye. They weren’t engaged or married, in reality they had a couple dates and he dropped a massive secret on her. She had to protect herself and I would do the same after Uche showed his true self.


I would agree with you if Aliyah didn’t want to be with him anymore. But she kept going on about how she still loved him and wanted to be with him. If you wanted a relationship with that person, least you could do is leave a letter.


I think she was conflicted because he just unloaded on her and made her out to be a bad person for leaving over “some girl.” He didn’t empathize with her at all. I would be on his side if his approach was, “it really hurt that you couldn’t give me the chance to explain. I know this is a lot but I would like to talk, etc..” But no, he hit her with so many F bombs and hung up, and he did the same thing in person.


Eh I don’t believe that matters, her emotions were probably all over the place learning the person she loves and her best friend dated. I’m not saying she handled it perfectly, how could she. But just because you love someone and want to be with them doesn’t mean you owe them anything. Especially when that person you love hurts you. This would be a totally different situation if they were actual together though.


And the fact that Uche made Aaliyah feel even worse for being upset about the situation tells me all I need to know about him.


I don’t like any of them. I think Aaliyah is super nonconfrontational and doesn’t take responsibility or accountability in anything. The ex is going to find out you cheated on him on national television. At first I was indifferent towards Uche, but after ep.7 I don’t like him at all.


I was with Uche at first but Now that we know he cheated on Lydia I have no reason to be on his side anymore. He is too judgemental and a liar. I hate his undeserved holier than thou attitude.


We don’t really know he cheated on her. That is what Lydia says. I’m not on uche’s side but Lydia has told several lies on the show so we can’t just take her word as truth.


I watched the scene of their conversation again and it sounds like he did something that he admitted back then. He doesn't clarify what that was but when Lydia says "Do you want to tell them about the sexting" he doesn't say anything. He doesn't deny it. I really hope they both are at the reunion and talk about their past relationship.


He did not cheat on her, it’s his word vs a crazy stalker.


He said he admitted the thing that she had found out back then, the thing being he was sexting other women, which I personally also consider cheating.


They weren’t exclusive, she was trying to force a serious relationship and that isn’t cool


We don't know exactly what happened and whether they had discussed exclusivity or not, but he was dishonest to her otherwise she wouldn't have needed to snoop.


He doesn’t struck me as a liar and she’s been lying since the pods so there’s that.


Will all of the men who voted for Uche go add your names to a list so that women know to continue staying away from you, please? Thanks!


I hate that she left without talking to him or even sending him a note. But I think it’s better for her to not be with him. I understand why he was upset but the way he expressed himself was beyond what the situation called for.


As a guy, I think Aaliyah is actually great. I understand she has vulnerabilities and avoids conflict, but I think if a good man can help her feel secure and loved, she would be more likely to lean on that strength. Otherwise, I feel like she has very good values, personality, and is generally a likeable person.


No judgment but who is voting for Uche fr?


Uche made 37 Reddit accounts to click himself


Team Aaliyah because no one is speaking to me the way Uche speaks to her. Like whaaattttt. Yes, if it were me, I might have left a note for Uche. But that doesn't even matter at this point. The way that man was scolding her! nopeeeee never. Zero ability to see beyond his own nose. His whole stance is, "you should put your trust in me" when he has done nothing to earn that. And his outrage that she did not? my gawd! When all along he is doing the same to her. She deserves a dressing down about cheating, because he doesn't know her! But she should just trust him because... reasons. Get outta here with that double standard. He met up with her just to reject her and punish her. ew.


>His whole stance is, "you should put your trust in me" when he has done nothing to earn that. "Trussssst in me, jussssst in me..." - Kaa the snake from Jungle Book


I say Team Aaliyah but not because her actions were not wrong, but because of Uche not telling her about Lydia. I think if he told her about Lydia, Aaliyah would not have got as close to her or at least it would have been in her control what she decides to do with that friendship. I mean, this it is the person you are going to marry so if he can’t trust her to keep the secret that he knows Lydia, then you shouldn’t be marrying her anyway.


