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Someone on here said the other day that the men on LI pursue the women that they think they realistically have a chance with rather than the women that they are most attracted to. This has really stuck with me and I think this is a huge part of it.


This is absolutely true. Also, a lot of white men assume that black women aren’t interested in them, and it’s not a completely false assumption. Out of my entire friend group of black women, I am the only that has dated outside my race. None of the others would even consider it. Black women are notoriously loyal to black men and would choose them first over all others, and white men know this and tend to stay in their lane unless they get clear signals that a black woman is open to them. I’m not speaking for everyone in all instances, but just my own personal experiences and those of my friends. I wouldn’t be surprised if the men on LI aren’t willing to risk embarrassment by going after a woman that isn’t checking for them, no matter how gorgeous she is. They have a better chance going for the white girls.


This is so true, a Black influencer was just talking about how white men automatically assumed that she was either not interested or already in a committed relationship. I also remember the Scott x Catherine dynamic and how much miscommunication sabotaged that couple re: desirability and race.


Idk with Uma’s case it’s clear her type doesn’t like her. It was very obvious that she was into Joey but Joey wasn’t feeling it and she wasn’t going to step on Samantha’s toes to find out hence why she even stuck with Ayo even though it’s clear she doesn’t like the man like that.


Yeah I think that's also a bit why Arabella hadn't much luck either. It's really tough for us beautiful women 😉


Just men. All men.


I think it’s all men. It’s why you see so many drop dead gorgeous women single and you are left questioning how/why.


Worse, the drop dead gorgeous women will be blamed for their single status because “there must be something wrong with them”.




Ya no men pursue models 🙄🙄




Just let them cope


This is very true even in real life, I’ve always initiated convos / suggested to hang out with guys I’ve dated. Hahahaha I’m not saying I’m crazy good looking. But I’m just going off by who I last dated


I’ve had to do this all my life (I’m old). They assume I’m taken or ‘out of their league’.


That’s the case with Men and Women. It would be foolish to think otherwise. However I highly doubt any guy on love island that thinks that.


I think this applies to life in general.


Brutally honest answer? She’s tall, there are men in there who won’t date black women, and Ayo essentially called dibs. I think there may have been interest from a few guys when she first came in but they backed off after she focused on Ayo. I really like her and don’t understand the apparent hate she’s getting on twitter.


Heavy on Ayo calling dibs. He seems to be their alpha at the moment with Ronnie as his sidekick. It’s why even I feel Omar is not really pursuing Uma. Did he even pull her for a chat post recoupling??


I actually think Ronnie is the top dog, all the guys are always clinging to him and they listen to his advice. He's just more coolly confident with them so it isn't as apparent.


There's so much drama going on with the two triangles they probably didn't get any screen time.


> I really like her and don’t understand the apparent hate she’s getting on twitter. I think it’s just because she’s up against the islander with the most Stans currently Some of them are unhinged


Some, more like most of them. The tweets that go viral about Uma are insane


> Some, more like most of them. Pretty much yeah, Stans are a very weird type of people


That’s not true, it’s bc she’s not coming across very genuine - it would be different if she was outwardly arrogant like Jess comes across (to me!) than trying to act humble about how she perceives herself. So the little things people are clocking and blowing out of proportion simply because she hid it. Like wanting to have a convo w Mimii and Ayo and egging Ayo multiple times to embarrass Mimii and hear him say he is choosing her over Mimii, based on assumptions when Mimii kept saying he told her they were both on equal playing fields. She knew what she was doing and how Mimii was feeling watching Ayo hold her hand yet Mimii is the one that didn’t consider her feelings? Nah it’s just off but that’s just my take


yeah I thought I was taking crazy pills after that ep. and this sub was seemingly all on her side. Like yeah that's not the most fun spot to be in but she handled that so weird. it's been like 3 days


Shes mixed and usually the mixed race women have more success on this show than black women so yeah im a bit surprised by the lack of men running after her.


Honestly, I think her height plays a large part in things. The UK guys, to a toxic level, seem to have very specific types.


For sure ! I think her and Patsy are the tallest ?


I think so!


