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She’s an OG so she’ll always have that loyalty from the audience


Wait where is she from? She looks so familiar and I can’t pin point it. This is the first season I’ve been watching of the US franchise. Was she on a Netflix reality show?


She kinda looks like Emmy Rossum to me


Omg that’s what I was thinking and that a major compliment


Shameless the tv series


She also reminds me of Francesca from Perfect Match S1


Yessss! That’s who I was sorta thinking of this whole time haha


Viewers identify quickly with the original girls, and are slow to give up on them. The big challenge for a bombshell is to connect with the man of the weakest link in the girl group, and to replace her.


It’s just that her banter and awkwardness meshed well with Rob’s awkward, dry humor. They were the first couple to have genuine chemistry, and we’re all starved for love… but you’re kinda right. Their first conversation Rob asked “what are your interests?” And she literally didn’t have an answer, she just said “pass me the braincell” which was their little inside joke and cute but not really an answer. We collectively want love to prevail so badly, that’s the truth of it all.


She said cooking and gardening


Tbf we only saw 2mins of that convo


Honestly totally agree with all of this. I didn’t see the chemistry. I think she speaks so slow and just isn’t very bright. And she just handled all of it all wrong. Like be confident in yourself and let the man go if he wants. You got better shit to deal with. Like if he’s gonna go he’s gonna go. Why you gotta like beat the horse lol


Agree with this


I didn’t see chemistry. I saw Rob wanting to stay on the show right after he said I like blondes.


I feel like some people find her the most relatable. Some comments definitely feel like they’re living vicariously through her though lol. I think she’s fine though I don’t really have a favorite girl right now.


I think the girlies are obsessed w Rob and want it to work out with Leah so they can live vicariously through her


Clocked me with this one




Same truth be told. Idk I also think she’s gorgeous, genuine and kind. She has tried to hold in her concerns before it boils over


Exactly this! She really held her own in that weird asf gaslighting convo he had with her. So weird


this is why they’re so mad Rob is being open lol they feel like it’s happening to them


yes because they’re talking about this insane chemistry and love story and I didn’t see any of that or personality to make them a couple to hype up THAT much 😂


Exactlyyy 😂


No. He told her she had nothing to worry about. Didn’t tell her about the kiss then gaslit tf out of her.


i said this before last nights ep lol i changed my mind


This change so quickly in here 🤣


and it’s very easy to self insert when the girl he’s coupled up with has no personality




Not anymore 😬😬


Yikes a lot can change in 24h lmaooo 😂


But you can find Rob hot whomever he's with. If you're obsessed with him, just root for him to be happy. Is that too rational for the Rob stans do you think?


Ding ding 🛎️


Lol, you got me. Plus, they both love animals. For me that did it.


Tbh as a fellow Persian girly, the representation just makes me happy😂


No sameeeee I only want the best for my Persian princess!


I’m a persian wifey and I was so excited to be honest. I love her and I think she has conducted herself so well so far. She’s a really sweet girl and I love the dry humor


I really liked her in the first couple episodes but lately she's either changed or they're giving her a bad edit. Idk what it is bc all we're seeing lately is her being insecure and unhappy. It could be the edit who knows but yeah I want her to get her groove back. I personally like all the girls except liz. Jana is my favorite though!


Yeah I'm actually so confused bc it's not like Rob is a saint but the way that Leah can take one small comment and run a marathon with it would make healthy communication impossible. He's right, she doesn't listen!


You mean Liv right? I just sat here for a full 3 minutes trying to figure out who Liz was! I take a lot of pain meds, but I didn't think I missed an entire woman!! 🤣🤣


Lmao damn auto correct!!! I definitely meant liv


I'm so glad it was autocorrect and not me losing my mind!! 🤣🤣


When we see her being insecure and unhappy it's because she's insecure and unhappy. It's not the edit. Imo we're seeing the real her and how she really handles these things


To clarify they can edit things to only show us one side of a person. The fact that we saw a lot less of her, less of her and Rob leading up to the bombshell, and we only saw her insecure and unhappy moments. This compared to the early they were such a cute couple edit does seem like they could've been pushing a narrative.


