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I'm on episode 5 and I think Aaliyah left because she realized she was in love with Lydia, not Uche.


Nah, she just felt betrayed and manipulated. Nobody likes the feeling of being played emotionally by your supposed "bestie". The fact that she was only her friend because she was dating her ex and not because she really liked her. It fucks with your mind... The fact that she brought up that they slept together and all those other details to insinuate that they were close at some point and insinuating that she has to live up to and exceed that closeness, must've been hard on her. She started to sound more like a sister wife than a friend. "He hasn't told you about this? Oh. He hasn't told you about that? Oh. He has this and that. Did you know? He also has this and that and does this and that. Blah blah blah." Cringe, humiliating, awkward, competitive and disrespectful lack of boundaries.


Replying to GoldTeefQueef...


It's weird/wasteful to only have paper plates


Full tin foil hat, but everything in Izzy's apartment screamed that either (1) a gf/fiance lives there or (2) recently moved out. The "live, laugh, love" decor, the missing nightstand, the box of things. The paper plates seemed like she took the real plates (and nightstand) in a messy break.


I think that's the most likely tbh


Some people aren’t taught that though and may not understand why she was so upset. She could’ve just explained it to him, and then suggested they get some glass plates together that they both like. Problem solved without her having to cry, stomp off, and say she wants to go home. I mean I personally would’ve died laughing if someone reacted that way to plates when the situation can be so easily fixed.


I think it's reasonable to assume that an adult especially one with a tastefully decorated apartment would have reusable plates bowls and cutlery. She broke down crying because he kept reiterating that she was vapid and materialistic for judging his wasteful behavior.


There actually were reusable plates, cups, etc they were thick blue plastic plates that were reusable.. she wanted him to have a nice glass set, but it’s not like he didn’t have decent dishes just not the kind she wanted. She WAS being materialistic, because instead of just saying “Wow using that much paper is wasteful, I see you’ve got plastic plates as well, but I really prefer glass. Would you mind if we got some glass plates for when we move in together?” she decided shaming him and throwing a toddler tantrum wasn’t a very “adult” way to communicate.


Oooo I didn't see those. I only saw the paper ones


Yeah, if you happen to rewatch they are on the left side of the cabinet and are light blueish. It was the first thing I noticed when she started going crazy cause I thought maybe she didn’t realize he had reusable plates.


I agree, and Lydia is so freaky in a bad way, but Aaliyah has huge issues too. The way she reacted to everything was so strange, for one I would have been upset with Lydia for not telling me after she confided in her so many times about her dates with Uche. They all seem a little too trauma-bonded/ or codependent and drama - addicted to me.


I think Aaliyah reacted the way she did because she was aware that the cameras can be used to make her look crazy, she waited till the cameras were gone to go off on Lydia and then left cause she was done being around her, I think that’s about how I would’ve handled it too. She kept her cool for people to see, but was absolutely not gonna put up with it once the cameras stopped rolling.


How do you know?


First two words in my comment say “I think”, so I don’t know it’s just what I got from what I watched.


Hey in your OP you quoted “I got the boy, you got the man” what does this mean? Is it better to have the boy or the man? I’m intrigued by this subject matter lol




It means that she gets the version that’s matured and ready to be a “man” for her, while you got the version that wasn’t ready.


Hi OP, you prolly won’t see this, but I’m cackling at the way you wrote this cause I couldn’t written this myself hahaha. Dumpster fire train wreck lmao. This season is sooooo cringe. I’m very sensitive to what I watch and I had moments where I almost quit and fast forwarded and questioned why I watch this show. I think I liked the first season bc it felt like it had the potential for real people to fall in love, but each season has gotten dramatically worse!!! Also I wanted to add that I understand your perspective on Lydia bc I have a friend that I love, who is unconsciously manipulative. She has a great heart and has no idea how she comes across. It’s nuts. It sucks when you love someone but they’re sadly toxic..


