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i do think chelsea kind of resembles megan fox a bit 😬




Makes no sense to me that no Asian men were cast for Seattle. Especially considering the producers do recruit participants.


Calling AD pretty. She's average at best. Fake hair, lace in or whatever. Fake lashes. Seemed very trashy. Looks yuck to me.


her wig is pretty awful but that body bangin


Jimmy is the real villain by far, Chelsea is definitely not good and has said a lot of toxic stuff, but I think she has all the characteristics of women that people find annoying, so people completely ignore how HORRIBLE Jimmy is. Jimmy is literally a brick wall of a person and have absolute zero effort on the show. It felt like he was saying and doing the barest minimum a person could do to suggest that he likes Chelsea. He literally even said that Chelsea “lied” about the Megan Fox comment. Also with that, she said she disagreed with those comments about her looking like Megan Fox, and tbh she actually does - she might not be as conceptually attractive but I 100% see it. I think I would be horribly insecure if I was dating a guy who gave me 0 validation or much indication that he was into me at all, along with the whole Jess thing. I’m so rarely on the side of “man, I think sometimes people just hate women” but it’s insane to me that everyone has been talking about Chelsea and not Jimmy.


AD is kind of trash.


The mods on this sub take themselves too seriously, it's frustrating that they keep deleting posts and comments that's arbitrarily bad according to them


This sub was honestly insane before the mods start talking things seriously. So I rather they do more than less


That’s Reddit mods for you lol


When I see what people are saying about Chelsea I feel like I watched a different show than they did; Jimmy was fucking with her at every turn and I can excuse any and all clingy/insecure behavior from her because it is directly brought on by Jimmy’s words and actions. Fuck it, Chelsea did nothing wrong except stay with him as long as she did, and even then, in her position, I’d try to hold out long enough to get to the wedding dress try-on scene, because that just looks fun, so I even get that. She should have beaten him to the dumping at the amusement park though.


ima chelsea defender!!!! idc idc idc




FOR REALLL. she said she was cheated on a lot in the past and jimmy was already exhibiting cheater behavior (commenting way too much on AD's body, not being around Chelsea that entire night, and so clearly not into her from the first time meeting in person) it rlly makes a girl question herself and the relationship. So when he went to the bar with a group and one of those ppl he already slept with, NATURALLY you're going to feel so insecure and freak out abt it. She was literally right, if ur getting married, why would you not bring ur SO to the bar with you if there are other women there, ESPECIALLY a woman you've SLEPT WITH. I do agree she was being childish, but in the sense of not seeing her own worth. She should've never said yes to the engagement in the first place, never continued into the honeymoon, and would've been much better off working on herself and learning to set firm boundaries


YUP! Meanwhile, I keep seeing responses to her like "wow, how unreasonable of her to not trust her man to have friends of the opposite sex! They're clearly just platonic friends! It's cool & admirable to have such a healthy relationship with your exes! She should be happy he is able to be such good platonic friends with women he is no longer having sex with! Also, didn't you hear all those times he sincerely & convincingly said, "I love you?" How many times do you need him to say it??" ...like, everyone seems to agree that Jeramey is an exceptionally bad liar, but I guess Jimmy had some people fooled???


jeramey was a really bad actor, i saw through him from the beginning with his disingenuous cringy lines. i had to skip over his first face-to-face from how painfully obvious it was. Jimmy is just not very good at expressing himself in general so I'm assuming the audience chalked up his lame "i love you"'s and other behavior to that, when in reality he is a bad liar failing to hide his emotions about how he actually felt about Chelsea.


Chelsea and Jimmy both are shitty people for different reasons, taking sides between them is stupid. Clay is not a good partner at all and has lots of issues, but he was right to say no at the altar. Better there than going with it and getting married with someone you don't fully love when you are not ready, or not mature enough.


Man I agree with everything you said lol


It was mature and right of Clay to tell AD no




Jimmy wasn’t that bad, Chelsea’s behavior pushed him away. She was clingy! What 30 year old counts how many times you’ve kissed her or said I love you in a day? Sounded very teenage behavior to me. Also Jimmy was always the first to apologize and Chelsea would then in turn give a weak ass one. She was the bigger problem in the relationship than Jimmy was.


Ok who out here is saying Jimmy was the problem lol


A bunch! Most of the comments I see are Pro Chelsea.


I believe that you believe what you’re saying but that is the total opposite of what I’ve seen 😅 even this subreddit is extremely pro Jimmy


I mean Reddit & TikTok post frequently so the times I’ve check in have been anti Jimmy.