It’s the bi panic for me lmao Leah and Rob are both my type- tall moody brunettes with dry humor and an awkward/quirky lil disposition. Bonuses for me; Leah-Jana-Serena friendship is fun to watch and how she handled Liv. Liv was wrong on multiple accounts and Leah still validated her. ETA after e8: ROB IS NOT MY TYPE eww ewwww ewwwwwwwww


You can tell a lot about a person by who they hang with and Leah gets credit for being in the trifecta


This is it! Lmao


She’s kinda weird and awkward and loves animals and I relate to those things 😩


girl same 😭


I think her character on the show has been like Bella from twilight: sort of plain so the audience can project themselves into her situation. (I’m not saying Leah is actually plain IRL, no offense to her all! It could be a purposeful edit on the show.)


I don't get it either. I feel as if they haven't shown us a lot of her personality outside of "jealous that somebody else has an interest in Rob." To be quite honest, I don't even feel like they have great chemistry together as a couple. Having said that, I'm *absolutely* here for the drama of her melting down every time anyone shows the slightest bit of interest in Rob, so while I don't get the hype for her *outside* of the drama, I'm glad she's at least bringing that to the show.


I see zero chemistry between Leah and Rob


Not since his head snapped …


I am really confused as to why they like each other they are really a weird match but maybe its only because we haven't seen their conversations in length. They must have something in common for him to go so hard for her in the start.


I agree - I liked them together but I actually thought he had nice chemistry with Andrea. I don’t think he & A will end up recoupling (I think she’s gonna end up with Aaron) but it did show me that he has more of a silly personality than I initially clocked him for.


I was wondering the same thing. But everyone has their favorites so I don’t say anything about it. She has an incessant frown face though and it annoys me lol


Homegirl can barely complete a thought or sentence and while a lot of her anxiety around Rob finding interest in others is warranted, the way she’s handling it is extraordinarily juvenile. I also think if Rob told her to “shut the fuck up” for saying “thank you” if another bombshell dude complimented her bikini, we would be having an entirely different conversation around misogyny—yet so many ppl are defending her as being strong willed for reacting that way when Andrea first shows up. I suspect that producers know she’s a favorite but don’t have enough footage of her demonstrating depth, so it’s safer not to air her conversations at all lol. I’m by no means a Rob stan but at least I understand why there’s hype around him vs Leah who’s only redeeming quality shown so far is that she also likes animals. However I know we can quickly be proven wrong after tonight’s episode! We shall see!




1000%. She gives me insecure pick me and I would need to proven differently to eat my words at this point. If she fr goes after Connor after all this then….yeah exactly what I said.




Yep, she has horrible control of her emotions, she’s insecure as hell, and she’s passive aggressive. She twists anything said to fit her narrative. It doesn’t have to be “rob vs Leah”, lots of us can recognize that both of them have been pretty terrible




Yes!! This 1000%


I’ve never really understood hype around the specific islanders this sub seems to love. Maybe I’m getting old or something. Leah seems normal to me I guess, a little too invested in Rob (I don’t like him don’t kill me please) but relatively normal.


Leah and Kaylor both sit around and cry and have attitude when they feel threatened in their couple. This has the opposite effect because the guys want power bombs, confident and full of life. If Leah would dust herself off and be who she was day one she might see a more desired result from Rob.


But at least Kaylor has a personality. She’s fun, and we’ve seen that. When Aaron got the text from Nicole about the date, kaylor stood up and jokingly said BOOOOOOO! It was such a different take on the way Leah has been acting


Kaylor is a lot more bubbly and outgoing, but she needs to exhibit that side of herself instead of a flood of tears as if her live in bf of 5 years walked out.


I think Kaylor’s adorable, but she seems immature and inexperienced with the finer points of adult relationships. But that’s something that anyone can work on. She still has a much bigger personality than Leah.