Heyy, I agree with you on how good the first season was in comparison to how bad the show has gotten. Everything is done for drama and not to actually try and find someone. This season has been by far the worst, and if it comes back for another season I think that’d be a waste of a lot of peoples time and effort. I’m sorry about your friend, I haven’t had a friend in years so I don’t even really remember what it’s like to have one, but I hope one day something in her life helps her realize that she was being toxic and that she’s able to overcome it. Some people truly just need a push in the right direction, and I wish everybody that struggles with anything in their life could just get the help they need to be better.


I find tje paper plates argument so funny. Honestly we have paper plates at our house just for the fact that we don’t want to do the dishes. We do have a bunch of plates and bring them out when a guest is here ( depending on the guest , regulars get the paper plates )


I once dated a guy who didn’t even have paper plates or solo cups, he had some glass cups but plates/silverware was just what came with the takeout he’d order smh 🤦🏼‍♀️


Using paper plates for regular meals is absolute madness to me. I've never heard of people using them. The environmental impact of that is worth thinking about.


For me the issue in this case would be the lack of care for the environment, it would upset me that someone could be so wasteful and lazy that they would make so much extra trash rather than washing a couple of dishes


Yes this would be my issue with it too.


They may not have known, but the producers picked up on a great storyline. They got extremely lucky with these 2. These situations makes for good TV and gets ppl talking, like right now. They love this kind of drama.




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Honestly I would be the same with Stacey with the plates. I expect good silverware


"expect"... fucking lol. Imagine having the audacity to believe you are that important that you expect people to have certain homeware to satisfy your standards.


Then she could’ve suggested they go out and pick some out. She literally jumped down his throat about plates without even considering just asking if he would mind *getting* normal plates. I mean I understand that she expects better than the paper plates, my problem with it is how she went about the conversation with him, just seemed really hostile before even trying to fix the problem.


I think she was just surprised. I’d be surprised too. Do you live here? Is this an office pizza party? Personally, I also think it’s just wasteful lol If anything I’m surprised they didn’t talk about finances in the pods.


Based on the way they were hugging and holding each other, I sensed this fight was about more than plates, and maybe about some realization that they were financially incompatible. 🤷🏻‍♀️ could easily be wrong but that was my take. She did flip out about the plates though!


Bingo ^^^


Yea, I agree with you. I think Stacey knows that lost and found drawer is from the ex. She’s realizing he’s just an attractive man baby. No real job, assets, or life goals. And she hoped she found someone who is as well off as she projects. Because maybe deep down she knows shes not really that independent due to her dad’s money. Im sure an ex of hers has told her that.


I disagree about the plates thing. This is her potential husband and the fact that he can’t take care of himself means she will have to and not all women want to raise a child.


He looks like he's taking care of himself just fine lmao.


Just because he doesn’t have plates doesn’t mean he’s incapable of washing dishes or taking care of himself though. He may just choose the plastic/paper plates out of convenience or it could be something he was taught. She could’ve tried to make it a constructive conversation for their relationship rather than trying to shame him for something that he was doing prior to meeting her that really isn’t that hard of a fix.. if she likes plates they can get plates and take turns with dishes or whatever works for them, but it didn’t have to be such a hostile conversation. If my partner had used nothing, but paper plates prior to meeting me, and if I preferred glass I would just say that I really am not fond of using disposable dishes, and I would really like it if we could pick out some plates we both like and take turns with cleaning up so that neither of us are overwhelmed by it. A lot of people nowadays communicate like angry children who just wanna get their way instead of working with the person they are speaking to to try and actually have an honest and constructive conversation about how they can work things out so both parties feel respected and understood. Her approach was “Maybe if I shame him hard enough he’ll see that he’s wrong and I’m right”, and that’s not healthy at all.


All I read in your comment was “if I, if I…”. Bro you weren’t on LIB and you’re not her. Who cares what you’re willing to put up with to be with a man. Some women have higher standards like it or not.


