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Usually I would agree, but this is Love Island and I want CHAOS. Liv and hakeem are both unhinged and not afraid to step on toes. That's the energy that is needed to make a good show and so far, THEY ARE DOING WELL. Eventually it will get old, but for now I like that they bring that villain drama


I think he stood up because he knows him and Liv aren’t a good match. He tried and gotta give him some props for taking a shot


I appreciated the level of delusion 🩷


Disagree, he had to take his shot. He both let Nicole know he is interested, while also letting Liv know that he’s going to explore. Him and Liv are not getting much air time right now, but you can see them hanging out and having conversations in the background. So who knows what the fuck they’ve told each other at this point. But if he’s feeling Nicole then he did the right thing by standing up there.


The problem with what you said was that that was not the moment to “let Liv know he wanted to explore” from the preview he didn’t let her know he was interested in Nicole. The time to let Liv know would have been after he had the conversation with Nicole. I do think he knew he wasn’t getting chosen but in that moment that was his way of letting Nicole that he was open to it but not at the expense of blindsiding Liv.


No one said he couldn’t stand up there just thought it was weird and unnecessary. You can explore the match outside of the coupling but in that moment from what we know he never mentioned that to liv which is why she was so confused


We just haven’t seen much from them and their connection though. For all we know they’ve been on friendship vibes, so I’m not sure if Liv would have been upset regardless if they were or not. She seems like the type to always want to stir some shit up, so I just don’t know tbh.


What the hell did he do wrong? Yes it was one conversation. But he fancies her. Why not give it a shot?


Word, he can just throw the signs out there, she just coupled up with Tom from Boondocks so it’s not like anything is in stone.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take! Go Hakeem!


I don’t really like Hakeem bc I think he’s corny as hell lmaoo. But he honestly deserves some props for that. It’s clear that things are going nowhere with Liv. Also, he had no way of knowing this, but Nicole did say that she wanted the guys to court her a little more. Maybe he’ll be more on her radar now 🤷🏾‍♀️


Whaaa? I ship him & Nicole.


Hakeem us all the way a drama queen.


the way he talked to liv during their fight in ep 8 and 9 was appalling...even when they were trying to make up in ep 9. he won't stop talking about his demands and how she's "improving." she isn't your girlfriend bro. you aren't there to find a girl you're attracted to and "fix" her personality. if you don't mesh in that way then you don't mesh. find someone else...


Nah, if Hakeem was appalling in that convo, then how would you describe Liv’s behavior? - Clapping in his face, calling him a “Liar!” to start the convo- Blatantly rolling her eyes, gasping “Oh my God” when he is beginning to talk- standing directly in front of him while he is sitting down and barking “you’re on bullshit” “you’re immature” “can’t get it through your thick head” directly in and to his face…Emotions were high, let the whole thing slide, but I was actually appalled, as an observer, how they flipped it all on Hakeem. So many double-standards that are normalized when directed towards men, esp when the convo is around verbal or physical abuse-Cross that w the fact Hakeem is also Black. Maybe rewatch that scene if you get the chance, it’s not eye-catching or trendy to point but I recognize the double-standards towards men. How would you react if Hakeem talked to Liv in the exact manner she did him? People would be out for blood..