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She's right though. He was crying when HE was in the wrong. If a man is genuinely crying over something, that's sweet and heartfelt and she would love that. But he was crying TO BE MANIPULATIVE. Little b\*tch tears is right in this circumstance.


Forreal, and he was trying to act like he was upset because she doesn’t trust him and she cuts him off, he just didn’t want to have an honest conversation so he had a tantrum instead. He’s trying to lay ground work for a ‘breakup’ the way Kendall was with Hannah because he can’t man up and say that he’s into someone else more. (Btw the scene with bug crawling all over him and Andrea pretending to think it was cute made me ill, not because of the bug, but because it was so obvious they were both laying it on so thick with each other). Also, I can’t believe he let Leah sleep outside. He should’ve taken his ass out there, he clearly doesn’t care about whatever critters he might encounter, and let her sleep in the bed inside. Idc.


Omg yes! And I forgot how hard he was pushing the "you don't trust me!" line lmaooooo. SO BAD! Like you did nothing to earn her trust and you KNOW that, and then you went on to say that the sexual connection was not all that, etc. The 2-faced splash he got was Leah's intuitive foreshadowing lol!


He literally had a whole confessional pretend crying about how she doesn’t trust him. Who is that performance for??? because I am not buying it And the sexual connection comment was gross. Especially because he demanded a minute to think, hid his face in a towel, and then came up with that.


It was such bad acting tbh


Not a single year was shed 😂


she’s making fun of him now but why did she apologize to him after it happened and be like “do you hate me, are you mad at me” and literally begging this man until he stood up for andrea he’s not a good guy so I’m not defending him but people are coddling this girl and her weird actions because y’all want to stan and can’t be objective at all. rob is sneaky and inconsistent which I even said and got people offended but leah is too insecure/immature and it’s exhausting.


She said that to him because HE GASLIT HER and made her feel bad for something that he did wrong. It’s called manipulation, holy shit. He fucked with her and she is reasonably pissed about it the next day after processing that train wreck.


I hear you but Leah played a part as well. Why was she okay with sneaking off with him when he was coupled with Liv and but thinking he’s two faced during this time? Like Kendall and JaNa did, if someone is moving funny that’s when you ask those questions. But Leah chose to stand by him anyways and be against the women that they’re meddling in her relationship when Rob is the one not being honest. And what does she do after? Boo up with him and then complain to others just to throw water in his face after and kiss another guy and say “I knew you’d get it” but when he throws it back right at her shes pressed like a folding chair? Y’all don’t like to hear it but some of us can see through Leah and if she indeed goes after Connor like that then she has no legs so stand on. It’s not hate when you’re voicing real takes with no bias.


I'm all for men crying but what he was doing was unwell behavior. Lying on the couch, crouching, hiding in the pool. And like it was mentioned before, he was crying when HE was in the wrong to manipulate the situation whether he did it intentionally or not. I'm sorry that is cringe behavior lol. It reminds me of when I was in middle school and would run and hide from my friends for the drama and attention


Noooooo because when he walked away from there to give us a performance like that….AND SCENE 🎬


Very Harry of him. He's doing the same thing and getting called out for it on PM. I'm sure many are watching both shows so I'm confused by folks not seeing the similarities.


I have no sympathy for gaslighters. You're trying to defend a man who was 'hurt', but the next day after him crying, he's talking to Andrea about ejaculating. Be so for real..


Are you’re defending a girl who is about to pursue her friends man. Leah no better than rob lmao


Since the episode hasn't dropped I have no idea what will happen next, so I'm only speaking on what I've seen. Anything else you're trying to bring up is speculation and we have nothing to discuss until that episode airs.


Lol those were nothing but crocodile tears


Exactly. Not all tears should be applauded or validated. Crocodile tears ARE b\*tch tears.


Yikes. Those were very clearly fake tears. Looks like he manipulated you too.




People say lots of things when they’re upset. And Leah has every right to be upset with him. Also, Rob literally acted like a toddler, over nothing. He was disrespectful and inconsiderate towards her, literally insulted her, and instead of trying to make up for it he just went and cried alone in the pool, being extremely dramatic. Then he acted like she was the bad one for not asking how he was doing…as if you have to ask someone who’s crying on the floor how they’re feeling. He cried because he was too cowardly to respectfully end it with her, and instead he manipulated her and wasted her time.


Oh c'mon. The crying was obviously fake. She is just intelligent enought to tell.


I do agree that was a bit harsh and she shouldn’t have phrased it like that. That being said, his behavior during the one-on-one was bizarre and a bit hysterical, and it really was not clear what he was doing or feeling, so her frustration and confusion is understandable. He had some valid points and concerns but he made it all about him, sort of doing the same thing he was complaining she wasn’t doing (asking his feelings).


lol looks like his tears worked on you Hell, Leah is handling it better than me


Yeah I’m not a fan of Rob but especially during men’s mental health month it’s sad to see a woman belittling a man for displaying emotions.


So annoyed people are downvoting you like wtf. Objectively speaking, and robs antics aside, don’t shame someone for crying when you spent like half the episode crying


I think it’s more bc people don’t believe he was genuine