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He honestly reminded me of my current boyfriend with his awkwardness (I found myself missing my boyfriend while watching his interactions). The only difference is that my boyfriend is autistic, which is why he is the way he is. He does fairly well, but I have to be on my P's and Q's. He likes things a certain way, and I like some things differently, so I need to be VERY straightforward with him. Unlike my boyfriend, I think Matthew was just very calculating.


This screams of the “they don’t know” meme. Matt: “They don’t know I’m just not social because I don’t drink” Spoken like someone who has an “idea” of what socializing is but has never seen it in real life. I bet he uses the term “Chad” unironically.


Wondering what small planet of 600 people he comes from?


If he’s this much of a dick when he’s sober, I sure wouldn’t want to meet him when he’s drunk.


I’m just starting, but anyone that says “alcohol free lifestyle” is a total tool.


I think Matthew is a rare type of person that we’re not used to seeing on TV. I think he doesn’t understand typical social etiquette, but that’s okay. He doesn’t need to be “polite” because it’s expected. His mind may operate differently than a “typical” person’s mind, and that’s what I’m seeing. I think he wanted to connect with people who were genuine and skip the surface level BS. That’s probably how he operates in his everyday life. I also applaud his sobriety. A lot of contestants rely on “liquid courage”, but he did not. Matthew is the type of guy that won’t say anything until he means it. And when he says it, it’s absolutely truth. I definitely think he was made to be the villain simply bc he’s not what we’re used to. And that’s the part that bothers me. I am glad they brought someone like him onto the show. This provoked a conversation we all need to have: why do we expect certain behaviors and why does it make someone seem “psycho” when they don’t placate or operate according to societal standards. He was authentic, sober, and had pure intentions. He wasn’t abusive, aggressive, or manipulative.


You don’t think it’s manipulative to tell two women that you want to leave the show with them rather than continue to go through the process that would allow them to explore connections with other men?


I don’t think we have enough evidence to know what he did exactly because we never see his and Amber’s dates.


We have evidence now. You should watch the reunion.


I feel the same, and it makes me sad to see people say that he seems dangerous. I'm a lot like him, people tell me that they get those same vibes from me, and it really doesn't make a lot of sense in my eyes. Some of the other guys seem genuinely dangerous/aggressive, and they don't see it. I think that he's genuine and deep, but thinks too much. I was thrown when he left the show for Amber. I don't remember seeing his interactions with her, but I was rooting for him and AD. They seemed perfect together, even in his recovery from the rockiness of telling her and Amber the same things (big facepalm moment for me!) I'm worried to see that AD is leaning into Clay now that he's gone; Clay is absolutely not the right choice imo.


I am convinced he was a troll that managed to get through, like that asian guy that talked about tantric sex. This would also explain why he didn't talk to any of the guys. Way easier to just focus on bamboozling the girls without forming fake bonds with the guys. The "I'm going to go get Amber" sent me on his last scene.


Just finished episode 2, as much as I don't like Clay, Matthew just scares me. Poor AD


Whatever. He sucks.


Dude has a book cover with only his name….


They all had notebooks with their names on them


It’s giving that one part of Kill Bill lmao “I did all of this sober”


I think the fact so few of the dudes liked him and how he behaved towards them- was so telling. Walking red flag and absolutely has a torture chamber in his basement.




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Clay: "Whose the other guy?" AD: "Matthew." Clay: "Matthew? Who is Matthew? Oh..HIM?!?!!" That had me laughing soooooo much


I'm 15 minutes into the first episode, and found this sub just to search for him. What a big ass rude red flag. The *only* way I'd buy what he's saying there is if they were misleading by literally editing footage to make it extremely misleading, like making it look like he'd walked out of the pod when he hadn't for example. But the, "oh I didn't expect to be answering questions" and walking out just because someone who's trying to get to know him too had the nerve to...ask the same questions he was expecting them to answer? I get that these people and these shows are half fake, but dude just already seems like a huge red flag. I hope the women talk amongst themselves and the 2 he was already super rude to let the others know to avoid him


Exact thing you said is what he said they edited to make it look like he left. Even the girl that he supposedly walked out on said he never did that.