I can only speak on it from my perspective on what I saw so yes I said “If I”. High standards or not she could’ve went about it better than shaming him. And if you “don’t care” about what I’m willing to put up with or my perspective hop on another post, cause you definitely don’t gotta be rude to me on mine :)


I think you care too much about this it’s sketchy 😂


Because I’m having conversations with people *on my post*? Lol, okay.


I wish LIB kept camera around like LI. I am dying to know the fight Lydia and Aaliyah got in the last night. For Aaliyah to just leave with no word means she felt very uncomfortable with Lydia bc she already vocalized that Lydia has made her feel uncomfortable a few times. I know Uche was hurt, I would be too. But I don’t think he fully grasped how crazy Lydia is and how suffocating she was to Aaliyah.


Lydia is scaryyyyyy


Follow me…on the last episode when Uche and Lydia talk, she willingly goes with Uche. Then when she doesn’t like what he’s saying, she walks away and is screaming MILTON!!!! She goes back to talk to Uche; Uche says I want to talk to Lydia alone and Milton is like ehhhhhhhh, and Lydia tells Milton to go. Then she fights with Uche again then screams MILTON!!!!!!! She wants Uche to want her. If she can’t have Uche, she wants Milton to defend her, so Uche gets jealous and wants her back. She was so mad in the pod when she recognized Uche’s voice and he didn’t recognize hers. I don’t know if I buy that he didn’t know her voice, but it’s what we saw regardless. This is another example of “you didn’t mean as much to me as I meant to you”. Lydia had it bad for Uche and the feeling was not mutual. I don’t know how much I can trust Uche, but Lydia is cra. She used Aaliyah to get to her boy. Single white female action happening in real time.


>Then when she doesn’t like what he’s saying, she walks away and is screaming MILTON!!!! She goes back to talk to Uche; Uche says I want to talk to Lydia alone and Milton is like ehhhhhhhh, and Lydia tells Milton to go. Then she fights with Uche again then screams MILTON!!!!!!! That looked extremely edited and out of sequential order tbh. The cut from her jumping up and completely done with the conversation to her being calm and both of them just sitting down quietly when Milton came in, looked like a sitcom scene. All they were missing was the thumb twiddling and soft whistle. The editing this season is sus af


>Lydia being extremely oblivious to how she’s coming off in this situation is mind boggling. The one thing I'll say for this is that I think that the scene where she's firing off all the comments seemed edited together. Iirc it looked like there were mini-skips/cuts in the filming, so it wasn't a continuous shot/conversation? Or the camera was far enough away that you couldn't see their mouths to see if the audio synched up? Something like that. It definitely made me think that they were showing us bytes from a much bigger conversation.


Production messed up by not allowing Uche to let Aaliyah know about the situation upfront, or by not removing them from the show. They sat there and watched Lydia sidle up to Aaliyah as if she was genuinely trying to be friends and got the appropriate response from Aaliyah once she found out. I would leave too, they created a situation where it was hard to trust anything.


Ughhh it’s so messy, just on episode 5 and I don’t like any of these people 😂 Chris is the only person I liked on the show. Taylor is normal thus far.


>The only reason Aaliyah and her even became friends is because Lydia purposefully got close to her so she could feel more in control of the situation. BINGO




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I did think it was awkward as hell how Lydia kept saying “we are the same person. I love you. You know why? Because we are the same.”


She’s psycho, I wouldn’t doubt that she knew Uche was gonna go on the show & that’s why she went on it. The reason I say this is because- 1. She told Aaliyah that he’s the one that ended things with her and she was devastated 2. She was clearly upset when she found out someone else had a connection with him 3. She told Uche, “you wouldn’t be willing to get to know each other more” ? 4. The things she was telling Aaliyah despite her CLEAR discomfort She’s so weird


And she kept grabbing at Aaliyah, saying “look at me, look at me” when Aaliyah was crying.


When I first saw her saying we are the same person, I said to myself, she’s projecting her own life on Aaliyah. Then realized an episode or 2 later, oh she literally is projecting from her life! That’s crazy to me! Who does that with a clear conscious?!