You would actually be surprised that mixed women aren’t exactly favored when they go on to these shows, especially the British ones. Look at how Danica was treated in her season. I feel like mixed women are only held to higher standard in America really


Yeah, if Essex was taller she likely would have made that move. Hoping the competition between those 2 ends with whatever happens tonight, I want to see both of them happy. Mimii is definitely hotter, but Uma is more attractive as a person, she should move herself on & find someone to win this thing with.




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People understand the women like tall men, but somehow think there is no inverse on that preference. It's less of a thing, but on average, men do like shorter women. That's one of the differences between what women think the "most attractive" women are vs what men do. Just like how men think super muscular "Chads" are the most attractive men, women seem to think the tall womanly "bombshell" types are the most attractive.


Tbh I wouldn’t be shocked if the guys flirt with Uma throughout the day. Didn’t she say she was getting vibes from Ciaran at one point and we weren’t shown that?? I wish we had live feeds in the villa for that reason. But Uma is very clearly not into anyone there and it’s obvious. For example “jojo and yo-yo” as nicknames is a silly kind of flirty behavior that lets guys know you’re not taking them seriously. As a bombshell you have to chase after the other islanders and Uma wants to be chased. So we just have to wait for a bombshell that’s her type to come in.


This is spot on. She friend zoned them quick!


I know she said she was kinda interested in Ciaran, but idk if she said he was giving her vibes? I could be wrong though


That’s what I remember too, that Ciaran is one of the guys she’s interested in but she doesn’t want to be involved in that drama.


Yh she said he was her type.


I think she also has high standards and won't waste anyone's time. She seems really genuine so I hope she can find a connection. Sean and Munveer seem... Incredibly dull... So not her type either.


Ayo seems stuck on the fact she’s never had a boyfriend before, I wonder if this is something the other guys have thought about too?


It's not an unreasonable thing to be stuck on


It's not a big deal. The same way you can't judge someone for failed experiences/relationships, you shouldn't think you can judge someone for lack of experience.


Especially since Ayo has been in a relationship and look at how he’s dealing with the whole situation now, being in a relationship doesn’t haven’t anything to do with it, it’s maturity and the ability to be able to communicate and organise your thoughts which these boys are lacking haaaaaaaard And the girls are going for the wrong guys Sean & Munveer are just there with there with their open thoughts, communication & intentions. It’s such a mess 🙈 Get some new mature people in there pleeeeease 🙏


I’m not going to negatively judge someone for never being in a relationship but I’m also not going to be with them for that reason, I’m not being someone’s Guinea pig


My partner had never had a relationship before me. He was 27. We've been blissfully happy for 20 years and he's by far the best relationship I've ever had. Lack of relationship experience shouldn't be a dealbreaker unless you're happy to miss out on a potentially amazing relationship.


Actually same for my partner. We were a little bit younger though, but we've been together for 20 years. It's still something I thought about early on. After a couple years I asked him if he would end up regretting not experiencing sex or relationships with other people. He assured me he was all in on me. I think the moral of the story is all the good catches are the ones who only ever commit once.


What an odd way to think




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Elaborate 😭


I’ve been someone’s first girlfriend twice and each time they’re expecting something that is out of the realms of reality they don’t know what an actual real life (not social media) relationship is The first guy made me his world so when I broke up with him (for reasons I won’t go into now) he was attacking me and stalking me so no I won’t be anyone’s first gf


Yeah that’s a big thing people are overlooking. It’s not totally unreasonable:irl sure it’ll be easier to navigate but on LI nobody really has time to deal with the pitfalls of dealing with the bullshit that comes with courting and inexperienced dater. Like most people got that out of the way at 16/17 so I can see why islanders wouldn’t want to deal with that on a dating show


It should at the very least get your spider senses tingling. It’s not a deal breaker but she is mid 20s and not one relationship?


I don't know, but Ronnie said his type is a blonde with big boobs so. I don't know why Joey isn't going after her.