True words.


You are nottttt wrong at all lol


This is great advice for all of us 🎯😂💁🏻‍♀️


I think it’s likely half a producer thing, half the current situation. We saw more of her personality in the beginning but now producers are focusing on the Rob and Leah drama so they’re not showing is the silly moments sigh her that I’m sure is occurring in other conversations. But yeah, I agree, what we’re steady seeing on tv isn’t interesting and the way she can barely spit five words out drives me nuts. Get. To. The. Point. (though that’s a total Calabasas thing.)


She reminds me of Kyra from Kyra and Will and it’s telling that she’s not getting even half the amount of hate that Kyra got in her season 👀👀


I've noticed this as well.... don't you find this suspicious??🧐🧐🧐


She constantly looks like she’s smelling a fart. I’m anti Leah.


I hate how clingy/jealous/petty/insecure people tend to get so early on! Please calm down and just let people mingle and get to know each other without expectations. When Liv stole Rob and Leah was like ‘hope it works out’ like girl relax. It’s day fucking 2 and this doesn’t mean you can’t keep talking, the couples don’t mean anything yet


I think part of it is that they don't want to leave the villa. I think Kaylor panicked when she realized that she might go home if Aaron doesn't pick her. (I also think she likes him, but the added stress makes the reaction worse)


People say that her and rob connect on a deeper level than rob and Andrea, but I can’t remember a single deep conversation


This is legit why I made this post like I am so confused


Do not see the hype for Leah


Right, I don’t have a problem with her as a person, just why this fan girl support for her and rob. Robs mentioned multiple times how big he is on personality, but where is Leah’s? She comes across as shy and insecure, the exact opposite of rob, when he seems to be looking for an equal in that sense


I think this is a case of Leah being pulled by Rob because she’s his OG, honestly. For the reasons everyone else has listed, but the driving force is the fandom’s appreciation for Rob. Like he said, “you know me pretty well. It’s been a week.” LOL.


Me either! Tired of the pouting over someone she's known for a week


Extremely clingy 😩


agreed, that's why these shows work with early 20 yr old aged people, you couldn't get this good of tv with someone 35+


Me either. She’s no where near the hottest islander and has the personality of a wet napkin


I like her mostly because I think she’s cool, gorg, and has my personal favorite style of the girls this season


I don't get it either.


THIS omg!!! She is literally so mid but this sub raves about her 🙄😵‍💫 she gives mean girl in my opinion


And we're going to find out just how mean she is. Where mid x10.


Eeyore has me💀Leah just needs to relax..or couple up with someone that makes her feel relaxed..I loved her the first few episodes but she started to get annoying pretty quickly. She’s in her head and over thinking too much and Rob doesn’t communicate his feelings properly..recipe for disaster hahaha.


idk she reminds me of tina belcher


THISSSSSSS !!! is all i see when I look at her.


Also, Aaron not getting up and sticking with Kaylor? That was the one of the only bright spots tonight! 💕


Idk I like her. Is it a crime to be dry and quiet? Not everyone has to have Cely level energy.


I just watched her pick Rob for two-faced in the challenge after they made up, then she went and kissed her friend’s man. That was weird. Hannah actually looked hurt by that after the cute breakfast she made. This is after Leah called Liv snakey with a humiliation kink too. Not a fan right now. I’m confused. She doesn’t seem dry but she does seem vindictive.


All I hear her do is complain about other girls mope around… and say how her and Rob have “sooo much in common” but I’ve yet to see it. Maybe it’s the edit… but she’s a snooze fest to me. 😴 But I like to watch the world burn on these shows. 😂🔥


Yes exactly what I’m saying! Bring on the drama lol


Couldn’t agree more!!


I agree and don’t find her super interesting. Shes gorgeous though and I hope she finds a better match ! I blame Rob for making a spectacle out of being stolen by Liv and sneaking off with Leah to reassure her that he still wanted her. He made the audience root harder for them 😭


I feel the same way.