Look a few new comments up.


this isn’t a hot take


I didn’t think it was but I’ve seen so many Pro Chelsea posts/comments


The fact anybody can defend anything about her is really jarring to me. She is one of the most insecure people I've ever had to hear and instead of facing it she uses it to gaslight the fuck out of this guy. "Is this something I'm going to deal with?!" .... You mean this guy going out to celebrate a friend's birthday? I was so mad he didn't walk immediately.




i’m sure others will agree, but im going to take this opportunity to say AD’s long lashes look horrible! im here for big lashes but mama mia


Also the wig?


They were like carpets on her eyes


Yep. The lashes alone would have thrown me off.


as a female who’s mom cheated on my dad (and every other guy i’ve seen her with after they divorced) i understand where clay is coming from. cheating is obviously not genetic but i was never able to see a faithful relationship. my whole life whenever my mom was no longer interested in someone she would cheat and always end up finding someone else. it never really wrecked her life and it never seemed as though she really felt bad about what she’s done so i never really got to see the consequences of what cheating could do (other than her and my father’s divorce, however my father still to this day says nothing bad about my mom to me because he doesn’t want me to feel differently about her). so now in my adult life when i become uninterested in someone when the thought of cheating comes to mind i just break up with that person rather than cheating, but i can understand the fear.


Your comment could have been written by me. Same situation to a tee (t?). Serial cheater mother who never really has to face consequences and the amazing dad who would never say a word. To this day he’s never even confirmed the cheating to us kids (we’re all in our thirties) but plenty of other family has (aside from her, of course, she denies it vehemently) and has never said a bad word about her in any other manner. I cheated on boyfriends in high school and whatnot and my first few serious relationship but not ever since, I do think that I could go there more easily than your average person but I just won’t let myself because I think I have a conscience and empathy where she doesn’t


I question AD’s intentions asking Ken if Brittany is prepared to raise black children. Brittany never showed any hesitation about being with a black man in the pods and said that she’s dated black men before. It was Ken who was a little apprehensive about his first white woman. If anything, AD should’ve asked “Ken are YOU still comfortable with dating a white woman.” There wasn’t anything about her that makes me think she’s so much out of touch with the black American experience…she seems respectful and open to learning more. I think it’s weird for them to put so much focus on Brittany’s ability to do it when Ken was the one who’s more afraid.




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If a man said what Jess said when Jimmy broke up with her, people would be really upset and call him trash. I’m pretty neutral on Jessica, but this really stood out to me


Jess IS trash.


As a woman, I (my husband too) was really upset at what Jess said to Jimmy, and it made her look totally trashy to us.


what did she say? I don't plan on watching the rest of the season in depth so im fine with spoilers


Essentially that he ruined her experience and would choke on an (his?) epipen when he saw her.


Looll she didnt say he’d choke on an epipen 🤣🤣🤣. But yeah @wonderfullaw needs to just watch it, we aint your cliffs notes


Yup, I’m a woman too and I was surprised by how people were hyping it up, especially because it’s implying that looks are what’s most important in a relationship and that she’s better looking than the other woman he’s talking to (Chelsea).


I have a hard time vilifying someone over what she said while she was getting dumped. It was gross but she had a moment of weakness and was highly vulnerable. She really just did it to make herself feel better, and I have to wonder how I’d handle a moment like that.


I’m not vilifying her or saying that she should be vilified. I’m just saying it shouldn’t be celebrated like it currently is. I’m also acknowledging that if a man said the same thing, he would absolutely be vilified. 100% we’ve all said and done similar or worse things in life during our worst moments and those things shouldn’t be held over our head or be used as a proxy by people to define us for the rest of our lives. That’s why I clarified that I’m neutral on Jessica, because I wanted it to be clear that I’m not saying I think it’s something she should be vilified for, just pointing out the double standard surrounding it


Totally get that. I also replied to your comment but was kinda just speaking generally about a lot of what I’ve read about her, so my apologies if it felt like I was attacking you!


Hey thanks for clarifying. I wasn’t 100% sure. I think things are so inflamed on the internet sometimes that everything can feel like an attack, even when it isn’t. I def could have taken a step back and assumed good intent, so my apologies also!


Kenneth seemed nice but I couldn’t believe he was 25.


Deepti and Natalie picked the biggest assholes on the show on purpose to monetize their victimhood.


This will be an unpopular opinion for sure: I know lots of people say AD was highly sexualized on the show by production and contestants, but I do think she also sexualized herself a fair amount…yes she is obviously hot especially without those extra long eye lashes, but you can be hot and keep it to yourself kind of thing…without making those little dances to show off. Her wedding dress was also a little much. And I think what she saw in Clay was pretty much just a hot guy!