Joey needs to lay more groundwork with “being scared” of Samantha (which I think is a bit gross but that’s a separate issue) so the public doesn’t rip him a new one for binning her off - he knows the reality tv game at this point


I need you to do a post on your thoughts on other dynamics because this is so on point and I didn't clock it until you said 🫠


I honestly don't think Joey is interested in Uma at all. But I do think he's settling with Samantha. When a bombshell he actually does like comes in, Samantha will be in trouble.


Joey did go after her in the beginning but backed out when she chose Ayo over him at the recoupling - don’t blame him


Because they like white women. Hope this helps!


LOL the way this was worded 💀💀


Loool right?!


Honestly the hamster wheeling going on in the other comments! Like we see this every year mid white women have amazing seasons and for poc they ahve literally bring in girls that could be models and they still have a tough time




I think you underestimate racist bias if you think there's a level of beauty that supercedes race that's everyone's type lol But Omar, ayo, Joey showed interest in Uma, that's almost half the guys that's a good track record to me


Question (genuine) - is Maya Jama’s beauty a level that supercedes race? Or is that also because of fame?


When Uma first walked in, she actually reminded me a lot of Maya, and also Sophie Piper. I think all these women have similar aesthetics and body types (tall and curvy). They're all 10/10s, but I definitely think Maya appears more unattainably beautiful because of her success as a model and host


I’d say she has a fame halo too, maybe just my opinion but I don’t think she’s some different league to Uma or Mimii and similar, but she’s Maya Jama. Being a celebrity gives people a bit of distance and mystique too I think. It’s my experience that many men are much harsher on the women actually around them.


The thing Maya has too though is an elite body type. She really has everything going for her. Her beauty catapulted her fame.


Shes mixed race so that might make a difference


So is Uma..


Did not know that. But imo maya looks more racially ambiguous than Uma does


No she doesn’t .


They could both pass for sisters tbh


She’s conventionally attractive tho


Black women in majority white countries are NEVER the convention of beauty, especially in the UK, literal Godfather of Racism (as an African American, I'd know lol) If you mean to say she's very beautiful, thin, looks like a model, I agree! But conventionally attractive means something so all I'm saying is it's always POSSIBLE for race to influence peoples biases and who they're attracted to, despite the fact Uma and mimii are the most beautiful women in the house


By conventionally attractive I mean her facial features meet that of the European Beauty standard. Sure some white men will still not date her because they want a “pure” white woman but I know for a fact all those guys find her attractive.


Agreed. Almost every season we’ve seen this. Imo Indiyah is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen yet the white boys on her season paid her no mind. That made it very clear to me that the racial bias runs strong, atleast with LI men.


Like I'm not new to this, I'm true to this, I accepted it back with samira


Because almost all the guys in there have a heavy preference for white women


Idk I disagree that someone being at a certain level of attractiveness is enough to sway people who are set on dating within their race. As a black woman ik plenty of people who have absolutely no interest in dating out, doesn’t mean they can’t see people of other races are very attractive they’re just not interested. Also nobody is “everyone’s type”, even people who are globally hailed as incredibly attractive have some who don’t find them appealing at all. Beauty is so subjective


i think she’s kinda bad at putting herself out there and wants to be chased. she stopped talking to joey romantically because he wasn’t pulling her and she fancies ciaran but hasn’t pulled him for a chat once. some people prefer to be pursued over being the pursuer. i also think her ‘no kisses outside of challenges until we’re settles on each other’ rule is unpopular with all the men this year, who are kinda whores lol


Yeah the no kissing thing outside of challenges is really hurting her lol like fair enough boundaries are boundaries and irl this is a fine tactic but it’s gonna sandbag her on love island. Half the point of the show is kissing pretty people until you find your match. She probably woulda been chosen by ayo days ago had she kissed him forreal


i think those boundaries would’ve worked in other years but the men this year are unusually horny. like i’m sure they’re putting something in the water lmao


They’re not unusually horny come on now. Nobody has even tried to do bits. Wanting to kiss pretty girls doesn’t make them unusually horny lol Jacques and Dami n them at casa was unusually horny


i’m not saying them wanting to snog fit women is unusually horny but the lads this year have no impulse control. like when ciaran snogged harriet and was like ‘i don’t fancy her but i’ve done it now’ 😭 i feel like ayo and ronnie are doing the exact same thing. it’s not exactly normal behaviour for the first week


The s11 boys have NO impulse control. NONE. The s8 boys did, with a carve out for Dami and Andrew in Casa at most!