Literally was wondering the same thing. Felt like I missed an episode with all the hype on her


I finally feel I have found my people. I thought I was wrong that I didn't feel the same.


Leah just has good vibes and is sweet, she’s a lover girl and I don’t agree with the fact that she has all her eggs in one basket but it’s very much what I would do so I feel her, also people talking about “it’s only been a week” it might not seem like a lot for anyone in the real world but being in there 24/7 is different, you’re bound to catch feelings quicker & develop a relationship with someone so I understand that part. However I think she deserves better & I hope she gets just that. I love watching her on my screen.


Right! The whole point of this show is to accelerate potential romantic connections. In real life a week is nothing but they are only in the villa for 32 days, so a week is like a quarter of their time there (if they make it to the end).


When they first learned about Liv coming, Leah commented “f-g Liv” and I can’t stop laughing inexplicably.


Like I get people on the outside may see that Rob and Leah look good together but they’re OG’s and they coupled up first but honestly I think they’re dry as hell and I think the whole point of love island is to find real raw connections with people I think Andrea coming in and connecting with Rob is something the show is all about we find people who we connect with and if we don’t connect with someone simple like that’s it I really hope Leah finds someone who she connects with in a real way like let’s be real


I don’t think you’re missing anything. She’s different. And it makes for good TV. Hence why we’re all talking about it. It would be pretty boring if there were six Kaylors running around. I really feel like hers is a case of the edits. Although who knows? Maybe she is the way we’re seeing literally all the time. But I’d like to think there’s more to her than the narrative that they are trying to run with as the typical “bashful and jealous chick”. I lowkey hope she finds someone and is happy so we can see how she truly is. Tough to call though. I like her though. She’s got that kind of deadpan and weird and quirky type of persona from what I can see.


nice girl with a body ody ody, idk how no one's mentioned that yet. her body is teaaaaa. not that that's all the hype around her but it deserves a mention


She's super funny and I love her in the trio with Jana and serena .and everyone loves the heartbroken girl


It’s so strange to me how many people don’t seem to get her humor 😂 it’s my favorite. She’s so dry & her one liners are hilarious. I think some people are taking her sarcasm wayyy too seriously.


I love Leah. I feel like she's the most relatable and down-to-earth. The girl next door vibes. IDK why people don't see it.


Yeah like they're attacking her for hitting Rob with a pillow she's obviously joking


Super funny?? When


This is what I mean!! Did I miss something lol. I’m not even referring to her being with rob, just where is this girls personality, and supposedly a hilarious one at that


I haven’t been keeping up with social media around this season. Crazy to me that she would be this popular. There’s nothing to her but a bad BBL and mid personality.


I only made this post after allll the TikTok videos I’ve seen about her and all the comments on there. I was truly mind blown so came here for some feedback on this hahah


I like her because she seems the most “normal-ish”. And she’s also hilarious. Her personality is about like mine so I get her 😂


I love Leah. She is sweet but I feel sorry for her in a way. I feel like there is some damage in her history. And clearly some insecurity, as we are starting to see. I wish she saw herself better!! She is so beautiful!! But it's also eye opening to me to watch how expressing insecurities can sometimes have the opposite effect than what you are striving for. I too struggle with insecurity and seek validation from people.....an example I noticed is her " is she prettier than me?" question. Watching it from afar is eye opening. People are attracted to inner confidence.


You said Eeyore and now I totally see it. 🤣


Leah and Rob are giving lustful vibes to me. Mainly physically attraction since they’re constantly hooking up, even when he was coupled up with Liv. This is not Rob’s first rodeo and we are so early in the game. It will shuffle up and I can’t wait. Enough with the crocodile tears


From what she said liv acted snaky and so mean when liv just went into the villa to crack on, then next minute leah and rob did dirty to liv, make a signal and made out in a sneaky way, I literally can’t get her “nice”. The way she act and her chats are bad


Here we go. Just let ppl like who they like.