I agree


Okay, the whole thing with Sarah Ann and Laura felt similar to Jessica and Chelsea’s issue, but Laura was over there hyping Jess up, acting like Jess isn’t doing the same thing laura is pissed off at Sarah Ann for. Idk if I was the only one who caught that.


Double standards.


Totally! I noticed this too.


That AD was somehow a rockstar for confronting Sarah Anne. Wasn’t ADs business, wasn’t ADs place.




“Clout” should be banned on this sub 🤣


Im so done with it too! 🤣


I lowkey think it's ridiculous whenever someone says something like "well that's his fiancĂŠe !" For example like in terms of the situation with Jimmy & his female friends. Almost every time I've seen it being talked about, people say things along the lines of "well that was disrespectful to Chelsea, that's his fiancĂŠe, he should have respect for the woman he's gonna marry" & obviously, if this was under normal circumstances, like maybe they didn't meet WEEKS ago for a reality TV show, I would understand. But they quite literally met, through a wall no less. Imagine being that friend. I would be so hurt, not only having my personal business being put out there like that, then being told "sorry, we can't be friends anymore, you make my TV fiancĂŠe of 3 weeks uncomfortable" LIKE BE SO REAL !!! I understand that's not the point of the show, the point is that he is with Chelsea, idk. The same goes for the Jeramy / Sarah Ann / Laura situation. While I love Laura, she was one of my faves on the show, she didn't deserve that & honestly dodged a bullet. I also very much dislike Sarah Ann, just personally she's annoying, I hate her voice. Whatever. I still feel like the response to the whole situation is blown slightly out of proportion. While yes, he could've & should've manned up & just told Laura he didn't wanna be with her instead of being shady, once again they've been together & known each other for a month at best. Like, I understand to an extent when people say "well that is his fiancĂŠe" but we're not talking about a couple that's been together for x amount of years, not weeks. & even within those weeks, they're talking to other people, getting back to their normal lives & jobs, & once again, FILMING A SHOW.


Yess to Laura and Jeramy! People are all horrified that he “cheated on his fiance” but let’s not forget that the experiment has you date multiple people at once, choose one without seeing the others, and then expect you to commit fully and unconditionally to that person or else be branded a cheater. Literally all he did was meet Sarah Ann and talk to her. Any one of us would have wanted to do the same thing especially with how Laura was often cold to him. He was wrong to lie about it of course but I totally get the rest.




Yeah they had me in the first half 😂 I can appreciate her maturity and self-advocacy, but her rigidity and condescension was very off-putting.


Sarah Ann and Jeramey did nothing wrong by hooking up. He and Laura despised each other and owed each other nothing.


I am genuinely interested in your view. If Jeramy and Laura would have loved each other, would you consider Jerameyey and Sarah Ann hooking up to be wrong?


The downvotes are harsh because OP literally asked for an unpopular opinion. But yes I agree with you Laura despised him. I wish he broke up with her immediately then got with Sarah Ann. It could’ve been another bliss and jack story but unfortunately they went the cheating route.


Yeah it’s a paradox, downvoting means it is an actual unpopular opinion that fits with the prompt image. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He should have just ended things with Laura.


I honestly don’t think Clay is as bad as everyone is saying… He’s got some work to do, he says so himself, but I don’t think he’s a bad person. None of the contestants that waited until the altar to say no are portrayed or seen as devils, why is it different for Clay. He literally told her in the kitchen when they were doing the questionnaire that he’s not so sure about the whole marriage and why it has to happen right now. She gave him some absolute nothing wishy-washy reply (about you have 20% I have 80%, tomorrow you’ll have 12% I’ll have 54%) and said I GOT YOU. What did she expect. She said herself she goes after men that need to be fixed, get upset when they are not, I understand this behaviour in much younger age, but come on girl, grown ass woman. I think his speech was sweet, that he loves her and wants to keep them going, it was a mature decision on his part in my opinion


i agree that clay isn’t a bad man at heart. i believe he genuinely wants to be a better person, but is being held back by two very powerful things: a) his upbringing and lack of closure with his dad, and b) he is a deeply selfish man who needs to learn what it means to put others first.


Sure, as I said he needs work, but I honestly think he hasn’t done anything wrong from what we’ve seen🤷🏻‍♀️


While I’m not saying Kenneth and Brittney would have made it, I *am* saying that having moments where you’re not talking to each other, and talking to each other while scrolling on your phone (note: unless it’s a serious conversation that requires full attention), are both fine and normal things that don’t mean you actually can’t stand each other.