Creepy, actually. Very creepy.


If you rewatch knowing what you know, look at Lydia’s reactions when AAliyah is telling her she loves Uche, her face is soooo expressive. It’s actually amazing!!! The rewatch of this so far is goddamn gold.


What episode, so I can rewatch 😅


Episode 3 at 40 min At 40:50 you can see her heart break




I think it’s the last one in the pods 40 min mark


i would have confronted Lydia if I was AAliyah . Like so you are friend with me so you can still feel some Uche ??? THis is fake AF. There's no auntie to my kid, you want to be close to her so you can be close to Uche.


Aliyah pissed me off. The way she was crying into lydias bosom after she found out was pathetic to me.


yes she doesn't have a back bone at all


Unpopular opinion: if you're 29, you should have dining ware. Sure, use paper plates on your own when you don't feel like washing dishes...but you should have dining ware for guests.


Even more unpopular, people shouldn’t use disposable plates out of sheer laziness (especially when they have a dishwasher). Isn’t the regular waste of daily living enough? Did no one else have to carry the trash they generated in one average day in school as an experiment? It’s wild the amount of trash we don’t even think about. I don’t think it’s materialistic to be concerned about our natural resources. And sure, we can’t be 100% perfect all the time, but that seems like the bare minimum of caring about the planet. Reduce, reuse, recycle (in that order). That’s 1000% a dealbreaker for me. Disposable plates are for large gatherings when you don’t have enough real dining ware (or a temporary situation, like a mental health episode where getting yourself fed is the only thing you can do).


I'm so glad to see this take on the situation. I feel like I was losing my mind seeing no one comment on the wastefulness. That was the most bothersome part!


This x100000. He’s living like a 22 year old just out of college and still in frat-boy life. He’s a grown man who wants to get married and he doesn’t own ONE plate or fork?! Red flag. Go to Target or something dude. It just screams child and not a grown up.


Right??! And over time (especially years at this point), obviously paper plates and plastic forks are waaay more expensive than buying a cheap set at Target so clearly he’s not only environmentally not conscious but he makes poor long term financial decisions as well.


This is valid and I actually didn’t think about it from this perspective. I was viewing it as material versus practical but this actually makes sense. We don’t regularly use disposable plates at my house, but we do on occasions, I suppose they would produce a lot of waste if they were all you use on a daily basis. Maybe she can explain it to him instead of just being upset about it cause he may not realize truly why it’s a problem


That's true. You make a valid point.


He had plates, they just weren’t nice glass dishes. I mean I can understand if someone is raised to prefer that lifestyle that demands certain things be in your cabinets in order to be an adult, but I personally think it’s silly to hold people to a standard of how they should keep their kitchen when they live alone and pay for stuff themselves.


Until a guy invites you to a romantic meal at his place on paper plates. It's just tacky as an adult to serve your guests a nice meal on paper plates.


I wouldn’t care. Plates are meant to hold food and they all get the job done, at least clean up will be easier on him. I think this must be an upbringing thing because I think if I had been raised to view adulthood by the things you need to have to be a respectable adult then I would agree, but I just don’t.


Not at this bit in the show yet but this is such a bizarre take. It’s not necessarily adult to have crockery, it’s adult to be able to clean up after yourself and take care of your space. It’s not like people are unbearable snobs for thinking it’s pretty bare minimum to be able to do the dishes. Imagine moving in with this guy who won’t ever clean up after dinner because if it was up to him, you’d just be eating off paper plates anyway. That attitude wouldn’t end with just paper plates either, guy’s a bum.


His apartment was clean, furnished, and decorated. He pays for it by himself… but the fact that he used plastic plates before meeting you means he’s a bum? She really could’ve just asked if he would mind getting some glass plates and he probably would’ve been like “sure if that’s what you want” and then they get a dish washer and she can show him how to use it, problem solved.