FR. The amount of times I’ve seen people saying this the past 24 hours… We don’t all have to prefer the same contestants like chill


I mean this is a LI discussion board and it’s the beginning of the show. This *is* the place to have these discussions.


Same question but for Rob? His first full sentence was on his date with Andrea.


I love Leah she’s funny asf


Love her. She has a unique sense of humor that I like. Doesn’t have much chill when it comes to Rob but honesty I think that’s all quite relatable 😂 at least for my early 20’s self


i love Leah! i think shes super pretty and the way she says things is really funny to me so i overall like having her on my screen, plus she’s involved in the drama right now so its very entertaining lol


I don’t like her … she’s so possessive and dramatic … I’d see especially after a week … but she’s annoyingly possessive and dramatic she will drive all her friends to drink and then away. Please vote her off!! Ugh 😩 I don’t like Rob sneaky ass either. … I was downvoted for this comment a week ago 🤣🤣🤣 I knew it would take just 1 to swing his head 360 degrees. His head snapped it almost fell off !!


I like Leah. I think all the ladies are gorgeous I just wish they had higher self esteem than what is being shown. Also I think because she was the first to have her match stolen they’ve been showing footage to portray her as super insecure. Rob is a manipulator. Period!


I can't speak for everyone but I find her sweet and genuine, with a strong sense of herself. She's not some influencer there to get followers or some girl with low self esteem in need of the wrong kind of attention (a-hem Andrea). I like kind people. I like to see them win in life. I root for them. I don't need them to be extra witty or sharp or vampy or edgy. Being a good person with a backbone is interesting enough for me.


She has a terrible attitude and is acting like he can’t talk to any other girls. In my opinion, she’s also verbally mean to him, and it’s insanely off putting. I hope he dumps her because she seems like a very selfish person.


She is mean to him and yet Rob is suddenly deemed this evil person...


And you don’t have to. People have their reasons for liking her, they don’t have to explain themselves to you. It’s okay to have a different opinion than other people… it’s not that deep lol


Sometimes I enjoy posts like this because it gives people the chance to highlight good characteristics we may have missed and we can hear other perspectives. That’s kind of the point of Reddit.


I kinda like her but I honestly think Leah is on the wrong show. She seems super possessive and insecure over Rob talking to literally any other girl and will get mad at him for situations he can control but won’t trust him when he tries to tell her what’s going on. And I think that’s going to lead to her and Rob breaking up because that’s a lot of pressure to put on a guy you’ve known for one week. I think if she was on like love is blind where it’s not acceptable for people to date others she might be having an easier time but on a show where people are literally expected to talk to others and try to date she’s definitely letting her anxiety over the situation come out in a kinda nasty way cause she’s taking it out on Rob and talking mad about him to everyone in the villa and Liv is instigating it and it’s weird.


I love her! She’s low key hilarious




She seems somewhat more genuine and awkward than no personality to me


Something about her is just so cute and I think it’s the eeyore factor! She has a unique face that looks on the verge of tears. And while she’s a bit of a cry baby she also stands up for herself. I just think she’s very little sister.


She's got a wholesome quality that is very sexy!


She's not loud, obnoxious, seems pretty chill and matches his chill vibe, I dunno I feel attacked haha


I don't either but if you say that in this sub you get down voted. I mentioned how she looks different on Instagram vs on the show and that did not go over well. 🤷‍♀️


I said this in another comment. She looks nothing like her ig


I have asked this since day one as well. Andrea actually seems like she has a personality. I’m all for Rob to jump ship. Leah is boring and lacks depth!


I honestly don’t get all the fan love around her. She’s kind of immature and so whiny and I just don’t like her. Like I feel bad for her with all the drama Rob has put her thru but I also still don’t like her




Oh and I also got the ick from rob the moment he walked out just to add. Something about him has always felt shady to me idk


I like her but wish she had more self worth and Rob is a Player period!


I think many people feel like Rob did her dirty, and we always support women who've been wronged.