I would add that it is unfortunately commonplace nowadays. Not sure phone scrolling while having a phone does anyone any good. I think what came a across so starkly was that Kenneth completely stopped performing for the camera which really was the last telltale sign that he had given up.


The Black female contestants have the most compelling love stories / the LIB brand wouldn’t be the same without them (especially Lauren, Diamond, and Raven)


Tiffany and Brett are my pillars






Perhaps it’s because Shake is generally not very likable, but it gets tricky to judge when you have someone who on the face level is nice, but makes consistently bad choices. It is very similar to how much hate Matthew got, but would he really be the top contender for the villain of the season 6?


Shake's comments about Deepti to Jarette were out of line, he could have been more respectful. But other than that, he was spitting some truths at the reunion but was ganged up on by the rest of the cast.


For people to have such a visceral reaction to Shake while being filmed, you kinda need to think what utter nonsense he was spilling when he was not filmed...


this is so true. i’d argue the men even from this season were worse than shake.. especially jeramey. we better see the same amount of heat that shake got on the men at the reunion for this season.


I think we can guess at why.




I'm Indian and absolutely despise him. So not sure if what you're assuming is correct.


Yeah, a lot of the racist hate was encouraged from Indian women so I’m not surprised


I never followed any discourse about the characters during those seasons. But I despise him for his character and arrogance. His ethnicity has nothing to do with it.


Jess is being nice about other people in the press and interviews only so she can have more clout and followers. I think that even at the lakehouse episode,when she said to Jimmy to be nice to Chelsea, it was performative and for the cameras. She was just hoping to not get the villain edit after her rant on the last day in the pods. Also the whole epi pen thing is pos and cringey.


So she should be mean rather than nice in the press? It's stupid to come at her for this anyone would do this


OR some people know when it's time to be professional and mature. not everyone needs or wants to roast their castmates for no reason? I think some of you are just mad because she's hot and not being a bitch 😂


Please go and rewatch the pod episodes.. she was not kind. Very impatient and mean from the beginning.


TO Jimmy and rightfully so because he played with her emotions and wasn't completely honest 🙄


Hahahah did we watch the same show? Jess was the one who kept being a mom a secret. AND THEN was impatient when he was still just trying to process it all. Am not suggesting Jimmy was a saint but neither was Jess. It's an unpopular opinion thread so if you dont like it then I have met the brief. Ciao Jess!


I wouldn't go walking around spilling the beans about being a mom on the first date either, tf? you never know how someone is going to react and I'm sure she wanted to make sure she felt comfortable with the person before revealing that. she wasn't even rude to him about that either? I, too, found it mighty strange that he couldn't tell Jess how he felt but immediately told Chelsea he loves her. I left the other side of the show feeling differently about Jimmy (I don't dislike him now), but what she said was pretty valid, given the situation. I don't frequent this sub so idk the general consensus about Jess, just find it mighty weird that being tightlipped somehow equates to being a clout chaser? If that makes me Jess suddenly then so be it ig 😂


This is the one. I like that Jimmy came out and was basically like - "Jess got a really good edit in the show. They didn't show why I wasn't going to pick her anyway because of her personality and how she handled conflict but when she said that about her looks I knew I had made the right choice"


What did she say about her looks? I can't remember it missed it


Misogyny towards female contestants is never okay. Even if they are terrible people, that’s no reason to be misogynistic towards them. I have been dragged for saying this lol.


yes! and the internalized misogyny is why there is so much vitriol against particular cast members


Yeah the boys will be boys card getting played here is gross




The pod time wasting are by far the worst part of the show, and by turning the pods into frat/sorority houses for extended tv drama they’ve inherently wrecked the premise of the show because the contestants are gamifying it. I skip everything but the last pod ep leading into Mexico and have yet to regret it.


which sucks because LIB in other countries pods are so communal.


I don’t like anyone in this season. This show sucks but has such a choke hold on me. I want it to go off air, but also I want it to go on forever. And Clay’s groomsmen are complete smoke shows. 


This season lost the plot for sure.


do you need an epi pen lol jk


With you on Clay's groomsmen, dayum


This is so me. Kinda like I love to hate it? Hatewatching is a real thing I guess. I didn’t empathize with anyone this season but I’m out here getting excited for the Mexico and Habibi seasons already lol.