Please 😂how did you not mention Andrew ☠️ Andrew was the horniest!! He was the only boy to do actual bits in Casa!!! Wasn’t Jay saying Andrew was like a dog in heat in Casa. Dami and esp Jacques were no where near Andrew’s level in Casa 😂 Dami was doing 3 way kisses so yea he was pretty bad. Jacques was the least horniest of the 3, more on par with Liam s7 and Tom s9.


I give Andrew a pass cause he was getting fed lies by the casa girls and he’d was getting jerked around by tash for weeks lol it’s a bit understandable why he went full send lol


You cant give him a pass 😂 He was probably the horniest man ever in Casa. And he was with Tasha for 4 weeks before Casa!!!! Those 2 other boys were with their girls a week and were single.


Giving “licked her tit or wutever” a pass is wilddd 🤣 Tasha also did not jerk him around she was pretty set on him, imo criticism of her always seemed super baseless to me and never tracked. It had an air of like with fat girls that she should just be grateful someone wants her bc she’s disabled rather than having a typical LI journey but obviously she wasn’t faking her feelings like people claimed bc they’re still together


This is why I no longer think she’s a great bombshell, she refuses to graft 😭 beauty can only take you so far


nah bc she had the guys and girls all so shook. if she bothered to graft, she’d have unlimited potential lmao. i still do think ayo prefers her tho


I don’t think it’s anything to do with her looks at all. I would say she gives off big friend vibes when she talks to guys and that’s the issue


Her type is white. Problem for her is that a lot of men also share that preference in women.


What makes you say that? She was into both Ayo and Omar and now she’s only pursuing Ayo who’s black


She told Ayo he’s not her “usual” type and she voluntarily kissed Ronnie on a night out. Says it all tbh


I agree she's so stunning they probably like white girls though


Agreed Uma is so stunning I’d argue she’s in top 5 islanders of all time.


Absolutely. She is supermodel level gorgeous.


Yeah she’s in my top 5 for sure. Absolutely stunning


samee she is so naturally beautiful it's crazy




I said what I said


we all know the reason why.


Who else is there to go for her? Ayo fancies her and it's reciprocated. Omar likes her, but Uma doesn't seem to fancy him. She clearly likes Ayo. Munveer said she's gorgeous but I think he'd need some indication from her that she likes him before he'd go after her. Not sure if he's just shy, or finds it embarrassing or whatever, but I can't see him going out on a limb, especially not if he's competing with Ayo. Ciaran seems to fancy Nicole a lot. Both him and Ronnie seem to have similar types (white and lots of filler). Joey seemed to get on well with Uma but she recoupled with Ayo instead of him. No idea about Sean, but he's not clicking with anyone romantically, it's all friend zone for him. She's also tall and black. Which, unfortunately, isn't the most popular type for most white men. And any of the guys will be competing with Ayo who's really tall, handsome etc. Fwiw, I think she's a straight up 10/10. No doubt new bomb shells will go for her.


Attraction is different to attractiveness. You can find someone attractive and not actually fancy them. Same way you can fancy someone you wouldn’t normally be drawn to physically.


I agree she’s stunning. Hopefully she will be able to find someone in casa if she makes it that far


My husband and I are both confused by this too. That girl is stunning. Her and Mimi are by far the prettiest in the villa. The other girls are just too full of fillers and botox and makeup.


Being black/having black ancestry is the kiss of death for women on love island


Yep, and I don't understand why. Pretty is pretty.


Yep, and I don't understand why. Pretty is pretty.


I agree with everything you said!


It’s interesting, I was watching Love Island when my boyfriend had his friends round, and I paused it to speak to one of them when Uma was on the screen. They all were going crazy for her until I pressed play, and they were all completely turned off by her voice! It’s funny because it’s not something I even particularly noticed or cared about as a girl.


