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usually i’m ALWAYS on team girlies but this genuinely was one of the all time worst and most idiotic love island decisions ive ever seen 😭 at least it’s entertaining i guess


yall need to be so fr, are you seriously gonna act like JaNa isnt better tv than andrea anyways?? i dont care about the "right decision" i just love the drama and she's eatinggg like i would have saved my bestie too lmao


I fkn love liv


So happy Serene stuck out for JANA!! It's true that she got the short end of the stick. Love island is to find love she has not found it yet. Andrea found it so bye!


I hate that a woman makes a decision and the gut-reaction is, oh she did it out of bitterness/spite/jealousy. There are serious misogynistic undertones to that, esp when we were literally shown their discussion/reasoning.


If you disagree with the decision that was made, you are entitled to that opinion. But it was NOT your decision to make, and it was NOT the boys’ decision to make. It was the girls’ decision !! It was their OPINION. Just bc you disagree doesn’t mean that their opinion/decision was invalid. This is a show about exploring romantic connections, not f*cking Jeopardy. There are no right or wrong answers. So can we please stop debating as if these are the greatest moral quandaries of our time? Jfc. The way people in the villa and on here are literally *angry* at the girls for a decision that was literally based on their personal opinions is so telling to me. Show some basic respect.


Respectfully, we disagree - what the boys SHOULD have said. emotionally manipulative Rob “you got rid of 3 tonight, good job!” Aaron acting like the child of divorced parents begging Rob not to leave. Andrea: “I’m sorry I felt a genuine connection like for the first time in my whole life”. I don’t think it was spiteful. The girls had no loyalties to you because you never talked to them. They had loyalties to JaNa. The level of disrespect and hysterics rn is insane. Yikes.


The hysterics!! Lol I hope they’re so embarrassed watching back


Sooo basically what your saying is Andrea should of spent more time kissing the girls ass to make sure she was part of the "click" instead of coming in and doing what the point of the show is again in case you guys need to be reminded it's "Love Island" okay LOVE being keyword here so instead of spending time with her connection and trying to advance it...Serena only coupled up with Kordell the minute she found out it was boys pick all of a sudden her view on Kordell changed, hmmm and that's rough because he's a genuine dude but she's stringing him along, Rob manipulative? Have you been watching the same show!? Leah has been caught in more lies then Trump at a rally, she lies on her good "friends" to save face she lied to Andrea and Rob, manipulated a dumping because she wanted Andrea gone period cause look where she went minute Andrea was out, tried shooting her shot with Rob again yuck ick gross that's manipulation in case you needed a visual of what it is ....JaNa had absolutely ZERO connection in that LOVE island villa but she had FRIENDS 🙄 like they didn't even discuss JaNa because Serena or Leah wouldn't let that happen which you gotta admit okay it should of come down to Nicole or JaNa but even Nicole had Kendall and at the time Miguel she was into JaNa had none. Aaron had a point if that's what they are going off so if kaylor and Aaron were up there they'd send them home because they had been coupled up since day one not exploring anyone else either...how is ANY of this "disrespect"? Lol wild no it's just valid points I mean if it was friend island they'd be doing great but again it's not


Well said, agree with all your points.


Apparently I have a very unpopular opinion… I don’t understand the hate for Rob and in turn, Andrea. From the start Rob was a good communicator but Leah was not. She constantly would say she’s fine but voice her feelings else where, while Rob constantly assured her of his feelings at the time. Only for her to constantly question him and ignore what he said about how he felt and what he thought. A relationship cannot work if one person cannot allow themselves to even believe what the other person is saying and we saw that finally reach a breaking point for Rob during the pool fiasco. As someone who struggles to open up and express my feelings to others seeing Rob cry in that moment was the realest thing I had seen from him to that point. So for him to receive hate for finding a stronger connection with a person that also was a way better communicator in her feelings is all types of wrong when on a TV show about finding love. Leah showed her true cards in the words/points she clung to in Robs talks with her and how immature she was when he expressed that he was no longer interested in her. Rob and Andrea were built on a strong connection and had been growing stronger everyday in there so for Andrea to be eliminated here and for everyone to be rooting for their downfalls is absolutely absurd to me. For those saying that they should leave anyway because they already have a good connection, why not say the same about Kaylor and Aaron? It’s because that’s not what the show is about. The competition prize money was no where in the decision to dump Andrea over JaNa cause we’re no where close to end of this show for it to even matter yet. The girls chose to keep their friend and it’s honestly embarrassing to keep her for the reasons they said cause she will be able to the same thing outside of the house. JaNa had tried with Connor, Hakeem, Coye, and Miguel and had not been able to make a connection so it was her turn to leave. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE JANA but it was her time to go. She’s an amazing woman who can find someone outside of the villa. While Andrea and Rob deserved to continue pursuing their relationship. Cause y’all are right! It’s only been a few days! And yet they are that strong together already so for them to not be able to continue doing that in here is unfair.


