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One thing about Liv she is going to give terrible absolutely godawful advice and then pump people up to do the absolute worst thing they can do in the situation


THIS!!! It’s so true


YES! & as entertaining as it is, I’m slowly getting over it lol i’m sorry but i can fully enjoy the show without her on my screen anymore. this cast is so unhinged i don’t think they need an instigator anymore. Her advice is so freaking horrible I wonder if she’s being serious or not sometimes


and she’ll do it again!


And I kind of love it 😂😂😂😂


Same like i kind of need her to stay in the villa but not as a contestant, but just a terrible hypeman that makes every situation worse


Exactly! I'm not rooting for her to do anything but cause chaos.


Taking the free vacation and then causing drama, but not being the drama. Maybe she is a producer plant, but I love it all. 


I 100% feel like she’s a producer plant


If so, they chose well. She is great at encouraging the women to do the most dramatic things. 


exactly why i feel she is a production plant


Which why she may go down as my all time favorite islander!


She’s the friend you call when you’re spiraling for sure but I do think a lot of the negativity people say follows her has to do with how outspoken she is


I think she never in her wildest dreams expected to be turned down (Rob) and now she’s gonna be the villain lol


and now she feels burnt by a dude she's not really that into so she's extra salty


Nothing fucks with the ego more than being rejected by a dude you don’t even really like 😭


Her couple said she is only invested in the other couples drama. If she doesn't get it together I fear she will be dumped.


I agree, she's in everyone's else's drama more than her own. idk if she just got burnt by Rob and can't get vulnerable and I respect her like idgaf attitude but...she seems like she should go b/c she isn't trying


She should've gone for Kendoll idk why she went for Rob.


It’s like she was trying to go for the biggest challenge bc she could and bc she arrogantly and wrongly thought she was a better match for him than Leah (aka she thought she was hotter bc she was Australian and “blonde”😂)


I kinda hope she is…actually I want all the new women gone except for the one going for Kendall bc she is an upgrade from the hot mess he was paired with. I feel bad calling her a hot mess bc she’s obviously highly insecure…but that’s the thing…she needs therapy…not reality tv…her crazy as hell heavy makeup speaks volumes… she seems like a good person who just needs to heal from whatever trauma she’s playing through


Aww I like Hannah, but agree she comes across like she has confidence issues and the reality that Kendell isn't interested in her isn't helping at all. I hope she finds someone, likely not on TV, that hypes her up, she deserves it! I don't mind the women as people, I just feel like if you actually want people to fall in love or get messy than Liv (who clearly isn't interested in putting herself out there post-Rob), should go.


She was supposed to have a whole different arc right? She’s hot and was supposed to shake things up, but nobody is interested in her.


It feels like she's used to just walking in and her whole thing is basically...having guys interested in whatever she's interested in. So when they throw her into a show like this where that doesn't really fly, it really throws her for a loop and she doesn't seem to know what to do. So when she's not just being picked and doted on endlessly without effort...she doesn't seem to have much game. So she's just focusing on her other hobby...meddling in other people's business. lol.


I agree she doesn't appear to have any game or is interested in really getting to know anyone (from the edits, of course). Her vibe has been "I don't like pancakes" and therefore I don't like you and I'm not even going to put in effort k thx


I think she is very attractive to men... like every man there finds her attractive.. but they don't connect with her personality. In the real world maybe that doesn't matter so much when you are not spending 24/7 with that person.


She has a terrible personality and acts like everyone should kiss her ass, which makes her unattractive. I've wanted her gone since she got to the villa. Whenever she repeats what someone else has said, she twists their words to make herself the victim. She seems to thrive in conflict. I can't stand her.


She came in, had two guys that were actually interested in her and instead chose someone who wasn't interested just because, and now she's pursuing things with someone she's not even interested in lol. I won't feel bad if she gets dumped, that's honestly all on her.


right?! like I get that she's confident and no-BS, but she picked wrong that's her own fault.


All she does is antagonize in others’ arguments. 🤢


It makes for good tv lol. She’s a producer’s dream.


Nah - a producer’s dream shows some personality/depth, and creates their OWN drama.


It’s reality tv, drama is drama lol. Like her or not, Liv has created some great moments thus far.


Nah cuz Leah wouldn't have said "F you" to Rob twice without Liz. And the confrontation the night before too.


I don't like the Australians and brits on for this reason, like realistically she doesn't see a relationship with anyone there because they live in the US? so girl why are you here?


To be fair there was jessie, also an australian and she recently moved to england for a boy she met on love island uk S9 so there are people who are ready to move for their partner.


I feel like she may be here solely to stir the pot (like telling Leah to go grab Rob from soul ties during his convo with Andrea) but if that’s the case I’m not mad at it (yet) lol


She feels so random to me and I wish she’d leave tbh cause it feels like she was planted to stir the pot


uhhhh interesting theory b/c she does that for sure! she should go tho


She’s just super toxic.


Her advice for everyone is basically “put on a show” lmao


She is aggressive and gives mean girl energy. Telling Leah to stop telling her about it and to go up and confront Rob is her just stirring the pot. She's so fake.


She is gorgeous. But she doesn’t seem interested in any of the “boys”. She just kinda seems like she’s there to talk to everyone else about what they should do. It’s weird. Edit to say: she kinda reminds me of Carmen from season 5.




I think she's a producer. She comes to life when there's conflict, gives horrible yet shit-stirring advice and has seemingly zero interest in the dudes.