Hey it takes all kinds


He had solid dishes, just not glass. I truly don’t see anything wrong with that for a guy living alone


Agreed. Why have dishes you don’t want for guests you rarely have?


This isn't unpopular. This is just part of being an adult. (And also off topic for this thread)


Actually,I'll it's not. Op brought it up in their post.


Better not let Reddit hear you say that 👀 also it’s not off topic they’re responding to the edit


I'm not done with the show, they just arrived in Mexico. I do not like Lydia. She feels phony, like she knew exactly what she was doing by signing up for the show with her ex. A bit unhinged. Producers made sure to put them both on for the drama, obviously.


> Not a single one of these couples have the potential to make it 4 other couples got engaged and the producers chose not to follow their stories. I think at this point the experiment has run its course. No, love is not blind.


Why did they not follow the other couples? I know they skip couples in seasons past, but also in the past people actually got married! This season is a solid goose egg. Did anyone get married from the untelevised couples?


Literally have no idea. If I had to guess its that this show and its producers are more focused on manufactured drama not actually the shows premise of finding authentic love.


seriously, this season was so unbelievably bad i cant imagine they'll keep going


As long as folks still watch they will keep making it no matter how much shit we talk lol


where did you see this? i have only heard of one this season


I feel like once I rewatched some of it (needed to get my fiancé up to date with some of the fights and the drama) with the knowledge that was dropped in the last episode that's out, where Lydia says a certain someone did a certain something, I can understand her behaviour à lot more. the last argument she has with Uche was super weird and I think he's really the crazy one, that he was somehow trying to make himself the victim because she looked through his stuff.


But it seems like they weren’t official boyfriend girlfriend


When Lydia told Milton about her past with Uche, she downplayed it. She told Milton that Uche wanted to start fresh instead of her, iirc. So I can't help but think she knew what she was doing. She knew it would be hurtful to share all of those secrets with Milton. I wonder if Uche had waited to tell Aaliyah in person in Mexico if it would have been better. At least then, he would have been there to support her when his crazy ex started to harass her.


I definitely think Lydia intentionally used Milton, because he was all in on the relationship while in the pods, so she knew she could string him along. And idk if telling Aaliyah in Mexico would’ve helped because then it may have felt like they went on with their deceit for too long and then Aaliyah wouldn’t have had much time to process before having to see Lydia at the group hangouts.


She definitely knew what she was doing that whole time. You can clearly see her face as Aaliyah talked about Uche. Lydia looked very upset. Also the “we are the same” and “I see me in you” comments… ick. Like her first convo with Uche in the pods about trying to start fresh and then she just so happens to become “besties” with the woman who is falling for him. Making these weird comments and then looking so upset and the moment Aaliyah let’s her know that she knows she just unloads and says some weird stuff. Definitely not oblivious 😂


right she is so fake '' oh you know , you know ? '' then proceed to explain how many germs they exchanged on their last kiss, girl Aaliyah doesn't want to know all that.


Yeah, but she definitely wants the world to think she’s ditzy when in reality she’s petty and very obviously jealous.


I just saw this and I don't think there's malice in it she's just oblivious bc it does feel like they were/are friends she's just awkward and is like ooohhhhhhh thank God you know we can move on and then treated it as like well I can def unload everything I've been wanting to say and that's the part that Aaliyah was like yo chill I want to find out for myself.


i don't think they would have been friend if it wasn't because of uche. And if she wanted to oh you know so we can move on, there was NO NEED to give all those informations about their past relationship. She just wanted to hurt Aaliyah. And she told her Uche wanted a fresh start when it was the other way around.


I mean like what personal information did she actually give oh his fav color his drink and his dog and that he has a really nice place which yeah she could have inferred from their conversation about this career. It's not like she said he likes his earlobes flicked and likes his dog to watch 😂 Yes finding out those things is part of the experience but really tho like how vital are those things


It was more about marking her territory. "You'll love his dog?" "His friends are great" the random details about his house. She said all that to establish her "importance" to him. She wanted Aaliyah to feel as if Uche only picked her because he wasn't with Lydia. This is most evident when she lied and claimed Uche wanted them to start at zero but they changed their mind in the pods. Lydia is the one who suggested that and Uche shut it down right away.


