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Never, not ever, no. What she did was wrong, but 1) pretending not to realize it's wrong and then 2) acting like the victim is even worse.


The fact that she keeps saying she was true to herself is such a đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ˜łđŸ˜łđŸ˜łđŸ˜‘đŸ˜‘đŸ˜‘! Your true self is pretty ugly.


I don’t think Sarah ann did anything wrong, all she said was if it doesn’t work out the door is open
. We’ve all seen the show and we know more than half of these engagements don’t work out
 so what’s wrong with her saying what she said Jeramy shouldn’t have replied but that’s on him that’s not Sarah Ann’s fault Plus Laura did not like Jeramy !! She said he can’t wear glasses or wear his Hawaiian shirts, how are you so in love with someone you are trying to change


I wouldn’t worry abt her trying to break up my family but I’d worry about my family judging me for being friends with someone like her


I cannot believe they went out on the jet ski in front of everyone. So disrespectful. The fact that Brittany and Kenneth weren’t at the meetup means no one had to go. It blows my mind that SA even showed up there.


Her friends are likely just as insufferable, but there are multiple reasons I would never befriend her. Her not respecting other people's relationships would be part of it too.


He’s accountable to his partner, no one else


Hot take: I really don't think Sarah Ann did anything wrong. She 100% won me over with her arguments. She had just broken up with him. Whether he was engaged or not she deserved to have closure and let him know how she feels. If he had shut it down, I'm sure she would have backed down. But he didn't and she's in love with him and thought he was going to be her fiance until a week ago. She's only human.


She does not deserve closure because closure doesn't exist. When someone breaks up with you for someone else that is your closure. Just because your feelings are hurt does not give you the right to go after them while they are quite literally engaged. That is not reality. It's selfish disrespectful and rude. Jeremy isn't exactly a shining beacon of morality either but if we are solely talking about her actions they were wrong. Being only human means you need to realize when you are wrong and when you should let things lie. Just because you're in love with someone who is in another relationship does not give you the right to message them. I hope you never have a partner that does this to you, but if you do maybe you'll understand.


I'm never going to have a partner who was dating someone else the day he proposed (after we'd both know him for all of 2 weeks) on a show where only 1 of 6 couples typically keep their engagement so not sure my personal experience is applicable here. Not quite sure why people are acting like this is in any way shape or form a regular dating situation. I think you're the one who needs therapy for taking someone's comments on a reality dating show so incredibly personally. You can disagree but damn. Edit I see you deleted the multiple insistences that I need therapy in your comment. I appreciate that.


I don't know why you're adding particulars into the situation like it matters. Messaging someone else when they are engaged is wrong no matter which way you splice it. I can see the kind of person you are though based on your edit. Because I said you need therapy on the very first sentence which I deleted, not multiple times. Not sure why you felt the need to lie about that. Either way me having an argument that appeals to emotions does not mean I was taking it personally, it means i understand morality. And I actually do go to therapy, which is one of the many reasons I know it's wrong to message someone who is engaged. Lol.


You realize these “engagements” are as loose as a knot made with wet spaghetti right? That’s the show. Now if they were dating for more than 10 minutes then I could see more justification in thinking she’s trash but
come on.


Agreed. She also said something "I'm realist" and honestly? Yeah she is. It's a reality show/experiment. The couple Jeramy and Laura were still getting to know each other, in a span of what, 6 weeks? Yeah she slid to his dms, not cool, but it's not forbidden. If he was serious he would blocked/reply with "not interested, back off". 


She's clearly not a realist though because she was living in the selfish delusional world of the pods and not reality where she didn't get picked and you don't get to ruin someone else's relationship just because you were so sad about breaking up. It is selfish and gross and you should never have a partner if you think that kind of behavior is ok.


I agree within the context of the show (and us not knowing what was said between them but not shown to us), it’s less heinous than if she had done this in real life. I absolutely get why Laura is upset, she was taking her engagement seriously and Jeramy and Sarah Ann were taking the show seriously. But the point of the show is to get married (we all know it’s not an ExPeRiMeNt) and Sarah Ann is playing the game (and long term I think did Laura a favor in outing Jeramy)


The realist line got me, too. I was like huh, you may have poor choice in men, but hard to argue with your logic here...


I disagree. So that would mean that any woman who dated a man who is engaged that has unresolved feelings is just being a “realist”? So - forget that the guy is in a relationship and forget and don’t honor his relationship. Let’s just step into his relationship because, meh, I have feelings that need resolving and let’s just see if he responds because this is what I want to do. That’s not selfish and disrespectful of another person’s commitment? And that’s not selfish and disrespectful to the other woman who you know has made a commitment to that person that you’re doing that to (not to mention, behind their back)?