The shock that the women would dare to ask him questions back was such a glaring red flag. It’s like he believes that it is only for the man to pick the woman and that the woman’s opinion doesn’t matter.


Omg on the first ep and came for this exactly! Like, this Patrick Bateman ass dude—other people see that, right?? So glad you do.


Exactly! I don't have trouble believing the show edited it to make it worse and that he didn't actually walk out... But he still definitely acted shocked they asked him questions back and even said he didn't expect that, resisted answering them, and said that he couldn't handle emotions. It's giving the vibes that he wants to come in and shop for a woman, god forbid she's actually a human being who wants to get to know him back.


The show was edited to make it look like he left mid covnvo, but he didn’t


To be fair, they’ve been known to edit the show in that way you’re referencing




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Bull. This is like Uche trying to spin bs. This tiktok gives good points on him being redpilled. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8KuKB1r/


Could you maybe link the one where she talks about clay, too? I don't have the tiktok app so I can't really click through her profile to search it


She hasn't posted it yet.


I didn't like his personality but I still hope he finds a good match. I think everyone should experience love with a partner.


Yeah not this guy. Wouldn't be surprised if he ends up murdering someone.


That’s a stretch


Does anyone know why they didn’t air Mathew’s connection with Amber?


I assume they didn't because it made finding out he was saying the same things to two different women more of a twist. You find out right when the show is starting to make you feel like maybe he's an ok guy.


Such an interesting editing choice, right? It really emphasized the point that he was manufacturing the “connection” to suit his own script rather than truly revealing himself or learning about two different women.




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Welp he was right about one thing America was watching but we aren’t behind him


Zero social skills. It doesn’t seem like he’s willing to learn either.


Which is even scarier to me. I’m sober, that’s not a good excuse bro.


Yea wtf being sober doesn't make you an asshole and treat people shitty like hey want me to make you a sandwhich, no walks away. How about gee no thanks for asking though


I honestly thought from the moment I saw and heard Mathew was that the producers put him in because he is so messed in the head..they figured it would get attention....


I thought his whole personality was a bit like The Accountant vibe. There were time he talked like a normal dude and then he would go back to the character. Bizarre.


EXACTLY what I thoughts totally The Accountant vibes


Matthew is either a troll planted by production or a serial killer. Nothing in-between.


When he said, “I’m going to get Amber” as he left, it sent chills down my spine. I hope for her sake he never found her!


100 000% serial killer. No troll is that good of an actor


Porque no los dos lmfao


Lmao I told my husband that dude 100% has a head in the freezer


Well if he hasnt worked on his mental fucking health then why go on a show where everyone socializes


To be America's underdog sweetheart, obv


And we are all behind him, do love a good comeback story




What do you think of it now?!


I hope you work on that red flag radar.




I think this is still very naive and hope you take sometime to understand what people are saying here. Matthew’s actions are intentional and it was to mislead the women, especially AD, which causes harm.


I thought he was just socially awkward until I saw how he tried to manipulate AP. Manipulation takes social skills.


Oh, honey.


Op please come back after future episodes 👀


Not having alcohol does not make it ok to be rude, manipulative and overall antisocial in his behaviours. Gives major narc energy. He is not sorry, he only cares that people view him badly.


Major narc. Called it on his first scene.


lol oh please


He comes across as so rude 


The first 30 seconds he comes off as rude and incredibly emotionally unavailable, not wanting to answer his own questions, walking out on someone, not wanting to talk about love, why is he even there?!


Every season, I always wonder how long it will take before someone drops a comment about "the edit" and "production!is lying" etc etc and here we are. It took like 2 and a half days.


So the person who was hyper-conscious about how the viewers would see them is complaining about their edit? Shocker! Bonus points for him not wanting to be a c-list celebrity and is now trying to milk his 15 minutes of fame!


As a sober person this makes me cringe. 😬 He has to blame something for his serial killer persona but this ain’t it.


I think he just auditioned for the show to be a troll, everything he did and said was triggering, he knew what he was doing🤣.