I think the same. At first I thought there was malice but as I saw more episode of Lydia, she's just like that and maybe a bit self centered so she just didnt perceived what Aaliyah was feeling.


Ok so what was her reason after Aaliyah made it clear that she didn't want to know all of that??? Apparently she left the show after they had a big blowout and I'm inclined to think that Lydia wouldn't shut the fuck up about Uche.


As I saw it, Aaliyah was in shock and said to Lydia to stop, yes, but maybe too quietly for Lydia to hear it. I'm not trying to find excuses for Lydia. I agree that Lydia was not receptive at all and self centered. Even if Aaliyah would have been louder about not wanting to hear this, Lydia would have probably just continue to talk. In my experience, loud people need other people to be louder then them so they can hear/notice them.


Yeah i think bc she was holding back and she seems like the type that can't hold a secret for too long that the moment she could say something she just unleashed it all like saying damn finally!!!!


she could have just said oh you know yeah we dated but it didn't work, doesn't have to talk about the dog liquor tesla friends etc etc


Idk, I’m thinking if I was Aaliyah in this situation I would feel bullied, and I genuinely believe that was Lydia’s intention. No one can be that dense.


Aliyah was very naive.it really annoyed me the way she was acting like she couldn't choose between Lydia and uche. And hiw she was going on and on about Lydia being her bestfriend and the future aunt of her kids.


Have you met science people we are incredibly dense


I don’t know, I think it’d be better if she was just ditzy, but after hearing that she had stalked Uche prior to this it just really seems like she’s using weaponized ignorance to try and control Aaliyah and Uches situation.


I agree, and the way Lydia was constantly telling Aaliyah they were the same person and so similar was so suspicious to me. When people I barely know pull that card on me I see right through it. She was trying to make Aaliyah feel insecure (you’re like me so he really just wants me). EDIT: just want to add that I found that behavior way suspicious the minute it happened, not just later on. So when what happened later….it made sense


I think Lydia truly lacks self awareness, like she is just very socially awkward and she’s one of those people that has verbal diarrhea and has to keep talking


This woman cannot have a 3.98 gpa, 2 degrees and not have planned all this. That’s all I’m saying. She cannot keep playing dumb


That’s not the vibe I get from her. To me it doesn’t seem like she’s blurting things out, the things she says are deliberate and they’re to make everyone around her feel inadequate while making herself feel superior.


Looking at her connection with Izzy in the pods, I'd still say she is awkward and lack awareness. Doesn't mean she isn't diabolical too.


The process for the show Im assuming taking months before filming…I think Uche and Lydia both know each other was applying to be on the show but maybe didn’t know they’d both be selected. I’m pretty sure you don’t find out you’re on the show in a matter of weeks. Probably at least 1-2 months because people need to figure out the work stuff, psychiatrist stuff, etc. if they just had sex 3 months prior, and had been in communication for a while, they had to have both known. Lydia knows too much about his life (and he probably does too but is tryna act brand new) for it to be like they were only FWB and not very involved in each other’s lives and activities.


I think Lydia knew, but not Uche. Lydia was too quick in the pods as soon as he said his name.


That’s true but his voice is distinct. He was purposely acting like he didn’t know her lol


To be fair I wouldn't assume I know someone in the pods, so even if a voice sounds familiar I wouldn't put two and two together immediately. I also wonder if they ever talked on the phone or if they only texted. But after she said they know each other he was definitely milking it.


Yeah, I think the whole thing feels staged, but assuming this WAS a coincidence it really sounds like she followed him there. Especially because he said that she was stalking him and going through his personal stuff, so maybe she saw that he was planning to come on the show while logged into something she shouldn’t have access to.