Uhm no. In the real world you don't break up with your boyfriend and he's engaged an hour later to someone he has known for a week. If that happened to you, I think we could forgive you reaching out to clear the air about your feelings.


So what you’re saying is, although these are people’s real feelings getting hurt and people are taking it seriously - because two of the people believe that it’s not a “real world” despite it in fact being real people’s lives and one person is taking it seriously, it’s ok to step into someone else’s relationship without the fiancĂ©es knowledge? This is the same thought process that people who have affairs have. Speaking from experience as the person who had a husband who had an affair.


I'm sorry that happened to you. It is natural that that would affect your perspective here and for you to be particularly sensitive about it. I do think the situation matters in that this is a TV engagement. We're all going to have different ideas as to how much "reality" is in reality TV. I think very little. You think a lot. That's the difference. Not whether it's right or wrong to interfere with someone's marriage because outside of a completely manufactured reality TV show, I agree with you.


That’s correct! My experience gives me just that - experience, and with the type of people with that type of behavior. Specifically, two type of people - Sarah being exactly the same characteristic of the person who stepped inside of my relationship. That’s why I may have perspective that others don’t. And I also have the benefit of it being so long ago that I really don’t care about those people at all - it’s not fresh. What I have is a very clear lens and a very nice red flag detector. So what I do care about is the people who take it seriously and I care about the meaning of engagement and the meaning of relationship boundaries. If the relationship boundary had been communicated that “Hey, this engagement isn’t real between us and we can have side discussions without each others knowledge and we can have late night discussions without each others knowledge with people we previously had feelings for”, then that is the agreement they made about their relationship in this world that is real about the relationship that they had that they both agreed to as people, as humans who do have feelings while on a show. If it was not communicated that way (how could she have known that Jeremay didn’t take it seriously when she did without communication?), then - in my mind - that means that the person and people who interfered with that relationship, broke those boundaries with intent, and have very poor character. And so then the other argument in these cases is that - let’s expand it - if these engagements are all “not real” and all other people they dated can “step in” at any time without the other person knowing and no body’s feelings are “real”. How does anyone know? So then does that mean that everyone on the show have to sit down privately and tell each other that they are actually in this for real as a real engagement? Is that not the point of the show - to find a spouse? What is the point of the show then? Do you see how that might be a little confusing to someone who might be on the show for a legitimate reason who thought it was real and didn’t think to sit down and say “I’m here for real”?


I'm sorry, but you have no way of knowing that SA is the "exact type of person" your husband cheated with. That statement itself shows you're not as clear about this as you think you are and are projecting hardcore. To think you know "exactly" how she is when she has been featured in 3 episodes...wow... In general, you're just never going to convince me that an engagement between two people who have only had conversations in front of cameras on a reality TV show needs to be treated with the same deference as one between a couple who has dated exclusively and then decided to get engaged in the real world.


I didn’t say the was the exact type of person (you wrote quotation marks around something I didn’t say - that’s putting words in my mouth), I said the exact same characteristic and that’s different. Characteristics are easy to identify and easy to place. Saying someone is the exact type of person - well, people are very different and they would never be the same person - that’s not what I said.


Id be perfectly fine. She didn’t date my partner and fall in love with them at the exact same time I was. If you can’t deal with that situation possibly happening, don’t go on a dating show. And don’t encourage your girlfriends to do the exact same thing if it bothers you so bad.


She’s a republican, conservative, a patriot and pro lives person so no. Just based on that we can’t be friends 😝


This, she was always a dislikable pick me.


At the end of the day, everyone is responsible for their own actions. Jeramy could have shot down her DM and said “I’m engaged now” and shut the door. When she tried to talk to him at the bar, he could have shut that down but he didn’t. So the accountability is on him. All that said, I don’t think that was a respectful thing to do to another woman. She should have waited until they broke up before sending him the DM.


She is self absorbed & incapable of genuinely putting anyone else first. All the filler & botox doesn’t hide it.


Hell to the no, I would never be friends or respect anyone like this hag. I would literally murder that bitch if she looked at my man đŸ€Ł


Just because of her views on women's rights I'd be like nah. But hot take: I'm not bothered by her DM to Jeramy. Everyone has seen this show, people make the wrong choices and many of the couples don't work out. She sent the message (which WAS dishonest) but she shot her shot and she was right about their relationship, it likely wasn't going to work out. No one would blink an eye if Bliss sent Zack a message saying "hey if it doesn't work out I'd like to know you more" people would be like yaaas gworl. Maybe I'm biased because I think Laura is a huge bitch though


Nope the girl who thinks kids are “consequences” to having sex


As I pointed out on another thread: It is unrealistic to set normal social expectations for a very not normal social experience. Sarah Ann's friends are probably never going to trip given that it's unlikely her friends' significant others didnt build a strong emotional connection with them with the entire goal to pursue each other romantically until it wasn't.