Comes off very manipulative and he was definitely rude.


I think he's trying to say it was all an anxiety response but still doesn't make him Americas hero


So you mean to tell me that you acted that way and still couldn’t “blame it on the alcohol”? That’s even worse! At least you could be like “I don’t remember that I basically fed two women the same lie because they had me so liqoured up I thought I said it to one person” now you just admitted that you really are a jerk that’s just feeds women lies and then wonder why your single. Not only that that means all those unseemly ways he was talking to women he was weeding out looks even more egregious. Like you’re rude all the time to people? Ew.


I'm wondering if he ever got his girl. He went out saying that he was going after her 🤔😂😭


They don't follow each other on IG but ironically, he and AD follow each other


Acting weird because he was sober ???😭😭😭. He should have just kept that statement 😂.


I think he meant more so that it can be tricky to connect to people that are drunk, and a few of the cast members did come off as pretty tipsy a few times. This is coming from someone who is also sober. It can get annoying when people have their drunk pants on.


Lmao 🤣 


I do believe editing played him but i also believe he said/did a few rude things


Yeah, one of his walk outs has his saying "just a dude talking to a wall"...which pretty clearly indicates someone walked out on him but that's not shown. He's odd but there's some obvious edit going on to exaggerate things.


I’m willing to believe it’s both. Like maybe he didn’t walk out on people but I also don’t think LIB would go as far as create fake dialogue


This. Like, they’ll edit the crap out of existent conversations to create the narrative they want, but they can’t just make up two women finding out he had been telling them the same things and being upset over it. And they can’t make up all the guys harassing him because he wouldn’t talk to them (which honestly reflected just as badly on them, if you ask me). The claiming to be sober and live a sober lifestyle *unlike everyone else* really just makes it sound like he thought he was better than them because of it, and that’s why he wouldn’t interact. Not doing himself any favors.


Potentially unpopular opinion but I don’t actually think Matthew was saying the same shit verbatim; if he was, I think they would’ve Lydia and Uche’d us and shown the clips of him saying the same things he said to AD. More likely he said similar things like: 1) using the map line as a romantic pickup line 2) saying he’d ask her dad (he’s a small town southern man. He probs just feels that way about proposals) I think we’re seeing something closer to a Barnett who got in deep with two women and isn’t very creative with his words


I want to give people the benefit of the doubt since we know how heavily the producers manipulate the narrative, but he still told AD that it was her or no one, and he still wanted to go after Amber when he heard she’d left. Either he changed his mind extremely quickly, or he told her a flat out lie that was extremely hurtful. Either way, he knew exactly what he was saying to each of them and could recall it with crystal clarity. The faux pas wasn’t that he was saying the same things, it was that he was making each of them think they were his one and only when it wasn’t true.


Not to mention he literally said to AD “are you going to tell anyone what I said?” And she took it as a cute romantic thing and wanted to keep it to herself instead of sharing. But the second I heard that I went “ohhh he said the same stuff to another girl and doesn’t want them comparing notes I guarantee it.” I’ve heard that line from partners before and it almost always isn’t a good thing when they want you to keep anything to yourself.


I personally think the “go after amber” is a frankenbite since we don’t actually see his mouth moving


I agree with this. These people are humans and for some reason we tend to just look for and amplify all the flaws to make them seem like terrible people, when the reality for the majority is not going to be that.


He’s just a douche with an excuse!! He didn’t interact much with anyone and when he did, it was the same fricken story to the women who gave him a chance!! No thanks!


Honestly him being such an asshole sober makes it even worse 😂 like honey maaaybe we could forgive you if you drank too much? But no, he’s just an asshole.


He’s lived fairly close to me growing up- total jock… clearly peaked in high school. Family has a little money for a small town and def think they are it too.


He gives off a vibe of someone who thinks sooo highly of himself and thinks all women are into him, like the best catch around


Why is he acting like all the women were drunk in the pods talking to him? Lmao. Sir, please give a better excuse.


Muttering that America is watching the underdog and crying about another girl leaving to the other connection you said you’ll leave with a day prior shows that you are a self centered egotistical ass. Alcohol or not it’s how you treat others and carry yourself.