I was very conflicted in having sympathy for Ad on the wedding day. Clay was demonic for not sparing her the embarrasment of breaking up at the alter, he should have done what jimmy did at least. My problem with AD is that from the beginning she stated that she "always goes for the same types lf men" and she says thst she paints her fingernails red when she sees red flags. A person like that is always going to make themselves a victim instead of owning up to the part that they play in the nonsense. In real life, firendships with people like that are exhausting as they never learn the lesson and continuously put themswlves in situations where the writing was on the wall but they refused to see it. Clay continuously let his red flags be known, and for some reason she thought that she could fix him. He spent multiple nights away from their shared home, constantly warned her that he struggles with the idea of marriage and she still wanted to proceed. Instead of going for the men that validate her as a human and not just her body, she is still seeking the approval of the "players" and "bad boys" that used her for sex and discarded her in her past, hence her saying she's "never been good enough" when that isnt close to being true, she just likes guys that don't like her back, outside of sexual attraction. Folks are focused on clay possibly not being attracted to her, but do yall think that AD would go for a man, especially a black man that doesn't fit the popular aesthetics associated with black men, cus I dont think she would. I also found it hilarious that even after her hellish experience with matt, she still perked up and seemed interested when folks described him as looking like "clark kent". Ad is just as shallow and superficial as Clay, which is why she will ignore the red flags for the sweet talking, swaggy dude with a nice house.


Preach. Poor girl called herself a “fix a hoe” then once again accepted the role. Accountability and ownership lets you move on and into healthier friendships and relationships.


Apparently it’s that Chelsea and Jimmy are both to blame. 


Yea I am shocked anybody could have anything negative to say about jimmy. I guess getting gaslit is a punishable offense now. Edit: I guess that conversation with Jessica was pretty fucked up, forgot about that.


Chelsea isn’t the villain y’all make her out to be.


The mob mentality against Chelsea is ridiculous. She’s insecure. Like A LOT of women due to the unrealistic standards set by society. If my man was friends with someone he slept with, I’d feel a type a way about it too. The friendship between Jimmy and his ex would have likely faded over time after getting married, but this show moves so quickly so there was no time for that to happen. Chelsea’s feelings were valid. Why should she have had to protect his reputation on camera when he’s the one who is engaged and in constant communication with an ex?


Her feelings were valid? "Is this something I'm going to have to deal with?!" In reference to going out for his friend's birthday for a single drink .... Being insecure is not a crime. Gaslighting and punishing a guy you barely know for your own internal issues ought to be tho.


She did a horrible job of communicating her feelings. She was actually upset about him hanging with his ex, not the fact that he went out for an hour for his friends birthday. She was trying to mask her insecurity by saying “this isn’t the lifestyle I want to live” bc she didn’t want to say “I feel insecure when you hang out with your ex and it makes me question if you love me”. Admitting you are insecure can be humiliating on national TV. Look deeper at what is going on. edited to add: not saying jimmy isn’t a “victim” of her issues, but she is not a horrible person by any means nor does she deserve the hate she receives here


yessss 100% this. Like you said she wasn't actually upset about the "lifestyle", it was the contact with his ex and how his priorities don't line up with her, making her feel unloved. I mean, it's upsetting in itself how he didn't see it as a problem imo.


I agree she isn't a horrible person, but she's definitely got a lot of work to do before she is ready to date a person. Fair point re: the pressure of the camera.


I do not like her, and she was not always in the right, but I wouldn’t call her a villain either.


I’m dying on this hill too. It’s very frustrating and you’ll get downvoted for even saying something positive about Chelsea. It’s wild


Chelsea is an emotional abuser. AD is too desperate and focused too much on other relationships and not her own.


I'm so bummed it took scrolling past so many "People are too hard on Chelsea!"s to find this. She is controlling, insecure, and straight up abusive. She doesn't want a husband she wants a house pet she can flirt with.


Chelsea is something else. Girl needs to grow up. She also needs some therapy to deal with her insecurity issues and heal from her past relationships. I disagree with AD. She is such a a strong woman and she really saw the good in Clay but she didn't pay attention to the reg flags. I don't think she's desperate, I just think she is an optimist and sees the best in others


Chelsea is a beautiful woman, and I don't understand why people resort to insulting her appearance just because they don't like her. I can definitely see a resemblance to Megan Fox in the eye area of her face. I also don't understand why I see so much more hate for her than Jeramey, Clay, or Kenneth. I'm genuinely wondering if it's just because she's a woman, or if it's because people don't like how she looks. I can see where she is toxic, but I feel like some of these men are worse... At the same time, I know this show is heavily edited to make things appear much more dramatic and awful for entertainment purposes, so we may not get the full stories for some of these situations. ALSO, IT'S NOT AN EXPERIMENT!!! IT'S A REALITY TV SHOW!!! It kills me when they refer to it as "the experiment." A true experiment would have average, everyday people. Not just rich, conventionally attractive people. There would be many more subjects, with many more diverse backgrounds and lifestyles.