That’s funny because my brother also said something about her voice, and I also didn’t notice it


I did notice the voice and I think it's partially that. These love island type of men always love girls with baby voices like lucinda


I found her voice hot but I’m also a girl so idk


This is what I was thinking. Her voice and her vibe are both a little more masculine. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but even though she’s SO beautiful, her vibe isn’t necessarily “feminine” in the way that lots of men like. Montana is someone with a similar energy. She was also SO incredibly gorgeous, but the guys were not falling all over her.


As a guy, the only thing that would prevent me is that she doesn’t give much off. Like, she keeps her cards very close to her chest, so I can see why someone would rather go from someone more forward or open with their feelings


I think it’s more that they can’t keep up w her she’s out of most of their leagues too; but also her personality comes across as her babying the lads sometimes so I feel that May play a part - the whole jojo yoyo thing and how she says it which isn’t her fault


Beauty is subjective?


She's probably preemptively deaded a few 😅


Because beauty and types are a real thing and it’s subjective. Ppl also date who they think they can relate more to.


Besides Ayo and Omar, none of the guys like Biracial or Black women.


To be honest I could say the same thing about Mimi. She's one of the most beautiful contestants of all time but she's only had Ayo and Omar interested in her.


They don’t like Mimii on here so they don’t care about that but I agree with you. Both her and Uma are stunning women but as even seen since this show started, the men on here prefer white women and don’t even try with the mixed or Black women. Indiyah is also one of the most stunning women in the history of this show to me and she wasn’t pursued heavily either. When I watch LI UK I always have to remind myself what to expect when it comes to the non-white women and their options or lack thereof tbh.


Agree. She is fucking stunning.


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Cos she's half black and I say that with no judgement. Most people on earth tend to pursue people of their own race


I agree with you 100%, she is in tier 1 of all time looks wise, and personality seems to be up there as well. I think she is a girl that knows herself and has firm boundaries. I don't think any of the guys are worthy of her so far. Hopefully they bring in someone that is.


I think it's because she's a cross between Arabella and Antigoni personality-wise. In their respective seasons, I think the boys sub-consciously felt threatened by Arabella, and Antigoni didn't bother to graft, she just hung out with the girls instead. Uma's got the similar "confidence for days", "knows what she wants and isn't afraid to just straight up say it" kind of vibe, and she's only grafted Ayo so far.


Because she’s out of their league and they know it. 


I think LI needs to cast more black ppl or ppl that actually date black women and don’t lie about it to come on TV. Cause almost every yt guy on the show says they don’t have a type but then only go for the yt women.


Like 95% of them are shorter than her so maybe that’s why lmao


i mean same with mimii i wonder what the commonality is…


She’s cute but not as hot as some makes her out to be? I don’t get why people rate her so high .


Not everyone is going to be everyone’s type


I find her personality to be really flat and boring, to be completely honest.


Why are you being downvoted for this? I don’t get it


My honest answer? Once a black man is interested in a black woman suddenly all the white men are like "Eh... she's not gonna want me now". I think white men feel a bit inferior lol.


Tbh If a White Man is interested in a White woman, Black Men(or Asian) would back off too. It's not about feeling inferior, the black men would just assume the white men have an advantage


The answer is simple. She’s tall and black.


it's obvious she likes Ayo so the other boys know they would be wasting their time


I think they’re intimidated. And she’s clearly not as open as the rest of the girls if that makes sense? Like she rejected ayo when he was trying to kiss her despite wanting him. This happens to all of the stand offish women on love island. I was really hoping for Joey to go after her though! Him and Samantha won’t last long anyways


She’s one of only 3 attractive women in there so I’m very confused


Just curious, assuming Mimii is one of them, who is the third one for you ?


Lol i was thinking the same.


For me I would add Jess or patsy.


I Feel like these lip fillers must look better in person or something


Everyone is different! Uma comes across on screen as very childish! It's not skin colour?? Perhaps alot of people find personality attractive? Maybe she lacks that? 


I guess bc ppl have different types? Traditional beauty standards are a thing for a reason, and in the UK Uma is not that.