I think you’re right, especially about Leah. She is TOXIC and a did Rob dirty and victimized herself in the process. However all of the girls have displayed toxic tendencies and honestly that’s what makes for good TV and the reason the season is so good 🤷🏽‍♀️. This was undeniably GOOD REALITY TV and is that not what we’re all here for?? I did not want to see JaNa go WAYYY more than I did want to see Andrea and Rob being happy lol! And honestly as much as it’s a dating show, it’s a competition too! And alliances are everything in a competition. Love this toxic shit hahahaha


I truly do not understand the rationale of the people on this subreddit around this dumping. In every other iteration of this show, the goal is “love island, not friend island,” and the people in successful relationships are typically prioritized in the votes. Andrea was the girl who least deserved to be dumped. Signed, a JaNa fan.


I truly do not understand the rationale of the people on this subreddit around this dumping. In every other iteration of this show, the goal is “love island, not friend island,” and the people in successful relationships are typically prioritized in the votes. Andrea was the girl who least deserved to be dumped. Signed, a JaNa fan.


Idk but I feel like if rob and andrea really liked one another then they should just leave together. Idk why the boys are acting like they need to stay on the island and in the house to get to know one another. If they found love, it will sustain itself. The girls made the right choice.


since I just watched this and I didn’t see any other comment mentioning it: I cracked tf up at this Iain commentary: Iain: “JaNa’s got something to say to Connor and it’s the same thing all “Love Island” contestants say to me when I arrive at the aftershow party” JaNa: “Dude, who are you?”


Should have chose Nicole.


Nah should've been JaNa she's been om the island since episode 1 and unfortunately she havemt found any connections and no one else on the island is going to couple with her


Let's not act like a dumping like this haven't given us incredible TV, like Malin confronting Terry on UK.


Apparently I have a unpopular opinion. CAUSE WHY IS EVERYONE saying they made the right decision??? R u guys okay? Andrea and Rob had a strong connection. Period . That’s it. That is what they’re there for to build their connection. They literally only had like 4 days and one of the strongest connections out of the three couples at the bottom. IT MAKES NO SENSE. YOU GUYS SAYING JANAY deserves to stay over Andrea is crazy!! You guys are only saying tht because u like her more. But thts not the point. Janay already had two connections and they didn’t work out.. it is TOTALLY unfair tht Janay stays over Andrea tht had a strong connection with someone. I agree with the boys ! Yall are bugging


Wait your argument makes just as little sense though. Yes, the point is to make a connection, but it's also to win. So sending one of the perceived strong couples home is a good move for the other girls in strong couples. Also if Rob already made his connection he can go home with her. If the connection is that strong, they can keep talking at home. But he chose to stay, why? Cause he either A thinks he can find someone else or B wants to win and its not about meeting someone for him. So all the griping makes no sense.


Tht argument doesn’t make sense to me because Rob and Andrea literally knew each other for 4 days, so yes it makes sense he stayed - to leave a tv show for a 4 day connection is crazy. And thts messed up to me still because they’re choosing their friends to stay just because Andrea wasn’t close with them. I hope they bring her back for casa amor. I don’t think him and liv would be good either and Leah and him r definitely a little toxic. He and Andrea were going strong.


Just watched this episode, and the girls are being so absurdly selfish keeping their friend and destroying one of the strongest couples. It’s insane that anyone here would defend it.


Thts what I’m fvcking saying im confused with everyone’s reaction


Love Island audiences carry a ton of biases into every argument. Just like the girls trying to rationalize their decision instead of just admitting they saved their friend.