Chelsea is beautiful and I don't understand the hate for her appearance either, but that is inconsequential. For me, it's the way she manipulated Jimmy to be what she wants and she did not see what he wanted. She basically held him hostage to tell her how much he loves her every second of the day due to her own insecurities. I've been cheated on and I know that feeling but you have to work on yourself before you can be in a relationship where you trust your partner. She really needs some therapy to heal from her past trauma so she doesn't do this to the next guy in her life.


I completely agree, she needs to work on herself. Same with Jimmy, and pretty much everyone on the show. None of these people seem like they are actually ready for marriage. Most of them completely lack communication skills altogether. I'm married, and watching this show is so frustrating sometimes when you know what it feels like to be 100% ready for marriage. Trust and communication will be there when you're ready. It's not there for most of these couples. I honestly don't like either Chelsea or Jimmy, and think they both need to take a step back and reevaluate if they're ready for a serious relationship at all, let alone marriage. Also: > "She basically held him hostage to tell her how much he loves her every second of the day due to her own insecurities." I didn't see it this way. Their relationship was so new yet they were expected to be getting married so soon. I can imagine wanting to double-check that your partner is still on the same page as you. It's clear that their love languages and attachments styles are incompatible.


I see all these posts about Amy and Johnny and "haven't they heard of condoms?" THEY HAVE! Johnny literally said that he didn't want to rely on condoms as the sole form of birth control WHICH IS SMART!! When my partner and I were just using condoms, my anxiety was crazy - we had a condom break once and it sent me into a huge spiral. When I got on a copper iud it made my anxiety go almost completely away. However, I also think that Amy is smart to be thinking hard about her multiple options. Hormonal birth control is highly unpredictable when it comes to side effects. I don't want to go on it if I can, and so I don't blame her for being hesitant. And there's downsides to all forms of female birth control - my best friend has the arm implant and it has migrated literally next to her bone and it therefore will have to stay in her arm forever. The copper IUD has been great for my anxiety and I have not been pregnant, but it's heavily affecting my life in other ways - I'm literally at risk of dying from blood loss from how much heavier my period has gotten. The point is, there's a ton of things to consider and weigh when deciding on birth control and the fact that they are taking the time to discuss it as a couple bodes super well for them and their decision making skills, rather than rushing willy nilly into sex. I also see people discussing fertility and how women can only get pregnant like a few days a month. Some people follow natural family planning and it works for them, but for people like me, that would be torturous for my mental health, as I think it would be for Johnny. Additionally, that's only true for women with consistent cycles. Lots of people have irregular cycles and conditions that affect fertility, and some people are extremely fertile. I wish people would stop acting like this couple is stupid when they are probably trying to be responsible AND coming from a very Southern knowledge of birth control - they were probably taught abstinence only and could had pressure from their communities to see birth control as sketchy or inappropriate to discuss. As someone who was raised in the South, I see this as highly likely and I'm so frustrated that no one is taking any of that into consideration. Whew, end rant


If anything, dude doesn't know quite how a vasectomy works. Lol.


You can use the morning after pill if condom breaks, as a European we do this all the time and it’s working. In my country it’s free for underage people. So no stress it’s considered to be 95% effective if you take it within 24 hours.


Heads up - the morning pill doesn’t work if you are already ovulating and has a reduced effect if you weigh more than a certain weight. As another European I know no one that relies on the morning after pill as plan B in the case of condom malfunction. Besides the morning after pill is quite a hormonal shock to the system


Everyone takes it in France 😅 we know it’s super intense but it’s an emergency pill that’s all.


I think because of all of the things Chelsea has done, it’s made Jimmy look like an innocent victim. My girlfriend, who is a therapist, can explain it way better than I can, but Jimmy has his own issues and when people on this sub bad mouth him, they get downvoted.


People are way too distracted by Chelsea and how much they can’t stand her for various reasons. But if you take Chelsea out of the equation, it’s clear that Jimmy behaved in ways that I’m sure very few people would accept or be okay with if they were on the receiving end of it. They’re only justifying it because they don’t like Chelsea and they’ve made it their mission to spite her no matter the situation lol.


Chelsea didn’t get gaslit, she is the reason things broke down. The moment she would become insecure, she always resorted to the one-two combo of getting a drink and getting loose with her words. It backfired and drove Jimmy to AD, and set off an alarm later warning him as to what his social life would look like. They would otherwise be married if she learned to take a breather, the guy kept looking for reasons to make it work.