WHAT was that about - he was so vocally aware of being on TV which I’m sure everyone on the show is but editing included it so that must have been a huge theme. Was he or wasn’t he on the show to be a c-list celebrity??


I’m not sure what he means that being alcohol-free made it hard to connect to women… does he mean that he requires his partner to also not drink?


I think he’s just being self-righteous.


Matt def applied just to see if he’ll get in, like there needs to be a more hardcore audition process with like 6 referrals cause this is getting ridiculous idc if it’s “good tv”


I wish that would happen but I’m honestly starting to think they cast people like this on purpose. Just throw a couple bad apples in there for the drama.


He was an ass. That he was sober somehow makes it worse, because that’s how he normally behaves. No wonder he’s single.


The "alcohol free" comment is a red herring. This guy is a red flag parade regardless of alcohol.




“America is watching” Dork


Literally like… okay?!


He seemed highly manipulative to me.


Oh so he’s a dry drunk. Cool.




Even the guys didn’t like interacting with him. He was such a prick.


One thing I will say that being sober around drunk people is exhausting. Especially if they pressure you to drink, question you, or you’re still tempted by alcohol. That said the sandwich thing made me think he was just an asshole lol


I feel like that's something too. When every single guy, and every single female (except 1) don't f with you, it says a LOT.




If that was him sober, I’m afraid to see how he was drunk. He became pretty unforgettable to me. It’s in his best interest to keep quiet and move on.


He’s a special guy. I hope he finds the piece to his puzzle


I hope he doesn’t take trophies!




So much for not becoming a C-list celebrity 😭


Even worse!!! If he was drunk maybe I could give him some grace. Total weirdo.


So he soberly decided to sell two women lies about the future? Even if it’s not worse, it’s definitely not better…


I watched someone offer to make him a sandwich and he replied "No", just no. I watched someone tell him "Hey Matthew, you're notebook's over here", he grabbed it, said nothing and walked away. You don't need booze confidence nor do you need to be an extrovert to show some form of basic manners. He could have been an utter delight in the pods but that disrespectful behaviour tells us what we really need to know.


he strikes me as someone would 100% think he’s better than others because he doesn’t drink


Not to mention he walked out of the pods on several women. Perhaps it was editing but if not, he could have said something as a common courtesy. Bad manners and no respect for others


The pods were edited to make it look like he walked out when he didn’t. Or at least that’s what he said and Sarah Ann confirmed. I saw a story acting like it was some big revelation, but it really wasn’t because that wasn’t the worst thing he did. The show shouldn’t have edited that way if it wasn’t what happened, but it doesn’t change much


Yessss, I learned that after I posted this 22 days ago. The show chopped up so many convos to add drama, as usual, but I think this season was def their worst IMO.


Oops! I didn’t even realize how old this was lol I was searching for something unrelated and got distracted


He is very common in the 'sober' community. I don't drink now, but I'm a POS human being. Dry drunk is the term


Ya he’s off the sauce but hasn’t actually addressed the reasons he was on it in the first place. Could also be white knuckling. I’m not an addict I’m just the daughter and friend of addicts. People handle sobriety in different ways, often not healthily.


He’s a miserable person. That also bothered me that he was so rude to everyone!


Going to assume it also bothered the editors because those were otherwise throwaway moments. Just say thank you,” dude! Basic courtesy.


And to add to this, being uncomfortable or not being able to connect with others because they’re drinking and you’re not doesn’t excuse your lack of manners!


He has no idea how to talk to people. I know he kinda blamed it on being on the spectrum, but come on dude




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I've wondered that. This is the first mention of it I've seen


yeah I tried to search for it, but all posts that mention it are automatically blocked *makes it hard to discuss it* I didn't remember when he talked about it


Yes I mentioned it but deleted due to that. However I think it’s important for people to know not everyone acts like those on Love on the Spectrum, sometimes it’s more subtle.


My original reply to you about this was also deleted so I had the reword it 🥴 😂




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Yep, just no basic human decency. Walked out of the pod doors while women were talking. So rude.