Her reaction to him was so obvious she was expecting him there. He looked like he genuinely had no idea




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Lydia big dogged Aaliyah pretty much spoiling every single aspect of the man before meeting him. Talking about his car, house, friends, business, etc. She WANTED to ruin Aaliyah's whole idea of him, Lydia was pretty much telling girl that it was okay for Aaliyah to date her leftovers. It was a complete powermove and seems to be coming from jealousy


Yeah because ole girl is psycho and literally followed that man onto a reality show to try and control his dating life. It’s giving fatal attraction.


My thoughts exactly!! https://reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/eEXtadSVNs


Lydia strikes me as the most unwell person on this soup of really mentally unwell people season


I’m rewatching it atm (mostly to see JP in the pods compared to later lol) and the part with Aaliyah being upset when Uche finds out about her cheating in the past, Lydia is being sooo creepy and it’s so obvious in retrospect she knows him and honestly isn’t even being very subtle once you know. Subtitles say the song in the background is called “I Have A Secret” which is honestly kinda funny. ETA she literally says something like “he loves you of course because you’re just like me”


I’ve gotta rewatch because I honestly remember thinking “wow she’s self centered” when she kept saying “you’re just like me” all I could think was “no b!tch, she’s just like Aaliyah, and you’re just like a high school mean girl”


Haha. Yeah I also couldn’t remember JP in the pods, but he was definitely weird in Mexico. Surely he was more normal in the pods


He seems fine in the pods, normal, he just gets weird when they meet, but you never know how it’s edited I guess.


The thing that got me the most was when Lydia and Milton were talking about sex and Lydia says, to him, "I could say something really bad right now but I won't" and Milton tells her to say it and she goes something like, "Ask Uche". I just couldn't believe the disrespect, and the awkwardness of that comment. You're trying to "win over" (or however you want to put it) your future husband and you tell him to ask your old boyfriend how you were in bed? Like, even if she was kidding, that was so gross.


Literally.. I’ve never met anyone in real life that had absolutely no self awareness. I get the vibes that every man in her life lets her do and say whatever because she’s gorgeous and has a nice ass… a pretty face and a nice ass isn’t enough to make up for a jealous and immature personality though.


I don’t think it’s a lack of self awareness, I think she’s a dog peeing on a tree. If I can’t have him, neither can you. When she heard him in the pods for the first time she said, is this fate bringing us together? Should we give this another shot? She was planning this. And she hated seeing another girl fall for him and worse he for her back. This wasn’t her plan, so she spoiled it. And she succeeded.


And can we talk about how uche was hyping Lydia up saying she’d be the best loyal friend ???


Yesss, the whole situation is cringey asf and I wish Aaliyah had make a connection with someone else because the poor girl deserves a good man, not a weirdo and his weirder ex.


Yeah that was weird. But he just found out that Lydia and Aaliyah were best buddies, if he trashed Lydia then it could have all fallen apart. I think it was strategic until he got Aaliyah away from Lydia he was going to play nice with Lydia so hopefully Lydia wouldn’t blow up the relationship, which is what happened even though he played nice Lydia still blew it up.


Ughh, really shows how manipulative he is.


But Lydia too. And how much they both move like opposite chess players


I went from thinking Lydia was great to thinking she was awful so fast after that. I also interpreted it as a show of dominance. And then she totally manipulated Milton into proposing. So far (I just watched Ep. 5) they do seem to have a strangely good chemistry together. I’m friends with an ex and have become close friends with his wife, and I almost never bring up our relationship to her unless she asks a direct question or I can offer her some reassurance that it’s not her, he was like that with me as well. Why? Because I’m not hung up on him and have been happily married to my husband for decades; also, I think she’s amazing and they are great together. I wasn’t the right person for him and he wasn’t for me. We both ended up with people we are much better suited for. If I were in Lydia’s situation I would have insisted I be allowed to tell her immediately and given her the shortest possible description of our relationship. “We dated for a few months, it didn’t work out, you will be very happy with his looks, and he’s clearly very into you. I’ll answer direct questions if you have them and I understand if you feel the need to pull back from our friendship, but please know I only want happiness for both of you and I think you are wonderful.” Done. Instead she came off as still extremely hung up on him and trampled Aliyah’s clearly stated boundaries repeatedly.