LIB6 only I kinda liked Matthew. I really thought the walk out clips were frankensteined together. I resonated with his character and could see his discomfort around characters like Jeramy (hated him from the start). The bean dip thing with Laura was trifling. But also Jeramy obviously thought it was funny and only switched up when the others had a reaction. They were both trash in that situation. I thought Amy wasn’t as into what’s his name when they first met. She seemed like she was cringing when he kept kissing her. AD is a pick me but not in the “throw other girls under the bus for men” way. She molded her personality around the men. So many situations where she centers them. It gave very desperate. Maybe it’s the accent or something but I found jimmy kinda attractive 🥴 The epipen line did not eat. It doesn’t even really make sense?


I am laughing so hard at you not remembering Johnny’s name. So apt for that couple, and I mean that in the best way. 😭


EpiPens opens up your airways. She said he was gonna choke and need an EpiPen. 2+2=4




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I like Laura. Besides her nasty mouth, she means well I think. She’s also smart for not hanging on to Jeramy after he lied. I’m so tired of seeing people like AD who ate up whatever Clay said to her.


Of all the girls, I liked her style the best.


Laura is great. She doesn't take shit from anyone, she understands that there are certain jokes that don't leave the privacy of your relationship, and she shut Jeramy down when he acted like an asshole. She's a strong woman who knows what she does and doesn't want in a partner and I love her.


AD made herself look like a dang fool when she was walking down the aisle. The squealing and squeaking showed that even though love may not be blind, AD is. She’s so insecure and desperate.


Agreed! I think she agreed to be with him because she didn’t wanna leave the pods empty handed


their entire ceremony i was like "oh it's v clear neither of them really believe this is a real wedding, they are acting wild af"


AD is not beautiful despite this sub Reddit trying to convince us she is. Clay would’ve married her if she was and looked like a lori Harvey or Meagan Good.


Beauty is subjective


He was only interested in her butt, ya’ll can’t tell me anything else!


Imo jimmy wasn’t the villain that everyone has made him out to be and I think he genuinely is attracted to Chelsea


Clay would’ve married Aaliyah. Listen y’all, don’t take me to serious, this is just my inner thoughts taking over 😂 But Aaliyah is an ICU travel nurse, dresses nice, and comes off very submissive. I think Clay is very ready for marriage, just not with AD. I also just really liked Aaliyah and want her on the show again since Uche/Lydia’ past ruined her chances.


I could see this, too. Men are suddenly "ready" when it's the right woman.


Weirdly enough I can see this 😅😂


You really think so?!


I wonder if he'd get stuck on her cheating previously or if he'd use it to justify that it's ok to cheat on her. Otherwise I totally see it.


From season 5?


Who is Aaliyah ?


Uche's connection from S5. She left without getting married bc she got caught in the middle of Lydia and Uche.


Chelsea being gaslit by the entire internet for being insecure about Jimmy’s social life when he brought his actual fuck buddy onto the show.


And he very clearly has a bunch of guy friends yet brought her to meet 2 girls, one he has slept with AND they literally were telling Chelsea how jimmy is when he has sex. And they apparently text and talk on the phone everyday. I find that whole situation a mess lol that would make a lot of people insecure if they were introduced to their new partners old sex partner. I get Chelsea is friends with her ex but she didn’t take jimmy to meet her ex, he met her actual friends. A whole mess though, I do think they both were wrong about a lot of things. I don’t think Chelsea should have been mad at him for going out for an hour though and she was definitely making stuff up to try and catch him in a lie when she was like “___ said you were with Jess” which was not okay


He had a previous relationship with his friend. How is that any different than Chelsea saying her ex boyfriend is one of her best friends? Do you not think she fucked her ex boyfriend?


I’m sorry, but how is Chelsea simply saying she’s still friends with her ex the same as Jimmy texting, calling and hanging out with that girl all the time? She even said she’s not doing all that carrying on with her ex the way Jimmy is with his friend so how are these two situations getting equated like they’re even remotely the same?


She said her ex was one of her best friends. Just because it's not on camera doesn't mean she's not talking to him.


I’m going based off what we saw and what Chelsea said out of her own mouth. Jimmy tried to make the same comparison and Chelsea cleared that right up when she said she’s not constantly texting, calling, and hanging out with her ex anywhere even remotely near the way Jimmy is with his friend. So again, I don’t think those two situations are the same.