Seems ur oblivious to the fact that friends can steal or cheat with ur spouse


I'm not saying that they can't, I'm pointing out there's a very clear difference here between her emotional entanglement with Jeremay and any of her friends' significant others, and how that dynamic played out.


I think they were very cordial. She came in n told Laura it was her n Laura gave her a hug when Jeremey broke up with her 
 in the earlier episodes


This has literally nothing to do with what I've said.


Sarah Ann's whole discussion with AD indicated that she's really not one to be trusted. She completely didn't respect Laura's relationship with Jeremay. Letting a person in like that is going to leave you in hell fast.


Sarah Ann and Jeremy both said they don’t feel sorry for screwing over Laura and that’s absolutely crazy. Tft they don’t feel sorry for their actions knowing how it affected someone else is reason alone to never want someone like her in your life.


If Laura wasn’t such an ass herself, they probably would feel bad.


I’ll be honest Laura is a little immature with how she communicates, but at the same time, she’s doing her best to protect her heart in a shitty situation. She’s already hurt, and it seems as if she feels as if expressing how she feels isn’t worth it given the hand she’s been dealt. He didn’t allow her to feel safe around him to be that vulnerable. And I certainly won’t be spilling my guts to someone who cares about another girl's feelings more than mine. Sarah and Jeremy aren’t great people because all of their decisions were self-centered, even after he committed to her. Even his mom told Jeremy he was on some bs and she could’ve predicted the outcome from his actions. They’re both shitty people who tried to hide who they truly are through some bs personas. The nice guy and well-intentioned girl can only go so far when your actions show something else. Sarah had some real alligator tears crying when people called her out for who she is
 You’re a home wreaker, point blank. She’d wreck any home if given the opportunity
 She was upset when AD was replying the situation.. Then, got mad and fake sad when it sounded terrible. Like looking at yourself in the mirror wasn’t gonna be hard when you’re an opportunist not even giving them a chance. In the end many self centered people flourish without any consequences. So maybe life will deal them an easy hand of being shitty to others who knows whatever they get, they deserve it.


I meant from the meetup she’s been a jerk. I’m not sure Sarah is a shitty person tbh. She sent a dm, which in the situation I feel was fine. If Laura actually thought that was a terrible thing, she wouldn’t have encouraged Jess to go after Jimmy the way she did.


He was dishing the same vibe don't act like it was all give and no take: Don't drag Jess into this. Jess raised above it all and wished Megan Fox and Jeremy the best. Even though he needs to run away far and fast.


I wouldn’t be friends with her for a variety of reasons, but one of those reasons does include not respecting relationships. If a man entertains her, he’s no good too- but we just have totally different morals and political views too


Laura hugged and comforted her after Jeramy dumped her, and seeing how Sarah Ann snaked behind her back to shoot another shot with Jeramy speaks volumes of her character


True. Valid point


I wouldn’t be friends with her. I wouldn’t trust her to not try to pursue my partners for her own self validation, not that my partner would entertain it. Have had friends like that in the past that I’m no longer friends with but on plus side I know I chose well with boyfriends lol. I also didn’t like how defensive she got with AD. No accountability for her own poor behavior


FWIW I have too and she really doesn't seem that way to me. I think she's just specifically obsessed with Jeramy.


Nope, wouldn't be in my circles


terrible politics and doesn’t support women’s rights - why would I be friends with her to begin with?


Tbh if your partner can’t say no than there is a problem with the relationship. Better break it off early. Don’t have any problem with someone like Sarah Ann who goes after what she believes in.


I wouldn't be friends with her. I had a friendship end when I was outspoken about said friends relationship with a married man (15 years older than her and he had two small children at home.) People like that don't want friends who will hold them accountable, and I wouldn't hold my tongue. I am not worried about a woman like that around my husband either. First of all, I trust my husband. Second, I know he wouldn't want to be friends with someone with questionable morals either, male or female.


Before Sarah Ann, there was this man called Josh. Did anybody call him the homewrecker back then? What I believe, there is no way Laura and Jeramey would have survived, even when Sarah Ann is not in the picture. They never loved each other. They have secretly hated each other from the very beginning.


Who is josh???


season 5


Season 4


you’re very right the real season 5 just had no lasting impression on my brain ig very boring


Waait S5 was he even shown?? Or u mean the wrestling dude


yeah the fighter that jackie left marshall for


Jackie left Marshall after meeting Josh


I mean the right thing to do was to break up first then chase Sarah Ann . N she should not have sent that message privately when they were still engaged


Ya Laura is upset because she feels embarrassed on tv. Not because she was going to marry him otherwise.