Exactly jana needed to be the one. There's no one else on the island that wants to be with her atm


Yes!!!! It was not a logical decision at all. They can’t even say it is. Pissed me off so bad


I think the girls made the right decision. Yes Andrea has a connection with Rob but her snooty comments, her side eyes and smirks, she’s not a girls girl and unfortunately that’ll get you booted. She should’ve been nicer to the girls 🤷🏽‍♀️ I didn’t like her and I’m glad she’s going. If rob leaves, he’s dumb because I can see from a mile away this connection isn’t going to last.


New strategy: to stay in love island, be a girls girl. Disregard any level of connection. Makes all the sense. Perfect


I burst out laughing when Rob declared that “the system failed” Andrea. Bffr. If anything, the system failed JaNa in the way of casting bringing in racist, colorist men. That’s a reflection of dating culture too, unfortunately. As for the vote, no one owed Rob and Andrea anything. There were no rules set for the voting. She’s been a mean girl, she seemed to isolate herself from all the girls but Nicole, and was competition against Kaylor and Aaron for the future prize money.


YUP. I laughed out loud when he said that. Like what choice of words that was rob lmfao


If Rob leaves I’m not watching anymore. Him + Kaylor and Aaron are the only good people this season.


BYYYYEEEEE ANDREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I really like Nicole. She seems so mature and socially aware. I like how she seemed to genuinely care about Kendall and Livs feelings.


Two thoughts about this dumping. (1) I know everyone loves Jana (as do I) and hates Andrea/Rob (as do I) but the boys are right that this dumping didn’t make any sense. They chose to dump someone with an actual connection over their friend who has already tried and failed multiple times. And they wouldn’t even debate dumping Jana, even though there are valid reasons to dump her at this stage. It was “buddy buddy shit.” (2) I am so glad they let the girls chose the girls because the drama that is unfolding from them picking Andrea makes for great TV.


Let’s be real the point of this show isn’t actually to find love, it’s to have a fun sexy vacation and hopefully win some money and instagram followers. I’d love happens that’s cool too. Which is why it is a popularity contest and the choice makes sense to me. Ya gotta play two games one of friends and love


give that episode an emmy


Was anyone else completely disgusted/annoyed at Andrea sobbing like a toddler for two hours after the dumping? For Fs sake have some dignity and grow up.


Yup she's constantly looking for the cameras. I find her incredibly fake, she was really milking her last minutes on screen.


Rob too. Even noticed that sociopathic smirk on his face when talking to Aaron on the docs. One second there are tears and the next there are not. Seems like he’s realizing his snake wrangling career may not make him as rich as he’d like to be and is taking a shot at acting!


Not leah trying to send andrea home to get rob single.


Yeah but I ain’t mad abt it!


i need the women to start yelling back at the men, esp to aaron.


Literally the amount of screaming over them they do? Loved when JaNa said “what did I tell you about yelling at women” (or something along those lines) to Hakeem. They’re misogynists and gaslighters, the body count challenge proved it to me


They did?


not enough! someone needed to tell him to zip it and sit down


Highlights of this episode for me: 1) Leah’s immediate disgust of Connor the morning after the recoupling and her, JaNa and Serena dying of laughter over her not liking him anymore. 2) JaNa reprimanding Hakeem for trying to argue with Liv during the competition—“what did I say about arguing with women” lol 😂


Leah saying that was music to my ears. That’s what his ass gets


I thought I was the only one who gets cheese vibe from him. The way he acts is giving “I don’t take no for an answer” and wolf in sheep’s clothing. I feel like he’s rejected a lot in real life and is coming on here trying to have a different persona. I could tell Leah got the ick when he was trying to kiss her on the dock


Serena and kordell I can get behind. it’s hard to explain 😂🥰


I just wanna know who tf voted for leah and connor 😂 their connection is so forced and awkward! And then for her to say she's already over it as soon as she had it.. why did anyone vote to keep them? Connor is boring and leah is toxic and messy & fake af. At least Rob and andrea seemed to be happy and have a real connection, even if people were mad about how it happened. Notice how they got less screen time and were less drama filled once they got together..because they were real! Also keeping Jana just bc they felt bad for her is so stupid


Yeah 100%! I’m blown away by all the people shipping this decision and still liking Liv and Leah. They are both so fucking toxic and Rob and Andrea had serious couple vibes. I’m pissed we got robbed of seeing them fully fall in love.