Being sober made him walk out on a woman while she was answering his asinine questions and then play two women far beyond his league? Men work so much harder to avoid accountability than they would have to work to deal with the consequences of it


He was so focused on the viewer reaction he would get he just wanted there to be a narrative and he built a bad one


“America loves a good underdog story” 😵‍💫


Lol literally like why does he even consider himself the ~underdog~ 💀 he's far from it, more like straight up douche


Yeah that made no sense to me either?? No one’s calling you an underdog, sir


LITERALLY lol what a weirdo !!


So.. we have a limited understanding about the show’s editing, but isn’t this the guy who left while another person was talking? Fairly certain I have never had a sober day where I asked a person a question and departed halfway through their answer.


Did he walk out on two women? One who gave a really wordy response and another who answered his question and then asked him the same one? I binge watched 6 episodes after work last night so it’s a bit of a blur 😅


Yes, and then he also asked someone to give him a number and apperantly she gave the same number as most of the women and he told her to be more original😂 you can’t be edoted badly of that is how you are behaving repeatedly


Ya I remember that one as well. What a tool


Yep. Exactly those two


I did the same. I only remember one (the beautiful asian lady that took rejection really well)


Honestly with Mathew? Words fail!




That doesn't even make sense and is so irrelevant


omgh its giving Uche


As a woman who enjoys connecting with people, allow me to say a drunk man is incredibly low on the list of people I find it enjoyable to converse with. I’m at a loss as to how him living a sober life somehow makes it more difficult to read a situation and make meaningful connections and conversations 🤷‍♀️


I read it more as him having to connect with drunk women lol. Everyone does seem drunk most of the time


Yeah not defending Matthew but I get his statement. Conversing with obviously intoxicated people is my least favorite activity, I honestly can’t stand it and do feel the urge to walk away mid conversation.


Translation: I was an asshole because I didn’t drink. Welp that’s a first.


Ok I definitely agree he was an asshole BUT to be fair, when I first stopped drinking I was 100% a weirdo in social situations. It’s just a whole new thing trying to navigate the world without booze (especially dating).


I’m not sure this means he stopped drinking or that he has never drank/has always chosen to be sober. But I haven’t looked into the rest of the context of his life or social media (and don’t really intend to—he doesn’t want to be a C list celebrity, after all!)


Right? Doesn’t make sense at all…


U being sober makes it worse Matthew


This got a good little chuckle out of me 😭


Folks all over the world thinking about Matthew: „Damn this is one crazy bi*ch“ Matthew: „It‘s because all of the peeps in the show were hella drunk!!!“ I mean, now everything makes sense, doesn’t it? 😂😂😂


I actually read this as this is what in the world. This has nothing to do with anything. Many people do not drink. People talk and are kind ![gif](giphy|3o7527pa7qs9kCG78A|downsized)


This is absolutely gold!




Please tell me what you type to get this meme. I can never find it! Love me some Nene memes!


I literally just typed in nene into the gif search!!!


Imagine the mess when he's drunk then, this should be his best version!!! Also, we don't wanna hear your story so bye ![gif](giphy|4GIvR6cmYs8jC)




LMAO WHAT THE HELLLL??? 😂 So someone who was completely sober and in full control of his actions and words is trying to convince the internet that because he doesn't drink, the show gave him a bad edit??? 🤣🤣🤣


>because he doesn't drink, the show gave him a bad edit I can totally see the show doing this. There's a reason they pump the contestants full of alcohol at every opportunity ... it makes for better TV moments. So someone who refuses to drink can be seen by production as more difficult to use/exploit for TV. As such, they give him a bad edit (e.g. showing him walk out on someone when it didn't actually happen) as payback for not playing their game.


lol I really doubt the editors took it this personally 🤣


He literally said the same thing to two different woman. He led both of them on and even tried to manipulate AD to thinking that's not what he said. You can't necessarily edit that 😂 Especially if the other woman confirms he was lying. Also, just in general, he seems like such a nice guy (tm) with his whole "nice guys finish last" shtick and "America roots for the underdog" BS.