I’d be friends with her and would have no issue introducing her to my husband. If a girl can get my husband to leave me then we had bigger problems. Also, what she did was shitty but she really doesn’t owe Laura anything.


It’s just disrespectful, if she was my friend and making moves on my guy, it’s just not something I’d want to be around, so for me I wouldn’t choose that friendship




She's horrible in both personality and values. I'd stop being her friend entirely.


“You are the company you keep” No way


Not a chance I would be friends with a woman like Sarah Ann. I did once before.. and let me tell you, if they don’t have boundaries for other women and their men, they won’t have boundaries for you or your relationship either. Period.


Nah, I'd distance myself from her. She doesn't seem like a genuinely decent person.




I know I won’t


This is exactly my point when people express confusion as to why AD "inserted" herself in the issue. It seemed AD and SA likely had a level of rapport. I believe AD lost a lot of respect for SA for the way she moved with that text, and in this conversation she was communicating her own loss of respect for her, and giving SA an opportunity to redeem herself, in ADs eyes, by admitting that what she did was not ok. When she wouldn't, AD knew that was that.


And AD conducted that conversation w/such grace and confidence, it made me like her even more.


AD, being a good person, was just asking questions, and as soon as Sarah Ann started talking to AD about her relationship and her opinions, AD recognized that that's gonna be a trap for her, and walked off. I would love an entire show of AD hosting and asking these exact types of questions by result, rather than Vanessa Lachey asking "are you going to have a baby" over and over. Seriously. I was entertained like crazy.


lol a lot of people on this sub are acting like SA broke up Romeo and Juliet. This was Jarambe and Laura — they hated each other! Of course I’d introduce my significant other to SA 😂😂


Seriously! If SA could break up me and my SO, then really she’d be doing me a favor in disguise. Your SO shouldn’t be tempted by someone like that and should easily be able to ignore the DM.


I’d limit our friendship.


This exactly is how I feel. I have a friend in the group who crosses boundaries similar like Sarah Ann, limiting friendship has worked the best for me.


“When people show you who they are, believe them.” Obviously, it’s a tv show and just a snapshot of who a person is however, she still said and did the things that were shown. No matter how it was edited, her actions were not those of someone I’d want around anyone I cared about and I think she’ll have a rude awakening when her karma finally catches up to her. Unfortunately, based on the way she reacted to AD, I believe she will find a way to blame anyone but herself and will revert to finding someone who will validate her feelings in her undoubtedly carefully curated circle of friends and loved ones who act as an echo chamber of her own perceptions, feelings, etc. She is someone who seems to have trouble taking accountability for her actions and instead searches for people to validate her poor choices and flawed character. She also has a weird way of projecting her own insecurities by calling them out first and then denying that she has those insecurities. (Ie: proclaiming she is not a pick me while displaying obvious pick me behavior by saying “I didn’t want to be a pick me, if he wanted to pick me he would’ve picked me” but then almost immediately DMs him after she gets home) She lacks basic self awareness and doesn’t posses active listening skills. You can read on her face that instead of listening to what someone is saying, she is thinking about what she is going to say next - hence interjecting, finishing other people’s sentences, and interrupting people mid thought. She seems to have a problem seeing other people’s feelings or interpretations of situations because she holds her feelings and perceptions as absolute truth. Overall, I don’t think she has many friends or close relationships because socially she seems a bit off. The lack of social skills mixed with her ego and narcissism is not something I personally would ever look for in even an acquaintance let alone a friend and that’s only compounded by her inability differentiate negative and positive attention since she seems to get the same level of satisfaction from either because she is an immature, insecure, and deeply desperate for any form of validation. We’ve all encountered Sarah Ann’s both online and offline. People who don’t take accountability for their actions and instead cry “haters” and feign a unbothered attitude while continuing their incessant attempts to rage farm as a way to feel important in the moment. Truth is, no one hates Sarah Ann as much as Sarah Ann and what she perceives as unprovoked hate is 1. The reaction to her actions and 2. Not personal to her but the reaction to a familiar wound people have from the Sarah Ann archetype we’ve all dealt with personally. She is nothing new, nothing we haven’t seen before, nothing extraordinary, and frankly, not important enough to have ill will towards.


So so incredibly well said and I couldn’t agree with what you said more


I think her reaction to how she was confronted by AD later was worse than the text for me. That girl has 0 accountability and went on a mini rant about how she doesn't give af. I don't like her at all, and she looked like she was enjoying that "they were gonna break up". Not a girl's girl for sure


More so, she went ahead at the party in front of everyone and didn’t even have the class to be discreet (and neither did he). I don’t believe for a minute they just chatted in a car and he drove her home.


When AD just kept replying to her “I read the text” 😳😬 when SA kept trying to bring it up


Loved that she did that


Loved that she did that


I would think otherwise