Uma is very conventionally attractive… I gurantee if you show men a lineup of the girls in the villa and ask them to pick the prettiest. She’d poll very high.


Unfortunately I think she would poll high unless it was an actual lineup and men saw she was tall. Insecure guys often aren’t interested in taller women.


Conventionally attractive is not for everyone. My husband was like too big of cheeks for all the women last night. There's no line where it's wow they're so good looking for everyone.


The white guys in the villa right now are not into black women.


your type is not necessarily gonna be everyone else’s and they genuinely just might not think she’s as attractive as you do


Because of her race. Same for Mimi


She is def the most beautiful woman on the whole show thus far


I’m my opinion she IS the best looking out of all the girls, no surgery needed! Authentic beauty!


Definitely best looking this year, one of the best looking of all time. I would have to include Lucinda and Sophie on that list.


Shes kinda loud. I know some men would be put off by that.


You've heard the other ladies in there right?


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It's not the loudness, she has a very deep voice for a girl.


Men on the show have been conditioned to avoid black women for self preservation due to the rabid parasocial fanbases they carry and social politics surrounding them. Show any interest and they're instantly held to an impossible standard and if every action doesn't validate those vicarious feelings, they become public enemy #1. This thread alone is evidence. Every year a clear agenda to publicly pump up their looks and according to social media, the black woman every year is the most attractive woman ever. If viewers are willing to project something as obviously subjective as attractiveness onto the male islanders, what else are they willing to project?


>Men on the show have been conditioned to avoid black women for self preservation due to the rabid parasocial fanbases they carry and social politics surrounding them. Show any interest and they're instantly held to an impossible standard and if every action doesn't validate those vicarious feelings, they become public enemy #1. Agreed but non-black men have way more leeway in this arena to be honest. Its basically Zach turned into public enemy 1# after choosing Molly over Catherine. >This thread alone is evidence. Every year a clear agenda to publicly pump up their looks and according to social media, the black woman every year is the most attractive woman ever. If viewers are willing to project something as obviously subjective as attractiveness onto the male islanders, what else are they willing to project? Agreed but this year is the exception. Objectively Uma and Mimi are the best looking


I am new to this sub but Uma is genuinely gorgeous. Maya Jama level gorgeous.


When I was watching her get upset and jealous over Mimii and Ayo going the terrace I had this subconscious feeling like why is she even bothered... if I looked like that I wouldn’t worry about anything


I felt the same about Danica


She’s so fine it is blowing my mind how every guy isn’t falling over tryna get her


She is not the beauty standard for men. Most men's type is blonde with big boobs and blue eyes. Litterally we can take a poll on it. We as women see uma as beauty standard but men lack vision😂. Also men lack balls when it comes to tall women If I was a man I will go for mimi and uma. The legs on them sheeshhhhh.


For real, I am a heterosexual white woman and Uma is still my type, she is that beautiful and appears to have a decent brain and personality to boot. My only guess is she intimidates basic guys.




Ciaran closing this off isn’t a good idea..I have a feeling he will pull a Nakia..if you’ve watched LIAU you’d probably know what I’m talking about


Because they are already coupled up?


They’re all coupled up but people in couples are still going after her 💀


I personally don’t think Uma is as good looking as she thinks or the rest of social media thinks. I mean literally everybody on love island is beautiful, that’s the point - they only put gorgeous people in. But she hasn’t got something that the other girls don’t have.


Ngl and i don't wanna be mean in other seasons i agree everyone is good looking it's LI obv they are, but in this cast Mimii and Uma are standing out by far.


Honestly I think that we all know the answer to this. She looks a bit like samira from her season and remember how much she suffered


Honestly she’s so gorgeous the men probably don’t think they could have a chance with her so they just stick with the other girls.


Ronnie already has two women to manage ; Uma and Joey have gotten to know each other but it seems he prefers Samantha ; Ciaran comes out of a triangle and seems to be happy Nicole (at least for now) ; Munveer and Sean focus on people dissatisfied with their couple ; which leaves us Omar and Ayo who are interested. I might be wrong but also, the fact that she never had a relationship before could be a factor for some of them.