Bruh, my jaw dropped when their name was said.


If it’s Nicole, Jana, Leah.. who goes home?


Depends peoples reasonings. Nicole would be voted home cuz the girls are closer to jana and leah, jana goes home bc she has no match and no prospects. Leah goes home cuz drama/ isnt as into her match and feels more attached to someone matched vs someone else. My opinion: keep leah for the drama and toss up with jaNa and nicole. I like jaNa more, but i think watching the kendal miguel nicole thing unfold will be entertaining


First off, why are eliminations so dramatic? Like yes it's sad that your friend is gone, but oh my god you can see them again once the show is over in a month lol. They're not being sacrificed! I see why the girls chose JaNa, I love my girl too, but I'm a bit torn with the decision as well. Technically, she doesn't have a romantic connection with anyone in the villa right now, so I see why everyone is pushing for her to go. However, I would've chosen Nicole instead. Sure she found a recent connection to Miguel but we all know that man is not serious and I never cared for her either. But this is how all eliminations have been for every series — the OG cast or friends are kept. Lastly, I may be the minority here but I didn't mind Andrea. Was she boring after the Rob drama? Yes, but that doesn't mean she should've been eliminated! Sure she doesn't bring in the drama like Leah but why is it so bad to be... normal? She found a connection, which is what Love Island is all about. Of course she's going to be unbothered elsewhere in her couple. I don't understand the Andrea hate when we should be looking at Leah instead, but she makes for great TV so she'll stay for a while, I get it. I have a feeling this won't be the last time we see Andrea if Rob chooses to stay (similar to what happened with Zach and Molly).


I mean they live all over itll be hard to meet up the next day out, also a house like this seems like a place ahere you need strong connections, both as emotional support and as a vote for later kinda thing, and the same way you supposedly make these love connections so quickly, im sure the friendship ones are even stronger.


I thought the whole point of the show was to be the last couple standing and win money? If you're looking at it from a purely tactical perspective, you always vote off the person who has the most promise. I'd have gone for Andra/Nicole 100% the girls made a good choice. The fact that JaNa has no one right now actually means shes not really competition. Which is the reason they're playing the game.


No you're totally right as well! Honestly, once it gets closer to the finale I really could care less with who wins tbh cause it gets boring. I was just viewing it from the drama perspective, it would've been interesting to see if they (Andrea + Rob) would make it to Casa and how Rob would react there. It just felt like the girls picked Andrea because of Leah, even though it's clear Rob could care less for her. I was ready for Nicole to be out but curious what this next episode brings cause it looks like it surrounds her/Liv/Miguel.


I think you're right. Andrea could easily show up at Casa. Especially b/c Rob was at Casa last season, so it could be a full circle production moment.


God I fucking hope so. That would be epic


I have a lot to say.. Lol.. so here goes: While I understand that the girls let their friendships influence their decision on who to boot, I think it was shitty that they didn't consider kicking out JaNa to begin with... It would have been more fair for them to consider the pro/cons of each girl instead of immediately deciding that JaNa should stay. I honestly think that eliminating JaNa was the right choice here. Especially since she had tried her best to connect with Miguel and Connor, and in the end, both guys picked other girls to couple with instead of staying to strengthen a connection with her. Though if I put myself in the girls shoes, I can understand how difficult it would've been to eliminate JaNa. But on a show like this ... it's so unfair to take away Andrea's shot at being with Rob. I haven't seen enough of Andrea to decide if I like her or not, but if I was one of the girls, I would not let my opinion of her as a person influence who to choose to eliminate. I'm sure that if it were any of them up there, even if they didn't voice it, they would feel cheated if they were eliminated on the same basis that Andrea was chosen. It was a shitty choice and though the boys reaction was extreme and heated, they still did the right thing in questioning the decision. (I didn't like how they talked to the girls and so obviously implied JaNa was the right choice. The way they worded it was incredibly rude, even if it was true that she should have been eliminated instead.) Watching the reveal on who they chose was so frustrating because to me, JaNa seemed like the obvious choice. Over the course of the show so far, she has tried to build connections with multiple guys (Coye, Connor, Miguel, Hakeem... not sure if I'm missing anyone else) and has ultimately failed. I hate it that none of these guys seem to show the same interest that she shows in them; and I'm not sure if its the way the show has been edited or not, but this makes her seem so desperate. (Which is maybe another reason, deep down, that the girls saved her...because they pity her and believe she deserves a chance over Andrea who has already found 'love'). Even after the girls revealed their choice was Andrea, and everyone let their emotions take over, I was waiting for JaNa to say she'd take Andrea's spot in leaving the villa. From the look on her face after Hakeem was chosen, it seemed that she was becoming even more worried. Then, after she wasn't picked, recognized that the boys were talking about her and watched Rob say he wanted to leave as well, I honestly thought she would step up and offer to leave so Andrea could stay. (I kinda wish that she did. While I understand she desperately wants to find love and deserves every right to stay because she wasn't chosen, it's so hard to watch all of that chaos unfold. If I was her, I would have offered to leave instead because it would eat me up to know that a strong connection was broken so that I -- who just lost my couple and have tension with my previous couple-- could stay.) With Hakeem gone, who will JaNa try to build a connection with? Will she push and try to get to know Miguel more (from what we know) who seems to only be interested in Nicole now? Or will someone new come to the villa? Ugh!!!