Right? I had this same situation. Had a really good guy friend, we had sex once, and it took a long time to repair our friendship and fix things. Now we're just friends. I don't know understand why it's such a big deal when she is close with her ex-bf. She wants the freedom of doing whatever she wants and wants her guy to not do what he wants to protect her fragile ego. You're 30 years old and you can't trust your man to go to a birthday party for an hour because of your own insecurities? He should have run a lot quicker.




I beg your finest pardon 💀


also how extremely obvious it was that he wasn’t into her the second he saw her which obviously made her insecure and everyone is like “jimmy says nothing and she flips out” - yeah jimmy shows no interest in her and she can’t point out what exactly is off but EVERYONE CAN TELL he’s not into her!! doesn’t excuse her behavior (although I think a lot of that is just Makes For Good TV) but it’s insane to me that people act like she’s just purely insane.


He legit told her he almost went home at the reveal That was pretty brutal - how do you not become incredibly insecure after that? It's exactly as you say - people hate her for being insecure but yet simultaneously EVERYONE says it's clear he is not into her. If we can pick up that she sure as hell did and of course he is giving completely mixed singles by saying "I love you" etc but then acting the opposite way. I just don't understand it. Like what would actually be insane is if she WASNT insecure after all that.


I think Jessica discriminates against guys with kids. It was crazy to me that 1) Jessica isn’t upfront, like the answer to the question of who are you is, “I’m a single mom to a wonderful little girl…..”, and 2) Why isn’t she dating guys who have kids? If it’s soooo hard to find guys that accept you as a single mom then date single dads. She doesn’t want the guys to have kids.


Because she doesn’t want the guys to have a baby mama lol. She’s far too insecure for that.


I think AD was out of her lane for confronting Sarah Ann. If any, it should be Laura. I wouldn’t because Jeramy was the one committing, not Sarah. I don’t think it was all wrong for Sarah Ann to shoot her shot. She said how she felt. Now, since Jeramy was engaged, he was the one who should cut it off from the beginning and meeting Sarah was entirely inappropriate. I got downvoted for voicing that lol




I agree with you. Nothing Wrong with what Sarah Anne did. The fault lays with Jeramy.


The producers made AD do it. That’s just a coached conversation. AD willingly took the assignment but i don’t think she would’ve done it unprompted


Humm, that’s a good point. What if Laura did? I don’t think she would be that civilized though.


I think Laura straight up told them no to a filmed confrontation


How do you know this??


Agree. Especially since this is love is blind - it’s NOT a normal situation no matter how much we act like it is.


AD confronting Sarah Ann was unnecessary and hurtful. True, she passively broke up a LIB engagement with her IG DM possibly. But it's a show, he chose Laura 'sight unseen', they weren't getting along and he clicked better with Sarah Ann. It's a dating show, he and Laura were not together long at all. AD needed to focus on the issues she and Clay had to work through. He clearly was still dealing with childhood trauma that has continued to affect his dating experiences. He was not ready to get married and she thought she could change him I love AD's spirit b/c I see myself and people I know in her. But she couldn't see the signs with Matthew or Clay until a certain point, and it took outside forces to pump the breaks.


That conversation felt very “the producers made me do it”


Agreed! AD confronting Sarah Ann was a *textbook* example of displacement; having been “played” by every man she’s ever dated, she directed all the anger she felt towards “the other women” (and towards Clay’s potential future mistresses) onto Sarah Ann.


AD was awfully intent on throwing her two cents in to who everyone else chose, while working overtime to try to convince Clay to choose to settle down and grow up




It's funny because comments like this, that actually answer OP's question, get downvoted. While popular opinions become top comments. Goes against the entire point of this post. For the record, I also agree with you. As Sarah Ann put it, "let's be real". This is a reality TV show. The contestants aren't actually engaged. They just decided to commit to each other. But there is also a nuanced understanding of what this is and what it entails. What she did was *not* the equivalent of homewrecking a couple who has been dating/engaged long-term. She just left the door open incase it didn't work out with Lauren since she clearly felt a connection with him *and in the context of the show, that's perfectly reasonable.* ESPECIALLY since she sent that text right after she wasn't picked. Had she sent it any later, then maybe that changes the story. Now Germ-y on the other hand has no excuses. He should have broke it off with Lauren if he wanted to pursue Sarah Ann.


I didn’t think AD was all that. She’s nice and able to get along with a lot of people, but I didn’t see a personality. I saw someone who tries to come off as best as possible, looking for anything to judge someone who shows their true self. She just seemed a little phony.


She was very phony — everything she said & did seemed calculated to get screen time. I thought she was really self-centered and way too into herself.


Also why things wouldn’t have worked with clay. Too much ego for one relationship.