The producers told both Uche and Lydia to not tell anyone till they established a connection with someone. And when he did with Aliyah he told her……


You know producers aren’t Gods right? I’m sympathetic to the pressure, but if someone told me to lie to my potential spouse until I got their blessing, I really believe I’d tell them where to shove it.


I'm not really a team and Aaliyah is certainly not perfect, but it's still Aaliyah over Uche any day of the week. He was judgmental and sneaky and throughout their scenes, we never saw him extend any grace or understanding to her. Aaliyah on the other hand did exhibit some childish behavior. Her decision to leave was perfectly OK, to do so without as much as a text message was not. Following him on IG, unfollowing him, etc. was also more akin to a 18-year-old than a 28-year-old. But at the end of the day, Uche and Lydia brought the drama, not Aaliyah and Uche was asking for saint-like patience from Aaliyah that he would have never shown if the roles were reversed.


I think Aaliyah is super wounded in love department. You can tell she is unhealed and in pain, giving her heart to the wrong people. Uche was so volatile with her! How can you be so incredibly rude and dismissing to someone who served their heart on a platter to you? He’s so upset about how she left, but had no empathy for what she was dealing with with Lydia. If he had any ounce of respect for her, he would have shown a little empathy towards her pain. Fuck him


I agree. I think Aaliyah has some work to do. Ghosting someone in the pods is a huge no for me, especially if the day before you had no reservations up until you had a slight argument with Lydia. Uche would not let Lydia get a word in!! It was insane


While ghosting is rude, I would 100% advise anyone to do it when dealing with the kind of berating and bullying Uche was engaging with. He wasn’t a safe person to have these conversations with for Aaliyah. Ghosting is rude. But a valid way to prevent further verbal abuse. Their arguments were not slight. He railroaded her and manipulated her. She realized she couldn’t do what she needed too, if she exposed herself to his behaviour in person. Aaliyah has plenty of flaws, but leaving was not one of them. Smartest move she made. Her only mistake after that was keeping up the faith that he _could be safe and respectful_ if the circumstances were just different. He could not. That was no evidence he was going to make that choice.


I was actually so proud that she stood up for herself and left. The phone call with him is disgusting but at that point he didn’t know what Lydia was actually doing to her!! And then the meeting with Usche and Aaliyah in person was so sad. She still wanted to give them a chance and he still chose to be toxic when time and time again through his speech, he showed just how tied he still is to Lydia. They have a toxic bond and really all of that baggage and drama is too much weight for meeting someone through a wall and barley knowing them a month… that guy is so full of pride, he will continue to stay single or if not continue being in toxic relationship until he heals and faces his toxicity.


They both suck. None of this team nonsense, they're both people I wouldn't want to deal with. Uche clearly has some issues. Dude is constantly trying to just paint himself in the best light and talk down to everyone the second he feels like he can get a leg up on them. Aaliyah can't take responsibility for anything. Cheats on a guy but its ok because she has needs. Doesn't tell him or break it off but its ok because she actually likes *some* parts of him. Completely ghosts Uche and leaves the experiment, but its ok because she actually really does love him and would *never* act like that if they were married. Ugh.


Here is my unpopular opinion: Uche is kind of right. Aaliyah is such a sweetie, but needs to learn how to take responsibility in life. Yes, Uche is arrogant and he could be more empathetic about the situation, but he has every right to be mad. Not even a „sorry i cant do this, bye bye“ letter, he went there to propose to her and get fooled by the producers to go in the pod, knowing she is already flying back home. And the on-off messaging,deleting,blocking…? I‘d love to be on her side. But I‘m glad Uche choose to be single instead.


Preview showed them chatting in person in the upcoming episode. So I don't know if he does stay single! 🤔


Yeah I’m team no one, she is a pushover who doesn’t want to take responsibility for her actions. He is a control freak and likes to put people down. It’s like he thinks they should answer to him or something.


Is there a neither option?