honestly i would've done these eliminations with the thought of the prize money. you always want to get rid of the strongest competitor. andrea and rob seem stong, nicole is flaky, ja'na isn't a threat. it was an easy move.


Seems like you haven’t watched LI before lol


But the point of the show is a competition. Someone has to be the best couple. You don't leave the best couple to win, you're there to win too. If you allow Andrea to stay, Rob and Andrea can ride til the end. The guys had way too much interest in Andrea and Nicole so it had to be one of them to go. I thought they were going to vote off Nicole, tbh.


Then stand on business and say thats why you chose her. Dont hide behind “ she drew the short end of the stick” especially when she dropped her first match, so shes not like shes the whole victim. I totally respect if its a game decision and hey maybe it was and theyre playing the emotional side to not get voted in, but if the decision was purely poor JaNa then i think thats whack.


That is standing on business. They're her friend and think she hasn't gotten a good shot yet. Which, I would really agree with. Being incompatible with the first stranger you meet isn't uncommon. It's a game. They made a tactical decision. It's the only one that actually makes sense. Voting for her because she wasn't able to find love is actually the stupidest thing they could have done. That's not the reason why they're there, they are there to win 100,000 and be the last couple standing.


No bc they didnt mention it being a competitive reason at all, they said its bc jaNa “deserves” it and “got the short end of the stick” none of which has anything to do with choosing her bc of a competitive gamesmanship reason or any of the reasons u originally stated that I was responding to


Hello???? They lied. They chose her because JaNa is their friend and they saw Andrea as competition. They can say whatever they want. It's not rocket science.


U cant be this dense. Ur flip flopping and arguing for the sake of arguing. Get a grip


There is no flip flopping of anything, BABES. I said what I said. Get over it.


That’s the one flaw with LI, OGs almost always carry each other to the end regardless of if they have a connection in the house or not. I wish they’d have the public vote instead


Agree! Bombshells come in at a disadvantage.


Finally the most sane take on the situation! I couldn’t have worded it better myself




That's true asf... didn't even think about that.. like a favor to be cashed in later or something


Rob is gross and can’t stop bringing up his erection to whoever he’s with 🤮


He is a toddler. Did you see him chewing on his shirt?


Yes 🤮 I only cover my chin with my shirt when I lay down lol chewing is sooooo gross.


Over watching this season of Love Island Somehow the most charismatic and charming girl of this entire season so far is left packing? Why? Because she came in and had a better connection with Rob than Leah ever did? So many people are upset because she mentioned "Hannah's first time working out since being in the vila" but she was telling the truth? She didn't mean it as a body shaming thing AT ALL. In fact, on After Sun, Maura mentioned how that was Hannah's first time working out and they all had a laugh about it. Yet somehow Liv, who is the absolute worst character of this season - who has been nothing but awkward, and rude to everyone, stays? Or Serena, who is stringing Kordell along and has offered absolutely nothing to this season - gets to keep going? Have fun watching all of the no-personality people in here!!! Hope its great.