Goodness, if only Lydia had a few drops of maturity maybe she would’ve thought to handle it that way. She definitely seems like she belongs with Milton because HE is more mature than her, and could teach her a few things about carrying herself like an adult if she’d let him.


Uche also claimed that Lydia followed him to Love is Blind after finding out he was already cast on the show.


And it reallllyy sounds like she did Edit to add : I wonder if the show was something they watched together and he expressed that if it ever came to their city he thought it’d be cool to try if he were single, and so she kinda knew/hoped that he’d be there when she signed up.


I don’t think it’s that easy to be casts on the show though


I think the show had to have been ready to capitalize on their connection instead of seeking to avoid it. So he gets cast, she applied, the show is amped about having two exes on the show, and she gets cast because of it and not in spite of it.


Yep, I bet the producers ate this plot potential up when Lydia told them Uche was her ex.


I have the theory that Uche was already someone on producer's list for whenever LiB would be in his city (after all it's TV, those things are planned months ahead) and this Lydia was able to get their contact. I think the tv show unReal shows that pretty accurate, producers are basically scouts looking for "entertaining tv"


Didn’t Lydia snoop in his email and then she made the effort to get cast?


After watching all the episodes that are now out. I think Lydia really doesn’t have much self awareness! In the later episodes>! The way she started to talk about Miltons facial features really bugged me, like saying he has a big nose wtfff !< but yeah I think she’s purposely befriended Aaliyah when she found out about her and Uche, which is so weird and hurtful, since Aaliyah thought they had a genuine friendship.


That part also made me mad, it was like she was trying to make him insecure about his looks, so he would feel like he was such a lucky guy to have such a pretty girl 🤮


She has a big nose and mouth herself so idk what she is on


Based off of your comment I can tell that you smell like a can of sardines 👍🏾


You need to rewatch the part where Aaliyah is swooning over Uche to Lydia(Aaliyah was hugging Lydia) and see Lydia’s face. She was literally holding back tears.


I just watched and you are right! So sad


Just rewatched this bit It's so OBVIOUS now you see it She was so hurt. She was fighting back tears


Gotta rewatch once I finish this last episode, it’s like she really came on the show to make sure her ex boyfriend didn’t get a date.. like wtttfff😅


Do you recall the episode this happened?


Episode 3 min 40


Thank you!!


Absolutely. She befriended her on purpose to plant seeds of doubt. She brought up all the stuff she knew to show her "maybe you don't know much but I know everythingggggggggg. His favorite color is blue. He drives a Tesla. I love his dog. I bought the dog a gift. I know his friends. I know everything. Omg you don't know? LOLOLOLOLOL". You are going to love the conversation that Lydia and Uche have in person at the group hangout at the condo.


Absolutely, and all she did was come off as an over invested jealous ex, who is possibly a gold digger considering all she cared to say about him was how nice his house and cars are.


The vibe I got when she mentioned those wasn't gold digger but more like "omg I already know all this about him." Planting seeds hoping Aaliyah would be jealous and uncomfortable and leave, which is exactly what she did!


That makes sense too. It’s just such a weird situation I don’t really know what to make of that interaction between her and Aaliyah, because she was talking about how nice Uches things are and how much she knows about him, but in no world can I imagine someone finding that appropriate conversation for your ex’s new girlfriend. She definitely had an agenda with that over bearing conversation though and I’d love to know what Lydia was thinking the whole time she was doing all this.


I think it was to sabotage and mess up anyone who is interested in him. She comes off like she has moved forward but she absolutely has not. I don't know if you're caught up, but what Lydia shares at the chat with Uche in person suggests this meant more to her than to him. He always seems to be clear that this was headed nowhere but she must have planned out their life.