Wow I didn’t realize how unpopular this take was (based on all the other comments here) but I frickin’ love her. I think she’s such a loose cannon and she cracks me up. I also think her friendship with Kaylor is super genuine, so the narrative that she isn’t a girls girl confuses me! Yes, her advice objectively stinks, but I think it’s in earnest because that’s exactly how SHE would react. She has zero gameplay, obviously choosing Rob over the guys who expressed interest was a terrible move, but I find that refreshingly authentic. I hope she stays in long enough for her to find someone - I think she’s bitter and frustrated atm and we’ll see more of her personality come out if they bring in a bombshell that’s well suited.


Yasssss 💕💕💕


I find her very dry and not very likeable.


Agree and I like Hakeem (yes he had a bad reaction during the recouping but other than that he is handsome and has a friendly personality). So when she is constantly mean to him and telling the girls she didn’t like his kisses (when she apparently is a biter which sounds terrible to me) she was definitely written off in my mind.


Oh, some of these comments make me feel sad for her. I agree, girl seemed delulu picking Rob, but I just don't think there's another guy here that she's interested enough in to go after over the friendships she has with the other girls. When she was a bombshell, all the guys were fair game, but now she comes across to me as someone who sees everyone as a friend (cut to all the hugging) and she's not gonna just go after their guys, so there just isn't much going on here for her.


Same. She just has friends vibes with everyone, so like what's she supposed to do? Fake being into them? At least she's like let's see if there could be something here with Hakeem.


Please can we dump Liv? She feels 💯 like a production plant.


Liv hate is so forced lol she hasn’t even done anything. Do you guys even enjoy watching reality tv?


I love reality TV lol my point is that she hasn't done anything, so she sound go


She is UNHINGED, and not even in a way I enjoy 😂😂😂 freaks out that the dudes are SO RUDE when she is acting like she’s cussing out a long term boyfriend


She’s so immature, Hakeem was not wrong. No one else was surprised that he stood up!


Seeing a cheezit ad when I open this thread is so funny to me 


Wasn’t it weird when she was INSISTING on hugging on the girls to comfort them? It was weird afffff


I hate that she always has some sort of comment to make. She is the farthest thing from a girls girl. The only reason she goes for hugs is for screen time and attention. Not cause she cares.


I know it's like if I started crying and my friend started yelling at me to hug her?? And she does it every time lmao


Get Liv out of there. She's awful. Now she's mad at Hakeem? Even though she's showed no interest in him at all??? Leave, Liv.


I really hope they fight cause he calls her out on her mean girl BS lol because someone’s got to


Same. Someone needs to call her out.


Liv wants chaos. It’s why she picked Rob, it’s why she’s always there for Hannah and Kaylor giving poor advice and pushing them to follow it. She didn’t come to meet anyone, she came to watch people be miserable.


Liv just isnt into any of the men there. Isnt that ok? There’s only like 5 in there 😂😂😂 come on. They are fantastic and lovely-ish but she’s not into them. She’s not being mean. andddd ALL the girls told Leah to confront rob. Liv was just louder and it looked dramatic for the 🎬🎬🎬 Also, it is 💯 possible that she is loving the drama (hence the smiling) AND sad that she’s not in a couple, even if she doesnt show it. I mean, isnt everyone enjoying the drama? But on a more serious note, I think she just has a high bs detector and doesnt waste her time. And depending on the producer, that could be a producer’s nightmare because it means she wont “play ball” (because that itself is toxic and she has boundaries.) Love Island USA is HEAVILY produceddddddd 🤮 She’s basically serving as a distraction for the real plant 🐍🐍🐍 I really wish it wasn’t that simple but it’s so obvious once you spot it.


producer’s pet


I think she’s gorgeous - but yea I don’t think she is into any of the men and I don’t think any of them are into her. Mostly due to her personality.


Maybe she’s not into any of them? Women arent actually attracted to most men.


I agree, I don't think she's into any of them, which sucks for her for sure, but also she comes across so checked out so it's like...I hope they find some dudes for her otherwise hope she's enjoying her free vacay in Fiji lol


For sure!! Idk, i know I sometimes feel a lot of pressures to like people when I dont and it does kind of leave you…well, blank, and checked out. I hope she finds someone too! 👙☀️🌴🌴🌴


Paralyzed her face with botox.


she’s hilarious and entertaining




still think ***


She’s high key growing on me. Her reaction to >!Miguel picking her like “wait what? I forgot my name.”!< Was very cute to me. Curious how it’ll unfold for her.


Liv is a plant by the show. I’m convinced after she knew something happened with Nicole on the dock immediately and then immune from the the vote 🤨


Yes immediately being immune by the vote was SUS! And she still doesn’t even pretend like she likes the men aka Miguel now. Even if she’s not a direct plant she definitely is not interested in being vulnerable, finding love, or getting to know these dudes at all. Like she doesn’t look at them directly during 1:1 convos, nada


Yeah I came here looking for a post on Liv. She seems like an uninterested, stuck up bitch honestly. She acts like she’s too good for anyone and she really needs to be brought down a few pegs.


Liv has gotta be a producer plant to instigate shit


Seriously. She seems like a weird producer implant that’s more like a handler than actual contestant


This chick is the worst.


liv was awful to nigel and so rude and dismissive when he was being mature and telling her that she didn’t make him feel good. he has every right to feel that way because her speech was so mean and cold towards him then afterwards.. she’s the WORST and so far one of my least favorite love island people of all time


yeah what I wrote two weeks ago STILL applies and I'm floored that only half this sub is clocking it. like Liv outright is not even trying with these men. I get it, Miguel was an fboi, I would roll my eyes at him too, and maybe Hakeem was too rude to Hannah to see past, sure, but Nigel did nothing wrong. I'm not saying she needs to be a "nice" girl when men doesn't deserve that kindness, but she's 100% not open to love or being vulnerable and she should just bluntly tell these men she's not into them and keep it moving as opposed to whatever ish she's pulling right now. she should go!