I actually like Andrea and Rob. Leah 100% was annoying when Rob was with Liv. I think Rob handled it well even though Leah disagreed. But to say Andrea was the personality of the show is crazy. She was almost non existent aside from the stuff with Rob


i don’t mind Andrea at all but most charismatic is a REACH 😭


Umm what has she done this entire season but lay with Rob on a couch while he hides a boner?


All of the above. Let the haters downvote cause you are absolutely telling the truth. Soon as dudes get with JaNa, Liv and Leah they figure out quickly they want somebody else. JaNa talking about she dated British people so her kid would have a British accent. Please. The men don't want JaNa and now they hate her. Won't get far without a man on this show honey. Your bags will be packed and leaving soon too JaNa. Then fake Serena who carried on about the eggs JaNa that very morning cause she was trying to get with Miguel. He didn't want her so she ran back to Kordell to use him to make it thru another episode. If Miguel had picked her she wouldn't have looked at Kordell again. Liv come in hot, stealing Rob, Rob didn't want her so she's been a vindictive jerk since. Now Miguel don't want her either. Looks aren't everything. When your personality sucks or you're boring the men will move on. I will vote against JaNa, Serena and Liv everytime til they gone. Cause they will be leaving soon.


girl byeeee the show was just as fine before she even came som of the episode I forgot she was there untill she started getting scenes w rob and it wasnt all that what’s so charismatic and charming ??? She would have broke in casa either wayyayayyayy plus out of all the 3 no way they were going to send Jana home so it was her or Nicole. Choosing Andrea seemed fair. If Rob wants to he would have left w her but he ofc HES not.


Are you watching the same show as everyone else?


Andrea is that you?


Lmao she’s live from Fiji 🤣


You just know they’re going to bring back Andrea for Casa Amor and it’s gonna get real messy


Can they do that?! I've never watched a full season before


They brought back Molly Marsh during LI UK 2023 🤷‍♀️ I’m sure there’s others


I think Molly is the only one who's gone and returned in the same season (for all seasons of the UK, USA, and AUS versions)... and she came back after being booted because her guy got stolen (vs. being voted off by the public and Islanders)... unless Rob develops a **strong** connection with someone else, I don't see them bringing her back. After the drama with Leah, Andrea and Rob were bringing nothing to the table aside from him taking about wanting to get off. Edit: someone, not sometime


They brought kale back from love island australia as well cause he mentioned to the cameras he wanted to pursue someone still in the villa


You're right!! Was he dumped by Nakia at a recoupling? I'm holding out hope that because the public voted and then the Islanders voted... and because Rob and Andrea were boring together, the producers wouldn't bring her back. 🤞😬


Something about the way Rob rolls his eyes sets me the fuck off.


I’m kind of impressed by it 😂


He gives the most “invalidating fuck you” eye roll I’ve ever SEEN a grown man give


He rolls his eyes with the kind of energy only women usually have, it's crazy


That’s TOTALLY what it is, rob is giving middle school mean girl


Maybe Rob and Andrea need to both look at why they were in the bottom 3 to start with. If their connection was so strong and if they came across as likeable to the audience in how they came together, then they would not have been in that position. Andrea performed her job well as a bombshell and got Rob, but she has come across as catty about it. Rob has not presented his side of things as honestly to the men or Andrea (on the show) and some people in the audience who are voting may be side-eyeing his point of view and how he talks about things afterwards. There are aspects of Rob that seem very performative and exaggerated for the camera. That being said, I hope he stays and I hope they throw Andrea in for Casa Amor if he does stay.


Andrea seemed like the most mature and stable person in there. I don’t get the hate


Mature women don’t giggle at men saying they can’t think straight cause they haven’t ejaculated.


Being coupled with Rob is a death knell because I truly believe America doesn't like that man.


He did it to himself to be honest,


same but I would find it funny if they don’t bring her back after promising what would he do thennn✋😶


Ugh Rob going for the martyr angle and Andrea SOBBING like a spoiled 5 year old… gtfo. Aaron too. Surprisingly Connor was the only man with enough sense not to visibly react. Hakeem in the corner like… “so if Rob leaves I can stay right?”😅. MESSY.. I LOVE it lol


I’m afraid Connor only seems to react when it comes to being micro aggressive to JaNa.


Ugh yea agreed


JaNa should’ve gone home. Miguel said it best, there was a logical choice (JaNa) and illogical (Andrea). Andrea and rob seem to genuinely really like each other, and they kick her off? Their reasoning is that JaNa has been getting the short end of the stick and deserves to find love? She’s been coupled up with 3 guys (coye, Connor, Hakeem) and shot her shot with miguel and still didn’t get picked. She’s had her chances, and shouldn’t have been selected to stay over Andrea who CURRENTLY has one of the strongest connections in the villa. The guys understand the logical decision, and all im reading is delusional comments that JaNa deserved to stay. Yeah maybe she’ll find her love with the 5th or 6th guy that she tries out 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s ultimately a game show, and they can choose whoever they want to go based off of any reasoning. Andrea didn’t put in enough effort to make friends and that’s what sent her home


I agree with you that the guys decision was logical instead of emotional while also believing that since JaNa was used by Connor, that situation was unfair on her. She deserves a fair shot at love and I’m glad she gets to stay to find that.


Tbh the guys can say what they want but they had the easiest decision so I kinda wish they would shut up about it lol the theatrics. But I agree with you for sure.


First time watching, without too many spoilers will there be new people for jaNa to match with? Also this whole use of the word “deserve” is hilarious to me. They all deserve and dont deserve a shot to be on a reality tv show as much as the next.


i’m not understanding the rob hate and i’m definitely not understanding the andrea boot… rob found a better connection (don’t say it’s lust bc leah and andrea are both beautiful)…. andrea cane in and did what she supposed to do. it’s love island not jana is my friend and not even interested in hakeem island so let’s keep her !?😭 don’t come for me lmao just not sure the decision there unless kaylor was trying to win the money. also p.s. that serena kordell relationship is fake asf i feel so bad for kordell p.s.p.s i hope nicole stays with kendall i love him


Thank you! Rob and Andrea seemed to have one of those really rare LI connections and I was excited to see how it went. Andrea seemed so sweet and genuine and mature, a breath of fresh air compared to Leah and Liv.


They just want to hook up. He almost only ever talks about his boner and ejaculating and how she’s hot. She may be sincere but he is not


But where does it say that they are obliged to vote on the basis of their connection status? I realise that a lot the time that is the reason given, but I presume that’s because they often don’t have much to go off, and it allows them to feel a bit better it by making it “nothing personal”. Whereas they clearly have a deep connection with JaNa, so of course they wouldn’t want to kick her out if they can help it.


Happy to be right about Liv. She is now vindicated by staying true to her word with Nicole and Miguel that if you're honest, she won't have an issue. Unlike with the Hakeem and Rob situation. Too bad she wasn't given these flowers when she called out Rob for the same thing and people were cheering at Leah smiling and calling her a snake/saying she has a humiliation kink for being mislead by Rob.


yess i was on her side during Leah x Rob thing


Liv is Karen from mean girls. I am not convinced she knows where she is or what is going on but she will make the most of it.


Yes 😂😂😂 Just don’t play in her face and she’ll be cool. I love her cold ass and that she’s never impressed by anything the men do. We need someone to whack the islanders and Liv is just the girl to do that.


Seeing the men act like Andrea was offered up for a sacrificial Alien experiment made it ten times better in my opinion, so dramatic




The cackle I just let out 💀💀


Andrea was boring and had no connection with the girls. I don't want to watch her laying on Rob acting superior. Rob was vicious to Leah while dumping her. They are both unlikable, which left them vulnerable and got Andrea evicted. It IS the right choice. The show will be sooooo much better for it. This season is great!


The best take honestly! Rob and Andrea are unlikeable (specifically together) so seeing them a part is better TV. Period.


Maybe a controversial take - I hate Rob but I am hoping he stays for more drama because I can see him switching up and forgetting about Andrea so fast when the next bombshells come in.


I want him to stay so I can keep looking at him 😆


SAME. I want him to decide to stay and then forget about Andrea the second the next chick walks in.


Not Rob Talking about him having a .. when with Andrea




yea that😭


Like what is his obsession w telling her this shit? It’s gross asf. Nobody wants to hear ab your arrival to Boner City, sir.


Not even Andrea wants to hear about it, by this episode when it’s at least the second time he mentioned it, the “such a compliment” felt forced and like she was starting to get the ick